All dat u wanted to no, but were too shy to ask .... Humans express love by sexual feelings to one another.This divine instinct has been curbed by victorian prudery and christian padres in the past. If God did not want us to enjoy sex, He wud have made us like amoeba to procreate by division. Sex is God's greatest gift to mankind, not only for procreation but for pleasuring also.
i had mailed these pics to Janice as Juliamumbai
b4 she cot on
some jerk told her
i was not Julia
but Saby, the creep
Julia = Dumb
Minnie = Dumber
Janice = Dumbest
i was Julia for more than a year on IT chat
i had great fun wid keshi when we castrated TIGER (Rohan), CYNO (Vikas Kaul), and a lotta others
it was here dat Keshi inadvertently said sumting nasty to a girl
Now, she is still hounding keshi
we (keshi and I) have no idea who she is
apparently decent guys in public wanted to have fone sex wid me in PM Message
they wud even give me their fone noos
i cu;ltivated feminine traits
i began to talk like a woman
Gosh !
how cute
Dont be silly
hehehhehehe instead of hahahaha
now i love women more
if i were a woman i wud be les
the guys of dis gen are real creeps
i protected janice from the creeps
i luv keshi she kicked ass
Nostalgic going down memory lane
saby what abt me :( dont u rember me
- Minnie Mouse
i cant place u
wat is your chat id?
i dont chat often :( but i do it on the sly ;)
- Minnie Mouse
CYNO and TIGERR were the good guys
TIGER flipped for TANVI
but TANVI was just bored wid him
didnt give him no lift
amont the other nice guys
i remember PRITI, ICEY, DEEWANA, ANNA fron Chicago, EL Sumting wid the flying hoss, DJ Carino, footloose, 4u2nav Rohit, NIKKI from MIAMI, homeless gurl, Smooth Operator, ......
who were your best saby??
and the worst?? why did u enjoy chattin with them?? i think keshi is your fav she sounds total kick ass
VANCE, i enjoyed kicking his ass
i used to chat with Deewana (pervert), smooth operator ( the married pervert), DJ Carino
- Minnie Mouse
treated her nice in what sense ?? was flirting an complimenting?
as Julia i loved DEEWANA
he new how to treat a wooman nice
heyy Minnie
tell me your chat id
DEEWANA was nice
bcoz he was not 'slam bam, thank u maam' type
he wud cuddle u after
u no wat i mean?
a real funky guy was the gigolo
'7inches for virgins'
hahha that was funny abt deewana saby i used to chat on indiatimes now i hang out at the rediff circuit
- Minie Mouse
u havent told yet
your chat id on IT
u hiding sumtimg?
funny pics
i am not tiger
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