Sunday, May 04, 2008

Good lines

Who says there's no such thing as magic? When itcomes to women, cocky+funny is PURE 100% magic. Itis one of the major keys to getting her making hercomfortable with you, to getting her number, togetting the date, kissing, getting laid,EVERYTHING! Your stuff is pure platinum my man!Looking back on mailbags from over a year ago, Istill shake my head and say:

"Man, this guy isgood. I cant wait 'till I am able to pull offthose lines like that!" The lines are so funny andwith cockiness, it just blows them away! Everytimeyou do it, you can just FEEL the women respondingto you in a positive way and not trying to ignoreyou or get away from you when you act like a wuss-bag. They are always laughing and smiling and evenTHEY tend to get touchy-feely, asking me for MYnumber and then calling ME (of course, I alwaysget their numbers too) or asking me to call them,asking me when we're going out, and even asking MEfor sex. I could not believe it! And often, thiscould happen within minutes or hours ofmeeting...not weeks, months, or years like I oncethought it took. I suggest all guys especially theskeptics out there to get your stuff. It works!

What I LOVE is how you say making it look like asif a woman is picking YOU up. It sure takes thepressure off of the situation. It's all in themind set. You are not nervous because you know shewants you and is trying to get you...not the otherway around. Then you act accordingly. Here's justa few of the lines I use:

"Look, just because you're being sweet to me doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you. What?You thought I was THAT easy? Common!"

(with women at work or women working somewhere)"How can you possibly get any work done whenyou're flirting with me all the time? I know I'm astud and all but if you lose your job, don't thinkI'm going to support you!"
(after seeing a woman) "I know we had fun, butplease don't become a stalker and call me 50 timesa day or else I'll have the cops pay you a visitwith a restraining order in hand!"
(If a woman hints at sex or sometimes I'll bringit up)
"I don't know if I could have sex with you...whatif you could only last 2 minutes? I don't know ifyou can even kiss...I tell you what, I'll THINKabout it" (then I kiss her)
(cocky+funny for a common situation)
Her: "How are you?"
Me: "Well, I've been told I'm pretty damn good!"with a 'wink'
(If a woman walks past me)
Me: "What are you doing" (or where are you going?)
Her: "I'm going to such and such or I'm doing suchand such"
Me: "You're a lousy liar... ...It's reallyok to admit you were just trying to get a look atme... and as long as you're not a stalker, I maygive you a chance!"
(If she makes fun of herself) Her: "I'm such aretard" or "My hair looks awful" or "My lipstickdoesn't look good does it?"
Me: "Well, I didn't want to say anything!" lol"ButI think those guys over there were thinking'What'sher problem? She's so clueless!"
Her: "My hair looks bad doesn't it?" (or any otherline where she makes fun of herself)
Me: "You can say that again!" (with a playfultone)
I love it! I love it! With this type ofcommunication, they react SO differently! A lot oftimes, they will break down and admit they DO likeme! And this keeps you out of the "lets just befriends" category and reduces the number of fakenumbers and blow-offs you get from women. It alsokeeps you from appearing "TOO NICE". AND I don'thave to CHASE them anymore! It's a wonderfulfeeling. Now on the other hand, what if you said:
"I bet you have a boyfriend, right?"
"Hey baby, you're so beautiful!"
"Can I take you out sometime?"
"Oh, baby, there's nothing wrong with you! You'regorgeous!"
AH! David, just like you say...THIS STUFF ISTERRIBLE! Wuss, kiss-ass behavior at its best!
It's so lame, so boring, and so wussie, and soblah! Using cocky+funny, we can have more funwithout sounding like a loser plus women respond1,000,000% times better with cocky+funny. Probablyonly 1-2% of the male population know whatcocky+funny is and probably half of those do itwithout realizing it. This type of communicationis DIFFERENT from what MOST guys do which makesyou stand out! But it's a lot like water. Forwater (H20), you need 2 hydrogen atoms and oneoxygen atom. If not then you get some otherelement you aren't looking for. You have to havethe right mixture of cocky AND funny or else itdoesn't work as well (although sheer cockinesswithmild humor CAN work to a degree).
Now, I have a question and observation that isimportant to me, David. SOMETIMES when I throw outa cocky+funny response, they will say "Ohwhatever!" or roll their eyes or say you're mean,get mad, or something like that and walk away.This happens not often but on rare occasions.These women are probably uptight anyways and notworth getting know. When they say "whatever" or"You're so mean" and they're laughing or smiling,and they still keep talking to me, then I knowit's working. Also, when you say something like:"...Oh quit lying, you were just walking near mebecause you want me" and they say "No, I don'twantyou" or "No I wasn't, I was just doing _ _ _ _ _"in a semi-serious tone, how do you respond to thatto keep the cocky+funny going? In other words,what do you do when they act as if they ARENTpicking you up?
Thanks a million've changed my lifeforever... seriously.
GT from Nashville, Tennessee
OK, so let's talk about the great comments thatyou've shared, and then I'll address yourquestion...
I was amazed when I first realized that youcould actually turn the tables around, pretendthat you're trying to "resist her advances," andmake fun of her for trying to "put the moves onyou"... and wind up having the woman you'retalking to actually start feeling attracted to youas a result.
It really is amazing.
Now, I know that a lot of guys hear thisapproach and think, "Yeah, right. There's no waythat just pretending that a woman is pursuing youwill MAKE her pursue you"...
But this isn't just any old common way of"pretending."
What you're doing here is a very special, Cocky& Funny, flirty, engaging way of pretending.
I'm sure you've watched the Discovery Channel,and seen animals "play-fighting." It's commonamong young animals in particular.
Now, how do animals know that it's only "play,"as opposed to "real" fighting?
I mean, have you ever seen the way someanimals, like lion cubs and wolf pups jump on andbite each other?
It certainly LOOKS like real fighting.
But it's not... it's play.
Well there's a very similar thing that happenswhen you flirt with a woman using the Cocky &Funny technique... and when you use this furtherto pretend that she's trying to "pick you up" andyou're "resisting her advances."
You have to use just a LITTLE EXTRA drama.
You have to be a little "overly suspicious"with your tone.
You have to act just a little too serious andoffended.
These little cues, along with a good sense ofhumor and timing are the hints and triggers thatmake a woman instantly switch into "Oh, this isplay" mode, instead of behaving as if you're aloser who has no imagination.
There are some other key benefits as well, asyou mentioned above, when you're using thisapproach.
One is that you don't come across as nervous orintimidated. The fact that you're turning thetables around, having fun, and acting like you'resomething special sends the message that you'retotally cool, calm, and comfortable in your ownskin... and, in fact, you're SO comfortable thatyou're going to go immediately to "play" mode.
Another is that it gives you a "character role"to play that is the OPPOSITE of being a WUSS. Thisis handy, as most guys switch quickly into Wussmode when they start talking to an attractivewoman.
Finally, it gives you all kinds of great waysto end the interaction...
You can say:
"OK, well I'm not going to give you my number,but you can write down your email for me, andmaybe I'll get back to you sometime..." etc.
It even makes taking things to the next leveleasy and charming, because you're "resistingforward."
A quick personal story:
I was at Hooters Restaurant yesterday afternoonwith a friend, and the waitress approached us toget our order.
She walked over and said something like, "Hi,can I get you something to drink?" etc.
I pretended not to notice her, and kept talkingto my friend.
Then, as she finished asking the question, Iturned to her with a surprised and "fake offended"look on my face and said, "Oh, that's OK, I wasjust TALKING" (as if she had interrupted me).
She opened her mouth with the "Oh, no youdidn't! I can't believe you just said that" look.
I shook my head at her.
Then my friend looked at her and said, "Wow,you're very forward. Next thing she's going to beasking for your phone number."
I shook my head at her again, and rolled myeyes.
We gave her the drink order, and she went away.
She came back a few minutes later to tell methat my drink was going to be delayed, becausethey were making some kind of change in thekitchen.
Of course, I threw up my hands in despair,rolled my eyes at her, and shook my head (as ifshe was disappointing me horribly).
She laughed and said, "Hey, you'd better watchout, I might have to ask you for your phonenumber"...
We had talked for a grand total of about aminute, and she was already joking around aboutasking me for my number.
Keep in mind, this is a HOOTERS waitress (and acute one, at that). She works in an environmentwhere hundreds of guys try to pick up on her, oneafter the other...
Now, as you can imagine, this kind of thinghappens all the time when I interact withwaitresses, etc. I've found that it's no harder toget a waitress to give you her email/number thanit is to get any other girl's info, by the way.
What's the secret?
Being playful, fun, different, Cocky & Funny,and not acting like a Wuss who wants to call her100 times a day and tell her how pretty she is.
Now I'd like to address your question...
**By the way, if you're reading this right nowand you'd like to learn the secret of using mytechnique of Cocky & Funny, then you should go andcheck out my DVD/CD program "Cocky Comedy." It'sthe ultimate education on not only this technique,but many other conversation skills. You can getall the details here:
Here's your question again:
"...SOMETIMES when I throw out a cocky+funnyresponse, they will say "Oh whatever!" or rolltheir eyes or say you're mean, get mad, orsomething like that and walk away. This happensnot often but on rare occasions. These women areprobably uptight anyways and not worth gettingknow. When they say "whatever" or "You're so mean"and they're laughing or smiling, and they stillkeep talking to me, then I know it's working.Also, when you say something like: "...Oh quitlying, you were just walking near me because youwant me" and they say "No, I don't want you" or"NoI wasn't, I was just doing _ _ _ _ _" in a semi-serious tone, how do you respond to that to keepthe cocky+funny going? In other words, what do youdo when they act as if they ARENT picking youup?..."
What I'm about to tell you is sometimes hardfor guys to accept, so get ready.
No, really.
My guess is that something like 60%-80% of thepopulation just plain aren't very interesting orfun to talk to.
Some people are actually ARROGANT about theirlack of a sense of humor.
These are my personal favorites.
I remember meeting a girl at a bar a couple ofyears ago.
I was in Hollywood, CA at a fancy bar, and shewas one of these "I'm a beautiful actress, and Iknow it" types.
I was ordering a drink, and she bumped into me.
I turned and said, "Don't touch me!"
She just looked at me with a "You're a jerk"look, and leaned away from me.
I smiled at her and said, "It was a joke, it'sOK" (with kind of a slightly sarcastic "you didn'tget it" tone of voice).
She said something like, "Well, it wasn'tfunny. You seem like an arrogant jerk."
I couldn't help myself... I burst intolaughter.
She, of course, got even more annoyed.
Now, most guys would have gotten all upset,thought that they must have done something majorlywrong, and tried to apologize and get the woman tolike them.
I immediately recognized this girl as a personwho just plain doesn't have a sharp sense ofhumor, and who is probably a HUGE pain in the assto deal with in real life... so I laughed at her.
You'll notice that a lot of guys write in tothe Mailbags with questions like, "I'm dating fourwomen right now, and they're all wonderful, butthere's this ONE girl that I just can't get... howdo I make the one that isn't interested LIKE me?"
This is a curious thing.
We humans always want the approval of theperson who doesn't want to give it to us.
Instead of just walking away and saying, "yourloss," we often chase after them, begging andpleading for their approval... and thinking thatwe must have done something wrong.
Remember, some people actually ENJOY makingother people feel bad. Some women actually ENJOYrejecting men. It gives them a feeling of power.
There are MANY women who will spend all weekshopping, two hours putting on their clothing andmakeup (and doing their hair), just to go out andget attention from men... so they can reject thosemen, and complain to their friends about what"losers" and "pigs" men are, and how they hate itwhen men look at them like a "piece of meat."
Go figure.
Let me give you a little "tough love."
Part of growing up, becoming a REAL MAN, andgetting this area of your life handled isrealizing that not all women are nice people, andnot letting those that aren't nice AFFECT YOU.
You can reach a point in your life where yourattitude should become "I do not give anyonepermission to take my joy, happiness, and goodmood away from me."
When you get to this point, then IT DOESN'TMATTER if a woman doesn't respond positively toyour approach.
It doesn't matter if she rejects you.
It doesn't matter if she doesn't have a senseof humor.
None of this matters when you don't give anyonepermission to TAKE YOUR JOY AWAY FROM YOU.
My advice: Learn to walk away. Learn to blow itoff. Learn how to IMMEDIATELY disconnect anddetach from these types of situations, and NOT letthem affect you.
The "numbers game" goes both ways.
If you start meeting a lot of women, you will,by nature of meeting a LOT of women, meet quite afew that don't have a sense of humor, aren'tfriendly, aren't available, etc.
You need to learn the skill of keeping yourpower and joy for yourself, and NEVER giving it tosomeone you don't even know.
Make a decision right now that your joy is yourown, and that you'll never allow another person totake it away from you.
Dude, someone give me a hug.
OK... on a more serious note...
If you've been reading my newsletters forawhile, or you've had a chance to download a copyof my eBook or check out my Advanced Series, thenyou know that I really believe it's important toget your "inner game" handled.
By "inner game," I mean things like youremotions, your outlook on life, your "mental map"of how things work between men and women, etc.
It took me a long time, and a lot of trial anderror to find the things that REALLY work bestwhen it comes to making women feel that powerfulemotion called ATTRACTION.
And one of the most important things that Irealized is that if you don't get your INNER GAMEtogether, and learn how to THINK about women anddating, all the techniques in the world aren'tgoing to help you very much.
In my Advanced Series, I spend several HOURSgoing over everything from the evolution of humanmating to the beliefs and attitudes of guys whoare "naturally" good with women.
I think it's important to change the way youTHINK as you change the way you BEHAVE.
Women use little clues to figure out if you'rethe "real deal" or if you're just "faking it."
If you don't BELIEVE in what you're doing, thenyou're going to come across as a fake. You'll feellike you're being "manipulative"... and like afraud.
When you UNDERSTAND what is happening, how andwhy women act the way they do, and how to makewomen feel ATTRACTION, then your behaviors feel"right" and they come across as AUTHENTIC...because they ARE.
In my eBook and Advanced Series, I take a lotof time to help you get your "inner game"together, so you can feel GOOD about your successwith women.
Of course, I also reveal dozens and dozens anddozens of killer techniques for approaching,meeting, dating, and taking things to a physicallevel with women.
I recommend that you check them out.
The Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Programis here:
The eBook is available for immediate downloadhere:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Make sure you check out all my programs at my"catalog" website. You can see them all righthere, plus watch some great video clips of each ofthem: --------------------------------------------------

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