Thursday, April 26, 2007

meeting women

First of all, I want to point out that the ideas in my programs and books are NOT designed for meeting women in clubs and bars only. Most ofmy personal success with women, and most of thesuccess of my readers, happen in more "normal"places like coffee shops, bookstores, schools,parties, and even online. I think that maybe some people just mentallyapply what they read to situations that they'refamiliar with, so it might seem that I'm talkingabout "clubs and bars" when I'm really talkingabout more than that. With that said, let's talk about some of the"how to's". I chose your particular email because of theway it was worded. Part of the question is:"...I'm wondering how you go about doing pickupsin regular places, like a supermarket, store, orcoffee shop for instance? What suggestions do youhave for meeting women here and how would youpersonally approach a women in thesecircumstances? I mean, after a conversation hasprogressed, I can see how the cocky and funny willwork but I wondering about the first encounter ifyou could help please..." It sounds to me like you're assuming here thatyou should have a fairly in-depth conversationwhen you first meet a woman. I think that mostguys have a fear of approaching women because theydon't really know what to say, or where to takethe conversation. I know that was a big one for mewhen I first wanted to learn this stuff. But here's what I learned: YOU DON'T HAVE TOHAVE A "CONVERSATION" AT ALL WHEN YOU FIRST MEET AWOMAN. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GET HER DIGITS! In my ebook, I teach you how to get a woman'semail and phone number in about 3 minutes. I knowthat it kind of sounds sensational... like I'mprobably just using that as a marketing trick...but I'm actually very serious about it. Now, there's a lot more to success with womenthan just getting numbers. But for the sake ofthis argument, let's just say that ALL YOU REALLYNEED TO BE CONCERNED WITH WHEN YOU'RE FIRSTMEETING A WOMAN IS GETTING HER EMAIL AND PHONENUMBER. Yep, that's it. And you can do that in a few minutes, if youknow what to do and how to do it. I've had MANYfriends of mine go out with me and watch me get 5+numbers in an evening from women, and only talk tothem for a few minutes each to do it. And I'lltell you what... it changes their perspectivesforever. Long conversations are not a pre-requisite forgetting a phone number, email address, or futuredate. I can hear the arguments now: "But no woman is going to just give out hernumber..." "What makes you think a woman is just going tohand over her private information to a stranger?" Well, I'm here to tell you that I, and manyguys I know, have done it SO many times that it'sno longer a question in my mind. And here's why you might want to do it thisway: Let's say you're relatively NEW at learning howto approach women and begin conversations... The longer you talk to a woman when you firstmeet her, the more likely you are to say somethingstupid, say something that disqualifies you in hermind, or get into a conversation that goes downthe wrong road. It's as simple as that. If you don't waste any time, and just focus ongetting her email and number, you'll be able toset up a second meeting... where you can focus ontaking things to the next level. And trust me,it's a lot easier to recover from a mistake or badconversation when you're sitting across from heralone over a cup of tea then when you're lookingat her over the mango section in the supermarket. Think about it. So let's land the plane... The question is, "What do you do to get her togive up the info so quickly?". Easy.1) Know exactly how you want the conversation togo.2) Know HOW to ask.3) Know WHEN to ask.4) Have pen and paper on you. Also, if you're PARTICULARLY interested inlearning how to approach women and startconversations, then you should get yourself a copyof my program... it's called "ApproachingWomen"... duh! Go check out the free preview videoclips of the program and get all the details aboutit here: I recommend that you take a few minutes everyday to imagine having conversations with newwomen. It might go something like this: "Hi there, you're cuter than the average womanthat I see in the produce section... are youfriendly?" Her: "Ha ha... well, sometimes." "So, are you shopping for a special occasion,or is this just a routine produce visit?" Her: "No, just here for some fruit." "Nice. Are you from the area?" Her: "Yeah." "Are you from here originally?" Her: "Born and raised." "Well, it was nice meeting you... and enjoyyour mango..." Her: "Thanks." "Hey... do you have email?" Her: "Yeah, I do." Check this out... treat the "Yeah" as anagreement to give it to you, then take a pen outof your pocket (I prefer the Space Pen) and handit to her to write down her email. As she'swriting say, "and write your number there too...and your name, which I didn't get..." The key is that you have to act LIKE THIS ISTHE MOST NATURAL THING IN THE WORLD. ...OK, see how easy that was? Is thatrealistic? I think so. I've personally gottenHUNDREDS of emails and phone numbers (from womenI've just met) with dialogues like that. I think a key is to MENTALLY REHEARSE how youwill handle yourself so you know exactly what todo when the time comes. It all has to flow andseem natural. OK, to address the second part of yourquestion... how to meet other guys who know whatthey're doing... I think it's a good idea to go out once inawhile to the local hotspots and WATCH what'sgoing on. Specifically, I think it's a great ideato look for beautiful women that are with guys,and watch how the GUY is behaving. Also, it'sinteresting to watch guys picking women up to seewhat they're doing. You'll learn a few reallyimportant things first-hand when you do this:1) You'll see the body language of guys that areable to attract and keep women.2) You'll see the gestures and hear the voice toneof guys that are approaching women, and see howthe women respond.3) Invariably, you'll see some guys are reallygood with women, and you can make friends withthem. It's easy... just say, "Hey, you are the macwith the babes. Let me buy you a beer. I need youto tell me a few things." A beer is a cheap priceto pay for wisdom. Of course, you probably realize, as I did, thatgetting a number or a date is A SMALL PIECE of thepuzzle. If you REALLY want to master all of thedifferent aspects of success with women anddating, then you need to get yourself a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. Everything I teach in my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD program is very specificallydesigned to teach you the ATTITUDE and BODYLANGUAGE and all the other little things thatcause women to feel ATTRACTION inside... forreasons that they don't even understand. This program will teach you everything from howto overcome fear and shyness to how to approachwomen in different situations... all the way tohow to take things to a "physical" level smoothlyand without "rejection". Two more important points:1) I'll send it to you at zero risk... meaningthat you don't have to pay anything at all untilyou have gotten it, tried it out, experiencedsuccess, and convinced yourself that it's worthmany times the investment.2) I'll send it to you in a plain box, with noidentifying marks that indicate what's inside. Go get it here: And if you haven't downloaded your copy of myonline eBook "Double Your Dating", then you needto go and do that right now. You can download itright now and be reading it within a few minutes.It's here:'ll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to check out my entire "catalog"of different programs. You can see them all, pluswatch killer video clips of each of them righthere: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2007 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------

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