Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sex is good for u

Benefits of Sex
It replaces boring exercise -- Stress free sex shares many of the positive health benefits of running 3 miles including making you younger. (stress free – wisely defined as -- absolutely free of disease and not multiple affairs.)
It's a great stress reduction tool -- it promotes companionship and sense of well-being.
It calms nerves before public speaking --Experts believe the effects are not just short-term relief produced by orgasm but that the effects last for at least a week. Some believe there is a pair-bonding hormone called oxytocin that explains the calming effect.
Whether it is used for promoting products, or to attract viewers, or for informational or medical products, all the available sources are beginning to recognize the importance of sex for better relationship and are connecting it to the overlapping areas of love, heart & soul – Or the mental, emotional, and even spiritual well being.
They recognize that there are aspects of human nature that can’t be measured and don’t appear using instruments designed by the most advanced medically technology -- The mind, affected by stress, hostility and depression; Emotions which can be severely injured by loss and grief; The Intellect with a nervous system all its own; the Spirit which yearns for a higher purpose and communication with others.
Even some very popular business magazines and talk show hosts have started introducing education for adults in tasteful and sensitive ways during prime time -- thus making adult information more public. They are responding to the need. But it is interesting to note that while they may use some humor and provocative comments, they are steering away from the quick fixes of the 'toy' industry – Educating and advocating stability and long-term relationships.
Enhancing the Experience
The experts have found that increasing a partner's desire takes experimentation, trust, communication and a reasonable amount of risk taking. Actually, planning it can have the opposite effect of being mundane and boring. Knowing that you're scheduled for a rendezvous with your partner builds anticipation, promotes fantasy, drives up libido and very often leads to a romp that's hotter than beach sand at noon.
More books, endorsed by leading Professionals, are being offered online for privacy. And there is some great information available now to help heal the past wounds, and to foster healthy attitudes for the next generation. Here are some thoughts and philosophies beginning to emerge:
1. The first step to better sex is getting used to talking to your partner about your likes and dislikes. Learn to talk it – some people find that it is even an incredible ‘turn on’ – to talk sexually to each other --- using words that may have once been considered deviant is now considered foreplay.
2. Sex is supposed to be fun – relax and enjoy, don’t get too caught up in the trap of being serious – one of the most inhibiting factors is that ‘measuring up’ idea, afraid of not being good at it, so critical of themselves or the partner that they don’t enjoy it. Most people truly care more about generosity, great kissing, being “fluid” and not rushing to intercourse. Enjoy yourself and enjoy your partner.
3. Ever hear that sex is like learning to ride a bike? You have to watch it or do it in order to learn. Adult Education in the 2000s provides many forms of media – it gives participants permission to ‘not only’ fantasize, but to behave in ways they may have considered taboo in the past – however, respect, trust and safety in a loving atmosphere is still the crucial factor.
Sex is one of the greatest aspects of our being – a gift to our senses – man or woman – if you can develop and maintain a healthy aspect of it, (individually or through shared intimacy) you will, most likely, be happier and healthier for your efforts throughout your entire life.
Supplements to Sexual Health
There is nothing “dry or boring” in the following adult educational materials – Links provided for your convenience:
Sexual Information For Men - Christian Husbands Exclusive: Learn how men can and do achieve orgasm without ejaculation – methods for releasing the sexual tension throughout the entire body and exactly where their M spot is (equiv. To her G spot) and methods to stimulate that spot at the right moment (not too much before).
Sexual Information For Women - Christian Wives Exclusive Learn "Why Some Women Experience Frequent, Intense And Multiple Orgasms...And How You Can Too..."


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