
If you'd like to master the art of triggeringATTRACTION in women, then it's important for youto learn how to use "Sexual Communication." Hereare a bunch of great tips, plus some interestingvideo clips that will help you...
There are two basic stories for how men andwomen "start off" together, and two basic storiesfor how men and women "end up."
Through all of time, I'm sure that men andwomen have been playing out these stories... andI'm sure that they'll continue to play them outlong into the future (that is, unless I havesomething to say about it... and I do).
Here's "Meeting Story #1":
Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boydoesn't have a clue about how to make girl feelATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to"pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, andflowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no"sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend."
Here's "Meeting Story #2":
Boy is attracted to girl. Fortunately for him,boy understands ATTRACTION, and begins tocommunicate with girl in a way that makes her feela powerful physical and emotional response for boythat she can't control. The sparks fly, and boyand girl "get together."
As I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of thesituation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control ofthe situation.
Let's assume that somehow, boy and girlactually "get together". Things usually go one oftwo ways after that...
Here's "End Up Story #1":
Boy and girl get together. Boy realizes that he"REALLY likes" girl. Boy begins to act more andmore predictable. Boy starts to share "how hefeels" about girl too often. Boy becomes more andmore submissive. Girl loses that feeling ofATTRACTION that she once had for boy and has noway of explaining or understanding why. Girlleaves boy and boy is left wondering whathappened.
Here's "End Up Story #2":
Boy and girl get together. Boy understands thatno matter how much he likes girl, he cannot lethimself become a Wussy who chases girl around"sharing how he feels" and becomes boring. Boykeeps the relationship interesting and he keepschallenging girl. Boy stays in control of himself,and by understanding his role as "The Man" in therelationship, keeps girl interested and attractedto him into the future.
And again, as I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of thesituation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control ofthe situation.
If you look at your experience with women, I'msure you'll see that these short stories describeMOST of the experiences you've had.
Now, of course there are slight twists andvariations, but the message is clear:
If you don't understand ATTRACTION and how itworks, then you are destined to keep playing outthese same stories for the rest of your life. It'svery unlikely that you'll stumble upon the "magicsolution" by accident...
The reality is that you CAN stop this negativepattern if you WANT to.
But the key is:
1) Understanding how ATTRACTION works for WOMEN.
2) Understanding YOURSELF, so you don't ALLOWyourself to act like a Wussy, become boring andturn a good thing into a bad one... but insteadyou do the RIGHT things to keep everything on theright track.
If you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTIONfor you, then you can control your destiny withwomen. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feelATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control yourdestiny with women.
Read that paragraph again, and think about itfor a minute before you go on.
OK, so I mentioned that ATTRACTION is verydifferent for women than it is for men.
Different how?
What do I mean by that? ... Well, generallyspeaking, for a woman, ATTRACTION is a PROCESS...not an "event." It happens over time, and itbecomes stronger or weaker depending upon how wellthe man in the situation understands how it works.
For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an"event", meaning that it's either there or itisn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not thewoman understands how it works. (As an interestingside note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTIONworks, and her intention is to manipulate a man,it usually works VERY well.)
So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism"more like a volume knob than a light switch.
It's like a fantastic, classy old car thatneeds to warm up for a long time before you candrive it... not like a brand new Honda that youcan start up and get right on the freeway with.
Here's a little secret about women andATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer inevery situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION,she'll love you for it... and you'll experiencerewards that will make the extra time you spentseem like the best investment of your entire life.
Here are a few specific tips for you for the"Meeting Phase":
1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK.
When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usuallyturns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, heusually makes the mistake of letting the womanKNOW that he's nervous and weak.
Don't do it.
Do something STRONG.
Challenge her.
If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her.If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she'sdoing something, tell her that you could do itbetter.
When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE,she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAMEIS ON.
If you just chase after her like the 100 otherWussies that have been bothering her this week,you will just be another boring, predictable facein the crowd.
2) Keep the TENSION UP.
One of my favorite concepts is "Never let theline go slack."
This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry"or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP.
Just because she starts doing things that hintto you that she's interested, doesn't mean thatit's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually.
Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, sodo more! Sexual Tension is SO important thatI've actually devoted an entire "language" andway of thinking about it. If you want to learnhow to create Sexual Tension, then use it toreally amplify ATTRACTION and arousal, thentake a minute and look at this:
3) Tease.
The word "tease" has a couple of meanings.
One of the meanings has to do with doing thingsthat are slightly annoying to get a response fromsomeone.
The other meaning is subtly different and hasto do with drawing out a response that you want bydoing certain things that indirectly trigger it.
Do both.
If you're about to kiss her, wait until yourlips are so close that you can almost feel her...and then STOP. Pull away, and smile.
If you want to know how she feels about you,say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone ofvoice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO IDON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then sheprobably DOES "love" you.
Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it.
And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:
1) Never become BORING.
Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sinwhen it comes to ATTRACTION.
Don't do either.
Of course, telling a man not to be predictableis like telling a dog not to hump your leg.
Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable.
We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it.
But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'dbetter figure out a way to STOP IT.
There's nothing that will kill the sparksfaster than her knowing what you're about to do orsay.
2) Don't hand over control.
Women like men who make decisions and take thelead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men whoare overly controlling. What I am saying is thatwomen don't like guys who are always saying thingslike, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,baby?"
Women don't want men that they can control, sodon't be one.
3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests.
When a guy meets a woman he likes, he oftenwants to spend as much time as possible with her.
This is natural, of course.
But there's a big danger here as well.
If you put your life aside for a woman, youwill become less interesting to HER.
In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep yourfriends, your interests, and your hobbies, and tospend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUTHER.
And I think it's VERY important to keepimproving yourself as a person, and continue to bea guy that she can look up to and respect.
As soon as you start acting like she's going tobe around forever, she'll start feeling less andless ATTRACTION for you.
Now, as you read these examples, can you seethe bigger picture forming?
Can you see the deeper message?
The deeper message is that you need tounderstand how ATTRACTION works for women and youneed to do those things that keep the ATTRACTIONBUILDING FOREVER.
Now, where does this all begin?
It begins with YOU.
And it begins with you learning how to controlyourself and your emotions. It begins with youunderstanding the history of how and whymen and women become attracted to each other. Itbegins with you learning the basics of how to usesubtle body language and communication to makewomen feel ATTRACTION for you.
And what's the best way to get this "in-depth"education?
You need to get some of your "Inner Game"issues handled, and you need to learn how toreally get control of your emotional life. If thisis you, then I recommend you check out my "DeepInner Game" program.
This program is jam-packed with tools andtechniques for fixing self-image problems,improving self-esteem, overcoming fear of women...and everything in between.
This is the BOMB when it comes to working onyour Inner Game, and you can go watch some greatpreview video clips here:
If you'd like to learn the "secret language ofAttraction", then I highly recommend that you getyour hands on a copy of my "Sexual Communication"DVD program.
Inside this program I'll teach you all about a"secret" language that has been used all aroundyou, all your life... you just never knew aboutit.
I'll show you how to spark attraction, buildsexual tension and chemistry, and take things tothe next level... using powerful (but subtle) bodylanguage cues and other techniques.
Discovering "Sexual Communication" was one ofthe most important steps on my own journey tosuccess with women and dating, and I'd like you tocheck out this program... so I can teach you whatI've learned.
All the details, plus some great previews arehere:
If you're fascinated with the topic ofATTRACTION, and you'd like to get an in-deptheducation on it, then you need to go and downloadmy latest eBook "Attraction Isn't A Choice." Youcan download it now and be reading it within a fewminutes. Download it here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Take a minute and look through all of thedifferent programs I've put together to help youlearn how to attract, meet, and date the kinds ofwomen you've always wanted to meet. You can seeall of them, watch great video clips, and get abunch of other great stuff here:
http://www.datingtechniques.com/e//Catalog/?cid=QZZZ3C&lid=6&sbid=2571750 --------------------------------------------------
There are two basic stories for how men andwomen "start off" together, and two basic storiesfor how men and women "end up."
Through all of time, I'm sure that men andwomen have been playing out these stories... andI'm sure that they'll continue to play them outlong into the future (that is, unless I havesomething to say about it... and I do).
Here's "Meeting Story #1":
Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boydoesn't have a clue about how to make girl feelATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to"pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, andflowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no"sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend."
Here's "Meeting Story #2":
Boy is attracted to girl. Fortunately for him,boy understands ATTRACTION, and begins tocommunicate with girl in a way that makes her feela powerful physical and emotional response for boythat she can't control. The sparks fly, and boyand girl "get together."
As I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of thesituation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control ofthe situation.
Let's assume that somehow, boy and girlactually "get together". Things usually go one oftwo ways after that...
Here's "End Up Story #1":
Boy and girl get together. Boy realizes that he"REALLY likes" girl. Boy begins to act more andmore predictable. Boy starts to share "how hefeels" about girl too often. Boy becomes more andmore submissive. Girl loses that feeling ofATTRACTION that she once had for boy and has noway of explaining or understanding why. Girlleaves boy and boy is left wondering whathappened.
Here's "End Up Story #2":
Boy and girl get together. Boy understands thatno matter how much he likes girl, he cannot lethimself become a Wussy who chases girl around"sharing how he feels" and becomes boring. Boykeeps the relationship interesting and he keepschallenging girl. Boy stays in control of himself,and by understanding his role as "The Man" in therelationship, keeps girl interested and attractedto him into the future.
And again, as I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of thesituation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control ofthe situation.
If you look at your experience with women, I'msure you'll see that these short stories describeMOST of the experiences you've had.
Now, of course there are slight twists andvariations, but the message is clear:
If you don't understand ATTRACTION and how itworks, then you are destined to keep playing outthese same stories for the rest of your life. It'svery unlikely that you'll stumble upon the "magicsolution" by accident...
The reality is that you CAN stop this negativepattern if you WANT to.
But the key is:
1) Understanding how ATTRACTION works for WOMEN.
2) Understanding YOURSELF, so you don't ALLOWyourself to act like a Wussy, become boring andturn a good thing into a bad one... but insteadyou do the RIGHT things to keep everything on theright track.
If you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTIONfor you, then you can control your destiny withwomen. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feelATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control yourdestiny with women.
Read that paragraph again, and think about itfor a minute before you go on.
OK, so I mentioned that ATTRACTION is verydifferent for women than it is for men.
Different how?
What do I mean by that? ... Well, generallyspeaking, for a woman, ATTRACTION is a PROCESS...not an "event." It happens over time, and itbecomes stronger or weaker depending upon how wellthe man in the situation understands how it works.
For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an"event", meaning that it's either there or itisn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not thewoman understands how it works. (As an interestingside note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTIONworks, and her intention is to manipulate a man,it usually works VERY well.)
So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism"more like a volume knob than a light switch.
It's like a fantastic, classy old car thatneeds to warm up for a long time before you candrive it... not like a brand new Honda that youcan start up and get right on the freeway with.
Here's a little secret about women andATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer inevery situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION,she'll love you for it... and you'll experiencerewards that will make the extra time you spentseem like the best investment of your entire life.
Here are a few specific tips for you for the"Meeting Phase":
1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK.
When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usuallyturns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, heusually makes the mistake of letting the womanKNOW that he's nervous and weak.
Don't do it.
Do something STRONG.
Challenge her.
If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her.If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she'sdoing something, tell her that you could do itbetter.
When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE,she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAMEIS ON.
If you just chase after her like the 100 otherWussies that have been bothering her this week,you will just be another boring, predictable facein the crowd.
2) Keep the TENSION UP.
One of my favorite concepts is "Never let theline go slack."
This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry"or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP.
Just because she starts doing things that hintto you that she's interested, doesn't mean thatit's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually.
Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, sodo more! Sexual Tension is SO important thatI've actually devoted an entire "language" andway of thinking about it. If you want to learnhow to create Sexual Tension, then use it toreally amplify ATTRACTION and arousal, thentake a minute and look at this:
3) Tease.
The word "tease" has a couple of meanings.
One of the meanings has to do with doing thingsthat are slightly annoying to get a response fromsomeone.
The other meaning is subtly different and hasto do with drawing out a response that you want bydoing certain things that indirectly trigger it.
Do both.
If you're about to kiss her, wait until yourlips are so close that you can almost feel her...and then STOP. Pull away, and smile.
If you want to know how she feels about you,say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone ofvoice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO IDON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then sheprobably DOES "love" you.
Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it.
And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:
1) Never become BORING.
Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sinwhen it comes to ATTRACTION.
Don't do either.
Of course, telling a man not to be predictableis like telling a dog not to hump your leg.
Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable.
We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it.
But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'dbetter figure out a way to STOP IT.
There's nothing that will kill the sparksfaster than her knowing what you're about to do orsay.
2) Don't hand over control.
Women like men who make decisions and take thelead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men whoare overly controlling. What I am saying is thatwomen don't like guys who are always saying thingslike, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,baby?"
Women don't want men that they can control, sodon't be one.
3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests.
When a guy meets a woman he likes, he oftenwants to spend as much time as possible with her.
This is natural, of course.
But there's a big danger here as well.
If you put your life aside for a woman, youwill become less interesting to HER.
In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep yourfriends, your interests, and your hobbies, and tospend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUTHER.
And I think it's VERY important to keepimproving yourself as a person, and continue to bea guy that she can look up to and respect.
As soon as you start acting like she's going tobe around forever, she'll start feeling less andless ATTRACTION for you.
Now, as you read these examples, can you seethe bigger picture forming?
Can you see the deeper message?
The deeper message is that you need tounderstand how ATTRACTION works for women and youneed to do those things that keep the ATTRACTIONBUILDING FOREVER.
Now, where does this all begin?
It begins with YOU.
And it begins with you learning how to controlyourself and your emotions. It begins with youunderstanding the history of how and whymen and women become attracted to each other. Itbegins with you learning the basics of how to usesubtle body language and communication to makewomen feel ATTRACTION for you.
And what's the best way to get this "in-depth"education?
You need to get some of your "Inner Game"issues handled, and you need to learn how toreally get control of your emotional life. If thisis you, then I recommend you check out my "DeepInner Game" program.
This program is jam-packed with tools andtechniques for fixing self-image problems,improving self-esteem, overcoming fear of women...and everything in between.
This is the BOMB when it comes to working onyour Inner Game, and you can go watch some greatpreview video clips here:
If you'd like to learn the "secret language ofAttraction", then I highly recommend that you getyour hands on a copy of my "Sexual Communication"DVD program.
Inside this program I'll teach you all about a"secret" language that has been used all aroundyou, all your life... you just never knew aboutit.
I'll show you how to spark attraction, buildsexual tension and chemistry, and take things tothe next level... using powerful (but subtle) bodylanguage cues and other techniques.
Discovering "Sexual Communication" was one ofthe most important steps on my own journey tosuccess with women and dating, and I'd like you tocheck out this program... so I can teach you whatI've learned.
All the details, plus some great previews arehere:
If you're fascinated with the topic ofATTRACTION, and you'd like to get an in-deptheducation on it, then you need to go and downloadmy latest eBook "Attraction Isn't A Choice." Youcan download it now and be reading it within a fewminutes. Download it here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. Take a minute and look through all of thedifferent programs I've put together to help youlearn how to attract, meet, and date the kinds ofwomen you've always wanted to meet. You can seeall of them, watch great video clips, and get abunch of other great stuff here:
http://www.datingtechniques.com/e//Catalog/?cid=QZZZ3C&lid=6&sbid=2571750 --------------------------------------------------
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