
NOTE: If you're interested in learning how touse Body Language to trigger MASSIVE attractionand "sexual chemistry" with women, then you should take a minute and read THIS:
I want to talk about the concept of "flirting",and why it's SO important that you understand exactly what it is and how to do it with women.
To begin with, women know what flirting is and they respond VERY differently to flirting communication than they do to typical social communication.
If you understand flirting and sexual tension,you can begin conversations with women and have them INSTANTLY feeling ATTRACTION for you.
If you DON'T understand how flirting and sexualtension work, then you're either going to have tobecome famous or make a LOT of money to besuccessful with women.
I'm going to suggest that you learn how toflirt well, then do it RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING inyour interactions with women to SET THE RIGHTTONE.
Think of flirting like playing.
Remember when you were a kid and you used to"play fight" with your friends?
What's the difference between "play" wrestlingand "real" wrestling?
And how do you know the difference when it'shappening... when your friend runs up and pushesyou down, then jumps on you and tries to pin you?
The answer is YOU JUST KNOW. It's obvious tohumans (and other animals, by the way) whensomeone is "playing" and when they're serious.
Flirting is similar.
If you start talking to a woman and say, "Hi,you're very pretty. You probably have a boyfriend,right?" in a normal tone of voice, you're NOTflirting.
On the other hand, if you say, "Hi, I realizethat you're probably shy because you get noattention from men... so I thought I'd come overhere and pay attention to you..." it's OBVIOUSthat you're not being serious. This is flirting.
By the way, flirting IS NOT simply tellingjokes, or trying to be "cute".
One of the concepts that I teach is called"Cocky & Funny."
Cocky & Funny is simply a powerful,concentrated way of flirting and creating sexualtension with a specific kind of humor.
It's so funny to me how some guys write inbecause they "can't see themselves being Cocky &Funny around women" because they don't want tocome across as jerks.
This really cracks me up... because it'sobvious to me that these guys JUST DON'T GET IT.
So let me explain this whole thing a differentway...
If you know how to communicate the right way,women will respond to you RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNINGwith a HIGH LEVEL of sexual interest andATTRACTION.
When you know how to incorporate flirting in aCocky & Funny way, which is really a form of"adult verbal play", you tune in to a certainfrequency in a woman's mind and cause her to gointo a very special kind of emotional state.
One of the keys to effective flirting is to"get it". In other words, you have to actually getout there and practice so you get a "feel" for howit works.
I think a lot of guys give up when they try acute line or technique and a woman responds bysaying "You're a loser." Instead of just realizingthat they need more practice or that the womanmight have just been in a bad mood or even one ofthose horrible "I don't have a sense of humor"cases, they take it personally and decide to justhave it mean that they're a failure.
But take my word for it... once you learn howto flirt effectively and communicate in thelanguage of "adult play" you WILL SIMPLY NOTBELIEVE how women will respond to you. If you want to see some video clips of me TEACHING Cocky & Funny then go here and check out the examples:
Here's an example of some of one of my favoritetopics to "riff on" when flirting... the topic ofgetting married and us being in a relationship...and I'll give it to you in the form of a sampledialogue. Keep in mind, I might have aconversation like this one with a woman that Ijust met five minutes earlier...
Her: "I have a good job, and I make good money"
Me: "Nice. I like that in a woman. Want to getmarried? We could leave for Vegas right now and bemarried in about 4 or 5 hours. I need a woman withmoney."
Her: [Laughter] "OK, that sounds like a plan"
Me: "But wait a minute... do you think you cansupport the both of us on your income? I reallywant to be a stay at home husband... you know,keep an eye on the TV and such."
Her: "Oh, no... I won't support you."
Me: "Well, then I'm breaking up with you. It'sover between us. I was going to marry you, thendivorce you a week later and take half yourmoney."
Her: [Laughter] "You can't break up with me! I'mnot even your girlfriend."
Me: "That's all the more reason."
...do you get what's going on here?
I'm taking a normal conversation topic (her joband income) and redirecting the conversation in aflirtatious, Cocky & Funny way to create a funmood and sexual tension (by suggesting marriage,divorce, and breaking up over her not supportingme, etc.).
If the above example doesn't make any sense toyou, then take that as a sign that you need to getout and practice more. Try it on a waitress ortwo.
When you ask for something and she says, "I'msorry, we don't have that", just say, "OK, thisrelationship isn't working out... I'm going tohave to break up with you."
In fact, you can say this in just about ANYsituation with ANY woman where she's sayingsomething that you don't like, and it's funny.
When you communicate like this, you'reFLIRTING, you're TEASING, and you're initiating aDIFFERENT KIND OF COMMUNICATION than what most meninitiate.
And as soon as the woman you're talking to"engages" you in this kind of dialogue, THE GAMEIS ON.
There are a LOT of ways you can flirt, and alot of ways you can be Cocky & Funny that DON'TREQUIRE WORDS.
If a woman looks at you and raises one eyebrow,look back at her and do the same... onlyexaggerate it.
If a woman puts her hand on your arm, look downat it, then look up at her in a surprised way,then raise your eyebrows as if you just had amajor "ah ha!" realization... then start smilingand nodding your head as if you just realized thatshe wants you. This is a powerful combinationbecause it's funny, and it exaggerates the meaningin her touching you.
There are a MILLION ways to flirt like this,but the point that I'm trying to make is that youNEED TO START DOING IT RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING OFYOUR INTERACTIONS WITH WOMEN.
It will set off all of your conversations withwomen on the right foot, and start a dialogue thatcreates sexual tension and ATTRACTION.
If you DON'T learn how to communicate withwomen like this you'll have BORING, "NORMAL"conversations that NEVER lead to sexual tensionand ATTRACTION.
Remember, women can tell INSTANTLY whetheryou're flirting with them or not. If you are, andyou're doing it in a subtle, charming way, you'llget amazing responses.
One of the keys to flirting and creatingATTRACTION effectively, is projecting confidenceand indifference both in your voice tone and bodylanguage as you do it...
And in order to project these things, you needto have the right understanding and BELIEFS abouthow male/female ATTRACTION works... and then beable to project them throughout your conversationwith women.
If you don't naturally "get" the concept offlirting with women, and you'd like to learn howto use it to spark ATTRACTION, build SexualTension and eventually take things to a PHYSICALLEVEL, then I highly recommend that you get yourhands on a copy of my "Sexual Communication"program.
Over the time I spent learning directly fromguys who were REALLY good with women, I noticedsomething that they were all doing... that mostmen literally CAN'T SEE.
I discovered what I think of as a "secretlanguage" that men and women use to communicate ona "sexual level"...
Well, after discovering that this was going onright in front of me all my life... and thenlearning how to use it to attract women... Irealized that I HAD to teach this to other guys.
And that's what this program is all about.
Teaching YOU to speak THIS language.
After going through this program, I guaranteethat you'll look at all your interactions withwomen very differently... and you'll create a LOTmore ATTRACTION with women... using only yourvoice tone, inflection, and body language.
Oh, and you'll know how to FLIRT, too.
You can check out all the specifics... and youcan watch some video clips of the program here:
The NEXT program you need to get if you want tolearn how to FLIRT with women is my famous "CockyComedy" DVD/CD program.
One of the SPECIFIC things that I saw guys whowere "naturals" with women doing... and one of thethings that I later learned to do... is what Icall "being Cocky & Funny".
You've probably read about the technique inthese newsletters I send you.
This is essentially my FAVORITE "technique",and the reason why is because it's FUN... and itWORKS.
It's fun for you, it's fun for her, and itworks like MAD to spark and build ATTRACTION.
If you've tried being Cocky & Funny with awoman and seen that SPARK in her eye... and thesmile on her face... then you KNOW how powerfulthis is.
Well, this program will take your basic skillsand SUPERCHARGE them. I'll teach you everythingfrom the foundations of humor and laughter... allthe way to specific word-by-word lines for themost common situations you find yourself in withwomen.
Go check it out, and watch some video clipshere:
Oh, and if you haven't gone and downloaded myonline eBook "Double Your Dating", then you needto get your ass in gear and do that right now. Youcan download it and be reading it in just a fewminutes from right now. Get it here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend
David D.
P.S. If you'd like to read the story of how Ilearned to meet women and get dates ANYTIMEand ANYWHERE, then just go here (and you canalso see video clips of every one of my programsas well):
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:
1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.
2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
...don't just hit "reply" to this email.
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