Thursday, October 25, 2007

the penis

The penis is made up of 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top, which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom from which you urinate and ejaculate (Corpus Spongisum).

When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa). The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved.

An increase in cells allows for more blood to enter the penis making the penis larger and the erection more intense. The corpora cavernosa are the two bodies of erectile tissue on each side of the penis.
When playing with her breasts, devote generous attentionto everywhere EXCEPT the nipples. The teasing will drive herwild. Eventually you can touch them but do so ever so gentlyat first.

}{}{}{}{When you open your legs wide and lift them up, you allow for deeperpenetration.

}{}{}{}{The doggy style position is wonderful for both partners. It allows for deep penetration which both usually enjoy. He can enjoy the view of going in and out. She gets good contact with her G-spot. Either has access to her clitoris for additional stimulation.

go... and find out how to walk up to talk with a woman that will make her ask for YOUR phone number.

Other Recommendations ~~~How to make her scream and moan and beg for more

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Women like to SAY ONE THING, but when the time comes around to actually ACT, they do something TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

I could go into an essay on why this is, butfor the purposes of this discussion, the mostimportant reason has to do with EMOTIONS. Women tend to SAY what they THINK when they'reasked a question. But they tend to ACT on their EMOTIONS when anactual SITUATION presents itself. Here's an example: You meet a woman, and get her number. You callher up. She agrees to meet you the next day fora cup of coffee. The next day comes around, and shedoesn't show up. You call her. Something came up,and she just couldn't make it. Ever been there? What happened? (And doesn't it piss you off whenwomen ALWAYS seem to do this? Me too.) Well, what HAPPENED is when you were talking toher on the phone, coffee the next day sounded fine. But when the next day showed up, something elsethat was more interesting came up, and she didn'tFEEL like meeting you anymore. Or maybe she just decided that she DIDN'T FEELlike meeting you when she woke up the next day. Whatever. But it PROBABLY had something to do with hernot FEELING the same way anymore.

Now, if you're a man, you hear something likethis and say "She lied. She said she would be there,and she didn't show up. She's a liar." Or you say "Women who do this lack integrity." Or even "Women are FLAKY!" Of course, ALL OF THESE ARE TRUE! lol... no, no, no. Just kidding. Well, I'm notkidding 100%, but I'm kidding. The point that I'm trying to make here is thatwhen a woman says one thing, then does another, shesees that as being perfectly OK, because she's"just following her feelings".

But from a MAN'S point of view, if a woman saysone thing, then does another, she's either a liar,being flaky, or doesn't have integrity. Here's the point: Women aren't going to change "how they feel"about this topic anytime soon. So us guys are basically left with two mainoptions in a situation like this one:1) Keep banging our heads against the wall andexpecting women to change, and start showing upwhen they say they will.2) Learn how to make women FEEL like they want toactually show up for the meeting, so when theywake up the next day, they SHOW UP. Get it? Good. Now let's talk about the REAL topic of thisnewsletter...

WHAT WOMEN LOOK FOR IN A MAN. Of course, in my usual style, I'm going to putan interesting twist on this concept. I'm going to argue that women will SAY thatthey "look for" one thing, but they actuallyRESPOND to something completely different. All guys know that women seem to be "naturally"attracted to things like fame, wealth, Brad-Pitt-handsomeness, height, etc. But I've now realized something that isactually pretty profound when you REALLY get it. I now believe that women DON'T KNOW what theyare ACTUALLY responding to.

In other words, these things like money andfame trigger EMOTIONS inside of women. And if you're NOT rich or famous or naturallyhandsome, you can get the same kinds of responsesfrom women if you learn how to TRIGGER THESAME EMOTIONS. So, in the end, what women are REALLY "lookingfor" is a man who triggers their ATTRACTION. Of course, a woman will never SAY this to you. If you ask a woman what she's looking for,she'll say "I'm looking for a nice, honest guy whois successful and cute".

But if she actually MEETS this guy, and he justhappens to be a WUSSY who acts needy and clingy,then she's NOT going to be into him. In this case, she won't respond to the guy thatshe's "looking for" by being attracted to him. Andit won't work out. On the other hand, if this same woman meets aguy who ISN'T what she "thinks" that she's "lookingfor", but he triggers her ATTRACTION EMOTION,then it's all over.

It DOESN'T MATTER if he's rich or handsome,because he's done something that TRUMPS thesethings. It has taken me a long time to actually get tothe point where I BELIEVE this at a deep level. Andthe REASON I believe it is because I've never beenthe type of guy that women "approach". I have friends that are tall and handsome... andwhen we go out, women start conversations with them. Before I learned what I know now, women neverfelt that powerful, GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for methat they do for my taller, handsome friends. But NOW, now that I know how to use my bodylanguage and other communication to trigger theEMOTIONS in a woman, it's COMPLETELY different.

I get responses from women that I actuallyconsidered IMPOSSIBLE before. And it's not because I grew 5 inches or becamemore handsome. It's because I KNOW SOMETHING that most guysjust don't know. As you've read in these newsletters, there arecertain techniques, like being Cocky & Funny,teasing women, never acting like a Wussy, etc. thatwill help you be successful as well. Use them. Use what you learn.

There's a BIG difference between what women are"looking for" and what they RESPOND TO. Don't letanyone tell you any different. AND, if you're reading this right now, and you'resaying to yourself "OK, it's time that I stoppedwasting time screwing around, and I GOT MY BUTT INGEAR and learned how to meet women", then you needto do yourself a HUGE favor. You need to TAKE ACTION, and get yourself a copyof my Advanced Dating Techniques program. It's taken me about FIVE YEARS to find, test,and develop the concepts that I teach in thisprogram... and I guarantee that it will foreverchange the way you view the topic of women anddating. More importantly, it will help you walk out yourfront door, and meet more attractive women startingIMMEDIATELY.

And I'm not kidding. When you get it, you'll be stunned. You'll probably lock yourself in your house forthree days and listen to the whole thing. But when you finally unlock your door, and walkback out into the world, your interactions withwomen will be VERY different. I think I've said enough. Go read all about it, and check out the freeaudio and video samples here: And if you haven't downloaded your copy of myoriginal eBook "Double Your Dating", then you needto do that immediately. It's the introduction toall of my concepts, and it's the perfect primer toget you ready for my Advanced Dating Techniquesprogram. Details and free samples are here: And I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. I've just put the finishing touches on my newMobile Dating Tips program... now you can get tipsfrom me sent right to your cell phone in textmessage form. Many of these tips can't be found in any of my programs or anywhere else... I came up with a TON of brand new tactics exclusively forthis program and you NEED to hear them. Go herefor details, and to sign up:

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I personally think that most men feel a verypowerful desire to IMPRESS women. If you watch the way a man behaves when he'stalking to a woman he's just met or a woman thathe's on a first date with, you can SEE IT. Maybe you've been there yourself. I know I have. Many, many times, in fact.

The feeling that you need to impress a woman
usually comes along with another feeling: DON'TSCREW THIS UP. Here are some of the signs that a guy isfeeling the need to "impress" the woman that he'stalking to:1) He tries to only say "cool" things, or thingsthat will "impress" the woman.2) He acts nervous and stilted during theconversation... sometimes coming across as"formal".3) He tries to figure out what the woman wantsto hear.4) If he says something that the woman doesn'tlike, he "back-pedals" and tries to change whathe said to suit the woman.5) He doesn't say anything "risky", doesn't teasethe woman, and doesn't do anything to upset other words, when a guy is talking to awoman that he "likes", he's usually on his "bestbehavior", and he's trying to "put his best footforward". To say it again, MEN FEEL A POWERFUL DRIVETO IMPRESS THE WOMAN THAT THEY "LIKE". And this drive to impress often makes themact UNNATURAL. There's your first hint, in fact...THE SECRET Remember at the beginning when I told you thatI was going to share a secret with you about howto impress women that not 1 in 1,000 men willfigure out on their own?

Well, here it is: STOP TRYING. If you will just STOP TRYING to impress women,and do the things I'm teaching you instead, womenwill NATURALLY be "impressed" by you.TRYING TO IMPRESS A WOMAN DOESN'T IMPRESS HER. So let's break this down...WHY IMPRESSING WOMEN IS THE WRONG ROAD What's wrong with trying to "impress" women,anyway? To start with, EVERYTHING.

When you intentionally try to impress a woman,you send the following messages on a "subtle" level:1) I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I will try to "impress" you instead.2) I'm not comfortable enough around women to just act normal.3) I don't have a lot of experience with attractive women.4) I'm insecure.5) I don't know how to make women feel comfortable with me. Ouch. But it's the truth. Women can TELL INSTANTLY when you're "trying". The conversation doesn't feel "normal", yourbody language is strange, and you can't seem tohave a regular conversation.

Now of course, I've just described the way thatabout 99.9999% of men act when they're first talkingto a woman that they "like". Are you ready for a profound insight? Here goes...MOST MEN DO THIS WITH MOST ATTRACTIVE WOMEN MOSTOF THE TIME. IN OTHER WORDS, IT'S OLD NEWS. IT'SBORING. IT'S PREDICTABLE. AND IT DOES NOT IMPRESSAT ALL. The bottom line is that trying to impress awoman usually has the OPPOSITE effect. It not only makes you look like a nervous guywho can't make normal conversation... it alsobores the hell out of women.WHAT TO DO INSTEAD OK, so you're out having a cup of tea with abeautiful woman you just met a few days before... She asks you what you do for a living.

Should you answer with:1) "Well, I'm an engineer for a software company that makes sophisticated vector widget plotting algorithms. I've been with them for three years, and I'm about to be promoted to ALGORITHM MANAGER."2) "I do stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That's my job." ...? Well, it all depends on what your outcome is.

If you want to try and IMPRESS the girl withyour cool high-tech job, then #1 will work justfine. Unfortunately, it won't impress her at all,and it will make you sound like a jackass who istrying to sound cool. If you want to ACTUALLY impress her, try #2. Most men don't have the BALLS to say somethinglike this when a woman asks a "serious" questionlike "What do you do?".

If you REALLY want to make a long-lastingimpression, KEEP THE HUMOR GOING. She'll say "No, really... what do you do?". Answer with: "No, really. Haven't you everseen it when an actor needs a stunt ass? I meanhey... someone's got to do it". Now, I can't possibly go into all the reasonswhy it's a HUGE MISTAKE to try to impress a woman,or to feel like everything you say should be"impressive". There are MANY reasons for this.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, there are a few things youcan do that will INSTANTLY impress a woman...and I mean REALLY impress her. But these things aren't OBVIOUS. The most IMPORTANT thing you can do toIMPRESS a woman is make her feel a powerfulemotional ATTRACTION for you.

This feeling will stay with her long after youhave left and gone home. And it's the one thing that will make womenpursue YOU... and try to impress YOU. What's the best way to do this?1) Stop trying to IMPRESS women. Stop now.2) Go download a copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating", and read it. It contains literally DOZENS and dozens of great techniques for you to use that will make women feel ATTRACTION for you. And if you've already read my eBook, and you'reready to take your success to an entirely newlevel, then you must get yourself a copy of my"Advanced Dating Techniques" CD/DVD Program. This is the most complete, detailed, step-by-step system available for becoming the kind ofman that women want to be with. This program is GUARANTEED 100% by me to takeyou to the next level and beyond with women. Check out the free samples of both my eBookand my Advanced Dating Techniques Program... The eBook is here: The Advanced Series is here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to look through all of thedifferent video and audio programs I've createdto help you learn how to meet the kinds of womenyou've always wanted. You can look at them, watchvideo clips of them, and get all the details here:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Did you know

Did you know that…
• there are 8,000 nerve endings in a woman’s clitoris? More than on the head of a penis or any other part of the human body? With something that sensitive, you better know what you’re doing before you go poking around, especially with your tongue.
• 88% of married women say cunnilingus is their preferred form of sexual activity?
• 81% of women regularly achieve orgasm from cunnilingus, versus
only 25% from traditional vaginal penetration?
• only 60% of women say they enjoy vaginal sex at all?
• only 7.7% of women who experience more than 21 minutes of properly rendered foreplay fail to reach an orgasm? That’s over nine out of ten women who do experience an orgasm when their lover understands a woman’s body and how to drive it to new heights of ecstasy.
- Masters and Johnson

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Porn therapy for better sex life!

Sexologists believe that the right therapeutic porn can work as a 'stimulant' to invigorate impotent patients. AS of date, the sale, purchase, possession and viewing of porn is banned in India. However, many sexologists are seeking an amendment to the existing laws under the Indian Penal Code so that porn can be used as an educative and therapeutic tool.

They want the 'freedom' to recommend watching these CDs, albeit to a few selected patients. "It is a double-edged sword. People can either use it on medical grounds or misuse it," says Dr Venkata Raman, secretary of the Council for Sex Education and Parenthood. During the 21st National Conference of Sexologists held in Hyderabad recently, 270 doctors from across the world passed a resolution, demanding that the Indian Parliament improvise on the existing laws on sexology.

"Today, a lot of people bring home work or stress. When the workload piles up, sex takes a backseat," says sexologist Dr Swayam Prakash. "I have, on a few occasions, recommended that patients read Pent House Letters, which is legally sold at book stalls, to increase sex drive. Sale of CDs is banned but patients do have a choice to watch right porn (not perverted) or read books in private," he says.

To fantasise or masturbate, the brain needs to be fed with erotic imagery. There are three stages of the sexual response cycle – desire, arousal and orgasm. Sex requires time but most Gen X couples fall under the double income-no time syndrome. Experts point out that some couples working in the IT industry have sex only once in three months during the first three years of their marriage. In cities like Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, the attitudes of men and women are undergoing rapid changes. Women are now more enthusiastic about sex while men are either guzzlers or love dancing to beats.

"This leads to depression in women," adds Dr Prakash. G Vinod, a senior executive with an IT company, and his wife, approached a sexologist recently. The sexologist suggested that they watch porn movies often. "It has helped our lives for the better," says Vinod.


- "Never bring a woman roses until the 3rd date"
- "Open all doors for a woman, and order for herwhen you're on a date"
- "Be sure to talk about your mother in a positive way"

Now... I'm not saying you should talk bad aboutyour mama... and I am a big believer in being chivalrous and treating a woman like a lady... buthere's my problem with these so-called "rules": None of them have ANYTHING to do with actuallyCREATING ATTRACTION. If you don't spark ATTRACTION in a woman *very*soon upon meeting her, she'll be falling asleep when you are saying those nice things about yourmom, you'll only get to open doors for her ONCE...and you sure as hell won't make it to the "rose date"... Get it?

So... is there a set of "rules" you can followthat guarantee you will create ATTRACTION in thewomen that you meet? Fortunately now, the answer is YES. Several months ago I released what might be myfinal program on how to meet and attract women, and it's called, "77 Laws Of Success With WomenAnd Dating":

This program is a compilation of the biggestand most important lessons I've learned over thelast 10 years of learning how to attract women formyself, and over the last 5+ years of teachingother men to do the same. If you're new to my materials, this programwill give you an eye-opening JUMPSTART into the world of what REALLY works with women in a VERYshort amount of time. It's the best of my 10 years of research inthis area, put together in a condensed, rapid firemanner that is designed to teach you ONLY what youneed to succeed with the women you want. No B.S. and no filler.

If you're familiar with my materials, use thisprogram as a refresher to pound to the mostimportant lessons in your head... and keep yourgame on track. I'm very proud of this program, and I am confident you'll get INSTANT RESULTS by goingthrough it, no matter what stage of the game youare in with the ladies. Get it here: Like all of my programs, it comes with my "trybefore you buy" 100% money back guarantee. Click that link and grab it now. You'll be gladyou did. Talk soon, David D.P.S.

I've uploaded a 7-minute video preview of theprogram for you here:
Check it out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

how to be successful with women

Hey Man, After 5 long years of learning how to be successful with women... and now over 5 years ofhelping other guys to do the same... I havediscovered that there is ONE thing that is absolutely GUARANTEED to Improve your game FASTERand more DRAMATICALLY than *anything* else youcould possibly do, period. What is this thing I speak of? I'll give you a hint: It's the one thing that took me from a being a dating book and seminar "junkie" who knew a ton of"tricks" to use to get women... but still had relatively NO success with women... to a guy who began getting more than his fair share of hot ladies WITHOUT using any kind of "lines" or gimmicks whatsoever. Basically, doing just this one thing turned mefrom "wannabe" to the REAL DEAL... in a very shortamount of time. Figure it out yet? In case you haven't... I'm talking about watching, studying, and learning from the guys who are ACTUALLY OUT THERE DOING IT. That's it. It's a simple, proven fact - There is no better or quicker way to improve your success with women than learning from guys who ARE "naturals" with women,as well as regular guys who were once in your shoes then, fortunately, figured it all out. Learning and studying the best has beenresponsible for nearly EVERY ONE of my "big breakthroughs" with women and dating... and I'mwilling to bet that the same will be true for YOU. And I want to prove it to you. I'd like to invite you to subscribe to my "Interviews With Dating Gurus" Monthly CD AudioProgram. Every month I track down a guy who is INCREDIBLY successful with women... and pick his brain live on CD to figure out exactly what it isthat gets him so many girls. Oh... and EVERY DAY I get emails from guys whohave subscribed to this program... and are usingwhat they have learned from my amazing guests toimprove their own success VERY QUICKLY. I want YOU to experience this for yourself. Click on this link, and go read about the program now: I've put some KILLER samples right there on that page for you... and you'll learn some greattechniques just by listening to those "freebies". Go check 'em out right now, you'll be glad you did. Again, they are here: Talk soon. Your Friend, David D.