Sunday, October 14, 2007

Porn therapy for better sex life!

Sexologists believe that the right therapeutic porn can work as a 'stimulant' to invigorate impotent patients. AS of date, the sale, purchase, possession and viewing of porn is banned in India. However, many sexologists are seeking an amendment to the existing laws under the Indian Penal Code so that porn can be used as an educative and therapeutic tool.

They want the 'freedom' to recommend watching these CDs, albeit to a few selected patients. "It is a double-edged sword. People can either use it on medical grounds or misuse it," says Dr Venkata Raman, secretary of the Council for Sex Education and Parenthood. During the 21st National Conference of Sexologists held in Hyderabad recently, 270 doctors from across the world passed a resolution, demanding that the Indian Parliament improvise on the existing laws on sexology.

"Today, a lot of people bring home work or stress. When the workload piles up, sex takes a backseat," says sexologist Dr Swayam Prakash. "I have, on a few occasions, recommended that patients read Pent House Letters, which is legally sold at book stalls, to increase sex drive. Sale of CDs is banned but patients do have a choice to watch right porn (not perverted) or read books in private," he says.

To fantasise or masturbate, the brain needs to be fed with erotic imagery. There are three stages of the sexual response cycle – desire, arousal and orgasm. Sex requires time but most Gen X couples fall under the double income-no time syndrome. Experts point out that some couples working in the IT industry have sex only once in three months during the first three years of their marriage. In cities like Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, the attitudes of men and women are undergoing rapid changes. Women are now more enthusiastic about sex while men are either guzzlers or love dancing to beats.

"This leads to depression in women," adds Dr Prakash. G Vinod, a senior executive with an IT company, and his wife, approached a sexologist recently. The sexologist suggested that they watch porn movies often. "It has helped our lives for the better," says Vinod.

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