Thursday, June 12, 2008

Are You AFRAID Of Women?

Read This...
>NOTE: If you want to read the story of how I wentfrom not even being able to TALK to a woman Ididn't know... to the point where I can approachany woman in any situation, and get as many datesas I want, check this out:
What prevents men from being successful withwomen?
Well, the list goes on and on... but one of theelements that TOPS the list is FEAR.
There are many different situations that makemen feel fear, but I'd like to talk about some ofthe most common ones... and what to do about them.
First of all, I'd like you to be honest for amoment about this topic.
Do you ever feel FEAR when it comes to womenand dating?
Have you ever seen a woman that you'd reallylike to meet, but you started to feel fear anddidn't do anything about it?
Or maybe you were on a date and you wanted tokiss a woman... but you felt too afraid becauseyou didn't want to make a mistake and screw upyour chances?
Or maybe you even got a woman's phone number,but you were too afraid to call back because youdidn't know how to start off the conversation orask her out?
Cummon, seriously...
Have you ever been sitting there with the phonein your hand, dialing a woman's number, but youhad to hang up because you were just too nervousto even talk to her...?
Or out on a date with a woman, and you wantedto kiss her, but you got so nervous at the thoughtthat you just decided it would be better to forgetthe whole idea and hope for the best...?
Me too. Many times, in fact.
By the way, it's not exactly FUN to admit thatyou're afraid of things.
I'm sure you know that most guys would ratheradmit in public that they were unsure about theirsexual orientation than that they were afraid ofwomen.
Of course, this unwillingness to admit that youhave a problem IN THE FIRST PLACE only makesmatters worse...
If you don't admit that you have the problem,then it's hard to get help and answers to it.
Well, the good news is that you're not alone.
Almost every guy I've known (including myself)has dealt with this issue MANY TIMES with women.
So, STEP 1 is to GET OVER IT. Get over yourneed to deny that you're afraid. Just admit thatyou're afraid, and come to grips with the factthat you're human...
STEP 2 is to admit that you'd like to get thisparticular area of your life handled.
Once you realize that it's not that big of adeal, then the improvement can start. On the otherhand, if you just stay in denial about it, you'llprobably just look for new tricks and techniquesto use on women... which, of course, won't lead toany REAL improvement.
By the way, if you've got more than the"average" amount of fear around meeting women, youmight want to take a minute and look at THISbefore you read on:
I personally think that one of the biggestcauses of fear when it comes to situations withwomen is:
To put it in different words, most guys don'ttake action because they're afraid that they'llscrew up, or that the woman or others around willjudge them.
The REAL problem though is that this wholeprocess has become AUTOMATIC, and it happensINSTANTLY the moment most guys see a woman thatthey'd like to meet. Before they even have achance to think about the situation rationally,they've become nervous, insecure, and upset.
I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I'm talkingabout.
As humans, we have these incredible minds andbodies, but sometimes they get wired up in waysthat aren't exactly useful for the situations thatwe find ourselves in. Worse, sometimes ourcultures, families, or peer groups teach us waysof thinking that just aren't useful at all forwhat we'd like to accomplish.
Here's something that I realized a few yearsago when I was learning for myself how to besuccessful with women...
I thought about this idea that I was havingthis instant, automatic fear in differentsituations with women, and that what I was reallythinking was "I don't want to screw this up" and"I don't want her to think that I'm a dork"...
And all of a sudden something dawned on me:
It doesn't matter what happens, and it doesn'tmatter what she thinks of me.
I realized that the fears I was experiencingwere more from PROGRAMMING than from reality.
So, I started to remind myself as often aspossible that the fear wasn't happening becausethere was any kind of danger... and that myobjective in a particular situation wasn't to haveit turn out perfect, IT WAS TO LEARN.
Think about the difference between doingsomething because it's important vs. doingsomething in order to LEARN.
So, for instance, if I saw a woman that Iwanted to meet... instead of thinking, "OK, I haveto say something charming and original so she'lllike me... and if I screw up I'm going to beembarrassed" - I began to think things like, "I'mgoing to learn how to get a woman's phone numberwithin a few minutes of meeting her... and part oflearning this is going to be trying a lot ofdifferent things that probably aren't going towork... but in the end, it's all going to even outbecause I'm going to have the SKILL that I want."
See the difference?
Well, let me tell you, that change in attitudemade a HUGE impact on my success. I was willing todo and try things that I never would have tried inthe past for fear of screwing up...
All because I had the attitude of "I'm going tolearn something from this and improve my skills...and it doesn't matter what happens in THISPARTICULAR situation", I was able to improve veryrapidly.
And the more I began to apply this idea, themore success I had in ALL areas with women... fromthe first meeting, to getting them to go out withme, to taking things to a physical level.
So do this:
Go out RIGHT NOW and start a conversation witha woman.
I don't care if she's attractive or not.
But instead of having the objective of gettinga date, have the objective of LEARNING SOMETHING.
In fact, if you REALLY want to improve fast, gospend a day starting conversations with women, butmake the commitment to NOT get any phone numbersor dates all day.
In other words, no matter WHAT happens, youcan't date any of the women that you meet thatday.
See if you can just learn how to do a fewsimple things like say, "Hi" to every woman thatwalks by... how to maintain eye contact with womenuntil THEY look away... and how to end aconversation "too soon" so she feels a naturalvacuum and tries to keep it going herself...
That's one good idea for dealing with yourfears.
If you'd like to read more of my personalsecrets for overcoming fear, including specificmental exercises and physical drills, then I'drecommend that you download a copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating". It's full of all myvery best thinking on this and many other subjectsabout success with women.
Just go to:
...and if you're ready to REALLY get your"issues" handled with women, then I recommend thatyou get your hands on a copy of my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD program.
You'll get to hear me and several of myfriends, who are AMAZING with women, talk abouthow we learned to overcome our issues, deal withour fears, and meet more women as a result.
There's nothing like hearing it live, and thisprogram will blow your mind. Go here for all thedetails:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Don't forget to take a minute and look at theentire list of programs I've created to help youbecome more successful with women. You can look atall of them together right here:


1 comment:

Rex Venom said...

Afraid of women? But why? They are so little. ha!
Rock on!