Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Why is it that so many guys act like WUSSIES around women?
Well, there are a lot of reasons. For some guys, it's an AUTOMATIC, PROGRAMMED response. See cute girl, act like Wussbag. A lot of guys have learned that being "nice" topeople makes them "like" you. Unfortunately, no one has ever told most of usguys that making a woman LIKE you isn't veryimportant. Making a woman feel ATTRACTION for you IS. Evicting the "Inner Wussy" isn't always easyfor guys. Some of us LOVE our Inner Wuss. We're proud of how sweet, thoughtful, loving,and clingy we are. Most guys think of their Inner Wuss in aPOSITIVE LIGHT. We humans don't like to admit that what we'vebeen doing for most of our lives was WRONG. That'sanother reason. It takes a lot for most guys is to SEE WITHTHEIR OWN TWO EYES how NOT being a Wuss affectswomen... and how it makes women RESPONDdifferently. Once you realize how your Inner Wussy is makingwomen RUN away from you, it gets easier to EVICTit.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Women say things like: "He's sexy"... "There's chemistry betweenus"...
"I really feel something for him"... etc. And also remember: If a woman feels a strongATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equationisn't as important. If she feels it, she'll go outof her way to find good reasons to be with you...even if you're not her "physical type".
On the other hand, no amount of gifts, favors,dinners, kindness, or a good family will make herfeel ATTRACTION... at best these things can onlymake her feel a more "loyal" kind of love. So, if women don't like "average" guys and themost important thing is to make her feelATTRACTION towards you, then how do you do it?
I thought you'd never ask... Let's talk about the word "average" and what itREALLY means. As far as women are concerned, and especiallythe ATTRACTIVE ones, men are EVERYWHERE. They'relike cars. Every once in awhile one stands out andmakes you say, "Oh, that one is nice." A lot of guys take this concept too far and say"Well, I'm not rich, and I'm not famous... so, noreally hot woman is going to find me attractive."
My experience and research has shown me thatwomen are far more ATTRACTED to things likeattitude, confidence, body language, humor, etc.than looks or money. Sure, those things mightINITIALLY get a woman's attention, and there arethose women that will only settle for a rich orunusually handsome guy... but, this is the extrememinority. In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "aboveaverage" if you know what women are looking for,and you know how to deliver. Remember the danger: If you are perceived as"average" early on, then a switch goes off in hermind, and the game will be over before it's evenbegun.
So, let's do a little exercise... Let's figure out two things:1) What most guys do that women see as "average",and...2) What you can do to instantly be seen as "ABOVEaverage" and, most importantly, ATTRACTIVE. First, let's talk about what most guys do inmost situations (more specifically, what most guysdo WRONG). Here are some of the things that I'veseen... If the setting is a bar or a club, most guyswill either say, "Can I buy you a drink?", "Wannadance?", or "Hey baby, how YOU doin'?"... or theydo crass things like stare at women with wantingeyes or grab them as they walk by.
If the setting is a public place, like maybe awoman working at a clothing store, a waitress, orsome other similar high-traffic situation, mostguys will ask a lame question like "Do you have aboyfriend?" or "Can I take you out sometime?" Ugh.
These kinds of approaches can only result inyou being seen as another lame, average guy. Here are a few ideas to try instead...
If you're in a bar or club setting, try askinga woman or a group of women THEIR OPINION onsomething. I personally like this one: "Hey, my friends and I were talking and we needa female perspective... What do you ladies thinkabout this new trend of women being proud ofpaying their own way and buying their own things?Like the Destiny's Child song "Independent Woman?"
Women will usually ENTHUSIASTICALLY join into aconversation like this one. (I personally likethis topic because it starts off by talking aboutwomen taking care of themselves in a positivelight, which sets the stage for not having to payfor a lot of things right up front!) A quick note: Any conversation topic can beturned into flirting and there is a very specialART to this. If you want to learn how to reallybecome a master of taking any conversation topicand turning it into ATTRACTION, then you reallyneed to go and check this out right now:http://DoubleYourDatingSystem.com/e//SexualCommunication/?cid=8VZZZV&lid=2
If you're out in a public place, at a storewhere a woman is working or some other high-traffic place, you might try something like this: After chatting about whatever business you'redoing there say, "Hey, are you single?" I love this question! It's such a shocker, andit says all the right things. Most guys say, "Doyou have a boyfriend?" which is the usualquestion. "Are you single?" is much more forward,and most women have to do a double take to thinkfor a moment. If she pauses, I say, "I'll take that as aYES...", which is pretty funny and usually gets alaugh.
In either of these cases, it's now time to getthe digits and get out. You already know that I'mnot a fan of standing around and trying to keep aconversation going for any longer than you haveto. So, after two or three minutes of small talkand general conversation, just go into the "3Minute Phone Number" close that you've learned inan earlier newsletter or in my book... Say, "It was nice talking to you, I'm going toget back to my friends... (or shopping, orwhatever)" and as you turn away, turn back and say"Do you have email...?" etc.
These two scenarios are obviously very simple,and also very easy. I've had guys say to me,"Well, there's nothing really that different aboutthose approaches." Ah, but there is. The most important difference is that you'redoing something COMPLETELY different than theother 47 guys who have approached her that day...and you also know EXACTLY what you're going to doand say and the conversation progresses.
Of course, another thing you can do that willINSTANTLY separate you from the rest of the crowdis to use the idea of being "Cocky & Funny", whichI teach in my eBook "Double Your Dating" and in myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. This very unique approach has helped many of mythousands of readers to dramatically increasetheir success with women... and to no longer beseen as AVERAGE by women.
If you haven't learned how to use the almostMAGICAL formula of being Cocky & Funny, or any ofthe literally hundreds of other techniques Iteach, then you really need to get yourself a copyof my online eBook and a copy of my AdvancedDating Techniques program. These two tools will DRAMATICALLY increase yoursuccess with women and dating.
You can download my online eBook here rightnow:http://DoubleYourDatingSystem.com/e//eBook
"I really feel something for him"... etc. And also remember: If a woman feels a strongATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equationisn't as important. If she feels it, she'll go outof her way to find good reasons to be with you...even if you're not her "physical type".
On the other hand, no amount of gifts, favors,dinners, kindness, or a good family will make herfeel ATTRACTION... at best these things can onlymake her feel a more "loyal" kind of love. So, if women don't like "average" guys and themost important thing is to make her feelATTRACTION towards you, then how do you do it?
I thought you'd never ask... Let's talk about the word "average" and what itREALLY means. As far as women are concerned, and especiallythe ATTRACTIVE ones, men are EVERYWHERE. They'relike cars. Every once in awhile one stands out andmakes you say, "Oh, that one is nice." A lot of guys take this concept too far and say"Well, I'm not rich, and I'm not famous... so, noreally hot woman is going to find me attractive."
My experience and research has shown me thatwomen are far more ATTRACTED to things likeattitude, confidence, body language, humor, etc.than looks or money. Sure, those things mightINITIALLY get a woman's attention, and there arethose women that will only settle for a rich orunusually handsome guy... but, this is the extrememinority. In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "aboveaverage" if you know what women are looking for,and you know how to deliver. Remember the danger: If you are perceived as"average" early on, then a switch goes off in hermind, and the game will be over before it's evenbegun.
So, let's do a little exercise... Let's figure out two things:1) What most guys do that women see as "average",and...2) What you can do to instantly be seen as "ABOVEaverage" and, most importantly, ATTRACTIVE. First, let's talk about what most guys do inmost situations (more specifically, what most guysdo WRONG). Here are some of the things that I'veseen... If the setting is a bar or a club, most guyswill either say, "Can I buy you a drink?", "Wannadance?", or "Hey baby, how YOU doin'?"... or theydo crass things like stare at women with wantingeyes or grab them as they walk by.
If the setting is a public place, like maybe awoman working at a clothing store, a waitress, orsome other similar high-traffic situation, mostguys will ask a lame question like "Do you have aboyfriend?" or "Can I take you out sometime?" Ugh.
These kinds of approaches can only result inyou being seen as another lame, average guy. Here are a few ideas to try instead...
If you're in a bar or club setting, try askinga woman or a group of women THEIR OPINION onsomething. I personally like this one: "Hey, my friends and I were talking and we needa female perspective... What do you ladies thinkabout this new trend of women being proud ofpaying their own way and buying their own things?Like the Destiny's Child song "Independent Woman?"
Women will usually ENTHUSIASTICALLY join into aconversation like this one. (I personally likethis topic because it starts off by talking aboutwomen taking care of themselves in a positivelight, which sets the stage for not having to payfor a lot of things right up front!) A quick note: Any conversation topic can beturned into flirting and there is a very specialART to this. If you want to learn how to reallybecome a master of taking any conversation topicand turning it into ATTRACTION, then you reallyneed to go and check this out right now:http://DoubleYourDatingSystem.com/e//SexualCommunication/?cid=8VZZZV&lid=2
If you're out in a public place, at a storewhere a woman is working or some other high-traffic place, you might try something like this: After chatting about whatever business you'redoing there say, "Hey, are you single?" I love this question! It's such a shocker, andit says all the right things. Most guys say, "Doyou have a boyfriend?" which is the usualquestion. "Are you single?" is much more forward,and most women have to do a double take to thinkfor a moment. If she pauses, I say, "I'll take that as aYES...", which is pretty funny and usually gets alaugh.
In either of these cases, it's now time to getthe digits and get out. You already know that I'mnot a fan of standing around and trying to keep aconversation going for any longer than you haveto. So, after two or three minutes of small talkand general conversation, just go into the "3Minute Phone Number" close that you've learned inan earlier newsletter or in my book... Say, "It was nice talking to you, I'm going toget back to my friends... (or shopping, orwhatever)" and as you turn away, turn back and say"Do you have email...?" etc.
These two scenarios are obviously very simple,and also very easy. I've had guys say to me,"Well, there's nothing really that different aboutthose approaches." Ah, but there is. The most important difference is that you'redoing something COMPLETELY different than theother 47 guys who have approached her that day...and you also know EXACTLY what you're going to doand say and the conversation progresses.
Of course, another thing you can do that willINSTANTLY separate you from the rest of the crowdis to use the idea of being "Cocky & Funny", whichI teach in my eBook "Double Your Dating" and in myAdvanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program. This very unique approach has helped many of mythousands of readers to dramatically increasetheir success with women... and to no longer beseen as AVERAGE by women.
If you haven't learned how to use the almostMAGICAL formula of being Cocky & Funny, or any ofthe literally hundreds of other techniques Iteach, then you really need to get yourself a copyof my online eBook and a copy of my AdvancedDating Techniques program. These two tools will DRAMATICALLY increase yoursuccess with women and dating.
You can download my online eBook here rightnow:http://DoubleYourDatingSystem.com/e//eBook
Thursday, August 16, 2007
what american women want
Ask the average man what women want and what would the answer be?
I asked a few unsuspecting colleagues. Here's what they said...
"The moon on a stick?" came the first reply, swiftly followed by: "Oh, I don’t know, security?"Happily, I can report that 9 out of 10 males met my question with a sensible answer.
"To be made a fuss of," replied one. "Cuddles and reassurance," said another. The youngest of my male co-workers (a baby-faced 23-year-old geek) pondered for a few moments then said: "All women are different, so it would depend on the individual." Hmm.
Almost every man I asked had a reasonable answer to give. I bravely turned to the office joker. "Hey, Rich, what is it that women really want?" I shouted across the office. "To be loved and cared for," came the straight-faced reply. Suddenly it seemed the conversation had turned serious.
Next I asked women what men want. There was no hesitation here. "Sex," came the resounding answer. Surely men aren’t all that predictable? My married female friend gave it some thought then said: "No, you’re right, they also want food and TV."
We want the same thing So what do women want? A rich husband? Security and reassurance? A man who loves clothes shopping? No, women want the same thing that men want – to feel loved, respected and desired. So where’s the problem? The answer lies in communication.
Men and women want the same things but they tend to express their love, respect and desire in different ways, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. I’m not suggesting that men are from Mars and women from Venus. The language barrier is no longer intergalactic. I like to think of it more as a West Country twang that can sometimes make understanding directions difficult.
Imagine this scenario. Your partner gets home after a stressful day at work and collapses on to the sofa. Do you give them a cuddle, ask them how their day was, chat about the next-door neighbours or pour them a large gin and tonic? While women often want to talk about what’s on their mind, many men prefer to be left alone for an hour or so. It’s not that they are emotionally closed off – it’s how they re-charge their batteries.
Learn to speak female
Men also need to learn the female dialect. When asked "Does my bum look big in this?" should a man reply with total honesty? There are ways to tell your beloved that a dress is less than flattering. Compare "You’re sexy whatever you wear but I think you look more gorgeous in the red dress" with "Yes, you could lose a few pounds".
What is important is knowing what makes your other half tick. There is nothing wrong in asking what they would like – although women may be likely to say: "You don’t really care for me or you’d know already without me having to tell you." My only advice to men is to become experts at observation. Remembering dates and details may sound like a female trait – but the good news is that if you men show a little thoughtfulness your partner will at least notice!
Show signs of your affection every day. If your partner likes a cup of tea in the morning then making them one will act as your sign of affection.
We all have little things that mean a lot to us – make a little effort every day if you want to keep your woman – or man – happy.
I asked a few unsuspecting colleagues. Here's what they said...
"The moon on a stick?" came the first reply, swiftly followed by: "Oh, I don’t know, security?"Happily, I can report that 9 out of 10 males met my question with a sensible answer.
"To be made a fuss of," replied one. "Cuddles and reassurance," said another. The youngest of my male co-workers (a baby-faced 23-year-old geek) pondered for a few moments then said: "All women are different, so it would depend on the individual." Hmm.
Almost every man I asked had a reasonable answer to give. I bravely turned to the office joker. "Hey, Rich, what is it that women really want?" I shouted across the office. "To be loved and cared for," came the straight-faced reply. Suddenly it seemed the conversation had turned serious.
Next I asked women what men want. There was no hesitation here. "Sex," came the resounding answer. Surely men aren’t all that predictable? My married female friend gave it some thought then said: "No, you’re right, they also want food and TV."
We want the same thing So what do women want? A rich husband? Security and reassurance? A man who loves clothes shopping? No, women want the same thing that men want – to feel loved, respected and desired. So where’s the problem? The answer lies in communication.
Men and women want the same things but they tend to express their love, respect and desire in different ways, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. I’m not suggesting that men are from Mars and women from Venus. The language barrier is no longer intergalactic. I like to think of it more as a West Country twang that can sometimes make understanding directions difficult.
Imagine this scenario. Your partner gets home after a stressful day at work and collapses on to the sofa. Do you give them a cuddle, ask them how their day was, chat about the next-door neighbours or pour them a large gin and tonic? While women often want to talk about what’s on their mind, many men prefer to be left alone for an hour or so. It’s not that they are emotionally closed off – it’s how they re-charge their batteries.
Learn to speak female
Men also need to learn the female dialect. When asked "Does my bum look big in this?" should a man reply with total honesty? There are ways to tell your beloved that a dress is less than flattering. Compare "You’re sexy whatever you wear but I think you look more gorgeous in the red dress" with "Yes, you could lose a few pounds".
What is important is knowing what makes your other half tick. There is nothing wrong in asking what they would like – although women may be likely to say: "You don’t really care for me or you’d know already without me having to tell you." My only advice to men is to become experts at observation. Remembering dates and details may sound like a female trait – but the good news is that if you men show a little thoughtfulness your partner will at least notice!
Show signs of your affection every day. If your partner likes a cup of tea in the morning then making them one will act as your sign of affection.
We all have little things that mean a lot to us – make a little effort every day if you want to keep your woman – or man – happy.
a lick and a promise
In some things, a lick and a promise will do.
But when it comes to sex – specifically, oral sex – you better back up the promise of pleasure with something much more significant and effective than a simple lick.
In fact, your tongue needs to perform like
a silk brush creating a museum masterpiece.
And I can tell you how it’s done.
Because the art of going down on a woman – performing cunnilingus – is just that… an art. And before you can master it, you need to understand it.
cunnilingus is something every woman wants…
… which means it’s something every
man needs to know.
Yet despite the fact that the vast majority of intimate couples either engage in, or experiment with, the act of cunnilingus on a regular basis…
This isn’t something you’ll read about anywhere else.
This isn’t information that anyone you
know will ever share with you.
Nor is it something your lover will tell
you, because chances are she doesn’t even
know it herself.
She doesn’t need to understand it.
But you do.
The fine art of going down on a woman is something you need to
know if you want to understand:
• what your woman wants from you in bed
• how she wants it
• when she wants it
• how to give it to her
• how to avoid embarrassing or sometimes painful mistakes
• how to debunk commonly-held beliefs about the art of cunnilingus
• how to have her coming back for more, again and again…
A personal message from “the world’s most romantic man,” Michael Webb:
Hey Guys –
I know what you’re thinking. An instructional book about going down on a woman? Really? Whatever for? It’s a natural act, something to figure out with your lover in the heat of the moment. Perhaps you’ve even done your fair share of it and you’ve had no complaints so far, right?
But chances are it’s more like this: you do your best, but you don’t really understand the physical structure of a woman’s genitals to the extent required to maximize her pleasure, or even to avoid painful mistakes. Maybe she comes, maybe she doesn’t – maybe she even fakes her orgasms – but you have no idea what you’re leaving on the table if you don’t explore all the options available.
And if you think you know how it’s done from the adult movies you’ve seen, think again. Because in your bedroom there are no cameras and no director telling you to shift positions because of the lighting. No, there’s only you and your woman, and no one is going to yell “cut!” when something isn’t going right… except, perhaps, her.
You owe it to her to find out. And you owe it to yourself, too, because we both know that the rewards of making a woman happy, and those don’t require an instructional book to understand.
There’s an old saying about healthy relationships: when the sex is good, it’s only about 10% of the relationship. When it’s bad, it’s 90%. Anything in-between is a compromise, and I’m betting this is an area in which you don’t want to settle. Not when there’s a way to learn how to master the thing your woman wants from you more than anything else.
Did you know that…
• there are 8,000 nerve endings in a woman’s clitoris? More than on the head of a penis or any other part of the human body? With something that sensitive, you better know what you’re doing before you go poking around, especially with your tongue.
• 88% of married women say cunnilingus is their preferred form of sexual activity?
• 81% of women regularly achieve orgasm from cunnilingus, versus
only 25% from traditional vaginal penetration?
• only 60% of women say they enjoy vaginal sex at all?
• only 7.7% of women who experience more than 21 minutes of properly rendered foreplay fail to reach an orgasm? That’s over nine out of ten women who do experience an orgasm when their lover understands a woman’s body and how to drive it to new heights of ecstasy.
- Masters and Johnson
These are sobering numbers for men who are paying attention. Because they tell us what women really want from us, and it can be summed up as follows:
They want us to go down on them.
And they want us to do it right.
And that’s where I come in.
Because I’ve talked to hundreds of women and studied the physiological science, and where cunnilingus is concerned, there is no debate. There is a right way and a wrong way to go down on a woman.
And where women are concerned, anything in the middle is the wrong way.
In “Lick By Lick” – How To Go Down on a Woman
And Have Her Begging For More
you’ll learn…
• how to break through her self-consciousness barrier while overcoming your own inhibitions about cunnilingus
• how to recognize and navigate the 8 components of the female genitalia with your tongue, and make them love it
• how to tell if she’s enjoying herself just by watching and listening
• 8 questions to ask to determine what she really wants
• 9 tips for getting her ready for you, and for it
• 5 ways to set the romantic stage for cunnilingus
• 4 techniques to prepare her body for your most intimate attention
All this, and you haven’t even touched
her with your tongue…
… yet.
And then comes the best part…
• 10 sensuous oral techniques that will drive her absolutely wild with pleasure
• advanced variations and tips to make her even hotter
• how to find her G-spot and make it your new best friend
• how to experiment with new positions that enhance pleasure and add variation to your lovemaking
• how to use toys to enhance her pleasure
• what not to do, ever, and why
There’s more to mastering the
art of cunnilingus than knowing
where to put your tongue.
Even more than knowing what to do
with it once you put it there.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, especially when it comes to making love to a woman. And where cunnilingus is concerned, there are factors involved that create a context of pleasure – or not – that an enlightened partner needs not only to understand, but to be able to discuss, embrace, and sometimes work around.
Sometimes we are intimate with our partners over time, sometimes we may barely know them. This can define the landscape of the issues encountered, and it may dictate the way you approach the prospect of going down on her. In either case, though – whether she’s your wife of many years or someone you’ve met only recently – the enlightened male lover needs to understand much more than the art of orgasms.
In “Lick By Lick” -- How To Go Down
on A Woman And Have Her Begging For More…
… you’ll also learn:
• how to handle the issue of menstruation and oral sex
• how to remain safe against sexually-transmitted disease
• how and when to discuss cunnilingus with her in a way that makes her feel safe, and perhaps excited
• how to master the critical art of timing during foreplay and cunnilingus
For a woman, receiving oral sex from
her lover is the ultimate in pleasure.
When you demonstrate that you understand
and appreciate this, you will become
the ultimate lover.
About the author…
Who better to mentor you in the fine art of pleasuring a woman than a man who, in his quest to become the world’s most loving husband, discovered the secrets of cunnilingus that has earned him the reputation as “the world’s most romantic man.” *
Meet the man who wants every guy to have “Lick by Lick - How To Go Down on A Woman And Have Her Begging For More” …
… Michael Webb
Michael Webb loves women. Not only that, he understands them. He grew up in a home with six sisters and a mother who all suffered abuse at the hands of men. Witnessing their pain he vowed to become the kind of man his sisters and his mother dreamed of having but never had.
And he succeeded beyond even his wildest imagination:
• his site, www.TheRomantic.com, is one of the most popular such sites on the internet, with over 20 million annual visitors
• he is the publisher of three internet newsletters on love and romance, reaching over 200,000 subscribers
• he is the author of twelve best-selling books on romance, dating and relationships
• he as appeared on over 500 radio and television shows
Read what the press has to say about Michael Webb and his work:
"Meet the most romantic husband in America. If you think men have a hard time showing their lovey-dovey side, you haven’t met Michael Webb. He’s so good at it, he actually teaches other guys!"- Woman’s World
"Helps men bring back the sizzle in their relationships" - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
"Sorry ladies, this gem of a husband (Michael Webb) is reserved for a long, long time."- The Sunday Portland Oregonian
"He’s discovered the secrets to keeping passion alive. They go beyond the ordinary shtick of sending flowers or buying candy." - Houston Chronicle
"The master of romance." - Dallas Morning News
These are just a few of the reviews Michael Webb has received for his many writings on love, romance and the art of making love to a woman.
When you read “Lick By Lick - How To Go Down on A Woman
And Have Her Begging For More,” you joins the millions of people who already know what you’ve just discovered: this guy knows women. And he knows how to teach men to understand them and their needs, too.
Doesn’t the woman in your life
deserve the very best you have to give?
If there was someone offering to show the woman in your life how to take you to new heights of pleasure, wouldn’t you want her to listen?
Then what are you waiting for? Order your copy of this exciting new ebook…
“Lick By Lick”
How To Go Down on A Woman
And Have Her Begging For More
For a limited time, this ebook can be yours for the special introductory price of just $37
It is NOT available in bookstores - only on this website and it comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE should you not be satisfied.
But when it comes to sex – specifically, oral sex – you better back up the promise of pleasure with something much more significant and effective than a simple lick.
In fact, your tongue needs to perform like
a silk brush creating a museum masterpiece.
And I can tell you how it’s done.
Because the art of going down on a woman – performing cunnilingus – is just that… an art. And before you can master it, you need to understand it.
cunnilingus is something every woman wants…
… which means it’s something every
man needs to know.
Yet despite the fact that the vast majority of intimate couples either engage in, or experiment with, the act of cunnilingus on a regular basis…
This isn’t something you’ll read about anywhere else.
This isn’t information that anyone you
know will ever share with you.
Nor is it something your lover will tell
you, because chances are she doesn’t even
know it herself.
She doesn’t need to understand it.
But you do.
The fine art of going down on a woman is something you need to
know if you want to understand:
• what your woman wants from you in bed
• how she wants it
• when she wants it
• how to give it to her
• how to avoid embarrassing or sometimes painful mistakes
• how to debunk commonly-held beliefs about the art of cunnilingus
• how to have her coming back for more, again and again…
A personal message from “the world’s most romantic man,” Michael Webb:
Hey Guys –
I know what you’re thinking. An instructional book about going down on a woman? Really? Whatever for? It’s a natural act, something to figure out with your lover in the heat of the moment. Perhaps you’ve even done your fair share of it and you’ve had no complaints so far, right?
But chances are it’s more like this: you do your best, but you don’t really understand the physical structure of a woman’s genitals to the extent required to maximize her pleasure, or even to avoid painful mistakes. Maybe she comes, maybe she doesn’t – maybe she even fakes her orgasms – but you have no idea what you’re leaving on the table if you don’t explore all the options available.
And if you think you know how it’s done from the adult movies you’ve seen, think again. Because in your bedroom there are no cameras and no director telling you to shift positions because of the lighting. No, there’s only you and your woman, and no one is going to yell “cut!” when something isn’t going right… except, perhaps, her.
You owe it to her to find out. And you owe it to yourself, too, because we both know that the rewards of making a woman happy, and those don’t require an instructional book to understand.
There’s an old saying about healthy relationships: when the sex is good, it’s only about 10% of the relationship. When it’s bad, it’s 90%. Anything in-between is a compromise, and I’m betting this is an area in which you don’t want to settle. Not when there’s a way to learn how to master the thing your woman wants from you more than anything else.
Did you know that…
• there are 8,000 nerve endings in a woman’s clitoris? More than on the head of a penis or any other part of the human body? With something that sensitive, you better know what you’re doing before you go poking around, especially with your tongue.
• 88% of married women say cunnilingus is their preferred form of sexual activity?
• 81% of women regularly achieve orgasm from cunnilingus, versus
only 25% from traditional vaginal penetration?
• only 60% of women say they enjoy vaginal sex at all?
• only 7.7% of women who experience more than 21 minutes of properly rendered foreplay fail to reach an orgasm? That’s over nine out of ten women who do experience an orgasm when their lover understands a woman’s body and how to drive it to new heights of ecstasy.
- Masters and Johnson
These are sobering numbers for men who are paying attention. Because they tell us what women really want from us, and it can be summed up as follows:
They want us to go down on them.
And they want us to do it right.
And that’s where I come in.
Because I’ve talked to hundreds of women and studied the physiological science, and where cunnilingus is concerned, there is no debate. There is a right way and a wrong way to go down on a woman.
And where women are concerned, anything in the middle is the wrong way.
In “Lick By Lick” – How To Go Down on a Woman
And Have Her Begging For More
you’ll learn…
• how to break through her self-consciousness barrier while overcoming your own inhibitions about cunnilingus
• how to recognize and navigate the 8 components of the female genitalia with your tongue, and make them love it
• how to tell if she’s enjoying herself just by watching and listening
• 8 questions to ask to determine what she really wants
• 9 tips for getting her ready for you, and for it
• 5 ways to set the romantic stage for cunnilingus
• 4 techniques to prepare her body for your most intimate attention
All this, and you haven’t even touched
her with your tongue…
… yet.
And then comes the best part…
• 10 sensuous oral techniques that will drive her absolutely wild with pleasure
• advanced variations and tips to make her even hotter
• how to find her G-spot and make it your new best friend
• how to experiment with new positions that enhance pleasure and add variation to your lovemaking
• how to use toys to enhance her pleasure
• what not to do, ever, and why
There’s more to mastering the
art of cunnilingus than knowing
where to put your tongue.
Even more than knowing what to do
with it once you put it there.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, especially when it comes to making love to a woman. And where cunnilingus is concerned, there are factors involved that create a context of pleasure – or not – that an enlightened partner needs not only to understand, but to be able to discuss, embrace, and sometimes work around.
Sometimes we are intimate with our partners over time, sometimes we may barely know them. This can define the landscape of the issues encountered, and it may dictate the way you approach the prospect of going down on her. In either case, though – whether she’s your wife of many years or someone you’ve met only recently – the enlightened male lover needs to understand much more than the art of orgasms.
In “Lick By Lick” -- How To Go Down
on A Woman And Have Her Begging For More…
… you’ll also learn:
• how to handle the issue of menstruation and oral sex
• how to remain safe against sexually-transmitted disease
• how and when to discuss cunnilingus with her in a way that makes her feel safe, and perhaps excited
• how to master the critical art of timing during foreplay and cunnilingus
For a woman, receiving oral sex from
her lover is the ultimate in pleasure.
When you demonstrate that you understand
and appreciate this, you will become
the ultimate lover.
About the author…
Who better to mentor you in the fine art of pleasuring a woman than a man who, in his quest to become the world’s most loving husband, discovered the secrets of cunnilingus that has earned him the reputation as “the world’s most romantic man.” *
Meet the man who wants every guy to have “Lick by Lick - How To Go Down on A Woman And Have Her Begging For More” …
… Michael Webb
Michael Webb loves women. Not only that, he understands them. He grew up in a home with six sisters and a mother who all suffered abuse at the hands of men. Witnessing their pain he vowed to become the kind of man his sisters and his mother dreamed of having but never had.
And he succeeded beyond even his wildest imagination:
• his site, www.TheRomantic.com, is one of the most popular such sites on the internet, with over 20 million annual visitors
• he is the publisher of three internet newsletters on love and romance, reaching over 200,000 subscribers
• he is the author of twelve best-selling books on romance, dating and relationships
• he as appeared on over 500 radio and television shows
Read what the press has to say about Michael Webb and his work:
"Meet the most romantic husband in America. If you think men have a hard time showing their lovey-dovey side, you haven’t met Michael Webb. He’s so good at it, he actually teaches other guys!"- Woman’s World
"Helps men bring back the sizzle in their relationships" - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
"Sorry ladies, this gem of a husband (Michael Webb) is reserved for a long, long time."- The Sunday Portland Oregonian
"He’s discovered the secrets to keeping passion alive. They go beyond the ordinary shtick of sending flowers or buying candy." - Houston Chronicle
"The master of romance." - Dallas Morning News
These are just a few of the reviews Michael Webb has received for his many writings on love, romance and the art of making love to a woman.
When you read “Lick By Lick - How To Go Down on A Woman
And Have Her Begging For More,” you joins the millions of people who already know what you’ve just discovered: this guy knows women. And he knows how to teach men to understand them and their needs, too.
Doesn’t the woman in your life
deserve the very best you have to give?
If there was someone offering to show the woman in your life how to take you to new heights of pleasure, wouldn’t you want her to listen?
Then what are you waiting for? Order your copy of this exciting new ebook…
“Lick By Lick”
How To Go Down on A Woman
And Have Her Begging For More
For a limited time, this ebook can be yours for the special introductory price of just $37
It is NOT available in bookstores - only on this website and it comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE should you not be satisfied.
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