Friday, January 13, 2006

Fear of rejection from woomen ...

Ah, the concept that is near and dear to all ofus men who have started on the path to successwith women and dating... FEAR. Fear of rejection. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what a woman might do if we starttalking to her. Fear of what other guys would think if theyknew that we needed help with women.

Fear of what WOMEN would think if they knewthat we needed help with women. Fear of admitting that we're AFRAID. ...and about 100 others.

But, what exactly IS fear? And why is it such a problem? And what can be done to overcome it?

Well, let's start with what fear is, then we'llmove on to some techniques to get past it. I once heard a great definition of FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real In other words, the things that you feel fearabout are usually not real. It's usually just"false evidence". You also might think back about the last 10things you felt fear around. Now, ask yourself...Did any of those things come true?

In most of the cases, you'll find that the feardid NOT come true. I heard once that something like 98% of thethings that people fear and worry about never cometrue. I've found this to be true in my own life aswell. Fear is an emotion, or an emotional state. It'san amazing and wonderful emotion... because it canhelp save your life in certain situations.

A hundred thousand years ago, when we wererunning around in the desert, we needed powerful,motivating emotions like FEAR to save our lives. When you feel fear (especially if it's aresponse to real physical danger) you'll noticethat some AMAZING things happen. Your eyes open upwider so you can see better, adrenaline pumps intoyour body, your heart beats fast to deliver bloodto your muscles, and all kinds of other wondrousprocesses are triggered.

The PROBLEM is when we experience fear at timeswhen there IS NO real physical danger. We humans are amazing. We can just IMAGINEthings and feel fear in response to the mentalimages. And I'm sure you know exactly what the problemis with this... it can IMMOBILIZE you at criticaltimes.

Have you ever seen a woman that you'd like tomeet, but you just couldn't walk over and starttalking to her? No, it's never happened to me, either. What was the problem? Usually, it's fear. Fear that she'll get upset, or fear that she'llhave a boyfriend... or fear that she'll embarrassyou in front of others... or fear that you won'tknow what to say to her...

And, of course, when you feel that strong fearemotion, it just FREEZES you and makes you totallyineffective. So, what's the solution? Well, there are several ways to overcome fears. One way is to do the thing you fear. If you dothe thing that you fear, and see that nothing badwill happen, then you eventually overcome it andbecome programmed not to feel fear anymore.

For instance, if you're afraid to approachwomen and talk to them, just DO IT. Go talk to 50women in the next week and see that most of themwill respond positively to you (if you don't actlike a dumb-ass, that is). Other ways to overcome your fear when it comesto approaching women include:- Understanding the dynamics of male/femaleinteractions better than most women do.- Learning how to approach women using the sametypes of words and body language that the mastersuse.- Learning how to use props or other devices toget a woman's attention without having to"approach" her directly.- Learning mental techniques to overcome fears or"reset" your emotions instantly, anytime you'dlike (this is one of my personal favorites).-

Using mental preparation to be completely readyfor anything that might happen. ...and there are several others. I have spent a lot of time in my own personallife learning about and figuring out how to getpast fears and other psychological obstacles withwomen.


Anonymous said...

I want to make love with you

Anonymous said...

To a woman, Sexual Tension is the feeling that
she feels during those times when she is
interacting with a man that she feels ATTRACTION
for... but she doesn't know exactly what's going
to happen.

Maybe she can't tell if he's into her, but the
conversation is so good that something MUST be

Maybe he's making her laugh a little bit "too
much", and she's unable to control her feelings
towards him...

Or maybe it's obvious that he's interested, but
he's so in control of himself and the situation
that he's not blatantly "making a move"... and
she's on the edge of her seat waiting to know
what's going to happen.

These are all possible examples of Sexual

Anonymous said...

"No, I was thinking that since we were kissing
passionately and feeling each other's bodies, that
this was probably going to lead to pure

If she pushed the issue and asked something
like "Do you just want sex or do you want to have
a relationship?" I'd probably answer:

"You're right. Let's just go get married

The point is that by using a very direct,
sarcastic, Cocky & Funny attitude, you can address
the issue and basically say "Look, it's obvious
that we both want to have sex, and it's OK if we
do. It doesn't have to mean anything in
particular, and if things work out between us,
then they do."

As you know, I don't like the idea of being
dishonest or misleading people. But in this case
it might be a good idea to address the situation
and her comments from a different perspective.

sands of time said...

Sounds like your in demand Saby.