Friday, May 19, 2006

How To Act When You "Like" A Woman

Here's How To Act When You "Like" A Woman...

I get a lot of questions from guys asking all
kinds of questions about how to behave around

In fact, this might be one of the areas that
guys want to know the most about.

I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past
year or so about the concept of being "cool".

In other words, I've been watching people
(myself included) to see if I could figure out why
some people are considered "cool" while some are
considered "not-so-cool"... and more importantly,
how to use this idea to have more success with

So what is a "cool guy"?

And what is it about a guy who's "cool" that
makes women feel more attracted to him than an
"uncool" guy?

Let me tell you a few quick mini-stories about
guys I've known who were UN-cool.

One friend I used to have LOVED to argue with
people. He would start arguments about anything
and always take the opposite perspective on every
topic. He did this with women all the time too. I
think he felt like he was coming across as smart
when he argued. Guess what? Women hated it, and
ran as soon as he started in. His guy friends
hated it too. He was UN-cool because his
insecurity was so strong, that he had to argue to
get attention.

Another friend I have always tries to do nice
things and favors for women he likes. As soon as
he meets a woman he likes, he tries to find
something he can do for her. Of course, he then
gets upset when the woman doesn't return the
feelings of affection... and he acts upset and
"taken advantage of". This, of course, makes women
run away. As you can probably guess, he's trying
to manipulate women with favors. And women resent
him for it. Women don't think he's cool, and they
avoid him.

I know one guy who loves to tell women how
beautiful they are, buys them drinks and dinners,
and pursues them with the "You're the greatest
thing in the world and I'm going to chase you
around and try to buy your attention". And even
though he's doing a lot of "nice" things for the
women he's interested in, he can't keep one around
for more than a date or two. Even his guy friends
think that he needs to calm down and act more
"cool" in general.

Now, all three of the guys I've mentioned above
have different problems... but the way I see it,
they're all strangely related.

Here are a few more quick stories about guys I
know who are "cool".

One guy I know always has girls around him. In
fact, I don't think I've ever seen him WITHOUT at
least one girl with him. Usually he has three or
four girls with him... and sometimes up to 10 or
12. He always makes fun of the girls, teases them,
and treats them like good friends who he's
comfortable enough to bust on. He's not rich, he
doesn't buy things for women, and he doesn't kiss
up to them. He DOES, on the other hand, make it
his business to know where the "cool" places are
in town, where to go out, and who to call for the
"inside track" on where the hot spots are. Then he
shows up at the door to these hot spots with five
women. EVERYONE who knows him thinks of him as a
"cool" guy.

I have another friend that is really amazing
with women. But he does something that's rather
unusual when he's around women. He kind of IGNORES
them when he first meets them. If he's out with
friends, and one of them introduces a female
friend to him, he'll shake her hand and say "hi",
then TURN AWAY and go back to whatever he was
doing. Somehow, the women that are around him
always want to talk to HIM. And all the guys he
knows think of him as one of the coolest guys

Finally, I have one friend who literally says
things to women like, "You probably wouldn't like
me. I don't really have relationships with women.
Our relationship will probably go no further than
the physical..." If you've seen my Advanced DVD
Program, you probably remember him saying these
exact words when I'm interviewing him. He's so
calm and laid back around women that they have to
often pursue HIM... and it happens a lot. He's
blunt, direct, and honest about whatever is on his
mind. He doesn't chase women, buy them things, or
smother them with compliments... and yet, they
love him. And he has a crew of guy friends who all
love him and think he's one of the "coolest" guys
in the world.

And if you haven't seen my Advanced Dating
Techniques program, you MUST check it out. You'll
actually get to see me interviewing and
interacting with many different guys who are
AMAZING with women. Go here to check out all the

So what is it that separates the "cool" guys
from the "uncool" guys?

What is "cool"?

What is it that makes a few rare people the
kind of people that EVERYONE wants to be around?

What is it about UN-cool guys that repels other
people, and makes women run away?

And what is it about this element that I'm
calling "cool" that makes guys who have it attract
more women than they can handle?


I personally think that being "cool" comes down

1) Being independent

2) Being indifferent

3) Being funny

4) Being socially adjusted

Before I get into each of these in detail, I
want to mention something...

Usually, I tend to stick to techniques to help
you meet more women, or give you advice to get
past limiting beliefs, etc.

I've realized recently that there are a few
BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL things that we, as guys, need
to really "get" about interacting with other
people before we start trying to learn advanced
stuff, like how to approach and meet women. If you
don't have some of the basic things handled, all
the fancy techniques in the world won't fix your

So stick with me here, this is important.

OK, so let's talk about the four components
that I mentioned above.


Independent is the OPPOSITE of "dependent".

When you act "dependent", you lean on others,
you look to them for approval, you ask what they
think before you make a decision, you tend to want
to stay physically close to them, and your
feelings tend to depend on what others feel and
think of you.

When you act INDEPENDENT, you lean back, you do
things because YOU decided you wanted to, you
don't ask others what they think - instead you
decide yourself, you are fine walking away from
your friends for awhile when you're out, and your
feelings are controlled by what YOU think, not
what others think.

A "dependent" person will go into a bar with
friends, stick close to them all night, ask what
everyone else is drinking before they order, get
upset easily about things that others say, and
constantly be looking for attention and approval
in some way.

An INDEPENDENT person, on the other hand, will
go into a bar with friends and be more likely
to... walk away and look around the place ALONE to
see who's there - and feel fine about leaving
their friends for awhile and striking up a
conversation with a stranger... They'll order a
drink if they want, or water if they want - and
not care what everyone else is drinking... They'll
be cool and calm no matter what happens - even if
others are getting upset around them... And, most
importantly, they aren't looking to others for
attention and approval. They're doing their own
thing, and enjoying whatever happens.


Most people in this world are ATTACHED to the
outcomes of things. They're constantly worrying
about what's going to happen... and talking about
the future in a fearful, uncertain way.

This type of person always wants to know what
other people think of them, and they're worrying
about what they should do so other people will
like them. Unfortunately, this almost ALWAYS comes
across as INSECURITY.

An INDIFFERENT person, on the other hand, just
goes about life and takes things as they come.

The indifferent person is INDIFFERENT to the
outcome of whatever situation they're in.

If it's a man, and he's approaching a woman, he
will be OK with whatever happens. If she's nice to
him, great. If she's uptight, no problem. If she's
rich, famous, and beautiful... and starts coming
on to him, fine. No big deal.

When you are ATTACHED to the outcome of a
situation, it makes you act all kinds of freaky.
You pause, act nervous, hold back, look for
approval, act insecure... and any of 100 other
unattractive things.

On the other hand, when you're INDIFFERENT to
the outcome, it makes you MAGNETIC. Especially
when it comes to women and dating. Indifference is
the ultimate way to show a LACK of insecurity in


Humor is magic.

It's a complete mystery why we find things
"funny" and why we "laugh".

Crying because someone died makes some logical
sense. It's a bad thing, and crying expresses a
negative emotion.

But when you see a dog run into a window
because he doesn't see it... and he gets a
confused look on his face, you LAUGH. What's with

Humor is interesting to me, in that if you're
funny, it makes people FEEL GOOD inside. They
laugh, and it triggers positive feelings.

If you're not naturally funny, it's a great
skill to learn. Read books. Watch live comedy. Do
whatever it takes to learn how to be funny.

Most of the "coolest" guys I know are wickedly
funny. Some of them are only funny on occasion...
but they "get it"... and when they do make a joke,
it's DAMN funny.


I know that this sounds funny, but most of the
people I know who are "UN-cool" are not very
adjusted socially.

They lack a certain something in the "social
skills" department that makes it OBVIOUS to others
(and especially to women) that they don't know how
to relate very well to other people. They just
never learned how to make others feel comfortable
around them.

If you've ever known an accountant or computer
programmer that was brilliantly smart, but totally
boring, you know what I mean.

If people act kind of nervous, strange, and
uncomfortable when they're around you, then you
also know where I'm coming from on this.

I can't teach you how to make people feel
comfortable around you in two sentences, but if
you need to learn how to mix with people socially,
then start PAYING ATTENTION to what's going on
around you.

Watch how others dress, carry themselves, walk,
and talk. Pay attention to little details... like
saying, "What's up?" when you meet someone new,
instead of "Hello, pleased to meet you" and such., is this all there is to being "cool"?

Of course not.

But it's a great start.

If you can first get yourself to the place
where other people want to be around you just
because they enjoy your company, you'll find that
taking things to the next level with women will be
about 10 times easier.

I've had this conversation with MANY of the
guys I know who are successful with women, and
they all basically say the same thing... you have
to learn how to be "cool" and make others (women)
feel comfortable just being in the same room with
you. And if you're "cool", this happens almost
instantly. If you're not "cool", then you're going
to have a hard time making ANYONE feel comfortable
with you... never mind having a woman feel

Now, I also realized that a lot of the
materials that I teach in my eBook and Advanced
Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program are aimed at this
EXACT topic.

Even though I don't talk very much about this
concept (I will in the future, though), you'll
notice that many of the techniques you'll learn
from my materials will help you in a lot of areas
of your life... not just with women.

As a direct result of the things I've learned
about how to be more successful with women and
dating, I've ALSO become more successful at things
like being invited to "exclusive" parties, having
famous and successful people pursue me as a
friend, and just generally being invited into more
"exclusive" social circles.

Why is this?

Well, for one thing, people who know a lot of
"cool" or influential people are very careful
about who they "bring along" to gatherings with

The LAST thing someone "cool" needs in their
life is an "UN-cool" person making a jackass of
themselves in front of all of their friends.

When you learn the art of being "cool", you
start to attract other cool people. And those
people will see that you're not insecure,
emotionally unstable, clingy, and such. They'll
see that you know how to handle yourself with
other people (and with women), and they'll start
introducing you to other cool people (including
women) instead of running away from you.

I know that this newsletter is going to ignite
a whole series of letters to me about how learning
these concepts has done exactly what I'm talking
about for various guys (and I want to hear about
it, by the way, so make sure you write in).

So, want more great ideas on how to be "cool",
and how to meet and date more women?

I thought so...

It took me a long time to figure out how to be
"cool" around women... and how to make women feel
that powerful physical and emotional response
called ATTRACTION...

I can't tell you how much I wish I could have
known what I teach when I was younger. It's taken
me literally YEARS to put all the pieces together,
and I invite you to take advantage of the time,
effort, energy, and money I've invested to
discover, refine, and organize all of the step-by-
step techniques I've put together...

Where can you get all of this good stuff?

Even better, where can you get it with
literally ZERO risk?

Inside my fantastic DVD and CD programs.

That's where.

I mentioned my Advanced Dating Techniques
program earlier. If you go through that program
and find that you need to work on your "Inner
Game", then I recommend that you invest in my
fantastic Inner Game programs. Start with my
program, "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts

This will give you a SOLID foundation for
thinking and behaving like a guy who NATURALLY
attracts women. You can get it here:

You should also check out my program called
"Deep Inner Game". This program will give you an
entire set of specific TOOLS you can use to do
things like overcoming fear, improving your self-
image, and creating a healthy sense of "self".
This stuff is MANDATORY if you're going to become
the kind of guy that women are MAGNETICALLY
attracted to. All the details are here:

If you're more interested in "techniques", then
you should check out one of these:

My "Cocky Comedy" program:

My "Body Language" program:

My "Meeting Women Online" program:

And if you haven't taken the time to download
my online eBook, stop and do that RIGHT NOW. You
can download it and literally be reading it within
a few minutes. Go download it here:

I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. Remember, if you want to see all of my
different programs, all you have to remember is my
name (David DeAngelo) and "dot com"! Or, you can
just click here, and go see them right now:

P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,
Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff
is great" and "I don't need to tell you how well
your stuff works" comments, but the fact is that I
DO need to hear all of the specifics... because
this helps other guys to see what's working in
different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success
Story" in the subject line of the email. I read
these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
and tell me where you're from.

5) Send it to me at:

...don't just hit "reply" to this email.


Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. David
DeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. By
reading and accepting this newsletter you agree to
all of the following: You understand that this is
simply a set of opinions (and not advice). This is
to be used for entertainment, and not considered
as "professional advice". You are responsible for
any use of the information in this email, and hold
David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members and
affiliates harmless in any claim or event. If you
are below eighteen years old, please click the
link at the end, and remove yourself, or to take
yourself off of our list, you can send mail to
"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor Las
Vegas, NV 89109.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

how to tell her nu like her

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION:I have recently started to like this girl a lot.We hang out almost everyday, and everybody that is around us say that we act like we are going out.We flirt all of the time, but i dont want to bethe one that admits that i like her first. I havealso become really good friends with one of her friends and she told her friend that she likes me and everything, but she hasn't really had too much experience in dating.She is one of the nicest girls in the world andshe is very pretty so I dont really understandwhy. I really want to tell her that i like her,but i have read your book and you always seem to push getting the girl to admit it to you first. I think she may be too shy to do this though. Would it be ok to admit it to her first in this situation? I know you probably think hanging out with her everyday seems needy, but she is the one that calls me everyday and it is very hard to turn her down. Any suggestions would be greatlyapreciated. Thanks.>>>

MY COMMENTS: Nice. Well, today is your lucky day... for today I'mgoing to give you advice that will probably bePRICELESS to you. First, let me start with some ranting, raving,and confusing double-talk, then we'll get to thegood stuff. I'll begin by verbally abusing you for notpaying attention to what I say, then drift into alittle bit of talk about exactly what to do inyour situation. I hope you can tell I'm in a fun mood...THE VERBAL ABUSE: It's annoying when I go through all the troubleto explain a concept in detail... and try 100 waysto say it in my newsletters, eBook, etc. and thensomeone JUST DOESN'T GET IT. In your email you say:"I really want to tell her that i like her, but ihave read your book and you always seem to pushgetting the girl to admit it to you first." Now, what I'm about to say might sound a littlebit "trivial" to you. You might call it"semantics", like the smart people do. But, pay attention. CLOSE attention. I do not recommend that you get a woman toadmit that she likes you FIRST. Getting a woman to admit that she likes you"first" naturally implies that you "admit it"BACK. And I DO NOT say, "admit it back" OR "admit itlater" OR anything else of the sort. Why is this so important? Simple, really. I personally believe that TELLING a woman thatyou "like her" is one of the WORST things you cando. If you want a woman to know that you like her,the best way is to have her FIGURE IT OUT by thefact that you guys are getting PHYSICALLYINVOLVED. Let me confuse the issue further... "Telling her" that you like her and "feelinglike you really want to tell her" are twocompletely different issues, and they're BOTHbad... but for different reasons. TELLING her is bad because it takes the MAGIC,the SUSPENSE, the MYSTERY, and the SEXUAL TENSIONout of the situation. It pops the balloon. It kills the chemistry. FEELING like you want to tell her and thenasking about HOW to tell her is bad because itshows that you're not GETTING IT. What you REALLY need to get your hands on is acopy of my "Deep Inner Game" program, and learn toget some control over your emotions. I'm serioushere. Go check it out... it will help you BIGtime: TANGENT All right, so let's go off on tangent #2... You mentioned in your email that this girlyou're seeing is inexperienced in the datingworld. If she's REALLY inexperienced, then you mightbe in big trouble. See, she might be falling IN LOVE with you. All of this seeing her every day business butnot taking things to the next level (and feelinglike you want to tell her how you feel reallyreally really badly) might be setting her upemotionally for a late-night drive to Vegas andmarriage vows at the Drive Thru with Elvis. If a woman is inexperienced, then it's veryimportant that you NOT screw this up. If you do,it might be bad. Another thought: When you're with aninexperienced woman, it's sometimes a good idea to"dial down" the ball-busting and the Cocky & Funnya little bit. Instead of having it turned up to a 9.5, dialit back to a 5.79235 setting. That will probablywork better for you and her.WHAT TO DO So, let's talk a bit about ATTRACTION. It happens for reasons that are difficult toexplain to a person who has a "bad model" of howit works. But, let's just say that if it DOES happen, youwant to AMPLIFY it. You don't want to WEAKEN it. One of the problems with "telling her how youfeel" is that it instantly changes the dynamics ofthe situation. When you say, "I like you" - in her head thewoman hears: "He is admitting to me that he likes me, whichgives me all the power, which, for some strangereason, makes me not like him as much anymore." I realize that this sounds crazy, and doesn'tmake a whole lot of "logical sense", but it's whatusually happens. It has a lot to do with the fact that when mostguys say, "I like you" they sound like needykittens that just want to cuddle and suckle thebosom of mommy... which isn't exactly "attractioncreating" stuff. If you want to "tell" a woman that you "likeher", the best way to do it is to ADVANCEPHYSICALLY. In other words, TAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL. DO something, don't SAY something. Words are to be used when ACTIONS don't workbetter. And this is NOT one of those cases. Remember "The Kiss Test" I talk about on mywebsite? Use it. Remember the sequence that I describe in thebonus booklet that you got with Double Your Datingcalled "Sex Secrets"? Use it. But DO NOT "tell her how you feel". Unless, of course, you want to drive to Vegas. Finally, let me give you some advice about thissituation of "she calls me everyday to hang outand I can't turn her down".TURN HER DOWN. I know, I know... Powerful. If you're in love with this girl and want tomarry her, have kids with her, drive your cutebrats to soccer practice in your white minivan,and wear lots of Dockers clothing, then forgetwhat I'm telling you. Who knows, you might have found one of thoserare, wonderful women that so many of us arelooking for. BUT, if you're just at the stage where it'stime to take things to the next level, then do itwith your ACTION, not with your WORDS. Now, if you're reading what I'm telling thisguy and saying, "I really need to learn how tomake women feel attraction for me" - then I haveto agree with you. You REALLY DO need to learn. It's important. Very important. My latest book, "Attraction Isn't A Choice"will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how totrigger that magical physical and emotionalresponse that we call ATTRACTION. Inside, I'll teach you why there's a HUGEdifference between what women SAY they want in aman... and what makes women feel ATTRACTION. I'll also teach you how to "go to work onyourself" to become the kind of man thatAUTOMATICALLY and INSTANTLY triggers thisattraction in the women you meet and interactwith. I could go on and on, but you should just goand download the eBook here, and start reading it: NEXT, you need to get your hot little hands ona copy of my newest CD/DVD program, "Cocky ComedyAnd Other Conversation Skills". If you get nervous when you talk to women,don't feel like you know what to say to women, andwant to learn how to make women LAUGH... and indoing so have them feel more ATTRACTION for you,then this program is going to literally changeyour life. I have one warning: Make sure you set aside at LEAST an entire dayto go through the program. The emails I'm getting from guys are sayingthings like, "I started to watch the program, andwound up staying home all day and missing threeappointments because I was riveted to the screen". I'm not joking at all. This program will supercharge yourcommunication skills and teach you how to be"Cocky & Funny" with every woman you meet... Gowatch killer sample clips of the program here:'ll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to check out all of the programsI've created to help you learn how to attract andmeet women. My programs cover ALL aspects... from"Inner Game" stuff like how to overcome fear and alimiting self-image, to specific techniques likehow to approach women, how to meet women online,and how to make sure that your conversationcreates ATTRACTION. You can check them all outhere: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare below eighteen years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------

Sunday, May 14, 2006

why smart guys dont get dates

It can actually be like having a hammer whenyou need to tighten a bolt. If you use the tool you have for the job, you'll most likely make thesituation WORSE. Of course, it's hard for a smart guy to even IMAGINE a situation where his smart mind could HURT his chances for success... But trust me, this is one of those situations. So relax, open your smart mind, and let me share with you the ten reasons why smart guys fail with women... and what to do about it.

REASON #1: THEY'RE WRONG, BUT THEY CAN'T OR WON'TSEE IT OR ADMIT IT. I mentioned that smart guys are used to being RIGHT in most situations. And what do most smart guys do when they come across a situation where they're WRONG? They find a new situation... one that fits their strength. They know they'll be right next time, so they just walk away... knowing that it won't be long before they're right again. (OR they let the "problem situation" destroy them... more on that later.) Well, the BITCH about being wrong when it comes to women and dating is THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN AND HIDE. There's no quick "I'm right" around the next corner to make you feel better. It only takes "failing" with a few women in a row for a smart guy to see the pattern... and realize that something isn't working. Solution? Think harder. A smart guy just assumes that his logic must be good... so he just keeps thinking harder. But when no success comes, it really starts to become mentally difficult. Accepting that you're wrong is a VERY hard thing for a "smart guy" to do. Accepting that you're not only wrong, but you have NO CLUE WHERE TO EVEN START is even moredifficult. Ultimately, many smart guys come up with the following logical conclusion:I AM A SMART GUY, THEREFORE IF I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN AND DATING, THEN THE PROBLEM MUST NOT BE SOLVABLE OR WORTH SOLVING. Try that on for a self-defeating idea.

REASON #2: THEY'RE BLIND AND ARROGANT. In short, many smart guys refuse to accept thata good, solid, workable answer could come fromsomeone "dumber" than them, so they discount anyidea that comes from an "obviously lessintelligent person" before trying it. Let me ask you a question: If you were going to be walking across Africa on foot, would you rather have your guide be the guy on this planet with the highest I.Q., or a caveman who lived a million years ago that had anI.Q. of about 50... but who grew up being chased by lions and all kinds of animals that wanted to eat him all his life? It's an interesting question. Now, hopefully you'd like to have the guide whoisn't the smartest guy around... but who hasescaped from many, many dangerous situations withdeadly animals... But now let me ask you: If you'd like to learn how to be moresuccessful with women and dating, would you takeadvice from a guy who isn't very intelligent, butwho knows how to attract women? There's something about being smart that makessome guys unwilling to accept input, ideas, orinstruction from anyone who isn't either as smartor smarter than them. Well, any SMART GUY can see the folly in thisparticular approach... once it's examined closely. If you've been making this mistake, then youneed to STOP IT. Stop being an arrogant bastard,and open your eyes. Look around. Learn from some "dumb" guys... and let themteach you how to get what you REALLY want.

REASON #3: POOR SOCIAL SKILLS. It BLOWS MY MIND how many smart guys I meetthat just don't GET IT when it comes to basicsocial skills. It's as if they have logically reasoned thatsocial skills are for lower beings who need toplay games... and not worth the time it would taketo learn them. In fact, I believe that there are a lot ofsmart guys running around this planet who don'teven have "social skills" and "be a cool guy thatpeople like" in their MENTAL MODEL of what itcould possibly take to be successful with womenand dating. Social skills are just that... SKILLS. They're not social INFORMATION. They're not social THEORIES. They're social SKILLS. And you don't get them by THINKING about them.You get them by GETTING them. Excellent social skills are the foundation forgood communication with other humans... and if youdon't have good social skills, you dramaticallylower your chances for success with women.

REASON #4: THEY PSYCH THEMSELVES OUT. Smart guys do something that fascinates thehell out of me... They come up with all the reasons whyeverything WON'T WORK when it comes to women anddating. They actually figure out why what it is thatthey would like to do will probably fail... They use their amazing creative imaginations toimagine all kinds of horrible pictures andscenes... and then they use those imaginaryoutcomes to create negative emotions... whichultimately stop them from having success withwomen and dating. THEY DON'T EVEN TRY. Now, if you've thought something through andcome up with a good reason why it would fail, itmakes sense to not do it, right? I mean, why would you want to do things thatare going to fail? It is sound logic, but HORRIBLE thinking whenit comes to the REAL WORLD... and success withwomen. Because smart guys don't UNDERSTAND women, andthey don't UNDERSTAND what it takes to besuccessful with women, they are working with badfigures. They're wrong before they even startfiguring! Using your mind to come up with all the reasonswhy things won't work in this area of your lifeleads to ULTIMATE FAILURE. You must learn to overcome this habit if youhave it.

REASON #5: THEY SEEK ONLY "INFORMATIONALSOLUTIONS" What does a smart guy do when he runs into aproblem... or he needs to figure something out? He looks for INFORMATION to help him solve theproblem. MORE INFORMATION is always the answer. Information is the friend of a smart guy. Got a strange virus on your computer? Just hopon the Internet and search for how to eliminateit. Don't know how to change the alternator on yourcar? No prob. Just buy the manual and turn to page147. Don't know the definition of a word? Open upyour dictionary. MORE INFORMATION solves the problem. So what do smart guys do when it comes toovercoming a problem with women? They want MORE INFORMATION. They think the answer lies in learning just ONEMORE TECHNIQUE... or one more magic concept. Well what if there were a situation in lifewhere the "get more information" strategy actuallymade things WORSE? How would you even know that it was makingthings worse? Now, I don't want to suggest that learning moreabout how to be successful with women is a badthing. It's not. But if you have a problem that is EMOTIONAL orPHYSICAL in nature, then reading five milliontheories on it probably isn't going to help youvery much. You need to get out in the real world and trysome stuff! You need to look at the REAL problem... theROOT of the problem. When it comes to women and dating, there's avery good chance that you have MORE than enough"information". Smart guys often use "more information" todistract them from TAKING ACTION. I've heard this referred to as "CreativeAvoidance". Nod silently if you've ever figured out acreative way to avoid facing something in yourlife. Good, thank you.

REASON #6: THEY FOCUS ON LOGIC INSTEAD OF EMOTION. NEWS JUST IN: Women don't feel ATTRACTION formen who make them THINK. Women feel ATTRACTION for men who make themFEEL. So what do most smart guys do when they firstmeet a woman? EXACTLY! They get into a LOGICAL CONVERSATION. I'm shaking my head right now... Smart men try to engage women in LOGICALconversations and interactions because that'swhere THEY feel comfortable... not knowing thatthey're SHOOTING THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT by doingit! Get this: A monkey sitting at a typewriter willtype the collected works of Shakespeare before youwill make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you byengaging her in logical conversation. When you start a logical conversation with awoman you've just met, you are basically takingout a NEON SIGN that says, "I don't get it when itcomes to women" and putting it on your head. Typical "logical" conversations include talkingabout work, family, school, and jobs... discussingpolitics, religion, weather... and anything thathas to do with math, science, or INTELLIGENCE. On the other hand, if you start talking to awoman and you say, "OK, so tell me something...Why is it that all women say that they want sweet,nice guys... but they all date sexy, selfish, badboys?" (and then make fun of any answer she gives)Now you're having an EMOTIONAL conversation. If you don't know what I'm talking about, keepreading. You need more help than I thought. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you just read this section,and you can identify with what I'm talking about,then I highly recommend that you go to this page:

REASON #7: THEY'RE NOT USED TO THE CHALLENGE OF THE MOMENT Smart people usually have time to THINK aboutthings. If you're taking a test, you can sit there andwork out the answers. If you have a math problem, you can work on ituntil you've figured it out. If you're trying to fix something, you can keepworking on it until it's fixed. Smart guys are used to being able to take atleast a LITTLE bit of time to prepare and show offtheir "good sides" in most situations. Not so with women... If you don't know what to do at every stepalong the way, you'll be shut down very quickly. Women have an AMAZING "He doesn't get it" radarsystem. Women have all kinds of subtle and ingenioustests that they throw at men to separate the "getits" from the "don't get its". And if you don't get it, then you're going tofail one of these tests VERY quickly. But the worst part is that you won't ever KNOWthat you were being tested... OR that you failed. Smart guys aren't used to dealing with complexEMOTIONAL and COMMUNICATION challenges in themoment... and especially the "women and dating"kind. One of they keys to becoming more successfulwith women and dating is learning to handle all ofthe tests that women throw at you effortlessly. But before you can learn how to deal with thetests, you must first learn how to communicate onan emotional level, how to demonstrate that youhave fundamental social skills, and how to keepyour cool in the moment.

REASON #8: THEY THINK THAT DOING "NICE" THINGS IS THE "SMART WAY" OK, let me ask you a trick question: If I told you that you were going to have adate with the supermodel of your choice, which ofthe following would you choose as a "smart" way ofpreparing:1) Find out what her favorite type of flowers are,and show up with a dozen of them so she would be"wowed".2) Learn about her favorite travel destination soyou could discuss it with her.3) Find out what her favorite type of food is soyou could take her to dinner... and she could seethat you cared enough to choose something that sheenjoyed. OK, time's up. Which did you choose? Now, I already mentioned that this was a TRICKquestion. The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE. But WHY? These three options all seemed logical, right? I mean, why WOULDN'T you want to show up withher favorite flowers? Why WOULDN'T you want to talk about to herabout her favorite places to travel? Why WOULDN'T you want to take her to eat herfavorite foods so she enjoyed herself? Go with me here... Smart guys think that they're being CLEVER whenthey do things like buying a woman her favoriteflowers... and bringing them to the FIRST DATE. Right? In their minds they're thinking, "I'm going tobe the guy who is thinking ahead... and I'm goingto show up with the flowers that I KNOW sheloves... and she's going to see them and like memore because of it". Makes sense... good math, right? Well the one teensy-weensy mistake that these"smart" guys make is not realizing that it doesn'tactually take a smart person to think like this! In fact, ANY jackass can figure out how to kissa woman's ass. And guess what? WOMEN KNOW THIS! And guess what else? EVERY WUSSBAG DOES THIS STUFF. An intelligent guy, in his proud arrogance,will think he's being such the charmer by usingthis "thoughtful" approach... ...and the woman he is chasing will interpretit as just another Wussy who's trying toMANIPULATE her. Ouch. Another blow to intelligence.

MISTAKE #9: THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BE THE EXPERT Have you ever met a smart guy who always neededto be "right"? Have you ever met someone who would actuallyargue with you about something they knew nothingabout... and make a fool of themselves becausethey just couldn't shut their "smart mouths"? Over the last few years helping guys improvetheir success with women, I see this one patternover and over again... Smart guys don't like to be "beginners" atANYTHING. They don't like the idea of screwing up...especially if others are watching. They want to maintain this "smart guy" image ofthemselves... so they try to always be "TheExpert" at whatever they do. Instead of saying, "Hey, you know what? I'm abeginner at this... how do I do it? What should Ido first? What next?"... and instead of beingtotally OK with screwing up, making mistakes, andmaking a fool of themselves in front of others inorder to LEARN... ...they won't risk embarrassment, failure, orothers thinking that they're beginners... so theywind up ultimately FAILING. MORE NEWS JUST IN: It's OK to be a beginner.

MISTAKE #10: THEY CAN'T DEAL WITH FEAR AND OTHER EMOTIONS A smart guy's STRENGTH is his MIND. His WEAKNESS is often his EMOTIONS. Smart guys are often IMMOBILIZED by FEAR. Totally stopped. FROZEN. And since many smart guys aren't comfortabledealing with things they're not good at, they justrepress or RUN away from fear. Many men would rather DIE in lonely isolationthan admit that they don't know how to deal withtheir emotions... or, GOD FORBID, ask for help!

Hey, I went for YEARS like this. I know what it's like. But the reality is that any guy can learn tohandle and even MASTER his emotions (even fear)...if he just takes the time and effort to learn HOWto do it. If this is you, then do yourself a big favor...take the time. Take the effort. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks ofyou... it doesn't matter. What matters is you doing the things that YOUneed to do FOR YOU. ...I think the reason why I'm so fascinatedwith "The Genius Failure Paradox" is because Ihave had to struggle with all of these issues fora lot of years of my life. Now, I'm not saying that I'm the smartest guyon the planet... But, I don't think mamma raised no fool. And it always bothered the hell out of me thateven though I was so good at figuring things out,I couldn't figure WOMEN out. Something tells me that you know what I'mtalking about. Well, after beating my head against the wallfor a few years... trying all kinds of crazy"logical" stuff... I finally got the "bright" ideato start studying guys who were "naturally" goodwith women. Of course, I found out that you could be bothNOT SMART and VERY SUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN at thesame time. I also learned that you can be SMART and VERYSUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN too. By carefully studying what the "naturals" didwith women... and learning how they "thought"about the topic, I began to realize that successwith women wasn't entirely LOGICAL. Much of what I learned was very tough for me toaccept... because my logical brain just didn'twant to buy into it. One thing I saw was guys pushing women awayfrom them... and having the women then chase themin response. Made no sense at all. I saw guys tease beautiful women and make jokesabout them to their faces... and then watchedthose women become "little girls" in response...unable to maintain their composure and thereforeunable to maintain their manipulative power... It took me quite a long time, but I continuedto learn, test, and refine what I was learninguntil I personally figured out how to approachwomen in any situation... get any woman's number Iwanted anytime I wanted... date any type of womanI wanted... ...and most importantly, GET RID of that"empty" feeling that I carried around my wholelife because I didn't know how to attract women. And once I got this area of my own lifetogether, I decided to help other guys get thisarea of THEIR lives together. The first "major" result of all this time,effort, and energy is my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD Program. It's over 12 full hours of me personallyteaching all of my very best concepts, secrets,and step-by-step techniques... recorded at aspecial 3-day live program I did just for thispurpose. You not only get to learn directly from me, butyou also get to see and/or hear from many of theguys that I learned from... because they're guestson the program. As a matter of fact, the guest interviews aloneare priceless. If you're ready to finally get this area ofyour life "figured out", then you need to getyourself a copy of this program. All the details, plus some great audio andvideo sample clips are here: And if you haven't downloaded my online eBook"Double Your Dating", then you need to go and dothat now. You can download it and be reading itwithin a few minutes from right now. You candownload it here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. I've got an entire "curriculum" of programsto help you in every area of success with womenand dating. You can see all of them right here: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare below eighteen years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------

Thursday, May 11, 2006

why and when u must masturbate

Maturbation is required to practice your sex technique and holding power and as as a substitute for sex with your partner

you are in the mood and u see that your partner is tired and needs to sleep or not well

you are away from your partner and the choice is another partner (and consequent risk of AIDS) or self love

pre marital sex is not permitted in your society

PS: applicable to both genders

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Are You a Giver or a Taker in Bed?


Who suggests making love in your house? Who comes up with new positions? Who caresses? And who makes the sandwiches afterward?

Discover in this guide-plus-quiz how to achieve sexual balance and why you must!

You know how it goes. You start out your marriage going halfsies. Each of you, you swear, will share equally in the joy and the drudgery of your lives together: You'll cook on Saturday, and come Sunday he'll take a turn. You'll make the bed, he'll plump the pillows.

Then gradually the roles emerge. You don't exactly mind doing laundry, so after a while you're the expert on nonchlorine bleach. His buddies are more sociable than your tight cluster of friends, so he tends to arrange the outings.

In most areas of your life this falling into responsibilities may work just fine. But when sexual roles become so stratified the results aren't quite as palatable.

Who becomes responsible for the sexual relationship? Who creates the romantic ambience? Who makes the first move? The question of sexual responsibility can become a source of friction much more aggravating than who does the dishes or who mows the lawn.

PAGE 1 OF 6 NEXT: The Two Positions
in this article
Are You a Giver or a Taker in Bed?
The Two Positions
A Giver and Taker in Action
The Making of Two Sexual Styles
How to Give and Take
Which Are You? A Quiz
printer friendly version Subscribe to Redbook
related links
Balance what's important in your life and have fun doing it!
9 Sexy Moves That Make Men Really Happy
Married Sex: The Very Private Lives of Wives
How to Get in Sync in the Sack
Sex Secrets of Really Happy Couples
The New Sex Rules

The Art of Sensuality

"Bringing Love Into Your Life"The Art of Sensuality is a workshop designed to:
Renew the love of your mind, body, and spirit.
Enhance the skills needed to create more passion, awe, and a sense of gratitude in your life.
Provide the knowledge you seek to make everyday life more fun and enjoyable.
Sensuality vs. Sexuality

Say the word "sensuality" and most people immediately think of sex. Many people confuse the terms sensuality and sexuality, thinking they are synonymous. Certainly, there are areas of overlap: for instance, one might wish to be a sensual lover, to bring one's sensuality into the love making process, thus combining the sensual with the sexual experience. Sensuality is a key ingredient for richer sexual expression. However, while sensuality seems an essential part of good sex, sexuality is not the only arena for sensual expression.

Sensuality is something much broader. Beginning with awareness, sensuality encompasses the exploration and experiencing of all our senses.
What is The Art of Sensuality?

The Art of Sensuality is a way of fully experiencing life through awareness, presence, and the exploration of your senses. Workshops on the Art of Sensuality have been developed by Paul Mauchline, and Leslie Lobell, M.A. of The Art of Loving Institute in Toronto, Canada. These workshops are designed to teach the fundamental elements of creating a fuller, more passionate, and more satisfying life.

It seems so easy to forget to notice and enjoy the little things that happen every day. Suddenly you may discover that time and life have passed you by. Taking a sensual approach begins with showing up, noticing, and hopefully enjoying what life is offering you.

You can, first of all, enhance the use of your five main senses:
Smell, and
Touch/Feeling With the right focus or state of mind, you can make anything in life a sensual experience: eating chocolate or enjoying a sumptuous meal, meditating or focusing on your breath, walking the beach and feeling the breeze on your face and the sand beneath your feet, watching a sunset, dancing and feeling your body move through space, smelling roses or flowers in a garden, looking into the face of a loved one, painting or working with clay, working in your career, making love… you name it.

Sensuality can involve more than the use of the five senses: When we bring in awareness and intuition, it goes beyond just sensing. The Art of Sensuality is a way to allow passion and awe into everyday life - a life for which you will begin to feel more and more grateful and appreciative, even in challenging times.

Workshops on The Art of Sensuality
The Art of Sensuality Workshops are designed to teach the fundamentals of living life from a sensual place, thus allowing more passion, awe, enjoyment, and a sense of gratitude to come into your life. The Art of Sensuality Workshops are largely experiential, with exercises to help you practice awareness, learn to become present, and explore your senses. Paul Mauchline and Leslie Karen Lobell, M.A., of The Art of Loving Institute, designed these six-hour workshops as part of the series of workshops produced by The Art of Loving™ in Toronto, Canada. The Art of Sensuality Workshops are available for men and women, singles and couples. Come gain the skills you need to begin to experience life more fully - and have some fun in the process!

Although the workshop leader may discuss sex or sexuality in relationship to sensuality, there is no nudity, display of pornographic materials, or sexual touch involved in this workshop.
About Paul Mauchline
About Leslie Karen Lobell, M.A.

Friday, May 05, 2006

why nice guys dont get it

"What'sWrong With Nice Guys?"... here's a little quotefrom the article:"...Do Women Date Naughty Guys but Marry Nice Ones? This notion sounds an awful lot like the irritating good-girl/bad-girl distinction that men continue to make. Still, it does contain a nuggetof sense. Since women truly are conditioned to be"good girls," sometimes we feel uncomfortable with or guilty about that pure burning "I must have him!" feeling. That's why we sometimes seek out a bad boy to serve as the object of these desires, says Cleveland psychotherapist BelleruthNaparstek, creator of the Health Journeys series of guided imagery tapes.

"In order for the deliciousness of pure lust to be 'okay,' it has to be for the symbolic bad boy who has nothing to dowith the rest of your life. With him, you can crank up your animal impulses, worry-free," she says...." Interesting, isn't it? Now, I personally disagree with the idea that women "seek out" Bad Boys because they need somewhere to "project their guilty lust"... and I disagree with the idea that there's something"wrong" with the fact that women are attracted to Bad Boys... But the point is that the "mainstream"psychology and behavior world is starting to accept the idea that women are ATTRACTED to "BadBoys".

It will probably be another ten years beforeanyone with a degree puts two and two together andsays, "Hey, maybe women feel ATTRACTION towardsBad Boys for natural, evolutionary reasons, andthat's why Bad Boys are considered "sexy"..." Hell, maybe I should say it... Oh wait, Ialready did... Whatever. Point is, there's something to the idea thatwoman don't feel that powerful GUT LEVELATTRACTION for "nice" guys who chase after themand kiss up to them. Women do, on the other hand, feel that magicalemotion called ATTRACTION for BAD BOYS. Of course, I don't believe that you MUST be ajerk, or abuse women in order to make them feelattracted to you. There's a much better way... for THE HOMEWORK... Here's what I want you to do... If you own my eBook "Double Your Dating", go tochapter 4, and read it again. If you own my Advanced Series, I'd like you togo to Day 2, Section 1, and review again. (If you don't own these yet, then you need toget them immediately! You're cheating yourself ifyou don't invest in YOURSELF in this area...really.) Now, I want you to do something CONSCIOUSLYthis week. I want you to do the following with the next 5women that you talk to over the next few days...(these should be women that you would beinterested in dating):1) Smile all the time.2) Be very nice, cordial, and friendly. Use nosarcasm, and don't tease.3) Act as if you really "like" the woman you'retalking to... and as if you're "interested" inher.4) Give her lots of compliments.5) Optional: Politely say, "You probably have aboyfriend, right? Can I take you out sometime?" Pay careful attention, and notice how thewomen respond to you. Now, I want you to try something different withthe NEXT 5 women you talk to...1) Don't smile very often.2) Pretend that you've known her for 20 years, andthat you're TOO comfortable around her. Tease herfor something that no one teases her about... likethe way she dresses, etc.3) Pretend that she's interested in YOU, and hasbeen pursuing YOU, and that you're resisting her.Make jokes about it and say things like, "I justdon't think things are going to work out betweenus".4) Give her NO compliments of any kind. If shegives you any say, "That's a cheesy pick up line.Can't you think of something more original?"5) Optional: Say, "Hey, do you have email? Good.Write it down here..." ...and pay attention to the difference. If you really "play it up", you'll notice aHUGE difference between the first five women youtalk to and the next five. During the first set of five, when you're beinga "Nice Wuss", you'll see the looks on the women'sfaces that say, "Oh no. Another guy who "likes"me. How can I get rid of him politely?..." During the SECOND set of five, you'll see thewomen opening their mouths with the "half smile,half oh-no-you-didn't-just-say-that" look. You'llfeel a TENSION in the air. You'll notice that someof the women will actually look at you as if theycan't believe what they're hearing. If you're particularly sharp and funny, youmight just have one or two of them say, "I likeyou... we have to hang out sometime" within thefirst few minutes of the conversation. By the way,you will NEVER hear that when you're playing the"Nice Wuss". (SIDE NOTE: I once went out with some friendsand while taking pictures of them, I overheardthis girl talking to her friend. I took what sheand her friend were talking about and I teased herabout it... And within no more than 60 seconds thegirl was saying, "Ohmygod, I like you! We need tohang out sometime..." - Really.) Do your homework! And have FUN while you're atit. Alright now. If you haven't downloaded yourcopy of my eBook, and ordered your ZERO RISK copyof my Advanced Series, then get to it... You'll learn more in a few hours of studying mymaterials than most guys will learn in their wholeLIVES about how to attract women. Both come with an "offer you can't refuse" andI'm serious... You can try them at ZERO cost... nothing. If you're not thrilled and you don't meet morewomen, you don't have to pay a dime. You can download the eBook here right now: You can listen to and watch samples of myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program here:

Kamasutra revisited


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

how to get her fone no. and email ...

"Hi there, you're cuter than the average woman that I see in the produce section... are you friendly?"
Her: "Ha ha... well, sometimes."

"So, are you shopping for a special occasion,or is this just a routine produce visit?"
Her: "No, just here for some fruit."

"Nice. Are you from the area?"
Her: "Yeah."

"Are you from here originally?"
Her: "Born and raised."

"Well, it was nice meeting you... and enjoy
your mango..."
Her: "Thanks."

"Hey... do you have email?"
Her: "Yeah, I do."

Check this out... treat the "Yeah" as an
agreement to give it to you, then take a pen outof your pocket (I prefer the Space Pen) and hand it to her to write down her email. As she's writing say, "and write your number there too...and your name, which I didn't get..." The key is that you have to act LIKE THIS IS THE MOST NATURAL THING IN THE WORLD. ...

OK, see how easy that was? Is that realistic? I think so. I've personally gottenHUNDREDS of emails and phone numbers (from womenI've just met) with dialogues like that. I think a key is to MENTALLY REHEARSE how youwill handle yourself so you know exactly what todo when the time comes. It all has to flow andseem natural. OK, to address the second part of yourquestion... how to meet other guys who know whatthey're doing... I think it's a good idea to go out once inawhile to the local hotspots and WATCH what'sgoing on. Specifically, I think it's a great ideato look for beautiful women that are with guys,and watch how the GUY is behaving. Also, it'sinteresting to watch guys picking women up to seewhat they're doing. You'll learn a few reallyimportant things first-hand when you do this:1) You'll see the body language of guys that areable to attract and keep women.2) You'll see the gestures and hear the voice toneof guys that are approaching women, and see howthe women respond.3) Invariably, you'll see some guys are reallygood with women, and you can make friends withthem. It's easy... just say, "Hey, you are the macwith the babes. Let me buy you a beer. I need youto tell me a few things." A beer is a cheap priceto pay for wisdom. Of course, you probably realize, as I did, thatgetting a number or a date is A SMALL PIECE of thepuzzle. If you REALLY want to master all of thedifferent aspects of success with women anddating, then you need to get yourself a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techiques program. Everything I teach in my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD program is very specificallydesigned to teach you the ATTITUDE and BODYLANGUAGE and all the other little things thatcause women to feel ATTRACTION inside... forreasons that they don't even understand. This program will teach you everything from howto overcome fear and shyness to how to approachwomen in different situations... all the way tohow to take things to a "physical" level smoothlyand without "rejection". Two more important points:1) I'll send it to you at zero risk... meaningthat you don't have to pay anything at all untilyou have gotten it, tried it out, experiencedsuccess, and convinced yourself that it's worthmany times the investment.2) I'll send it to you in a plain box, with noidentifying marks that indicate what's inside. Go get it here: