Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What is "SUCCESS" to you when it comes to women?

Let me ask you a question.
What is "SUCCESS" to you when it comes to women?
If I asked you to give me a detailedexplanation of EXACTLY how your life would be ifyou had ULTIMATE SUCCESS with women, could you doit?
Sure, most guys would say something like,"Success to me would be being able to walk up toany woman and get a date with her"... or "Successto me would be dating as many women as Iwanted"... or "Success to me would be having areally sexy girlfriend", etc.
These are the kinds of answers I hear when Iask guys this question.
But there's a PROBLEM with these answers.
If you learn how to approach any woman and geta date, you'll soon find that you don't know whatto DO once you're actually out ON the dates... howto take things to a physical level, how to kissher, etc...
If you start dating several women at a time,you'll quickly realize that it's a MAJOR challengeto juggle all of those relationships and maintaina happy life...
If you find a really sexy girlfriend, there's agood chance that she'll have a whole bunch ofpersonal issues and problems that you neveranticipated...
You have to be careful what you wish for inlife, because you'll often get it.
I've found that guys usually make TWO majormistakes when it comes to SUCCESS with women:
1) Most guys haven't really thought through whatsuccess means to them in detail.
2) Most guys base their personal idea of successon what OTHERS want, and not what THEY want forthemselves.
In fact, I was one of the guys that made BOTHof these mistakes.
I can remember when I first decided to ONCE ANDFOR ALL learn how to be "successful" with women.
I had this idea in my mind that if I could justlearn how to get women's phone numbers quickly andeasily that I would be successful beyond mywildest dreams.
So I went to work on figuring it out.
I probably spent a good six or twelve monthstrying all kinds of different tricks to getwomen's phone numbers quickly.
And I figured out some great techniques.
I can literally get a woman's number within afew minutes of meeting her.
But once I learned this skill, I was hit with aMAJOR realization: Most of the women I was meetingnever turned into DATES.
They either didn't return my calls, refused myrequests, or just plain flaked out on me.
It was VERY frustrating.
The other problem I had was looking around atwhat OTHER guys were doing and saying, "I want tobe able to do what HE does..." or "I want to datethe kinds of women HE dates".
And I secretly had this idea that if I knew howto date HOT women that all my friends would likeme more and think I was a really cool guy.
Well guess what?
First of all, just because another guy is doingsomething, doesn't mean that it would make MEhappy. In fact, I realized that in many cases itwasn't even making HIM happy.
I couldn't help comparing my success and thewomen I was dating with other guys, and the womenthey were dating.
But it was a trap.
The more a person looks at what OTHERS aredoing and focusing on that, the less satisfiedthey are with what THEY are doing themselves.
And as far as other guys thinking I was "cool"because I was dating beautiful women... WRONGAGAIN.
Guys (even friends) usually envy you and resentthe fact that you have success and they don't.Especially when it comes to really beautifulwomen.
So much for those losing strategies.
Well, it's taken me a few years to really putall the puzzle pieces together and figure out howto resolve these issues.
Here's what I've come up with:
Take the time (even if it takes days orweeks... or longer) and think through what youwant for yourself.
Do a little "self examination" (no, not downthere), and be honest with yourself.
See if you can figure out where your idea of"what success is" came from.
Did it come from watching movies?
Did it come from guys you know?
Where did you get your model of what "successwith women" is?
Once you've figured out where some of yourideas came from, then think about what you want.
Think about your life and your lifestyle.
Instead of looking at Playboy and thinking toyourself "I'd sure like to have seven blondegirlfriends in my bed", try thinking about whatwould make you HAPPY on an ongoing basis.
Take some time to write down the things youlike in a woman. Write down what you DON'T like.
Get a clear picture in your mind of how you'dlike your life to be, and what kind of successwith women would make your life more enjoyable.
After researching this topic for a few yearsnow, I've come to the opinion that most guys(80%-90%) actually want to have a great long-termrelationship with a fantastic woman.
Sure, some guys want to date around and sleepwith a lot of women, but the majority of guyswould really like to meet an exceptional woman andshare a great connection... long term.
But guess what?
You're not going to walk outside after you'refinished reading this and find that particularwoman waiting on the corner for you.
In fact, you're probably not going to meet heranytime soon.
If you want to find a REALLY exceptional womanthat is beautiful, intelligent, funny, emotionallystable, financially independent, loving, etc.,then you're probably going to have to date QUITE A FEWwomen in order to FIND her.
And when you DO find her, you can bet your assthat she's IN DEMAND. She probably has MANY guyswho are interested in her on an ongoing basis, andshe KNOWS that she has options.
TRANSLATION: You'd better have your sh**together when you do meet her, and you'd betternot be acting like an idiot.
So think through what success means to you,what you want, what you don't want, and how you'dlike your life to look ideally when it comes towomen and dating.
If you're having trouble deciding what youREALLY want in life, and what you REALLY want whenit comes to meeting women, then go read THIS:
Mastery With Women & Dating
I have spent a long time now searching for thesecrets of how ATTRACTION works.
You'd probably guess that something asIMPORTANT and as POWERFUL as ATTRACTION would bewell-researched and widely written about.
Well guess what?
I can't find even ONE good book, audio tapeseries, seminar or web site that describes it.
I've read all kinds of "opinions" onattraction, but when I really compare what I readand hear to my own personal knowledge andexperience, I always shake my head and say tomyself "No, that's not right".
And by the way, if you've found a book, tape,seminar, or web site, etc., that lays it all out,let me know. I think I've reviewed just abouteverything out there and met a lot of the expertson the topic... but maybe I've missed something.
The point is that I think that success in thisarea of life basically ALL comes down tounderstanding ATTRACTION.
I'm not talking about being "physicallyattractive", I'm talking about the EMOTION ofATTRACTION.
If a woman feels ATTRACTION for a man, thennothing else matters.
His looks don't matter, his income doesn'tmatter, his age doesn't matter... nothing matters.
On the other hand, if a woman DOESN'T feelATTRACTION for a man, then nothing else matters!
His looks, income, age, etc. just don't matter.
Nothing he can do can make her feel thatemotion.
Sure, a woman can "fall for" a guy over time.But in these rare cases it's not because ofATTRACTION. It's because she starts to feel anAFFECTION for him, and settles for a long-termrelationship. Incidentally, this usually involvesa man who pursues a woman, buys her gifts anddinners, behaves in a way that puts her valueabove his, etc. And, incidentally, it usuallyinvolves a woman who feels like she's SETTLING.
BUT, if you know how to make a woman feel thatamazing and unique emotion called ATTRACTION, thenyou will be in control of your dating success...and YOU can decide on and control what happens toyou.
A man who has his life together and actuallyunderstands how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION isFAR more rare than a beautiful woman.
Think about that.
An exceptional man who understands ATTRACTIONis FAR more rare, valuable, and desirable thaneven the most BEAUTIFUL woman.
If you don't believe me, then ASK somebeautiful women how many men like this they'veknown in their lifetimes.
They'll count them all on one hand.
You'll see.
And the best part, in my personal opinion, isthat it doesn't take any unusual talents, physicalattributes, or large sums of money to learn theseskills.
All it takes is an understanding of howATTRACTION works, a desire to learn it, and thediscipline to learn, practice, and improve overtime.
What's a good way to get started?
Well, you're doing it.
I think that reading these newsletters is oneof the best ways to get a handle on how to makewomen feel ATTRACTION.
What's an even BETTER way?
As far as I'm concerned, the very BEST way youcan learn how to make women feel the emotion ofATTRACTION (and more importantly, feel it for YOU)is to listen to and/or watch my Advanced DatingTechniques program on DVD.
This program is the culmination of severalYEARS of my personal research, trial and error,and refining.
I've taken knowledge from various fields...from brain research and psychology, to animalbehavior and mating patterns... and combined itwith my real-world personal experience of figuringout what works.
There's no fluff, and no B.S.
One of the most common things I hear about thisprogram is "This material has completely changedthe way I think about women".
I certainly wish that I would have had thisprogram about five years ago... when I startedout.
It would have saved me about THREE years, andprobably thousands of hours of wasted time.
Anyway, it's the best of the best, and it comeswith my 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're notthrilled with it, just ask for a refund. Nohassles, and zero risk.
All the details, plus some sample video andaudio clips are here:
Advanced Series
...and of course if you haven't downloaded yourcopy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating" yet,then you need to do that NOW. It's jam packed withconcepts, techniques, and specific step-by-stepstrategies for meeting and dating women. It's thefoundation for all the other things I teach, andit's fast and easy to download and read. Just goto:
Double Your Dating eBook

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