if you were an attractive woman that was being chased around by 100 guys,how would YOU go about figuring out which one orones were the "real deal" and which were merely FAKING strength and confidence? Of course... you'd have to TEST them. But you couldn't test by saying, "OK, I'm goingto give you a test now, so get ready". No no NO! You'd have to use "blind" tests. Tests thatwould allow you to see a man's true strengths and weaknesses. And in fact, you'd want to use tests that ideally DIDN'T ALLOW HIM TO KNOW THAT YOUWERE TESTING... OR WHAT YOU HAD DISCOVERED ABOUT HIM WITH THOSE TESTS. This way, if he turned outto be a Wuss Bag, you could slip away quickly and easily. This would give you the power... Of course. And if you did this OFTEN, you'd eventually become so accustomed to doing it, that MANY of the tests would become SUBCONSCIOUS and work their way into your NATURAL, EVERYDAY way of communicatingwith men. Well guess what? That's what is going on with beautiful women. Many of the tests that they use with men are actually OUTSIDE OF THEIR AWARENESS. They test usautomatically! And if you fail one of these tests, there's agood chance that you won't get another chance. In this fast-paced world, we humans don't have the time to spend getting to know people over afew months or years to figure out whether or notthey're the kind of person that would make a goodfriend or mate. We need to know NOW. So we use shortcuts. Testing is a shortcut for women. It lets them discover VERY RAPIDLY whether you have BALLS, or if you're just another one of the bazillion Wusses that are trying to get her attention. I hope you feel what I'm saying. So, the next time you're standing in front of a beautiful woman who you've just asked for her number and she says, "Why don't you just give me yours and I'll call YOU..." try CHUCKLING out loud, and saying:"Oh, cummon. Don't give me that old line. Write your number down and I'll only call you 25 times a day until you wind up having to change it because I have nothing better to do with my time than call someone who doesn't want to hear from me." Then hand her a pen, point to the paper, and look her in the eye expectantly.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
flirting school

"If a woman plays with her hair while she's talking to you, she's signaling that she's interested."
"If a woman sways her hips while she's walking, it means that she's signaling sexual availability."
"If a woman makes and keeps eye contact with you three times in a row, it means that she wants you to approach her and start a conversation."
I'm sure you've heard things like this yourself.
The problem is that the books didn't mention HOW TO GET A WOMAN TO DO THESE THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
In other words, how do you get a woman to MAKE eye contact with you three times in a row? How do you get a woman to play with her hair while she's talking to you? This stuff sounded all well and good… except for the fact that women NEVER did these things around me!
Further, the books I was reading and other sources recommended things like:
"When a woman has a problem, she just wants a man to listen, not to try to fix it."
"If a woman gets upset with something or doesn't like something you've done, you should say “I'm Sorry.” That's how to fix it."
"Women like honest, sensitive men who can communicate their feelings."
And what happened when I did things like this?
Of course…
When I just "listened" to women's problems, they became "friends" and said things like "I really don't want to mess up our friendship, so let's just keep this as friends".
When I said "I'm sorry" to women, they looked at me as if to say "You should be."
When I was "honest" and "sensitive" and told women how I "felt" about them, they disappeared, and it seemed as if this was the WORST thing I could have done.
Before long, I came to realize the painful truth:
The "Relationship Experts" Don't Know What's Going On When It Comes To ATTRACTION
In short, not only was the advice that I found useless because it didn't teach HOW to make women feel attracted to me, even WORSE I was learning things that were clearly HURTING me and reducing my chances of success.
It didn't seem possible.
But it was.
I later found out that two of the biggest "relationship" experts had been married to EACH OTHER, and got DIVORCED… and that one of them was on her fourth or fifth husband.
The more I read and learned from the "experts", the more I couldn't help but realize two things:
Most of what I was learning just wasn't right, and it didn't work.
Most of the "experts" were NOT successful themselves at attracting women.
Now, I don't want to make it sound like there's NOTHING available to teach a guy how to be successful with women, and that nothing that anyone says works.
Some of the things I tried DID work. The problem was that:
The things that were "good" and that "worked" were few and far between.
I had to learn about 10 things that DIDN'T work to get to something that DID work.
In other words, it was a frustrating, confusing road to find the gems in the huge mountain of information.
There had to be a better way.
Well, the answer to my situation, it turned out, was an unusually simple and obvious one.
Learning From The “Naturals”
I went out and started making friends with guys who were "naturally" good with women.
Instead of listening to what the "experts" CLAIMED was the right thing to do, I started actually watching with my own two eyes.
I went out and watched, listened, and took careful notes… as I personally observed some very successful guys approaching women, getting phone numbers, and in many cases KISSING, MAKING OUT WITH, and even TAKING HOME women they had just met.
And what I saw CONFUSED THE HELL out of me.
These guys were do things like making fun of women they didn't know, behaving like arrogant jerks, and in some cases being almost abusive. I just couldn't believe that these behaviors had anything to do with their success.
I discounted all of it, and chalked it up to something else. Maybe these guys were really "attractive" or good-looking to women. Maybe they had some other advantage I didn't know about. Or maybe they were so persistent that they overcame these "mistakes" they were making.
In fact, it took me several MONTHS of thinking about what was happening before the light bulb came on in my head, and I realized that what I was learning from the so-called "experts" was NOT what actually worked.
One of my friends who was (and still is) particularly good with women and making them feel ATTRACTION for him once tried to explain what he was doing for me.
He said "I take an attitude with women that is a combination of being arrogant while at the same time being funny… and women love it… they eat it up." Sometimes he used the word "cocky" to describe his communication and behavior with women.
He told me this same thing over the next few months.
Every time he said it, I became confused.
I just couldn't imagine how being "cocky & funny" could possibly be the thing that made women like him. It made no sense to me, and I always discounted that particular thing, and looked for OTHER things he was doing that were probably the REAL reasons he was successful.
Well, after watching him interact with women on many occasions, and making friends with other guys who were really good with women, I started to realize something VERY profound.
I realized that when THESE guys started conversations with women, the women they were talking to were talking to them in a way that was very DIFFERENT from the way they were talking to other guys.
One night I went out with a different friend, and we met up with two beautiful girls.
From the INSTANT the conversation started, they were happy and animated when talking to him.
But every time I got into the conversation, they just looked at me with a bored stare.
It was bizarre.
Here I was with a guy friend and two women, and it was like they were changing IDENTITY when talking to my friend.
For some damn unexplainable reason, he was having a MAGICAL effect on them.
We all decided to go to the dance floor of the club where we met.
The girl he was dancing with was smiling, flirting, and dancing sexy with him, and her friend was dancing with me in a way that said "I wish I wasn't even here."
Of course, when my friend would look at the girl I was dancing with, or reach over and touch her, she'd become happy and excited again.
The IRONIC part of this story is that my friend loves to TEASE women, bust their balls, and make fun of them to the EXTREME. He is about as far from a "nice guy" as they get.
I, on the other hand, was VERY "nice" and polite. A perfect gentleman, really.
As you can probably tell, this moment had a big impact on me.
Here I was being the model of a nice, respectful guy… and my friend was being an arrogant bastard… and the women loved HIM.
Let me ask you… have you ever had something like this happen? Have you ever had a woman act "coldly" to you, and then turn around and hang all over another guy?
It sucks, doesn't it? And the worst part is not understanding WHY it's happening… and feeling like there's nothing you can DO about it.
My Big Realization...
Shortly after that, I had the "Ah Ha!" moment that I mentioned earlier.
It struck me in a "blinding flash of the obvious" that MAYBE WOMEN INTERPRETED THE WAY MY FRIENDS WERE ACTING IN A DIFFERENT WAY THAN I WAS.
In other words, I realized that maybe there was some sort of "code language" being used. And because I didn't know it, I couldn't understand it.
Have you ever seen one of those code books that has a paragraph of "normal sentences", but if you take every third letter of each word it spelled out an entirely different message? And if you didn't know that there was a "code", you'd never see the other message?
Well, that was the big realization for me.
Shortly after having this insight, I went out with my other friend - the first one I told you about who tried to explain his attitude with women to me. We actually went out to a topless club on this particular night (Shhhhh).
On the way, I was having him explain his "method" to me again.
But THIS time I was listening to EXACTLY what he was saying, and treating the conversation like I was trying to learn a new "code."
Well, we walked into the club, and within about an hour I had a girl who would not get off my lap, and who gave me her phone number right on the spot (and later went out with me several times). Keep in mind, this was a topless club, and I had not "purchased" any dances from this girl or given her any money.
What REALLY "tripped me out" about this was the way I was BEHAVING when I was in the club talking to her.
I was doing and saying things to her that I NEVER would have said or done before. I was actually behaving in a way that I had previously assumed could NEVER be the way to attract women.
And yet it worked.
I was confused and excited all at the same time.
I had been difficult, stand-offish, brash, and NON-complimentary (translation: anything but "nice")… and yet she liked me enough to give me her real name and phone number on the spot.
Well, over the next couple of years I was able to put the entire "puzzle" together.
I have to say, it was like trying to put a huge puzzle together in a dimly lit room, without knowing what the picture on the cover looked like… but I did it.
And here are some of the amazing things I figured out:
There is a "secret language" that is as real as the English language… and this language is the KEY to communicating on a "sexual" level with women. I call this language "Sexual Communication."
In the land of Sexual Communication, nothing "means" what it should. Just like the sound of the word "see" means to "perceive using your vision" in English and it means "yes" in Spanish, the language of Sexual Communication required a completely different understanding of communication.
Women are VERY "fluent" in the language of Sexual Communication, but most men are NOT. And those men that ARE fluent in this language have incredible success with women. I've met men who have been with literally hundreds and hundreds of women… and I've met men who have been with ZERO women. Those that have been with more women know this language well, and those that haven't been successful with women universally do not.
A woman can tell almost INSTANTLY if you know the language of Sexual Communication. If you do NOT know it, the door "slams shut" and she will not send or receive messages on this level with you… in most cases EVER.
If you DO know this language, and signal to a woman that you know it at the very BEGINNING of your first interactions with her, you will enjoy a very different kind of communication and relationship with that woman from all the other guys she knows.
"Attraction" is a topic that very little is known about, yet it is a KEY to success with women and dating. If you don't understand what Attraction is, how to trigger it, and how to amplify it, you will always have trouble with women.
Many of the things that "trigger" Attraction in women are not what our moms taught us to do with women. They must be LEARNED. A woman will NEVER say "Hey, you're doing the wrong thing here. You're not making me feel Attraction for you right now with what you're doing and saying. Here, let me show you how to make me feel Attraction for you…". Never.
It has taken me several YEARS of careful study, testing, refining, interviewing, etc. to figure this language of Sexual Communication out… and to figure out how to explain it in plain, everyday language. It is VERY unlikely that most guys will ever figure it out by accident… and most men will go to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.
Now, let me ask you a few questions…
What if you knew how to start conversations with women in a way that made them INSTANTLY respond to you with ELECTRICITY? In other words, what if you could SPARK conversations with women in a way that made them respond to YOU by flirting, smiling, and becoming attracted?
How would your life be different if you understood the way to MAGNETICALLY attract women? Instead of tricking them or trying to "buy" their affections with food, gifts, and compliments (which never works that well anyway), what if you were a guy that women wanted to be around just because your PERSONALITY attracted them?
Have you always wondered what that "magic ingredient" was that made women warm up to some guys, but not others? Would you love to have a behind-the-scenes look into how it works?
Here’s How To Learn And Master “Sexual Communication”
Over the last several months I have created what may be the most cutting-edge program ever released on attracting women.
I know that this might sound a little bit "hard to believe", but it's the truth.
Take it from someone who has studied just about everything available on the topic… what I'm talking about here isn't discussed ANYWHERE else.
I call this program "Sexual Communication: A Man's Guide To Understanding And Using The Secret Language Of Attraction".
In this program, I will personally teach you:
The history and evolution of why women feel ATTRACTION for some men, and not for others
The secrets of men who are AMAZINGLY successful with women
Why most men wind up receiving "affection" from women instead of making women feel ATTRACTION
How the "instinctive" courtship process works with HUMANS… and how you can use this information to attract women that are "out of your league"
The four separate components of Sexual Communication, and how they fit and work together
The key beliefs that you need to change in order to succeed with women
Why women aren't attracted to "Wussies", and how to behave so women ARE attracted
How to get in touch with the "masculine" side of your own personality, and amplify it so you MAGNETICALLY attract women
Why women test men, and why 99% of men never even realize it's happening (which makes them fail these tests almost every time)
How to always see when a woman is testing you or trying to control you, and turn these situations around to your own advantage
Specific exercises to use to develop the parts of your own personality that spark ATTRACTION with women
A detailed explanation of what "Sexual Tension" is, how to create it, and how to actually CREATE "Chemistry" between you and the women you want to attract
Specific techniques to "spark" this "Chemistry" or "Sexual Tension" so women start communicating differently with you RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING
How to "flirt" with women and communicate with them in a way that makes them feel Attraction for you… while avoiding the response of "This guy is a pervert who only wants to get into my pants" that so many guys get from women
How to flirt NON-VERBALLY… in other words, with your body language alone
How to use the magic formula of Cocky & Funny communication to attract and keep women interested in you
How to start and keep a conversation going with a woman you're interested in… and how to use that conversation to actually SPARK her ATTRACTION for you
Exercises for starting conversations, using Cocky & Funny with women, and continuing to use Sexual Communication throughout your interactions
How to use your body language, voice tone, and eye contact in ways that communicate on a SEXUAL level with women, and make them respond by feeling a powerful EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION for you that they cannot control
The right way - and the WRONG way - to use "romance" with women. Hint: Most guys use it the WRONG way
How to avoid that feeling that you're "risking everything" if you ask a woman out, try to kiss her, or try to "get physical" with her
How to create ANTICIPATION, and make women WANT you to take things to the next level
My secret process for amplifying Attraction with women
How to avoid "resistance". Men usually CREATE all of the resistance that they encounter with women by not knowing what to do. I'll teach you EXACTLY what to do so you minimize or totally eliminate resistance
*UPDATE: Get The New
“Sexual Communication – 2nd Edition” Now With Over 6 Full Hours Of Material!
It's been over 2 years now since I first released my Sexual Communication Program. It's been VERY exciting to see that hundreds of other guys have been able to achieve the same level of success with women that I had achieved... simply by using the techniques and strategies inside.
Since then I've stumbled across several brand new breakthrough strategies and ideas that may be even more powerful than those I shared in the original program... and after seeing so many men get such great results with the "old stuff", I decided that I wanted to re-do this program and make it EVEN BETTER...
I decided to re-do everything from the ground up... shoot the program in front of a live audience... and bring in some of the world's best at attracting women to share their own unique insights into this fascinating world... a world that most men never even know exists.
I've spent the last few months creating the BRAND NEW, "Sexual Communication - 2nd Edition"... and let me tell ya... it is OFF THE HOOK.
This new program is nearly TWICE THE SIZE of the original... and it's jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of brand new, "straight from trenches" strategies that you can start using immediately to increase your success with women.
Here is a very small sample of the brand new breakthrough techniques you'll learn in this exciting program:
The 19 qualities of a sexually attractive man, with specific word-for-word ways to demonstrate each one to a woman (Do just 2 or 3 of these things and you're “in”)
A way to effortlessly pass a woman's tests that INCREASES her attraction for you every time she tries to test you (You'll look forward to her “games” from now on)
A new trick you can use when a woman is “closed off” that gets her to open up to you and makes her grateful for the opportunity to meet you
16 “Power Lines” – Brand new, word-for-word phrases that make a woman feel powerful sexual attraction for you the instant you say them
A little-known way to change the rhythm and tone of your speech that turns the sound of your voice into a MAGNET that draws women to you from across a room
The universal mistake nearly ALL men make when “getting physical” that instantly causes a woman to SLAM on the brakes (She is so used to men making this mistake… that when you DON'T she'll be the one pushing YOU to go faster!)
What you MUST do the first time a woman comes over to your house… IF you want her to ever come back
How to use different types of “g-rated” physical contact to drive a woman crazy with anticipation and sexual excitement (A surefire way to get HER to make the first move… because she won't be able to stop herself!)
The Hand Massage – My own special, field-tested technique to start things off in a way that eliminates any chance of an “awkward” moment
A fun way to use your pillows to make a woman feel comfortable and turned on at the same time (A POTENT combination that she's never seen before)
A PRIMAL mating technique—stolen from the animal kingdom—you can use to give a woman an INSTANT JOLT of sexual excitement (You're going to LOVE this one… )
The exact, step-by-step process I use to take things with a woman, from hand holding to the bedroom and beyond, that NEVER FAILS (I had to fail A LOT to figure this out… and now I can safely say I've got it down to a science. This alone is worth 10 times the cost of the program because you'll use it with every woman you meet for the rest of your life. I can't wait to share it with you… )
Insider Secrets Of The
World's Best Communicators
I was fortunate to have some of the very best in the world join me live on stage for the taping of this program... and they didn't disappoint.
I'll tell you right now... if you're looking for "relationship experts" who write "cutsie" books to try to get themselves on Oprah, look elsewhere. But if you want to learn the REAL... the GENUINE... "BATTLE-TESTED" strategies of men (and one very insightful woman) who are actually out there doing it, this will be the most important information you ever get your hands on.
Here's just a few of the no-holds-barred sexual motivators that were revealed in these candid appearances:
How to use your words and your body to trigger the “autopilot” responses in a woman that biologically FORCE her to feel attraction for you
How to let a woman know you are smart, confident, and great in bed in the first 3 seconds of meeting her… without saying a word (I guarantee you'll use this every time you meet a woman from now on)
5 simple “never fail” ways to tell if a woman is interested in you
The 3 things that instantly tell a woman you are “on her level” (This is THE secret to dating “out of your league”)
A simple technique “naturals” use to make a woman feel like they've known each other forever… even if they've just met (It's no coincidence that every “natural” I've ever met has done this… IT WORKS)
What to do AFTER you use Cocky Comedy – a step-by-step way to take things in the right direction… from what to say to how to “get physical”
“Future Scenario Projection” – A hilarious way to build an instant connection with a woman to imagine you being together for a long, long time
7 powerful word-for-word routines you can use in the first 3 minutes with a woman to grab her attention and make her want you (Use two or three of these together for an almost MAGICAL effect)
A great way to meet a woman who is already talking to another man (He won't realize what is happening until she leaves with YOU!)
A great way to get things going with a hot woman who's driving in a car next to you (Women LOVE this one… don't be surprised when she pulls over to meet you)
A fun way to flirt with a woman you see inside of a store or restaurant
An unexpected article of clothing that draws women to you like a magnet (Women are almost FORCED to approach you when you have this on)
The right way to use “props” and magic so you come off as an attractive, intriguing man instead of the “court jester”
A way to approach a group of women in a nightclub that starts a “chain reaction” through the entire place… getting other groups of women to approach YOU
How to “train your brain” to come up with a killer opening line every time you see a woman you want to meet (A priceless tip from the MASTER of the “cold” approach)
A simple change in the way you tell stories that communicates sexual power and confidence to women on an UNCONSCIOUS level (This is also a great way to get women turned on over the phone)
A way to use your voice to communicate sexual power and confidence to women when you are telling a story
A small difference in the way “naturals” position their bodies when standing that tells every woman who sees them that they are a “catch”
A “works every time” way to get a woman to take YOU out for coffee the very first time you get together with her
A powerful new way to communicate sexual confidence that most men miss entirely
A little-known dance move that takes ZERO skill and instantly lets a woman know you are a powerful sexual being (She'll be glued to you all night after you use this one…)
An easy-to-learn secret male models use to turn heads on the runway that you can use to make women notice you when you are walking down the street or through a nightclub
The 2 places to touch on your own body when you are talking to a woman that signal SEXUAL awareness… and make a woman want to put her hands all over you
And much, much more...
What I think you'll like best about this new program is the countless real-life, word-for-word examples and techniques that "slipped out" during the filming... 99% of which I've never shared anywhere else—or will again. Every one of them is something you can simply memorize and start using INSTANTLY to make women want you... over and over and over again.
This new program makes a PERFECT companion to my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and I recommend that you use both together.
I've had a few people email and ask me "What's the difference between this Sexual Communication Program and your Advanced Dating Techniques Program?" The short answer is that this is, in many ways, a more "Advanced" program than even my Advanced Series. I know, I know... but hey, the name "Advanced Advanced Series" sounded dorky. Ha!
You see, once you go through my Advanced Series, you come out with a new understanding of women and dating. It literally changes your perspective. This program takes that new understanding and focuses it even further on the KEY aspect of creating that powerful emotion of ATTRACTION inside of a woman using only your COMMUNICATION. Some of the concepts in this program will be familiar to you, of course. But in this program I've gone on to share more of my "Super Advanced" ways of approaching common situations... and spent a lot of time giving detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to DO the advanced things that I teach, from being Cocky & Funny to getting physical with a woman.
You'll Also Get Three FREE Live
“Interviews With Dating Gurus”
Just For Trying This Program...
As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program.
Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program.
I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles.
If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them.
This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.
And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy.
[Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.]
***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can "opt out" with one click while ordering.... and order just the Sexual Communication Program alone. It's that easy.
Here’s What You’ll Get...
The Complete "Sexual Communication - 2nd Edition" program - Over 6 full hours of digitally recorded material on 6 Audio CDs or 3 DVDs
An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides
A detailed track listing for quick access
A sturdy 3-ring binder to hold all of your CDs/DVDs, workbook, and other materials
Additional Bonus... Three Free Interviews With Dating Gurus
These three bonuses, including the two DOUBLE interviews are worth at least $100.00 alone
You'll get all three free, just for trying this program
The price for this program is only 5 easy monthly payments of $29.97 for the DVD version or only 5 easy monthly payments of $19.97 for the CD version.
Don’t Decide Now...
Try My Sexual Communication Program
FREE For 30 Days
I'm so sure that you will love this program that I'm willing to do something that might seem a little bit CRAZY...
I'd like to send you a copy of this program to try for FREE. That's right, FREE.
Here's how it works:
I'd like to send you a copy of either my CD or DVD Sexual Communication program at MY RISK.
If you like it, keep it. You'll be billed automatically. If you don't like it, just send it back within 30 days from receiving it, and you won't be charged (Don't worry, if the mail takes too long, and I get it back 31 days later and you've been charged, I'll give you a full refund).
Can it get any better?
Of course it can.
I also realize that having to pay for this program all at once might stretch your current budget a little bit. So I'd like to sweeten this deal and truly make it "an offer you'd be crazy to refuse".
If you order right now, I'll spread your payments out so they're MONTHLY. You won't make your first payment until 30 days after you order, and you'll be automatically charged in equal monthly installments... AND I'll pay for the shipping to send it to you!
I could not POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.
When you click on a button below (choose either DVD or CD version), you'll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your program. (just use a valid credit or debit card for your order - you can even pay by mail or PayPal, but I can't offer you the free trial and payment program unless you use a credit or debit card)
Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days at MY RISK.
If you decide that it's not for you - for ANY REASON - just send it back and you pay NOTHING.
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I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using these materials to improve their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too.
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NOTE: If you would like to order using PayPal or by mail, Click Here for CD or Click Here for DVD. (The 30-day trial and payment program are only available with debit or credit cards )
Guys who know how to use the magical language of Sexual Communication are never starved for a date.
In fact, they typically have more "options" than they know what to do with.
On the other hand, men who DON'T ever take the time to learn this skill are often left dateless... alone... and positively helpless when it comes to doing something about it.
I know... because I used to be one of them.
If you're stuck in the same situation right now, I want to help you get out of it.
I've been there, and I can show you the way.
If you're already somewhat successful with women, I want to show you how to tap into this secret line of communication and take your success to a level most men would die to achieve.
But it's up to you to take the next step.
Click on the button above, and order my new "Sexual Communication - 2nd Edition" right now.
The answers that you need are waiting for you... and so are the women that you want.
Don't let anything get in your way.
Your program will be discretely shipped to you in a PLAIN BOX for your privacy.
As always, if you have any questions about this program, just email and I'll make sure you get an answer quickly.
Your Friend,
David DeAngelo
P.S. This program is the culmination of over five years of studying how "naturally" successful guys communicate with and attract women. I guarantee that you will not find this information anywhere else at any price. This information will change the way you interact with women FOREVER… and it will get you more dates with women IMMEDIATELY. Just click the button above to order now.
Watch Some Great Free Samples Of This Program Here
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Through The Live Filming
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“ Hi David
I've just received your new product "Sexual Communication" and I am just astounded at how much information you have crammed into this product!!!! The Advanced Series was so comprehensive and packed full of ideas and strategies it has taken me months to get through the material and figure out what I need to do to myself to improve my success with women. Your new product "Sexual Communication" is well timed, as it specializes just on the area of how to communicate sexually, without being overwhelmed by the quantity of information provided... Thanks for turning my life upside down and giving me permission to do lots of wild and crazy stuff that I was never allowed to do when I was a kid... I only believed magic such as this only ever happened in the movies, but it's true anyone can make it happen.
Your Loyal Customer M Australia
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
attracting attractive women
Some evolutionary theorists think that the basic formula goes like this: If you get more attention from others, andthose others like you more, then you and youroffspring are more likely to survive and pass onyour genes to future generations. Is this making sense? Think about it this way: If others of your species DON'T like you anddon't give you any attention, you are going tohave a hard time finding a mate... andreproducing. And if others don't like you, then you aren'tgoing to have the benefits that come from thegroup... like protection, combined effort, etc. It just so happens that an attractive woman hasa SUBCONSCIOUS (but VERY accurate) indicator ofwhether or not "the group" likes and approves ofher... It's the amount of ATTENTION she gets. If a woman is getting a lot of attention, itkeeps her feeling "OK". She knows, on a deep,primal level that she's accepted by the group...and that she's going to stay healthy and have agood chance of mating with a "top male". But this particular concept has a DARK SIDE toit... and don't they all? Just like anything else that triggersfeelings/emotions (very addictive chemicals),attention and approval can lead to a literalADDICTION. It's like money, fame, power... all the famousones... YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH. And here's another VERY interesting point: If you're a beautiful woman who is alwaysgetting attention and approval from men and youmeet a man who DOESN'T give you that attention andapproval, it has an INSTANT and POWERFUL impact. Furthermore, if the man you're interacting withactively AVOIDS giving you attention... and givesyou DISAPPROVAL, it can have the effect ofinstantly SCRAMBLING YOUR SYSTEMS. Again, attractive women don't meet a lot ofguys that could care less about her beauty... andinstead see it as a "cover up" for some "hidden"thing... Which leads me to the "secret" I mentionedearlier... If you want to learn how to ATTRACT these"unusually beautiful" women, then you need to geta clue about what creates the idea in her mindthat YOU are one of the most "desirable" men. And how can you do that? ...Oh, by the way, before I give you thesecret here, I want to mention something: If youwant to REALLY get an "insider education" on thedeeper psychology of attracting women... and onhow to build a powerful SEXUAL PRESENCE... then Ihighly recommend that you check out my "PowerSexuality" program. This is like ROCKET FUEL forcreating CHEMISTRY with attractive women... andyou can only get it in one place: OK, back to the secret...1) Become rich and famous or2) Get plastic surgery to look like Brad Pitt or3) Trigger ATTRACTION inside of her. Here's the interesting thing about triggeringATTRACTION: When you do it, she can't CONTROL it. If a woman starts feeling ATTRACTION for you,I'll guarantee you that she didn't "THINK about itand DECIDE to feel it". And I guarantee you that she can't CHANGE IT byTHINKING ABOUT IT. And guess what one of the BEST ways is toTRIGGER this "automatic and subconscious" physicaland emotional response called attraction IS? Here's a hint: It has something to do with these two conceptswe've been talking about... ATTENTION andAPPROVAL. If you're interacting with an unusuallyattractive woman, it's VERY important that youdon't communicate to her that you are "overwhelmedby her beauty"... or that you can't controlyourself. Furthermore, if you actively control the amount ofattention that you give her... and you don't showher "approval" too quickly (and even show her someDISAPPROVAL)... you'll often create a POWERFULinterest inside of her. Why is this? Well, think about it for a minute. You're the hot woman walking into the "sausageparty". For the first two hours, you keep having guyswalk up to you and say, "You're really hot" and"Can I get you a drink?" Every guy that comes within ten feet of youcan't stop looking at you, and the ones that talkto you make it clear that they would be willing todo anything for you... And then you meet a guy that isn't like any ofthese other guys AT ALL. He's clearly not impressed with your beauty,and he's even busting your balls... You can't tell if he likes you or not, and youfeel CHALLENGED by him. How are you going to respond? Let's add another element... For some reason you can't explain, you'restarting to feel a GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for him. NOW what do you do? That's right: You give him all of YOURattention and approval... hoping that he will giveYOU some in return. In other words, you switch from the one beingpursued to the one DOING the pursuing. And so the question is... HOW? How do you create this situation, andcommunicate these things to an attractive woman? How do you do it in such a way that it createsATTRACTION... and gets her to start pursuing YOU? I've given you a lot of good ideas here. They will get you started. But, if you'd REALLY like to learn how to takecontrol of "attention and approval" and turn theminto TOOLS that you can use to attract those"unusually beautiful" women, then I'd like torecommend that you invest in my Cocky ComedyCD/DVD program. It has taken me many years of time, effort, andenergy to really "get" how to use a "personalitybased approach" to attract beautiful women. If you've been reading these newsletters forany length of time, then you understand just howimportant the "Cocky & Funny" technique is forattracting women. You may have even used it, and found that itgets a VERY different kind of response from womenthan "normal conversation". Well, in this program, I and some amazing guestspeakers will teach you the foundations of CockyComedy... and then we'll teach you literallyHUNDREDS of different ways to use it... withindividual scripts and lines... And we'll teach you how to weave it alltogether into conversations in ANY situation. This program is not only comprehensive, butit's COMPLETELY different from anything elseavailable anywhere. It's a concept that I've pioneered, and it'sonly available here. I really encourage you to go here and watch thevideo clips of the program (you'll get a lot fromjust watching the samples): And if you haven't taken the time to go anddownload my online eBook "Double Your Dating",then you need to do that immediately. You candownload it right now, and be reading it inliterally MINUTES. It will teach you a TON abouthow to control yourself and your interactions withwomen in a way that triggers ATTRACTION... godownload it here: And I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
Monday, April 17, 2006
at the shoe store
I go into a shoe store the other day and I'mjust kind of browsing. The clerk-- a cutie of age 21--asks me if she can help me. I kindly ask her to get me a certain pair to try on. As I put theshoes on, she enthusiastically squeaked, "WOWTHOSE SHOES LOOK GREAT ON YOU!!!".
I mocked her inthe same hi-pitch tone, "YOU'RE ON COMMISION YOU NEED TO SAY THAT!!" She gave me that playful little slap on the arm and told me I was "a littlesh**".
I go on teasing her for 5 minutes or soand she asks me if I would like a job at this store. When she gave me the application, she also hands me her HOME ADDRESS and phone number and asked me to hand deliver it that night.
To keep it short, that nite I gave her more than my job resume!!!
I mocked her inthe same hi-pitch tone, "YOU'RE ON COMMISION YOU NEED TO SAY THAT!!" She gave me that playful little slap on the arm and told me I was "a littlesh**".
I go on teasing her for 5 minutes or soand she asks me if I would like a job at this store. When she gave me the application, she also hands me her HOME ADDRESS and phone number and asked me to hand deliver it that night.
To keep it short, that nite I gave her more than my job resume!!!
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