Saturday, April 22, 2006
attracting attractive women
Some evolutionary theorists think that the basic formula goes like this: If you get more attention from others, andthose others like you more, then you and youroffspring are more likely to survive and pass onyour genes to future generations. Is this making sense? Think about it this way: If others of your species DON'T like you anddon't give you any attention, you are going tohave a hard time finding a mate... andreproducing. And if others don't like you, then you aren'tgoing to have the benefits that come from thegroup... like protection, combined effort, etc. It just so happens that an attractive woman hasa SUBCONSCIOUS (but VERY accurate) indicator ofwhether or not "the group" likes and approves ofher... It's the amount of ATTENTION she gets. If a woman is getting a lot of attention, itkeeps her feeling "OK". She knows, on a deep,primal level that she's accepted by the group...and that she's going to stay healthy and have agood chance of mating with a "top male". But this particular concept has a DARK SIDE toit... and don't they all? Just like anything else that triggersfeelings/emotions (very addictive chemicals),attention and approval can lead to a literalADDICTION. It's like money, fame, power... all the famousones... YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH. And here's another VERY interesting point: If you're a beautiful woman who is alwaysgetting attention and approval from men and youmeet a man who DOESN'T give you that attention andapproval, it has an INSTANT and POWERFUL impact. Furthermore, if the man you're interacting withactively AVOIDS giving you attention... and givesyou DISAPPROVAL, it can have the effect ofinstantly SCRAMBLING YOUR SYSTEMS. Again, attractive women don't meet a lot ofguys that could care less about her beauty... andinstead see it as a "cover up" for some "hidden"thing... Which leads me to the "secret" I mentionedearlier... If you want to learn how to ATTRACT these"unusually beautiful" women, then you need to geta clue about what creates the idea in her mindthat YOU are one of the most "desirable" men. And how can you do that? ...Oh, by the way, before I give you thesecret here, I want to mention something: If youwant to REALLY get an "insider education" on thedeeper psychology of attracting women... and onhow to build a powerful SEXUAL PRESENCE... then Ihighly recommend that you check out my "PowerSexuality" program. This is like ROCKET FUEL forcreating CHEMISTRY with attractive women... andyou can only get it in one place: OK, back to the secret...1) Become rich and famous or2) Get plastic surgery to look like Brad Pitt or3) Trigger ATTRACTION inside of her. Here's the interesting thing about triggeringATTRACTION: When you do it, she can't CONTROL it. If a woman starts feeling ATTRACTION for you,I'll guarantee you that she didn't "THINK about itand DECIDE to feel it". And I guarantee you that she can't CHANGE IT byTHINKING ABOUT IT. And guess what one of the BEST ways is toTRIGGER this "automatic and subconscious" physicaland emotional response called attraction IS? Here's a hint: It has something to do with these two conceptswe've been talking about... ATTENTION andAPPROVAL. If you're interacting with an unusuallyattractive woman, it's VERY important that youdon't communicate to her that you are "overwhelmedby her beauty"... or that you can't controlyourself. Furthermore, if you actively control the amount ofattention that you give her... and you don't showher "approval" too quickly (and even show her someDISAPPROVAL)... you'll often create a POWERFULinterest inside of her. Why is this? Well, think about it for a minute. You're the hot woman walking into the "sausageparty". For the first two hours, you keep having guyswalk up to you and say, "You're really hot" and"Can I get you a drink?" Every guy that comes within ten feet of youcan't stop looking at you, and the ones that talkto you make it clear that they would be willing todo anything for you... And then you meet a guy that isn't like any ofthese other guys AT ALL. He's clearly not impressed with your beauty,and he's even busting your balls... You can't tell if he likes you or not, and youfeel CHALLENGED by him. How are you going to respond? Let's add another element... For some reason you can't explain, you'restarting to feel a GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for him. NOW what do you do? That's right: You give him all of YOURattention and approval... hoping that he will giveYOU some in return. In other words, you switch from the one beingpursued to the one DOING the pursuing. And so the question is... HOW? How do you create this situation, andcommunicate these things to an attractive woman? How do you do it in such a way that it createsATTRACTION... and gets her to start pursuing YOU? I've given you a lot of good ideas here. They will get you started. But, if you'd REALLY like to learn how to takecontrol of "attention and approval" and turn theminto TOOLS that you can use to attract those"unusually beautiful" women, then I'd like torecommend that you invest in my Cocky ComedyCD/DVD program. It has taken me many years of time, effort, andenergy to really "get" how to use a "personalitybased approach" to attract beautiful women. If you've been reading these newsletters forany length of time, then you understand just howimportant the "Cocky & Funny" technique is forattracting women. You may have even used it, and found that itgets a VERY different kind of response from womenthan "normal conversation". Well, in this program, I and some amazing guestspeakers will teach you the foundations of CockyComedy... and then we'll teach you literallyHUNDREDS of different ways to use it... withindividual scripts and lines... And we'll teach you how to weave it alltogether into conversations in ANY situation. This program is not only comprehensive, butit's COMPLETELY different from anything elseavailable anywhere. It's a concept that I've pioneered, and it'sonly available here. I really encourage you to go here and watch thevideo clips of the program (you'll get a lot fromjust watching the samples): And if you haven't taken the time to go anddownload my online eBook "Double Your Dating",then you need to do that immediately. You candownload it right now, and be reading it inliterally MINUTES. It will teach you a TON abouthow to control yourself and your interactions withwomen in a way that triggers ATTRACTION... godownload it here: And I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
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