Saturday, April 28, 2007

An Important Discovery I Made
Before I tell you what the secret is, and how it works, I want to share a very interesting story with you…
This is the story of how I came to discover "Sexual Communication" the HARD way.
About five years ago, when I first started learning how to "meet women", I decided that it would be a good idea to read everything I could find about the topic.
So I went to bookstores, got on the internet, and bought all the books I could find on the subject. I also went to seminars, listened to audio tapes, and found just about every other source in existence to gather more information.
Here are a few examples of what I found:
"If a woman plays with her hair while she's talking to you, she's signaling that she's interested."
"If a woman sways her hips while she's walking, it means that she's signaling sexual availability."
"If a woman makes and keeps eye contact with you three times in a row, it means that she wants you to approach her and start a conversation."
I'm sure you've heard things like this yourself.
The problem is that the books didn't mention HOW TO GET A WOMAN TO DO THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
In other words, how do you get a woman to MAKE eye contact with you three times in a row? How do you get a woman to play with her hair while she's talking to you? This stuff sounded all well and good… except for the fact that women NEVER did these things around me!
Further, the books I was reading and other sources recommended things like:
"When a woman has a problem, she just wants a man to listen, not to try to fix it."
"If a woman gets upset with something or doesn't like something you've done, you should say “I'm Sorry.” That's how to fix it."
"Women like honest, sensitive men who can communicate their feelings."
And what happened when I did things like this?
Of course…
When I just "listened" to women's problems, they became "friends" and said things like "I really don't want to mess up our friendship, so let's just keep this as friends".
When I said "I'm sorry" to women, they looked at me as if to say "You should be."
When I was "honest" and "sensitive" and told women how I "felt" about them, they disappeared, and it seemed as if this was the WORST thing I could have done.
Before long, I came to realize the painful truth:
The "Relationship Experts" Don't Know What's Going On When It Comes To ATTRACTION
In short, not only was the advice that I found useless because it didn't teach HOW to make women feel attracted to me, even WORSE I was learning things that were clearly HURTING me and reducing my chances of success.
It didn't seem possible.
But it was.
I later found out that two of the biggest "relationship" experts had been married to EACH OTHER, and got DIVORCED… and that one of them was on her fourth or fifth husband.
The more I read and learned from the "experts", the more I couldn't help but realize two things:
Most of what I was learning just wasn't right, and it didn't work.
Most of the "experts" were NOT successful themselves at attracting women.
Now, I don't want to make it sound like there's NOTHING available to teach a guy how to be successful with women, and that nothing that anyone says works.
Some of the things I tried DID work. The problem was that:
The things that were "good" and that "worked" were few and far between.
I had to learn about 10 things that DIDN'T work to get to something that DID work.
In other words, it was a frustrating, confusing road to find the gems in the huge mountain of information.
There had to be a better way.
Well, the answer to my situation, it turned out, was an unusually simple and obvious one.
Learning From The “Naturals”
I went out and started making friends with guys who were "naturally" good with women.
Instead of listening to what the "experts" CLAIMED was the right thing to do, I started actually watching with my own two eyes.
I went out and watched, listened, and took careful notes… as I personally observed some very successful guys approaching women, getting phone numbers, and in many cases KISSING, MAKING OUT WITH, and even TAKING HOME women they had just met.
And what I saw CONFUSED THE HELL out of me.
These guys were do things like making fun of women they didn't know, behaving like arrogant jerks, and in some cases being almost abusive. I just couldn't believe that these behaviors had anything to do with their success.
I discounted all of it, and chalked it up to something else. Maybe these guys were really "attractive" or good-looking to women. Maybe they had some other advantage I didn't know about. Or maybe they were so persistent that they overcame these "mistakes" they were making.
In fact, it took me several MONTHS of thinking about what was happening before the light bulb came on in my head, and I realized that what I was learning from the so-called "experts" was NOT what actually worked.
One of my friends who was (and still is) particularly good with women and making them feel ATTRACTION for him once tried to explain what he was doing for me.
He said "I take an attitude with women that is a combination of being arrogant while at the same time being funny… and women love it… they eat it up." Sometimes he used the word "cocky" to describe his communication and behavior with women.
He told me this same thing over the next few months.
Every time he said it, I became confused.
I just couldn't imagine how being "cocky & funny" could possibly be the thing that made women like him. It made no sense to me, and I always discounted that particular thing, and looked for OTHER things he was doing that were probably the REAL reasons he was successful.
Well, after watching him interact with women on many occasions, and making friends with other guys who were really good with women, I started to realize something VERY profound.
I realized that when THESE guys started conversations with women, the women they were talking to were talking to them in a way that was very DIFFERENT from the way they were talking to other guys.
One night I went out with a different friend, and we met up with two beautiful girls.
From the INSTANT the conversation started, they were happy and animated when talking to him.
But every time I got into the conversation, they just looked at me with a bored stare.
It was bizarre.
Here I was with a guy friend and two women, and it was like they were changing IDENTITY when talking to my friend.
For some damn unexplainable reason, he was having a MAGICAL effect on them.
We all decided to go to the dance floor of the club where we met.
The girl he was dancing with was smiling, flirting, and dancing sexy with him, and her friend was dancing with me in a way that said "I wish I wasn't even here."
Of course, when my friend would look at the girl I was dancing with, or reach over and touch her, she'd become happy and excited again.
The IRONIC part of this story is that my friend loves to TEASE women, bust their balls, and make fun of them to the EXTREME. He is about as far from a "nice guy" as they get.
I, on the other hand, was VERY "nice" and polite. A perfect gentleman, really.
As you can probably tell, this moment had a big impact on me.
Here I was being the model of a nice, respectful guy… and my friend was being an arrogant bastard… and the women loved HIM.
Let me ask you… have you ever had something like this happen? Have you ever had a woman act "coldly" to you, and then turn around and hang all over another guy?
It sucks, doesn't it? And the worst part is not understanding WHY it's happening… and feeling like there's nothing you can DO about it.
My Big Realization...
Shortly after that, I had the "Ah Ha!" moment that I mentioned earlier.
It struck me in a "blinding flash of the obvious" that MAYBE WOMEN INTERPRETED THE WAY MY FRIENDS WERE ACTING IN A DIFFERENT WAY THAN I WAS.
In other words, I realized that maybe there was some sort of "code language" being used. And because I didn't know it, I couldn't understand it.
Have you ever seen one of those code books that has a paragraph of "normal sentences", but if you take every third letter of each word it spelled out an entirely different message? And if you didn't know that there was a "code", you'd never see the other message?
Well, that was the big realization for me.
Shortly after having this insight, I went out with my other friend - the first one I told you about who tried to explain his attitude with women to me. We actually went out to a topless club on this particular night (Shhhhh).
On the way, I was having him explain his "method" to me again.
But THIS time I was listening to EXACTLY what he was saying, and treating the conversation like I was trying to learn a new "code."
Well, we walked into the club, and within about an hour I had a girl who would not get off my lap, and who gave me her phone number right on the spot (and later went out with me several times). Keep in mind, this was a topless club, and I had not "purchased" any dances from this girl or given her any money.
What REALLY "tripped me out" about this was the way I was BEHAVING when I was in the club talking to her.
I was doing and saying things to her that I NEVER would have said or done before. I was actually behaving in a way that I had previously assumed could NEVER be the way to attract women.
And yet it worked.
I was confused and excited all at the same time.
I had been difficult, stand-offish, brash, and NON-complimentary (translation: anything but "nice")… and yet she liked me enough to give me her real name and phone number on the spot.
Well, over the next couple of years I was able to put the entire "puzzle" together.
I have to say, it was like trying to put a huge puzzle together in a dimly lit room, without knowing what the picture on the cover looked like… but I did it.
And here are some of the amazing things I figured out:
There is a "secret language" that is as real as the English language… and this language is the KEY to communicating on a "sexual" level with women. I call this language "Sexual Communication."
In the land of Sexual Communication, nothing "means" what it should. Just like the sound of the word "see" means to "perceive using your vision" in English and it means "yes" in Spanish, the language of Sexual Communication required a completely different understanding of communication.
Women are VERY "fluent" in the language of Sexual Communication, but most men are NOT. And those men that ARE fluent in this language have incredible success with women. I've met men who have been with literally hundreds and hundreds of women… and I've met men who have been with ZERO women. Those that have been with more women know this language well, and those that haven't been successful with women universally do not.
A woman can tell almost INSTANTLY if you know the language of Sexual Communication. If you do NOT know it, the door "slams shut" and she will not send or receive messages on this level with you… in most cases EVER.
If you DO know this language, and signal to a woman that you know it at the very BEGINNING of your first interactions with her, you will enjoy a very different kind of communication and relationship with that woman from all the other guys she knows.
"Attraction" is a topic that very little is known about, yet it is a KEY to success with women and dating. If you don't understand what Attraction is, how to trigger it, and how to amplify it, you will always have trouble with women.
Many of the things that "trigger" Attraction in women are not what our moms taught us to do with women. They must be LEARNED. A woman will NEVER say "Hey, you're doing the wrong thing here. You're not making me feel Attraction for you right now with what you're doing and saying. Here, let me show you how to make me feel Attraction for you…". Never.
It has taken me several YEARS of careful study, testing, refining, interviewing, etc. to figure this language of Sexual Communication out… and to figure out how to explain it in plain, everyday language. It is VERY unlikely that most guys will ever figure it out by accident… and most men will go to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.
Now, let me ask you a few questions…
What if you knew how to start conversations with women in a way that made them INSTANTLY respond to you with ELECTRICITY? In other words, what if you could SPARK conversations with women in a way that made them respond to YOU by flirting, smiling, and becoming attracted?
How would your life be different if you understood the way to MAGNETICALLY attract women? Instead of tricking them or trying to "buy" their affections with food, gifts, and compliments (which never works that well anyway), what if you were a guy that women wanted to be around just because your PERSONALITY attracted them?
Have you always wondered what that "magic ingredient" was that made women warm up to some guys, but not others? Would you love to have a behind-the-scenes look into how it works?
Here’s How To Learn And Master “Sexual Communication”
Over the last several months I have created what may be the most cutting-edge program ever released on attracting women.
I know that this might sound a little bit "hard to believe", but it's the truth.
Take it from someone who has studied just about everything available on the topic… what I'm talking about here isn't discussed ANYWHERE else.
I call this program "Sexual Communication: A Man's Guide To Understanding And Using The Secret Language Of Attraction".
In this program, I will personally teach you:
The history and evolution of why women feel ATTRACTION for some men, and not for others
The secrets of men who are AMAZINGLY successful with women
Why most men wind up receiving "affection" from women instead of making women feel ATTRACTION
How the "instinctive" courtship process works with HUMANS… and how you can use this information to attract women that are "out of your league"
The four separate components of Sexual Communication, and how they fit and work together
The key beliefs that you need to change in order to succeed with women
Why women aren't attracted to "Wussies", and how to behave so women ARE attracted
How to get in touch with the "masculine" side of your own personality, and amplify it so you MAGNETICALLY attract women
Why women test men, and why 99% of men never even realize it's happening (which makes them fail these tests almost every time)
How to always see when a woman is testing you or trying to control you, and turn these situations around to your own advantage
Specific exercises to use to develop the parts of your own personality that spark ATTRACTION with women
A detailed explanation of what "Sexual Tension" is, how to create it, and how to actually CREATE "Chemistry" between you and the women you want to attract
Specific techniques to "spark" this "Chemistry" or "Sexual Tension" so women start communicating differently with you RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING
How to "flirt" with women and communicate with them in a way that makes them feel Attraction for you… while avoiding the response of "This guy is a pervert who only wants to get into my pants" that so many guys get from women
How to flirt NON-VERBALLY… in other words, with your body language alone
How to use the magic formula of Cocky & Funny communication to attract and keep women interested in you
How to start and keep a conversation going with a woman you're interested in… and how to use that conversation to actually SPARK her ATTRACTION for you
Exercises for starting conversations, using Cocky & Funny with women, and continuing to use Sexual Communication throughout your interactions
How to use your body language, voice tone, and eye contact in ways that communicate on a SEXUAL level with women, and make them respond by feeling a powerful EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION for you that they cannot control
The right way - and the WRONG way - to use "romance" with women. Hint: Most guys use it the WRONG way
How to avoid that feeling that you're "risking everything" if you ask a woman out, try to kiss her, or try to "get physical" with her
How to create ANTICIPATION, and make women WANT you to take things to the next level
My secret process for amplifying Attraction with women
How to avoid "resistance". Men usually CREATE all of the resistance that they encounter with women by not knowing what to do. I'll teach you EXACTLY what to do so you minimize or totally eliminate resistance
*UPDATE: Get The New“Sexual Communication – 2nd Edition” Now With Over 6 Full Hours Of Material!
It's been over 2 years now since I first released my Sexual Communication Program. It's been VERY exciting to see that hundreds of other guys have been able to achieve the same level of success with women that I had achieved... simply by using the techniques and strategies inside.
Since then I've stumbled across several brand new breakthrough strategies and ideas that may be even more powerful than those I shared in the original program... and after seeing so many men get such great results with the "old stuff", I decided that I wanted to re-do this program and make it EVEN BETTER...
I decided to re-do everything from the ground up... shoot the program in front of a live audience... and bring in some of the world's best at attracting women to share their own unique insights into this fascinating world... a world that most men never even know exists.
I've spent the last few months creating the BRAND NEW, "Sexual Communication - 2nd Edition"... and let me tell ya... it is OFF THE HOOK.
This new program is nearly TWICE THE SIZE of the original... and it's jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of brand new, "straight from trenches" strategies that you can start using immediately to increase your success with women.
Here is a very small sample of the brand new breakthrough techniques you'll learn in this exciting program:
The 19 qualities of a sexually attractive man, with specific word-for-word ways to demonstrate each one to a woman (Do just 2 or 3 of these things and you're “in”)
A way to effortlessly pass a woman's tests that INCREASES her attraction for you every time she tries to test you (You'll look forward to her “games” from now on)
A new trick you can use when a woman is “closed off” that gets her to open up to you and makes her grateful for the opportunity to meet you
16 “Power Lines” – Brand new, word-for-word phrases that make a woman feel powerful sexual attraction for you the instant you say them
A little-known way to change the rhythm and tone of your speech that turns the sound of your voice into a MAGNET that draws women to you from across a room
The universal mistake nearly ALL men make when “getting physical” that instantly causes a woman to SLAM on the brakes (She is so used to men making this mistake… that when you DON'T she'll be the one pushing YOU to go faster!)
What you MUST do the first time a woman comes over to your house… IF you want her to ever come back
How to use different types of “g-rated” physical contact to drive a woman crazy with anticipation and sexual excitement (A surefire way to get HER to make the first move… because she won't be able to stop herself!)
The Hand Massage – My own special, field-tested technique to start things off in a way that eliminates any chance of an “awkward” moment
A fun way to use your pillows to make a woman feel comfortable and turned on at the same time (A POTENT combination that she's never seen before)
A PRIMAL mating technique—stolen from the animal kingdom—you can use to give a woman an INSTANT JOLT of sexual excitement (You're going to LOVE this one… )
The exact, step-by-step process I use to take things with a woman, from hand holding to the bedroom and beyond, that NEVER FAILS (I had to fail A LOT to figure this out… and now I can safely say I've got it down to a science. This alone is worth 10 times the cost of the program because you'll use it with every woman you meet for the rest of your life. I can't wait to share it with you… )
Insider Secrets Of TheWorld's Best Communicators
I was fortunate to have some of the very best in the world join me live on stage for the taping of this program... and they didn't disappoint.
I'll tell you right now... if you're looking for "relationship experts" who write "cutsie" books to try to get themselves on Oprah, look elsewhere. But if you want to learn the REAL... the GENUINE... "BATTLE-TESTED" strategies of men (and one very insightful woman) who are actually out there doing it, this will be the most important information you ever get your hands on.
Here's just a few of the no-holds-barred sexual motivators that were revealed in these candid appearances:
How to use your words and your body to trigger the “autopilot” responses in a woman that biologically FORCE her to feel attraction for you
How to let a woman know you are smart, confident, and great in bed in the first 3 seconds of meeting her… without saying a word (I guarantee you'll use this every time you meet a woman from now on)
5 simple “never fail” ways to tell if a woman is interested in you
The 3 things that instantly tell a woman you are “on her level” (This is THE secret to dating “out of your league”)
A simple technique “naturals” use to make a woman feel like they've known each other forever… even if they've just met (It's no coincidence that every “natural” I've ever met has done this… IT WORKS)
What to do AFTER you use Cocky Comedy – a step-by-step way to take things in the right direction… from what to say to how to “get physical”
“Future Scenario Projection” – A hilarious way to build an instant connection with a woman to imagine you being together for a long, long time
7 powerful word-for-word routines you can use in the first 3 minutes with a woman to grab her attention and make her want you (Use two or three of these together for an almost MAGICAL effect)
A great way to meet a woman who is already talking to another man (He won't realize what is happening until she leaves with YOU!)
A great way to get things going with a hot woman who's driving in a car next to you (Women LOVE this one… don't be surprised when she pulls over to meet you)
A fun way to flirt with a woman you see inside of a store or restaurant
An unexpected article of clothing that draws women to you like a magnet (Women are almost FORCED to approach you when you have this on)
The right way to use “props” and magic so you come off as an attractive, intriguing man instead of the “court jester”
A way to approach a group of women in a nightclub that starts a “chain reaction” through the entire place… getting other groups of women to approach YOU
How to “train your brain” to come up with a killer opening line every time you see a woman you want to meet (A priceless tip from the MASTER of the “cold” approach)
A simple change in the way you tell stories that communicates sexual power and confidence to women on an UNCONSCIOUS level (This is also a great way to get women turned on over the phone)
A way to use your voice to communicate sexual power and confidence to women when you are telling a story
A small difference in the way “naturals” position their bodies when standing that tells every woman who sees them that they are a “catch”
A “works every time” way to get a woman to take YOU out for coffee the very first time you get together with her
A powerful new way to communicate sexual confidence that most men miss entirely
A little-known dance move that takes ZERO skill and instantly lets a woman know you are a powerful sexual being (She'll be glued to you all night after you use this one…)
An easy-to-learn secret male models use to turn heads on the runway that you can use to make women notice you when you are walking down the street or through a nightclub
The 2 places to touch on your own body when you are talking to a woman that signal SEXUAL awareness… and make a woman want to put her hands all over you
And much, much more...
What I think you'll like best about this new program is the countless real-life, word-for-word examples and techniques that "slipped out" during the filming... 99% of which I've never shared anywhere else—or will again. Every one of them is something you can simply memorize and start using INSTANTLY to make women want you... over and over and over again.
This new program makes a PERFECT companion to my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and I recommend that you use both together.
I've had a few people email and ask me "What's the difference between this Sexual Communication Program and your Advanced Dating Techniques Program?" The short answer is that this is, in many ways, a more "Advanced" program than even my Advanced Series. I know, I know... but hey, the name "Advanced Advanced Series" sounded dorky. Ha!
You see, once you go through my Advanced Series, you come out with a new understanding of women and dating. It literally changes your perspective. This program takes that new understanding and focuses it even further on the KEY aspect of creating that powerful emotion of ATTRACTION inside of a woman using only your COMMUNICATION. Some of the concepts in this program will be familiar to you, of course. But in this program I've gone on to share more of my "Super Advanced" ways of approaching common situations... and spent a lot of time giving detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to DO the advanced things that I teach, from being Cocky & Funny to getting physical with a woman.
You'll Also Get Three FREE Live “Interviews With Dating Gurus” Just For Trying This Program...
As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program. Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program. I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles. If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them. This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now. And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy. [Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.] ***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can "opt out" with one click while ordering.... and order just the Sexual Communication Program alone. It's that easy.
Here’s What You’ll Get...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

meeting women

First of all, I want to point out that the ideas in my programs and books are NOT designed for meeting women in clubs and bars only. Most ofmy personal success with women, and most of thesuccess of my readers, happen in more "normal"places like coffee shops, bookstores, schools,parties, and even online. I think that maybe some people just mentallyapply what they read to situations that they'refamiliar with, so it might seem that I'm talkingabout "clubs and bars" when I'm really talkingabout more than that. With that said, let's talk about some of the"how to's". I chose your particular email because of theway it was worded. Part of the question is:"...I'm wondering how you go about doing pickupsin regular places, like a supermarket, store, orcoffee shop for instance? What suggestions do youhave for meeting women here and how would youpersonally approach a women in thesecircumstances? I mean, after a conversation hasprogressed, I can see how the cocky and funny willwork but I wondering about the first encounter ifyou could help please..." It sounds to me like you're assuming here thatyou should have a fairly in-depth conversationwhen you first meet a woman. I think that mostguys have a fear of approaching women because theydon't really know what to say, or where to takethe conversation. I know that was a big one for mewhen I first wanted to learn this stuff. But here's what I learned: YOU DON'T HAVE TOHAVE A "CONVERSATION" AT ALL WHEN YOU FIRST MEET AWOMAN. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GET HER DIGITS! In my ebook, I teach you how to get a woman'semail and phone number in about 3 minutes. I knowthat it kind of sounds sensational... like I'mprobably just using that as a marketing trick...but I'm actually very serious about it. Now, there's a lot more to success with womenthan just getting numbers. But for the sake ofthis argument, let's just say that ALL YOU REALLYNEED TO BE CONCERNED WITH WHEN YOU'RE FIRSTMEETING A WOMAN IS GETTING HER EMAIL AND PHONENUMBER. Yep, that's it. And you can do that in a few minutes, if youknow what to do and how to do it. I've had MANYfriends of mine go out with me and watch me get 5+numbers in an evening from women, and only talk tothem for a few minutes each to do it. And I'lltell you what... it changes their perspectivesforever. Long conversations are not a pre-requisite forgetting a phone number, email address, or futuredate. I can hear the arguments now: "But no woman is going to just give out hernumber..." "What makes you think a woman is just going tohand over her private information to a stranger?" Well, I'm here to tell you that I, and manyguys I know, have done it SO many times that it'sno longer a question in my mind. And here's why you might want to do it thisway: Let's say you're relatively NEW at learning howto approach women and begin conversations... The longer you talk to a woman when you firstmeet her, the more likely you are to say somethingstupid, say something that disqualifies you in hermind, or get into a conversation that goes downthe wrong road. It's as simple as that. If you don't waste any time, and just focus ongetting her email and number, you'll be able toset up a second meeting... where you can focus ontaking things to the next level. And trust me,it's a lot easier to recover from a mistake or badconversation when you're sitting across from heralone over a cup of tea then when you're lookingat her over the mango section in the supermarket. Think about it. So let's land the plane... The question is, "What do you do to get her togive up the info so quickly?". Easy.1) Know exactly how you want the conversation togo.2) Know HOW to ask.3) Know WHEN to ask.4) Have pen and paper on you. Also, if you're PARTICULARLY interested inlearning how to approach women and startconversations, then you should get yourself a copyof my program... it's called "ApproachingWomen"... duh! Go check out the free preview videoclips of the program and get all the details aboutit here: I recommend that you take a few minutes everyday to imagine having conversations with newwomen. It might go something like this: "Hi there, you're cuter than the average womanthat I see in the produce section... are youfriendly?" Her: "Ha ha... well, sometimes." "So, are you shopping for a special occasion,or is this just a routine produce visit?" Her: "No, just here for some fruit." "Nice. Are you from the area?" Her: "Yeah." "Are you from here originally?" Her: "Born and raised." "Well, it was nice meeting you... and enjoyyour mango..." Her: "Thanks." "Hey... do you have email?" Her: "Yeah, I do." Check this out... treat the "Yeah" as anagreement to give it to you, then take a pen outof your pocket (I prefer the Space Pen) and handit to her to write down her email. As she'swriting say, "and write your number there too...and your name, which I didn't get..." The key is that you have to act LIKE THIS ISTHE MOST NATURAL THING IN THE WORLD. ...OK, see how easy that was? Is thatrealistic? I think so. I've personally gottenHUNDREDS of emails and phone numbers (from womenI've just met) with dialogues like that. I think a key is to MENTALLY REHEARSE how youwill handle yourself so you know exactly what todo when the time comes. It all has to flow andseem natural. OK, to address the second part of yourquestion... how to meet other guys who know whatthey're doing... I think it's a good idea to go out once inawhile to the local hotspots and WATCH what'sgoing on. Specifically, I think it's a great ideato look for beautiful women that are with guys,and watch how the GUY is behaving. Also, it'sinteresting to watch guys picking women up to seewhat they're doing. You'll learn a few reallyimportant things first-hand when you do this:1) You'll see the body language of guys that areable to attract and keep women.2) You'll see the gestures and hear the voice toneof guys that are approaching women, and see howthe women respond.3) Invariably, you'll see some guys are reallygood with women, and you can make friends withthem. It's easy... just say, "Hey, you are the macwith the babes. Let me buy you a beer. I need youto tell me a few things." A beer is a cheap priceto pay for wisdom. Of course, you probably realize, as I did, thatgetting a number or a date is A SMALL PIECE of thepuzzle. If you REALLY want to master all of thedifferent aspects of success with women anddating, then you need to get yourself a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. Everything I teach in my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD program is very specificallydesigned to teach you the ATTITUDE and BODYLANGUAGE and all the other little things thatcause women to feel ATTRACTION inside... forreasons that they don't even understand. This program will teach you everything from howto overcome fear and shyness to how to approachwomen in different situations... all the way tohow to take things to a "physical" level smoothlyand without "rejection". Two more important points:1) I'll send it to you at zero risk... meaningthat you don't have to pay anything at all untilyou have gotten it, tried it out, experiencedsuccess, and convinced yourself that it's worthmany times the investment.2) I'll send it to you in a plain box, with noidentifying marks that indicate what's inside. Go get it here: And if you haven't downloaded your copy of myonline eBook "Double Your Dating", then you needto go and do that right now. You can download itright now and be reading it within a few minutes.It's here:'ll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to check out my entire "catalog"of different programs. You can see them all, pluswatch killer video clips of each of them righthere: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2007 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The guys I knew who were the MOST successful with women didn't read books to learn a bunch of "pickup lines"... and they didn't rely on tricks to attract women.The guys I new who were MOST successful had a certain something about them that just seemed toMAGNETICALLY attract women.In fact, these guys did and said things to women that seemed like they COULDN'T work to create attraction.But it worked. It seemed to ALWAYS work.At first, I just assumed that these guys mustbe good-looking, or have some kind of natural charmthat I would never have.It seemed like an "unfair advantage".Well, I learned that it WAS actually an unfairadvantage. But I ALSO learned that it wassomething that ANY guy can have.WARNING: What I'm about to say might sound alittle "new-agey"... but stick with me.This "Ah Ha!" led me to an even deeper and morepowerful realization:These men who were consistently successful withwomen had a QUALITY about them, and a deepUNDERSTANDING of how male/female attractionworks......SO THEY DIDN'T NEED TECHNIQUES.Because they had this magical quality, andbecause they understood how to direct and channel anysituation and conversation... they created successwithout needing the tricks.In fact, one of my friends who was VERY goodwith women started LEARNING some "pick up lines"and other tricks, and started doing WORSE withwomen. True story.He had the quality, and the tricks messed it upfor him!Well, after really digging into this topic andtrying to translate this "secret knowledge"... andhow to develop this quality I speak of... into asystem that a regular guy could "get" use, Ifinally create the Master Key.It's a Master Key that will unlock doors thatNO guy with a bunch of "tricks and techniques" canopen.It's a key that will attract -- AND KEEP -- themore desirable and attractive women... the kindsof women that most guys will NEVER even have achance to date.I could go on and on about it, but if you'reinterested in learning more about this key, thengo here and read THIS:

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

There is an old saying in poker that goes likethis:"If you can't spot the "sucker" at the table within a few minutes of sitting down, then YOU arethe sucker." I love it.

And after going through most of my life as thetype of guy that women saw as a "nerd", FINALLYdoing something about it... then showing other menhow to do the same, I know now that one thing isfor sure: If you are not 100% CERTAIN that you AREN'T coming across as "nerdy" to women... then youprobably are. And if you're struggling with getting women's phone numbers after you approach them, or getting second dates... then you DEFINITELY are.

WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT I remember when I first started on the path oftrying to become more successful with women, Ifigured that if I could just figure out the rightthings to SAY... everything else would fall intoplace. I was looking for the "pick up lines"... and"routines" I could use to basically FOOL womeninto taking an interest in me. What I didn't realize at the time was that a"nerd" who is armed with lines and techniques ISSTILL A NERD. It was only when I figured out all of the OTHERSTUFF that I started having success... the stuffthat REALLY MATTERS. What stuff is that? I'm glad you asked. I just finished up a KILLER interview with aguy who went from being perceived by women as a"nerd" they wanted to AVOID to an attractive, COOLguy they want to be with. He was able to make this transformation in avery short time by figuring out a few keyprinciples that women use to "size" a man up, andputting them into action. His results were remarkable... and in thishard-hitting interview he'll show you howunderstanding and applying these 6 powerfulconcepts will 100% GUARANTEE that you are ALWAYSperceived by the women you meet as a "catch". If you're looking for a way to skyrocket yourgame INSTANTLY... get ready... because this isTRULY powerful stuff. Here is a small sample of what you are going tolearn:-A dangerous mistake nearly all beginners makewhen meeting a woman for the first time thatINSTANTLY causes her to see you as UNDESIRABLE-How to go from conversation to physical contactSMOOTHLY... and with ZERO chances of rejection-The scientific PROCESS of attraction and how toLEAD A WOMAN THROUGH IT (This is the exact method"naturals" use to actually CREATE attraction inthe women they meet instead of hoping it willhappen on it's own...)-How to show a woman that your emotional state isINDEPENDANT of her actions (Use this to make sureshe doesn't see you as "needy" and make yourselfvery attractive by doing LESS work and LESStalking)-What to do when another guy comes up and startstalking to the woman you are talking to (Most guyslose their composure when this happens and screwup BIG TIME. Here's what to do instead to makeyourself look like the OBVIOUS best choice)-Why you need to take things to the next levelFAST (Here's how to show a woman you are the typeof SPONTANEOUS, exciting man she wants within thefirst few minutes of a conversation)-How to build CREDIBILITY with a woman and let herknow you are a cool guy who "gets it"-The simple word to use when describing yourfriends that lets her know you are a REAL personAND makes her feel safe around you very quickly...making her MUCH more likely to want to see youagain... and go further with you physically-A place to SIT when you have a woman over to yourhouse for the first time that makes her want toCOME TO YOU instead of feeling "pressured" to getphysical-A fantastic, never-fail way to approach a womanwho is working at a store (If you can't approach awoman who is on the job after learning this onethere is something wrong with you... it's BRAINDEAD SIMPLE and perfectly sets the stage for agreat conversation)-A way to isolate a woman when she is with hergroup of friends that makes it feel like it wasHER idea to get you alone!-What to say when a woman gives you a complimenton your shirt (This one is truly awesome)-A great move to lead into PHYSICAL CONTACT when awoman gives you a compliment!-What to say when a girl compliments your cologne-What to say if a girl makes fun of you or rejectsyou to INSTANTLY turn things around and get herlaughing-My friend's step-by-step formula for "gettingphysical" that he uses with EVERY single woman hemeets (This one is PURE GENIUS... my friend hasbroken the entire process into simple steps thatallow you to slowly ramp up physical escalationwithout getting rejected... and in a way that getsher ULTRA EXCITED and turned-on during theprocess)-What to do when you call a girl to get her tocome over that all but GUARANTEES she won't sayno!-A brand new way to approach a woman in a bar,nightclub, or anywhere else that NEVER FAILS toget her laughing and excited to finally meet a guywho is DIFFERENT than the rest of the clowns inthe bar (Another GEM... I went out and used thisafter he told me and I'm telling you right nowthat it is AWESOME) As you can see, this interview ROCKED. I've decided to release it as this month'sedition of my Interviews With Dating Gurus MonthlyCD Audio Program. If you're already subscribed, GET EXCITED. You'll be receiving it soon. If you're not? DUDE... what are you waiting for? Listen... this interview is "going to press"this Friday morning... so in order for me to makesure I can get it to you, I need you on board byTHIS THURSDAY at Midnight PST. Here's the link to sign up... do it RIGHT NOWwhile it's fresh on your mind: Oh... and get this: When you sign up, I'm also going to send you aStarter Kit featuring 2 other killer DOUBLEINTERVIEWS (2 CDs each) just to say "thanks" forcoming on board. These 2 interviews are AMAZING... and I want toprove it to you. So here's what I'm going to do: Go ahead and sign up right now... and I'llshoot all 3 of these interviews out there to you. Listen to them. USE what you learn. If you don't see improvements in your gameINSTANTLY, let me know. Not only will I refund every cent of yourmoney... I'm going to let you KEEP all 3interviews ON ME just for giving my program a fairtry. Is that going to happen? Of course not. I wouldn't take the chance orwaste my time in sending them to you if I wasn'tabsolutely CERTAIN that you were going to LOVETHEM. But in this day and age of false promises andweak products, I want to put my money where mymouth is... and PROVE IT TO YOU. Give me a chance. You won't be disappointed. Here's the link to sign up: Seriously. You be glad you did. I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Recently a lady asked how she could spice up giving head to her husband in bed.One of the most exciting things a woman can do is to give it to him when you are not in bed and when he leasts expects it. When he'sdoing dishes or sitting at the computer, watching tv, in the shower or even the walk-in closet.Ladies.

Your assignment this week is to surprise your husband thisway (if you give oral - some women dont). Send me an email and let meknow your guys reaction. I might share some (anonymously of course). The best story will receive one of my ebooks.Next week is a unique position that is very comfortable for both butis rarely used..Enjoy! -- Michael................................................................~~~ Recommended Love...making Resource ~~~I have heard from a few men who have tried out the aneros and havebeen experiencing *mind-blowing* orgsms.You can check it out here: Tips of the Week ~~~When your husband returns from a business trip pick him up from theairport wearing only a trench coat. Either drive home in a limo witha privacy screen or reveal what is underneath as you get into yourvehicle. }{}{}{}{ If you purchase a vibrator, buy one that is smaller than your husbandssize so he will not feel inadequate.}{}{}{}{ Buy a good soap that lathers well - or use mineral oil. Put a showercurtain on your bed or floor or buy an inflatable mattress. Latheryour bodies with soapsuds and have him lie on his back with her ontop, swishing up and down his body.... finally a way to help improve the health of your prostate withthe side benefit of being able to achieve a full body orgsm that only1 in 10,000 men have experienced. Other ezines ~~~Sign up for Michael's other newslettersRomantic Tip of the WeekSend a blank email to -- romantic-on@mail-list.comSecrets of Blissful Relationships (monthly)Send a blank email to -- secrets-on@mail-list.comOr sign up for both at

Monday, April 02, 2007

Here's the deal about always making decisions
and staying in control...

Women aren't attracted to WUSSIES. So how could you characterize a Wuss?
A Wussy is a guy who is weak, indecisive, andinsecure.

A Wussy isn't in control, and he doesn't make decisions. Women feel ATTRACTION for men who demonstratethe qualities of a LEADER. How could you characterize a LEADER?

A LEADER is a man who is in control of the situation, and who makes decisions and follows through on them WITHOUT needing approval from others. You've asked a great question, but it's acomplex one. In my CD Audio Program "Advanced DatingTechniques" I talk at length about the qualities and beliefs of men who are NATURALLY attractive to women, and how to communicate all of this with body language, voice tone, and words. If this topic is fascinating to you, then Irecommend that you check out my CD program. Itwill blow your mind. You can find it right here:

***QUESTION***Jedi Master,Your material has unbelievable results. Afterreading your book and newsletters, I am findingmyself in a dilemma of needing to let some of thewomen down in order to make room for others.The problem is they keep wanting to fill myschedule and I haven't learned or need to learnhow to let these women know that like yesterdaysnewspaper, I have read and prefer to read currentevents as opposed to rereading the same newspaperover and over. I guess I am being a wussy in thisregard cause I just do not know how to say See Ya?How does the master say this without being mean. Iwant to let them go without hurting their selfesteem, they have done nothing wrong, they arebeautiful, I just want to move on and enjoy, theriches you have endowed upon me, without hurtingthem, and without being a wussy in the process.G N Portland OR>>>MY COMMENTS: I'd say that the problem you're experiencing isprobably being caused BEFORE it actually happens. How do women know if a man is interested inthem for a "long term" relationship... or if he'sjust interested in dating casually? The trigger for this is HOW OFTEN YOU SEE THEM,and how often you CALL them. Of course, there's more... like whether or notyou buy gifts, talk about how you feel, ask her tobe your girlfriend, etc. But if you want to just see a woman casuallyand not have her become "hooked" on you, thendon't call her more than a couple of times a week,and don't see her more than once a week... maybetwice sometimes. This should solve your problem.***QUESTION***I'm a 25 years old guy that never understoodwomen. Now I realize the WUSS I have been for sucha long time. Anyway, I was lucky because I got agirlfriend casually, and I experienced with her,but some years ago we broke up and I have been soLOST with the women task and suddenly YOU, senseiDavid, appeared in the middle of my nightmare, andthings started getting sense (I bought your ebook,of course)THE JEALOUS STUFFThe thing is that I have a bisexual friend (girl)that I like, but I've never told her anythingabout my feelings. Some days ago she and some ofher friends came to visit me and we went out. Wewere in a nightclub, and next to us there was agroup of girls, I made eye contact with one ofthem. And then I thought about something that Iwouldn't have figured out in my WUSS- PAST-WOLD:Let's get that girl, and see the reaction of mybisexual friend. After some C&F stuff, I wasfrench kissing the girl of the eye contact infront of the face of my friend. And guess what wasthe reaction ???? Now I can't get rid of her. It'slike I've been a kind of ghost, until that nightThanks, David. Keep on giving us some perspective.AS FROM SPAIN>>>MY COMMENTS: Hey, I never said that women made any damnsense! Jealousy is a powerful emotion. Some think that it's the MOST powerful emotion. It might be interesting for you to know thatmany of the guys I know who like to date a lot ofdifferent women don't hide the fact that they datea lot of girls. Many female animal species choose males byfinding the ones with the most other females whoare attracted to him. Women are often the same. Women can be very competitive, and if a womanknows that you don't have any trouble meetingother women, it will often inspire her to feeleven more attraction for you. But be careful. I don't think that it's a goodidea to try to deliberately make a woman jealous.It doesn't feel good, and if you meet the wrongwomen you just might wind up with a rabbit boilingon your stove when you come home one night.***QUESTION***Dave,I won't even begin to tell you how awsome yourbook is and how it breaks everything down for ex-wusses like myself because that would take up toomuch time, but I've got a situation for you. A fewweeks ago, I met this girl in my class. She wasdefinitely a 8-9. Anyways, I got her number andasked her if we could study sometime. Weeventually set up a date to get a paper done. Shedidn't show up! I was like.... okay, I'm not evengonna get mad. So a few days later, I saw herwalking with this dude.. I was like... "ok, shehas a bf, thats why", but here's the funny part;I've been working on my body language and eyecontact lately and it's been doing wonders. When Isee her, I just speak and keep walking. I haven'theld a conversation with her in like 2 weeks andyesterday she left a message on my phone thatsaid..."Hey, this is ---- from your english class,I was just calling to tell you that I think thatyou are a VERY attractive man, and I think you arereally fine. But I have a boyfriend. I know youtried to study with me in the past, but you knowhow things can be when you have a boyfriend... soi guess ill talk to you later" Whats up with this?I didn't talk to the girl in two weeks and sheleaves this message? Was it a movement I made?Could you anyalize this for me please?B in FLAP.S.- I never knew body language could be sopowerful!>>>MY COMMENTS: This kind of thing always makes me laugh. I can remember when I used to call women toooften, and if they didn't show up, I'd get upsetand try to set up another date with them, etc. Of course, they'd usually play hard to get, andwind up thinking that I was a Wussy because I justaccepted their flaky behavior. Well, after I stopped calling women back whoflaked, and basically stopped CHASING women, I hadthe strangest thing happen... I had women call me... but sometimes it wasliterally WEEKS later. Just like your situation. You probably just have a girl who was in afight with her boyfriend the day she set the studydate with you... but fixed things up with himbefore she was supposed to see you again... andthen maybe got into another fight with him so shedecided to call you and see if you wereavailable. Don't worry about it. Just move on. She'llprobably start flirting with you again when she'ssingle. ***QUESTION***Dave --Hey, your advice works wonders! It is amazinghow much it works. I tried it on this girl Ihardly knew, and we hit it off real well. In fact,we hooked up, and that was pretty cool.I need advice, though. The girl and I startedto really hit it off, and we became closereveryday. Then, we started talking, and it seemedas though we were over, and I was devastated.She's really cool and REALLY hot. We kept talking,and she ends up telling me that she needs to knowherself before she knows me, so she asks for time,and that I be her friend in that time. Myquestion: how do I keep her falling head overheels for me while I give her the time, and thatshe doesn't become another friend.Again, thanks for the great advice.>>>MY COMMENTS: OK, let me do a little translation for you... If a woman says, "I need time to get to knowmyself" or "I need to find myself" or anyvariation of this common theme, it usually means: "YOU WERE ACTING LIKE A WUSS, BEING CLINGY, ANDGENERALLY NOT A CHALLENGE ANYMORE. I WANT YOU TOLEAVE, BUT I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS, SOI'M GOING TO TELL YOU THAT I NEED TIME TO "FINDMYSELF" TO GET YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE WITHOUT AHASSLE." I'm harsh, aren't I? Well, here's the deal. In general, if youbecome too predictable, too involved, too needy,too wuss-ish, and too "head over heels" too earlyin the relationship, it will drive a woman away. Think about it this way: The REALLY attractivewomen have guys chasing them FAR more than theaverage/below average women. You need to dosomething DIFFERENT, while at the same time beingATTRACTIVE. Probably the best thing you can do when youfinally meet a really great girl is call her HALFas much as you normally would, and give her twicethe space. Think about it. ***COMMENT***I just got back from eating with a woman I starteddating 3 weeks ago. Somehow we got on the topic ofwhat she likes in a man and what is the quickesttime she has ever jumped in the sack with one. Shestated that she met a guy one night and slept withhim the next. She said that she did it only oncein her life and then gave me the reason why shedid that time. She stated that all the guys shedated before him would always say something on thewild side, that she was really interested indoing, but would back down and say, "oh, I wasjust kidding" when she looks at them to see ifthey were serious. She said that this guy sheslept with the next night and I are the only twomen that have ever said something cocky and funnyand not flinched when she looked on in disbelief.In fact, I would look at her and repeat things Isaid whenever she looked at me with that "I can'tbelieve you just said that to me," stare. Shetells me it is such a turn-on.I had only begun to do this after subscribing toyour websight newsletter about a month or twoago... I would just like to thank you for theadvice and tell the other guys to stick by whatthey say, no matter how off the wall it may sound.B.>>>MY COMMENTS: This is JEDI LEVEL wisdom, read it again. ***QUESTION***Dear David,Great stuff. I was that nice guy... after readingyour book and your e mails I have been able tochange into the cocky and funny guy. The other dayone of the 3 women I am dating called giving me alittle grief. I said you know maybe we should notsee each other any more and she was like but Ihave been thinking about you all weekend PLEASEcome over now and F#% me, after a little delay Iagreed it was great. I do have a ? The one Ireally like who is totally hot never makes thefirst move and while she is very receptive when Ido it, would be great to get her to seduce me, anysuggestions?...c.>>>MY COMMENTS: For some reason, I LOVE your question... howfun is it to have a woman pursuing YOU? OK, here'sa tip from my personal experience... Next time you're with her, and you've startedgetting physical... just when you know that she'sreally enjoying what's going on (and it can be atany stage, kissing, etc.) just stop. Then whisperin her ear, "You want more, don't you?... you'regoing to have to say PLEASE." Then just keep working up to the same level andsaying the same thing until she finally does. Onceyou've done this, it's easy to transfer the sameidea to other things, like getting her to make thefirst move. Note: This is all done with a very playful,teasing tone. It's not a psychological controlstrategy... Keep things on the nice nice, don't bea controlling loser. Done right this can be a bigturn on for all involved. ***QUESTION***Dave,I did exactly what you had said for thepersonals... I actually cut and paste your letter,made one or two changes and I actually got aresponse...Now, you talk about getting that phone number?How?What should I say in the e-mail not to come offlike a looser, but to come off confident, cocky,and funny?Thanks!>>>MY COMMENTS: Can I just tell you how much I love it whenguys actually go out and USE the materials? Thisis great stuff... OK, step two is to get her live on the phone,and to do it soon. You don't want this to take toolong or she's likely to get 100 more emails andforget about you. Try a cocky funny response like this: "Wow, you're a real person. Great. I guess wehave a couple of options here. We could start anemail relationship, fall madly in love, and maybeeven get a priest to marry us in a live chatceremony... Then again, maybe we could get together for acup of tea and some stimulating conversation andmake friends. And then after I can validate thatyou're actually the cute gal in this picture I sawof you, we can talk about the online marriagething. Give me a call tonight. My number is (insertnumber here). I'm a pretty busy person, and Ican't guarantee that I'll be home, but give it atry. And please call before 11 PM because that'swhen my mom makes me go to sleep. By the way, where can I reach you if I want tocall you ten times a day? Talk soon." I'm a funny guy. But all kidding aside, this is a KILLER modelfor a follow up letter to a personal ad response.It says so many things in the right way thatyou're very likely to get another response,probably a call, and probably her number. ***COMMENT***David,A few weeks back you used what I think is one ofthe most important words in dating (next to cockyand funny of course) that word is "NEXT."We always want the one that we can't get. Forgetthat! I say NEXT. If you have this idea of"Next" in your brain, you will come across as aman who is not needy and you will be moreattractive to women. Why waste time with womanwho are not interested? Its a lot more fun tofind a nice looking lady who wants to be with youthen it is to chase someone who isn't interested.The book was great. Keep up the great work! >>>MY COMMENTS: This is another psychological step that is veryimportant. I get so many emails from guys who havemet a great girl, but they screwed it up becausethey made her "too important" mentally. In otherwords, when things started to get difficult,instead of taking the attitude of "NEXT" (whichcreates all kinds of attraction), they CLING andact NEEDY and generally do EXACTLY THE THINGS THATCAUSE THE WOMAN TO HIT THE ROAD FOR GOOD. Much better to have the mental attitude of "I'mgoing to enjoy this woman's company for as long asit stays a good thing. The moment that she becomesa strain or a pain I'm out of here. I don't needproblems or drama in my life, and my happiness ismore important than this woman." The first response to this is usually, "Butthis woman is SPECIAL. She's not like other women.She's the one." Blah blah blah... If she's the ONE, then all the more reason totake this attitude. "THE ONE" ISN'T LOOKING FOR A WUSS. The "NEXT" attitude will do a lot of goodthings for your success with women. Use it. ***NOTE: If you're reading this right now, andyou are thinking to yourself, "I sure wish I couldget up the courage to say "Next!" to a woman... oryou'd like to learn more about how to build apowerful "Inner Game" confidence that isUNSHAKABLE, then I highly recommend that you checkout my "Deep Inner Game" program. It isspecifically designed to help you overcome yourinsecurities and build massive confidence. It'shere: ***QUESTION***David,I got your mailbag, and bought your book rightaway a few months ago and it has truely changed mylife. Thank you. I realized that in all of myrelationships I have been a total wuss and that iswhy I was not having sucess. I am actually apretty funny guy (amatuer stand up comedian) but Iam not cocky at all. As soon as I added a bit ofcocky to my usual sacarstic humor, the successfollowed.My problem is this. I met a woman who is anextremely skilled player. We went out as "freinds"and then it escalated nicely (kiss test workedlike a charm) and then it got really screwed upwhen I had to leave the country for a month onbusiness and things got a bit muddled. When Ireturned we went out right away and I missd her somuch I fell back in to my wussie ways and I thinkI ruined it, in only one 6 hour date!Since then I have been trying to turn the tables.I mean I try to end the conversations first allthe time but she just seems to beat me to it eachtime, like she is psychic or something. I try totell her I am busy and I'll have to call her backbut unless I do it at an awkwardly early point inthe conversation she always seems beat me to it.In my opinion if I continue to play "hard to get"and don't call her (which seems to be workinglately) she will get the wrong message. I want tosend the "I like you but you haven't got mewrapped around your finger" message, not the "I'mnot thinking about you at all while everythingaround me in society screams 'couple' and'romance' " message.What would you do in this unusal time?Thanks again for all your help and advice.To anyone who has not dowloaded the book, youdeserve the miserable lonely nights I know you aregoing through, put a crowbar in your wallet andget the full information!>>>MY COMMENTS: I like the crowbar idea. As for your situation. You've learned animportant lesson the hard way. When I think about women and attraction, Iimagine it like an on/off switch. If it ever getsturned off, it's VERY hard to turn it back on.ESPECIALLY if you're dealing with a woman like theone you're talking about who is very experiencedand knows the game well. The best thing you can do is start dating otherwomen, not call her for a month or so, then dropher a line and say, "Hey, let's get together for acup of tea. You were a nice friend..." Then tellher about what's going on in your life (the otherwomen, I mean). YOU'VE LOST CONTROL, AND YOU NEED TO TAKE ITBACK. 'Nuff said. ***QUESTION***Hey Dave,I am a 23 year old single father i having a toughtime getting a date because i have a kid. Most ofthe girls i ask out, I tell them I have a kid andthey dont want to be any more than just friends.Any suggestions? >>>MY COMMENTS: Yes, I have one for you... STOP THINKING OF YOUR KID AS A LIMITATION. I'mgoing to suggest that you don't have a tough timegetting a date BECAUSE you have a kid... it'sbecause you THINK IT'S A PROBLEM. Just don't bring it up early on. Don't answerany questions about your status as a father. Makea decision to share that info only with women whoare EXCEPTIONAL. If a woman is REALLY attracted to you, she'lloverlook almost ANYTHING. I mean, hey... look atSteven Tyler and Mick Jagger... ***QUESTION***Hi David!!I just wanted to tell you that what you say inyour emails is true and it works. I'm from a smallcentral american country and your advice works onwomen here too!!! Now to my question, I met thisgorgeous girl, she is incredible and hot as hell.But I have competition, some guy who doesn't knowa thing about women (he should subscribe to yournewsletter, dont you think), but she seems alittle interested in him and interested in me too.What would you suggest to "neutralize" him?Thanks,A.P.S.: I used the cocky and funny technique and itworked!!!! thanks for sharing you wisdom>>>MY COMMENTS: If you focus on the competition it will onlydistract you and cause you problems. Forget other guys and what they're doing. Justfocus on what you're doing and your own success. It's very natural to let competition upsetyou... and jealousy is a very real emotion. Butremember, it isn't going to help you in mostcases. Just do your best, keep using thetechniques, and stick to your methods. Chances arethat any other guys involved will screw it up atsome point, and you will be the one left with theprize. Note: In situations like this one, we guysoften start to put too much value on getting thegirl BECAUSE there are other guys involved. Wethink to ourselves, "Well, this other guy likesher, so she must be something REALLY special. Evenmore than I thought." This leads to making allkinds of mistakes, being a wuss, acting clingy,etc. Don't fall into this trap. ***QUESTION***I need some help and i think that you have thebest advice so here is the problem, I like thisgirl at my college and she works at the collegebookstore. A while back i was buying books and shewas asking me questions and being super friendly,then the following semester she said hi to me oncampus but like a dip sh** I didnt respond. Now ireally want to hook it up but have this feelingthat she is not interested anymore. Everytime Isee her we make eye contact but I can't tell ifshe wants me to go in for the kill. Please help meso i can go right up to her and talk to her, I'mhaving trouble starting out the conversation.Thanks.>>>MY COMMENTS: No killing please. Why don't you just go in forthe email instead? Much less messy. Just get heremail and then take it one step at a time. This isthe best way to find out if it can go somewhere... ***GREAT STORY***David-I was enjoying a bagel this morning in the outdoorchairs at a little donut shop I go to onSaturdays. I doubt if the guy I'm going to tellyou about has ever read your book...but he's awalking advertisement for it.The only other person out there with me was anelderly woman, who was about 8 years older thanGod. A guy pulls up in this old caddie with a USMClicense plate on the front bumper. He's about afew minutes younger than her.This old guy goes in, orders a bag of donuts, andcomes back out. He walks right up to her table andsays:"Hi ya, toots. You're a classy lookin' dame. Areyou friendly?"She says, "How dare you call me some dame. Mygiven name is Julia"This guy never misses a beat. He says, "Got yourfeathers ruffled, did I? Well, you know the firstairplane I ever rode in during the war startedwitha J, too. She was a hardbody, with a shapelytailpiece. I still remeber what it felt like torun my hand over her headlights."The old girl, says, "That's atrocious. You betterhave a seat sailor. It sounds like you been awayfrom shore for too long."It was all I could do to keep from busting uplaughing. I didn't know whether to throw a blanketover them or go give this codger a high five. Hehad it down, buddy, just like you've been tellingus. This guy could be me 35 years from now if Ifollow what you teach.Keep getting the word out, Dave. We'll still beusing it when we're on Viagra.C.>>>MY COMMENTS: I love this story. Use the things I'm teachingyou and hopefully you'll find success beforeyou're 100 years old and cruising the old folkshome for babes... But, as you can see, the Cocky & Funnytechnique works even if you ARE cruising the oldfolks home... ***QUESTION***Well, what can I say, David, you're a dating God!Your book is nothing less than a masterpiece. Nowthat i've got a good handle on some of yourtechniques, I've had no problem meeting women.I've recently started dating a woman whom is apleasant distraction. My fear is she is fallingway to hard for me. My problem is, my friend oftwo years who I've been smitten with since thebeginning is now single. There is another guyfriend of hers who has recently made his feelingsknown for her. I'm pretty sure there has alwaysbeen chemical tension underneath our friendship.She has told me things like you have the sexiestvoice ever, I listen to your cd every night causeI love falling asleep to the sound of your voice,when you're lost in thought you have the sexiesteyes. We went for coffee last night and shetouched me 3-5 times on the hand.The problem comes in that before your book I wasthe nice sensitive guy always bearing my feelings,catering to a woman's needs, and very humble. Nowi've got a great routine down for getting datesbut she doesn't know me as that type of person. Soi don't know how to approach trying to instigate arelationship with her. Any suggestions??A.>>>MY COMMENTS: Yes, I have any suggestions... KEEP DOING WHAT WORKS!!! DON'T TURN BACK INTO AWUSS NOW THAT YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO GET THE GIRLYOU REALLY LIKE!!! Wow, I don't use that many exclamation marksvery often. And for the girl who is smitten with you... lether down easy. This is a great opportunity toborrow a technique from our book on female datingtactics. It's called: "You're really nice, but I think that we shouldbe friends." All's fair in love and war... just don't be abastard. ***QUESTION***First are the smartest man alive. I havereally enjoyed reading your litterature and it hashelped me build a confidence I've never hadbefore. Here's the question.... I recently visitedan "exotic dance club" and met an "exotic dancer".I used the cocky funny attitude and had a nicechat before my lap dance. Within minutesafterward... I got her e-mail addy. The problemis...The setting in which we met and thecircumstances involved. How can I start arelationship with her without her seeing me as acustomer... or a pervert that liked what he sawand just wants more? I know it can be done I justneed a little insight from the master. Help me outMr. Miagi.Sincerely,Daniel-son>>>MY COMMENTS: Start a RELATIONSHIP? With an EXOTIC DANCER? After talking to her for a few minutes? OK, let's do a quick reality check before youdo something that you'll regret for a long time... About 80-90% of the time, exotic dancers arethe LAST type of woman up for a "relationship". If you're interested in taking things to thenext level, you need to be cocky & funny, bust herballs a lot, make sure you keep being a challenge,etc. Of all the people in the world, these womenare probably pursued by the most men. If, after going out with her for AT LEASTseveral months you can prove beyond the shadow ofa doubt that:1) She's not addicted to drugs or alcohol2) She doesn't smoke like a fire and have dirty-carpet breath3) She wasn't sexually molested more than a dozentimes4) She isn't manic-depressive, bi-polar, orborderline5) You can deal with the idea that she's notquitting for you Then maybe you might consider a "relationship."I mean, hey... most exotic dancers are bi-sexual.And I've heard that some of them even know othercute girls (but I'm not certain on this one). Inany case, don't forget the protection. Big time. Oh, and if you change your mind, try finding awoman who comes from a good family... who hasfantastic relationships with her mother andfather... and who is emotionally mature. It might surprise you, but I think you'd enjoya long-term relationship more with this kind ofwomen. Just my two cents... ***QUESTION***Your like a god to me! I've been going out aboutfive times as much as I used to (which wasn'tmuch) and women see me in a new way. Now for theimportant part. I stepped up my cocky/funnynessto the max and this one girl is crazy about me.She delayed one date, never stopped appologizing.I teased her for it all night. She keeps actingso needy and I can't get enough of it (I don'ttell her) but that brings up a question. If sheis acting needy to me and I can't get enough ofit, why did women dump me when I used to actneedy? Please put something about this in yournewsletter.Bye.>>>MY COMMENTS: What's with all the God comments this week?Let's stick with David from now on... I'm notready for all of the responsibility. As for your situation... The reason why it's fun for you having her actneedy is YOU'VE HAD IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND ALLYOUR LIFE! It's a nice change. But trust me, after a short while it gets old.If she keeps it up, you'll see. Eventually amechanism will kick in and you'll lose your likingfor it... just like women do at a very young age.But enjoy it while it's fresh and fun. ***SUCCESS STORY***For 18 months I tried to score with this woman Iwanted but because she saw me as needy she keptthe "goodies" away from me. Now one night Istopped trying. I focused on having a good time. Iwas determined to be polite to her but ignore herand make no moves. I danced with other women, Idrank, I had fun. The more independant, confidentand fun-loving I became the more attractive Ibecame. Things changed. She wasn't used to beingignored. She felt left out. She then put out andseduced me by the end of the night. I wasn't eventrying and I wasn't even nervous!!!A few months later I bought your book Dave andrealised that for 18 months I'd been doing itwrong. Little did I know but that fateful nightwas the way to do it right. I've been doing itright since then. Thanks Dave.Regards.>>>MY COMMENTS: Congratulations, good job, and keep it up. ***COMMENT FROM A WOMAN***On behalf of all women, I think your e-mail suckedtoday. :)I am so tired of dating cheap men. There isnothing wrong with a man who is able to providedoing so. Let's face it, men make more money thanwomen.I'm not a gold digger. Not at all. I'm 34 yearsold. I own my own townhouse which I am strugglingto get by with the mortgage and expenses havingbeen laid off by IBM after almost 7 years.I do like the e-mail first idea, in fact that isalways what I initiate when I'm out. I'd muchrather do that to get to know someone before thedinner out but the LAST thing I want to do is havesomeone show up late and let me know right upfront that he's not willing to buy me a cup oftea.I just spent almost five months with someone whowas making three times my income and we went Dutchon everything. Am I wrong to *want* someone toflip the bill for me? I don't think so.Warm regards... >>>MY COMMENTS: No, there's nothing "wrong" with you "wanting"someone to take care of the bill. But there's alsonothing wrong with a man not paying... or evenbetter, avoiding typical expensive datingsituations all together. I personally think that starting off arelationship by paying for things creates animbalance that isn't very healthy. As an interesting aside: You spent FIVE MONTHSpaying your own way. He obviously had somethingelse going for him if you spent that long withhim... hmmmmm. I wish I could give him a high five! Oh, and the little smiley in your email clearlycommunicates that you like and want me. Be alittle more subtle next time, OK? Don't let theworld know everything that's going on between us!It's not classy...***SUCCESS STORY***I found your site a couple of months ago andsubscribed to your newsletters and I downloadedthe book . I'm 18 years old and I'm in my firstyear of college, so you can imagine the hot, youngwomen that are there .Anyways, I've always been the "wuss , loser ,nothing more than a friend" type of guy (man ithurts to admit it) but since i started readingyour e-mails i've gotten so much better. Some ofmy girlfriends don't see me as a friend anymore (Ican't imagine what your book will do ). So notlong ago I'm sitting where everyone goes to eatand they're playing "The Fast And The Furious " onthe tv's when I look down and this reallybeautiful woman keeps looking at me . So by thesecond time our eyes meet, I smile , at that samemoment I'm thinking, "Wait !!! , remember the e-mails, you always do this and you always end up asa friend". The problem was that she had 2 more ofher friends on the table with her, but shewouldn't expect me to get up and go to her, so Igot up from my chair and went up to her, she hadthat "what is he doing" look, then I sat down onthe table and said, "Hi , I know I'm pretty andthat your attracted to me, but could you maybehide your impulses". Of course this was said in afunny way, with a cocky look. Her friends startedlaughing and said, "she was that obvious , huh?"She was shocked at the beginning but she relaxedand started laughing. Almost immediately afterthat her friends said they were hungry and left,so I asked for her name and thought to myself,"Forget the e-mail , just ask her number ". Shegave me her celular number , but I haven't calledher yet. Anyway thanks for your great advices andI'll keep you posted on the outcome.P.S. For all you wusses out there , you can changeyou don't always have to be this way . Buy thedamn book !!!!!!"L.>>>MY COMMENTS: I couldn't agree more. ***QUESTION***Hey man, I have to admit, I have been getting yournewsletter for about 2 weeks now and I havedramatically improved the number of women i havebeen meeting and getting numbers from! Thanks somuch for the help and tips. Usually when it comesdown to the first date everything goes fine and Ilay down the c&f attitude which gets me goodplaces with her. But i have a problem. This lastweekend i had a date with this woman i just metand we were in the hot tub and me friend and hisdate were with us. Well the problem was that mymind was totally blank for some odd reason and icouldn't come up with anything interesting to talkabout if my life was on the line. So obviously Ireally didnt get anywhere with her but she saidthat she would like to see me again. So myquestion to you is what are some topics ofinterest that i could talk with her about thatwouldnt put me in the wussy boy category and wouldalso get me in good with her, when i cant think ofanything? Please help!Thanks a lot! B.F TX>>>MY COMMENTS: Well, if you think about it, there are a fewmain topics that women PAY TONS OF MONEY to enjoy. Think daytime dramas, Cosmo magazine, andromance novels. For whatever reason, women just loverelationships, drama, and humor. So talk about famous people, theirrelationships, and their drama. If you're at a loss, and you want to start afunny conversation, just say, "What's with..." andfinish up with any current gossip topic taken fromany famous person's life. "What's with Brittny and Kevin breaking up?" "What's with Lindsay Lohan in re-hab?" Of course, these kinds of topics lendthemselves to all KINDS of opportunities to beCocky & Funny. So do it. Great job getting more dates... keep up thegood work.***QUESTION***Hey Dave,You always have success stories with guys that say"Im a good looking guy". What about us guys thatare average or slightly below average, balding, orthick?? Does this stuff work for us as well? Oris this just help guys that already get dates getMORE dates?? Are us average or below average guysout of luck?? I get an occasional hot girl butthey are few and far between.M>>>MY COMMENTS: I'd say that 1 in 100 of the emails that I getare from guys who say, "I'm a good looking guy". And most of the guys who I know that are reallysuccessful with women aren't unusually "goodlooking". Some of my friends who are unbelievably good atattracting BEAUTIFUL women are not at all "goodlooking". And if you think about your own life, I'll betthat you'll realize that the guys you knowyourself who are best at getting dates withattractive women aren't the guys you know who arethe richest, tallest, or most handsome. In other words, YES... this stuff works for"regular" guys! ...and, in fact, if you're reading thisnewsletter right now and you'd like to really takeyour success with women to the next level, then Ihave a few words for you. It wasn't that long ago that I personallydidn't have the ability to even TALK to a woman Ididn't know... never mind getting a date. I spent a few YEARS trying just abouteverything I could find to help me. I read books, listened to tapes, went toseminars... I tried it all. But nothing reallyworked consistently for me. The real breakthroughs came when I startedspending time with a lot of guys who wereNATURALLY successful with women. When I say"naturally" I don't mean that women walked overand threw themselves at these guys... I mean thatthey had each figured out how to attract a lot ofbeautiful women ON THEIR OWN. What I found was incredible... Even though most of these different guys hadNEVER EVEN MET one another, they had a LOT incommon. They did a lot of the same things... theysaid a lot of the same things... and they behavedin a lot of the same ways. So I took what I learned, I tested it all out,and I refined it and created a whole system forhow a regular guy can increase his success withwomen and dating. That's it in a nutshell. I personally went from not knowing how to eventalk to a woman I didn't know to being able to getdates with even the most beautiful women... and Ipractice what I preach. The things that I teach in my eBook andAdvanced Series are things that I use PERSONALLYin situations with women. It's not a bunch of made-up garbage and oldrecycled books from 25 years ago. If you have any doubts or hesitations at allabout investing in my materials, remember that youcan order both of these from me and actually TRYTHEM OUT with zero risk. You can get them, use them, see if they workfor you (they will), and THEN decide if you wantto keep them and pay for them. I would never offerthis kind of personal guarantee unless I knew thatyou would get results. Go check out some great samples for my AdvancedSeries here: And go download my online eBook here: I've spent a lot of time working on thetheories, concepts, and techniques included inthese products...and I can tell you that there'snothing else available that will get you the kindsof results that you'll get by using them. Go check them out! I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to go and check out my onlinecatalog of all my programs... where you can watchvideo clips of all of them: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!