Saturday, August 25, 2007

Women say things like: "He's sexy"... "There's chemistry betweenus"...

"I really feel something for him"... etc. And also remember: If a woman feels a strongATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equationisn't as important. If she feels it, she'll go outof her way to find good reasons to be with you...even if you're not her "physical type".

On the other hand, no amount of gifts, favors,dinners, kindness, or a good family will make herfeel ATTRACTION... at best these things can onlymake her feel a more "loyal" kind of love. So, if women don't like "average" guys and themost important thing is to make her feelATTRACTION towards you, then how do you do it?

I thought you'd never ask... Let's talk about the word "average" and what itREALLY means. As far as women are concerned, and especiallythe ATTRACTIVE ones, men are EVERYWHERE. They'relike cars. Every once in awhile one stands out andmakes you say, "Oh, that one is nice." A lot of guys take this concept too far and say"Well, I'm not rich, and I'm not famous... so, noreally hot woman is going to find me attractive."

My experience and research has shown me thatwomen are far more ATTRACTED to things likeattitude, confidence, body language, humor, etc.than looks or money. Sure, those things mightINITIALLY get a woman's attention, and there arethose women that will only settle for a rich orunusually handsome guy... but, this is the extrememinority. In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "aboveaverage" if you know what women are looking for,and you know how to deliver. Remember the danger: If you are perceived as"average" early on, then a switch goes off in hermind, and the game will be over before it's evenbegun.

So, let's do a little exercise... Let's figure out two things:1) What most guys do that women see as "average",and...2) What you can do to instantly be seen as "ABOVEaverage" and, most importantly, ATTRACTIVE. First, let's talk about what most guys do inmost situations (more specifically, what most guysdo WRONG). Here are some of the things that I'veseen... If the setting is a bar or a club, most guyswill either say, "Can I buy you a drink?", "Wannadance?", or "Hey baby, how YOU doin'?"... or theydo crass things like stare at women with wantingeyes or grab them as they walk by.

If the setting is a public place, like maybe awoman working at a clothing store, a waitress, orsome other similar high-traffic situation, mostguys will ask a lame question like "Do you have aboyfriend?" or "Can I take you out sometime?" Ugh.

These kinds of approaches can only result inyou being seen as another lame, average guy. Here are a few ideas to try instead...

If you're in a bar or club setting, try askinga woman or a group of women THEIR OPINION onsomething. I personally like this one: "Hey, my friends and I were talking and we needa female perspective... What do you ladies thinkabout this new trend of women being proud ofpaying their own way and buying their own things?Like the Destiny's Child song "Independent Woman?"

Women will usually ENTHUSIASTICALLY join into aconversation like this one. (I personally likethis topic because it starts off by talking aboutwomen taking care of themselves in a positivelight, which sets the stage for not having to payfor a lot of things right up front!) A quick note: Any conversation topic can beturned into flirting and there is a very specialART to this. If you want to learn how to reallybecome a master of taking any conversation topicand turning it into ATTRACTION, then you reallyneed to go and check this out right now:

If you're out in a public place, at a storewhere a woman is working or some other high-traffic place, you might try something like this: After chatting about whatever business you'redoing there say, "Hey, are you single?" I love this question! It's such a shocker, andit says all the right things. Most guys say, "Doyou have a boyfriend?" which is the usualquestion. "Are you single?" is much more forward,and most women have to do a double take to thinkfor a moment. If she pauses, I say, "I'll take that as aYES...", which is pretty funny and usually gets alaugh.

In either of these cases, it's now time to getthe digits and get out. You already know that I'mnot a fan of standing around and trying to keep aconversation going for any longer than you haveto. So, after two or three minutes of small talkand general conversation, just go into the "3Minute Phone Number" close that you've learned inan earlier newsletter or in my book... Say, "It was nice talking to you, I'm going toget back to my friends... (or shopping, orwhatever)" and as you turn away, turn back and say"Do you have email...?" etc.

These two scenarios are obviously very simple,and also very easy. I've had guys say to me,"Well, there's nothing really that different aboutthose approaches." Ah, but there is. The most important difference is that you'redoing something COMPLETELY different than theother 47 guys who have approached her that day...and you also know EXACTLY what you're going to doand say and the conversation progresses.

Of course, another thing you can do that willINSTANTLY separate you from the rest of the crowdis to use the idea of being "Cocky & Funny", whichI teach in my eBook "Double Your Dating" and in myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. This very unique approach has helped many of mythousands of readers to dramatically increasetheir success with women... and to no longer beseen as AVERAGE by women.

If you haven't learned how to use the almostMAGICAL formula of being Cocky & Funny, or any ofthe literally hundreds of other techniques Iteach, then you really need to get yourself a copyof my online eBook and a copy of my AdvancedDating Techniques program. These two tools will DRAMATICALLY increase yoursuccess with women and dating.

You can download my online eBook here rightnow:

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