Monday, December 17, 2007

More sex for better health

You have been closely following your diet chart, you exercise everyday without erring and your quota of drinks is well within the permissible limit. Is there anything more that you can do to improve your health? The answer might please you: Have more sex...

Expressing intimacy in a sexual way is something that’s usually guaranteed to make us feel good mentally and emotionally. But now there’s growing c to suggest that sex actually has benefits for our physical,as well as our psychological, well being. Sex-ercise Although not in the same class as your one hour aerobic schedule, sex does give you a workout, depending upon how vigorous it is.

The reason is quite simple to find:sex, and particularly the orgasm, involves the contraction of muscles in the arms, legs and abdomen. Also, your heart and breathing rates rise when you are sexually aroused just as they do when you exert yourself on the playing field or at the gym

Another bonus is that you’re likely to drift off into a deep, luxurious sleep after you tire yourself out.

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