This includes:
- Calling and seeing a woman too often
- Acting like a "boyfriend"
- "Courting" a woman actively
If you don't want a woman to get those"feelings", then don't call or see her more thanonce or twice a week.
Don't act like her boyfriend.
And don't "COURT" HER!
There's nothing wrong with going out with awoman a few times, then not wanting to see heragain.
The problems come when you ACT like you wantsomething MORE from a woman, and then she startsto see you in a different way and have FEELINGSfor you.
There's something called an "implied socialcontract".
This is when you do something in a way that"implies" something.
If you do things that imply that you want to beher boyfriend or husband (like calling and seeingher all the time, paying tons of attention to her,courting her, etc.) then you are IMPLYING that youwant her to have feelings for her. And she will.
Solve this problem before it happens. Don'timply.
Okay, gettin the brown nosin' otta the way first,I love the strategies in the E-Book! It not onlymakes you a better date for ladies (I just had agirl I went out with the other night say literally"you were a much better date than most guys I'vebeen out with... you're so much moreinteresting!") but it makes the date better forYOU as well! When I'm not worrying about "willshe like me" "what does she want me to do" and "amI doin' the right thing here?" and just kick backand go with the flow doing and saying what I feel- I have a much better time myself! Just a lil'something that isn't as pointed out as 'gettinglots of women.' I mean, I like going out with lotsof girls too, but I guess I'm just an oldfashioned guy who only wants to go out with lotsto find that one really AWESOME chick - so thesetechniques let me just enjoy a girl I'm with a lotmore because I don't have to act like I need her,I'm with her by choice, not restriction! Soanyways, my question is where exactly can you finda larger base of chicks to "try out." Like Isaid, I'm kinda old fashioned and not a bigbar/club scene guy, so most of the places I've metgirls lately have been everyday spots (one at Wal-mart, one at the bookstore...) but there justarn't as many easy opportunites to meet ladies inthese type places as at a flagrantly singlesscene. Sure occasionally you get a find, butthere has to be an untapped resource out there forus mellow guys. So you gotta let me know...isthere? Thanks again
- JLC from Florida
You know, I personally believe that MOST guysactually want to find "a really awesome chick"eventually.
But the fact is that you're going to have todate a lot of women to find that one REALLYAMAZING one.
And I think that learning my techniques andusing them with the women you're dating PREPARESyou for that one special woman, once you find her.
Where can a "mellow" guy go to find the"untapped resource"?
I have a few ideas for you...
1) The internet
2) Social gatherings
3) Unexpected "regular" places
The internet is AMAZING for "mellow" guys.
Just think of it.
You can place a personal ad, watch how womenrespond to it, then tweak it up and watch how thechanges improve your response... and do it againand again.
It takes a little bit of work, but I can'tthink of a better return on a few hours'investment.
By the way, check out my Advanced DatingTechniques program for more tips on meeting womenonline. I do a whole segment on the topic, and Ialso interview one of my good friends whooriginally taught ME how to meet women online. Imet my last girlfriend online... and she was astunning 5'10" high-fashion model. My AdvancedSeries goes into all the details of how to do it.
The internet is just getting better and betterfor meeting women... try it.
It's not hard to make friends.
And if you make friends with the RIGHT people,you will be invited to all kinds of interestingsocial gatherings.
Now, certain social groups tend to attract morecute women than others.
I DON'T recommend the Star Trek convention, theComic Book convention, or the Chess convention asstarting points here - lol.
Get into art. Or try yoga. Or take an actingclass.
Meet people. Invite the people you meet toother events that they would be interested in.Become a networker. Be the SOURCE for greatinformation on a topic that beautiful women arealso interested in.
Again, this takes a little investment, but therewards are often AMAZING.
I can't express how well this works... so tryit.
OK, check this out:
There is a big "health food" market that'spretty close to my place.
I went there about two weekends ago.
I'd say that there was a total of about 20people that I saw during my visit.
AT LEAST 5 of them were HOT women.
I probably saw more beautiful women in that onestore in 10 minutes than I saw in the next 2 days.
There are quite a few "unexpected regularplaces" like this one that are hot women MAGNETS.
How do you find them?
Go to your local mall at three different timesover the next week. Go in for 30 minutes each timeand just WALK AROUND.
Try Noon on a Monday, then try Saturday at 4PM, then try another weekday in the evening.
You'll notice that ONE of those times is a LOTbetter than the others.
Then try other places, and pay attention.
There's a busy shopping area near where I liveright now.
It's REALLY busy on Friday and Saturdayevenings.
During the weekdays at around noon it's aboutone FIFTH as busy as it is on a Friday or Saturdaynight.
But guess what?
Weekday afternoons, even though it's not asbusy, it's JAM PACKED with beautiful women.
They're everywhere.
But on Friday and Saturday nights there arehardly ANY great looking women, even though it'sFAR busier and there are FAR more people around.
Go figure.
My point:
YOU need to go find those places near you thatare the best... and you need to find the bestTIMES as well.
This will pay off BIG TIME. So do it.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
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