Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to get laid

Be extra nice to women
Don’t say anything to put a woman off
Do sweet things to make her like you
Convince her that you’re “similar” to her
Build “rapport” and commonality with her
Don’t argue with her
…and on and on...


Fortunately, as I was learning all of this useless stuff, I ALSO made it a point to get to know some guys who were “masters” of the dating game.
I interviewed them, went out with them, and got inside their minds to find out how they were THINKING about meeting women… but I still didn’t quite “get it”.
When I look back on it now, I wonder how I could have NOT SEEN what was going on… it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
I went out one night with a new friend of mine (a neighbor I’d met recently who was good with women)… and we were talking to a lot of women.
I was being a “nice guy”… and he was being… well… something VERY different.
He wasn’t being “mean”, but he was definitely saying some “edgy” stuff.
He was teasing women… he was busting on them… and he was acting kind of arrogant.
It actually made me uncomfortable.
At one point, he took me aside to have a “talk” with me… he tried to explain to me that I just wasn’t getting it, and that I needed to stop being so damn NICE. He also tried to explain how he uses humor with women.
It made no sense at all.
In fact, he and I went out several times after that… and each time he tried to explain this way of being around women… he used the words “cocky” and “funny” to try to explain it to me (and I just was NOT getting it).
Made no sense at all.
I couldn’t connect the idea of being “cocky” to the idea of making a woman interested in you.
About that time, I made another friend who was very good with women. (Remember something as I tell you these stories… these guys were NATURALLY good with women. They had figured out their “systems” on their own. And these guys didn’t KNOW EACH OTHER.)
This second friend was very different from the first.
He was a lot “friendlier” when it came to personality… he was more social… and he was older.
As we went out together to meet women, I watched him start conversations and interact with women… alone, in groups, in every combination.
And he did something that was very interesting…
He always teased them.
He said crass things.
Every time a woman would try to brag about something, he made fun of her.
It was very different from my first friend, but somehow the same.
At first I didn’t see the similarity, because these guys were so different.
Finally, I made friends with yet ANOTHER guy who had, yet again, another COMPLETELY different style.
He spent more time meeting women on the internet, and more time doing creative things like writing, etc.
This guy came up with some of the funniest things to say to women… and he used them over and over.
Once again, very different from the other two… but somehow the same.
That’s when the puzzle really started to come together for me…
And when it did, ohhhh baby.
One night I remember going out with my FIRST friend… and he could tell that I was finally starting to “get it”. On the way out, he advised me to not be so NICE that night, and to just sit back, make fun of women, and let them come to me.
So that’s what I did.
The first girl that I started talking to was a very sweet, friendly girl.
I just leaned back, made fun of her, and acted totally uninterested.
She sat on my lap.
I was shocked.
I left that night with her phone number... and got a date with her a few days later.
In my head I said “Note to self…”
Well, over the next few years I refined and developed this totally new concept, and created the technique I call “Cocky & Funny” (and later “Cocky Comedy”).

read on
night wear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have lots of men who are just friends.Its true that buying things will never change my mind and make me think of them as more than that.If there is no spark im not interested.