ARE YOU interested in learning how to tellwhether or not a woman is interested in you? Areyou fascinated with eye contact, body language,and the little "hints" that women use to tell youthat they're attracted to you? If so, and ifyou're interested in learning how to use thesetools to create ATTRACTION, then read THIS:
OK, I have a quick trick question for you. That's right, I said a quick TRICK question. How can you tell if a woman is interested inyou? Answer quickly. So what gives? Why am I asking you a trick question? Simple. Because I'm trying to make you THINK. I'm sure that, just like me, you've read ahundred books and articles that say things like:"If she tilts her head to one side and strokes herneck, that's a sign of interest...""If she licks her lips in a longing fashion, thatmeans she's interested in you...""If she laughs a lot, makes positive eye contact,and touches you often, then she likes you..." DUH! I remember when I first read all this stuff. I thought to myself "Wow, cool! I must havebeen missing these hints because I didn't know tolook for them. Now I'll know when a woman isinterested in me..." Well, there was ONE SMALL problem... The problem is that women display these MAJORINTEREST signals in about 1 of 100 interactionswith men... And there was one BIG problem... That problem was that none of the damn books Iread said a single thing about how to MAKE womengive you these signals. In other words, what I realized is that averageguys like me who don't get "approached" by womenneed to learn not only WHAT to look for, but, moreimportantly, how to actually CREATE ATTRACTION inwomen so they GAVE me these signals in the FIRSTPLACE. So let me share with you some ideas on how toMAKE women feel ATTRACTION for you... and thenI'll share some ideas on what to LOOK FOR to tellif a woman is interested. And my ideas will be a WEEEEEE BIT differentthan the ones you read in your flirting books. OK, so you're out at a bar with a few friends,and it's time to meet some interesting women. You look around, and none of the hot youngbabes in there seem to be tilting their heads toone side, looking you in the eye, and lickingtheir lips... so you decide to DO SOMETHING. What do most guys do in this situation? Either:1) Nothing, because they're scared, or...2) Something typical, like ask a girl to dance, orif he can buy her a drink. If you're guilty of doing these, raise yourhand. Then take your raised hand, and slap yourselfsilly. Not too hard. But silly. If I have your attention, and you're interestedin becoming a MASTER of using Body Language tocreate ATTRACTION, then check this out:
Here's a thought for you... If you put 100 guys in a bar with one beautifulwoman sitting alone, and you say to all 100 of theguys, "Hey guys, which one of you can walk over tothat woman and do something to make that womanfeel a SEXUAL ATTRACTION for you?"... I'd say thatif you're LUCKY, one of them will claim that hecan do it. In other words, for most guys, the idea ofwalking up to a girl they don't know and doingsomething that will TRIGGER an attraction iscompletely outside of their universe. This is one of the reasons why guys do thingslike asking girls to dance, buying them drinks,etc. Now, something you must understand when itcomes to women and ATTRACTION is that women don'tfeel ATTRACTION for WUSSIES.
ATTRACTION isn't a CHOICE. It isn't logical (at least, on the surface). But once you start to "get it", everythingchanges. Your entire perspective changes once you"get it", and your results change instantly aswell. So here's something for you to try: MESS WITH WOMEN. That's right "mess with" them. Tease. Bust on. Be difficult. Why? Because it INSTANTLY communicates that:1) You could care less what she thinks of you.2) You're a fun person.3) You're unpredictable.4) You're a bit of a "wild card"5) You GET IT. Now, you might be shaking your head right nowand saying "That doesn't make any sense. Why woulda woman feel attracted to me if I mess with herinstead of being nice?". That's a good question. But for now, take the hand that you slappedyourself with earlier, and slap yourself again. Good. I want you to STOP following your "be nice andkiss ass" instincts when you first meet a woman,and instead practice MESSING WITH HER. Make fun of something. Go to hand her something, then pull it away atthe last second. Shake your head in despair and tell her thatshe's screwing up her chances with you. Say something Cocky & Funny, then turn aroundand walk away before she can respond to your face. Can ya feel me, dog? Now the good stuff...HOW TO TELL IF SHE'S INTERESTED Well, this is what you were looking for, sohere it is... I'm going to give you a stupid-proof formulafor knowing whether or not a woman is interestedin you. Here it is:1) You engage her.2) She engages you back. Yes, that's it. Please stop the applause longenough that I can finish. You can clap later. I know that this sounds a little "Duh-ish", butstay with me here. If I walk into a restaurant, and the hostessasks me how many are in my party, and I answerwith, "Well, there are three of us. I guess therewill be FOUR if YOU join us..." and she laughs atmy joke, then IT'S ON! If I'm standing at the bar, and the woman nextto me bumps into my arm, and I turn and say, "Hey,watch it, OK? Keep some space here, I need atleast a foot of room..." in a serious tone ofvoice... and she starts playing along by smilingand moving away from me then back again playfully,then IT'S ON! If I'm talking to a woman that I met at themagazine rack, and I ask her, "What's with thathuge purse of yours? You got a dog in there orsomething?" and she starts laughing and makingexcuses, then IT'S ON! In a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is:1) Stop looking around for signals from women thatthey're "interested" in you.2) Stop CARING whether or not a particular womanis interested in you.3) Instead, start TRIGGERING the interest, andwatching to see if women ENGAGE. If they do, thenassume that IT'S ON! As long as you use how she's responding to whatYOU do as your gauge, then you'll have a MUCHeasier time spotting the "she wants me" clues... ...Because YOU ARE THE ONE CAUSING THEM. And... ...and if you want literally HUNDREDS andHUNDREDS of killer ideas for making women feelATTRACTION for you, then go get a copy of myAdvanced Dating Techniques Program. This program will give you a COMPLETEfoundation for overcoming fear, approaching women,getting dates, and taking things to a "physical"level quickly... easily... and without rejection. I'm serious. Go check out some of the killer preview videoclips that I have on my website here:
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Real or fake?
You've probably wondered this more than a few times while checking out a hottie at the bar. Well, since you can't just outright touch her breasts off the bat, and since you don't know her well enough to ask, you're going to have to rely on the tell-tale signs, which can be hard to spot.
Here are the things to look for through her clothes that will let you know if she's the real McCoy or Silicone Ali.
what to look forUnnatural shapeMost breasts aren't perfect orbs and they usually aren't identical. Be on the lookout for the way they hold in place as she moves around (especially her arms), and how they stay almost the same dimension -- instead of flattening out -- whether she reaches back or even stretches. Furthermore, when she bends over, you should see them fall if they're real.
Watch out for women wearing a constrictive bra to make them come together. The overall shape will still not look right. With such a bra, you won't be able to notice the outer circles contouring the breasts.
Bubbly lookOn the topic of odd breast shapes, the top of her breasts are bubbled up -- just like bubble butts. Fake boobs defy gravity, so they might look like they're bubbling up. Natural breasts follow a more natural sliding curve line from top to bottom.
Overly firmReal breasts are mostly fat, which gives them a jiggle quality; if they look more like solid muscle, you may be in the presence of a pair of fake ones.
If they look like balloons that are about to burst, beware. Real boobs do grow with weight gain, but the skin has time to grow with the fat.
High up (if she's not wearing a bra) Breasts should be at about armpit height. But some bad breast jobs start them way too high on the chest, as if she's got two flotation devices strapped to her chin.
If a woman is not wearing a bra and adorns C-sized orbs that stand up, then it's pretty easy to figure out. The hard ones to pick out are the B cups. They can look real but then you need to spot small abnormalities that a normal breast wouldn't do.
The gap between them leaves space enough for your entire head... Next >>
Here are the things to look for through her clothes that will let you know if she's the real McCoy or Silicone Ali.
what to look forUnnatural shapeMost breasts aren't perfect orbs and they usually aren't identical. Be on the lookout for the way they hold in place as she moves around (especially her arms), and how they stay almost the same dimension -- instead of flattening out -- whether she reaches back or even stretches. Furthermore, when she bends over, you should see them fall if they're real.
Watch out for women wearing a constrictive bra to make them come together. The overall shape will still not look right. With such a bra, you won't be able to notice the outer circles contouring the breasts.
Bubbly lookOn the topic of odd breast shapes, the top of her breasts are bubbled up -- just like bubble butts. Fake boobs defy gravity, so they might look like they're bubbling up. Natural breasts follow a more natural sliding curve line from top to bottom.
Overly firmReal breasts are mostly fat, which gives them a jiggle quality; if they look more like solid muscle, you may be in the presence of a pair of fake ones.
If they look like balloons that are about to burst, beware. Real boobs do grow with weight gain, but the skin has time to grow with the fat.
High up (if she's not wearing a bra) Breasts should be at about armpit height. But some bad breast jobs start them way too high on the chest, as if she's got two flotation devices strapped to her chin.
If a woman is not wearing a bra and adorns C-sized orbs that stand up, then it's pretty easy to figure out. The hard ones to pick out are the B cups. They can look real but then you need to spot small abnormalities that a normal breast wouldn't do.
The gap between them leaves space enough for your entire head... Next >>
The FASTEST Way To "Get Physical" With A Woman>I believe that one of the "secrets" of GETTINGPHYSICAL with a woman is knowing how to create aMASSIVE amount of what you just might call "animalmagnetism". And I've developed a system forcreating this POWERFUL attraction that I call"Power Sexuality". If you want to learn more aboutit, then take a minute and check THIS out: ***QUESTION***I have been using your techniques for the pastmonth and my "popularity" is soaring. I would liketo thank you for finally saying what I havethought for years. Here is my question. About 5years ago I used to go to this bar and there was aserver that I was just ga ga for. Back then I wasvery shy and reserved. We talked here and therenothing ever happened more than that and that wasonly when she brought me my drinks. Well, thisweekend was my first weekend out since I movedback home and she was working at this new bar, Iwent to go approach her and all of sudden my mindwas blank so I just backed off b4 she even knew iwas going to approach her. How should I handlethis especially since she has been bartending forat least 5 years she has seen it all and been hiton by EVERYONE! What would you do?D.V.West Virginia>>>MY COMMENTS: One of the keys to approaching women like thisone who are hit on ALL THE TIME by guys is to beas TOTALLY COOL AND CALM AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. By the way, bartenders are EXCELLENT candidatesfor asking "Hey, do you have email?"... becauseit's very low-key and non-threatening. Try this... roll into the bar, and when you seeher, say "Hey, long time no see... so you're stilltending bar after all these years, huh?" See if she remembers you. If she doesn't, thenmake some small talk about how you used to come inthe other bar where she worked. But keep it short,because she'll probably be busy. Then say "So what, are you married with tenkids now?" This is a cute way to ask a woman that youhaven't talked to in awhile if she's single... Then say "Well, I'm going to get back to myfriends... good seeing you"... and just as youturn, shoot back over your shoulder "Hey! Do youhave email?" If she says "Yes", then say "Great, write itdown for me." Remember, the key is to be laid back and coolabout it. Just act like you're connecting with anold female friend from high school.***QUESTION***Now personally I like to describe myself as anidealist, you would probably dub me king of thewusses. Yet every once in awhile Ill pull my headout of the clouds and look at the world around mewith some realism. Case in point is a young womenI met almost a year ago (also the reason i startedsubscribing to the newsletter) Now at first thingsactually seemed to go well but they degeneratedand after careful look around I think I know why.After one of those lovely "lets just be friends"talks I started talking to one of her femalefriends, and oddly enough she got jealous. (approx 2 hrs. later) Now I have had other femalefriends tell me shes flirting with me.... but thebest results I have ever gotten with her is whenshe told me to sue her. Now being a pre-law student
How To Improve Your Sex Life

Ten Secrets to a Better Love Life
237 Reasons to Have Sex
Indulge Your Fantasies
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex Toys
Release Your Inner Sexpot
Instructions for Seduction
The Best Sex Positions
The Health Benefits of Sex
How One Couple Revved Up Their Sex Life
Is Your Sex Life Normal?
Sex Trivia
How satisfied are you with your sex life?
Prime by Pepper Schwartz
Your Long Erotic Weekend by Lana Holstein MD and David Taylor MD
The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort, MD
What I Learned About Sex by Pepper Schwartz, PhD
Men, Love & Sex by David Zinczenko with Ted Spiker
The Guide to Getting It On by Paul Joannides
Sex for One by Betty Dodson
Orgasms for Two by Betty Dodson
The Big Bang: Nerve's Guide to the New Sexual Universe by the writers at Nerve
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex by Cathy Winks and Anne Semans
237 Reasons to Have Sex
Indulge Your Fantasies
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex Toys
Release Your Inner Sexpot
Instructions for Seduction
The Best Sex Positions
The Health Benefits of Sex
How One Couple Revved Up Their Sex Life
Is Your Sex Life Normal?
Sex Trivia
How satisfied are you with your sex life?
Prime by Pepper Schwartz
Your Long Erotic Weekend by Lana Holstein MD and David Taylor MD
The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort, MD
What I Learned About Sex by Pepper Schwartz, PhD
Men, Love & Sex by David Zinczenko with Ted Spiker
The Guide to Getting It On by Paul Joannides
Sex for One by Betty Dodson
Orgasms for Two by Betty Dodson
The Big Bang: Nerve's Guide to the New Sexual Universe by the writers at Nerve
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex by Cathy Winks and Anne Semans
Dr. Schwartz says when you get older, couples can enjoy much more than just intercourse. "Foreplay can be the main event," she says. "There's no reason that [intercourse] gives you any better orgasm than other things do."In fact, Dr. Schwartz says, not having intercourse can ease a man's performance anxiety. "When you meet men in their 50s and 60s and 70s, their ability to have an erection in all the ways it's described in romance novels and the way 20-year-olds experience it is not so good," she says. "Just take that off the table. We're going to make each other feel good. We're going to have fun here and it doesn't have to be about some kind of measurement about erections lasting forever."The best thing about sex after 55, Dr. Schwartz says, is the confidence you have in yourself. "I was so much more comfortable about myself. I didn't take rejection so personally," she says.It all comes down to her pineapple theory. "Some people don't like pineapple. Some people don't like me," she says. "Some people do like me. I'm okay—it's just taste."Next »
From the show 237 Reasons to Have Sex
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Read an excerpt from Dr. Pepper Schwartz's Prime.
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From the show 237 Reasons to Have Sex
Rate your sex life.
Read an excerpt from Dr. Pepper Schwartz's Prime.
Rev up your sex life with these books and articles.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sex is good for u
Benefits of Sex
It replaces boring exercise -- Stress free sex shares many of the positive health benefits of running 3 miles including making you younger. (stress free – wisely defined as -- absolutely free of disease and not multiple affairs.)
It's a great stress reduction tool -- it promotes companionship and sense of well-being.
It calms nerves before public speaking --Experts believe the effects are not just short-term relief produced by orgasm but that the effects last for at least a week. Some believe there is a pair-bonding hormone called oxytocin that explains the calming effect.
Whether it is used for promoting products, or to attract viewers, or for informational or medical products, all the available sources are beginning to recognize the importance of sex for better relationship and are connecting it to the overlapping areas of love, heart & soul – Or the mental, emotional, and even spiritual well being.
They recognize that there are aspects of human nature that can’t be measured and don’t appear using instruments designed by the most advanced medically technology -- The mind, affected by stress, hostility and depression; Emotions which can be severely injured by loss and grief; The Intellect with a nervous system all its own; the Spirit which yearns for a higher purpose and communication with others.
Even some very popular business magazines and talk show hosts have started introducing education for adults in tasteful and sensitive ways during prime time -- thus making adult information more public. They are responding to the need. But it is interesting to note that while they may use some humor and provocative comments, they are steering away from the quick fixes of the 'toy' industry – Educating and advocating stability and long-term relationships.
Enhancing the Experience
The experts have found that increasing a partner's desire takes experimentation, trust, communication and a reasonable amount of risk taking. Actually, planning it can have the opposite effect of being mundane and boring. Knowing that you're scheduled for a rendezvous with your partner builds anticipation, promotes fantasy, drives up libido and very often leads to a romp that's hotter than beach sand at noon.
More books, endorsed by leading Professionals, are being offered online for privacy. And there is some great information available now to help heal the past wounds, and to foster healthy attitudes for the next generation. Here are some thoughts and philosophies beginning to emerge:
1. The first step to better sex is getting used to talking to your partner about your likes and dislikes. Learn to talk it – some people find that it is even an incredible ‘turn on’ – to talk sexually to each other --- using words that may have once been considered deviant is now considered foreplay.
2. Sex is supposed to be fun – relax and enjoy, don’t get too caught up in the trap of being serious – one of the most inhibiting factors is that ‘measuring up’ idea, afraid of not being good at it, so critical of themselves or the partner that they don’t enjoy it. Most people truly care more about generosity, great kissing, being “fluid” and not rushing to intercourse. Enjoy yourself and enjoy your partner.
3. Ever hear that sex is like learning to ride a bike? You have to watch it or do it in order to learn. Adult Education in the 2000s provides many forms of media – it gives participants permission to ‘not only’ fantasize, but to behave in ways they may have considered taboo in the past – however, respect, trust and safety in a loving atmosphere is still the crucial factor.
Sex is one of the greatest aspects of our being – a gift to our senses – man or woman – if you can develop and maintain a healthy aspect of it, (individually or through shared intimacy) you will, most likely, be happier and healthier for your efforts throughout your entire life.
Supplements to Sexual Health
There is nothing “dry or boring” in the following adult educational materials – Links provided for your convenience:
Sexual Information For Men - Christian Husbands Exclusive: Learn how men can and do achieve orgasm without ejaculation – methods for releasing the sexual tension throughout the entire body and exactly where their M spot is (equiv. To her G spot) and methods to stimulate that spot at the right moment (not too much before).
Sexual Information For Women - Christian Wives Exclusive Learn "Why Some Women Experience Frequent, Intense And Multiple Orgasms...And How You Can Too..."
It replaces boring exercise -- Stress free sex shares many of the positive health benefits of running 3 miles including making you younger. (stress free – wisely defined as -- absolutely free of disease and not multiple affairs.)
It's a great stress reduction tool -- it promotes companionship and sense of well-being.
It calms nerves before public speaking --Experts believe the effects are not just short-term relief produced by orgasm but that the effects last for at least a week. Some believe there is a pair-bonding hormone called oxytocin that explains the calming effect.
Whether it is used for promoting products, or to attract viewers, or for informational or medical products, all the available sources are beginning to recognize the importance of sex for better relationship and are connecting it to the overlapping areas of love, heart & soul – Or the mental, emotional, and even spiritual well being.
They recognize that there are aspects of human nature that can’t be measured and don’t appear using instruments designed by the most advanced medically technology -- The mind, affected by stress, hostility and depression; Emotions which can be severely injured by loss and grief; The Intellect with a nervous system all its own; the Spirit which yearns for a higher purpose and communication with others.
Even some very popular business magazines and talk show hosts have started introducing education for adults in tasteful and sensitive ways during prime time -- thus making adult information more public. They are responding to the need. But it is interesting to note that while they may use some humor and provocative comments, they are steering away from the quick fixes of the 'toy' industry – Educating and advocating stability and long-term relationships.
Enhancing the Experience
The experts have found that increasing a partner's desire takes experimentation, trust, communication and a reasonable amount of risk taking. Actually, planning it can have the opposite effect of being mundane and boring. Knowing that you're scheduled for a rendezvous with your partner builds anticipation, promotes fantasy, drives up libido and very often leads to a romp that's hotter than beach sand at noon.
More books, endorsed by leading Professionals, are being offered online for privacy. And there is some great information available now to help heal the past wounds, and to foster healthy attitudes for the next generation. Here are some thoughts and philosophies beginning to emerge:
1. The first step to better sex is getting used to talking to your partner about your likes and dislikes. Learn to talk it – some people find that it is even an incredible ‘turn on’ – to talk sexually to each other --- using words that may have once been considered deviant is now considered foreplay.
2. Sex is supposed to be fun – relax and enjoy, don’t get too caught up in the trap of being serious – one of the most inhibiting factors is that ‘measuring up’ idea, afraid of not being good at it, so critical of themselves or the partner that they don’t enjoy it. Most people truly care more about generosity, great kissing, being “fluid” and not rushing to intercourse. Enjoy yourself and enjoy your partner.
3. Ever hear that sex is like learning to ride a bike? You have to watch it or do it in order to learn. Adult Education in the 2000s provides many forms of media – it gives participants permission to ‘not only’ fantasize, but to behave in ways they may have considered taboo in the past – however, respect, trust and safety in a loving atmosphere is still the crucial factor.
Sex is one of the greatest aspects of our being – a gift to our senses – man or woman – if you can develop and maintain a healthy aspect of it, (individually or through shared intimacy) you will, most likely, be happier and healthier for your efforts throughout your entire life.
Supplements to Sexual Health
There is nothing “dry or boring” in the following adult educational materials – Links provided for your convenience:
Sexual Information For Men - Christian Husbands Exclusive: Learn how men can and do achieve orgasm without ejaculation – methods for releasing the sexual tension throughout the entire body and exactly where their M spot is (equiv. To her G spot) and methods to stimulate that spot at the right moment (not too much before).
Sexual Information For Women - Christian Wives Exclusive Learn "Why Some Women Experience Frequent, Intense And Multiple Orgasms...And How You Can Too..."
Monday, September 17, 2007
The way to take this idea of “slowing down”, and multiply its effectiveness… is to add a simple twist to it.This twist is to actually STOP once in awhile… and GO BACKWARDS a step.
In fact, I call this technique “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”.And here’s why it works:For a woman, arousal (or being “turned on”) is all about ANTICIPATION.Men get turned on instantly… but women usually take longer. And they ENJOY the process of getting turned on more and more over time.
If you know this simple fact… and you know how to create MENTAL ANTICIPATION… you will know the secret of getting any woman aroused sexually.Here’s how to do it…Next time you’re with a woman, tell yourself that you’re going to STOP at every “base”, and take a step BACK.
Let’s say you’ve kissed her for the first time.STOP.Lean back.Smile at her.Start talking again.And don’t touch her for several minutes.Now, why’s that?Because she’s going to be thinking to herself “Why did he stop?” and “Is there something wrong” and “Is he going to kiss me again?”.
And the more she thinks and wonders, the more TURNED ON she’s going to get.When you do start kissing again, put your arms around her… but DON’T TOUCH any of her “private” areas.
Touch her shoulders. Touch her arms. Pull her close. But DON’T TOUCH the “R Rated” zones.And then… you guessed it…STOP.Lean back.Smile at her again.Lay close to her with your arm around her… very still.
During the time you were kissing her and touching her, she will be thinking “Why isn’t he trying to touch me all over?” and “I’d better be ready to stop him”.But you didn’t touch her in any of those places. And she didn’t get to “stop you”.And now that you’ve stopped, she’s thinking even more… and getting even MORE aroused.
Are you learning something?Good.Now go and use this technique, and see for yourself how powerful a simple idea like this one can be…Now, I just shared a very simple… but very POWERFUL technique.And, as I mentioned, it is “counter intuitive”. It’s not something you probably would have figured out “on your own”.
Well, just like that one idea was both counter intuitive… AND easy to learn… all of the steps to building Sexual Confidence and Sexual Experience are basically the same.You can learn them.Quickly.Easily.No hassle.Oh, and it’s FUN to learn them. It’s not only interesting, it’s also wonderfully challenging. The more you learn, the more fun it is… and the more you WANT to learn…
In fact, I call this technique “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”.And here’s why it works:For a woman, arousal (or being “turned on”) is all about ANTICIPATION.Men get turned on instantly… but women usually take longer. And they ENJOY the process of getting turned on more and more over time.
If you know this simple fact… and you know how to create MENTAL ANTICIPATION… you will know the secret of getting any woman aroused sexually.Here’s how to do it…Next time you’re with a woman, tell yourself that you’re going to STOP at every “base”, and take a step BACK.
Let’s say you’ve kissed her for the first time.STOP.Lean back.Smile at her.Start talking again.And don’t touch her for several minutes.Now, why’s that?Because she’s going to be thinking to herself “Why did he stop?” and “Is there something wrong” and “Is he going to kiss me again?”.
And the more she thinks and wonders, the more TURNED ON she’s going to get.When you do start kissing again, put your arms around her… but DON’T TOUCH any of her “private” areas.
Touch her shoulders. Touch her arms. Pull her close. But DON’T TOUCH the “R Rated” zones.And then… you guessed it…STOP.Lean back.Smile at her again.Lay close to her with your arm around her… very still.
During the time you were kissing her and touching her, she will be thinking “Why isn’t he trying to touch me all over?” and “I’d better be ready to stop him”.But you didn’t touch her in any of those places. And she didn’t get to “stop you”.And now that you’ve stopped, she’s thinking even more… and getting even MORE aroused.
Are you learning something?Good.Now go and use this technique, and see for yourself how powerful a simple idea like this one can be…Now, I just shared a very simple… but very POWERFUL technique.And, as I mentioned, it is “counter intuitive”. It’s not something you probably would have figured out “on your own”.
Well, just like that one idea was both counter intuitive… AND easy to learn… all of the steps to building Sexual Confidence and Sexual Experience are basically the same.You can learn them.Quickly.Easily.No hassle.Oh, and it’s FUN to learn them. It’s not only interesting, it’s also wonderfully challenging. The more you learn, the more fun it is… and the more you WANT to learn…
Friday, September 14, 2007
How To Increase A Woman's Desire For You
If you're interested in the topicof DESIRE, and how to make a woman feel it foryou, then you need to learn how ATTRACTION works.If you don't know this amazing secret, then youmight want to check THIS out before you read therest of this newsletter: >>>
QUESTION OF THE WEEK:Dave,You are a saint. A giant among insects... Ok,maybe not, but it gets through the obligatory ass-kissing since you have helped me so much. Let mebegin...I've had my eyes on this particular girl for quitesome time, and I could tell she was already intome quite a bit, but we had never made anything ofit. Last week, she decided to "be bold" and ask MEout, instead of the other way around (you can seeI'm already doing something right). She asked if Iwanted to go see a movie some time; instead offreaking out and jumping at the chance, I said I'mrather tired of this whole `movie date' thing. Ifshe wanted to get me, she was going to have to bea little more creative. She was rather shocked andfelt somewhat rejected. Later in the conversation,we were got to talking about this stalker (wussywho needs a life) that seems to be in love withher, and she hates him. He had asked her if shewanted to accompany him to a football game thenext night that they both were already going to.She said she really wished that I would come withher so this guy would leave her alone. I thought,"Ok. This will be my good deed for the year." andsaid I would go. She ends up driving me to thegame. Upon arrival, she just HAD to braid herhair, and asked me to wait around while she didso. I stood there for a second, and then walkedoff. She started yelling at me to wait; I simplyreplied, "I'll see you inside the gate." waved andwalked off. Once inside, I didn't see her come in,but soon felt someone grab my butt (it was her).We went on into the stadium, she soon saw someoneshe knew and went to talk to them, dragging mealong. I stood around for a second, then wanderedoff, since I had seen someone I knew as well. Shecomes to find me soon, and we go off to our seats.Her stalker had seen us as we were going to ourseats and decided to stay with us for part of thenight. She began talking to him, and I did my ownthing. I wandered off numerous times throughoutthe night and generally acted very secure and likeI didn't need a thing in the world (especiallyher!). Following the game, as we walked back toher car I could tell that she wanted me badly dueto some things she had been saying. She drove meback to where my car was waiting and we talked fortwenty minutes or so in her car. There was somehand holding and such going on during theconversation.
She said, "You know we're just goingto end up making out-you're just delaying theinevitable." Bingo. I shrugged it off, and wecontinued talking. About ten minutes later, shesaid, "It's getting late; I really should begetting home."
Obviously a ploy to get thingsstarted, as it was only 10:15 PM. I shrugged it off, again. A few minutes pass, and she says,"It's late, I really need to go." I say,"Alright." I open the door and get out of the car.She says, "Where are you going?"
I replynonchalantly, "I just don't think you want it badly enough yet."
Score #2. I walk off to my car;she immediately jumps out of the car and beginswalking to my car as well. I get to the car andput the key in the door and she sticks her leg infront of the door with this defiant attitude. Isay, "You know, I've never been raped in an emptyparking lot before..."You can imagine what went on from there. JThanks Dave.Now, on to the questions: First, now that I'veused my best line ever ("I just don't think youwant it badly enough yet."), do you have anysuggestions on what to do and say next time tocreate that same anticipation/desire in her?Also, you always say that I need to be the firstto end the conversation, but many of the girlsthat I am interested in are somewhat sporadic andtend to call, IM, etc. when they don't have a lotof time. Quite often, they are the ones to end theconversation before I have a chance to. How do Itake this? Should I just reply, "Alright. I'llcatch you later." Acting like I could care less?D. Knoxville, TN>>>MY COMMENTS: Great story. I'm sure that anyone reading this would say"Yeah, but she already liked you"... I wish youwould have told the story from the beginning,because I'll bet you MADE her like you with moreof the same type communication that you describedhere. The one thing that you clearly understand hereis how SEXUAL TENSION works. You understand how to take a small spark ofdesire from her and AMPLIFY it until it'sliterally EXPLOSIVE. If you keep amplifying and letting the tensionbuild with a particular woman, this is the kind ofresult you'll get... and she will LOVE you for it. Bravo! Things like making her come up with a more"interesting" date idea, walking away from herwhen other guys would have clung to her, shruggingoff her comments about the two of you gettingtogether, etc. are the magic ingredients. Most guys DESTROY all the sexual tension atevery possible opportunity... they take everychance they can to SCREW THINGS UP because theydon't know better... The fact is that most men just don't UNDERSTANDhow women get turned on. And most men don't understand that if youreally want a woman to WANT you, then you NEED toget her turned on. It's not going to happen byitself. Hey, if you want to learn more about how tocreate this thing I'm calling "Sexual Tension",and more about how to get women turned on, then gohere now: Here's another interesting aspect of that thingcalled ATTRACTION: The bigger the challenge you are, and the moreintense the sexual tension, the more aroused awoman will become... so that when you finally doconnect physically it's pure electricity. Again, most men can't HANDLE sexual tension.They feel uncomfortable when the situation isn't"clear cut", and they screw things up. One of the things you mentioned doing was"shrugging off" her obvious "come ons" to you. This kind of thing makes no sense to most guys. But it makes sense to me. And it made a LOT of sense to HER. When a woman throws out a sexual comment, etc.most guys screw it up. That's because they don'tknow the SECRET about these types of comments. When you're a major challenge, it naturallymeans that she's not IN CONTROL of the situation. Attractive women are USED to being in control,so when they're NOT in control, they get agitated.It really bothers them. So they TEST. They use all kinds of interestingtricks and tactics to see if you're just FAKINGlike you're actually in control of yourself andthe situation. One of the most obvious tests is throwing out asexual comment. She might mention that she loves sex, or thatshe thinks you guys have a chance of "hooking up",or some other "tease". But make no mistake about it, these commentsare not at all the innocent remarks that theyappear to be. She's watching VERY closely to see if you'lltake the bait. It's a woman's last resort when she feels likeshe isn't controlling the situation to see ifyou'll crumble to SOMETHING. -- If you saysomething like, "Really? You think we're going tohook up? That would be cool." Then she KNOWS SHE'SIN CONTROL. If you say, "Yeah, you think so? I don't know,I'm not that easy..." then it just dials up thetension, mystery, and challenge. OK, so you've asked me a couple of questions aswell... What should you do NEXT time you see her tokeep the tension building...? Well, if something works, KEEP DOING IT. If she enjoyed it the first time, do it again. This time wait a little longer. Make her thinkabout it a little bit more. Women LOVE anticipation. They love to feel therush that something is going to happen... but notknow WHEN. If you REALLY want to take things to the nextlevel, take a page from popular movies and romancenovels. Don't just kiss her. Kiss her PASSIONATELY. Pull her body into yours as you kiss her. Then push her away and say, "You're bad!" Stop for awhile. Make her think about it. Thenstart again when she isn't expecting it. These are the types of things that make womenthink about you all the time when you're gone...and call you in the middle of the night becausethey want to see you. Really. Most men are so damn BORING when it comes tothis stuff! They do NOTHING to make a woman FEELthe powerful feelings that she's always wanted tofeel. You be the one to do it, and you'll be the oneshe always wants around. Your second question was about ending calls andconversations first. The REASON why you should end all conversationsand other interactions with women first is that itconveys a clear message: "I'M A BUSY GUY. I HAVE A LIFE." It turns YOU into the one that's desirable. Most guys cling, and try to keep a woman on thephone for a long time. They desire a woman'sattention and approval, and they make it clearthat this is what they're after. Of course, this only demonstrates pure WEAKNESSto an attractive woman. And weakness (or Wussness) isn't ATTRACTIVE. If you run into a woman who's always on therun, don't let it get to you. To put itdifferently, don't become obsessed with her justbecause she's never available! The answer is to just take things to the nextlevel. Here's a GREAT little technique... An amazing and simple way to handle this kindof thing is to just say "OK, bye" without anyother comments. She says "I have to go, my friends are waitingfor me outside". Just say "OK, bye" and SHUT UP. 80% of the time, she'll say "No, wait! I'm justreally busy, call me in a few days" etc. You can't "kind of" do this. You have to be READY. She's TESTING you by playing hard to get. It'sa game. Have fun with it. As soon as she says "I have to go, my laundryis in the dryer", you SHOOT back "OK, bye" in aVERY abrupt tone and SHUT UP. It will create a funny, uncomfortable silencefor just a second. Most of the time, she'll say something in atone of voice that says "That was weird", and thenshe'll give some kind of explanation or ask youwhy you were so short with her. Of course, this is a great opportunity to busther balls and create some fun banter. Again, you'll often have her say something like"I'm really busy right now. I'm sorry. Call metomorrow and let's do something". At this point,you can say "Yeah, if you're lucky. Bye!" Not cold. Not mean. Just short and to thepoint. Then, when you call her next, it was HER thatasked for the call. You get to call up and say "Well, last time wetalked you were begging me to call you... and Ifelt so bad for you that I finally broke down." What we're talking about here is DESIRE... andmore importantly, INCREASING IT. In most interactions with women there is anopportunity to SPARK the chemistry... the sexualtension... the desire... and then there are manyopportunities to AMPLIFY that desire. But here's the BAD news: If you do not understand all of the littlesteps from the first meeting to the bedroom, andknow exactly how to smoothly progress from onestep to the next, then you're going to keepfailing with women. It's that simple. If you DO understand all of the steps, and youknow EXACTLY what to do in order to smoothlytransition from one to the next, then you are MUCHmore likely to succeed. One of the most IMPORTANT steps is controllingyour own emotions. If you're nervous and freakedout, then you'll make her nervous. We humans can SMELL fear and nervousness... andwomen are the best at it. If you'd like to get an ADVANCED education inhow to control your own emotions, how to sparkATTRACTION, and how to go from one step to thenext smoothly, then I recommend you check out myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12 full hours of me teaching all ofmy very best theories, concepts, and strategiesfor becoming more successful with women anddating. What makes my program different? Two things:1) It's easy to understand and use IMMEDIATELY.2) It "feels right". In other words, you'll learnhow to use the natural dynamics in any situationto make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you... withouthaving to MANIPULATE her "secretly". As you learn the concepts and techniques andbegin to use them in situations with women, youwill see women LIGHT UP in front of you. You'll IMMEDIATELY notice the different waythat they respond to your comments. You'll begin to see all of the reasons why youfailed in the past, and you'll understand the "oneright thing" to do in each situation... so thatyou move FORWARD and stay in control of thesituation. Most of all, it will give you the CONFIDENCE toattract the kinds of women that most men onlydream about dating. I'm telling you, I used to have no clue aboutattracting women... but now that I do, I can dateany type of women I want. And it's a damn goodfeeling. All the details of my program are here, alongwith some great free samples: If you've gone through my Advanced Series, andyou think that you might need more focus on the"Inner Game"... then you MUST check out my "DeepInner Game" DVD program. This is the first time that a program has beencreated to help men fix their Inner Game problemsSPECIFICALLY to improve their dating success. Go and watch the preview video clips for thisprogram, and it will tell you the entire story.You can go and watch them here: And if you'd like an introduction to my mainconcepts, then you need to go download and read myonline eBook "Double Your Dating". You candownload it right now and be reading it within afew minutes. It's here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. I've written the story of how I learned tomeet women, and included a personal description ofeach of my different programs... plus put somevideo clips of my different programs right here:
QUESTION OF THE WEEK:Dave,You are a saint. A giant among insects... Ok,maybe not, but it gets through the obligatory ass-kissing since you have helped me so much. Let mebegin...I've had my eyes on this particular girl for quitesome time, and I could tell she was already intome quite a bit, but we had never made anything ofit. Last week, she decided to "be bold" and ask MEout, instead of the other way around (you can seeI'm already doing something right). She asked if Iwanted to go see a movie some time; instead offreaking out and jumping at the chance, I said I'mrather tired of this whole `movie date' thing. Ifshe wanted to get me, she was going to have to bea little more creative. She was rather shocked andfelt somewhat rejected. Later in the conversation,we were got to talking about this stalker (wussywho needs a life) that seems to be in love withher, and she hates him. He had asked her if shewanted to accompany him to a football game thenext night that they both were already going to.She said she really wished that I would come withher so this guy would leave her alone. I thought,"Ok. This will be my good deed for the year." andsaid I would go. She ends up driving me to thegame. Upon arrival, she just HAD to braid herhair, and asked me to wait around while she didso. I stood there for a second, and then walkedoff. She started yelling at me to wait; I simplyreplied, "I'll see you inside the gate." waved andwalked off. Once inside, I didn't see her come in,but soon felt someone grab my butt (it was her).We went on into the stadium, she soon saw someoneshe knew and went to talk to them, dragging mealong. I stood around for a second, then wanderedoff, since I had seen someone I knew as well. Shecomes to find me soon, and we go off to our seats.Her stalker had seen us as we were going to ourseats and decided to stay with us for part of thenight. She began talking to him, and I did my ownthing. I wandered off numerous times throughoutthe night and generally acted very secure and likeI didn't need a thing in the world (especiallyher!). Following the game, as we walked back toher car I could tell that she wanted me badly dueto some things she had been saying. She drove meback to where my car was waiting and we talked fortwenty minutes or so in her car. There was somehand holding and such going on during theconversation.
She said, "You know we're just goingto end up making out-you're just delaying theinevitable." Bingo. I shrugged it off, and wecontinued talking. About ten minutes later, shesaid, "It's getting late; I really should begetting home."
Obviously a ploy to get thingsstarted, as it was only 10:15 PM. I shrugged it off, again. A few minutes pass, and she says,"It's late, I really need to go." I say,"Alright." I open the door and get out of the car.She says, "Where are you going?"
I replynonchalantly, "I just don't think you want it badly enough yet."
Score #2. I walk off to my car;she immediately jumps out of the car and beginswalking to my car as well. I get to the car andput the key in the door and she sticks her leg infront of the door with this defiant attitude. Isay, "You know, I've never been raped in an emptyparking lot before..."You can imagine what went on from there. JThanks Dave.Now, on to the questions: First, now that I'veused my best line ever ("I just don't think youwant it badly enough yet."), do you have anysuggestions on what to do and say next time tocreate that same anticipation/desire in her?Also, you always say that I need to be the firstto end the conversation, but many of the girlsthat I am interested in are somewhat sporadic andtend to call, IM, etc. when they don't have a lotof time. Quite often, they are the ones to end theconversation before I have a chance to. How do Itake this? Should I just reply, "Alright. I'llcatch you later." Acting like I could care less?D. Knoxville, TN>>>MY COMMENTS: Great story. I'm sure that anyone reading this would say"Yeah, but she already liked you"... I wish youwould have told the story from the beginning,because I'll bet you MADE her like you with moreof the same type communication that you describedhere. The one thing that you clearly understand hereis how SEXUAL TENSION works. You understand how to take a small spark ofdesire from her and AMPLIFY it until it'sliterally EXPLOSIVE. If you keep amplifying and letting the tensionbuild with a particular woman, this is the kind ofresult you'll get... and she will LOVE you for it. Bravo! Things like making her come up with a more"interesting" date idea, walking away from herwhen other guys would have clung to her, shruggingoff her comments about the two of you gettingtogether, etc. are the magic ingredients. Most guys DESTROY all the sexual tension atevery possible opportunity... they take everychance they can to SCREW THINGS UP because theydon't know better... The fact is that most men just don't UNDERSTANDhow women get turned on. And most men don't understand that if youreally want a woman to WANT you, then you NEED toget her turned on. It's not going to happen byitself. Hey, if you want to learn more about how tocreate this thing I'm calling "Sexual Tension",and more about how to get women turned on, then gohere now: Here's another interesting aspect of that thingcalled ATTRACTION: The bigger the challenge you are, and the moreintense the sexual tension, the more aroused awoman will become... so that when you finally doconnect physically it's pure electricity. Again, most men can't HANDLE sexual tension.They feel uncomfortable when the situation isn't"clear cut", and they screw things up. One of the things you mentioned doing was"shrugging off" her obvious "come ons" to you. This kind of thing makes no sense to most guys. But it makes sense to me. And it made a LOT of sense to HER. When a woman throws out a sexual comment, etc.most guys screw it up. That's because they don'tknow the SECRET about these types of comments. When you're a major challenge, it naturallymeans that she's not IN CONTROL of the situation. Attractive women are USED to being in control,so when they're NOT in control, they get agitated.It really bothers them. So they TEST. They use all kinds of interestingtricks and tactics to see if you're just FAKINGlike you're actually in control of yourself andthe situation. One of the most obvious tests is throwing out asexual comment. She might mention that she loves sex, or thatshe thinks you guys have a chance of "hooking up",or some other "tease". But make no mistake about it, these commentsare not at all the innocent remarks that theyappear to be. She's watching VERY closely to see if you'lltake the bait. It's a woman's last resort when she feels likeshe isn't controlling the situation to see ifyou'll crumble to SOMETHING. -- If you saysomething like, "Really? You think we're going tohook up? That would be cool." Then she KNOWS SHE'SIN CONTROL. If you say, "Yeah, you think so? I don't know,I'm not that easy..." then it just dials up thetension, mystery, and challenge. OK, so you've asked me a couple of questions aswell... What should you do NEXT time you see her tokeep the tension building...? Well, if something works, KEEP DOING IT. If she enjoyed it the first time, do it again. This time wait a little longer. Make her thinkabout it a little bit more. Women LOVE anticipation. They love to feel therush that something is going to happen... but notknow WHEN. If you REALLY want to take things to the nextlevel, take a page from popular movies and romancenovels. Don't just kiss her. Kiss her PASSIONATELY. Pull her body into yours as you kiss her. Then push her away and say, "You're bad!" Stop for awhile. Make her think about it. Thenstart again when she isn't expecting it. These are the types of things that make womenthink about you all the time when you're gone...and call you in the middle of the night becausethey want to see you. Really. Most men are so damn BORING when it comes tothis stuff! They do NOTHING to make a woman FEELthe powerful feelings that she's always wanted tofeel. You be the one to do it, and you'll be the oneshe always wants around. Your second question was about ending calls andconversations first. The REASON why you should end all conversationsand other interactions with women first is that itconveys a clear message: "I'M A BUSY GUY. I HAVE A LIFE." It turns YOU into the one that's desirable. Most guys cling, and try to keep a woman on thephone for a long time. They desire a woman'sattention and approval, and they make it clearthat this is what they're after. Of course, this only demonstrates pure WEAKNESSto an attractive woman. And weakness (or Wussness) isn't ATTRACTIVE. If you run into a woman who's always on therun, don't let it get to you. To put itdifferently, don't become obsessed with her justbecause she's never available! The answer is to just take things to the nextlevel. Here's a GREAT little technique... An amazing and simple way to handle this kindof thing is to just say "OK, bye" without anyother comments. She says "I have to go, my friends are waitingfor me outside". Just say "OK, bye" and SHUT UP. 80% of the time, she'll say "No, wait! I'm justreally busy, call me in a few days" etc. You can't "kind of" do this. You have to be READY. She's TESTING you by playing hard to get. It'sa game. Have fun with it. As soon as she says "I have to go, my laundryis in the dryer", you SHOOT back "OK, bye" in aVERY abrupt tone and SHUT UP. It will create a funny, uncomfortable silencefor just a second. Most of the time, she'll say something in atone of voice that says "That was weird", and thenshe'll give some kind of explanation or ask youwhy you were so short with her. Of course, this is a great opportunity to busther balls and create some fun banter. Again, you'll often have her say something like"I'm really busy right now. I'm sorry. Call metomorrow and let's do something". At this point,you can say "Yeah, if you're lucky. Bye!" Not cold. Not mean. Just short and to thepoint. Then, when you call her next, it was HER thatasked for the call. You get to call up and say "Well, last time wetalked you were begging me to call you... and Ifelt so bad for you that I finally broke down." What we're talking about here is DESIRE... andmore importantly, INCREASING IT. In most interactions with women there is anopportunity to SPARK the chemistry... the sexualtension... the desire... and then there are manyopportunities to AMPLIFY that desire. But here's the BAD news: If you do not understand all of the littlesteps from the first meeting to the bedroom, andknow exactly how to smoothly progress from onestep to the next, then you're going to keepfailing with women. It's that simple. If you DO understand all of the steps, and youknow EXACTLY what to do in order to smoothlytransition from one to the next, then you are MUCHmore likely to succeed. One of the most IMPORTANT steps is controllingyour own emotions. If you're nervous and freakedout, then you'll make her nervous. We humans can SMELL fear and nervousness... andwomen are the best at it. If you'd like to get an ADVANCED education inhow to control your own emotions, how to sparkATTRACTION, and how to go from one step to thenext smoothly, then I recommend you check out myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It's over 12 full hours of me teaching all ofmy very best theories, concepts, and strategiesfor becoming more successful with women anddating. What makes my program different? Two things:1) It's easy to understand and use IMMEDIATELY.2) It "feels right". In other words, you'll learnhow to use the natural dynamics in any situationto make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you... withouthaving to MANIPULATE her "secretly". As you learn the concepts and techniques andbegin to use them in situations with women, youwill see women LIGHT UP in front of you. You'll IMMEDIATELY notice the different waythat they respond to your comments. You'll begin to see all of the reasons why youfailed in the past, and you'll understand the "oneright thing" to do in each situation... so thatyou move FORWARD and stay in control of thesituation. Most of all, it will give you the CONFIDENCE toattract the kinds of women that most men onlydream about dating. I'm telling you, I used to have no clue aboutattracting women... but now that I do, I can dateany type of women I want. And it's a damn goodfeeling. All the details of my program are here, alongwith some great free samples: If you've gone through my Advanced Series, andyou think that you might need more focus on the"Inner Game"... then you MUST check out my "DeepInner Game" DVD program. This is the first time that a program has beencreated to help men fix their Inner Game problemsSPECIFICALLY to improve their dating success. Go and watch the preview video clips for thisprogram, and it will tell you the entire story.You can go and watch them here: And if you'd like an introduction to my mainconcepts, then you need to go download and read myonline eBook "Double Your Dating". You candownload it right now and be reading it within afew minutes. It's here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. I've written the story of how I learned tomeet women, and included a personal description ofeach of my different programs... plus put somevideo clips of my different programs right here:
Sunday, September 09, 2007
How To "Evict" Your Inner Wussy
>NOTE: If you're really interested in learning howto get rid of your "Inner Wussy" for good... andhow to build a rock-solid confidence level that isNATURALLY attractive to women, then take a minuteand check THIS out:
I was talking to a good friend of mine a fewnights ago, and he told me an interesting story. He was walking home recently, when he walked bya couple who were obviously in an emotionaldiscussion. As it turned out, the woman was breaking upwith the man, and he was trying to understand why.
The interchange went something like this:Her: "I'm not ATTRACTED to you anymore... I justdon't FEEL IT."Him: "But I would do ANYTHING to make this work...
I'll do anything you want... just tell me what todo."
Her: "That's the problem. You just don't get it." ...
and that was all he heard.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever had a girlfriend break up withyou, or just drift away, and the more you tried tohold on, the further she ran from you?
And themore you tried to be a "good guy" and please her,the more distant she became? Well, me too. I've been there MORE than once inmy life. And it ALWAYS SUCKED. The worst part about it was NEVER UNDERSTANDINGWHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON!
I can remember being that guy I just told youthe story about... and asking "Why? Why are youconfused? What do I have to do to make this work?" I was willing to change, act different, orwhatever. Little did I know at the time, but it was thisEXACT attitude that led to all the problems in thefirst place. If you've read my newsletters for awhile now,you probably know that women don't feel theemotion called ATTRACTION for guys who act weak,needy, insecure and "WUSS-LIKE". But unless you know this to begin with, thenit's ALL TOO EASY to become a "nice", overly-accommodating, uninteresting, predictable, boringguy... and even though it seems logical that awoman should love to be treated like a queen atall times, you've probably found out, just like Ihave, that this combination usually leads to awoman either 1) Leaving you... or 2) Becomingincreasingly controlling, domineering, andneurotic. So what's up with that? Why does this happen?And more importantly, what can we do to avoidgetting into this horrible position of losing awoman's attention because we're trying to be niceto her? Here's my take, after studying this stuff formany, many years now...
1. ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. In other words, we humans don't CHOOSE who wefeel attracted to... and, JUST AS IMPORTANT, whowe DON'T feel attracted to. ATTRACTION happens for reasons all its own, andthese reasons have evolved inside of us over time. While culture, peer pressure, and trends canshape our natural drives slightly, theFUNDAMENTALS NEVER CHANGE.
2. MEN ARE ATTRACTED MORE TO LOOKS, WOMEN AREATTRACTED MORE TO PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER. Most men can't believe it, but to a woman yourlooks just aren't that important. Sure, if you don't take care of yourself, don'tbathe, and let two of your front teeth rot out youmight scare away the ladies. But for the most part, women will look pastjust about ANY physical issue if she feels thatall-important emotion called ATTRACTION. And ATTRACTION is created by your PERSONALITY. For women, ATTRACTION is triggered by malequalities like: Dominance, Humor,Unpredictability, Adventure, Strength, SexualAwareness, Indifference, etc. I've put an entire program together that'sfocused on teaching you JUST the elements ofcommunication that make women feel ATTRACTION...and I call it "Sexual Communication". If you wantto learn more about this powerful method ofcommunicating with women, go check this out
: 3.
WOMEN AREN'T ATTRACTED TO WUSSIES. 'Nuff said.4. WOMEN TEST MEN BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO. When a woman begins to feel a romantic connection with you, she faces an interestingproblem... How can she tell for sure if your character andpersonality are the way you're expressing them?
As we all know, men and women BOTH show off andexaggerate their "good sides" while downplayingand hiding their negative traits at first. This iswhy men suck-in their guts, brag, and show off...and why women wear makeup, do their hair, and shopall day for their clothes. If you were a woman, and you needed to figureout if a man was showing you his "true self", howwould you do it? What if you had to know FOR SURE?
The only way is to TEST on an ongoing basis,and to keep escalating the tests to be sure. Put all this together (with a bunch of otherfactors that I don't have time to talk about) andyou get an interesting problem that women face...
A woman responds to a man that stirs heremotions, and causes her to want him so badly thatshe'll put aside all logic and reason to be withhim. But what if the man is just pretending? What ifhe only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly-man on the outside, but he's actually a push-overWUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it byacting like a tough guy?
Or worse yet, what if he's a WUSS all the time,and she just happened to settle for him because hewas available and persistent... and she didn'thave anything better going on at the time... butnow she has other options?
Well, these are the kinds of situations, thatwhen played out, lead to the story that I startedwith... a man begging a woman to stay... pleadingwith her to explain what he has to do to keep her.
Of course, this is all WUSSY behavior, and itonly serves to put the final nail in the coffin,convincing the object of your desire that you areABSOLUTELY, beyond the shadow of any doubt, aWuss.
So what's the answer? The answer is to NEVER BE THOUGHT OF AS A WUSSYAGAIN! If you want to make your dating life a wholelot better and easier, then stop and think aboutyour behavior... and resolve right now to stopacting like a WUSS for the rest of your life.
Being "nice" and "accommodating" and"understanding" is great for friendships andsocial relationships, but it's HORRIBLE forATTRACTION. An interesting, attractive woman doesn't want aguy that she can push around.
She doesn't want aguy who does what she wants him to do. She doesn'twant a little boy that she can train and raise. An interesting, attractive woman wants a MAN. This doesn't make LOGICAL sense, I know. Butit's the truth.
These submissive qualities willonly work in attracting a woman IF SHE LIKESDRESSING UP IN LEATHER AND WHIPPING HER MAN...
And my guess is that this isn't the kind ofwoman that you're looking for. I've explained some of the important qualitiesthat you need to cultivate in yourself if you wantto attract women... and keep them attracted.
If you'd like to get an extensive education, aDEEP UNDERSTANDING, and a full set of tools andtechniques that you can use, you need to check outmy "Advanced Dating Techniques" CD/DVD Program. Inthis program, I share literally hundreds of ideas,concepts, techniques, and strategies for meetingand attracting women... stuff you'll never findanywhere else. How do I know you won't find it anywhere else?
Because I personally TRIED everything else. I spent YEARS learning, testing, and refiningall of the best techniques... and I've onlyincluded what WORKS. During my own "learning phase", I watched,interviewed, and learned from guys who wereUNBELIEVABLE with women. I also read literally HUNDREDS of books... wentto seminars... and listened to audio programs... I really tried it ALL. Most of it didn't work. Some of it worked a little. And a very FEW things worked so well that Icouldn't BELIEVE it. In my Advanced Series, I ONLY include the stuffthat REALLY works. I'm serious. Go check out some of the preview video clipsthat I have on the website. I think you'll seeIMMEDIATELY that this program is PACKED with tipsand techniques that will help you meet more womenNOW. You can watch the video clips here:
Here's a question for you: How can a woman tell whether or not you'vegotten rid of your "Inner Wussy" INSTANTLY?
If you guessed "from your BODY LANGUAGE" thenyou're RIGHT ON. What's the most IMPORTANT aspect ofcommunication with women? If you guessed "BODY LANGUAGE", then you'reRIGHT AGAIN. What's the one place you can get a completeeducation on how to use your Body Language toproject a powerful, masculine presence to women...that instantly triggers ATTRACTION?
If you guessed "David DeAngelo's Body LanguageFor Success With Women And Dating Program", thenyou're right yet again... and you win. Go check out the preview video clips of thisprogram here... you'll be glad you did:
And if you haven't taken the opportunity todownload your copy of my online eBook "Double YourDating", then go and do that right now. It is thefoundation for everything I teach. You candownload it and be reading it within a few minutesfrom right now. Just go here:
I'll talk to you again in a couple of days. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Take a couple of minutes, and go watch someof the video clips of all the different programsI've created to help you learn to meet women. Youcan see them all, and get the details right here:
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email.
>NOTE: If you're really interested in learning howto get rid of your "Inner Wussy" for good... andhow to build a rock-solid confidence level that isNATURALLY attractive to women, then take a minuteand check THIS out:
I was talking to a good friend of mine a fewnights ago, and he told me an interesting story. He was walking home recently, when he walked bya couple who were obviously in an emotionaldiscussion. As it turned out, the woman was breaking upwith the man, and he was trying to understand why.
The interchange went something like this:Her: "I'm not ATTRACTED to you anymore... I justdon't FEEL IT."Him: "But I would do ANYTHING to make this work...
I'll do anything you want... just tell me what todo."
Her: "That's the problem. You just don't get it." ...
and that was all he heard.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever had a girlfriend break up withyou, or just drift away, and the more you tried tohold on, the further she ran from you?
And themore you tried to be a "good guy" and please her,the more distant she became? Well, me too. I've been there MORE than once inmy life. And it ALWAYS SUCKED. The worst part about it was NEVER UNDERSTANDINGWHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON!
I can remember being that guy I just told youthe story about... and asking "Why? Why are youconfused? What do I have to do to make this work?" I was willing to change, act different, orwhatever. Little did I know at the time, but it was thisEXACT attitude that led to all the problems in thefirst place. If you've read my newsletters for awhile now,you probably know that women don't feel theemotion called ATTRACTION for guys who act weak,needy, insecure and "WUSS-LIKE". But unless you know this to begin with, thenit's ALL TOO EASY to become a "nice", overly-accommodating, uninteresting, predictable, boringguy... and even though it seems logical that awoman should love to be treated like a queen atall times, you've probably found out, just like Ihave, that this combination usually leads to awoman either 1) Leaving you... or 2) Becomingincreasingly controlling, domineering, andneurotic. So what's up with that? Why does this happen?And more importantly, what can we do to avoidgetting into this horrible position of losing awoman's attention because we're trying to be niceto her? Here's my take, after studying this stuff formany, many years now...
1. ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. In other words, we humans don't CHOOSE who wefeel attracted to... and, JUST AS IMPORTANT, whowe DON'T feel attracted to. ATTRACTION happens for reasons all its own, andthese reasons have evolved inside of us over time. While culture, peer pressure, and trends canshape our natural drives slightly, theFUNDAMENTALS NEVER CHANGE.
2. MEN ARE ATTRACTED MORE TO LOOKS, WOMEN AREATTRACTED MORE TO PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER. Most men can't believe it, but to a woman yourlooks just aren't that important. Sure, if you don't take care of yourself, don'tbathe, and let two of your front teeth rot out youmight scare away the ladies. But for the most part, women will look pastjust about ANY physical issue if she feels thatall-important emotion called ATTRACTION. And ATTRACTION is created by your PERSONALITY. For women, ATTRACTION is triggered by malequalities like: Dominance, Humor,Unpredictability, Adventure, Strength, SexualAwareness, Indifference, etc. I've put an entire program together that'sfocused on teaching you JUST the elements ofcommunication that make women feel ATTRACTION...and I call it "Sexual Communication". If you wantto learn more about this powerful method ofcommunicating with women, go check this out
: 3.
WOMEN AREN'T ATTRACTED TO WUSSIES. 'Nuff said.4. WOMEN TEST MEN BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO. When a woman begins to feel a romantic connection with you, she faces an interestingproblem... How can she tell for sure if your character andpersonality are the way you're expressing them?
As we all know, men and women BOTH show off andexaggerate their "good sides" while downplayingand hiding their negative traits at first. This iswhy men suck-in their guts, brag, and show off...and why women wear makeup, do their hair, and shopall day for their clothes. If you were a woman, and you needed to figureout if a man was showing you his "true self", howwould you do it? What if you had to know FOR SURE?
The only way is to TEST on an ongoing basis,and to keep escalating the tests to be sure. Put all this together (with a bunch of otherfactors that I don't have time to talk about) andyou get an interesting problem that women face...
A woman responds to a man that stirs heremotions, and causes her to want him so badly thatshe'll put aside all logic and reason to be withhim. But what if the man is just pretending? What ifhe only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly-man on the outside, but he's actually a push-overWUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it byacting like a tough guy?
Or worse yet, what if he's a WUSS all the time,and she just happened to settle for him because hewas available and persistent... and she didn'thave anything better going on at the time... butnow she has other options?
Well, these are the kinds of situations, thatwhen played out, lead to the story that I startedwith... a man begging a woman to stay... pleadingwith her to explain what he has to do to keep her.
Of course, this is all WUSSY behavior, and itonly serves to put the final nail in the coffin,convincing the object of your desire that you areABSOLUTELY, beyond the shadow of any doubt, aWuss.
So what's the answer? The answer is to NEVER BE THOUGHT OF AS A WUSSYAGAIN! If you want to make your dating life a wholelot better and easier, then stop and think aboutyour behavior... and resolve right now to stopacting like a WUSS for the rest of your life.
Being "nice" and "accommodating" and"understanding" is great for friendships andsocial relationships, but it's HORRIBLE forATTRACTION. An interesting, attractive woman doesn't want aguy that she can push around.
She doesn't want aguy who does what she wants him to do. She doesn'twant a little boy that she can train and raise. An interesting, attractive woman wants a MAN. This doesn't make LOGICAL sense, I know. Butit's the truth.
These submissive qualities willonly work in attracting a woman IF SHE LIKESDRESSING UP IN LEATHER AND WHIPPING HER MAN...
And my guess is that this isn't the kind ofwoman that you're looking for. I've explained some of the important qualitiesthat you need to cultivate in yourself if you wantto attract women... and keep them attracted.
If you'd like to get an extensive education, aDEEP UNDERSTANDING, and a full set of tools andtechniques that you can use, you need to check outmy "Advanced Dating Techniques" CD/DVD Program. Inthis program, I share literally hundreds of ideas,concepts, techniques, and strategies for meetingand attracting women... stuff you'll never findanywhere else. How do I know you won't find it anywhere else?
Because I personally TRIED everything else. I spent YEARS learning, testing, and refiningall of the best techniques... and I've onlyincluded what WORKS. During my own "learning phase", I watched,interviewed, and learned from guys who wereUNBELIEVABLE with women. I also read literally HUNDREDS of books... wentto seminars... and listened to audio programs... I really tried it ALL. Most of it didn't work. Some of it worked a little. And a very FEW things worked so well that Icouldn't BELIEVE it. In my Advanced Series, I ONLY include the stuffthat REALLY works. I'm serious. Go check out some of the preview video clipsthat I have on the website. I think you'll seeIMMEDIATELY that this program is PACKED with tipsand techniques that will help you meet more womenNOW. You can watch the video clips here:
Here's a question for you: How can a woman tell whether or not you'vegotten rid of your "Inner Wussy" INSTANTLY?
If you guessed "from your BODY LANGUAGE" thenyou're RIGHT ON. What's the most IMPORTANT aspect ofcommunication with women? If you guessed "BODY LANGUAGE", then you'reRIGHT AGAIN. What's the one place you can get a completeeducation on how to use your Body Language toproject a powerful, masculine presence to women...that instantly triggers ATTRACTION?
If you guessed "David DeAngelo's Body LanguageFor Success With Women And Dating Program", thenyou're right yet again... and you win. Go check out the preview video clips of thisprogram here... you'll be glad you did:
And if you haven't taken the opportunity todownload your copy of my online eBook "Double YourDating", then go and do that right now. It is thefoundation for everything I teach. You candownload it and be reading it within a few minutesfrom right now. Just go here:
I'll talk to you again in a couple of days. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Take a couple of minutes, and go watch someof the video clips of all the different programsI've created to help you learn to meet women. Youcan see them all, and get the details right here:
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email.
Friday, September 07, 2007
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