Friday, May 30, 2008

How To Make A Woman Laugh

I get a TON of questions from guys whowant more specific training, word-for-word "lines"and other "Cocky Funny" techniques. If you likeusing Cocky & Funny, and you want to master it,then you should definitely read this and watch thevideo clips:
Hi Dave! I used your email close twice now and itworked like magic both times: once with astatuesque black woman, the other with a cuteAsian. Yeah!
One was in a bookstore, the other in a cafe: I chatted for five minutes, started leaving, then asked for email.
But what do I at a party where I'm likely to stay for at least an hour? Pretend to leave, get email,then stay!? What's the strategy here?
Isn't it amazing how easy it is to get an emailaddress from a woman you've just met? I didn'tbelieve it myself at first...
Well, it sounds like you have quite the diverse taste in women... glad to hear that my techniques cross all racial and cultural boundaries.
If you're at a party, the strategy is:
"Well, it was nice talking to you... I'm going to get back to my friends... {turn away}... Hey,do you have email?"
Then get her email and go back to your friends.If she starts up a conversation again with you,you now have all kinds of options.
Think about it.
And, if you or she leaves early, you can still contact her later. Nice.
I bought your book and its been money well spent as far as I'm concerned. The email/phone approachworks like magic; I have never, ever gotten aphone number in a bar before, and now I can! Also the "are you touching me" line you mention in yourbook is a real winner. And all the general advice about body language, attitude, its all working.

So now I'm wondering if you can provide some advanced know-how. The sort of girls I like are the blonde, high-maintenance "Los Angeles" looking babes, and they seem to be the hardest for me to succeed with. Any suggestions on what I should bedoing to attract them? What look I need to have,methods of approach, things to say, whatever...

(To explain where I'm coming from, I'm tall(6'2"), thin but cut, average looking, run my own business and make good money. I try to be both funny and arrogant but am usually more funny than arrogant. My style is goatee, black turtle neck,khakis, black loafers.)
Thanks in advance for any extra tips you can provide!
Lease a Mercedes 500SL, get a big gold chain,pretend to be a big-time producer, and make references to your "connections".
The problem with the type of woman that you'redescribing is that WOMEN DON'T ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE THIS IN REAL LIFE. EVERY ONE OF THESE WOMEN IS TRYING TO COMPENSATE FOR SOMETHING! And it'susually something like, oh, self esteem,insecurity, lack of attention from a father figure, a neurotic need for approval... you get the picture.
If you want a fake woman, then be a fake man.
Your other option, of course, is to TURN UP THE MAGIC COCKY + FUNNY FORMULA TO THE MAX. You'regoing to have to see her fake beauty and raise heran arrogant attitude unseen since Ali.
Try it. If it isn't working, turn it up. You'reprobably asking for trouble, but since youasked...
Hi Dave,
Great book! It certainly makes much more sense tobypass those "dating rules" that women seem alwaysplay and make your own rules instead.
I do need your opinion here: I'm successful,intelligent, cocky/funny (bordering ona**hole/arrogant at times), not bad looking, andin good shape. However, I'm Asian/American andshorter than the average white male. On theinternet, I've had many comments how great I seemuntil they learn that I'm Asian-- then I don'thear from them again. In person, it's a slightlydifferent story because I can use funny/cocky,which gives me better responses.
I know that Asian American males have always hadhuge gripes about white women and even women oftheir own race who will NOT date them because ofthe stereotypical (nerdy, needy, backwards, orarrogant, bad to women, philanderers... list goeson) AA males that are always portrayed on TV andmovies. And also, you just hardly ever see AAmales with white women (especially in the whitesuburbia where I happen to live).
Do you have any special advice here? Anypersonality traits we should emphasize? Have youseen AA males be successful using these techniquesand what have you observed?
I have an Asian friend who's probably about 5'5" tall, and he's ALWAYS surrounded by youngwomen. And I mean surrounded. Like 5 or 6 at atime. There are biases everywhere, in allcultures... if you buy into them, then they applyto you. If you don't, then they don't.
Whose reality do you live in anyway? Yours? Orhers?
Hi, this maybe a dumb question but what does"cocky" mean and can you provide me some examples.
The formula is:
Cocky alone is not attractive. Arrogance repelspeople like bad breath. But a FUNNY arrogance...Ahhh, that's the stuff that miracles are made of.
The cocky man says, "You are acting like alittle girl, and it's annoying me."
The cocky+FUNNY man says, "If you keep actinglike a brat I'm going to spank you like a red-headed-step-child." (The usual response is"Ooohhh, be careful, I might like that.)
No, really.
A cocky+funny man is always on the lookout foran opportunity to show off his arrogant humor.
She gives a compliment on the clothing...Cocky+Funny Man says:
"I just met you and you're already startingwith the compliments. Look, I'm not going homewith you. I'm not that easy."
I've just placed a pearl of wisdom before you.If I were you, I'd pick it up, look at it frommany angles, and improvise variations. This ismagic waiting to happen.
"HEY DAVE! I have a teensy weensy little questionsfor you, but first I'd like to say that your bookkicks serious butt!! I have had more luck withwomen since I got it... Not that I really neededit or anything, (cough cough) ahem! Anyways, nowto my question.
1)I know how to be cocky, I know how to be funny,I treat women the special attractive way theyshould be treated... but I have no clue whatsoeveras to what signs a woman will give off when she isfeeling attracted, I keep doing silly, stupidthings like um... backing off afterward 'cause I'mnot sure what her reaction meant, which I ampositive is a problem.
So if you could help me here I would be mostobliged
The main sign that a woman gives off is VERYsimple to spot:
You can stop clapping. I know it was profound.
But really, if a woman isn't interested, shewon't keep talking to you. She'll start lookingaround, acting bored out of her skull, or movingaround in an uncomfortable manner.
The first minute or two is often like thisanyway as two people begin a conversation... butif it continues past about 3-5 minutes, you needto move on and try to be a little less boring withthe next girl!
I knew you would find my answer profound... butif you're still waiting for her to tilt her head,lick her lips, and twirl her hair then you need tostop reading books published by guys that havenothing better to do than spend 25 years watchingpeople in bars and writing down what they do.
It's simple:
1) Meet girl
2) Get email and number
3) Invite for tea and stimulating conversation
4) Meet and tease, be cocky & funny
5) If she's not psycho, invite her over
6) Use The Kiss Test
7) Don't screw it up!
I may have oversimplified a bit here, but Ithink you get the idea. Don't worry about whatshe's thinking... just do what you know isATTRACTIVE, and then lead. Things will workthemselves out if you keep doing the right things.
Been reading your newsletter, and bought yourbook. I've read it once and will read it again forbetter comprehension.
Success Story:
In the meantime, I've been putting into practicewhat you teach. I wanted to share this successstory with your readers, as an example of how wellthis stuff can work.
At a bar with a bunch of friends for a stag party.Took the stag-boy around the bar to get his t-shirt signed by all the women (this is a great wayto meet and talk with every woman in the bar).Anyway, later I saw a blonde that I had talked toearlier. She was talking with 3 guys. I wentover and tapped her on the shoulder and said "Heycan I talk with you a minute?" and walked awayabout 10 feet.
She came over, I used your email/phone # material,and gave her pen and paper to write it down. Youshould have seen the looks on the faces of thethree guys who were just talking to her. It wasworth it just for that.
I got 4 numbers that night and have been out with2 of those women.
Like many other guys who write you, I've beentrying to develop the cocky-funny attitude. I'vewatched most of the comedians and movies yousuggested in your book. I'm working hard on thisbut it's just moving along slowly.
Now that getting emails/numbers isn't a problem,and even getting dates (although I know I could dobetter if I was more cocky-funny) is now morepossible, I now have run into a whole new problem:how to create tension/tease/act cocky-funny on thefirst date so that SHE calls ME for the seconddate (hopefully cooking a meal at her place).
Anything you suggest for us guys at this stage ofour learning that isn't already in your book wouldbe most helpful.
You're doin' great... and you'll figure it outas you go.
One of the best things you can do is to takeout a pen and paper, and write down the ten mostcommon situations that you find yourself in, thenwrite down some cocky, funny lines to use.
For instance, you might write:
End Of Date
1) Say to her, "Now don't call me three times aday... I had fun too, but no stalking"
2) Kiss her and say, "Call me"
3) Tell her, "I'm busy tomorrow, but if you temptme with a good enough offer, I might make time foryou the next night..."
Are you feelin' me?
Just work out the different situations on paperfirst, then do them in real life. You're on theright track.
If you REALLY want to learn how to master theart of taking things from one step to the nextwith a woman in a SMOOTH way... you should alsocheck this out:
You've guessed it - the magic formula is working.I went for 10 years with only 3 women, and in thelast 3 months, since I read the book, I've sleptwith 3 more. The C&F theory is 100%. I picked upone girl at supermarket, got her email, sent heran email, got a date, left early ("got to go - toobusy, sorry...", waited 10 days, got another date,asked her if she'd like to see me again, told her"I think you should, because I'm almost perfect"(she laughed), kissed her and you can guess therest...This stuff is dynamite. I'm a good looking,successful 36 year old (separated), but I act anidiot in front of women - or used to. Now I feel*totally* in control, and am enjoying playing withyour ideas. Spot on!
Isn't it amazing what a little attitudeadjustment can do? I appreciate your email becausea lot of guys don't realize that JUST BEING GOODLOOKING doesn't do it. In fact, I know moreaverage looking guys who are successful with womenthat "good looking" guys who are. Funny, isn't it?
Actually, it's COCKY and funny. Ba-Dum-Bum.
Dear David,
I met this girl on the internet and we have beenout twice. On the computer and on the phone she'sall sweet and inviting but in person she isentirely different. On our second date she told methat she didn't feel "connected" with me.Meanwhile I have been nothing but a gentleman tothis woman. Help, what did I do wrong.
I have two ideas for you:
1) Stay tuned and read every email that you getfrom me.
And listen to the little audio clip at the endof the second page. You need to learn thatATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. And it isn't logical.
Again, stay tuned.
Hi David,
I spend a lot of time in the library these daysstudying for an exam - Psychology of all things-but it hasn't helped because oftentimes I see anattractive girl at the next table or perhaps acute girl walks past - never to be seen again. Myproblem is that I'm totally at a loss as to whatto say and how to arrange it so we meet in whatseems like a natural and unsuspicious way. I can'tjust go up to a study-table and suddenly introducemyself and I'm certainly not going to followanyone around. Any suggestions?
Like I say in my book "Double Your Dating"...women KNOW what you're doing when you approachthem. Heck, even if you're just being nice andfriendly they'll SUSPECT that you're picking up onthem.
So, get over this "unsuspicious way" idea.
What... do you want to start talking about mathor anthropology, then slide in under her radarwith your smooth Mac Daddy techniques... and haveher wake up enamored with you?
Well, now that I put it this way...
Just sit close and start up a conversation. Askthem what they're studying. Say anything. Then becocky & funny. Say you have to go, that it's beennice chatting... and "Hey, do you have email?"
Quit trying to be the "Secret Agent Mac" of thecampus. And besides, women think that men who areself conscious approaching them are WUSSIES.
And, in case you didn't know this, WUSSIESDON'T GET WOMEN ALL HOT AND BOTHERED.
Revenge Of The Nerds will NEVER happen to you.
First of all, I've got to say that your advice isbrilliant! There's a lot of con-men out thereselling silver bullets for guys women problems,but you're writing makes you figure out what worksbest for you. Since I've started following theCocky-Funny approach, I've noticed better resultswith women in general.
Recently, I was out with a group of friends forsomeone's birthday. I met this great chick who weboth have mutual friends with. Well needless tosay we both were attracted to one another and weredancing in the club later with each other. One ofmy friends was talking to her and then afterwardsshe went a bit cold on me. He told me later thatshe said she liked me but had just started goingout with another guy for 2 weeks.
Now I'm not one to try and steal another guysgirl, but I felt that the two of us reallyconnected and would like to see this girl. Ihaven't got her number, but my friend has a goodexcuse to ring her and I know I will be seeing heragain in a couple of weeks through friends. Wellmy question David is this. You're tips helped makeher attracted to me, but what can I do if she'sstill unsure about what to do with her currentrelationship?
I'd really appreciate your advice!
Well, if you haven't read my book, then youneed to get it ASAP and learn how to use the"friendship" approach with women.
I think that most guys are just too damnanxious to get their willies wet sometimes.Instead of trying to convince her to leave someguy she's been dating for two weeks based on a fewdances, instead say:
"It was nice meeting you, you seem like youmight make a nice FRIEND. Maybe we can have coffeesometime."
Get it?
I've learned the hard way that it's much betterto get to know a woman as a friend FIRST anyway.It puts you in the right frame of mind, and youget to learn a few things about her before youapply all of your serious advanced smooth-mactactics (and very well may just save you from aneurotic experience of the unwanted kind).
When you say "friends" first, it says all theright things. Think about it.
I have a question about fat womens. if a women sitin the house all day worry about things andtrying to destroy my career of making music andlooking for some attention and money should i getrid of the fat pig or stay with her till thingsblow and hit her like a punching bag to settle heremotions down? she not my girlfriend she just asick women who was cool with me since my youth butshe hates everything I'm into. well I'm ready totreat her like dirt as far the game go she play totalk trash about my talent and putting her nose inmy business.what should I do punch her like a pimpor kick the fat bic.. to the curb.(we ain,t gotanything in command)
I have to warn you beforehand, I'm not aqualified relationship expert or licensedpractitioner, but I may be able to offer you someinsight.
It sounds to me like your relationship couldpossibly have eroded beyond repair. Again, I'm nota qualified expert, but this is just my personalintuition.
In addition, I realize that on occasion a womancan behave in a way that is unsettling, butviolence is never an acceptable way to settle adispute of this nature.
In other words I just don't think that if you"punch her like a pimp" that it's going to solveanything.
Good luck with your " of making musicand looking for some attention and money..."
*** I know, it just isn't possible that someonecould have sent me this letter... but sometimeslife is just this way. I cut and pasted it exactlyas it was sent to me... with no edits. Unreal.***
Dave, I wrote you last week saying that I reallylike this girl and wanted to "push her over theedge" and get her to see me more. Well, I tookyour advice and waited for her to call me. Well,she did, and everything that you said would happendid. She told me that she is used to guys callingher all of the time and bugging her and that I amthe first guy she's gone out with that didn't tryto call her and ask her out every day. Needlessto say she asked ME if she could see ME more. Itworked like a charm and she spent the night lastnight (it was worth the wait). Just wanted to saythanks for the help and that you are cool as hellfor helping guys to quit acting like "wusses".Thanks buddy.
What else can I say? NICE!
I should invent a cream called "WUSS-BE-GONE"... or maybe "WUSS-AWAY"... you could rub iton yourself and it would overcome the urge to callwomen and beg for their attention. I could sell itfor $100.00 a tube. Hmmmmm... I'll have to see ifI can scare up some venture capital for this one.I'll keep you posted.
...and that about wraps up another one.
I'm still trying to recover from the comedyabove... I really hate my job.
If you found this particular discussioninteresting, then you probably need to learn theDEEPER secrets of how to be more successful withwomen and dating. And if you're ready, then it'sprobably time for you to step up and get yourselfan education about how to attract women and KEEPthem attracted. And the best education in theworld is my Advanced Dating Techniques program.It's over 12 full hours of me teaching all of myvery best concepts.
This program will teach you everything from howto overcome your fears of women to how to takethings to a "physical" level without running intorejection. It is literally JAM PACKED withHUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-steptechniques for overcoming all of your obstaclesand getting to the point in your life where youhave the kind of success that you've always wantedwith women.
I'll send it to you to try with zero risk, andit comes shipped in a plain box for your privacy.Can't beat that deal... Go check out the greatfree samples here:
...and, if you're reading this right now andyou haven't yet downloaded your copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating", I have something totell you...
My eBook is the foundation for everything thatI teach in these newsletters, and it's thefoundation for my Advanced Dating TechniquesProgram. If you haven't read it, go download itright now:
And again: if you're interested in learningmore about how to use Cocky & Funny to attractwomen, then you MUST go check out my Cocky ComedyCD/DVD Program. You can watch some good previewvideo clips here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Don't forget to look over all of thedifferent programs that I've created to help youlearn how to attract women. You can see them allhere: --------------------------------------------------

Monday, May 19, 2008

Making Women Feel Sexually Attracted To You

>IMPORTANT: If you're ready to take your successwith women to the "next level", you might want totake a minute and look over some of the differentprograms I've created to help teach you thesecrets of attracting and meeting women. You canlook at all of them in one handy place right here,plus watch some fantastic free video clips:
Dear David,
Firstly, I won't massage your ego by waxinglyrical on your material and have no questions foryou. Just 2 success stories. I am 26 yrs old andmarried to a 10 for 2 years. I have read andreread your newsletters and applied c&f at everyopportunity with her, much to her extreme delight.She hasn't been able to take her hands off mesince! A story about TESTING. I'm from Englandoriginally and recently went back just for a weekwithout her (family occasion which they paid for).2 weeks before I went she gave me extreme abuse(testing) saying that I should be home with her,that it was unfair, she wanted to come too etc etcetc..... usual complete rubbish a chick likes togive you. Anyway, I did not back down at all, dugmy heels in and told her if she wanted to dump meover then so be it; plenty of other girls wantingto get in my pants etc (of course with c&f thrownin)..... Anyway, she soon got used to the idea andthe week before I went we had wilder sex than everbefore. She was rampant and even got me to take amorning off work, just so we could have sex. Itold her I'd think about it, but later agreed.Also, I work an extreme sales job and I recentlygot a hot new receptionist/clerk. All I've donefor the last 5 weeks is bust on her about notbeing on the phone enough (that's not her job atall, but I bust her anyway). She'll say "goodmorning" as I come in, and I'll say "Never mindthat. How many cold calls have you made today!?",or I'll just walk over to her phone, blow the dustof it and use the backhand to brush the cobwebsaway, stuff like that. Gets her giggling like aschoolgirl. Our interactions have only been likethis, for 5 WEEKS. Anyway... we had a works nightout last week and got talking. All she could saywas how hot my wife is (I told her my wife was alucky girl), then told me how handsome I was andthat SHE wanted to be my girl instead, and finallyconfessed that she really wanted a THREESOME withme and my Mrs. And that's all I'll say on this...All I've done is busted her butt about not makingenough deals and she wants a threesome. Guys.....single or not, LISTEN TO DAVID!!! Using his stuffwill alter your experience of women forever, andtheir experience of you! Nice one Dave! cheersDVJ
You know, I'm not sure that I like your idea ofnot waxing lyrical on my material, and notmassaging my ego...
Rethink that for next time.
As for your excellent understanding andapplication of this material to, a-hem, "improve"your relationship with your wife, and, a-hem...your receptionist... nice job.
It really is amazing how TURNED ON women getwhen you communicate with them the way you'redescribing.
The REAL trick here is actually getting to apoint where you BELIEVE it... so you can startactually DOING it.
Thanks for the report.
Hey Dave,
To start, I just want to say that you areincredible. I'm not gonna leap up and startpreaching here, I'm no reverend to the Temple ofDavid, but I will cut straight to the chase. I'vebeen reading your newsletter for a while and it isworking really well. I've always been c/f, but Iwas afraid of offending the woman I set my sightson. I finally have the confidence to unleash thisbeast, problem is, I have the tendency to startbusting on a girl, and when I see it's working...I blank. A good example two days ago, this FINEgirl walked into my class, having to make up amath test. This particular teacher, she LOVES toannoy, so I took good advantage of that. Seeing asI have established a position of transparentdominance in that class, speaking out in a lecturewas really no problem. So this girl (who is aSOLID 10 on my scale) sits down across the room,which is my favorable flirting distance. I raisemy hand and ask the teacher,
"Is this a permanent arrangement? I don't want HERin my class" She smiles and winks at me "Gee, Ilove you too." Of course I froze, and rather thansaying, "damn right you do," I TURNED AWAY!! Nowto much later, she raises her hand and asks,"Where do I write my answers?" Instinctively Iturn and say, in a perfect sarcastic tone, "Onyour forehead" She laughed and replied with aflirtatious "shut-up". I FROZE AGAIN!!! I'vetried making conversation in the mall with femaleclerks, and I get on a roll. Just as I'm about tobowl her over with charm, I roll right into thegutter. Any advice? PM in Anaheim CA
Yeah, I have some advice...
Use that GENIOUS MIND of yours to PLAN a fewthings to say back to women.
Here, I'll get you started with a few ideas...
"You love me."
"This relationship isn't going to work."
"Don't turn into a stalker, OK?"
...there's a list of three to get you going.
The MAGICAL thing about these types ofresponses is that they can be used in almost ANYsituation.
Let's say you're teasing a girl, and she'slaughing and hitting you.
You look at her with a serious face and say,"You love me."
Or you could use one of the other "standards"I've listed above.
The POINT is that you need to have a fewSTANDARD things to say in ANY situation.
Practice the above three until you can USEthem. Then take a few minutes and dedicate thatGENIUS MIND of yours to coming up with a few more.
Next thing you know, you'll actually be sayingsomething BACK in these situations.
REMEMBER: The point isn't to have somethingcute to say to women, the POINT is getting heremail/number, etc. So don't worry about being toocute. Just worry about getting to the next STEP.
Man, man man! I have got to tell you! I was askeptic at first.....really.....I was! Because Ithought that being C&F was somehow trying to bemean, but it's actually the opposite!
I was at school (well, not really school, butcollege) in the student cafe, chilling, and a goodfriend of mine (a really attractive girl that I'vehad my eye on for a while) sat down next to me.
Her: "hi." Me: "Oh, hi there, (her). So what'sup?" Her: "Well, I just passed that big psychologytest with a 95." Me: *smiles* "Cool. So how do youthink this'll effect your grade?" Her: *laughs*"Ah, well it probably won't do much." Me: *smiles*"Nah, it probably won't. It's not like youactually know the material, everybody knows youprobably cheated. Heh." Her: *laughs* "Hey" Me:*Mocking her (she has a squeaky voice)* "Hey!"lol. C'mon now, both you and I know that you knowthe back of your eyelids more than you know aboutthat class. All you do in there is sleep! *I thenlay my head down and start making mock snoringnoises. She loved that! We talked some more andlater, I finally got her phone number and I calledher and we arranged plans for a lunch date. Cool!The thing is, is that you are actually being NICERby being C&F because you are giving her what shewants, and making her feel special around you! NOWI GET IT! THANKS MAN! YOU DEFINATLY KNOW YOURSH**!!
Yeah, you know, that was probably a bad idea toactually say something INTERESTING AND FUNNY toher.
When she said "hi" to you, you probably shouldhave just acted shy and nervous, and hoped that ifyou were nice enough over the next 6 months thatmaybe she'd notice you and fall in love magically.
You probably should have just told her what agreat job she did on her test, and how maybe shecould help you study sometime (as a subtle anddumb-ass way to hint that you like her).
You know, you're RIGHT about one thing:
When you're Cocky & Funny (and you're ACTUALLYfunny when you're doing it), you ARE giving womenwhat they want.
Go figure. You get to actually have fun, notkiss ass, AND be successful with women.
Thanks for the great story.
I am recently divorced and just getting back inthe game, so your letters are definitely a greatreminded as to what works (and I have read theebook). I just had to share an experience withyou.
I'm at dinner with this girl the other night (3rddate) and she is telling how her best friend'shusband is completely whipped over his wife. Tothe point that he won't make a decision or take astep without her. As she's telling me this I am ofcourse leaning way back. She obviously wants me tosay something, but I just slightly raise aneyebrow. Then the kicker, she asks me if I haveever been whipped on a girl or if I could be. Igave her the nice, long pause and said what do youthink? She responded with "No Way!" Now this girlis very intelligent and fairly aggressive, but shethen says that she has to have a guy that is moreaggressive and she can't stand when guys don'ttake the lead. I thought this girl might bereading your emails.
Then later at my apartment as we are all over eachother on the couch, she stops and asks me "whatkind of girl do you respect?" Now that was thefirst time a girl asked me that, so I just said"the kind that is independent and makes her owndecisions." Now I'm not sure if that was the rightthing to say, so about 10 minutes later when Ididn't think things were going much further, Isaid "I think we should call it a night". Shequickly asked me if there was going to be a fourthdate? I said, "of course why wouldn't there be".Then the best happens, she said, "Well, I didn'tthink you liked me the first time we went out andyou just have me a little confused." Great stuff.
Then I think I make a mistake. She asks me what myplans are for the next night and I say I don'thave any. So she asks me to go out the next nightand I say yes even though I would rather hold offfor a couple of days. I have a few questions:
1) What is another way I could respond to thequestion of going out the very next night?
2) If I wanted to back out but still keep herinterested, what suggestions do you have?
C Houston
WOW, you've raised about 147 GREAT points inyour email.
Let's talk about a few of them...
Women who say, "I like a man to be aggressiveand take the lead" aren't reading my emails (well,maybe they are... lol).
I'm WRITING my emails BECAUSE women like menwho do this.
I'm not inventing the things I teach in myhead, then hoping they work in the real world.
I've been researching, testing, and studyingthis stuff for a LONG time now.
For every thing that I teach or suggest, I'vetried at least a HUNDRED others... in other words,I'm only teaching the best of the best.
When you hear me saying, "Women aren'tattracted to Wussies", it's not just to be cute.
You will RARELY find a statement that is truemore of the time than that one.
And I mean VERY rarely.
Now, when she asked you, "What kind of woman doyou respect?" - you should have said:
"Ones that don't ask a lot of questions"
"Ones that earn it"
Get it?
WHAT ARE YOU DOING answering a question likethat with a normal, serious, BORING answer?
Read my book again.
Be more of a CHALLENGE.
Be mysterious.
Finally, when she asked you what your planswere for the next night, you should have said:
"My plans are to not be with YOU, YOU BRAT!"
"That's classified"
"NO, you CAN NOT take me to Vegas and marry me"
...or any one of 100 ways to both tease her andput her off the trail of hanging out with you.
You do not need to be deceptive or manipulativein order to say "I'd prefer to not see youtomorrow night".
You don't need permission to NOT see a woman.
By rolling over and doing what you did, you putaside your own desires, and demonstrated that yourINNER WUSSY is actually in charge.
I've threatened the Deuce B. treatment before:
"Don't make me come down there and He-BitchMan-Slap you!"
Hey Mr.Womanizer
I must say, this is actually the first time I'mimpressed with your email dating tip. You knowwhy? Because this is the first time your beingfully honest, completely clear and straightforward. To my knowledge this is the first timeyour saying a guy should be MEAN AND JERK toattract women.
I know exactly what your saying. In another wordsyour saying "you should be a BADBOY to attractwomen".
But you also say women like funny guys (sense ofhumor). I don't know any bad boys, mean,jerks.....who are funny. They are serious types.
I really think you are confusing people becauseyou said 2 different things.
OR: do you mean a guy should be a BADBOY-JERK aswell as being FUNNY. But BADBOY-JERK can't befunny.
I think I'm going to have to make a new rulefor sending questions and comments to me:
Of course, you've failed to comply with my newrule in your email...
But I do have to say, your MIS-interpretationof my ideas is quite entertaining...
"...a guy should be MEAN AND JERK to attractwomen..."
Now THERE'S an idea you should get out and try.
The concept of "Being mean and JERKING".
It just might work for you.
Do yourself and everyone you know a favor, andlearn how to read and comprehend complex conceptslike HUMOR...and FLIRTING.
Until that time, continue to fully expect andtolerate that curious and persistent dry feelingyou have right at the point where your legs meet.
Hey Dave,
All I can say is your dating tips really work!!
I am 53 year old man spending a fantastic,romantic 4-day weekend with a wonderful 39 yearold women that I just meet a few weeks ago.
I am taking a short break from this weekend'sactivities to email a few other female friendsthat are in their early 40's - all are witty,smart and attractive.
I was married for a long time and had not datedfor 30 years. Was not sure how to start.
WOW - You have helped me get well on my way.
Best regards to you, J
Yeah, yeah, yeah... you always were a SHOW OFF!
You know, one of the things that I love aboutthis material is that INTELLIGENT guys can "get"it and start using it almost INSTANTLY.
Once you get it, you REALLY can improvequickly.
Welcome back, and congrats on the success.
If you're reading this right now, and you'dlike to learn how to get "back into the game"...or how to get into the game in the FIRST PLACE,then make sure you go and check this out:
hello! name is c!....i signed up for yournewsletter just to see exactly what is goingthrough men's minds sometimes...i read quite a fewof them and realized you are absolutely right ontarget on the way to pick up women and what to sayto them...women love arrogance... but, to myquestion....i am normally the outspoken life ofthe party...have a bit of an attitude...and don'thave any problem picking men up...but the thingis...i am the aggressive one...i pursue the preywith no fear...and many men do approach me but,they are normally the idiots who never talk toanyone...they see i am very easy going and easy totalk to..i talk to EVERYONE...i never get thearrogant bastards like i want...the guys arealways too SENSITIVE...and overbearing, feelyfeely....i had once went out with an arrogant manas yourself...the techniques you described , iwouldn't doubt if he had your book...but it keptmecoming back for more...he knew what to say andwhen to say it..ALL THE TIME.......a friend ofmine had actually hooked us do ifind them? do i get that arrogant bastard toapproach me...and what are the signs to lookfor?....i would really appreciate this advice....iand many of my friend...HELP!
Well, I'm not sure that I can help you find an"arrogant bastard", but you did say something thatI'd like to comment on...
You said that "...guys are always tooSENSITIVE... and overbearing, feely feely..."
Now, the funny thing is, I KNOW what kind ofwoman you are. You're FUNNY, INTERESTING, ANDCHARISMATIC.
I'm sure of it. Guaranteed.
You're the kind of woman that men DREAM ABOUT.
You probably enjoy life, have fun whateveryou're doing, know what you want... etc. You'reprobably successful in your line of work, have alife of your own... and on and on.
You're also the kind of woman that most menhave NO idea how to deal with.
Most guys will turn you OFF within 3 seconds ofthe introduction, because they'll start acting allnice, polite, and sweet.
I'm not sure that I can help you in your questfor an "arrogant bastard", but I'll feel free touse your email to demonstrate that women likeyourself are NOT interested in men who are "feelyfeely".
A friend got me your books as a birthday present,being that before then I was pretty pathetic withthe ladies, Being a wrestler made it all the moreof an insult. When I did get a relationship, itwould never last more than a week, and nothingwould come out of it. Well, after reading yourstuff I realized how much of a wuss I was. I didalmost every wuss thing in the book, not tomention just having a severe lack of confidence...
Just to see what works, I went on one of thosepicture rating sites. I'll tell ya, of 3 picturesI ranked from 6.5 to 9.5. The 6.5 one being me asa well groomed nice guy with a smile and the 9.5as me a year later in a cast with a "pissed offdrug dealer" look (I'd been missing a season orwrestling, it was only fitting). I realized thenice guy look wasn't working. I also met about adozen girls on that system and just practiced thec&f on them. I was the one calling the shots,dropping the boring ones and sticking to theinteresting ones, instead of them choosingwhether I was worthy... The funny part was, theyeach started telling me how infatuated they werewith me, and telling me about dozens of guys whopiss them off, where each of those guys were doingthings I used to do by nature... Well, after Irealized that I actually did have it in me, Ibrought it all together and started using it ongirls back at college. I'm currently going outwith one of the most beautiful in my college, andit's you I have to thank for it.
JW, Pennsylvania
Wow, nice.
You have really spelled it out.
A lot of young, hot women say that men are"annoying".
What they REALLY mean is that men are BORINGand that they feel no ATTRACTION for them.
As strange as the truth is, ATTRACTION is NOTtriggered by being a "nice" guy.
Nice will never do it.
Of course, as you know, I never suggest thatmen act in an ABUSIVE way...
But if you want to get out of the "annoying"category, you MUST start BEHAVING ANDCOMMUNICATING DIFFERENTLY.
Being CLINGY is ANNOYING to women.
Acting like a WUSSY is ANNOYING to women.
Congratulations, and thank you for taking thetime to write in and share your success story.
Can you give some advice to women? I know your e-mail is just for men but I REALLY need some help.
I've tried to get this guy and I think I need achange in my attitude towards him. He's hard toget because he follows this pattern: he calls, heseems very interested but a few days or a weeklater he will change his mind and ignore me (he'sdone the same with 2 other girls) or he'll date mefor a while then ignore me then come back a fewmonths later. This last time he tried coming backto me while dating another girl still and itseemed that it was only for sex. I flat outrefused.
Here is what I've tried: If I straight out refusehim and tell him what I think, he backs offcompletely. If I try to be nice and forgiving,he'll take it and follow the same pattern.
I need a different attitude for when he'll comeback next time (not so serious and not so niceeither)- something that will surprise him. Anysuggestions?
AC, San Diego
Well, you're not exactly going to like this,but I'm about to take your email and use it for myown selfish purposes...
Here's what I heard you say:
"Dear David,
I can't explain it, but for some reason I'mATTRACTED to men who are unpredictable, untamed,successful with other women, and probably BAD FORME."
The thing that REALLY strikes me about yourletter is that you're basically asking me how toget a guy who probably ISN'T good for you.
Now, why would you go to all the trouble tothink about this, write me an email, etc.?
You probably KNOW that this guy isn't going tostay around, no matter WHAT you do...
But you still want him!
Advice to you: Find a different guy.
Advice to guys: Learn from this example.
First of all your stuff works great. I'm 31 yearsold-- been rich, been poor and rich again. I'vebeen addicted to personal development my wholelife. I even was a top trainer for motivationalguru Tony Robbins and currently run my own seminarcompany. Yet your stuff has opened my eyes, notonly does it work with babes (I have an 19 yearold hot Latin.. who's all over me.. and herfriends are hitting on me all the time--enoughsaid.)
This stuff works great in all areas of life. Iusing it in business with great results
I have a question though.
I've been with this girl about 11 months know andI'm all-ways busting on her..c/f stuff. I love itand am natural at it. Even start blow-out fightsso we can have make up latter. Interestingnote..the more I do that the more attracted shebecomes. Go figure.
My question is.. Do you recommend doing less C/Fstuff when you've been going out for awhile or doyou pore it on even more?
I'm Sure I know what you'll say, but I want tomake Sure.
Got to run.. Look forward to getting your adv.stuff
Thanks again, EL- New Jersey
Well, first off, I don't recommend STARTINGFIGHTS just so you can make up later.
I don't think that it's necessary to actuallySTART serious conflicts with women.
While it DOES work in many cases to intensify asexual attraction, it doesn't lead to long termgood health.
As for your question about doing more or lessof the Cocky & Funny with a girl that you've beendating for awhile...
You need to keep doing what WORKS in your life.
Too many men make the mistake of STOPPING thethings that are working.
There is another, less common mistake that somemen make which is to increase the amount of Cocky& Funny to the point where it becomes predictable,boring, and annoying.
Once you become comfortable using the material,you will have a "feel" for it.
Do what works, and stop doing what doesn't.
Every situation is slightly different, andyou're at the point where no "formula" will fityour situation exactly.
And as for you and your 19 year old hot Latingirl...
You suck, and no men like you.
Yo man!
All You write in your newsletters does make sense,BUT when do You have time to date/f*** all thesebabes if You write such a long newsletters 3 timesa week. I doubt You are so journalistically giftedto do it just like that.
Correct me if I'm wrong. M Katowice, Poland
Consider yourself corrected... I write all ofthe newsletters, and I have a life.
Seriously, these newsletters DO take me a lotof time to create...
I've considered having friends and othercontributors "guest write" a few (and I may dothat in the near future), but up until now, I'vewritten every one myself, by hand.
My goal is to have the VERY BEST freenewsletter that is or has EVER been offered byanyone, anywhere, on ANY topic.
This is how I communicate with my readers andfamily of customers, and it's important.
I estimate that I spend about 12-15 hours everyweek actually writing the newsletters, and anotherwho-knows-how-many hours thinking about, preparingfor, and planning them.
There are times, of course when I work so muchon this stuff that I neglect my social life... Ireally do love what I do.
But hey, if I had no time for a personal life,what fun would THAT be?
No dates makes David D. a dull writer...
Dave, I thank God every day for magically makingyour emails appear in my mailbox. I don't knowhow I started getting them, but the timingcouldn't have been better. I recently becamesingle. I have always been a wussy doormat.Fortunately, your emails came along, I downloadedyour e-book, and I took a real hard look at myselfand what has happened to me over the years.
Here is what I found. Every time I tried to keep agirl at a distance because I already had agirlfriend or it was a girl I worked with, I wouldtry to bust on her and scare her away. Guesswhat? They loved me more. I also realized that Iloved flirting with old women or my girlfriend'smoms. There was never a chance that I wouldreally want to hook up with them, so I was C&F anddidn't really care. They thought it was so funnyand cute. Guess what? These older women loved metoo. I have always had better relationships withmy girlfriend's mom than I did with my girlfriend.In fact, some moms couldn't believe that theirdaughter was stupid enough to break up with me.THE LIGHT WENT ON! I had been practicing allalong on women I wasn't interested in, and theresults were blatantly obvious. I immediately hada surge of confidence and started playing the C&Fon EVERYONE. I went from buying drinks foreveryone to not buying any drinks (including myown). How dare someone think that they can talkto me with out first buying me a drink?
Guys, this stuff works on everyone, and you canpractice it on anyone. Trust me, you will quicklygain confidence and make it a habit. Then, whenyou are out trolling for trim, you will be anatural.
M.L. Northern California
Yes, this is great insight...
Often the women you DON'T want are the onesthat pursue you, while the ones that you areinterested in run away because you're pursuingTHEM.
You must translate this "comfort" to yourinteractions with the women you ARE interested in,and communicate in the same way...
By the way, in your email you said:
"I have always had better relationships with mygirlfriend's mom than I did with my girlfriend..."
Dude, that's not right. Be cool.
Hey Dave,
A success story from S in Mass...I've beenreceiving your newsletters for awhile now andfound them to be full of info. I answered thiswoman's personal ad recently, she's 34, I'm 32...Istarted using the C&F techniques over the phone,then got her e-mail address, continued with theC&F, and sent her my pic...She liked the pic andall of the other C&F comments I made... liketelling her that I would have to meet her inperson to make sure that she wasn't a man sinceshe had no pic...Well I met her one night at adonut shop and we chatted for a bit...To bedifferent from other guys she's gone out with, Ishowed her some card tricks that I've beendoing...They're a real ice breaker and they seemedto put her more at ease as she had said she was alittle nervous about meeting me..We had plenty totalk about and she liked the card tricks andcouldn't figure them out...She had told me on thephone that she was a former stripper at a localclub..She was pretty with a nice body to boot...Iwas surprised when she only considered herself a 7or 8! After the donut shop, we went to get a drinkat a bar and left when it closed....I took her toher place after that, and I'm not sure what itwas, the C&F, the alcohol, maybe both, but shecouldn't get enough of me....We must have made outfor about 2 hours that night...she asked when shewould see me again..she e-mails me constantly andeven asked if we were an item...and this is onlyafter one date...I'm looking forward to seeing heragain and a note to all of you who aren't usingC&F, C&F is the bible of getting the hot girls!***I think she may have read one of yournewsletters before, as we were kissing, she pulledback a couple times as to tease me,,, she stolethe move I was gonna use on her!***
Hats off to u, Dave Keep the newsletters coming! Sin Mass
You don't realize what a MIRACLE your letteractually is...
I don't remember recommending that you meetwomen in a DONUT SHOP and do CARD TRICKS for themfor a first meeting.
Creative? Yes.
Original? Yes.
Dorky like you read about? Yes.
But hey, if it works for you, then keep it up!
Thank your lucky stars that you were keeping upthe teasing and the Cocky & Funny. You must havedistracted her enough to make her not notice...
Thanks for the email.
Hi David,
Thanks for all you've written. Your writing isinspired and your wit is great. As a 51 year oldman, my success with your program has easily gonefrom 20% to about 85%. I generally use email andcreate a non threatening relationship throughemails, including humor, and romantic discussions.I avoid sex talk, but when I the woman brings itup, which they always do, I ask them "Are youtrying to seduce me?" Invariably the women wantsto make the next move... It's amazing! There is asubject however, that you haven't covered.... Howto avoid the broken hearted woman? Yourtechniques are so successful, and the women get soattached to me that I can't get rid of them. It isa difficult situation. Since I'm certain that thismust happen to you often, I'm wondering how youdeal with the woman who becomes attached to youlike Velcro. I really think it might beworthwhile for you to write a topic on it. Again,thanks for your marvelous techniques. WithKindest Regards, R.D.. Massachusetts.
Ohhhh, I see.
So if I write a book and teach you how to getrich you're going to email me and tell me thatyou're having trouble spending all the money, andyour tax bill is too large?
The answer you're looking for is simple:
If you don't want a woman to get attached toyou in the FIRST PLACE, don't talk her more than acouple of times a week, or see her more than everyweek or so.
That's the answer you're looking for.
Hey Dave,
First off, your eBook is awesome. I've practicedc&f on almost every girl I know, both friends andgirls I've dated. It's amazing how much it workson such a majority of women! Every girl I've usedit on has been unbelievably receptive and cannotget enough of me. Consequently, my confidence isboosted. It's one of the best chain-reactions inthe world. Here's some proof:
There's this girl I met (before getting youreBook), and I got her e-mail address through afriend. I immediately sent her a message tellingher how beautiful she was, how I've heard goodthings about her... you know, WUSS behavior.Anyway, we started talking on an instant messengerfor a while, and things were going NOWHERE...until I read a few of your mailbags and got theeBook that is. This is when I tried c&f andINSTANTLY turned the tables around. Now she keepssending me pictures of her, keeps telling me thatshe's never met anyone like me, and actually BEGSme to get online whenever I can! Remember, thisgirl is beautiful... and I rip on her every chanceI get!!! I even catch myself being mean sometimeswhen she acts like she's better than everyone, butshe still eats it up. I know that your advicenever includes being mean or hurtful, but I havelearned that getting mad at a girl for dumb thingsshe does sometimes makes her realize that you'renot another doormat, and that you won't put upwith her bullsh** just for the sake of herattention. Anyway, there was a question to thiswhole thing:
A few years ago, I started dating an 9.5 girl witha 10 personality. No joke, this girl was smart,funny, and beautiful. We dated for a littlewhile, but she ended up moving to another townwith her family. Needless to say, we didn't seeeach other anymore. The only contact we had wasan e-mail here and there. Fast forward to 4 yearslater, and I move to the same town after finishingcollege. I ran into her at a restaurant where shewas a waitress, and she was totally surprised andglad to see me. I kept my cool, didn't act likeI've missed her, but was still upbeat and funny inthe little time we had to talk. A couple weeksafter I saw her, she e-mails me and tells me thatshe wants to hang out. She also said she's seeingsomeone, even though he's gone for a few months,and that she just "wants to talk."
So what do I do here, man? I want to see her, butas more than friends. I'll obviously keep on doingwhat has given me such great success recently,(c&f, indifference, independence) but I need alittle more advice on the rare "second chancegirl." Should I bail? just be friends? or try formore using your techniques? Of course I want thegirl that seems impossible to have, but she'sworth it. Any advice would help a lot, really.
Thanks again, you've given a lot of guys a secondchance at more than just women.
RM, Denver
Well, I think you should stop letting yourINNER WUSS run free on this one.
Stop it!
Stop being ATTACHED to the situation.
If you want to spend time with her, do it.
You have NO IDEA what's REALLY going throughher mind.
She might be seeing a guy casually... he mightnot even be a boyfriend.
Or she might be just about to break up withhim.
Or she might be almost engaged to him.
Who knows...
But what I DO know is that you need to chillout.
If you want to see her, go have tea for anhour.
Have fun, and don't act like a WUSS around her.
You need to stop treating this like it's goingto make or break your personal happiness.
Think about it for a minute. This girl couldhave changed over the last four years, and mightbe someone that you don't actually want to bewith.
The point is that you need to CHILL.
Making a woman this important this soon is nota good idea, and it will probably cause you to dosomething stupid.
You're doing fine, now keep it up!
I've been getting your newsletter for about amonth now and finally got your book today. I wasa little hesitant at first, but after about 10pages, like everything else I've seen, I washooked. You seem to say and spell out the thingsthat we all see but can't get quite right in ourheads and I wanted to thank you for it. I have acousin who would be one of the 5 people Idefinitely need to start hanging around and makethat push to get rid of the wuss that is dying asI type, and the more I think about why he succeedsso well, the more your book is proven in my mind.Everything that I always used to watch inadmiration, I am starting to see myself doing, andhopefully with some practice, I'll have somethingfor you to send out to the others who are on theirway to becoming men. Your book is awesome, andonce I get the basics down them I'm sure theadvanced series will kick ass too. I just wantedto say thanks real quick for all you've done,congratulations on finding a way to put it inwords, and thanks for giving that first steptowards something new to another dedicatedfollower. Time to read again, learn, focus, andmake us both proud.
N from Washington State University
Yes, you're welcome.
Isn't it great when things that used to make nosense at all finally begin to come together rightin front of your eyes?
Sometimes just looking at something in a newway will do that for you.
One of the things my programs do is give you aBEHIND-THE-SCENES look at how the "naturals" work,and why they succeed with women.
I like to think of it as going into high schoolalgebra class, but instead of being handed thenormal textbook, you're getting the TEACHER'SEDITION with all the answers.
It's like putting on the 3-D glasses whenyou're watching a 3-D movie.
All of a sudden, things that never made anysense before (and things that looked like "magic")all come together...and you get those "AH HA!"moments.
It is TRULY AMAZING when you can actually beginto understand what makes male/female ATTRACTIONhappen, and then you can start to REALLY see whysome guys who aren't particularly good looking,rich, or young wind up with all the women.
...if you're reading this right now and you'dlike to be one of the few men who have the abilityto meet women anywhere, anytime, in any situation,then I recommend you check out some of my stuff...
You can download my online eBook "Double YourDating" right now and be reading it within a fewminutes. It's here:
My fantastic program "Cocky Comedy" will giveyou an in-depth education on the topic of "Cocky &Funny". It's the powerful communication techniquethat instantly sparks and builds attraction, andI'm the only one who teaches it.
Go watch all the video previews right here:
This program is the latest and greatest fromme, and I guarantee that it will take your successwith women to the next level.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Make sure you take a minute and look throughall of the other programs I've created to help youlearn how to attract women. You can see them all,watch video clips, and get details HERE: --------------------------------------------------

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Your "Irrational Fear" Of Approaching Women

I got an interesting email from a guy who watched my "Approaching Women" DVD program, and I thoughtI'd take a minute to comment on some of the things he said...
Here's a part of his email. Read this:
"Hey Dave,
This program you made has been the single mostvaluable program for me. This whole thing withapproaching women has basically been subtlycontrolling my life for the last 7 years.It's the one thing that makes no sense to arational mind. You did a great job explainingwhy us guys feel like we're risking DEATH whenwe think of approaching. AWSOME! The otherpart that how we can even be really successfulat approaching women but then not do it for awhile and try doing it again and still feellike we haven't even done it successfully LOL.
On to the important stuff...
Watching you interact with the Wingirls wassoooo amazing. I don't know how much of itwas on purpose but I learned so much bywatching the dynamics you and the girl youwere sitting closest to had. It was obviousthat she was really attracted to you and Igot to see how you handled it. I also saw youdo a little covert thing that really showedwhat she saw her self image as. It wasn't allthat confident if you know what I mean.AMAZING...
...Keep up the amazing work! Everything ofyours I watch changes my life on so manylevels.
In your email, you started by saying that theissue of approaching women has been "subtlycontrolling my life for the last 7 years."
That's heavy.
But the funny thing is, I know EXACTLY whatyou mean...
You also said that "It's the one thing thatmakes no sense to a rational mind."
I feel that, too. Welcome to being human...and having a brain that is MOSTLY irrational.
Next, you mentioned the section in the programwhere I talk about how guys feel like they'reliterally RISKING DEATH if they dare to approacha woman they don't know...
Intense stuff.
The fact is that most guys DO feel an intense,irrational, uncontrollable FEAR when we evenTHINK about approaching a woman.
I personally think that the PAIN of the fearcombined with the PAIN of not being able tocontrol it... combined with the PAIN of it notmaking ANY sense at all... can really effecta guy's self image and self esteem.
And it only compounds and intensifies overtime. Years and years of this can eventuallylead to serious emotional problems, as youmight well know.
The reason I spent so much time going overthe FEAR aspect of approaching women... andtaking time to not only explain how and whyit's happening, but also how to get PAST thatstuff... is because if you don't get it andthen get past it... it can literally CONTROLYOUR LIFE.
Now, what I REALLY liked in your email wasyour comment about watching me interactLIVE with women on stage.
As you can see, I actually "walk my talk,"and the attitudes and concepts I talk aboutin my programs are REAL. They're how I livemy life... and how I communicate.
There were some great moments in thatconversation. When you say that you saw medo some "covert" stuff, I don't actuallyknow what you're talking about... but I'mflattered that you think I'm that cool andsophisticated!
Anyway, thanks for the comments and thecompliments... I appreciate them.
By the way, if you're reading this rightnow and you'd like to get the most intenseeducation available on APPROACHING WOMEN,then go and get yourself a copy of thisprogram immediately.
I'll send it to you to try for a month atmy risk...
As you know, this is a "covert trick." Iknow that if you watch this program, you'regoing to get at least TEN TIMES as much asit cost back in VALUE... and I know youwouldn't send it back for ten times themoney.
I'm serious... go order it, and try it outfor a month. On me.
The details, plus some great free videopreview clips, are all here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you'd like to become a master of approachingwomen... and getting dates... then you owe it toyourself to check out all of the differentprograms I've created to help you learn this veryimportant skill. You can see them all here: --------------------------------------------------

Thursday, May 15, 2008


An aphrodisiac is an agent which is used in the belief that it increases sexual desire [1]. The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sensuality. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. However, from a historical and scientific standpoint, the alleged results may have been mainly due to mere belief by their users that they would be effective (i.e., the placebo effect). In particular, medical science has not substantiated claims that any particular food increases sexual desire or performance.[2]

A rhinoceros horn, falsely believed by some to have aphrodisiac properties. (In fact, however, the particular Chinese medicine shown in the picture is not an aphrodisiac but an antipyretic.)
Some aphrodisiacs gain their reputation from the principles of sympathetic magic, for example oysters, due to their shape. The same factor explains the trade in the phallic-looking horn of the rhinoceros, trade which is seriously endangering the animal. Other animal-based aphrodisiacs gain their reputation from the apparent virility or aggressiveness of the animal source, such as tiger penis (a reputation which is similarly endangering to that species).
1 Aphrodisiac drugs
1.1 Testosterone
1.2 Yohimbine
1.3 Bremelanotide
1.4 PEA
1.5 Other drugs
1.6 Drugs not considered aphrodisiacs
2 Aphrodisiac foods and herbs
3 External links and references
4 Sources
5 See also


Monday, May 12, 2008

How Women "Test" Men - How To Pass

>NOTE: If you'd like to see a complete list of myprograms - all designed to help you learn how toattract and meet women - just follow this link:
Have you ever called a woman on the phone toset up a date and she says: "Friday night? Sure.Call me on Friday and we can talk about it..."?
Or, have you ever had a woman ask you if you're"a player?"
Or, have you ever had a woman challenge youabout something ridiculous?
Or, have you ever had a woman call you fiveminutes before a date and cancel?
Or, have you ever had a woman pout and getupset because she didn't get her way?
Or, have you ever asked a woman for her numberand she says, "Why don't you give me your numberand I'll call YOU?"
Well guess what... you were being TESTED.
All of these are examples of common thingswomen do to "test" men.
On some level, the woman you were dealing withwas testing to see how much control she had in therelationship... and how STRONG you were.
The paradox of "testing" is that if you COMPLYwith what a woman SEEMS to want, you will usuallyFAIL the test.
Hey, I never said that women made sense... lol.
I was reading a great book recently called "TheWay Of The Superior Man", and inside the authorpoints out that a woman will often ask a man forsomething DIRECTLY... but if he DOES what sheasks, she will be disappointed and ANGRY with him.
Ever been there?
So what's with this testing stuff, anyway?
Well, the answer is fascinating.
And before I tell you about why women TEST you,I want to mention that there's a LOT more going on"behind the scenes" when it comes to femalepsychology and behavior. I believe that if you canlearn how to understand this "mating psychology,"then you can learn to attract women MUCH faster...
If you want to get some of my very best ideason this topic, just follow this link, and downloadmy online eBook "Double Your Dating"... it's here:
Back to the answer...
Women test men because they need to QUICKLYfigure out what they're dealing with, and theycan't expect a man to just be straight up andhonest about his strengths and weaknesses.
I mean, let's face it... we guys like to talk abig game, but when it comes to walking the talk,we often can't BACK IT UP.
Also, beautiful women have a lot of options.They have their pick of men. And beautiful womenprefer STRONG men. Not physically strong (althoughthis can be an advantage), but strong in CHARACTERand PERSONAL IDENTITY.
Women aren't attracted to WUSSIES.
So let me ask you... if you were an attractivewoman that was being chased around by 100 guys,how would YOU go about figuring out which one orones were the "real deal" and which were merelyFAKING strength and confidence?
Of course... you'd have to TEST them.
But you couldn't test by saying, "OK, I'm goingto give you a test now, so get ready."
No no NO!
You'd have to use "blind" tests. Tests thatwould allow you to see a man's true strengths andweaknesses. And in fact, you'd want to use teststhat ideally DIDN'T ALLOW HIM TO KNOW THAT YOUWERE TESTING... OR WHAT YOU HAD DISCOVERED ABOUTHIM WITH THOSE TESTS. This way, if he turned outto be a Wuss Bag, you could slip away quickly andeasily.
This would give you the power...
Of course.
And if you did this OFTEN, you'd eventuallybecome so accustomed to doing it, that MANY of thetests would become SUBCONSCIOUS and work their wayinto your NATURAL, EVERYDAY way of communicatingwith men.
Well, guess what?
That's what is going on with beautiful women.
Many of the tests that they use with men areactually OUTSIDE OF THEIR AWARENESS. They test usautomatically!
And if you fail one of these tests, there's agood chance that you won't get another chance.
In this fast-paced world, we humans don't havethe time to spend getting to know people over afew months or years to figure out whether or notthey're the kind of person that would make a goodfriend or mate.
We need to know NOW.
So we use shortcuts.
Testing is a shortcut for women.
It lets them discover VERY RAPIDLY whether youhave BALLS, or if you're just another one of thebazillion Wusses that are trying to get herattention.
I hope you feel what I'm saying.
So, the next time you're standing in front of abeautiful woman who you've just asked for hernumber and she says, "Why don't you just give meyours and I'll call YOU..." try CHUCKLING outloud, and saying:
"Oh, come on. Don't give me that old line. Writeyour number down and I'll only call you 25 times aday until you wind up having to change it becauseI have nothing better to do with my time than callsomeone who doesn't want to hear from me."
Then hand her a pen, point to the paper, andlook her in the eye expectantly.
Love it.
Now, obviously there's a lot more to this issueof TESTING. There's a lot more going on than meetsthe eye.
There are all kinds of subtle cues and bodylanguage that women read to decide just what kindof man you are... and these cues also triggerATTRACTION (or the opposite).
I've spent a lot of time researching thistopic, and figuring out exactly what makes womenfeel that powerful emotion called ATTRACTION, andwhat repels them instantly.
If you'd like to get a POWERFUL education onthe topic of women and dating, then I recommendthat you check out my "Advanced Dating Techniques"program.
In it, I spend several HOURS going into greatdetail and teaching the exact, step-by-stepprocess of communicating with women in a way thattriggers their SEXUAL ATTRACTION mechanism. I alsoteach you exactly what to do when you're beingtested by women... to turn her tests into evenMORE ATTRACTION for you.
You'll also learn HUNDREDS of specifictechniques for approaching women, getting emailsand numbers, kissing, "getting physical," dating,and everything else that has to do with successwith women. You can go listen to samples and checkit out here:
If you like this "dating psychology" stuff,then I also recommend that you get yourself a copyof my "Sexual Communication" program. It's acomplete course in speaking this other "language"that I constantly refer to.
If you want to master the art of creating"chemistry" and "sexual tension," then this is thetraining you need.
Go here to watch some cool video clips of theprogram...
Thanks for tuning in, and I'll talk to youagain in a few days.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Make sure you check out my online "catalog"of all my different programs... where you canwatch video clips of all of them... it's here: --------------------------------------------------

Thursday, May 08, 2008

How Women Interpret What You Say

>NOTE: If you'd like to look at all of thedifferent programs I've created to help you learnhow to attract and meet women, you can see themall, plus watch great video clips right here:
whatsup dr dave,
let me start out by saying you are my savior. I'vebeen getting your newsletters for about a monthnow, and WOW! thank you. my question is: i workin a restaurant. needless to say there are quite afew 8s,9s and even a few 10s working there.approaching and talking to them is not a problem.but i feel i should be careful when asking one ofthem to join me for beer after work. i don't wantto bring any feelings of uncomfortableness betweenus (if shes not interested). what would yourecommend i do and what should i say?
t indy

The first thing to remember is that when you"ask a woman out," you IMMEDIATELY start a whole chain of mental and emotional events for a woman.
She has to decide if she "likes you" and if there could ever be anything between the two ofyou... and if she's thirsty and interested in freebeer.

You get my drift.
Women know when you're asking them "out out,"as in you're asking them because you have a"romantic interest."

Guess what?
When you do this, it ALSO puts the woman in thedriver's seat in the situation because she instantly realizes that she has something youwant. Have you ever heard of "wanting it tax?"It's when the price goes up the more you want it.

Now, as you probably know, I don't generallythink that it's such a great idea to date women you WORK with, because you never know what's goingto happen, and the last thing you need is losing your job or having to work for hours at a time in an uncomfortable situation.

And besides, attractive women usually have attractive FRIENDS, and if you're cool, the women you work with can lead to an endless supply of dates. Think it over.

You might want to think of it as a goose that lays golden eggs.
Even though I don't advise dating women you work with, I still want to address your basic question of asking a woman out without creating discomfort...

Remember, most guys do the exact same things.They start talking to a woman, then say, "Hey, can I take you out sometime?" or "Do you have a boyfriend?"

This stuff is HORRIBLE.
It does exactly the wrong thing. It makes you look like a wuss boy that needs a girlfriend. And if she's not interested (which she probably won'tbe), then it WILL create some discomfort in the future.

If it's a woman you know, tease her, bust on her, and generally act like you don't care. Make a comment about her and walk away. Be Cocky & Funny when you're with her, and don't be boring.

Then, if she's responding positively (laughing,hitting you, telling you that you're a pain,etc.), then say, "Hey, do you have email?"

If she does, have her write it down, then say,"Bye".
From a MAN'S perspective this might not see many different than just asking a woman out.
But, from the WOMAN'S perspective it's VERYdifferent.

First of all, you've never shown her any romantic interest, which doesn't give up your power in the situation, and hand it all to her.
Secondly, instead of putting "dating" pressure on her, you've only asked her for her email address (and maybe her number as well).

But you HAVEN'T asked her on a date, you HAVEN'T created any kinds of weird vibes in the air, and you HAVE made her wonder what you have inmind.

It's powerful, think about it.

Hey There,
Ok So I am a butch lesbian who has recentlysubscribed to your mailbag. Ok I am totallyfascinated by you and what u have to say. I amplanning on getting your book next week actually.I have used your tips about getting the phonenumbers by asking the girl if they have email. Okthat works like a charm, i haven't yet not got aphone number. So Just to let you know, you adviceworks for butch lesbians too! ok but here is myprob. I met this girl and i got her email addy,phone number and s/n. Well I didn't want to belike everyone else and call her so i sent her aninstant message. Well finally she wanted to callme. My response was I hope your not a stalker,trying to be funny and cute. Well she called andwe talked forever, i couldn't get the girl off thephone. Now she calls me like 5 times a day. Shereally likes me, she has admitted it and she brokeup with her g/f so she could see where things gowith me. I like her a lot and i want to see wherethings go, but her ex is a threat to me and her exmight want her back. I've also made the mistake oftelling her i like her, so I'm thinking she maybecome "in control." My question is what do I donext? Meaning how do i get that control back, do icontinue acting like i want her, or should i talkabout other girls? Also what about the ex? do imake it a threat or what. Also she is jealous b/cher best friend also likes me. Anyways, any adviceu may have for me, i would appreciate it.
Much Appreciation CNS Georgia
This is great.
You know, if I PAID people to write this stuffit couldn't possibly be this good.
I have this secret lesbian fan base that onlybreaks the silence occasionally when the situationgets really critical. Love it.
OK, here are a couple of thoughts:
1) If she has an ex who's in the picture, keepyour distance and make her pursue you.
I have PERSONALLY made the mistake of actingCLINGY when an ex turns up in the picture andtries to get a woman back.
It's generally not a good idea.
The best thing you can do is what you'realready doing... tease her and let her pursue YOU.
If she's busy pursuing you, she'll be thinkingabout you, wondering what you're doing, wonderingwhy you're so busy, etc., and won't have theattention for the ex.
On the other hand, if you start pursuing HER,then she'll have to "decide between which one shewants."
Not a good position to put yourself in. Andit's MUCH less interesting for her as well.
2) If her friend also likes you, that can be aGOOD thing.
Jealousy is a very interesting emotion.
It's not something you want to use tomanipulate another person, but if the situationcreates it naturally, that's another thingentirely.
If you have someone who is interested in you,and that person knows that others are alsointerested, it only makes them like you more.
...You know, someday I'm going to have to do aDouble Your Dating LESBIAN SUMMIT, so I can bestuck in some resort somewhere with 100 lesbianwomen who need dating advice.
I would have to say something male andinsensitive like that, wouldn't I?
I've been reading your weekly newsletters, and Idecided to take the plunge and get your onlinebook.
It's got some great information, and some tipsthat I haven't thought of. I found myself alreadydoing a lot of things covered, and I guess I'mpretty pleased that I needed much less trainingthan I thought I did.
But I do have this question, and it's not coveredin your books, and it continues to stump me. I'veadded a bit of extraneous information, so you havea good picture of what happens.
A quick note of background, I was raised by mymother, and like many men like that, I can bepretty effeminate. Frankly, most of the time, thatisn't a problem as I have found, more often thannot, as long as you're confident, girls will justgo on; if anything, it confuses the hell out ofthem, because it's very easy for me to play thefriend role in the coffee shop, while alsoflirting with them. In fact, it's very disarming(and it allows me a greater understanding of girlsthan most guys have, and has helped me quite alot.)
Usually (but not always) girls I meet are off theinternet, and what happens every single time isthis: I meet them and then within three to fivehours they're in my bed, or we're in my car makingout. Some of this is due to confidence, somebecause of the cocky/funny thing, some of this isbecause I am disarming and I make them feelrelaxed. I don't have sex with them, I'm a virgin,it's just a personal choice, and I will add thatall the girls I've ever been with except for onewere *not* virgins, and in two or three occasions,I've had to refuse a hard sex sell.
So after we're done making out, I take them home,everything seems fine.
Then the next day, they don't want anything to dowith me. They do want to be friends (most of thetime) but they don't really even want to talk tome on the phone or see me in person again. Theydefinitely don't want to date again.
Sometimes I get a reason why (only once or twicehas that reason been "we're moving too fast" orits variant "I'm really confused and I don't knowwhat to do.") One time I got the response that I'm"too different" another time, in a situation whichhappened with a girl who lived out of state, andtherefore I really wasn't trying to date, I laterfound out that I made her "feel dirty." Theanswers are all different, and yet they (usually)seem to have a universal confusion that bindsthem.
And for the most part, I'm hard wired for a longterm relationship, so this is all depressing to methat I'm essentially having lots of little onenight stands. I've theorized that it may bebecause I'm moving too fast, but is that conceptreal? Is it because I lead them on so much andthen I finally refuse them?
Your book is entirely about seducing them, and I'msuccessful doing that; but for some reason, wepart, they go back and think about things for abit, and I can't do it a second time because theywant very little to do with me. (It happensquickly too...I've woken up to emails saying "I'msorry to tell you this...but...")
Anyway, your thoughts are appreciated,
Wow, yeah... I really feel your pain.
You've learned how to make women want to makeout with you and have sex within a few hours ofmeeting... BUT YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN SEX... andthen they don't call you back.
Will someone please give this guy a medal fordumbest question of all time?
I think you might want to go read some "Marsand Venus" books or something. Try buying womenthings, or maybe paying for lots of dinners orsomething.
lol... I think you're going to figure it allout.
Hey Dave,
First off, I want to tell you how amazing yourstuff is! (I'm sure you already know) It's reallychanged my life. I feel great about myself! Inever realized how much of a wuss I was untilafter reading your book. lol...I laugh at howstupid I was. I am now able to talk to women andfeel completely confident about myself. It'sgreat!
Anyways, I was on a double date the other nightand I decided to try some of your techniques. Inoticed that just by acting like you are incontrol of yourself, gets you far. I had my datefeeling as though she wasn't good enough for me,and my friends date was even hitting on me. Icould not believe it. However, I had troublecoming up with some C&F things to say. How do youknow what to say and when to say it? I want tomaster this! What do you suggest to further thisskill?
OK, let me see if I understand your situation.
You read my book, realized you were a wuss,STOPPED being a wuss, STARTED getting greatresults, and now you want to know what I suggestto further your skills?
Here's a hint:
...and here's another one:
Sit down and take an hour of your life to WRITEDOWN the 10 most common situations you findyourself in with women, then come up with 3 greatCocky & Funny lines for each situation.
Finally, practice them in your mind, and in thereal world until they feel natural.
v ***QUESTION***
Hello Dave, This is T., I just ordered andreceived your CD's and I'm ready to roll, I justwant to let you know my current situation, notonce have i dated someone who I was reallyattracted to, clicked with, and who wasemotionally stable, I'm 27 years old and all myfriends are dating descent looking women andmoving on in their relationships, They triedsetting me up with a few people, but they were allnasty looking, and they tell me that I'm verypicky and that i should learn to "like someone forwho they are" which i think is pure bullsh**, tome, attraction is very important or else i can'tdate the person, I know I'm a good-looking guy andI can do just as good and better once I gain thetools from your CD's, I have a problem with being"nice," instead of cocky, ball-busting, andmysterious, like all my other friends, the fewgirls that I've dated that i found attractivealways stopped calling me and I simply don't knowwhy, i simply don't have the positive qualitiesthat the "jerk" has, i simply don't know how toapproach someone who's attractive and carry on agood conversation, will the cd's turn all thataround for me? hope this email isn't too long, ifit is, I'll keep it shorter next time.
The short answer is: YES. DEFINITELY.
"...hope this email isn't too long, if it is, I'llkeep it shorter next time..."
Are you with me?
Next time you write me, and you think youremail might be a little too long just say, "Ifthis email is too long for you to include in yournewsletter, let me know and I'll edit it."
Don't say things like, "hope this email isn'ttoo long."
Subtle things communicate so much.
David, I have used your C&F stuff with amazingsuccess, but theres one area of difficulty I haveencountered. I'm a freshman in college and I talkto A LOT of girls. Almost all of the girls I'vetalked to are very nice and seem very interestedand love the C&F attitude. I get their AOLInstant Messenger names and their e-mails and allbut the problem is that some of them, even thoughthey had a fun time talking with me and they spenta lot of time with me initially, they block me andignore me and I don't understand why. I've askedALL of them why but they don't respond to me andthey look at me weird and shyly. But I say and dothe same thing with them as I do with others whodon't block me and who just completely love me. Ijust don't get it. I thought that maybe Iintimidated them or something. Help me David HelpMeee!!!
(btw your stuff is incredible...I have 10x theconfidence and ability to get dates with womenthan I ever had in the past, thanks man!)
lol... calm down. You're making me nervous.
You sound like you need to chill out and relax.
If you're getting BLOCKED on instant messenger,then you're probably being just a TAD too pushywith these women.
Lean back.
Make a comment online then say, "I have torun"...
Don't act like you want her attention.
And did I mention that you need to RELAX?
Did you hear the story about the old bull andthe young bull standing on the hill?
The young bull says, "Hey, let's RUN down thereand have sex with one of them cows!"
Old bull looks at him and says, "Let's WALKdown there and have sex with ALL of them."
Ponder. Reflect. Repeat.
Let me preface this by saying that I agree 100%with your ideas. I realized the cocky and funnyprinciples in high school, when I noticed a goodfriend got laid constantly because he justnaturally had that routine down. He always laughedabout it - the less he appeared to care aboutgetting laid, the more he got laid. Pure magic.
But I'm just curious if there are women who areactually turned off by the cocky and funnyroutine. I've always liked smart, nerdy girls -the librarian archetype - and I'm a little leerythat these women might not be so impressed withthe C&F. Nobody likes a wuss, of course, but I'mwondering about the women who aren't so easilymanipulated. How about some failure stories? Whendoesn't this stuff work so well, and are therethings to watch for to keep from going too farwith it?
First of all, Cocky & Funny isn't a super-secret, covert manipulation tactic. It's a way offlirting, teasing, and interacting with women in away that they enjoy.
Secondly, I've found that the only women whoDON'T respond well to it are women who areUPTIGHT, women who aren't at all interested, oroverly SHY women who are intimidated (in whichcase you can usually just tone it down and havefun with them, too).
That's my personal experience.
Smart, nerdy girls like the ones you'reattracted to (I'm glad you have that marketcornered, by the way) should LOVE to spar with youand will probably LOVE your Cocky & Funnyattitude. Keep it intellectual.
There will ALWAYS be situations in life whenthings don't work for you.
Tiger Woods screws up a lot of shots, and he'sthe best in the world at golf.
Michael Jordan misses a lot of shots, and he'sthe best in the world at BBall.
We don't live in an ideal testing lab, we livein reality.
Don't worry about what won't work, and findwhat will.
The thing to watch for to keep from going toofar with Cocky & Funny is a woman getting VISIBLYANGRY or asking you to leave. If that happens,walk away.
By the way, if you want to MASTER thistechnique, then you REALLY need to check out my"Cocky Comedy" CD/DVD program. It's the onlyprogram in the world that teaches you how to usethis unique form of fun flirting to createATTRACTION with women. And you can only get it inone place. Right here:
Hey Dave
Here comes a big thank you. Your material isunbelievable/ amazing/ your fave thesaurus here>. Just wanted to clue youin on what you've done for me and how you'vehealed the social leper (at least with girls) thatwas me.
Bit of background: I'm short, stocky, averagelooks but I can be funny. The "funny nice guy" gotme places, but trouble was, I was a major wimpwhen it came to women. The Sub-Standard "Mom'sbrainwashing" owns up at this point. I'd stumbledmy way through school and early twenties, slowlybut surely improving my appearance and myself fromno-hoper to "in-with-a-chance -if-he'd-only-open-his-mouth" type guy. Last Christmas I got luckywith a girl I'd dreamed about at work. And when Isay I got lucky, I mean she seemed to fancy metoo. Well in early October this year, after losingher completely to the Mystery that is Women'sAttraction, I was at the end of my tether. I'd gohome after parties seriously annoyed that I gotnowhere, ragging on at myself for missing mychances. I was losing my will to live,metaphorically at least.
Anyway, did a search on the net, found your stuff,and downloaded your ebook the same day. Read it,and immediately realized what I'd done wrong withthat girl. Mentally, committed myself to give upon the memory of her and moved on. That evening,went out to a club with friends and applied yourprinciples (well what I could remember anyway) anddid SO well I was a new man. UNTIL I got a littletoo drunk and turned WIMP again and spilled outhow I thought this girl there (a friend) wasamazing etc. She literally hid from me the rest ofthe night. hahaha.
So fast forward to now: The Wussbag side of me hasbeen consigned to a berth on S.S. Titanic, and Ihave had 6's and 7's throwing themselves at methese last couple of months. I'm moving up thefood chain slowly but surely. Cheers for sortingmy head/life/etc. out and helping me towards beingable to look myself in the eye in the mirroragain.
Some wise person once said "If you wanna getloaded quick, start a religion". Well Dave, lookslike you've inadvertently done that.
MJ London
What, no gifts for me?
Yeah, you gotta be careful with that alcoholstuff.
It can loosen you up, but it can just as easilymake you act like a dumb ass in the worst way.
Great job, and thanks for the email.
Isn't it great that we regular guys can havesuccess with women...? Love it.
Ok, for everyone reading this now.. GET DAVID D'sBOOK NOW!! and his CD/DVD's too!! Dave, you arethe man! I've never in my entire life had thismuch success in the last 6-8 months. Case-in-pointI met this girl, about 8.5, and when we first metI was a young jedi.. lol I had only just boughtyour book and was a novice. So I became Cap' And she said she just wanted to befriends, so I moved on like you say. Well we havebeen friends ever since, we occasionally hang outand I would push the C+F attitude to the hilt. Thewould love it, she called me an ass, smartass,etc. Well she calls me here reverently to tell meshe now has feelings for me, and she doesn'tunderstand why.. of course you and I knowwhy..hehehe.. Supposedly it happened when we wentto a movie together, I was basically treating herlike my bratty little sister. Now she wants me andsays she can't stop thinking about me, she calledme a bastard cause she can't stop thinking aboutme.. Damn, man you teach some powerful stuff.. Itold her some stuff about other women, not thatI'm dating but who have came on to me and she gotjealous, I wasn't trying to make her jealous.Dude, I'm attracting her and I swear I'm not eventrying!! I just wanna date around and have fun,hell I'm in a band and have dreams of being a rockstar so I'm not planning on settling down soon..Anyway, you are truly a Jedi Master!!...
-bassman in oh
Well, the good news is that even if you don'thit it big and BECOME a rock star, you can stillATTRACT WOMEN like a rock star!
Nice. Good work.
And I really like the new word "supposedly."
I've never wrote into one of these before, butafter reading some of your stuff and putting it tothe test I wanted to commend you on your C & Ftechnique... Good Stuff!
Since I'm on winter break right now I've only gota chance to try it out online. It's been goinggreat and I've been getting good responses, but Ican't figure out how to close the deal. I knowyou said that you want to get the woman on thephone as soon as possible, but all I've beengetting is a couple e-mails a day from this onethat I'm trying to bag. She is a definite 9.5-10and without a doubt interested in me, I just can'tget her to close the deal and contact me on thephone or give me her number. What should I do?
I'd first recommend that you stop thinkingabout "bagging" and "closing the deal" and startthinking about how you can make her feelATTRACTION.
If a woman feels ATTRACTION for you, then the"bagging" will take care of itself. Are you withme here?
If you're just dating women right now, NEVERput too much importance on one woman... ESPECIALLYone that you've never even talked to.
Meet other women.
Go out.
And get your mind of off "closing" and"bagging."
That's needy, user talk.
Hi I have a 2" of beard and I wanted to ask wouldyour e-book help a guy with beard in the same wayas any other guy, even though I keep it wellgroomed. Thanks
Yes, gentle reader, this is a real questionfrom a real person.
My answer:
No. This stuff will absolutely not work foryou.
I'd recommend that you trim the beard to oneand seven-eighths inches, and keep it slightlyless well-groomed.
That should do the trick, and all of myconcepts will then work for you.
Hey Dave,
Gotta tell you first of all that I'm a girl andaccidentally was subscribed to your newsletter bya well meaning 'friend'. I found it interestingreading about how guys are so hung up onattracting women, going on dates and stuff. Doforgive me I have not read your ebook Double yourdating stuff, no offence, it's just that I'mmarried with kids and dating other men (apart frommy husband) is not something I'd be thrilledabout.
Anyway, I just wanted to comment on some stuff Iread in your newsletter. Here's your first handgirlie response. It is NOT true that "once you'rein a "NO" category it's hard to get out no matterhow good your game is. Personally there were a fewguys that I've assigned to a NO category at firstand ended up dating later, my husband being one ofthem. Most of my girl friends would tell you thesame. And it doesn't matter what kind ofcharacteristic would send a guy into the NOcategory - too young, too old, too skinny, tooshort, too poor, big nose, big ears, too boring,too depressing, etc etc etc you name it. None ofit matters, at least it never mattered for me, nomatter how much I tried to make myself thinkrationally. It all depends on how manly you are.And different women have different ideas on that,if you match most of those or at least some, itdoesn't matter if she put you in the No categoryat first. Women change their mind often, as youprobably have noticed. While writing this email toyou I've changed my mind at least 3 times as towhether I should send it or not. LOL. One lastthing - having a lot of women in your life is nota very noble purpose for a man's life. Being abetter person and a better man is, and if youmanage to make it a priority in your life, thenbeautiful, intelligent and lovable women will beall over you in an instant. At least I find ittrue in my life and in the life of my friends allover the world. R VL
Again, I couldn't have paid someone to writesomething better.
If you want to attract a WIFE AND KIDS, and youwant a woman who changes her mind three timesbefore even FINISHING an email, then take theabove advice.
My favorite:
"Having a lot of women in your life is not a verynoble purpose for a man's life."
Yeah, you're right.
Having a lot of women in your life SUCKS whenyou're a man.
Thanks for your email.
My first every try of your wisdom. I got a phonecall with a girl ringing about my car. My mate sawwho she was and began chatting her up. Then i goton the phone and gave it a speal, and told her tocontact me for a test drive and I would show herthe ropes.
The next day i got a phone call from her again.she never liked the car but asked me if i used thephone number to help pick-up! I put it back ontoher and told her that she called me and waspicking me up. she never denied it. two days lateri rang her and told her i was coming her way andwould like to partake in her favorite meal andcoffee. was Thursday or Friday best. Sure enough igot the date. my first ever time I've asked a girlout, and she ended up being a 5'10" leggy blondewho did modeling and was studying law! CATCH!
Thanks for the confidence boost C - Australia
You know, the language barrier might exist, butthe communication is LOUD AND CLEAR.
Nice work.
Dave, I have your ebook and your Advance Audio CDsand my success with women has dramaticallyincreased. I used to get nervous around attractivewomen and would act like a complete wuss. Now I amable to remain confident and in control, andsometimes I notice women blush or act nervous whenI talk to them.
My problem comes when I am having a conversationwith a woman. It seems like I am only able to talkabout relatively boring things like, "how's schoolgoing?", "what did you do last weekend?", etc.. Itis hard for me to incorporate the C&F attitudewhen I am not in that fun, easy going state ofmind. I can never think of anything that I couldbust her balls on. If I am in the right settingand atmosphere, like at a party, it is easier forme to pull off the C&F attitude all night. I donotice that once I make a comment that gets awoman to laugh, it's all good from that moment on.What kind of C&F comments can I make when firstmeeting a woman to get into the flow of things?Should I focus on her physical attributes orsomething else when making that first C&F comment?
Thanks MP Louisville, KY
The FIRST thing you need to do is LISTEN TO THECD PROGRAM AGAIN.
It's more important that you just RELAX and getrid of your INSECURITIES than ANYTHING ELSE!
Cocky & Funny is important, but it's MOREimportant that you practice the body language andvoice tone exercises in that program, and youlearn how to project the types of beliefs and selfimage that attracts women.
Don't worry as much about the techniques.
The body language and attitude are FAR moreimportant for you at this stage.
Hi Dave, I have to say I'm the biggest wussieyou'll ever meet! I mean I can even get the nervesto order your seminar, which I truly want toorder.
I just got out of a 13yr. marriage a year ago andI really want to get back out into the datingworld and have fun like the rest of the guys. Theproblem is that I can't break out of this wussieshell that I'm in. I Don't know how to give myselfcourage to approach women without my subconsciousmind wussing out.I've read all of your datingtips, and they sound great, but I'm still inconfusion on starting a conversation with a womenand keeping it alive. I have to admit that I'm oneof those quiet guys that don't say to much unlessI know a women likes me, then I can talk my assoff, then after all said and done I still wussedout on asking her for a phone number, or a date. Idesperately need your help to get me back in thedating world, and if you can't help me then Idon't think anybody can. Do you have any advice toget me out of this wussie stage so I can get backout into the dating world, and to purchase yourdating seminar? Do you have any seminars coming toMinnesota?
thanx K.
Please follow these instructions:
1) Find a strong, buff friend.
2) Ask him to BITCH SLAP you.
Repeat until you can stop acting like a girl.
I would recommend that you invest in myAdvanced Series, but I don't want to confuse andupset you.
You are the man!!! I have been receiving yournewsletters for about 4 months now, and plan toget your book as soon as I get some legal issuestaken care of. I gotta say that your stuff workswonders. Here is my example; I was at thelaundromat earlier today, and I just happened torun across a girl I went to High School with. Ihave changed a lot since the, and she didn'trecognize me. I couldn't resist the temptation.....this was a girl who blow me off back then. Iwalked up to her and started talking. Nothingmuch, busting on her for coming in with her mom..... "You still living with Mommy I see." Stufflike that. So, after a few minutes, I tell her Ihave to go finish up my clothes. I walk awaywithout saying a word. While I'm standing therefolding my clothes, I glance up a few times andwatch her looking at me. Every time I look up, Igive her this sly little half-cocked grin and shejerks her head away. I finish up and go to leave,giving her only that little grin as I'm going, andwalk out to my car. Right before I start the car,she's running out with a slip of paper in herhand. Its her number. Like I said before, this wasa girl who wouldn't even look my way 4 years ago.
Okay's my question.....Normally Icouldn't approach a girl like I did this one. Iget up to them, say hi, then I freeze......once Ican get into the c&f routine its noproblem......but a lot of times, I find it hard toget into it.......Got any pointers for me?
FC Kentucky
Don't you wish you could turn back the hands oftime and have another chance with all those hotgirls that ran around your high school... the onesthat wouldn't even look at you?
I'm pretending that I'm you right now, and it'sgreat.
To answer your question, don't worry too muchabout being Cocky & Funny when you first meet agirl that you've never talked to... one thatyou've just approached.
The only thing you need to focus on is gettingher info so you can follow up later.
Use the 3 minute email/number technique, anddon't worry about being Cocky & Funny until youget together with her next.
Trying to come up with cute lines when youfirst meet a girl usually makes you self-conscious. Just get her info!
Hi Dave,
I recently ordered your CD series and I have totell you that it was totally amazing. I am callingit amazing due to the lack of words that candescribe/praise the series. I have had your bookfor about a year now. When I got the book, it wasa big eye opener and I felt like taking the bookand hitting myself over the head with it {I usedto be a big WUSS}. I thought nothing could bebetter than that but you proved me wrong byreleasing the CD series which is absolutelyuntouchable!
I have read your book many times and have heardthe CD series about five times. EVERYTIME I hearit again I hear something that I failed tohear/note/realize before. I have decided not tolisten to any other tape, CD or radio till I havethis stuff so ded in my subconscious mindthat it becomes second nature. For this I wouldalso like to make a suggestion to all of the otherreaders. There is a saying: "IT IS NOT ENOUGH TOLEARN YOU MUST BECOME". I have realized many timesthat I act and behave normal when I am aroundfriends Or women that I am not interested in. BUTas soon as a hottie comes around, I try to switchto the personality and character that you havetaught most of the times I succeed BUT there aremany times when it is hard to so SUDDENLY change.IF YOU STAY IN THAT CHARACTER ALL THE TIME, YOUDON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SWITCHING GEARS. OVERTHE PERIOD OF TIME IT WILL BECOME YOUR REALCHARACTER AND SECOND NATURE IT WILL ALSO GET YOUMORE RESPECT FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
I also realized that BODY LANGUAGE is 93 orbetter percentage of the communication. BUT havenot seen you RECOMMEND A BOOK ON BODY LANGUAGE. Iwent to the library and Borders and found a lot ofbooks in fact, too many! Can you suggest a coupleon Body language? Thanks in advance. Thanks! PGOhio
Thanks for your email.
I love it when I hear from guys who are takingaction, and getting this part of their livestogether!
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find ANYbooks about body language that I consider to beGREAT.
And worse, most of the books I've read about onbody language teach you NOTHING useful aboutATTRACTION.
You might check out some books on body languageat that bookstore... But unless you understandall the things you've learned from my AdvancedSeries, it won't all make very much sense.
...and if you're reading this right now and youHAVEN'T gotten your copy of my Advanced DatingTechniques Program yet, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOUWAITING FOR?
Let's see...
1. It's the best investment you can possibly makein your dating success.
2. It's over 12 full hours of digitally recorded,edited, and mastered audio/video.
3. You can try it at zero cost... with nocommitment of any kind. If you don't love it, getexcited by it, and have more real success withwomen - just send it back to me and don't pay apenny. Really.
On the website you can watch some great videoclips. Go here to check them out:
And of course, if you haven't yet read myoriginal eBook "Double Your Dating: What Every ManShould Know About How To Be Successful WithWomen," then you really need to get that now.
You can download it and be reading it in just afew minutes from right now...
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Do NOT forget to check out my entirecollection of programs to help you become moresuccessful with women and dating: --------------------------------------------------