Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kissing Women And Using Humor

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Hey Dave!
I am an avid reader of your newsletters andmailbags ...this stuff literally blew me away. Ialso have your e-book. I had never seen or readany other "dating expert" use the word"attraction"...period! They never mention it inanything they write yet it is the MOST IMPORTANTthing that determines your success with women. Outof literally dozens of articles and e-books fromso-called "dating pros", the word "attraction"just doesn't ever come up! I even read in one e-book that to attract women you need to get agolden tan. I was like: "What the hell? That's notthe key to attracting women you dummy! Besides,what if you cant tan?!!"
When attraction is imminent, women try to be withyou and chase you. If attraction is not there,they make up excuses and try to avoid you. This isso simple... yet so easy to understand but manyguys who haven't read your eBook miss this vitalpoint and thus waste time on women that aren'tinterested! Attraction is EVERYTHING! That is whyanyone reading this that hasn't bought your e-bookor your Advanced CD series should do itIMMEDIATELY! It's definitely worth the investment.In fact it will pay you back over the rest of yourlife because you will be so much better withwomen! Don't pay hundreds of dollars or waste timeon the other material that's out there...buyDave's materials! Ok, Dave, I'm sure your head hasgrown 10 times as big now and since I'm notgetting paid for making you a few extra sales, soI'll quit now! But really, buy the'sexcellent! It's things in there you have neverheard of before that is so critical to yourfailure or success with women!
Anyhow, that was my insight on how great yourmaterial I have a question aboutsomething I read in your mailbag previously thatreally stood out to me. It was the one about theguy who said "Can I kiss you" to a woman that wasgetting out of the car as he dropped her off. Ithought saying "Can I kiss you?" was wussifiedbehavior? That didn't sound like something you cansay without looking like a needy dork but the guysaid it worked for him and he got the kiss anyhow.Did I miss something here? Explain that Dave.Also, have you learned of any other "Kiss Tests"like the one on your site?
GT from Nashville
Well, thanks for the shameless advertisementfor my ebook and Advanced Series. I'm glad you'rehaving success with the material.
I'd like to comment on your observation thatthere's no one teaching guys about ATTRACTION...
I noticed this exact same thing when I wasfirst learning about how to meet and date women.
It took me probably two years of trying thingsbefore I finally realized that there was somethingelse going on with women that NO ONE was talkingabout. Finally, I realized that this magicsomething was an EMOTION.
Women don't meet men and say to themselves"Well, he's my physical type, he has a good job,he dresses himself pretty well, and he looks likehe's good in bed... I think I'll TURN ON MYATTRACTION for him..."
No way.
There's something that happens to a woman,usually in an INSTANT, that sparks the "Chemistry"or "Sexual Tension" or "Attraction." And then, ifthe man knows how to build that tension andAMPLIFY the EMOTION called ATTRACTION that thewoman is feeling, there's a very good chance thatthey will get together.
If, on the other hand, a man does NOTunderstand this simple fact, and more importantly,how ATTRACTION works, then no magic technique inthe world will work consistently for him.
I've learned that ATTRACTION is EVERYTHING.
Well, I have a theory about that, too.
In a nutshell, I think that because men aresexually attracted primarily to LOOKS, they justASSUME that women must be the same way. We guysjust simply never take the time and energy tofigure out what women are actually attracted we act like failures with women... and theytreat us like failures.
And many of the guys I DO know who are goodwith women don't realize WHY what they do works sowell. They just do what they do, and women areattracted to them. Most of them haven't taken thetime to figure out that what they're doing istriggering the powerful emotion called ATTRACTIONinside of women.
To finish my thought on this, you're right.
No one talks about ATTRACTION... and that's aproblem, because if you don't "get" attraction,then it's going to be hard to "get" women to beinterested in you.
Now, you asked a question at the end of youremail.
You wanted to know if the guy who asked, "Can Ikiss you?" was being a Wuss.
OK, I'm about to share a VERY, VERY powerfultool to use when you're interacting with women...
*** Before I share this secret, I want to mentionthat if you want to get a SERIOUS education on thetopic of attraction, check out my eBook"Attraction Isn't A Choice." You can download itright here:
When I tell you what it is, you're probablygoing to say, "That doesn't sound important"...but IT IS.
Trust me on this one.
When you asked your question in the way thatyou asked it, you indicated to me that you MISSEDWHAT WAS GOING ON. You missed the point of thequestion.
One of the things I tell guys to do is TEASEwomen.
Teasing can mean one of a couple of things.
Teasing can mean starting to kiss her, thenstopping, starting, then stopping... over and overagain. In this context it's usually considered agood, pleasurable thing.
For instance, if you kiss a woman gently, thenpull away... then do it again... then again... andyou can tell that she wants more, but you're notgiving it to her, you're teasing her.
Also, teasing can mean "poking fun".
An example would be saying, "Wow, those aresome tall shoes. What, are you like three feettall without them?"
Think of how you used to tease girls on theschool playground when you were a kid.
That's a different kind of teasing.
Now, BOTH kinds of teasing are great to usewith women who you have a romantic interest in...
Let's talk about the "Can I kiss you?" examplefor a minute.
As you might remember, it went something likethis:
He waited for a moment when it was clear to himthat it would be OK to kiss her. She wanted it.Then he said...
Him: "Can I kiss you?" Her: "Yes" Him: "OK, I'llmake sure to do that."
At this point, she said "Right"... and leaned into kiss HIM!
What happened here?
What happened was a little bit of GENIUS.That's what happened.
He was TEASING HER. He was doing somethingthat, at first glance was kind of Wuss/Nice Guything to do. But remember, he had so much momentumbuilt up, that this little "slip" was perceived byher as OK. In fact, he had so much momentum andATTRACTION built up that she WANTED IT.
He says, "Can I kiss you?", she says, "Yes",then he TEASES her by saying, "OK, I'll make sureto do that."
In that moment, she realizes that his Wussbehavior was actually a JOKE, and that he wasactually MESSING with her and teasing her.
And at that point she leaned over and kissedHIM.
Now, let me share something that I made up thatI have used with women on many occasions...
Let's say I'm out and I meet a girl walkingdown the street, and I get her email and phonenumber.
We send a couple of emails back and forth, thenwe get on the phone.
Because I'm always teasing and busting balls, IKNOW that she's enjoying it and interested inme... so in that first phone conversation I'llsay:
Me: "You know, I was telling my mom about youtoday" Her: "Really?" Me: "NO, you dork! Why would I tell my MOM about you?Get over yourself!"
Are you with me?
Remember, I'm being charming, Cocky, Funny, andunpredictable from the start... and I KNOW thatshe's enjoying it. The tension is building, evenas we have our first phone conversation.
So I then say something that just plain doesn'tfit ("I was telling my mom about you today?"). Shesays, "Really?" in a half flattered/half surprisedway, wondering what's going on.
I then pause to build up the suspense.
As the pause is happening, and she's startingto think to herself, "Uh oh, he really likes me",I drop the "No, you dork! Why would I tell my MOMabout you? Get over yourself!" line.
It's funny, confusing, and a HUGE tease.
It usually gets a huge laugh... and itcommunicates that I not only "get" what's goingon, but I'm so confident that I'll tease her aboutit.
Now, this is what you might call an "advanced"move.
If you don't know how to tell if a woman isattracted to you, how to spark attraction, how toamplify the attraction, and how to move from onestep to the next, you're just going to sound likea dumb ass when you say something like this...because you'll say it at the wrong time, or you'llsay it to a woman who isn't very interested inyou... which will make things WORSE instead ofbetter.
I hope you hear what I'm saying.
One of the GREATEST things you can learn is howto use SUBTLE humor with women to IMPLY whatyou're thinking without actually SAYING itdirectly.
As I say in my ebook, "Double Your Dating" andin my Advanced CD/DVD Program, men take thingsliterally and women are always interpreting...they're always trying to figure out whateverything you're saying and doing "REALLY MEANS".
Communicating with women on a "sexual" level isa skill that you must learn and develop... andthankfully ANY man can learn how.
Once you learn this new "language," you'llstart to experience women in a whole new way.You'll be sending and receiving signals in alanguage that you never even knew about.
And it's FUN!
And the best part is that WOMEN WILL REALLYAPPRECIATE and ENJOY the fact that you actuallyknow how to communicate with them.
You need to go back through these materials andpay attention to the SUBTLE things that I'msaying, and start to really pay attention to thedetails of how you communicate with women. Youwon't believe how much fun you can have.
And if you haven't yet invested in my eBook andAdvanced CD/DVD series, then you need to do that.Both come with a "stupid-proof" guarantee... tryBEFORE you buy... and both take your datingsuccess through the roof.
You will not find a better education on womenand dating ANYWHERE... at ANY price.
The eBook is here for download:
The Advanced Dating Techniques Program is here:
I'll talk to you again soon!
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Don't forget to check out all of my differentprograms in my online catalog. You can see themall, plus watch video clips of every one of themright here:

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