Monday, December 04, 2006

I was working and met some female (9.0 on my scale) exactly the type of face i like. She had a hard-to-get personality. I teased her and had some good conversation for a few minutes. She had to go butreturned a while later asking 'what time it was'or some stupid question like that that you can ask anyone and still look casual. (typical of girls ihave busted on to come back and ask some stupidquestion) I continued to bust on her and maintain my uninterested/laid back mood. I told her to write her number down, she did and she told me 'she liked me' or some pick up like that, i said "yeah i like me too" She wanted to do something later, I said 'like what' (just seeing where she was coming from). She smiled and didnt really answer, to which i followed up with "whatever, you couldnt handlethis" I had a friend come by who i work with and she started talking to him 'acting' interested (iassume to see how i would handle it). So ignoredthem and went on with my stuff, instead of cock blocking i bragged a little about him. she said she had to leave and was standing rightin front of me for a couple seconds so i justmoved in for a kiss and she did also (btw that wasafter less than a total of 15 minutes of talking).She left and I went back to my work, but notbefore a little 3-second Conan O'Brien dancebehind my desk. earlier she told me to call herthat night so i called her the next night. That night she wanted to get busy and I wouldkeep backing up when she went in to kiss me anddidnt act too thrilled about the whole occasion.She took her shirt off right after she got in myhouse and i told her to put it back on and thatshe could take it off later. that night she said"Your the only guy who I can't figure out" and"I'm so lucky to be here with you" and even "Howcome you picked me, you deserve so much better"This beautiful, hard-to-get girl's personalitychanged right in front of me. And i used thebeautiful "just say please" line once again.I love you Dave (but not like that you sicko!)-D from CA>>>MY COMMENTS: Great story. You've mentioned a couple of my favorite typesof "comebacks" to things women say. In one situation, she said, "I like you" andyou replied, "I like me too". In another, she mentioned that she wanted to dosomething later with you, and you replied "Likewhat?"... and then said "Whatever, you couldn'thandle this". You TOTALLY get the equation: COCKY + FUNNY In your first comeback, you've taken something"nice" that she was saying about you, and turnedit into a perfect opportunity to dial up thetension in a funny way. "I like you"... "Yeah, I like me too". Classic. In your second comment, you really add one ofthe "magic ingredients" of ATTRACTION called beinga CHALLENGE. Most women have never had a guy say somethinglike, "You couldn't handle this" to them. It's so surprising to a woman when she hearsthis kind of thing... and it's INCREDIBLE whenit's done in a FUNNY way. Unless you understand the dynamics of how womenbecome attracted to men, this stuff doesn't makeany sense at all. Remember when you were a kid and you had thoselittle cars that you could wind up by pulling thembackwards on the floor... then when you let gothey would spin out and fly forward? You could feel the tension building as youpulled the car backwards... winding it up. Andwhen you let go, it would scream out of your hand.I always thought those were pretty cool. Well, there was another great lesson in thosecool little cars: You need to dial up the tensionbefore you can release the energy inside. Your story and comments do a GREAT job of this.***SUCCESS STORY***David, I, like you, am a slow learner withwomen and I own nearly every product that you sell(which i am incredibly grateful for). And proofof my learning about women came just the othernight. I had been achieving mild success withwomen but nothing to sneeze at. Anyhow, I was in a strip club with somefriends (fyi...i HATE strip clubs, seriously) justchatting it with some people i hadn't seen for along time sittin in sniffler's row with my backcocked to the side, halfway ignoring the"dancers". So, I held up $3 for a beer just as thedancer was coming my way and right before she gotin my face i notified the bartender for a BudLight, then turned away. This, obviously, pissedher off. I continued to sit relaxed, justchillin, ya know. Ten minutes later she comes outin somewhat normal attire and sits right next tome and starts in with how I am an a**hole and shehated me. I just smile demurely and say, "Welli'm glad you could determine that in the first 5minutes rather than waste your time" and did NOTlook away until she did. Then, not 5 minutes ofconversation later, she confessed to me that shehated me yet was "so attracted to me" she couldn'texplain it. At this time i am like "wow, thissh** is like magic". Next i am making out with herin front of the ENTIRE bar after she had bought me2 beers and 2 shots. Meanwhile, this tool of aman that had tipped her in excess of $200 thatnight was groping her while we were playingvolley-lime with our tongues. Holy sh** were allthe dudes in the club impressed and needless tosay she left with me to finish the deal. I wentfrom nobody in a club of perverts spending bigmoney to the stud that left with free alcohol andthe hottest stripper there. I always was a believer in you, David, and theother night just reaffirmed my beliefs. Talk toyou again soon...... D the Cunnilingualist SoDak>>>MY COMMENTS: What can I say? I've already thought of a few things...1) Use protection. Lots of it.2) Don't marry her, no matter how good the sexhappens to be.3) Wipe that DAMN Sh**-Eating-Grin off of yourface already. It's bad enough that every guy hatesyou... lol. So, when you're finished playing with fire, doyourself a favor and test out your skills in abookstore, art show, or other place where youmight meet more "quality" women. Oh, and shut up.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, Your material is great! I went to this libraryin town where this very beautiful woman works.There are about 6 women that work there (no men).This woman has had very wealthy men date her andpolicemen and a body builder etc. I'm 49 and baldand don't make a lot of money but she has fallenfor me! Every time I'd go in there I'd get cocky andfunny with all of them and this woman wants todate ME! So we've been dating for a couple weeksnow and she's really falling in love with me. Her birthday was about 5 days after we firstmet and I didn't buy her anything. She obviouslyfinds this very attractive that I feel confidentenough in myself that I would do that. Last night she said she loved me for the firsttime. I held my ground and refused to beintimidated into saying I love her too. She wasflabberghasted when she asked: "Don't you loveme?" I said I need to know her more. This morning she went to town and got me a popand pop corn and wouldn't allow me to pay her backand she brought it to me. I've never been able to do this before. I wasalways the very nice and shy guy.Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T.>>>MY COMMENTS: Well, it's OK to be a nice guy. Just do it in away that doesn't make women use the WORD "nice" todescribe you. The fact is that when you're being Cocky &Funny, you're actually being VERY nice... andwomen know it. They love the fact that you're paying attentionto them in a way that's INTERESTING, entertaining,funny, and unpredictable. Good for you. Sounds like you've met a greatgal.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, I have emailed you before with a success storybut this email is more of a reply to the guy whofelt his age of 37 was an issue with girls intheir 20's. My thought on this is age is only a barrier ifyou choose to make it one. Sure there are girlsout there where they have a problem with an agedifference. To me these girls are looking forsomeone to settle down with, bring to her parentsfor Sunday dinner and have the approval of herfriends and not someone to date for sake ofdating. I met this Latin girl at my gym who on a scaleof 1 - 10 is about a 9. After an aerobic boxingclass we went out for a cup of tea. We talked andI did a little C&F and she said to me before Ileave remind me to give you my phone #. I didn'teven get to ask for it but that's OK. The other day we were at a Wendy's for lunchwhen she told me I was incredible. She went on tosay I don't crowd her I give her, her space.Keeping the C&F going I told her I agree I amincredible. I told her if it wasn't for the fact Ilike girls so much I would give myself a hug andkiss. Well, Dave, we have been dating a few monthsnow and about the age thing she is 27 and I am 56.It was on our second date when she asked how old Iwas and without any hesitation I just said 56.Just being honest and straight with her. Now,granted I do not look nor act my age for shethought I was 36 or so, I am into Hip Hop & Technomusic and started taking Salsa dance lessons,there are a number of Latin clubs here in Miami. So age is only a number to me and a lot of thegirls I have gone out with. When a girl I datetells her girl friend how old I am the girl friendthinks her friend is dating this old man until Imeet her and she doesn't see an age difference anymore.N. Miami Beach>>>MY COMMENTS: Great points. I know many men who date women that are 10 oreven 20 years or more younger. I read an interesting statistic that men whoget divorced wind up marrying women that are anaverage of 10 years younger the second time, andthat one in five men marries a women 20 yearsyounger the second time. Thanks for the email.***COMMENT***Dear Dave, Your stuff is right on target...It took me aweek to buy your ebook which is well worth it!! Idon't even think a genie could have given mebetter luck with women than the things you teachin ~THAT~ book. Anyway onto my SUCCESS STORY... I'm 5'9" weigh 140 pounds normal teenage acneproblems nothing too big. The thing that got medown is I have kind of a big nose which brought myself-esteem sky rocketing downwards and kept itthere for the 18 years I have been alive. Yournewsletters alone gave me the confidence I neededto approach a woman. Well make a long juicy storyshort. HOT woman bumps into me at gym. I ask didyou grab my ass and really crank up the ballbusting and C&f routine ...a week later I [hadsex] for the first time before I even got my firstkiss. LOL. And to all you idiots who ask dumbquestions before you read the'reidiots...Thanks Man!>>>MY COMMENTS: Hey, good job. And I appreciate your plug for my book. I also wish that more guys would invest inthemselves and get my book before askingquestions. The questions would be so much better, and theanswers would as well.***SUCCESS STORY***Dear Dave, So, the reason I haven't written you since mylast message is because I've been too busy havingthe best sex ever. Seriously. I've got your last20 newsletters sitting in my inbox because Ihaven't had time to read them. That's how powerfulyour interview series has been. It is INVALUABLE.Just hearing you talk was a great educationaltool. I mean, the level of confidence that youboth exude about everything, not just dating,makes me feel respect for you even before I'veactually tried what you suggest. Then I tryincorporating your tips and guidance into my ownrelations with women, and WOW what a difference.Listening to Marie's insights (and GOD does shesound sexy!!!) helped me realize that womenactually WANTED me to be the type of person I wasnaturally, but I was afraid to be a MAN. And it'sthe fear that drives them away. What a turnaround. So, back to this incredible sex :D!!. I ran intothis sexy girl I knew 2 years ago when I was incollege. I always had a thing for her, but I wasso shy and awkward, there was no chance it wasgonna go anywhere. But now I've been reading thenewsletters, I read the eBook and pamphlets, andI've listened to the Interview series thus far (3times) and I just GET IT. So I run into her afternot having seen her in 2 years, turn on the charmDD style and her first response is, "God, you seemso...mature." I knew it was on then. Dave, everytime I get a test, I just think "WWDDD: What wouldDave DeAngelo do?" For instance, the other day,after giving her a considerable hard time, shesaid, "You know, being too cocky is just NOT sexy"So I turn to her, flash a confident smile and say,But you don't think I'm too cocky," She startslaughing and throws her arms around my neck andsays, "I hate that you're always right." She saysthings to me I never thought I'd hear a girl say,like "How did you get to be so cute?" and "Why isit you always know exactly the right thing tosay?"And, on top of that, she's always begging mefor sex. BEGGING. And what's more, she's okaythat I'm dating other women, as long as I stillsee her once a week. Do you realize what I'mtelling you? This incredible sexy women, who Icould hardly look in the eyes 2 years ago, isbegging me for sex (and doing crazy things inbed), bragging to her friends about me, andallowing me to do anything I want with anyone Iwant. It's the type of story I wouldn't believeif I weren't living it.Thank you, Dave.And keep those interview CD's coming!!!CK Los Angeles.>>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, it's amazing when you finally start"getting" how it all fits together, and seeingthese types of responses from women. By the way, thanks for the plug for myInterview Series. I'm getting KILLER feedback onit. As a reminder, details are here:***SUCCESS STORY***Hi Dave. Im not gonna say that you're a god or anything,but you are a good guy who seems to know hisstuff. I'd be a 21 year old virgin right now if itwasn't for you. I began reading your emails about9 months ago, while trying to figure out why mylast girl left me before we even got into bedtogether. Your book made the answer painfullyobvious. I was just too nice to her. I dideverything to please her, and in the process endedup tuckin my balls between my thighs. Afterdownloading your book, my success has come aboutgradually. I've just been gradually being moreopen with women, less worried about offendingthem, and saying even rude or controversial thingsto them just for laughs. Like I said it takes timeto get use to doing this, but I really put it touse well with a girl I met this summer, and wow. Iwas amazed at how easy it was to get a reasonablyattractive woman to sleep with you. Well that onedidn't work out, but I don't care cause I've hadmore success with others since. Rock on Dave.B from Michigan>>>MY COMMENTS: This is some good stuff. It's important to test these ideas out untilyou become comfortable with them... and for someguys it's VERY unusual or uncomfortable to say"rude or controversial things just for laughs"when it comes to women they're attracted to. Most guys fear that if they say the wrongthing, a woman won't "like" them. The problem with this kind of reasoning is thatwomen don't like men who PUSSYFOOT around lookingfor approval. So by winning, you lose. And yes, women like sex too. They tend to enjoy it more with men who actlike MEN, and not men who act like WOMEN. Thanks for your email, and Rock On yourself,dude.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, I have been receiving your emails and boughtyour book, and I think I'm starting to get it. Iam practicing to learn a new skill now, so that Ican remain "in character" as cocky and funny,while I work to assimilate the approach into mypersonality. A recent newsletter helped meovercome my fear of being direct with women. Ialways was afraid to make a move because I figuredthe attractive ones were already married, hookedup, or lesbians. I thought I would be embarrassedand feel stupid if I made a move on someone whoisn't available. You said simply ask "Are yousingle?" I agree that it does say all the rightthings. So last week I tried it, and the woman wasmarried. But I could see she was complimented, andI felt good about the exchange. The next time,a woman said she was dating. Again, it was apositive experience. Then yesterday, a hot woman came into my office,and she seemed to be getting into me. So I askedher if she was single, and she bent over backwardsto assure me that she was. Then I shockedmyself when I took it a step further, blurting out"Well, but are you straight?" This knocked her fora loop -- and as she insisted just how straightshe really is, I noticed an immediate increase inher feminine behaviors. So I busted her again,"Well, I just couldn't be sure." Thanks, Dave. Ido think I'm starting to get it... T.>>>MY COMMENTS: NIYYYYYYYYYCE! Yes, you are demonstrating that you're startingto get it. By the way, once you get a woman onthe defensive (in a fun way, like you did) it'salways fun to keep going... and accuse her of allkinds of crazy things. After she said that she was straight, you couldhave said, "OK, that's good. But can you cook?". Once you're on a roll, stay with it. Thesefirst moments present an amazing opportunity toturn up the heat and really amplify theATTRACTION.***QUESTION***Hi Dave,Love your stuff and these e-mails. Reallyinformative.I've a couple of points about the last set. 1)NLP can work in some cases but usually as a back-up to your stuff. Women love it AT THE RIGHT TIMEbut use it too much and you sound wussy. DON'Tgive up the cocky-funny approach EVER in arelationship. Keep the woman guessing, unsure andbust other women while she's around you. You don'thave to be trying to pick up women while she'sthere, just teasing shop assistants, waitresses,her friends, etc. shows her you're in control andattractive to other women; they won't want rid ofyou then....... ever. They love it and it keepsthem on their toes. It makes you unpredictable,confident, assertive (in a positive way) and notneedy and wussy.2) One 37 year old guy in a previous e-mailsaid he felt he couldn't approach younger women.He didn't want to be thought of as a creepy oldguy. Well, I'm 48, split 3 years ago (I've 3kids!), thought my world had ended and I'd nofuture. I could've retreated to a lonely cocoon-like existence but decided, "What the hell it's myturn now!" This really pissed off my ex-wife whowanted to split! I began to study everything Icould find on women, how they thought (or didn'tthink), what made them tick (or didn't), why - tous guys - they were so irrational, the "let's justbe friends" thing, etc. The only thing I've foundthat REALLY works is your stuff (I've had the bookfor ages). I have had loads of success withyounger women (20s and 30s). My current girl is34, attractive and I feel like a million dollarswhen I walk into a club or bar with my piece ofarm candy (other women never stop looking and youknow they're attracted to a guy who can pullyounger women, they're curious, it's amazing). Shesays this is the best relationship she's ever had.So, my advice to older men is ignore everyone, gohave some fun, approach who the hell you like,just use the cocky and funny routine and you WILLsucceed more than you'll fail. Life's too short soget out there and enjoy. I wouldn't have believedit could be like this.Thanks for everything and helping me get a lifeback.J. Edinburgh, Scotland>>>MY COMMENTS: You've made some great points here... Let me comment on one or two of them. One thing you mentioned is demonstrating howyou can control situations with women... so thatthe woman you're with KNOWS IT. It's always interesting to me how COMPETITIVEwomen are. And there's nothing quite like a woman knowingthat her man can meet other women whenever hewants. In fact, I'll bet that a large percentage ofwomen who stay in bad situations with men are onlythere because they know that their man can go meetother women anytime he wants, and they just can'tdeal with the jealousy that it triggers... so theystay. I know this doesn't make much logical sense,but hey, it's reality. Now, as you know, I really don't like the ideaof "manipulating" women by lying and playing withtheir emotions for your enjoyment. But if you naturally like to have fun withother people, and your girl just happens to bethere when you're joking around with the girlbehind the counter at the coffee shop, then you'llprobably get some big benefits from it. You also mentioned that when you decided tostart learning about how to be more successfulwith women it pissed off your ex. That's pretty typical. I mean, let's face it... just between usguys... you probably allowed yourself to become apretty boring, predictable husband... lol. So nowthat you're getting your game together she'sthinking to herself "That JACKASS! Why didn't heact like this before?! Now other women get toenjoy the part of my man that I always wanted moreof!". A lot of guys write me to ask how they can gettheir ex-girlfriend back. The reality is that thereason she probably left you is because you had NOGAME. You were about as sexually interesting toher as Homer Simpson. If you want to get her back,go learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION, andthen date other women. And if it's possible to fixyour relationship, that combination usually doesthe trick pretty nicely. Finally, I agree with you about approaching thewomen you find attractive. Look, no one is going to live your life foryou. No one is going to go meet attractive women foryou. You need to take control of your own life, andmeet the kinds of women you want to meet. Thanks for the reminder. ...and if you're reading this right now andyou're thinking "Yea, that's what I need... totake control of my life and my success withwomen", then guess what? YOU'RE RIGHT. You do. And if you'd prefer to save yourself a fewYEARS of trial and error (or more), and a lot ofMONEY and TIME, then I suggest you check out myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It will definitely help you take your successwith women to a whole new level, whether you'rejust starting out or you already have some successwith women. All the details, plus some great audio andvideo samples are here: If you haven't downloaded your copy of myonline eBook "Double Your Dating", then I'd liketo remind you of the offer I mentioned to the guyearlier in this newsletter. Here's how it works: You download it right now and pay nothing. Ifyou like it, keep it and you'll automatically bebilled. If you don't like it, just cancel yourorder, and you won't be charged. What's better than a 100% money-back guarantee? THIS IS. All the details are here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to take a minute to look at all of the different programs I've created to helpyou learn how to meet women. You can see the mall right here:

Saturday, December 02, 2006

on dating and fears of rejection


So, let's take a few minutes and talk about theissues and what CAUSES them. Here are some of the "root causes", and how Isee them...1) Having no other options. If you're sitting at the phone with ONE phonenumber in your hand, and you haven't been out on adate in a long time, and you are feelingDESPERATE, you're probably going to get VERYnervous. When you have no other options, the single onein front of you becomes VERY valuable. Translation: You want it TOO badly. This AUTOMATICALLY triggers your emotionalsystem, because at some level you realize that ifyou screw this up, it's all over. And you knowthat it's all going to happen in just a fewSECONDS. The pressure is too much!2) Putting too much importance on a single girl. Now, if you have a girl that you've been datingfor six months, and you've decided that she's onein a million, it makes sense to put a lot ofimportance on your relationship with her. But, if you don't know a girl very well, or youhaven't even dated her at all, then you are onlysetting yourself up for major disappointment byputting too much importance on ANY girl.3) Thinking you need to IMPRESS her. This is a HUGE issue. Most men "subconsciously" behave andcommunicate like they're trying to IMPRESS thewoman of their desires. When you think about this, it only makessense... of course you'd want to impress the womanyou like... so she'll think you're a cool guy andwant to be with you. But have you ever thought for a moment how aninteresting, attractive woman sees it when a guyis TRYING to IMPRESS her? Well, here's the INSTANT and SUBCONSCIOUSresponse that women have:"He's trying too hard. There's something wrong.This guy must have something he's trying tohide... and he must be pretty insecure." In other words, the INSTANT you do something orsay something that is an obvious attempt atimpressing a woman, her radar system screams: "WUSSY!" By the way, this is really a much DEEPER issue.If you need to "evict your inner wussy", thentake a second and read THIS: Having expectations and being attached to them. You might think of this one as a variation of"wanting it too much"... only slightly different. When you start getting your hopes andexpectations up, you begin to get ATTACHED tothem. Then you run the risk of HOLDING ON TOO TIGHTto your little fantasy. Bad idea. Women don't date guys who assume too much, acttoo comfortable, or fall for them too quickly. Remember, beautiful women have guys falling forthem left and right. In fact, they almost EXPECT to go out onone or two dates with a guy and then say, "Youknow, I really like you..." or some other equallypredictable sentiment. Just like being desperate can destroy yourchances with a woman, liking a woman too much, toofast and creating expectations leads to crazy,stupid mistakes as well. Now, think over what I just said... I'm basically saying that if you want to curethe problem of freaking out when you call women toask them out and the problem of screwing it upwhen you have that first conversation and ask themout the first time, then you have to go INSIDEfirst... and do some preventative maintenance onyourself. And the GOOD NEWS is that this stuff is notonly good for you, it also helps you get even MOREdates with interesting women. So, here's what to do about this particularproblem:1) Get more options. If you go out one evening with a couple offriends, and you meet a REALLY hot girl... and youwind up having a fun conversation and getting hernumber, what should you do? RIGHT! Go get at least ONE MORE girl's number.More, if you can. This way, when you're picking up the phone tocall (or sending out emails, or whatever), you'vegot another woman to call right after her... In other words, if it doesn't go well, no bigdeal. No sweat at all. Instead of putting all your "hopes" in this onesituation, go get more options... this willprevent many problems as well as giving you morewomen to date! And think about it... when are you MOST likelyto get a woman's phone number? When are you mostlikely to be in a great mood that actuallyATTRACTS women? Exactly... in the moments after you've alreadygotten another woman's number. So take advantage of this time!2) Dial the phone expecting it to NOT work outwith this girl. I have news for you: Most women have somethingabout their personality, behavior, future plans,etc. that is going to disqualify them from beinggood "potential mates" for you. Now, I'm not saying that "all women are screwedup", etc. What I AM saying is that you need to realizethat the only reason you're freaking out so muchis because your EMOTIONS are running the show. You need to think about how rare it is that youactually meet a girl that is COMPATIBLE withyou... that you'd enjoy spending time with even ifshe wasn't good-looking. If you have this in mind as you're dialing thephone, you won't have that "I'm desperate" vibegoing on. You won't be talking like a guy who has a gunto his head either... which is a good thing...because women get weirded out by this kind ofthing.3) Instead of asking a woman out, tell her whatyou're doing, and then tell her she can come alongif she wants. Why is "asking a woman out" early on a badidea? Because if you don't have a world-classunderstanding of male/female dynamics, you'regoing to come across as a guy who is trying to usefood as date-bait. In other words, if the first thing out of yourmouth is "I'd like to take you out to dinner" it'sgoing to be interpreted as "I don't think you'reprobably going to accept an invitation to spendtime with me unless I throw in somethingextra...". Weak. And that's how SHE sees it. The alternative? Tell her that you're going to be doingsomething and that she should join you. "Hey, I'm going to go down to Starbucks and geta cup of tea. You should join me. I'm way more funthan whatever else you were going to do... andthat's a fact!" Extra bonus points: Hint that she's missing out if she doesn'taccept immediately. If she hems and haws, or hesitates... justinterrupt and say, "Hey, you're the one who'smissing out". I also like "You know, never mind. I guess youdon't like to have fun...". Great stuff! This is solid Cocky & Funny material, and it'sthe right time to use it. You know, I personally used to get VERY freakedout when calling women for the first time on thephone... and "asking them out". Now that I understand this particular "momentin time" better, and now that I understand more ofthe "dynamics" of what's going on, I get MUCHbetter results personally... In fact, I never get "nervous" anymore whencalling women, and I rarely if EVER have a woman"flake out" on me. Now, in this newsletter I've shared a fewpoints to help you get better results in thisparticular area. Use them. They'll definitely helpyou. You should read this newsletter right beforeyou call every one of the next 10 women youmeet... in fact. But as you can probably tell, this is just oneof MANY important facets of success with women. In fact, this is just scratching the surface ofthe skills you'll need if you want to haveCONSISTENT success with the most DESIRABLE women. The reality of this situation is that if youwant to take control of this area of your lifeand not walk helpless with women anymore, you'regoing to need to take more steps to get yourselfeducated on this topic. And what's the best way to do that quickly,easily and without spending years of time andlots of money learning the HARD WAY? My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.This program will take you step-by-step throughall the key theories, concepts, and techniquesyou'll need to start meeting and dating more womenstarting IMMEDIATELY. And here's another interesting benefit thatcomes from going through my Advanced DatingTechniques program... It actually CHANGES HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD. The first time you listen to it or watch it,you'll be hitting your head saying "Ah ha! Ah ha!"the whole time. All of those things that have happened to youwith women will start to make sense. All of the times you screwed up will stopbothering you, because you'll "get" whathappened... and all of the times that thingsworked will also make sense. Of course, you'll also be shaking your head asyou learn some of the most amazing techniques forapproaching women, getting numbers, getting datesand taking things to a more "physical level" thathave ever been created (For example, I share allof my own personal favorite "pick up lines" thatwork better than anything I've ever heard of forapproaching women... and I don't share theseanywhere else except in my intensive liveseminars). But, one of the REAL benefits comes AFTER yougo through it. This is when the real MAGIC startsto happen. When you're out at restaurants watching thecouple at the next table, you'll UNDERSTAND whatis happening. When a woman starts doing something subtle thatyou would have never noticed before, you'll SEEit... and she'll SEE that you see it... and youwill instantly be talking to her on a DIFFERENTLEVEL... all because you know something that mostother guys don't. When you encounter "resistance" or "problems"or "tests" from women, you will no longer need toget nervous or upset, because you'll know what TODO about it... and when you actually DO the rightthing you'll see that problem disappear. The point that I'm trying to make is that thiseducation will not only teach you techniques formeeting women, it will also give you a new POWERthat you never had before. I can honestly say to you that if this programwere available five or so years ago when I startedlearning this stuff, I would have gladly tradedANYTHING I owned for it... or paid any amount ofmoney. But it wasn't, so I had to take YEARS figuringall of this stuff out for myself. This program is priceless, and it's worth atleast ten times what you'll invest for it. As youprobably know, you can order it WITHOUT RISK aswell. Order and try it at no cost to you. In other words, order it now, go through itand test it all out. If you're not happy, justsend it back and say "no thanks". No questions, nohassles. I'm that confident that it will take yoursuccess with women to a whole new level. All the details, plus some great samples arehere:

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

ATTRACTION isn't a choice. It's an emotional reaction.

"The Guy in the bar Story...Why should he have left the bar as soon as he gotthe waitress' phone number?This is "Ultra Extra Important" you said. I thinkI know why he should have left, he was probablystaring at her all night and she was turned off byit, but give me your complete insight on why heshould have left immediately after getting here-mail.Thanks, R." >>>MY COMMENTS: As I said in the newsletter you quoted above,this concept is VERY important. Understanding why you need to leave at thispoint is part of understanding the dynamic calledATTRACTION. So before I get into the specifics, let's talkabout the underlying process that createsATTRACTION...1) ATTRACTION isn't a choice. It's an emotional reaction. ATTRACTION is nature's way of taking over ourminds and bodies long enough to make sure that wemate with someone with the best possible genes. I realize that this sounds pretty "clinical"and lame, but it's the damn truth. Attraction isn't concerned with you, her, orlove. It's evolved over a loooong period of time,and it has a purpose that is very important.2) ATTRACTION isn't logical, in the sense that itisn't created by things that "should" create it. Buying women dinner and gifts, giving lots ofcompliments when you first meet a woman, andkissing up to women to get their approval areexamples of "logical" things that SHOULD createattraction... but don't. When you understand how attraction works, youbegin to see that it has a "logic" all its own. Attraction is one of my favorite subjects...and I think you should understand it if you wantto be successful with women. My second book iscalled "Attraction Isn't A Choice", and you cango and download the online version of it rightnow... which I highly recommend... right here: Women aren't attracted to guys who act likeneedy Wuss-Bags. When guys give lots ofcompliments, seek approval, act clingy, or try togo out of their way to be overly "nice", itusually backfires. Women run from Wussy men (either that or theygo shoe shopping with them... and the guy usuallypays).4) Unfortunately, many guys are mentallyprogrammed to a sort of "Default Wussy" mode ofbehavior when they encounter a woman that they'reattracted to. When you combine this Default Wuss mode withnervous body language, you create an almostimpossible barrier between you and ever creatingATTRACTION.5) Just like a painting or a song, too much canruin an interaction with a woman. You must know when to leave, hang up, or endthe interaction. Leaving at the right moment creates tension,anticipation and mystery. YOU EITHER INCREASE OR DECREASE ATTRACTION -IT'S ALWAYS EITHER GOING UP OR DOWN... Of course, there are more ingredients toATTRACTION, but these will set the stage for whereI'm going with this... In every situation, you can do something toINCREASE the ATTRACTION... and you can dosomething to DECREASE it. In other words, there'salways a way to dial up this magical emotion. And yes, you can increase the ATTRACTION evenwhen you've just met. In fact, this is often thebest time to do it. Let me ask you a question... What would most guys do in the situation withthe waitress (or maybe a bartender)? Imagine it. You're in a bar, you're chatting with the cutegal serving drinks or behind the bar. You're beingCocky and Funny, busting on her, etc. and she'senjoying your company. You say "Hey, do you haveemail?" and she writes it down for you... WHAT DO YOU DO? You could...a) Sit there and keep talking.b) Stay and talk to her a few more times.c) Wait around hoping that you can go homewith her.d) Leave. So let's do a little critical thinking aboutthis situation before I comment (or maybe thiswill be the comment, we'll see). If you:(a) sit there and keep talking, what's likely tohappen? In my experience, unless you're the ultimateMac Daddy of all time, the only place to go isDOWN. Think about it... you got her info. You did it.She's working. She's only going to get busy, whichwill probably make the conversation moredifficult. And then there's the risk of saying or doingsomething stupid, getting too drunk to make sense,or just having the interaction go cold. All in all, you have very little chance ofanything good happening, and a great chance ofhaving something not-so-good happening. Doesn't sound like a very good idea to me. If you:(b) stay there in the bar (maybe join friends thatshow up), and talk to her a few more times whileordering drinks, etc. what is likely to happen? Again, we're dealing with a situation thatalmost can't get any BETTER. Remember, she alreadygave you the info. Now she might start thinking"Oh, this is just another loser that hangs out allnight and gets drunk with his buddies... like theother 47 guys who hit on me." Or you might say something dumb... or you mighttip her too much or too little and make a strangeimpression... or any of a lot of things. All downside risk, no upside rewards. If you:(c) wait around hoping that you can go home withher, I think you're REALLY taking your chances inthe situation. Again, unless you're the ultimate pick-upartist of all time, you're not likely to be takinghome the bartender by sitting in front of her anddrinking all night... for the same reasons listedabove. But what if:(d) YOU LEFT IMMEDIATELY after getting her info? What effect does DISAPPEARING have on aninteraction like this one? Well, let me ask you: What effect doesdisappearing have IN GENERAL on people? It creates curiosity, mystery, etc. It makesthe other person think "I wonder where he/she hadto go so fast?" You can also combine this with having somethingvery INTERESTING to do. For instance, you mightsay:"Nice talking to you... I'm going to go meet upwith some friends to have some SERIOUS fun." This technique of leaving the moment I'vegotten a woman's information has worked WONDERSfor me... and for many guys I know. The long and the short of it is that if youstick around after you get the info, you create notension, no mystery, and no curiosity. On the other hand, if you LEAVE IMMEDIATELY,and have something interesting (even if you don'tsay what it is) to go do, then you're seen asbusy... the kind of guy who has a life... someonewho is in demand. Leaving turns up the ATTRACTION. It createscuriosity. Women are used to guys hanging on, clinging,and generally NOT having other things to do. It's something that will INSTANTLY separate youfrom other guys, and something that willdemonstrate all the right qualities with a singlemove. Remember, you can do things to INCREASE orDECREASE the ATTRACTION in any given situation. Irecommend that you start thinking of how toincrease it as much as you possibly can, becauseif a woman feels ATTRACTION, then almost nothingelse matters. Let's shift gears. When it comes to CREATING ATTRACTION, you cantake it to the next level... and the next... allthe way to the point of "getting physical" with awoman... ...I've gone from not being able to even TALKto a woman I don't know... to being able toapproach any woman in any situation and have aVERY HIGH chance of getting a date with her... andof course more, if I want. If you're reading this right now, and saying toyourself "I would really like to know how he doesthat", then I'd like to share the secrets withyou. And I'd like to do it at absolutely ZERO RISKto you. I want you to get a copy of my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD Program... and I'll send it toyou without charging you up front. Really. Go through the WHOLE PROGRAM. TRY some of the things you learn. I absolutely guarantee that you will start tosee IMMEDIATE results. Women will respond to youdifferently, because you will see things from anew perspective. If you don't get immediate results, just sendit back and you won't be charged. Go check out some great video samples here: if you would like to learn the basics ofhow to be successful with women and dating, youneed to go download a copy of my online eBook"Double Your Dating". It and the three bonusbooklets that come along with it are a killerintroduction to my concepts and techniques. Youcan download it and be reading it within a fewminutes. It's here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. I get a lot of questions in my mailboxasking me how I learned all of this stuff... andhow I figured out some of the secrets I'velearned about women and attraction. If you'dlike to read the story, go here:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boy doesn't have a clue about how to make girl feel ATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to"pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, and flowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no"sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend".

Here's "Meeting Story #2": Boy is attracted to girl. Fortunately for him, boy understands ATTRACTION, and begins to communicate with girl in a way that makes her feel a powerful physical and emotional response for boy that she can't control. The sparks fly, and boy and girl "get together". As I'm sure you know...

In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the situation and both of them know it. In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control ofthe situation.

Let's assume that somehow, boy and girl actually "get together". Things usually go one of two ways after that...

Here's "End Up Story #1": Boy and girl get together. Boy realizes that he"REALLY likes" girl. Boy begins to act more and more predictable. Boy starts to share "how he feels" about girl too often. Boy becomes more and more submissive. Girl loses that feeling ofATTRACTION that she once had for boy and has noway of explaining or understanding why. Girl leaves boy and boy is left wondering whathappened.

Here's "End Up Story #2": Boy and girl get together. Boy understands that no matter how much he likes girl, he cannot lethimself become a Wussy who chases girl around"sharing how he feels" and becomes boring. Boy keeps the relationship interesting and he keeps challenging girl. Boy stays in control of himself,and by understanding his role as "The Man" in the relationship, keeps girl interested and attractedto him into the future.

And again, as I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the situation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control of the situation. If you look at your experience with women, I'm sure you'll see that these short stories describeMOST of the experiences you've had. Now, of course there are slight twists andvariations, but the message is clear:

If you don't understand ATTRACTION and how itworks, then you are destined to keep playing out these same stories for the rest of your life. It's very unlikely that you'll stumble upon the "magic solution" by accident...

ATTRACTION IS DIFFERENT FOR WOMEN THAN IT IS FOR MEN - VERY DIFFERENT The reality is that you CAN stop this negative pattern if you WANT to.

But the key is:
1) Understanding how ATTRACTION works for WOMEN.
2) Understanding YOURSELF, so you don't ALLOW yourself to act like a Wussy, become boring andturn a good thing into a bad one... but instead you do the RIGHT things to keep everything on theright track. If you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you can control your destiny with women. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control your destiny with women. Read that paragraph again, and think about it for a minute before you go on. OK, so I mentioned that ATTRACTION is verydifferent for women than it is for men. Different how?

What do I mean by that? ... Well, generally speaking, for a woman, ATTRACTION is a PROCESS...not an "event". It happens over time, and itbecomes stronger or weaker depending upon how wellthe man in the situation understands how it works. For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an"event", meaning that it's either there or itisn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not thewoman understands how it works. (As an interestingside note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTIONworks, and her intention is to manipulate a man,it usually works VERY well.) So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism"more like a volume knob than a light switch. It's like a fantastic, classy old car thatneeds to warm up for a long time before you candrive it... not like a brand new Honda that youcan start up and get right on the freeway with. Here's a little secret about women andATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer inevery situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION,she'll love you for it... and you'll experiencerewards that will make the extra time you spentseem like the best investment of your entire life. Here are a few specific tips for you for the"Meeting Phase":1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK. When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usuallyturns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, heusually makes the mistake of letting the womanKNOW that he's nervous and weak. Don't do it. Do something STRONG. Challenge her. If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her.If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she'sdoing something, tell her that you could do itbetter. When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE,she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAMEIS ON. If you just chase after her like the 100 otherWussies that have been bothering her this week,you will just be another boring, predictable facein the crowd.2) Keep the TENSION UP. One of my favorite concepts is "Never let theline go slack". This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry"or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP. Just because she starts doing things that hintto you that she's interested, doesn't mean thatit's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually. Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, sodo more! Sexual Tension is SO important thatI've actually devoted an entire "language" andway of thinking about it. If you want to learnhow to create Sexual Tension, then use it toreally amplify ATTRACTION and arousal, thentake a minute and look at this: Tease. The word "tease" has a couple of meanings. One of the meanings has to do with doing thingsthat are slightly annoying to get a response fromsomeone. The other meaning is subtly different and hasto do with drawing out a response that you want bydoing certain things that indirectly trigger it. Do both. If you're about to kiss her, wait until yourlips are so close that you can almost feel her...and then STOP. Pull away, and smile. If you want to know how she feels about you,say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone ofvoice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO IDON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then sheprobably DOES "love" you. Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it. And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:1) Never become BORING. Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sinwhen it comes to ATTRACTION. Don't do either. Of course, telling a man not to be predictableis like telling a dog not to hump your leg. Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable. We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it. But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'dbetter figure out a way to STOP IT. There's nothing that will kill the sparksfaster than her knowing what you're about to do orsay.2) Don't hand over control. Women like men who make decisions and take thelead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men whoare overly controlling. What I am saying is thatwomen don't like guys who are always saying thingslike, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,baby?". Women don't want men that they can control, sodon't be one.3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests. When a guy meets a woman he likes, he oftenwants to spend as much time as possible with her. This is natural, of course. But there's a big danger here as well. If you put your life aside for a woman, youwill become less interesting to HER. In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep yourfriends, your interests, and your hobbies, and tospend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUTHER. And I think it's VERY important to keepimproving yourself as a person, and continue to bea guy that she can look up to and respect. As soon as you start acting like she's going tobe around forever, she'll start feeling less andless ATTRACTION for you. THE BIGGER PICTURE Now, as you read these examples, can you seethe bigger picture forming? Can you see the deeper message? The deeper message is that you need tounderstand how ATTRACTION works for women and youneed to do those things that keep the ATTRACTIONBUILDING FOREVER. Now, where does this all begin? It begins with YOU. And it begins with you learning how to controlyourself and your emotions. It begins with youunderstanding the history of how and whymen and women become attracted to each other. Itbegins with you learning the basics of how to usesubtle body language and communication to makewomen feel ATTRACTION for you. And what's the best way to get this "in depth"education? You need to get some of your "Inner Game"issues handled, and you need to learn how toreally get control of your emotional life. If thisis you, then I recommend you check out my "DeepInner Game" program. This program is jam-packed with tools andtechniques for fixing self image problems,improving self-esteem, overcoming fear of women...and everything in between. This is the BOMB when it comes to working onyour Inner Game, and you can go watch some greatpreview video clips here:

If you'd like to learn the "secret language ofAttraction", then I highly recommend that you getyour hands on a copy of my "Sexual Communication"DVD program. Inside this program I'll teach you all about a"secret" language that has been used all aroundyou, all your life... you just never knew aboutit. I'll show you how to spark attraction, buildsexual tension and chemistry, and take things tothe next level... using powerful (but subtle) bodylanguage cues and other techniques. Discovering "Sexual Communication" was one ofthe most important steps on my own journey tosuccess with women and dating, and I'd like you tocheck out this program... so I can teach you whatI've learned. All the details, plus some great previews arehere:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to get laid

Be extra nice to women
Don’t say anything to put a woman off
Do sweet things to make her like you
Convince her that you’re “similar” to her
Build “rapport” and commonality with her
Don’t argue with her
…and on and on...


Fortunately, as I was learning all of this useless stuff, I ALSO made it a point to get to know some guys who were “masters” of the dating game.
I interviewed them, went out with them, and got inside their minds to find out how they were THINKING about meeting women… but I still didn’t quite “get it”.
When I look back on it now, I wonder how I could have NOT SEEN what was going on… it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
I went out one night with a new friend of mine (a neighbor I’d met recently who was good with women)… and we were talking to a lot of women.
I was being a “nice guy”… and he was being… well… something VERY different.
He wasn’t being “mean”, but he was definitely saying some “edgy” stuff.
He was teasing women… he was busting on them… and he was acting kind of arrogant.
It actually made me uncomfortable.
At one point, he took me aside to have a “talk” with me… he tried to explain to me that I just wasn’t getting it, and that I needed to stop being so damn NICE. He also tried to explain how he uses humor with women.
It made no sense at all.
In fact, he and I went out several times after that… and each time he tried to explain this way of being around women… he used the words “cocky” and “funny” to try to explain it to me (and I just was NOT getting it).
Made no sense at all.
I couldn’t connect the idea of being “cocky” to the idea of making a woman interested in you.
About that time, I made another friend who was very good with women. (Remember something as I tell you these stories… these guys were NATURALLY good with women. They had figured out their “systems” on their own. And these guys didn’t KNOW EACH OTHER.)
This second friend was very different from the first.
He was a lot “friendlier” when it came to personality… he was more social… and he was older.
As we went out together to meet women, I watched him start conversations and interact with women… alone, in groups, in every combination.
And he did something that was very interesting…
He always teased them.
He said crass things.
Every time a woman would try to brag about something, he made fun of her.
It was very different from my first friend, but somehow the same.
At first I didn’t see the similarity, because these guys were so different.
Finally, I made friends with yet ANOTHER guy who had, yet again, another COMPLETELY different style.
He spent more time meeting women on the internet, and more time doing creative things like writing, etc.
This guy came up with some of the funniest things to say to women… and he used them over and over.
Once again, very different from the other two… but somehow the same.
That’s when the puzzle really started to come together for me…
And when it did, ohhhh baby.
One night I remember going out with my FIRST friend… and he could tell that I was finally starting to “get it”. On the way out, he advised me to not be so NICE that night, and to just sit back, make fun of women, and let them come to me.
So that’s what I did.
The first girl that I started talking to was a very sweet, friendly girl.
I just leaned back, made fun of her, and acted totally uninterested.
She sat on my lap.
I was shocked.
I left that night with her phone number... and got a date with her a few days later.
In my head I said “Note to self…”
Well, over the next few years I refined and developed this totally new concept, and created the technique I call “Cocky & Funny” (and later “Cocky Comedy”).

read on
night wear

Friday, October 13, 2006

fear of approaching women

Here are the biggest mistakes when it comes to approaching women:
MISTAKE #1: Not Knowing How To DealWith Fear And Shyness
We are ALL afraid.
That's right. ALL of us are afraid.
In life, we all have fears… and it's up to each of us as individuals to either choose to overcome those fears… or choose to let those fears run our lives.
For most of us guys, we experience intense fear and shyness when it comes to APPROACHING women that we don't know.
Here's the part that's a “pain in the ass”: When you're experiencing fear and shyness, it feels like you're the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD who has EVER felt this way.
The feeling can be SO intense, that it seems IMPOSSIBLE that anyone else could POSSIBLY have a “case” as bad as you. Know what I mean?
I laugh when I think about it, actually.
I have spent many, many hours in situations… looking at a woman that I'd like to approach… but just not being able to do it.
Then, later… after it's all over… I think BACK to the situation… and shake my head because I just couldn't figure out how to overcome my own FEAR… and just TALK TO HER.
The desperation that resulted from these situations was intense. It was embarrassing. It was demoralizing . It sucked.
As a man, one of the worst feelings you can have is that something is making you feel like LESS than a man. And this was one of those situations for me.
I'm kind of hard-headed sometimes. Maybe I like punishment more than others… or maybe I just like to beat my head against the wall longer than most.
In any event… I didn't give up.
Even though I was going through this experience over and over… of seeing a woman I wanted to meet… feeling fear and apprehension… not being able to get up the nerve to go talk to her… then thinking about it for hours (or days) after it happened… I just wouldn't let go.
I became determined to “crack the code” on this one.
Well, one of the big “ah ha!” moments I had was the SIMPLE act of learning that I WASN'T ALONE.
Just like it takes some “nerve” to approach a woman, it ALSO takes nerve to ADMIT when you're having challenges in life.
And one of the things I learned about my “fear of approaching women” was that instead of being “abnormal”, I was actually TYPICAL.
Imagine that.
Here I was thinking that I was emotionally retarded… and then I find out that MOST guys have this same issue… and it's just as intense for THEM as it is FOR ME!
Misery loves company… as they say. I guess that just learning I wasn't alone was enough to really encourage me.
But then I learned something even MORE important while I was learning how to overcome my own fears: I learned that MANY OTHER GUYS had figured out how to OVERCOME this “fear and shyness issue”… which led me to my next “ah ha!” moment:
And I'll tell you something right now: SO CAN YOU. And if you're open-minded and willing to do a little work on your part, then I'd like to show YOU how to do it…
MISTAKE #2: Expecting The Worst
I have spent a lot of years reading Psychology and “Self Help” books… and listening to audio programs… and going to seminars…
I've also spent a tremendous amount of time “testing out” the ideas that I've learned in these various books and programs.
As a result of all this “trying stuff out”, I've come to the realization that EXPECTATIONS play a very important part in RESULTS in life.
People who always expect bad things to happen… wind up having a lot of bad things happen to them.
People who only expect good things… wind up having a lot of good things happen.
Is this Voodoo? Am I talking about freaky New Age ideas that have no basis in reality of any kind?
I've never tried Voodoo, by the way… but if you have, and it works, let me know. I'm always looking for new ideas that WORK!
OK, back to the point…
I believe that the REASON why expectations are so powerful has to do with the part of your mind that psychologists refer to as the “unconscious mind”. Some call it the “subconscious mind”.
This is the part of your mind that's “always on”… but it's working “behind the scenes”.
Have you ever been walking along… or driving… and you sensed danger out of the corner of your eye… and before you knew it, you INSTANTLY responded to avoid the danger?
Things like this happen to us all the time… but we don't really THINK about what's happening in moments like these.
The reality is that when we go through an experience like this, there are “miracles” happening inside of us.
In an instant, before we have time to “think” about what's happening, our entire mind and body have “taken over” and moved us out of the way of harm.
If you take just one aspect of one of these situations, the PHYSICAL MOVEMENTS, and examine it… you'll find that more is going on than “meets the eye”.
In order for your mind to perceive the danger, realize that it IS danger, figure out how to respond, then get the body to actually MOVE in away that gets you out of the path of danger… requires a MASSIVE amount of “computing power”.
Fortunately for you, all of the “computations” are being done outside of your “conscious” awareness.
But WHERE is it all being done? How is it that you “know” what to do… and you even DO it… before you “realize” what's going on?
It's all being done in this part of your mind that I'm talking about. It's all happening on the UNCONSCIOUS level.
Now, think about THIS for a minute:
Most men who have problems approaching women have one peculiar thing in common: They are all EXPECTING negative outcomes from the approach.
And they also have a SECOND thing in common: They don't CONSCIOUSLY REALIZE that all of their expectations are negative.
If you take time to ask, or you stop to think about how it happens for YOU, I think you'll realize that when you think about approaching a woman, your UNCONSCIOUS mind starts to INSTANTLY think about all the NEGATIVE things that might happen.
In fact, for most guys, this “negative expectation program” literally TAKES OVER… and they CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE a positive outcome.
This “negative expectation” thing is kind of a bitch, by the way.
It's painful… and it's not easy to change…
UNLESS, that is… you know HOW.
You've learned one of the most important pieces of the puzzle for changing: AWARENESS.
Now that you KNOW about it, you can start to AFFECT IT…
Now you need to learn some specific techniques to REVERSE this thinking… and begin to expect POSITIVE things to happen when you approach women…
MISTAKE #3: Making The WRONG First Impression
Another important think I learned about approaching women is actually something pretty OBVIOUS, when you think about it:
Attractive women are “approached”… one way or another… CONSTANTLY.
Women who are attractive are approached in a hundred different ways every day.
Sometimes it's a co-worker walking by her desk and smiling “too many times” a day…
Sometimes it's a guy holding a door open a little too long, just hoping to start a conversation…
Sometimes it's a random email from a guy she doesn't know telling her that he saw her picture online and thinks she's beautiful…
Sometimes it's a friend who keeps sharing his “feelings” for her…
And the more she's approached (both subtly and not so subtly), the more she develops a powerful “radar system” that alerts her to a man's intentions.
Most men don't realize that their lame attempts to get a woman's attention are HURTING them. They don't realize that the things they're doing are actually giving her a NEGATIVE impression… and making it so that it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for her to be attracted.
You've probably heard me say that “Women aren't attracted to Wussies!”.
It's true, by the way.
Let me ask you a couple of questions:
1) How many chances do you get to make a first impression on a woman?
2) What impression do most men give off when they approach a woman?
Right, the WUSSY impression.
And women have such a finely-tuned “Wussy Radar” system, that's I've actually given it a NAME… I call it WUSS-DAR.
If the impression you make on a woman is that you're a WUSSY, then it really doesn't MATTER if you've learned to overcome your fear of approaching her… because she's not going to feel any ATTRACTION for you ANYWAY.
You can train for ten years and become the fastest runner in the world… but if you start off the race running in the WRONG DIRECTION it's going to be pretty hard to WIN.
So remember: When you approach a woman, make sure the IMPRESSION she's getting is one that triggers ATTRACTION.
There are a lot of specific ways to create this impression, and I'll tell you some of them right now…
MISTAKE #4: Seeking Her Approval Or Acceptance
If I could go around the world, and take ALL of the situations that happened today where a man approached a woman that he was interested in dating… and then summarize and “condense” them into ONE “scene”, it would have an easy-to-recognize theme…
It would be a man who's nervous and shy… who is trying to FIRST get the woman to LIKE AND ACCEPT HIM.
For most guys, they have it in their mind that they need to get what psychologists call “approval”.
They think that the most important thing is that she LIKE him.
Here's what it looks like to the woman…
It's like a guy is walking up with a big sign on his forehead that reads: “I want you to think that I'm a nice, sweet, caring, considerate man… and I would do almost anything to make you like and accept me”.
And guess what?
It never works.
Well, let me correct myself…
You will never win the lottery.
You MIGHT actually win the lottery… but you probably won't.
And you MIGHT get a woman to feel attracted to her by working to get her attention and approval…
But you probably won't.
I think I've made my point.
Using the “kiss her ass and hope she likes me” strategy is a loser. It does not trigger attraction. It never will.
Hugh Hefner and Brad Pitt will probably write to me to disagree… and then I'll stand corrected.
But for regular guys like you and me, it ain't gonna happen.
ATTRACTION is triggered by a TOTALLY DIFFERENT message.
It's created by a man who knows how to TRIGGER the attraction when he approaches… not by the man who HOPES it will happen if he's a NICE, SWEET, WONDERFUL GUY.
She'll smell the Inner Wuss coming out, and she'll shut you down faster than you can say “I touch myself”.
MISTAKE #5: Thinking You Need To Be“Original And Creative”
Answer this question:
When you see an attractive woman that you'd like to meet… and you start thinking about how to approach her and start a conversation… what's the FIRST thing you think of to SAY to her?
As you know, it can be TORTURE to try to come up with what to say.
This torture, of course, is SELF-INFLICTED.
And there's a common “theme” at the root of this “self torture”.
This theme is that when we see a woman that we'd like to meet, we tend to think to ourselves, “I need to come up with something ORIGINAL and CREATIVE to say to her”.
Why do we do this?
Because we DON'T want to come across as insincere… or even CHEESY.
So we look at her… try to notice something about her… maybe try to come up with some kind of original compliment… or creative humor.
Here's the problem:
That attractive woman has men looking at her ALL DAY… EVERY DAY.
And they're all thinking the SAME THING.
From HER perspective, every guy is walking up to her and saying one of the SAME FEW THINGS.
The irony is that in our desire and attempt to be ORIGINAL…we wind up saying essentially the SAME THING as the last hundred guys…
And TO HER, it comes across in EXACTLY THE WRONG WAY.
The “original, sincere, real” compliment we give her is just like the last bazillion she got…
And you just become one more “link” in the “mental sausage chain” in her mind.
So what's the solution?
The solution is to LEARN what to say when you start a conversation with women. Learn how the PROS do it… so you can get an UNDERSTANDING of what actually WORKS.
Only after you've learned from several experts… and then used their methods in the REAL WORLD… should you try to be “creative and original”.
MISTAKE #6: Not Having An ARSENALOf Techniques “At The Ready”
You may have noticed that the mistakes I've been talking about have little or nothing to do with “pick up lines” and “techniques”.
Why is this?
It's pretty simple, really…
If you have all these other issues handled, then good “pick up lines” and other techniques are like GUNPOWDER. They're INCREDIBLY powerful.
If you DON'T have these other issues handled, the best techniques in the world can't help you.
So, STEP ONE is to get these other issues handled.
Step TWO is to then learn the very best opening lines and other techniques… so you have “proven systems” for approaching women and starting conversations in ANY situation.
Until now, there's been nowhere to go for the solutions to ANY of these problems.
Now there's a place where you can learn to overcome and CONQUER all of these different problems… PLUS get an intensive training on all of the best step-by-step techniques and “pick up lines” for every possible situation…
Now YOU Can Learn ToApproach A Woman In Any Situation...And Never Worry About“What COULD Have Been...”Ever Again...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sex appeal

Hi Mate...From the Land Downunder... I think we'll just callyou "Son of Croc Dundee."Here's an interesting observation, a success storyand a question.The observation.In the late eighties/ early nineties at the heightof the feminist "revolution" in Oz there was aconstant refrain from women ... "Where have allthe men gone?" It was in the media, and womenspoke about this 'ailment' continually. Well theshort answer to this question is that they (thewomen) had neutered them (the men) ... or ratherthe men had allowed themselves to be neutered.What you're doing here is important. Single handedyou're giving men back their self respect.The success story.I ran a version of that personal ad. The phonedidn't stop running hot for two weeks. If I hadwings I would fly. I might do it anyway.The question.Looking back on my two most recent (didn't workout) relationships that were pre "Son of CrocDundee" I noticed a pattern. The 'didn't workout' part happened when I was under some pressureand the wimpy part of me emerged.Now... everyone has problems, and I'm usuallystrong enough to handle them. However, within thelaw of the "Son of Croc Dundee" should you neverbe "weak"? Hard call for a sensitive soul. What'sthe balance here?What say you Maestro?K.P.S. AND... to those who haven't bought the book.Run, jump, fly, swim as fast as you can to thatdownload page. It'll be the best investment you'vemade since you were 13 and read that copy ofPenthouse that you'd found under your Father'sbed.>>>MY COMMENTS: You know... you say that back in the late 80sand early 90s women were asking "Where have allthe men gone?"... Well, I think that women are saying it morethan EVER now. I'm going to handle this in two parts. First Iwant to address your initial comments, then I'dlike to answer your question. So first, yourcomments... One of my best friends told me about atelevision show he saw that featured a woman whowas talking about male/female relationshipdynamics. This woman was basically saying that a lot ofmen in this day and age were raised by singlemothers, and that this has led to more and moremen acting like, well, girly-men. And, of course,single women aren't looking for wussy-girly-men...they're looking for "real" men. I personally find this idea very intriguing. When I watched the movie "Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon"..., I saw something veryinteresting. Part of the plot revolved around aforbidden-love relationship. It's a common "movie"theme, and it occurs in real life often as well.Here's a summary... In this movie, there was a troubled teenagegirl who was arranged to be married by her family.Of course, she didn't love the guy, and wanted tobe free to find a love on her own. As it turned out, she was also secretly asuper-duper martial arts bad-ass. One day, while on a trip through the desert,her entourage was attacked by a group of bandits.The leader of the criminals was a Johnny Depplooking Asian guy. He rode up, stole her fancyhair-comb, and rode off. Being the feisty girl that she was, she jumpedon a horse and rode into the desert after the bad(but cute) boy. They wound up fighting, wrestling and beatingthe hell out of each other. The long and the short of it is... he abductedher, tied her up, and hid her away in a cave. Andsomehow, right in the middle of it all, they beganMAKING OUT. Five years ago I would have watched this wholesequence and said, "Well, it doesn't make anysense, but it makes for a nice story..." But now that I understand the illogical natureof attraction and sexual chemistry, I see atotally different picture. When the cute bad-boy took off, and she rodeafter him and started fighting with him, therewere two different levels of communicationhappening. On the surface, she was chasing him to get herhair comb back. But looking at it from a different perspective,and looking at a deeper level, SHE HAD FINALLY META MAN WHO WAS AN INTERESTING CHALLENGE... and sheresponded instantly and powerfully by feelingmagnetically attracted to him in a way that causedher to leave her group behind and risk her life. And the fighting that occurred can be seen asjust plain fighting... or, if you understand male-female dynamics, you can also see that on adifferent level they were FLIRTING. The tensionthat was building between them was also SEXUALtension. She had finally met "a real man", and sheresponded powerfully to him. Not long after they fell for each other, thebad-boy started to say some downright sensitivethings (I don't think he's read my book). He wastelling romantic stories about shooting stars, andhe risked his life to be with her again... andconfessed his love, etc. This is a round-about way of addressing yourcomments and answering your question, but thisstory helps me to put my answers in perspective. As far as being "a real man" goes, I think thatit's a good idea. Women respond powerfully to"male-ness". If it is expressed in a powerfulway, it can create an amazing attraction inside ofa woman. As you've learned by reading my book,there are a lot of simple ways to do this. If you'd like to learn the "secret" that these"real men" use to attract women, check this out: To answer your question "Should you ever beweak?", I say: Most men act weak ALL THE TIME when they are inthe presence of an attractive woman. This is a bigproblem. If a woman sees you as a "weak man", thentrying to "be strong" will never work. You willonly come across as a weak guy who's trying to"act strong". On the other hand, a guy who is thought of as a"real man"... one who does not act weak during thefirst several interactions with a woman, can havea "weak moment" later on and actually have a womanrespond in a very powerful, positive way. In other words, if you're perceived as a "realman", then you can do whatever you want, and itwill be perceived as part of that personality. But if you are perceived as a "weak man", thenNOTHING you can do will trigger the strong gut-level attraction inside of a woman. And nothing will change that picture inside ofa woman's head. Once you're thought of as a weak,nice, ass-kissing guy, it's like an invisibleswitch gets switched off inside of a woman. Andit's not coming back on anytime soon. So, the big question is, how do you projectthis "real man" image? How do you be yourselfwhile at the same time doing the things thatcreate attraction? How do you act in an authenticway, while amplifying those parts of yourpersonality that are most likely to trigger theattraction mechanism inside of women? Part of the answer is to realize that justabout every communication has several levels ofmeaning. When you tease, act cocky and funny, andbust a woman's balls, you could viewed as being amean jerk. Or, if you do it right you can beviewed as an interesting, sexy man. This is a critical concept, and you need tounderstand it if you want to succeed with women. If you'd like to get an AMAZING education onthe technique I call "Cocky & Funny", then youshould check out my Cocky Comedy DVD/CD program. This program will teach you everything from thebasics of humor and laughter... all the way todozens and dozens of specific "lines" to use inevery possible situation with women. Go watch some of the video preview clips here,and you'll get an idea of what I mean: If you haven't read my eBook, I'd recommendthat you check it out. It'd taken me years tolearn, test, refine, and write all of thisinformation down. And you can learn it all in afew hours of reading. You can download it and bereading it within a few minutes: As our friend above wrote: "P.S. AND... tothose who haven't bought the book. Run, jump,fly, swim as fast as you can to that downloadpage. It'll be the best investment you've madesince you were 13 and read that copy of Penthousethat you'd found under your Father's bed." I personally think it's an even BETTERinvestment than dad's Penthouse mags... And if you're ready to REALLY step up and get aWORLD-CLASS education on the topic of women anddating... and get the most advanced programavailable for learning how to meet and date morewomen, then you need to check out my AdvancedDating Techniques CD/DVD Program. It is literally JAM PACKED with HUNDREDS andHUNDREDS of killer techniques for overcoming yourfears, improving your self image, approachingwomen, getting phone numbers, getting dates,meeting women online, and about a bazillion otherthings. Here are the details, plus some great videopreview clips: This program will BLOW YOUR MIND, and you'llINSTANTLY learn secrets that it has taken me YEARSand YEARS to figure out. Talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to look at the entire list ofprograms I've put together to help you meet women.You can see them all, plus watch video clips ofthem right here: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------__________________________________________________If you are under 18 years old, please follow the link below and remove yourself, or you can send mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89109.To safely remove your name and email address from our newsletter mailing list go to:

Monday, August 28, 2006

all u wanted to no about safe sex

HIV Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
More details/Information for students
Stages of infection
How HIV is spread
How HIV is not spread
Blood products
Sexual activity: Vaginal intercourse, Anal intercourse, Oral sex, Non-penetrative sex

Sunday, August 13, 2006

how and why we humans fall in love.

Dating & Relating Who knew? Crazy love facts
Wait till you hear the fascinating facts scientists have uncovered about Whose relationship history includes...
Whose faith is...
Custom search
The secret to a romantic night is…So it’s date night and you want to set the mood for romance…what’s the right plan to make? Interestingly, you should go to a movie, but not any old flick. If you want kisses after the credits roll, then a romantic chick flick should be your choice, according to a recent study by the University of Michigan. Researchers reached this conclusion after testing the hormone levels of three different groups of men and women who were shown a variety of movies. One group watched a romantic scene from The Bridges of Madison County, a second viewed a violent portion of The Godfather: Part II, and a third was shown a documentary on the Amazon rainforest. While the viewers watching the rainforest footage experienced no hormonal changes, researchers found that The Bridges of Madison County caused a surge in both men’s and women’s levels of progesterone, a hormone that triggers the urge to cuddle. “Progesterone is known to have anxiety-reducing, soothing effects,” explains Oliver C. Schultheiss, associate professor of psychology at the University of Michigan and co-author of the study. In this way, progesterone can pave the way for romance and help couples bond, he says. Should you wed the first person you fall for?How many people should you wine and dine before you can feel confident enough to say you’ve met your one and only? Believe it or not, mathematics has the answer: A dozen. “Check out and reject 12 people, then pick the next best that comes along, and you’re likely to have a very good match on your hands,” says Clio Cresswell, a mathematician and author of Mathematics and Sex. That’s because when it comes to decision-making, formulas reveal that your chances of picking the right answer improve as you expose yourself to more options. But there does come a point when you are over-researching: If you date and reject 30 or more potential mates, “you've probably met someone that you could possibly have been more than happy with, and passed them over,’ notes Cresswell. The best time to bondMany people agree with John Gray—men are from Mars, and women from Venus. However, a new study suggests that there is a brief time in our dating lives when men and women are pretty much from the same planet. It's when we first fall in love. For this, you can thank your hormones, which, researchers from the University of Pisa in Italy found out, fluctuate like mad when a new relationship blooms. When guys are smitten, they experience a drop in their body’s levels of testosterone, a hormone linked to aggressive, sometimes domineering behavior. Meanwhile, love-struck women get a testosterone boost. “Men, in some way, become more like women, and women become like men,” researcher Donatella Marazziti explained. And there’s a very good reason for this hormonal gender-bending: We’re more likely to have a rapport with someone who shares our personality traits. This blissful, two-peas-in-a-pod feeling doesn’t last forever, though. When researchers tested subjects one year later, they found that men’s and women’s testosterone levels had diverged and returned to their pre-relationship levels. Is it lust or love?If you’re swooning over your new sweetie, you may think you’re deeply in love. Friends, however, may say, “You’re just in lust.” Who’s right? Researchers have recently found evidence that people can distinguish between true romance and plain old sexual attraction. For the study, scientists performed MRIs on men and women as they looked upon photos of the person they were in love with and photos of acquaintances (both attractive and less attractive ones). The results showed that the two sets of photos affected the brain very differently: Photos of loved ones triggered more activity on the right side of the brain (an area associated with romantic emotions) than did the other photos; photos of extremely attractive people triggered more activity on the left side of the brain (a hotbed for sexual urges) than did the photos of subjects’ beloveds. What this suggests, says study author Arthur Aron, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the State University of New York-Stony Brook, is that the emotions of love and lust are more distinct than we think, and that people can indeed discriminate between the two. Tell that to your cynical friends! And your soul mate’s name is…Would you choose a romantic partner because his or her name sounds like yours or because you share the same initials? Scoff all you like, but a new study suggests people do just that. When a team of researchers led by John T. Jones, Ph.D., of the United States Military Academy checked out marriage records stretching back to the 1800s, they found a significant number of couples in which the woman’s maiden name began with the same letter as the man’s surname. To further test the research, the team conducted an experiment in which male college students were first asked to write about a flaw of theirs (we’ll explain why in a minute). Then they were asked to evaluate women’s personal ads in which the full first name and first three letters of their last name were listed. Subjects, it turns out, were especially drawn to profiles in which the names resembled their own. Why, exactly, do matching monikers prove so magnetic? In a nutshell, because people tend to have a positive association with their own name—and this need for familiarity increases when people are under stress or forced to dwell on their shortcomings. “Especially when they’re anxious, people may gravitate toward self-relevant symbols,” Jones explained. “We think there’s something about these symbols that makes people feel more secure.” Added bonus: If you two last for the long haul, you sure can save on monogramming costs. Reported by Judy Dutton, Lisa Cericola, Elise Nersesian, Jessica Brown, and Laura Schaefer.
Article courtesy of Happen magazine,

Thursday, July 13, 2006

learn from the masters

samples in Windows Media Format:
OR right-click links below and choose "Save Target As" if you prefer to save each file and play from your computer:
Sample #1Marie on Style
Marie On Style680 KB - 57sec
Sample #2Shopping and How To Turn Women On
Tips On Turning Women On876 KB - 1min 14sec
Sample #3Stopping Women On The Street
Stopping Women On The Street764 KB - 1min 04sec
Sample #4Evading Questions/Boyfriends
Evading Questions/Boyfriends764 KB - 1min 04sec

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Changes to Expect in Your 50s

The 50s

Reproductive Systems: Changes to Expect in Your 50s
Did you know that we all need testosterone to enjoy great sex? Read on for more...
Several significant transitions in reproductive system functioning and health occur during the 50s. These include alterations in sexual functioning in both women and men, which can cause emotional distress in addition to physical changes.
MenopauseThe average American woman reaches menopause by age 51. In addition to signaling an end to reproductive capacities, the hormonally turbulent period leading up to menopause triggers a cascade of physical and emotional changes that may include: decreased energy, food cravings, increased appetite, mood swings and depression, low libido, thinning of the vaginal walls, hot flashes, interrupted sleep, excessive worry and anxiety, and other symptoms. What's more, many post-menopausal women in their 50s may continue to experience hot flashes, mood instability, and lack of interest in sex; for these women, hormone replacement therapy can be extremely helpful.
Breast HealthAnnual mammograms are essential, along with annual manual breast exams. Women have a one-in-eight chance of getting breast cancer in the course of their lifetimes; age is the single most significant risk factor for breast cancer. The probability of breast cancer increases with age. And note: more than 90 percent of breast cancers are "sporadic," meaning that they occur in women with no evidence of inherited susceptibility! All the more reason to do your monthly breast self-exams and have annual mammograms and annual manual exams.
Prostate HealthIn men, the prostate gland can enlarge with age. (A man who lives to age 60 has a 50 percent chance of suffering from an enlarged prostate, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia.) It's a mystery why the prostate grows. Sometimes an enlarged prostate begins to cause symptoms that affect a man's life or it simply grows large enough to cause potentially negative medical complications.
After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men in almost every developed country; following lung cancer, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of deaths from cancer in men in the Western world.
The prostate is located directly below the bladder and surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine and semen exit the body. The three most common prostate conditions are: benign prostatic growth, also called hyperplasia; infection or inflammation, which is called prostatitis; and prostate cancer. Prostate health in the 50s can be managed by screening exams and blood tests.
Erectile FunctioningAlong with prostate growth, changes in sexual functioning often become evident in the 50s. To begin with, erections may take longer to develop, they may be less firm than they once were, and they may not last as long as they used to. When faced with any changes in erectile functioning, it's vital to remember that these are universal occurrences that occur in almost every man at a certain age. Furthermore, these changes are simply due to alterations in the blood vessels that are responsible for creating and maintaining an erection.
Also, in the 50s some men find that their orgasms are shorter, while others may periodically experience impotence. Between hormone replacement, human sexuality psychotherapy and Viagra, today's anti-impotence drug, most changes in erectile and sexual functioning can be efficiently resolved in a timely manner.
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Don't-Miss Clicks on ThirdAge!• In Her Own Words: Living With MenopauseReady to Fall in Love?Enjoy That Vacation and Leave Work Behind!Options for Treating Impotence (Besides Viagra)How to Beef Up Your Memory

Thursday, June 29, 2006

how to keep her interested in u

.I'm considering investing in your program, but Ihave a question for you before I do. Essentially,I'm no longer looking to hook up with women leftand right. In fact, I think I've met "the one,"but I'm having trouble making her realize this.I've been pursuing her for about five months(during part of which time she was away at school,but we kept in regular contact, at first throughe-mail and, later, over the phone), and I get thesense that she's very guarded about relationships.She's *very* goal oriented (which is one of themany things I love about her, BTW), and thereforevery busy, and - I suspect - she's been burned inthe past, relationship wise. At any rate, on acouple of occasions, it felt to me as if thingswere moving forward, and then she backpedaled;perhaps she "got spooked," and took a big stepback to protect herself. Most recently, we wereout for the first time since she finished school,and - insofar as I was able to determine, I wasgetting the green light all night: at a movie, Islipped my arm around her and she leaned in,resting her head on my shoulder; later, we were ata club for a band, and when we were ready toleave, she reached across the table and held myhand for a while; on the way back to the car, itwas pretty chilly, and when she complained aboutthe chill, I stepped over and hugged her. Sheresponded by stepping into it: she pressed herface hard into my shoulder, and stepped into fullbody to body contact - hip to hip, shoulder toshoulder and everything in between. When we gotback to her place, I moved to kiss her and sheshied away such that it would have been*extremely* awkward for me to actually do so.At any rate, we've gotten together since (in fact,I offered to cook dinner for her, and she somehowmaneuvered it around such that I was *her* guest,and she cooked for me) and we talked a while. As Isaid above, I think she got a little spooked. Shespecifically said that she thought therelationship could've evolved into somethingromantic, but that it hasn't, and she wasn't surewhy. At this moment, she says she doesn't believeit will. We remain *very* close friends, but Istill believe she's the one, and I've told herthat I'm still going to pursue this, and she'skeen on still spending time together (for her, fornow, as close friends).My question is this: do you believe your programcan aid me in turning her around on this? If so,why?Thanks,B. >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, sit down for this. Hold on to something tight because I'm going toyell at you for your own damn good... YOU ARE TOTALLY MISSING WHAT'S GOING ON! THIS WOMAN ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, AND YOU'RESCREWING IT ALL UP BY ACTING LIKE A NEEDY WUSSBAG! If you were closer, I'd slap you myself. DUH! Whew. Let me calm myself. As you know, I don'tusually get so worked up. That makes threeexclamation marks in one email, and I haven't evenstarted lambasting you proper yet. (What islambasting, anyway? And is that how you spell it?It's such a great word. I really should look it upand find out.) OK, I'm calm. NOW, let's have a little talk here... The reason why this kind of situation bothersme is at least twofold:1) Because I've been in it myself about abazillion and a half times, and it sucks to bescrewing something up and not even realize thatyou're doing it.2) I can tell from your email that you actuallylike this girl A LOT, and that she's probably afantastic woman... and I hate to see you workingso hard against yourself... and screwing this upwhen it's right there in front of you for thetaking. Before I tell you all the reasons why you mostDEFINITELY should invest in my Advanced DatingTechniques program, let me give you a few pointersthat might help you STOP screwing this up in themeantime. Or, if the fear of a verbal beating has alreadyconvinced you, then don't even think about it...just go here and get yourself a copy: OK, back to the basics. Let's take this from the top... At the very beginning of your email, you saidsomething that basically telegraphed EXACTLY whatwas going on here... You said, "...I think I've met "the one," butI'm having trouble making her realize this. I'vebeen pursuing her for about five months..." You're having trouble making her REALIZE this? You've been PURSUING her? Do you assume that at some point within theNEXT five months that she's going to wake up oneday and feel a powerful ATTRACTION for you becauseyou like to chase her around and tell her how youfeel about her? Normally I'd make fun of you here, and tell youthat you don't get it... blah blah blah. But for some reason I feel like I just have tolay things out for you directly. Look, man... the reason why she's telling youthat she "doesn't know why it hasn't evolved intosomething romantic" is that she doesn't FEEL IT. She doesn't FEEL IT. Get it? SHE DOESN'T FEEL IT! She doesn't feel ATTRACTION for you. And you can't CONVINCE her to feel it bychasing her around and telling her how you "feel"about her. Attraction, as I always say, ISN'T A CHOICE. You're acting like most guys who think thingslike: "If she only knew how I felt about her,she'd feel the same way" and "If I keep pursuingher, she'll eventually see how much I love her"etc. Well guess what? AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN, HOMEY. Right now you are playing what is referred toas a "losing game". Think of it this way. If you stop on the wayhome from work every day and buy a lottery ticket,you'll win once in awhile. Hell, you might even belucky one day and win big. But your chances SUCK. You're probably going to lose a LOT more thanyou win over time. Like I said, you COULD win big. There is achance. But you probably won't. And I meanprobably with a BIG P. I refer to the way that you're acting as "Beinga Wussy" (that's the technical term... made it upmyself). When you act like a Wussy, you do things like:- Pursue- Cling- Share "feelings"- Act submissive- Seek approval- Pine away This is WUSSY behavior. It's distinctly FEMININE in nature. When guys act like this, they're getting intouch with their inner little girl (and she needsa spanking in the worst way). And are you ready for the WORST, WORST part? When you act like this around a woman (andESPECIALLY a "goal oriented" woman who's probablysmart and powerful) they CANNOT feel the emotionof ATTRACTION towards you. Women aren't attracted to Wussies. This is a UNIVERSAL truth. And, by the way that you describe yourrelationship with this woman, SHE REALLY WANTS TOBE ATTRACTED TO YOU! She's trying, man. And she probably KNOWS that you'd be a greatguy to be in a relationship with... but she justdoesn't FEEL IT... so she holds back. I'm sure sheWISHES that she could be attracted to you. I'llbet you money. Look, you need to STOP acting like a nice,friend guy Wuss IMMEDIATELY if you want this toturn into something. You're probably beyond help with thisparticular woman, but I'm going to give you a fewideas JUST IN CASE...1) Stop calling her all the time (if you do), andstop spending so much time with her.2) Start dating other women IMMEDIATELY, and makesure she knows about it.3) Stop being all lovey with her, and don't tellher how you "feel about her" anymore. Stop it.4) Accept that you will probably be friends withher forever, and start acting that way.5) Don't try to kiss her or be physical with herat ALL anymore until you understand what you'redoing. Remember, what you're doing ISN'T WORKING. If you do these things that I've described, youwill probably have the best chance of turning thisaround. NOW, the next thing you need to do is what youasked me about in your email... GET MY ADVANCEDDATING TECHNIQUES PROGRAM. You need a new perspective on this entiresituation. And you need a new perspective onwomen. You're obviously a smart guy, and once youbegin to understand how ATTRACTION works forwomen, you'll change how you behave COMPLETELY. Total transformation. And the best part is that you won't be changinghow you act and just "faking it". You'll changehow you act because you GET IT. It's really fantastic to HELP a woman feel thatmagical ATTRACTION for you that she REALLY WANTSTO FEEL. And it's also amazing to know exactly how toget physical with a woman without having to dealwith the awkward "shy away from the kiss"situation that you described in your email. I guarantee that when you listen to and/orwatch this program, it will FOREVER CHANGE how youthink about and act around women. Period, end ofstory. Here, let me give you the hard-sell... I had to learn all of this stuff the hard way.I've been right where you are many, many, MANYtimes in my life. It sucks. I know it does. The reason why my program will be good for youis because it was good FOR ME FIRST. I teach whatI do. And because I also believe that you should onlyhave to pay for something that you find value in,I'll send it to you:- At my risk.- In a plain package so your mom doesn't knowwhat's inside.- Free for you to try for a MONTH. I'm betting that once you have it in your hotlittle hands that I couldn't pry it away from youwith a crowbar. I'm serious. OK, enough of me trying to convince you ofsomething you already know. Go watch the newestvideo preview clips and get it here: ...and if you're reading this right now and youhaven't yet downloaded your copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating", I have something totell you... My eBook is the foundation for everything thatI teach in these newsletters, and it's thefoundation for my Advanced Dating TechniquesProgram. Guys are surprised when they listen to theAdvanced Program, because I don't just rehashDouble Your Dating and talk about a few newtricks. The Advanced Series is almost all new stuff. And you need to read Double Your Dating TOO,because it contains a lot of valuable materialthat sets the stage for everything else. It'shere, go download it now: I'll talk to you again soon! Your Friend, David D.P.S. Do NOT forget to go and look at the otherprograms I've created to help you learn how tomeet women. You can see all of them right here: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------..