Thursday, April 24, 2008

Overcoming Fear And Meeting Women In Bars

i love your news letter and i have been reading itfor almost a year. i have been with the same girlfor nine months because of you dave! i used to thesame way about chics, buying them dinners, etc.but once i started applying your techniques i metthe love of my life. i drive a piece of crap and iam a broke college student. i played like i didntcare when my girl and i first met before i know itshe's giving me lots of great sex, money, dvdplayer, clothes,vetc. i was cocky and funny butalso threw in a little sweetness to catch her offgaurd. Ladies get bored with the same olddates,etc. I did outrAGEOUS THINGS IN AND OUT OFTHE BEDROOM AND NOW WE ARE PROBABLY GOING TO GETMARRIED LATER ON WHEN I GET OUT OF COLLEGE!

What's this you say?
You have a great girl buying YOU things...including clothes, and even DVD players?
Very powerful stuff.
You know, in your letter you mentioned throwingin a "little sweetness" to "catch her off guard."
I would like to share a little profoundrevelation:
It's OK to be sweet.
Yes, I know, sounds a little weird coming fromme.
But, it is OK to be sweet to women.
The problem is that most guys do it TOO MUCH,and TOO SOON. And they come across as needy WussBoys who are trying to use "niceness" tomanipulate.
When you meet a girl you really like and decidethat you want to take things to a "relationship"level, it's actually great to be sweet.
Just don't do it before date #10! lol...

Hi Dave,
I recently had a very serious conversation with myboyfriend of two years about threesomes. I knowthis isn't really a dating question, but I want toget some input about this situation inrelationships in general and I thought you andyour newsletter would be a good place to start. Iam aware that as far as every guy in the world isconcerned a threesome is the best thing that couldhappen in a relationship because he gets to havetwice as much fun as normal. But could most guysactually go through with it? Could they reallyhave sex (or whatever else) with a girl whilebeing in a serious relationship with another? Doesthis stuff even go through the mind of the averagemale?

I am also aware that guys like two girl and oneguy threesomes and not the other way around. woulda guy think about the situation more if it weretheir girlfriend having sex with another guy?Also, how often do threesome ideas make it out ofthe minds of men and into the bedroom?
hope you can answer some of my questions
es canada

You're right about this not being a datingquestion, but who cares... it's a question aboutall men's favorite fantasy, so I'll allow it.
Now, what the heck are you doing asking, "Woulda guy think about the situation more if it weretheir girlfriend having sex with another guy?"
Who cares! No guys do. They only want to knowwhat you'd look like kissing your best friend.
And yes, your boyfriend could "have sex (orwhatever else)" with a girl while being in aserious relationship with another.
Hey, you're the one who opened up the barn doorby having the "very serious conversation" withhim.
Let me know if it happens. We're all on theedge of our seats here.

You know what David, you were right, and I feelsick to my stomach right now. I met this woman,went out a few times, nailed her the first nightand all that. I bought her some flowers forValentine's Day, mostly because she complainedlike 3 times since I've known her (only a coupleweeks) that she never gets flowers on Valentine'sDay, so I wanted to surprise her.
So I took great care to sneak around her while shewasn't looking, and plant them where she'd findthem. Well she did, and here's what she said, "Oh,that's a really nice gesture, but next time justleave them in my car okay? I don't want the otherstudents giving me a hard time or making faces atme (this was at karate class)", In one quickmoment, my heart sank right to the floor, and Ifelt WORSE about myself than before I bought herthe flowers! NEVER AGAIN am I wasting money onthis bullsh** holiday unless I've been withsomeone for a year or more.
I can't believe I actually feel LESS close, andlike I have LESS power with this woman than I didbefore I did something nice for her. You betterbelieve I won't make this mistake again. If you'rewilling, lease share this story with your readersso that at least the other guys can benefit frommy ignorance, and learn a lesson from it too. J
Hey, you can't say I didn't warn you.
I'd offer a hug, but what YOU need is a to beslapped up side the head for being a JACKASS!
You bought something for a woman because sheCOMPLAINED?
Here, do this:
Go in the bathroom.
Find the mirror.
Take a big black sharpie pen, and write thefollowing on your forehead (backwards, so you canread it):
Try that.
If you're still with this girl in a YEAR, thenbuy her some flowers.
But, will you leave them in her car this time?
Thanks for contributing... you've probablysaved many guys from a similar fate.
First of all, I would like to say that I reallyenjoy reading your newsletters. A male friend ofmine started receiving them, and he now has mereading them too. Now, thanks to you, we have bothadopted a "NO WUSS" policy..he's going to stopbeing one, and I'm going to stop dating them. :)
I have a question that I would like your insighton.. perhaps I should set the stage with a sampleonline conversation... (After the usual initialblah blah and silly comments on my part, he askedand I sent him a pic)
him: yep, cute him: how tall are u
me: 5'10"
(insert cricket sound effects and silence)
me: helloooooooooo
him: later.. need to go work on a paper the end.
Me to the cricket: well, at least he didn't ask ifI play basketball.
My question is this.. are most men reallyintimidated by taller women? If so, why? I haveactually dated a couple of people who wereobviously uncomfortable with my being taller thanthey are. One even asked if I would mind notwearing heels when we're out together, because itmade him feel weird. Needless to say, he got theboot. (ha) If this is a silly concern, feel freeto hit "delete" or tell me to consult the pages ofCosmo. I can take it! :) I'd just like to know ifthere's anything I can do to make these guys feelmore at ease.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, a lot of guys are intimidated by tallwomen.
No, I'm not.
Yes, send me your number and picture.
By the way, I fit your "No Wussy" policy. I'myour man.
Hi Dave,
You are a Brat. I wanted to clarify something frommy letter which seemed to set you off. That partabout school/marraige/fairness: To be fair, if heinvested in my education, as my husband, he wouldmore likely get a return on that investment thanif he were just a boyfriend I was living with. Itis my opinion that people who live together haveall these committed ties, but one foot out thedoor. Kinda like playing house. Personally, Idon't like doing things that half-a**ed, and wouldprefer to eventually make a home--with the rightguy.
You are right on about him needing your material,but if I sent him your e-book, it would beinsulting, don'tcha think? I do get bored if a guydoesn't keep me on my toes, I know that aboutmyself. And, after awhile, it's a bore being theonly one pointing up to the sky.
What's the deal with you, anyway? Are you justshopping? What happens to a guy who has all thelines? Maybe this forum your path to personalenlightenment. So, how's that going? SC from Sac
Ohhhh, well thanks for clarifying.
I understand now.
If he supports you and pays for you to go toschool when you're MARRIED, then "he would morelikely get a return on that investment than if hewere a boyfriend I was living with"...
More likely.
Return on investment.
I feel ya.
That changes everything and makes it completelyfair.
Oh, and I didn't recommend that you buy him myeBook. I recommended that you buy him my ADVANCEDMATERIAL. He needs serious help, dear.
And what's the deal with ME?
Am I "just shopping"?
"What happens to a guy who has all the lines?"
What do you mean "What happens?"
You make it sound like I should be goingthrough some empty feeling of superficialaccomplishment followed by a depressingrealization of unfulfillment... now that I knowthe secrets of how to make women feel attracted tome.
Sorry, can't help you there.
Knowing what makes women "tick" kicks ass!
Hi David,
this is a letter from one of your italian fans....after having received your newsletter for severalmonths now, im really thinking to purchase your e-book... i was specially impressed by the"cocky&funny" attitude which attracts women in agreat way! and damn! this stuff works!!!
the interesting thing i want you to know is that ihave been a horrible wussy for several years! idid almost everything on your wussy list! likebeing nice to everyone....and so on...(;fortunately (at the age of 20, now im 22) i hadthe luck to meet a guy of 27 years who was verysuccessfull and experienced in approaching and"getting fisical" with girls...he taught me a lotabout psicology of women and other very intrestingstuff you already should know...(; almost eachweekend we went out he got to know new girls,specially american students here in rome and otherreally good looking italian beautys...i analyzedwhat he did, his behaviour and so on...
and now we ask ourselves...why was he sosuccessfull? and the answer is that he was almostall the time cocky and funny! always making fun ofthe girls! and he wasnt even goodlooking, justmedium...i began to imitate his behaviour andsince then i had an incredible success with girlswhich surprised myself and all my friends becausei was dating one really hot girl after if you want to get interesting or "attractive"you gotta be special, unique, full of selfesteem,funny, unpredictable and all the other stuff youteach us! thats the way how it works...sure thereare thousands of other things to do...i dont needto tell you...
now i got a very important question for you, ithink that this should be a big help for almosteveryone receiving your newsletters or alreadyowning your e-book. my biggest problem is thefirst to behave afterwards and howto get fisical later is much easier in myopinion...lets take this example, im in a pub witha friend of mine, close to us are, lets say 3goodlooking girls on a table and two of them seemto be interested because they keep on looking tous...they smile at us, look in our eyes for a fewseconds and play with their hair, showing youtheir "delicious" neck , talk with a loud voice totake your attention and so on ( some of the signswomen usually make) problem is now how to goon! they seem to be interested but nobody isoutgoing enough to walk over to the other table tostart a conversation in order to establish a firstcontact.. you always teach us that the content ofthe conversation is not so important as the wayyou say it right? but what can i tell them? (fear of rejection i know) . how would you react orbehave? walking by, what would you tell them? ( ithink just asking them if they want to sit downwith us on our table is very wussy)... try to giveus concrete examples of the first "cocky&funny"contact in a pub or other tipical places... thatwould be great...
thanks for helping the wussyfied planet...(;
M.M. Rome, Italy
You know, I'm glad to hear that you met a guywho was successful with women, and learned fromhim.
OF COURSE he was Cocky & Funny.
I learned most of my best ideas about how tomeet women from guys who were successful withwomen, and I found that they all did basically theSAME things... even though they didn't "realize"that they were doing anything at all, for the mostpart.
Meeting and hanging out with "naturals" is oneof the very best things you can do to learn how tobe more successful with women (the other is tostudy the materials that I've put together at thesame time, so you can have the advantage of havingit all explained to you).
Now, to answer your question about approachingwomen in "a pub."
I think the issue that you're PROBABLY dealingwith is REJECTION.
You're probably afraid to go start aconversation because you don't want to be rejectedby women.
Once you can face this reality and start todeal with it, then you'll start making moreprogress.
My experience starting conversations withgroups of more than one woman in bars is that yourENERGY makes a huge impact.
In other words, if you walk over and actnervous and stilted, the women will get nervousand act cold.
If you act like you're having a good time, youthink they look like some fun people to talk to,and you start on that note, they'll be FAR morelikely to be friendly and open.
Now, I know a lot of guys who are GREAT atmeeting women in bars. Some of them use ratherinteresting and complex techniques that range from"pick up lines" all the way to magic and psychicreadings.
Try this:
Pick up your drink, walk over to the table,think of the funniest moment of your life so youhave a smile on your face and say, "What, are yougirls shy or something?"
When they say, "NO, why?"
Answer, "Because I've been sitting at the nexttable for at least a half hour and you haven'tcome over to say hi to me!"
I have about 3 different friends who all usevariations of this opening... and it works great(if you're having fun when you say it).
You need to get over your FEAR. Once you stopcaring what women think of you, then you'll make aLOT more progress.
By the way, if you'd like to get anunbelievalbe education on how to approach and meetwomen in Bars & Club, then go and check THISout...
Hey, I got your eBook a month or so ago. Greatstuff. I write a comment to you because of one ofyour letters, the one from "M. Missouri",specifically. He described starting his marriagewith the C&F and losing his touch. My advise: hitthe book, bud. My marriage was the typical storyof the wife with all the power. This last month,the whole deal has turned on its head. We'recelebrating our 10th anniversary next year, and myuse of your eBook has moved the power from her toat least shared (it'll be all mine soon enough).The posture advise, and slowed deliberate,confident movements, and, of course, the "like Igive a F" attitude all have brought this about.Thanks David, and to the guy who's losing hisedge, take it from someone that had no edge and isgetting all of the control: you've let the booksit unstudied for too long. If I can change over 8years of bad history, you can reel your situationback in.
P in Portland
Great job, man.
Too many guys have this ideal or fantasy intheir minds of "being equals" with a woman, etc.
Ain't gonna happen.
Attractive woman aren't interested in an EQUAL.
They're NEVER attracted to guys who are EQUALS.
Attractive women want a guy who is a LEADER.One who takes charge, keeps them on their toes, isunpredictable, Cocky & Funny, etc.
Thanks for the letter.
David, this might seem usual but I owe you $40.See I purchased your ebook about a year ago butasked for a refund because "it didn't work forme". I realize now that it wasn't your materialrather my own issues that I had to deal with.During that time frame I still read yournewsletters and gained more understanding of themindset of one who "Gets it". I'm still working onthat but as you said, some are quicker learnersthan others. Another factor in this was the otherday when this hottie that I was chatting up wassaying how she would hold out longer if the guywas "relationship material" than if she wanted abooty call. (A great time for a quick C&Fcomeback) A light clicked on and I rememberedwhere I'd read that before. The clincher was whena buddy of mine let me listen to some of youradvanced material. All I can say is that I'mgetting my own copy as soon as I can. So where doI send you your money?
Thanks, E.S. in San Diego.
I admire you for coming back a year later andadmitting that you were the issue, not thematerial.
lol... hey, it's OK.
Yes, women do "hold out" longer if a guy is"relationship material"... that is, if they are inCONTROL of the situation they do.
And yes, at that point you should have shotback:
"So that's how you think of me... as just aBOOTY CALL? How romantic."
You know, sometimes I even find it hard tobelieve that all this strange stuff is true aboutwomen and dating.
But, it is...
What are you doing? Wait I'll answer that, YOUare taking away ALL of the fun we get to have! OkI'll admit you're right about most, ok all, of it,but there is still at least ONE thing that I knowyou have never answered. If we put a guy intoyour so called "Friends" category even YOU don'tknow how to get him out of it!
JB -Canada
P.S. I recommend you stop selling your books and"advanced tactics" before you do somethingserious.
Yeah, I'm really in danger now, huh?
And you're right... once a guy is in the"friends" category it's not easy to get out.
In fact, I tell guys to just walk away andforget about it, because it's such a pain to tryto change.
But, there's GREAT NEWS!
There are SO MANY women running around on thisplanet that it DOESN'T MATTER.
The ironic part is that when you do take the"Next!" attitude and stop treating a woman, whoonly likes you as a friend, like she's special,she'll often change her mind and start liking you.
Go figure.
First off, I am an avid reader of your materialand I employ it often. It works - well. I boughtyour ebook about a year ago and it was worth everypenny. Anyway, enough ass-kissing. I have ageneral comment about the whole gift-buying,dinner-buying kissing a woman's ass concept. Yousay that doing such things to win over a woman'sattention are foolish. I agree wholeheartedly.However, I am in a relationship now with a womanthat I really like, and sometimes I want to buyher things or take her out, etc. This isn'tbecause I feel I have to, but it is because I wantto treat her well. I don't feel that if I don'tdo this, she will leave me. Therein lies thedifference between being foolish and needy aboutit, and doing it by your own decision. It is theINTENT behind what you do that is important. Ifyou do something for a woman because you feel youhave to or you will possibly lose her, she canmore than likely sense that, and will havelimitless amounts of power over you. If you dosomething because you want to, then she will sensethe apparent confidence in you, and will notnecessarily have power over you because of it.Besides, like you say, a woman should want you forYOU - your personality - not what you can buy heror where you can take her. NOTE: I agree thatgift-giving, etc. is a somewhat bad idea in thebeginning of a relationship for the same reasonsyou don't like it. It makes you appear needy andinsecure, and no (emotionally stable) woman wantsthat in a man.
P.S. It was your material that helped give me thementality to get with the girl I am datingcurrently. Good work fella!
J from Philly
You get it!
It's the intent behind what you're doing.
I have a little secret that I'm going to sharewith you. But lean in close, so I can whisper. Idon't want anyone else to hear...
I actually have guy friends who are REALLY goodwith women who take women to dinner, buy themdrinks, etc. when they first meet.
What, you say?
How can this be?
Well, the big difference is that these guys areNOT doing this stuff to GET THE WOMAN'S APPROVAL.
And since EVERYTHING ELSE they're doing clearlycommunicates the RIGHT things, they can actuallydo whatever they want, and still not screw thingsup.
In other words, if you don't understand howATTRACTION works, and you don't know how tocommunicate with women in a way that makes themfeel it for YOU, then buying drinks and dinner,and giving compliments, and all the other thingsmost guys do will only BACKFIRE.
On the other hand, once you totally understandhow and why women feel ATTRACTION, you can dowhatever you want.
And later on, when you find a girl that youreally like and you're enjoying a relationship, ofcourse it's nice to do nice things for her.
Just remember, be very careful.
It's easy to be lured back to the dark side...and to try to get women to like you by paying forthings and taking them places... which it willnever do.
Hey Dave,
I just finished reading your latest newsletter andI had a thought that I wanted to share. You talkeda lot about guys chasing women and showering themwith gifts to buy their love. Well, I have acommon sense point to make to any of your readersthat may be on the fence about buying yourmaterials.
Before I purchased your book, I had doubts becauseI wasn't sure it would be worth the money. To putit into perspective, I thought about all the girlsI dated in the past. Then I roughly added up allthe money I had spent on each for dinner, gifts,etc. (Yes, I know, that was wussy behavior).Well, after totaling up the money, I realized Icould have bought all your materials (book, CD andDVD series) for myself and five of my closefriends and still had money left over (Yes, Ispent that much money on women in the past. Iknow, that was bad). Point is, to any guy (orgirl) out there, take the money you're wastingchasing some girl and buy Dave's book or CD/DVDseries. It's worth it.
Now to my question. I know this is getting longbut I gave you a plug so you owe me. Have youtaken any courses or read any books onconversation skills? Can you recommend any bookson the subject and also on the subject of bodylanguage? Thanks,
AG in PA
You're right-on about one thing...
If most guys added up all the money they'veWASTED on women, they'd realize what a BADinvestment they've made (and what a greatinvestment my stuff is! I like your idea... I'mgoing to tell every guy to get my materials forthem and all their friends from now on. Nice!)
The best books I've ever read on conversationskills are COMEDY books. I like the book "ComedyWriting Secrets" by Helitzer.
And as far as body language books go, I haven'tfound any that I can recommend. The book "BodyLanguage" by Fast, has some interesting stuff init... but most of it is hard to really grasp.
One of the biggest problems I ran into when Iwas first learning how to meet women was thatthings didn't make sense... and things that"should" work DIDN'T work.
When it comes to women and ATTRACTION thenormal rules don't apply anymore. This area oflife is VERY DIFFERENT from other areas, and whenyou try to apply ideas and techniques from otherareas (like conversation skills), you'll find thatthey often don't work AT ALL.
You can walk into a room full of 100 people,and start walking around meeting them.
For 99 of them, walking over and saying, "Hi,how do you know everyone here?" and "So, what doyou do?" will work just fine.
But when you find that ONE attractive woman inthe room that you'd like to meet, and you want tostart an interaction that leads to ATTRACTION, youmust do something TOTALLY different.
It's more than the words you say... it's atotal understanding of what that woman is lookingfor on a deep, primal, subconscious level... andthen to BE that man.
Sometimes I have to just stop in the middle ofyour newsletters and take a break because thestuff you deliver is so good that I feel a littleoverwhelmed... killer stuff! I love the ebook andCD collection. I will send some details later.
You really do more good in the lives you touchthen you know. I hope you can truly appreciatethat statement and all that it means. We shouldall be so fortunate to have such a positive impacton a single life... let alone the many that youinfluence.
Best regards, E. Chicago, IL
Yes, someone give me a trophy... or a medal orsomething.
I really am a wonderful guy, huh?
Trust me, if you had this much fun doing whatI'm doing, you'd do it, too...
Hi Dave
I've been receiving your free newsletter for a fewmonths now and just wanted to say that I've foundmuch of what you've written to be helpful,insightful, and most of all funny! Like a lot ofother guys I've spent a LOT of time trying tolearn how to impress and have success with women,and I like to think that I've come quite a longway from the needy, desperate wussy-man I used tobe (and still am on occasion, admittedly).
My question involves one of the 'testing'behaviors you described in a previous newsletter.You said that one way women often test men is bycanceling plans at the last minute, or by flakingout altogether with little or no notice. I've hadthis happen to me numerous times and I alwaysassumed these girls were just being careless orinconsiderate... or worse yet, ignoring me in thehopes that I would "get the message" and walkaway, without them having to go thru theawkwardness of outright rejecting me! It neveroccurred to me that they might be doing itintentionally, and then taking note of my responsein order to see if I passed some kind of test. Isthat really what's going on? And if so, how do Ipass the test? What is a woman looking for inthis type of situation?
Thanks, T
Well, it is true that women use things likethis to test men... but it's ALSO true that womendo things like this because they want to AVOIDCONFRONTATION.
In other words, a woman will sometimes makeplans with a guy just to avoid saying "no" in themoment.
But later, she'll flake or cancel because"something came up"... when she never intended toshow up in the first place.
If women are flaking out on you a lot, it'sprobably something that YOU'RE doing up front.
In any case, try this:
Next time you're talking to a woman on thephone and making plans to get together for teasay, "Let me ask you a quick question. Do you everflake out on things?"
She'll say, "Not usually" (or some other non-committal thing, most likely).
Say, "Good, because it's one of those thingsthat I really can't deal with... people that can'tkeep their word...and there are a lot of flakypeople in this world."
That might help.
And if she DOES flake at the last minute, don'taccept it.
If she calls and says, "Oh, something cameup..." just answer back, "You know, I was juststarting to think you were DIFFERENT from all theflaky women I've met"...
Make it clear to women that it is NOT OK towaste your time and they'll waste it less.
But, if you act nice and sweet andaccommodating... and you transmit the message thatit's OK to flake because you're a nice guy andwon't care, then it will happen to you all thetime.
hey dave,
i need an answer to a question that has confusedthe hell out of me. well, i received a bunch ofred roses for valentines day from my girlfriend ofabout 2 months now. i gave her 2 roses, a smallteddy bear thing and a short card with a bit ofc+f talk. i figured that i had made a bit of amistake by buying her this much, but when i gaveit all to her she looked so happy and told me thatSHE owed ME bigtime for what i had done. the restof the day i had no problems with kissing her oranything else. my question is, why havent i beenseen as a wuss to her? i know that in most otherscenarios, buying this much stuff would have gotme nowhere.
by the way, your research and advice is all spoton. its helped me to attract loads of girls,including my current girlfriend. thanks and keepup the great work mate.
The reason she said that she "owes you bigtime" is because of the WAY you did it.
When you incorporate the attitude into all ofyour communication with women, it has a HUGEimpact.
The fact that you:
1) Did something thoughtful (the card, twoflowers, etc.)
2) AND you said Cocky & Funny things in the card
...clearly communicated that you were NOT doingthis because you wanted to kiss up to her and gether approval.
One of the greatest things you can do is EVERYtime you do something nice for a girl and sheTHANKS you for it say, "Yeah, you owe me" in asarcastic tone.
Then, later, get her to pay up.
Personally, I like massages.
There's something magical about always puttinga high value on yourself, your time, and yourattention. If you put a high value on it, womenwill too.
...and a couple of final thoughts...
There are two KEY aspects of learning how to besuccessful with women and dating:
1) The Inner Game
2) The Outer Game
The INNER GAME is all about learning how toTHINK and how to manage your thoughts andemotions. It's also about understanding how andwhy attractive women feel that amazing emotioncalled ATTRACTION for some men and not for MOSTmen.
The OUTER GAME is all of the techniques, whatto say and such.
Which is more important?
Well, they're BOTH important.
But what I notice is that most guys want tolearn the OUTER GAME first.
In other words, they want the pick up lines,the fancy tricks, and other things.
I can remember when I first started learningthis stuff.
I had this idea in my mind that if I couldlearn how to get women to give me their numbersthat I'd be the MAN.
Well, I learned that. I can get just about anywoman's phone number in just a few minutes.
But guess what?
Once I learned how to get women's phonenumbers, I ran into a much BIGGER issue... thewomen usually flaked out on me, didn't show up,etc.
And the ones that DID show up were difficult.
Nothing happened.
I realized that there had to be more.
And, as it turns out, there is. A LOT more, infact.
The REASON that the "Inner Game" is soimportant is that attractive women don't judge youon your "pick up lines".
And just because a woman gives you her phonenumber or email address DOES NOT mean that sheFEELS anything inside (like ATTRACTION).
Women don't DECIDE to feel ATTRACTION for aman.
ATTRACTION is something that happens on itsown, for its own reasons.
Attraction Isn't A Choice!
The way to cause women to feel ATTRACTION foryou is to UNDERSTAND how and why it works, andthen communicate in a way that makes it happen.
In my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVDprogram, I spend several HOURS teaching "The InnerGame"... all those things that help you get theINSIDE together, so you can then get the OUTSIDEtogether.
This stuff is CRITICAL to your success.
I wouldn't have taken all the time, effort, andenergy to put this together unless I thought itwas important.
If you want to overcome your challenges andreally take your success to the next level, thenyou owe it to yourself to check it out.
It's here:
And, if you haven't had a chance to download myeBook "Double Your Dating: What Every Man ShouldKnow About How To Be Successful With Women," thenyou need to do that now. You can download it andbe reading it within a few minutes...
If you've tried all kinds of techniques, andnothing seems to "work", then you need to work onyour Inner Game. When you get the inner gametogether, everything will start to work a LOTbetter...
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you'd like to look at all of the differentprograms I've created to help you learn how tomeet women in all kinds of situations, plus watchvideo clips of all of them, just click here: --------------------------------------------------

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