Now THIS sounds like an interesting topic,doesn't it?
Why would you want to know how to LOSE a girl?
Well, I'm going to propose a DANGEROUS IDEA.
I'm going to suggest that you are probably already an EXPERT in LOSING a girl.
You might even be a "natural" at it.
Most guys are.
But the PROBLEM is that most guys don'tUNDERSTAND why they're so good at LOSING women.
In other words, they walk through the world screwing up one situation after another, and never realize JUST HOW GOOD they are at being BAD with women.
And they don't realize that just by changing afew key things they could change their level of success DRAMATICALLY.
One great way to increase your success in lifeis to start REALIZING what you're doing. Once you actually understand what you're doing and the results you're triggering, you can CHANGE.
So open your mind. Listen up.
As you've probably heard me say about a milliontimes, MEN ARE PREDICTABLE.
In fact, we're PAINFULLY predictable.
We all do basically the same things when we get into common situations with women...and we don'teven realize it.
I call this the "Originality Paradox."
In our desire to be "original" and "unique," we guys tend to do the SAME THINGS! Said differently,while you're doing something that seems thoughtful and original, the attractive woman on the other end is thinking, "He's just like all the other guys."
So why is being predictable so bad?
Look at this formula:
Predictable = BORING.
No Emotions = NO ATTRACTION.
One of the VERY BEST ways to lose a girl is tobe PREDICTABLE.
Another huge mistake men make is GIVING AWAY OUR POWER to women.
I'm not going to go into it, but the reality isthat women are NOT attracted to WEAK men. And I'm not talking about muscles here.
If you act like a Wuss, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Before we go on, I want to mention something VERY important. If you have a nasty case of "Wuss-itis" and you can't seem to get rid of it, then go read THIS before you read the rest of this newsletter:
Here are a few examples of how we guys actPREDICTABLE, give away our power, and make about147 other huge mistakes with women we've just met:
1) Call Her All The Time
If you like someone, it's logical that you'regoing to want to let them know, right?
Well, only if you like the idea of comingacross like a total Jack-Wuss. I just made thatup, by the way. Combination of Jackass and Wuss.Not sure if I like it, but I'm going to go withit.
Where was I?
Yeah, calling her all the time.
Calling all the time is usually triggered byINSECURITY and NEEDINESS. It sounds like a goodidea, but it almost NEVER is.
This is a great way to lose a girl before youeven have her. We might even call this one "HavePrevention."
2) Offer To Take Her Somewhere "Nice"
What do most guys do when they meet a girl thatthey "really" like?
Well, they call her up, and they get into aboring conversation about schools and families andjobs and 100 other painfully boring things...andwhen they finally realize that they've been on thephone for an hour, they realize that they'd betterdo SOMETHING soon...because she's starting to talkabout having to go wash her dog....
So what do they do?
They think to themselves, "Self, you'd betterget up some nerve and ask her out. Hey! Self! Ihave a GREAT idea. Ask her to go out with you to aREALLY NICE place. She'll be far more likely towant to do that, and besides, then she'll knowthat you REALLY like her...."
And what does this REALLY communicate?
Right, right.
That you have the confidence to just ask her tospend time with you for NO REASON other than thefact that you want to...and that you must not beWORTH spending time with - without some kind of"meal incentive."
Meal Incentive... lol... I crack myself up.
Well, this is one more example of somethingthat "sounds good" in the moment, but is BAD BADBAD for business.
3) Do "Thoughtful" Things From The Beginning
What's better than a nice, thoughtful guyshowing up at the door with flowers and candy forthe first date?
Well, to quote an old Saturday Night Liveepisode, "Throwing an entire box of thumb tacks onthe floor, and rolling around in them naked."
Or maybe taking one of know...SERRATED KNIVES...yeah, that's it...and putting itbetween your big toe and second toe and slicingback and forth really fast...and then know...HOT SAUCE...yeah, that's it...on thewound!
I hate it when that happens!
But we men do this kind of thing all thetime...because it sure sounds good in the moment.
By the way, don't try the thumb tack thing orthe hot sauce thing UNLESS you're consideringpurchasing flowers and candy to bring to a firstdate. In that case, please take these measures toprevent yourself from acting on the uncontrollableurges.
If you come on too strong, you appear just likeevery other predictable Wussboy who has evertried to make himself look better by giving giftsand food and favors in exchange for attention andapproval.
4) Tell Her How You "Feel" About Her Early On
This might be one of my favorites.
I'm starting to think that we guys must comestock with a mechanism that actually compels us toopen our BIG FAT MOUTHS and screw things up withonly the BEST women.
I'll call this the "Feeling Confessor"mechanism. It is triggered by strong feelings ofattraction and emotion toward an unusuallyattractive woman.
I've talked to A LOT of attractive women in mylife. And they all have one similar experience toshare...
For some UNKNOWN and UNGODLY reason, men justseem to LOVE telling SUPER HOT women how they FEELwithin the first couple of dates.
As you might realize, I get a lot of emailsfrom guys...
And one of the common emails I get goes alittle something like this:
"David, I met this unbelievably hot girl...she'ssmart, interesting, successful...everything seemedto be going I decided to tell her how Ifelt...and for some reason she said that she needssome "space" and some "time to be alone"...I don'tget it...."
Again, when you do this you're making all kindsof huge mistakes...and basically doing everythingyou can do to LOSE her.
5) Keep Telling Her How You Feel When She NeedsSpace
And as if the last example wasn't painfulenough, most guys usually like to use this final"nail in the coffin" technique as well...
Here's the situation:
You've met a girl you really like. Maybe you'vegone out with her a few times. Doesn't matter.
You do all the things you can think of to SCREWIT UP, and you finally succeed.
You prove to her that you just don't get it,and you don't know how to handle a woman like her.
So she says, "I need some space" or "I needsome time to myself."
And what do most guys do?
Of course. They KEEP telling her how they feel.
And they do it in 100 annoying ways.
The thought that most guys have is, "If sheonly understood how I REALLY FELT ABOUT HER, thenshe would LOVE ME."
It's painful just typing the words.
So there you have it.
Part of the magic formula for losing a girlfast. Interesting, isn't it?
But there's a much DEEPER message here.
The message is this:
If you don't understand the process of how tomake women feel ATTRACTION for you, including thethings to AVOID doing, then you're not going tohave success.
Not knowing the rules of a game makes it verydifficult (or impossible) to win.
And, unfortunately, we guys have a HUGEdisadvantage when it comes to women and dating...
We have emotional responses to situations thattake over our "thinking," and makes us do all thewrong things.
We usually sabotage OURSELVES.
Well, the good news is that it does NOT have tobe this way. There is a BETTER way.
If you found this particular discussioninteresting, then you're probably ready to learnthe DEEPER secrets of how to be more successfulwith women and dating.
If you're ready to STOP losing women fasterthan you can meet them, then it's probably timefor you to step up and get yourself an educationabout how to attract women and KEEP themattracted.
And the best education in the world is myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12full hours of me teaching all of my very bestconcepts.
This program will teach you everything from howto overcome your fears of women to how to takethings to a "physical" level without running intorejection. It is literally JAM PACKED withHUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of amazing step-by-steptechniques for overcoming all of your obstaclesand getting to the point in your life where youhave the kind of success that you've always wantedwith women.
Go check out the great free samples here:
And if you're reading this right now and youhaven't yet downloaded your copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating," I have something totell you...
My eBook is the foundation for everything thatI teach in these newsletters, and it's thefoundation for my Advanced Dating TechniquesProgram.
Guys are surprised when they listen to theAdvanced Program because I don't just rehash"Double Your Dating" and I talk about a few newtricks.
The Advanced Program is almost ALL new stuff!
And you need to read "Double Your Dating" TOObecause it contains a lot of valuable materialthat sets the stage for everything else. It'shere, go download it now:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. You can watch video clips of all my otherprograms online anytime, 24/7, right here: