Sunday, March 30, 2008


Now THIS sounds like an interesting topic,doesn't it?
Why would you want to know how to LOSE a girl?
Well, I'm going to propose a DANGEROUS IDEA.
I'm going to suggest that you are probably already an EXPERT in LOSING a girl.
You might even be a "natural" at it.
Most guys are.

But the PROBLEM is that most guys don'tUNDERSTAND why they're so good at LOSING women.
In other words, they walk through the world screwing up one situation after another, and never realize JUST HOW GOOD they are at being BAD with women.
And they don't realize that just by changing afew key things they could change their level of success DRAMATICALLY.
One great way to increase your success in lifeis to start REALIZING what you're doing. Once you actually understand what you're doing and the results you're triggering, you can CHANGE.
So open your mind. Listen up.
As you've probably heard me say about a milliontimes, MEN ARE PREDICTABLE.
In fact, we're PAINFULLY predictable.
We all do basically the same things when we get into common situations with women...and we don'teven realize it.
I call this the "Originality Paradox."
In our desire to be "original" and "unique," we guys tend to do the SAME THINGS! Said differently,while you're doing something that seems thoughtful and original, the attractive woman on the other end is thinking, "He's just like all the other guys."
So why is being predictable so bad?
Look at this formula:
Predictable = BORING.
No Emotions = NO ATTRACTION.
One of the VERY BEST ways to lose a girl is tobe PREDICTABLE.
Another huge mistake men make is GIVING AWAY OUR POWER to women.
I'm not going to go into it, but the reality isthat women are NOT attracted to WEAK men. And I'm not talking about muscles here.
If you act like a Wuss, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Before we go on, I want to mention something VERY important. If you have a nasty case of "Wuss-itis" and you can't seem to get rid of it, then go read THIS before you read the rest of this newsletter:
Here are a few examples of how we guys actPREDICTABLE, give away our power, and make about147 other huge mistakes with women we've just met:
1) Call Her All The Time
If you like someone, it's logical that you'regoing to want to let them know, right?
Well, only if you like the idea of comingacross like a total Jack-Wuss. I just made thatup, by the way. Combination of Jackass and Wuss.Not sure if I like it, but I'm going to go withit.
Where was I?
Yeah, calling her all the time.
Calling all the time is usually triggered byINSECURITY and NEEDINESS. It sounds like a goodidea, but it almost NEVER is.
This is a great way to lose a girl before youeven have her. We might even call this one "HavePrevention."
2) Offer To Take Her Somewhere "Nice"
What do most guys do when they meet a girl thatthey "really" like?
Well, they call her up, and they get into aboring conversation about schools and families andjobs and 100 other painfully boring things...andwhen they finally realize that they've been on thephone for an hour, they realize that they'd betterdo SOMETHING soon...because she's starting to talkabout having to go wash her dog....
So what do they do?
They think to themselves, "Self, you'd betterget up some nerve and ask her out. Hey! Self! Ihave a GREAT idea. Ask her to go out with you to aREALLY NICE place. She'll be far more likely towant to do that, and besides, then she'll knowthat you REALLY like her...."
And what does this REALLY communicate?
Right, right.
That you have the confidence to just ask her tospend time with you for NO REASON other than thefact that you want to...and that you must not beWORTH spending time with - without some kind of"meal incentive."
Meal Incentive... lol... I crack myself up.
Well, this is one more example of somethingthat "sounds good" in the moment, but is BAD BADBAD for business.
3) Do "Thoughtful" Things From The Beginning
What's better than a nice, thoughtful guyshowing up at the door with flowers and candy forthe first date?
Well, to quote an old Saturday Night Liveepisode, "Throwing an entire box of thumb tacks onthe floor, and rolling around in them naked."
Or maybe taking one of know...SERRATED KNIVES...yeah, that's it...and putting itbetween your big toe and second toe and slicingback and forth really fast...and then know...HOT SAUCE...yeah, that's it...on thewound!
I hate it when that happens!
But we men do this kind of thing all thetime...because it sure sounds good in the moment.
By the way, don't try the thumb tack thing orthe hot sauce thing UNLESS you're consideringpurchasing flowers and candy to bring to a firstdate. In that case, please take these measures toprevent yourself from acting on the uncontrollableurges.
If you come on too strong, you appear just likeevery other predictable Wussboy who has evertried to make himself look better by giving giftsand food and favors in exchange for attention andapproval.
4) Tell Her How You "Feel" About Her Early On
This might be one of my favorites.
I'm starting to think that we guys must comestock with a mechanism that actually compels us toopen our BIG FAT MOUTHS and screw things up withonly the BEST women.
I'll call this the "Feeling Confessor"mechanism. It is triggered by strong feelings ofattraction and emotion toward an unusuallyattractive woman.
I've talked to A LOT of attractive women in mylife. And they all have one similar experience toshare...
For some UNKNOWN and UNGODLY reason, men justseem to LOVE telling SUPER HOT women how they FEELwithin the first couple of dates.
As you might realize, I get a lot of emailsfrom guys...
And one of the common emails I get goes alittle something like this:
"David, I met this unbelievably hot girl...she'ssmart, interesting, successful...everything seemedto be going I decided to tell her how Ifelt...and for some reason she said that she needssome "space" and some "time to be alone"...I don'tget it...."
Again, when you do this you're making all kindsof huge mistakes...and basically doing everythingyou can do to LOSE her.
5) Keep Telling Her How You Feel When She NeedsSpace
And as if the last example wasn't painfulenough, most guys usually like to use this final"nail in the coffin" technique as well...
Here's the situation:
You've met a girl you really like. Maybe you'vegone out with her a few times. Doesn't matter.
You do all the things you can think of to SCREWIT UP, and you finally succeed.
You prove to her that you just don't get it,and you don't know how to handle a woman like her.
So she says, "I need some space" or "I needsome time to myself."
And what do most guys do?
Of course. They KEEP telling her how they feel.
And they do it in 100 annoying ways.
The thought that most guys have is, "If sheonly understood how I REALLY FELT ABOUT HER, thenshe would LOVE ME."
It's painful just typing the words.
So there you have it.
Part of the magic formula for losing a girlfast. Interesting, isn't it?
But there's a much DEEPER message here.
The message is this:
If you don't understand the process of how tomake women feel ATTRACTION for you, including thethings to AVOID doing, then you're not going tohave success.
Not knowing the rules of a game makes it verydifficult (or impossible) to win.
And, unfortunately, we guys have a HUGEdisadvantage when it comes to women and dating...
We have emotional responses to situations thattake over our "thinking," and makes us do all thewrong things.
We usually sabotage OURSELVES.
Well, the good news is that it does NOT have tobe this way. There is a BETTER way.
If you found this particular discussioninteresting, then you're probably ready to learnthe DEEPER secrets of how to be more successfulwith women and dating.
If you're ready to STOP losing women fasterthan you can meet them, then it's probably timefor you to step up and get yourself an educationabout how to attract women and KEEP themattracted.
And the best education in the world is myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12full hours of me teaching all of my very bestconcepts.
This program will teach you everything from howto overcome your fears of women to how to takethings to a "physical" level without running intorejection. It is literally JAM PACKED withHUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-steptechniques for overcoming all of your obstaclesand getting to the point in your life where youhave the kind of success that you've always wantedwith women.
Go check out the great free samples here:
And if you're reading this right now and youhaven't yet downloaded your copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating," I have something totell you...
My eBook is the foundation for everything thatI teach in these newsletters, and it's thefoundation for my Advanced Dating TechniquesProgram.
Guys are surprised when they listen to theAdvanced Program because I don't just rehash"Double Your Dating" and I talk about a few newtricks.
The Advanced Program is almost ALL new stuff!
And you need to read "Double Your Dating" TOObecause it contains a lot of valuable materialthat sets the stage for everything else. It'shere, go download it now:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. You can watch video clips of all my otherprograms online anytime, 24/7, right here:

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Now, when a woman does something that signals"I like you," it is VITALLY important that you:
1) Know how to recognize it
2) DON'T do what MOST guy do
3) DO the right thing, and AMPLIFY it
So how can you tell if a woman is doingsomething that says "I like you?"
Well, it's VERY important to remember thatwomen are far more "subtle" than men (most of thetime, that is).
If a man is interested in a woman, you can seeit all over his face. It's usually very obvious.
But women are different.
Women do SMALL things.
A little touch. A sly smile. Sometimes acomment like "You're so cute" (as in your exampleabove).
But then IT'S GONE.
Women always seem to act like they're not quitesure.
They don't send consistent signals that mostmen can "read."
And when they DO send signals that are easy tosee, most guys respond in a way that makes thosesignals stop... which makes things even MOREconfusing.
Again, women aren't as CONSISTENT as men.
A woman can seem like she's interested oneminute, then stand-offish the next.
So rule #1 is:
Much better to interpret subtle "I like you"cues as "I like you for a second, but if you startacting like a Wuss Bag or a Dumb Ass, it will allbe over in an instant."
Unfortunately for most guys, they take "I likeyou" signals to mean "You've won my approval, nowyou can do whatever you want".
And what do they do? Of course...
They turn into dorks, say or do a few stupidthings, and destroy it all.
Oh, how many times I've watched guys (myselfincluded) screw up perfectly good situationsbecause they just didn't get this concept.
Let me give you an example.
Let's say that you're out with a woman, andyou've been teasing her, and she smiles and says,"I like you."
A typical "male" response is for a guy to thinkto himself "OK, I'm in... she digs me" and to getthat rush in the head and chest.
Next thing you know, he's acting different.
He's talking about different things.
He's giving compliments.
He's being "nicer."
And what's the woman thinking while this is allgoing on? Of course... she's thinking, "Uh oh, hiscool, calm, interesting personality was just acover for the secret inner-Wuss that was hidingout, waiting for a little bit of approval fromme... AHHHHHH!"
Women KNOW that they're in control of thesituation. Or at least MOST of the time theyare... and they THINK that they are even duringthe times when they're not.
They're constantly using different kinds ofcommunication to test and "feel out" thesituation.
Remember, MOST of the time when you're sayingsomething that you think is nice, charming, andoriginal, it's something that a woman has heardabout 47 times that week from other guys.
We guys act VERY predictably most of the time.
And women know how to tell if you're justanother loser who's pretending to be cool... whowill turn into an average Wuss at the first signof attraction from a cute woman.
Think about what I just said.
This is hard for a lot of guys to swallow...but it's the reality of the situation.
There's something that women call "SexualTension." It's also known as "Chemistry" or"Attraction" as well. But only WOMEN know it thisway. I've got an entire program that can teach youabout this amazing skill, if you want to learn howto use it... by the way:
When you tease a woman, make her laugh, playhard to get with her, act unpredictably, etc. inthe right way, you will create this tension. Thisis what usually leads to a woman saying somethinglike "You're cute" or "I like you."
It's the TENSION that makes her FEEL it and SAYit.
In these very special moments, you need to turnthe tension UP. Dial it up. AMPLIFY it.
Don't diffuse it all by saying "You're cuteyourself" or "I like you, too". Or by smiling likea jackass wussy dork who has just seen his firstrainbow.
This kind of thing RELEASES the tension, and itusually takes that wonderful electric attractionfeeling that the woman is feeling and INSTANTLYkills it.
Does this make logical sense?
Hell no.
But it IS what happens.
OK, so let's talk about the RIGHT way to handlethis type of situation.
Remember when I said that it's the TENSION thatmakes a woman feel the feelings and make thecomments?
And that you need to AMPLIFY it when you'regetting a positive response?
Once upon a time, there was a scene in a moviethat illustrated this concept PERFECTLY.
In fact, it might be the all-time greatestexample of this principle that has ever beenrecorded on film.
Remember the end of "The Empire Strikes Back,"when they were about to put Han Solo into the deepfreeze?
Remember when Leia said, "I love you"...?
Remember what Han said?
Right, he said... "I know."
All of the sexual tension that built up in StarWars and Empire culminated in Leia confessing herlove.
And Han says, "I know."
Imagine being Leia. What could be going throughher mind at this point?
An answer like this isn't easy to understand.It has all kinds of implications.
It's confusing.
It says, "I know you love me, because it's beenobvious for a long time...." But, it doesn't letHER know how he feels exactly. It requiresconsideration. It dials up the tension. It'samazing.
By the way, I read that when they were filmingthat scene, Han was supposed to answer, "I loveyou too," but the director didn't like it. Theytried all kinds of things, and in the end HarrisonFord made up that line on the spot in one of thetakes... and they kept it. Nice.
By the way, one of the BIG reasons why thenewer movies in the Star Wars series suck isbecause there is no character like Han... thinkabout it. It's all boring, predictable stuff.There's no sexy, arrogant, funny, wildcardpersonality messing things up.
Like I pointed out after I saw "Attack Of TheClones," Anakin had to kill an ENTIRE VILLAGE ofSand People just to convince Princess A. that hewasn't a complete and total Wuss. Would have beenso much easier and more entertaining if he wouldhave just had a PERSONALITY.
Now, where was I...?
Oh, yeah... amplifying the sexual tension...
If you're out with a woman, and you tease herbecause she's wearing four inch heels by saying"What's the deal, are you four feet tall withoutthose?", and she opens her mouth with the classic"Oh no you didn't" look (smiling of course, withthat surprised smile)... and you dial it up to thenext level with "Oh, I'm sorry...Four footthree?"... and she hits you on the arm...
...and then she stops, puts her hand on yourarm, and says, "You know, you're funny"...
...what do you do?
YOU SAY, "YEAH, I KNOW"... in a serious tone.
Or "Don't try to use compliments to make melike you. It won't work. Go buy me a drink orsomething... I prefer gifts and money."
Or look down at her hand on your arm, lean backslightly, turn your head, and put your eyebrowstogether as if to say "Just WHAT do you thinkyou're doing touching me?!"
TURN IT UP, my friend!
You TURN UP the tension.
Keep it going.
If you keep amplifying the tension andattraction at each of these wonderful moments,good things will happen.
Good stuff.
OK, I have a question.
Want more killer ideas like this one?
What if I told you that there was a place youcould go and download an eBook that containedliterally DOZENS and DOZENS of great ideas likethis one?
Well, there is. Of course, it's my eBook"Double Your Dating". Inside, you'll learn aboutall of my personal favorite techniques for dealingwith all kinds of situations with women.
This might sound a little strange, but Iactually read my own book to brush up on concepts,and remind myself of how to handle differentsituations. It took me a few years to learn, test,refine, and organize all of the awesome techniquesthat are included, and you'll understand why Ispeak so highly of it when you go and get a copy.
It's here... you can download it and be readingit in a few minutes:
...and if you've read my eBook and you're readyfor a MIND-BLOWING level of education about womenand dating, then you HAVE to get a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD series. I getemails all the time with stories from guys who areusing this program to totally RE-program theirminds for success. There are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDSof awesome theories, strategies, and specificstep-by-step techniques for every phase ofdating... from getting over fear to approachingwomen. Hell, the five guest interviews that arepart of the program are worth the price of thewhole thing alone... without question.
The best part?
I'll send it to you to try at MY RISK. I'mserious.
If you don't like it, you don't have to pay mea dime... Go check out some killer free sampleclips here:
I'll talk to you again soon!
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. You can check out all the rest of mydifferent dating programs, plus watch killer videoclips of each of them right here:

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The 4 Reasons Why Women Reject Men

Most men have never learned to develop their"inner self confidence"... and become the kind of guy that is literally BULLET-PROOF. If you wouldlike to learn some of the best tricks, techniques,and concepts for building a rock- solid self-imageand massive self-confidence, then take a minute and read THIS:
Most men HATE the idea of "rejection".
I'm not talking about "don't like the idea" or"wish it didn't happen"... I'm talking HATE here.
The idea of walking up to a woman and havingher REJECT you causes most men to instantly feelsick in the pit of their stomachs and literallyfeel a horrible combination of nervousness andconfusion.
A guy can psych himself up for an hour to gotalk to a woman, but when the moment comes toactually DO IT, EVERYTHING changes.
The heart rate shoots up, breathing quickens,eyes dart back and forth, thoughts of rejectionfill the mind, and eventually the pressure becomestoo much to bare.
Most men find this state so scary that they endup deciding to forget about approaching thewomen... just to end the discomfort.
The temptation is great to just "walk away"because just as quickly as the intense nervousnessis triggered by the moment one decides to ACT, itgoes away when you decide to "forget about it andwalk away".
The fact that "choosing to walk away" leads tothe "instant gratification" of the nervous feelinggoing away makes it the most popular option.
Most of the time (and I'm talking aboutprobably 99% of the time here) men just walk away.They give up before they've even started.
I find this topic fascinating.
If I just think about it, I can remember MANYtimes in my past where I wanted to talk to awoman, but I just didn't do it.
In fact, many of them are so vivid that I canremember the exact setting, what the girl lookedlike, who else was there, etc... and I'm talkingabout situations that happened YEARS ago.
These moments obviously made an impression.
I can also remember kicking myself for DAYSafterwards for not approaching and talking tothese girls.
Can you relate?
I think it's important to realize that there'sa BIG difference between ACTUAL rejection (havinga girl who is offended, upset, rude, etc. to youwhen you start talking to her) and the FEAR ofrejection (how you feel when you imagine a womanrejecting you).
I've found that for me PERSONALLY, my FEAR ofrejection is actually FAR, FAR more painful anddifficult to deal with than ACTUAL rejection inthe real world.
The main reason for this is that most of thetime when a man starts talking to a woman, she isactually rather nice about the whole affair.
Men aren't "rejected" very often!
If a woman isn't interested, she usually justsays "I have a boyfriend" or "No thank you"... orshe'll just walk away without saying anything atall.
Out of the hundreds and hundreds and hundredsof times that I've approached women, I can'tremember any time that a woman has yelled "Getaway from me you loser! You are unattractive andthe very thought of going on a date with you makesme sick to my stomach!"
I'm sure it's happened to SOMEONE, but it'snever happened to ME.
The worst I've had is a woman making fun of thewords I used (telling me that my pickup line waslame) or just walking away.
No slaps, no boyfriends beating me up, and noyelling.
But here's the kicker...
You can experience an intense FEAR of rejectionEVERY time you consider approaching a woman.
Imagine, something you can predict with almostperfect accuracy.
You can be in any situation, anywhere, anytime,and still have FEAR of rejection... which willprevent you from approaching a woman.
Ah, the power of the human mind.
A lot of guys ask me, "How do I deal withrejection?".
The answer: Don't worry about it.
If you get "rejected", you'll be fine.
It's no big deal, and it doesn't happen thatoften.
And when it does, you'll recover shortlythereafter.
You'll find yourself telling your friends aboutit, and laughing together. Rejection from a womanis about as painful as getting a "D" on a test.
It's basically insignificant.
The REAL question is "How do I deal with myFEAR of rejection?".
If you can overcome your imaginary FEAR ofrejection, you'll be on your way. (Some guys havea type of fear that they might call "terror" whenthinking of approaching women.) If you have thislevel of fear, then you might want to take aminute and check this out before reading on:
Now let's talk about those rare instances wherea woman actually REJECTS a man.
For the sake of this discussion, I want todefine "rejection" as a woman doing something thatlets you know that she's upset and offended thatyou started talking to her, and she responds in amean or vicious way to make you go away.
I do NOT consider a woman walking away withoutstopping to talk to you, her saying "No thankyou", or any other time when a woman just simplydoesn't engage to be "rejection".
If you DO consider these things to berejection, please stop reading now, call your mominto your room, and tell her that it's time yougrew up and moved out... and that she'll get overthe fact that she can't choose your clothes foryou and hug you when you have a boo-boo anymore.
I digress...
I've found that there are a few main reasonswhy women actually DO reject men (by the way, it'sVERY rare that I actually get "rejected"anymore... it's probably happened to me once inthe last 100 times I've started a conversationwith a woman... because I don't do dumb-ass thingsanymore).
Here are the main ones:
1. The guy isn't paying attention, and he doessomething stupid to begin with.
Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up toa woman, put their arm around her, and say, "Heybaby, you sure do look hot tonight".
Some guys don't see anything wrong withfollowing a woman around all night, staring at herconstantly, then walking over with a nervous,sweaty-palmed, stalkerish look and saying, "Youremind me of my sister".
These are bad ideas.
2. The guy doesn't stop when he should.
If two women are sitting alone at a table inthe corner, and one of them is obviously upset,and you walk over to them and say, "Hi, can I buyyou a drink?"... and the upset one looks at youand says, "No thanks, we're in the middle of aconversation" (then looks away from you back ather friend)... and you say, "Aw, cummon, have adrink. You need to lighten up and have somefun"... and she looks back at you and says firmly,"We're busy"... and you say, "What, are you in abad mood or something? I'm just trying to buy youa drink"... and she says, "We don't want adrink"... and you say, "Well maybe your frienddoes"... and the friend says, "No, I don't wantone either"...
OK, hopefully you get it.
If you ever do something like this, you are adumb ass, and you deserve to be slapped and have47 drinks thrown in your lap.
3. Making a woman nervous with your bodylanguage.
If you start talking to a woman, but yourposture is weak and slumped, your eyes are dartingaround but not meeting hers, and you're wearing anunbuttoned flannel shirt with one of the tailstucked in, you're probably not going to get afavorable response.
If you creep a woman out, things aren't goingto work for you.
4. Not understanding a woman's body language andother communication.
When you start talking to a woman, she will letyou know within a very short time if she'sreceptive to talking to you.
If you've been reading too many books that say"A woman will signal her availability and interestby flipping her hair, licking her lips, andcocking her head coyly at you", then get over it.
This stuff happens to Brat Pitt, not to YOU.
And if it DOES happen to you, then skip thispart.
When you first start talking to a woman she'seither going to keep talking to you in an open,comfortable way or she's not.
She's either going to act like things are coolor she's going to act like they're not.
This is an amazing thought, but women getnervous too. They will often stop talking justbecause they can't think of anything to say, etc.
But you need to pay attention.
Experience is the best teacher here.
My simple point is that MOST GUYS CAUSEREJECTION by what they're doing. They aren'tpaying attention, or they're doing things that areoffensive.
If you just avoid a few major mistakes, learnhow to start conversations with women, and do afew simple things RIGHT, you'll all but totallyavoid "rejection" from the women you approach.
The REAL obstacle here is the FEAR.
As I mentioned, FEAR of rejection, or IMAGININGrejection when you should be imagining success,leads to walking away.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Ironically, I've found that the best way toovercome my own fear of rejection was to see thatit wasn't going to actually happen.
The more times I approached women and startedconversations and the more I saw that womenusually responded positively, the less I imaginedthings going wrong.
This led to a positive feedback loop of mewanting to approach more women and have moresuccess.
Here are a few ideas for overcoming your ownFEAR of rejection:
1) Go out to a bar, and watch men approachingwomen.
Take a Saturday night, and just go out alone.Find a seat at the bar where things are busy, andjust watch.
Make sure you visit a place that is REALLYbusy, so you can see a lot of people interacting.
Now, pay attention.
You'll begin to pick out the guys who areapproaching a lot of women, asking them to dance,buying them drinks, etc. Watch what happens.
You'll be able to see for yourself that most ofthe time, even if the woman isn't interested,nothing bad happens.
You'll also see that when a guy tries to grab awoman who's walking by, makes a crude sexualcomment, or just keeps talking when a woman isn'tinterested, that the woman's feelings mightescalate and she'll respond negatively.
You can watch what works and what doesn't rightin front of your own eyes.
This will start to reprogram your mind thatwomen don't usually "reject" men, even in the mostintense situations where they're being approachedall night.
2) Start small.
If you have to, start by talking to women whoare PAID to talk to you.
Go to a mall (one of my favorites).
Stores in malls hire attractive young women.
Walk into every store, and start conversations.
Practice making eye contact.
Come up with a few jokes that you can use inany situation ("So, do you own this store?Perfect, then you won't care if I just take somethings...")
Ask the salesgirls to smell your new cologne(the one you sprayed on your wrist next door) andgive you her opinion.
The more you do this, the more you'll get usedto starting conversations with women you don'tknow, and having comfortable conversations.
3) Choose one default thing for each situation.
It amazes me that guys don't think ahead.
They don't plan what they're going to do.
As the old saying goes "By failing to plan, youplan to fail".
You really need to figure out a DEFAULT thingyou can do to start a conversation with any woman,anywhere, anytime.
Once you come up with your idea, mentallyrehearse it until you could do it in anysituation.
Then get out and do it.
Human beings tend to want to "save face" whenit comes to relationships.
We don't like the idea that another person hasoutright "rejected" us, and we ALSO tend to notwant to "hurt other people's feelings" byrejecting them.
This is one of the reasons why women will oftenlie and say "I have a boyfriend" when they don't.
You must become aware of these "subconscious"processes and motivations, work with them, andeventually become the master of them.
Learn to recognize when a woman is "politelysaying no thanks", and move on.
If a woman isn't interested in you, forgetabout it. It doesn't matter.
Go to the next one. There are plenty.
Most men believe that if they could onlyovercome their own fear of rejection, and learnhow to start talking to women, all their problemswould be solved.
Not so!
Just because you can start conversations withwomen doesn't mean that they'll feel ATTRACTIONfor you.
It took me a LONG time to really "get" this.
It took me even LONGER to realize that there isactually a way to make women feel the emotion ofATTRACTION for you... just by the way youcommunicate with them.
I used to believe that it was a mysterious,lucky accident when a woman felt ATTRACTION.
Now I realize that it's only "lucky" for thoseguys who don't understand it (and very few do).
I've devoted a lot of time, effort, energy,testing, and development to design a system thatany guy can use to start making women feelATTRACTION for him.
And I'd like you to take advantage of thateffort and time that I've invested by checking outmy Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.
In this program, I break down the process ofmaking women feel ATTRACTION for you into easy,step-by-step exercises and techniques that ANY guycan start using IMMEDIATELY.
You'll learn everything from specific exercisesto increase your self esteem, to the exact wordsthat I personally use when I approach women... tothe specific steps to "getting physical" withwomen.
It's all in there.
And if you'd like to get an introduction to themain concepts, then download a copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating". This eBook is acomplete intro to the mind set and techniques youneed to understand to start being successful withwomen. It's here:
I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you want to get details and watch previewvideo clips from all of my different programs...each one designed to teach you a different elementof how to meet and date more women... then take aminute and go here:
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:
1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.
2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
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Thanks! --------------------------------------------------

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex

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Fifty mistakes women make when having sex

Link to original publication:

1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.
Reproduced from Tweeker's Blogspot
See also: 50 Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex
50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex
1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit is uncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable, but when it's time to actually sleep? An arm draped over you should suffice.6. Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time. If you're not willing to do that, don't expect him to switch for you.7. Being selfish in bed. Regardless of the shit that Cosmo forces down our throats, sex is NOT just about us. Get over it.8. Using Cosmo as a sex bible. I don't know who comes up with half that shit, but I'm pretty sure they need counseling.9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.10. Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.11. Expecting him to undress himself with any amount of grace. He's about to get some pussy. Be glad he bothered to take his pants all the way off. If it concerns you so much, undress him yourself.12. Not shaving your legs. I'm pretty bad at this myself. But if you want your guy stubble free, you better get out the razor.13. Allowing your crotch to resemble the amazon. Yes, waxing hurts. Yes, some people don't want to go bare. Thats fine. If you like bush, great. If you have sensitive skin and can't shave, I feel for you. But for the love of Christ, trim that shit if you want him to spend any time down there.14. Assuming that sex means a relationship. The only relationship you have is that he has now stuck his hoo hoo dilly in your cha cha. That's as far as it goes unless otherwise noted.15. Withholding oral sex just because you're ragging. He didn't do it. Unless you want him to withhold oral sex because he's hormonal, I suggest you get some kneepads.16. Expecting him to figure out what you like by what noise you make. Use your words. Have you ever actually heard what you sound like while you're having sex? If you heard yourself on tape, and someone asked you to explain what was causing you to make that noise, 67% of women would respond with answers like "I stubbed my toe" "I ran up the steps" or "I was putting up drywall".17. Leaving condoms up to him. If you're sexually active and insist that he uses a condom, I suggest buying a box and keeping it by your bed. Not all men keep them on them, and it's just as much your responsibility as it is his. If you think that makes you a slut, you shouldn't be having sex anyway. Go back to Jr High.18. Getting your undies in a bunch when he talks dirty. A little fantasy can be fun. If he treats you with respect all the time, you shouldn't be offended when he calls you his dirty little slut. When he calls you a whore and tells you to come, it's his way of showing that he cares if you get off. Stop being a sissy.19. Refusing to be spontaneous. I know this is shocking, but sometimes sex OUTSIDE of the bedroom is fun.20. Dissing quickies because it's not some slow sensual ordeal. Sex is a dynamic thing. There's an awesome raw energy when you only have 20 minutes but having to have someone so bad that you do it half clothed against the wall. Readjust your thinking.21. Being too much of a pussy to tell him what is or isn't acceptable before you start bumping uglies. Be honest. If he asks if he can poke you in the butt, and you giggle and say no like it's an invitation, don't look surprised when he "accidentally" sticks his cock in your butt.22. Expecting him to undress you. I put a bra on almost every day. I know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help a brother out.23. Undressing in the dark. If you're shy, dim the lights, but give the man something to see. No ripping off the clothes and diving under the covers, either.24. Refusing to get on top. There's no reason men should have to do all the work.25. Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.26. Expecting him to do all the touching when you're riding him. It's your body, you're used to it. Play with your tits, rub your clit, do something to make his job easier.27. Being too afraid to guide your partner's hand when he's touching you. Don't like the way he's doing it? Gently take his hand and show him how you like it.28. Getting into bed, getting naked, fooling around and then deciding that you just want to cuddle, then getting offended when he doesn't. Its your choice to stop, but don't look all fucking surprised when he's confused. You got him naked in your bed, what else did you think was going to happen?29. Refusing to let him take control. So you're a feminist. Big fucking deal. Letting him call the shots doesn't make you any less of one.30. Refusing to take control. It's ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.31. Forgetting that he has a body that likes to be touched, too. Men have things like backs and shoulders and stomachs and other parts that are fun to kiss and touch. You miss a lot of good places by concentrating solely on his penis.32. Ignoring his balls. Seriously, they are there. Kiss them, lick them, suck on them, make a relationship with them, just don't ignore them.33. Leaving him to his own devices. Nothing is worse than a girl who gets you most of the way off and then bolts because she doesn't want to deal with the mess.34. Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself. You get a great view.35. Expecting him to handle you like a porcelain doll. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're not going to break, sister. So doing it against the wall gives you a bruise on your shoulder. Look at it later and giggle at the memory.36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.37. Taking things way too seriously. Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat. It's how you deal with it that really matters.38. Throwing a bitch fit when he asks for a 3-some. It's the American dream. (I know my ex is reading this right now, so a quick interjection. One request for a 3 some is ok. Every 5 minutes, not so much. Know the difference).39. Continuing a blow job knowing that you have god awful cotton mouth. Really. Grab a bottle of water.40. Nails. Its one thing tracing them up and down your partners back. It's another when you snag the goods with a claw.41. Bitching when you get jizz on you. You're having sex. That will happen. That's the entire point of sex. Establish where he can and can't jizz and be done with it. Remember, it tightens the pores.42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.44. Not washing before sex. I know that sex is spontaneous, this is more of a general statement. If you haven't showered that day, and things smell a little...fishy...perhaps demanding oral sex is a little ridiculous of you.45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.46. Refusing to use oils/whipped cream/other messy but fun things because you have 541510630 count Egyptian cotton sheets that were made by hand by the only person alive capable of sewing that pattern. They'll wash.47. Doing all of your before bed things before sex. Yes, sleeping with makeup on is bad. Now is not the time to remove it, you can do that later. And really fucking you with your hair in a ratty scrunchie with acne cream on your nose is not all its cracked up to be.48. Cleaning up after sex. Wiping the splooge off is one thing. But changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.49. Making a big deal out of it if he loses his hard on. This is not an interrogation, or 20 questions. It happens, he's probably mortified and you are NOT helping. Refrain from using phrases like "it happens to every guy". Just move to other activities until it gets hard again, and if it doesn't, get off another way with him. He's still capable of getting you off. Mumbling "Forget it" and rolling over are not ok.50. Asking questions right afterwards. The woman equivalent of "was it good for you?". Now is not a good time to ask "What this means". Right now, it means he probably needs to take a drink, a leak and a nap, perhaps not in that order.

See also
All About The Penis

The Top 5 Erogenous Zones of a Female

Tips For Better Love Making -
If you're floundering in the bedroom and your girlfriend is moaning for all the wrong reasons, these tips will point you in the right direction.
If you're floundering in the bedroom and your girlfriend is moaning for all the wrong reasons, these tips will point you in the right direction.
Gentlemen! If you want to get your girl moaning for real instead of faking it, you're going to have to put a bit of work in. Firstly, a male can achieve orgasm within 2 - 3 minutes when stimulated by another partner. Where as a female can take up to 15 minutes to climax.
If you know for a fact that you can't keep going for that long by pure intercourse alone (and lets face it, if you're doing that, you're having sex, not making love) then you are going to have to stimulate her body with foreplay instead.
Now before you panic and freak out, all of this can be done with your tongue and hands. I guarantee you will become a better lover in the bedroom AND you really will give her orgasm after orgasm.
The top 5 female erogenous zones
The neck
Apart from being sexy and attractive, the female neck is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of her body. Softly kissing this area from her shoulder to below her ear (while at the same time massaging it with your tongue will send tingles and pulses up and down her spine. Keep at it and she will be breathing heavily in a very short period of time.
The ear lobes
Sucking ear lobes isn't for everyone. Some girls get the tickles when you do it but others simply adore it. While you're there you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Close facial contact is what she likes so this is a good way to do it if you're fed up with kissing on the lips. Also massaging her ear lobes with your fingers from time to time can be very soothing.
The nipples
On a par with the neck for sensitivity, the female nipples become hard and sit up right when stimulated with your tongue. Don't forget to give both breasts even attention and also kiss down in between her breasts as you work your way between both of them. If she hasn't grabbed your head by this stage and held it into her bosom, something's badly wrong.
The belly button
Working your way down her body, the belly button is another area you should stimulate before full intercourse. Kissing this area with your lips and tongue will cause vibrations that will vibrate through her reproductive area and begin to stimulate her G spot.
The G Spot
Ah the G spot. This holy grail legend of the female anatomy can be tricky to find. So if the chance arises, ask her if she has already found her G spot and let her point you in the right direction.
As a general guide, most female G spots can be found on the roof of the vagina (that's the side closest to her stomach.). It's about the size and shape of a 2 pence coin and can be found about 4 inches in.
Extreme caution should be taken when stimulating this area with your tongue or fingers as a female can quite literally lose control of her limbs. Don't be surprised if you get kneed in the face or get elbowed as she moans in ecstasy. It should also be noted that not all females have a G spot, so don't be alarmed if you both can't find it. As you have seen there are plenty of other areas of the female body that can be stimulated in the art of love making in order to help her climax.
Doing a combination of all these things will leave her begging for more and you will be a better lover for it. Experimentation is the key to find out what works and what doesn't as everyone is not the same.
As you can see, a true female orgasm involves the stimulation of her whole body and not just simple penetration. Taking the time to show care and attention to her needs will put you so far above any other lovers, she may have had that you may find it tricky escaping from the bed. I know I have ;-)
I hope this article helps your love life get back on track and that you become better and more confident at making love and not just having sex. Above all else, if you want to become a better lover, ask your partner what they like and what they want you to do to them. Not only will you help them get their rocks off quicker, you'll also show that you are thinking about their needs and they in turn will think about yours. This will create a much better experience than if both parties are concentrating on what each can get out of the experience in a very selfish way.
Until next time.

Interesting sex positions

Monday, March 10, 2008


By Kiran Nin
Hidden desires, an unfulfilled fantasy can add to an erotic massage.
A friend once told me that if he were to try a full body massage he'd want it to be done by a woman, who he hoped would massage every inch of his body ending it with a sexual intercourse. Such a massage he mused "is a fantasy come true". He however, also cautioned that he wouldn't really want his lover to give him the massage. "Nah! That would be a bad idea. But, I would not mind if it happens to me in a massage parlour with someone I don't know and don't have to know."
Fantasy is an integral part of massage. Shared in an erotic spirit it can enhance your self-esteem. It is another thing that in India, finding a massage parlour and a woman or man willing to bend to your desires is a near impossible task, various tales about Goa and Hampi not withstanding. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to let your girlfriend/ boyfriend, lover, wife or mistress give your fantasy a relaxing and enticing shape.
To start with don't be afraid to spell out your desire. Be open about what you want and how you want it done. One of the methods advised to overcome initial shyness and awkwardness is to practice breathing during the initial stages of an erotic massage. Regular, conscious breathing is a powerful way to enhance both erotic and relaxation message. If the receiving partner forgets to breathe, the massaging partner can remind him or her by breathing rhythmically and audibly. Some partners find that synchronising the breathing between the two of them leads to wonderful sensations. Just don't hyperventilate!!!
When the two of you are relaxed in each other's company, it is a good time to follow up on the desire that builds up in such a situation. This does not mean that you jump the person and shake yourself silly. Instead, try to prolong the pleasure. Use techniques of teasing and calming the body, instead of shooting to the pinnacle in one go. Patience and enjoyment are two cornerstones of a memorable erotic massage. After all, it is not everyday that you can take time off to enjoy it.
Fantasy is an integral part of massage. Shared in an erotic spirit it can enhance your self-esteem.Fantasy, you would be surprised can come true, provided you allowit to happento you.
While giving a massage to a man you can try the "climbing the mountain" massage that involves taking the dick in one hand and gently and sensually caressing it for about ten seconds. Having done that, give it one up-and-down stroke. Repeat the sensuous caressing for another ten seconds (perhaps using slow up-and-down strokes) and then give the it two quick up-and-down strokes.Repeat the caressing, then give it three quick strokes and so on. Continue until ejaculation or stop whenever you or your partner want to.
For women, it is important to remember that tastes vary from one woman to another. So it is important to stop and listen and be attentive to her needs and wants. Here you could try the one-and-a-two-and-a-three method of arousal. Start with inserting your first two fingers into her (before you do that however, make sure your nails are closely chopped and hands clean, though lubricated) then arch your thumb back 'hitch hiker' style and thrust in until your thumb rests on her clitoris. You can use a variety of thrusting and twisting motions in this position. Alternatively, you can vibrate your entire hand. Stop whenever the partner signals you to do so.
Fantasy, you would be surprised can come true, provided you allow it to happen to you.


Erotic spanking
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Spanking with a paddle in a BDSM dungeon in New York City.
Erotic spanking can sometimes go hand in hand with other paraphilia, such as for erotic clothes or erotic humiliation.Erotic spanking is the practice of spanking another person for the sexual gratification of either or both parties. Subjects may use their hands, or other tools, such as spanking paddles or canes. Activities range from occasional sensual interplay to domestic discipline and may or may not include a variety of implements.[1] Many cultures recognized pain as an aphrodisiac early on — the Kama Sutra, in particular, goes into specific detail on how to properly strike a partner during sex.[2]

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Practice
2.1 Terminology
3 Controversy
3.1 Age Play
3.2 Therapy
4 See also
5 Sources and further reading
6 References

Saturday, March 01, 2008

cols="325" rows="50" border="0" alt="ASHLEY MCBRYDE VIDEO" >
In the last week, I saw the most attractive woman I perhaps ever have. She was a 9.5 on my scale, which is truly rare to find forme. Not just in looks, but a great personality.Instead of giving in to my normal habits, I applied the methods you taught. We went out to a club, and had a great time. I had another friend of mine there, and I used him as a means to partially ignore her at times, constantly making jokes that were just too quiet for her to hear,and looking at her and smiling when doing it. She constantly wanted to know what was funny, yet she wasn't mad, just shyly curious. I was aloof, yet not terribly too distant from her. I would wander off by myself, knowing she was with my friend, and leave them hanging alone for a little while now and then. (I knew my friend wasn't going to hit onher). I would go up to other girls and whisper something in their ear right in front of her, to give her the idea that I was completely comfortable in my own skin with women. Once, on my way back from the dance floor, I found her with some other guy. I flashed a sly little smile, but kept on walking right by, as if to imply "You have a good time there. I could care less. As a matter of fact, you look a tad pathetic coming on to him." She soon returned and said that I had been gone too long, and some guy had "dragged her awayfrom me". That night, I had resisted the urge to act like anything but the kind of man you would teach someone to be. All urges at wussness were disregarded, and I played the part to a tee. Eventhough it didn't entirely feel normal or comfortable at first, I could see that it was definitely working, so I kept it up. I would occasionally catch her staring at me from the corner of my eye, sometimes for 2 or 3 seconds. I didn't react, but just kept saying to myself"Damn. David has been right the whole time".
I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling...this was something I had never achieved before. Idon't mean sex with a woman soon after I met her,but the fact that she was so damn gorgeous. Atthe risk of sounding a little chauvinistic, shewas the best girl I have ever had. Well, over thenext two weeks or so, I kept coming over and doingthings during the days with her and staying atnight. This is when things began to change.
You had a timeless question from a guy once whosaid something like "After I sleep with a womanwhy do I feel like hating her?" Well, I normallyfeel the same. But with this girl, it wasdifferent. I wanted to keep her. But, the moretime we spent together, the more we started toboth feel like whatever I sparked was fadingquick. I could see the thrill of our initialmeeting was dying, and I wanted to add to my imagein her mind the idea that I could be a part of herdaily life too, not just the nighttime party one.
I felt like I had to show her something thatproved I didn't just want her for sex. I knew Icouldn't let her interpret it as me buying herattention or body, although I'm afraid that mayhave been exactly what I did. I ended uppurchasing her and her roommate a full stock ofgroceries, which they definitely needed. It gaveme some kind of a sense that I had shown that Iwas more than just a sex buddy, which really feltgood to me. However, lately she has pulled away.We will still go out and have a good time, butmore like friends, with only a little flirting.She now refuses sex, saying "it would complicatethings." By the way, although she has been inlong-term relationships since she was 16, shecurrently isn't, and seems to be enjoying theparty life a lot. She is 22 now. I know you saidin your audio series that it is a mistake to tryto tie down a party girl, but she told me of herlong-term history with guys, and that's why Itried. Did I screw up by getting too close toofast? Was it unrealistic for me to show that kindof attention to her needs that quick or at all?How many times should a guy see a girl each weekif he wants to keep up the attraction and have agreat time, but not become too familiar to her?
Thanks man.
Confused, -J
Oh, I feel your pain.
I'm sure that just about every man alive canidentify with this story in one way or another...even if it doesn't involve a woman that you'ddescribe as a "9.5".
So, let's talk about the situation you're in,what happened at first, and what to do now...
First of all, congratulations on the fact thatyou were able to make this kind of success happenin the first place!
You're doing great, and I know how good itfeels to have this kind of success with a reallyattractive woman.
It sounds like you're really starting to "getit" at a deep level. The more you continue tostudy the materials you have (especially the CDSeries) the more you'll understand how to attractthese UNUSUALLY attractive women... and moreimportantly, KEEP THEM ATTRACTED.
Let's review a few of my main concepts, and howthey apply to this situation...
Explained differently, a woman doesn'tCONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to feel attracted to a man.
A woman also doesn't consciously choose to STOPher attraction for a man.
It happens for reasons that seem very illogicalto most men.
The things you were doing when you first metthis girl were EXACTLY the right things forcreating this wonderful feeling of ATTRACTIONinside of her.
And she obviously enjoyed it tremendously.
You mentioned that you didn't feel totallycomfortable at first, but since it was obviousthat she was becoming more and more interested inyou, you kept going... which led to you gettingtogether with her.
But, remember the flip side: If you start doingthe WRONG things, the woman will LOSE herATTRACTION for you as well. And it will happen ALLBY ITSELF. The worst part is that you can'tlogically convince her to keep feeling attractedto you. If you screw it up, you're probably goingto screw it up to a point that is almostimpossible to fix.
More of the "psychology" of creating andamplifying attraction is here:
What do most guys do as soon as they meet aREALLY HOT, ultra-attractive woman?
Of course! They call three times a day, andwant to see her all the time.
Attractive women know better than to do this.
When an attractive woman meets a man she likes,she usually PLAYS HARD TO GET. Instead of calling,she acts like she's BUSY.
This makes the man try even harder, and pursueher even more...
It sounds like you did exactly the opposite.
In your email here you say:
"Well, over the next two weeks or so, I keptcoming over and doing things during the days withher and staying at night. This is when thingsbegan to change..."
No no no!
Over the next two weeks you should have calledher every few days, and seen her maybe three timesfor a few hours each.
No "doing things during the days with her andstaying at night"!
You really need to remember to GIVE HER THEGIFT OF MISSING YOU!
If you're around all the time, you becomepredictable, expected, and uninteresting.
On the other hand, if you're mysterious,challenging, and hard to pin down, she will thinkabout you and miss the times she's had with you.
This is one of the biggest mistakes that menmake when they meet a woman that they REALLY like.
I get a lot of emails from guys saying "I metthis girl, and I used everything I've learned fromDouble Your Dating to get her... but now thatwe've been seeing each other for awhile things arechanging, and I'm starting to lose control of howI act... and I'm turning into my old Wussyself..."
As I'm sure you can guess, this is bad bad badfor attraction.
When you start out by doing things that areattractive to her, then gradually turn into a WUSSBAG, you go from her wildest dream to her worstnightmare right in front of her eyes.
If you figure out how to make a woman feelATTRACTION for you, then KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'REDOING!
Don't start being a clingy Wuss. Translation:Don't spend every day and night with her, don'tbuy her groceries, and don't try to get her into arelationship fifteen minutes after you meet her.
You also mentioned a few little words thatstood out for me: "I kept coming over...".
YOU kept coming over. When you're the onecoming to her, then she's the one in control.Think about it. This is a small point, and itisn't always the case, but in this situation itmakes a difference.
So, what should you do now?
You should give her some space. Don't call hermore than once or twice a week, and don't see hermore than once or twice a week for awhile. Don'tpressure her physically, and don't try to push fora relationship.
DATE OTHER WOMEN! Get out there and go out withsome other women... and when you talk to her don'thide the fact that you're doing it. Be casualabout it, but feel free to mention it inconversation once or twice.
Don't get hung up, don't obsess about her, anddon't make it important to "win her back". Justmove on.
This combination will give you the greatestchance of winning her back...
And the next time you meet a beautiful womanthat has an interesting personality, DON'T TURNINTO A PREDICTABLE, BORING, CLINGY, WUSSY!
You've done a great job getting this far. Nowget back in there and take this to the next level!
And if you're reading this right now andthinking to yourself "I need to learn this stuffso I can meet beautiful women like this guy...",then we have to talk.
One of the most important insights I've gottenfrom learning the secrets of how to attract womenis very interesting...
I've realized that if a man doesn't know how toattract women, it spills over into all other areasof his life. It's a very special kind ofinsecurity that causes a lot of problems in otherareas as well.
Let's face it.
Just about everything that men do to achievematerial success in life is somehow connected toATTRACTING WOMEN.
But guess what?
Material success won't make the INSECURITY andthe FEAR go away!
The only thing that WILL make it go away isactually LEARNING how to attract women.
I know, because I've been there. I can CLEARLYremember how different I felt inside when I had noidea how to meet women... and I know how differentit feels now that I do.
My relationships work better, because I'm notacting AFRAID... afraid that she's going to leave,afraid I won't be able to find someone else...etc.
And when I'm single, I'm happy. I don'tconstantly worry anymore, not knowing if I'll evermeet another woman.
I personally think that taking the time tolearn how to make women feel ATTRACTION is one ofthe best investments you will ever make inyourself and your life, period.
It might be THE best investment.
If you'd like to get the best trainingavailable in the WORLD, then you need to getyourself a copy of my Advanced Dating TechniquesCD/DVD Program.
It's a complete education, from the psychologyof how to overcome fear and improve your selfimage, all the way to specific techniques forapproaching, meeting, and dating women... and evenhow to take things to a "physical level" withoutrejection.
I absolutely guarantee that this program willchange your success with women.
All the details, plus some great free audio andvideo samples are here:
If you've gone through my Advanced DatingTechniques program, and you enjoyed the INNER GAMEaspects of attracting women... and you've realizedthat REALLY attractive women are more attracted toINNER qualities than "techniques"... AND you wantto learn how to become the kind of man that womenare NATURALLY attracted to... and that they STAYattracted to...
...then you REALLY need to check out myprogram: "On Being A Man... Who Naturally AttractsWomen".
Inside this program you'll learn how to developthe QUALITIES inside YOURSELF that women are"naturally" attracted to.
This program will teach you how to leave your"Inner Wuss" behind, and how to cultivate anatural masculine power that women find literallyIRRESISTIBLE.
All the details are here:
And if you haven't taken the time to downloadmy online eBook "Double Your Dating", then youneed to go and do that RIGHT NOW. You can downloadit right now and be reading it within a fewminutes. Go and get it here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my online "catalog"page, where you can watch video clips of all of mydifferent programs: