Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am a good looking guy but never really got the chicks i wanted, only got ones that wanted me.That is history now thanks to your material..

In the lecture hall a chick asks me pointing "is that free?" (meaning the seat next to me coz the hall was full)... i made it out she was pointing at my lap and i said.. "No you can't sit on mylap, how about this seat?!". she cracks up laughing and sits down.

I tease her hard at the interval, and after lecture she asks me if i am single. To which ireply "Yeah, i suppose i have space for one more!!"- she giggles and calls me naughty.

She texts me all the time now and we plan to do a proper hook up next is great!

I noticed you can use C&F in doses, just 5 good hits and you're in. Rest of the time just sit back and enjoy having a "normal" conversation.

If you start off the interaction with a woman in the right way, you'll form a "first impression"that will cause her to see ANYTHING you do from then on in the context of the "Cocky & Funny"attitude that you've demonstrated.

I personally think it's a good idea if you keep up the Cocky & Funny, easing off as you start having more and more conversation. But, don't stop entirely, because at some point you'll begin to lose the magnetic challenge that worked for you in the first place.

This is another reminder that once a woman thinks of you in a particular way, she's likely to think of you in that way for a LONG time.
And if you start out by acting like a WUSSY,then she's going to assume that you will ALWAYS act like one, and run.

A casual "playmate" of mine just turned me on to you and your sage advice and I must admit that it's terribly accurate. Nothing is sexier than confidence and if a man can tie it all up with a funny bow, all the better!!!

Speaking of being tied up, I'm a very submissive woman behind closed doors but outside of the bedroom I tend to employ the c&f approach myself(it's reflex - I come by it naturally). Myquestion is how do I put these two aspects of my personality together to achieve optimum success out there in the dating world?
Um, well the first thing you do is SEND ME PICTURES AND GIVE ME YOUR PHONE NUMBER.

I recommend PERSONAL COACHING from me...nothing else will do. It really is a must.
Your challenge is going to be finding a man who is a match to you. It's not going to be easy...
(I love my job, by the way.)

Now, my question here is on jealousy:
If Girl A sees me out with Girl B, given Girl Alikes me enough, will this jealousy INCREASE GirlA's attraction to me? Or, for that matter, Girl A knowing anything about me being involved with anyother girl? I ask this b/c I'm a little more attracted to Girl A than the others but still want to "get to know" the others!! What do you say,Dave?

Jealousy is an interesting emotion.
Some believe that it's the most POWERFUL emotion.
Generally speaking, if a woman knows thatyou're seeing other women, it will make you more attractive.
But you must be careful.
Jealousy can make people crazy... and it can lead otherwise normal people to do all kinds of insane things. If you make the wrong person jealous, they can turn into a stalker...
That said, my perspective is that you need to live your life and not worry about what others think of you.

This trait will lead to women finding you more attractive in and of itself.
If you're always worrying about whether a woman will be upset because she sees you out with another woman, then you'll be acting like a wussy all night because you're scared.
On the other hand, if you could care less what others think of you, then it will project into all other areas of your behavior, and will lead toother good things.

Every Friday night I go out to parties, but there's usually the same people there, so they'd notice if I drastically changed how I act, so I've been working in your techniques bit by bit, and most everyone just thinks I'm finally coming out of my shell.

Last Friday night I was there and there was this new girl from another school- she'd never seen me before, so I figured I had nothing to lose. Iwent over to her and went all out. She was wearing one of those shirts that's just a strap in the back- basically a half-shirt. I walked rightup to her and said, "Ya know, when someone wears that kind of thing, it can only mean one thing."She pulled one of those half-smile "I'm hot and Iknow it- just give me your stupid line and goaway" looks.

So I said, "It means you can't afford an entire shirt, and you were just hoping no one would notice since it's dark in here."Needless to say, she was caught off guard. She started to get a mad look on her face, so I gave her crap about not being able to take a joke, and mentioned that it's a good thing she could at least afford an entire pair of pants. Finally she laughed, and said, "What, you don't like myshirt?" and kind of pouted. So I said, "It's notbad, but it'd look even better on the floor of my bedroom." Ya know, those really cheezy pick up lines can actually work if you deliver them sarcastically so the girl knows you're making fun of people that use them for real.

Another kind ofbackward logic that works, so ya just use it, Iguess. Anyway, about a minute later I got her togive me her e-mail address and number, and Iwalked away. A couple days later I sent her an e-mail saying it was nice to meet her and if shewanted to see me I'd be there the next week. Shereplied the same day saying she'd be there - andthat's tonight. I'm off to go there now, so I'llbe sure to fill you in on how things go on our"second time."
Thanks again, David! T in CO
Love it! Great work, and good job sticking itout through those first couple of minutes ofconversation.
Hey whats going on Dave?
I don't have a question, cause i have the C/F downpatt. So the other night i decided to take it alittle further. I was with this girl and thenafter a while, i knew that she wanted to start toget busy, so I TEASED HER!!!! I don't wanna getinto much boring detail, but I made her want itmore, it was like i owned her. It was great. Andthe best part here, I've only received now 2 e-mails from you. The 2nd one was the one withquestions and stories... and i got it the dayafter. What can i say, I'm a natural. ThanksDave, keep the e-mails coming... soon to get thebook.
A Saskatoon, SK
Ah, a man who gets it.
It's hard for most guys to lean back and notgive a woman what she wants in the moment.
But, if you can just hold back, tease, and letthe anticipation build up... and learn how toamplify a woman's feelings by doing this, you'llget so much further, so much faster.
On the other hand, if you try to keep pushingforward always, you'll run into resistance atevery turn... and wind up frustrated because she'stelling you to stop.
Nice moves.
Hows it goin, Dave? Just wanted to start off bysaying I've read your book and the c&f techniqueshave worked wonders. But, lately I've been havinga bit of a problem. See I've had this one girlwho has been my good friend for a few years now,and shes always set me up with her friends etc.ppl always joke about how we should get marriedand everything and we just laugh... but lately imrealizing that i really do like her. I'm at atotal loss on how i should confront her (the 3-5minute c&f routine doesn't really apply here!),and need some tips/ideas from turning a 'justfriend' into a girlfriend.
Thanks in advance,
--CJ from Austin
Well, you're an interesting guy.
Most guys who have a golden goose (her) that islaying (no pun intended) golden eggs (her friends)wouldn't be so quick to try to hook up.
Think about what you're risking here...
If things don't work out with her, you're goingto most likely be out of luck as far as thegetting hooked up with the girlfriends... andyou'll probably lose her as a friend as well.These things aren't certainties, but they're apretty good bet.
If you want to see if she's interested in you,try using the Kiss Test on her (it's on the secondpage of my main web site, and in my book). Itworks wonders.
Hello Dave,
I totally agree that success with women only comeswhen you actually grab your balls, go out and dosomething about it - you actually need to IMPROVEin all of the ways possible. Just recently i'vebeen concentrating on training my voice.
What advice would you give on how to best trainyour voice so it is "attractive" to women - andgenerally conveys self-confidence and control? Bythe way you sound great on your seminar CDs.
B London
OK, let's summarize what you've said here:
1) You grab your balls when you go out to meetwomen.
2) You like the way my voice sounds.
I'm not sure about you, dude.
lol... the best things you can do to train yourvoice are:
1) Speak slowly and clearly.
2) Put more bass in your voice... talk in a lowerregister.
3) Use pauses for effect.
Just as important as the VOICE is your "BodyLanguage" and gestures. In fact your voice toneand your Body Language make up almost ALL of thestuff that makes a woman feel ATTRACTION for you.More great tips on this stuff are here:
You are the man. i think people should put amonument for u. the C&F routine had worked wondersfor me. im actually now getting digits and e-mail.But this C&F routine got me thinkin. your greatmethods are now probably in the hands of a millionguys or even more, so if two guys playing the C&Fon the same girl, who will she choose? like imean, do we have then add another part to ourcharacter? And another question, wont these babesget tired of us guys of approaching them with thesame C&F routine??? i think they will needsomething different in their lives so wont they gofor the jerks or some other people???? u gottaanswer these questions for the sake ofhumanity!!!!
U.W Israel
Well, for the sake of humanity, here's thedeal:
Most guys just want to meet a nice girl andsettle down into a relationship. My materials helpguys do that FASTER than they would have before,and date more women in the process, so theyeventually meet a BETTER girl in which to have arelationship than they would have before.
And you don't have to worry... there are plentyof women out there.
Dear Dave,
I want to thank you for all of the help. I admit,I used to be a Wussy. I know this now. But Irecently started working at a store and found alady there to be very attractive. I had neverasked a lady out before, because of my shyness,and being use to them just confronting me orhaving their friends do it. I was ready for achange in this and decided to use your techniques.I used your techniques and simply asked the ladyout with a C&F approach. Needless to say, afterwork tonight we were eating out and SHE actuallyrequested we go to a more 'Private' locationnearby. I kept the C&F routine rolling all night.Having to be at work the next morning we decidedto head for home. Keeping up the C&F routine Iended up with her number and she suggested that wego out the next night (tomorrow night). I learneda lot about her and these bring me to somequestions.
She wanted to talk about our lives the wholenight. I kept up the 'Is this a job interview?'stance and kept off of the normal subjects. Butshe kept coming back to these subjects. How doyou get off of these subjects/questions if theykeep insisting? Also, she and I are religiouspeople, and I am not after the normal 'one thing.'I'm after a relationship. Keeping in mind that weare both religious, but sex is not out of thequestion completely, how do I still make her feelattracted to me? I also want to say thank you forbringing light to the subject of women and GodBless you for all of the help. You are simply THEMAN!
Many thanks, Grateful Virginia
I think you're on the right track.
If you're looking for a relationship with thiswoman, and you're not going to have sex with herbefore that point or before marriage, then you'reOK talking about "normal" topics.
The Cocky & Funny material will only make youmore attractive to her, so make sure you ask HERthe kinds of questions you want the answers to,and make sure that SHE is the right girl for you.
Thanks for the email.
Hi Dave.
I've read your book and i totally agree with yourC&F attitude (it has worked for me). Anyway, hereare some facts about me:I'm 21 yo, live in Greece,really handsome,never done a PICK UP(get hernumber). Although i look older and...experienced,I'm quite inexperienced with women. I'd appreciateif you answered a specific question. Here is thesituation i have been maaany times:I'm sittingwith a friend of mine in a cafeteria. 3 or 4meters away there is a table with 2-3 girlschatting or playing a board game.I "catch" one ofthem staring at me with that silly expression thatsays"I LIKE YOU".What should i do?I shouldimmediately stand up and approach their table withconfidence. Then what?I'd like you to tell me theEXACT words i should use.
I look forward to hear from you.
Aris P.
P.S. Please forget about the email. The targethere is clear: Her mobile phone number
Well, this is going to sound simple... and itis.
The first thing you need to understand is thatif a woman likes you, then she's VERY likely togive you her phone number, email address, orwhatever. I even know a guy who gets women'saddresses and a map to their house when he firstmeets them. Really.
You need to just start talking to women.
Walk over to the table, say, "Hi" to one of thegirls, and then ask her a few questions aboutherself. Finally, say "It was nice talking toyou... I'm going to get back to my friends." Asyou turn to walk away, turn back and say, "Hey! Doyou have a mobile phone?" If she says "yes", thengive her a pen, and say "Write down your number,I'd like to talk to you again."
It really is that simple.
You need to do that about 100 times in the nextmonth.
You'll learn so much that you won't believe it.Do it!
I bought your book about a month ago and I haveused some of your techniques to success. There isthis girl I like at my bank and who I thoughtliked me. The problem is I let the beauty get thebest of me. I bought your book after I met her inhopes to getting her. Well I used some charm bydropping a card through the drive through andwriting if she wanted to go out Sunday night. Letme tell ya she melted and told me that no one hasever did that for her before. She told me to giveher my number and that she would call me forSunday night. Well Sunday rolled around and shedidn't call but the next time I saw her she turnedred and greeted me with a smile and the apologeticexcuse that I was away this weekend and I feel sobad I didn't call you and then she bowed her headand said she was sorry but didn't say she wouldcall. I asked two of my friends one c+f guy whohas great success with girls and he said youshould have told her "playing hard to get" andlaugh at her excuse to get her thinking. While myother friend who seems like a wuss at times butalso gets laid quite often said to be up front andsay what happened and lets try again. What do youthink I should do? Should I say anything? Its beena month but I see her about 3X a week at the bank.Plus she is always telling the other tellers Ilook hot by the way I dress--Armani guy and that Iam well off because I drive a real nice SUV. Mygut feeling is to move on. Thanks.
J in Ct.
Well, at this stage in the game, I'd recommendthat you ALWAYS get her number and email.
You be the one to email and call her first.
This way you can follow up, and she knows thatyou know how to get a hold of her.
The card and the asking her out on a "date" wasprobably a little too much, in my opinion.
When you do things like this, you come acrossas overly interested.
Better to say "Hey, give me your email", thento email and suggest a cup of tea. Then, if teagoes well, suggest something else... and so on.
Let things progress naturally, and don't comeon so strong in the beginning.
Here's what I'd do if I were you:
Next time you see her, say "OK, you're playinghard to get, but it's not working on me (in afunny way). Give me your email and number, andI'll call you in a few days."
Then get her info, and wait a few days to callher.
When you do reach her, tell her that she owesyou a cup of tea for being flaky. And make her payfor it.
And make sure you don't act like a needy Wuss,OK?
Hey Dave,
Your material rocks, after Henry Ford, you are theman who has changed America. I have one hugequestion. As you often say, women test a lot anddo it by many different ways. I recently have cometo a certain girl who we call, a woman player. Atsome point, were everything I was doing was goingwell, she just said "I love you". I know thatsaying this on the first date for a guy is a no-no, but what if she says it. I know that this timeit was a test, but what if this happens and thegirl is serious?
thank-you s-d
Well, if you are interesting enough, you'regoing to have women saying things like "I loveyou" all the time.
And, just like Hans Solo said to Princess Leia,you need to say...
"I know."
Don't turn into Wussy Boy and say somethingdumb like... "really?".
And by the way, if a woman is SERIOUS when shesays "I love you" on the first date, then you needto be really, really careful... lol.
Hi Dave
Bought the book a couple of days ago, printed itoff yesterday (guess that defeats the point of e-books, but it makes it easier to read sitting onthe toilet!) and read it. Went out on a dateyesterday evening, and suddenly I'm like a mindreader...
Had a date Friday, before reading the book. Shesaid she doesn't even want to talk to me again.Date last night (Sunday), was a bit cold andwasn't opening up. Had a few beers, then told herI could tell her things about herself that no-one's ever told her before. Did a few minutes ofthat, she melted and asked me was reading awoman's mind my party trick! Bear in mind I onlypicked this up from reading the book, and threw ina bit of common sense and guess work into it tomake it sound good :-)
She went home to hers, I went back to mine. Askedher to text me on my mobile when she got backhome. She done that. She's already emailed me thismorning too. Suddenly after all these years it'sstarting to make sense...
Enough of my rambling, thank you for a damn finebook. It's very early days, but already things arechanging.
Thanks again, keep up the good work!
It's funny, because I get a lot of emails fromguys who say things like "I downloaded your booktoday, and I sat and read it all the waythrough... then I went out and got a girl'snumber", etc.
Of course, the best is when I get the successstories like yours from guys who are taking thematerials, and using them to get responses fromwomen that they've never gotten before.
Great job...
Now, if you're ready to take your success withwomen up about ten more notches, it's time for youto get yourself a copy of my Advanced DatingTechniques CD/DVD program.
This program is jam-packed with literallyhundreds and hundreds of fantastic concepts andstep-by-step techniques that will dramaticallyincrease your successes... far beyond where it isright now.
You can watch some great sample video clips andget all the details here:
And if you're reading this right now, and youhaven't downloaded my online eBook, you need to goand do that RIGHT NOW. You can download it andliterally be reading it in a few minutes. Godownload it here:
And I'll talk to you soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. I wrote you a letter telling the story of howI learned all this stuff about how to meet women,get dates, and everything else... If you have aminute, you should read it:
P.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:
1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.
2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
...don't just hit "reply" to this email.
Thanks! --------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

how to make a woman want you

Before I ever learned how to attract women, I used to watch how those guys we call "Players"...would walk into a room, leave with the woman of their choice... and make it look so damn EASY.

I used to think to myself that it would be SO fantastic if I could do that.
I figured that these guys must be "good looking" or charming... or have SOMETHING...
...something I didn't have.

Later, after I learned the SKILL of meeting women, I realized that the most important thing I had been missing was knowing HOW to ATTRACT women.
Here's the BOTTOM LINE:
ANYONE can learn to meet women.
But if you don't UNDERSTAND how to create ATTRACTION, then you will beat your head against the wall YOUR ENTIRE LIFE and still not have any success.

The BEST way for YOU to learn how to create MASSIVE attraction is to read my downloadable eBook called "Attraction Isn't A Choice".

I believe that YOU can learn how to create powerful ATTRACTION in women... and I believe you can learn it FAST.
If you want to learn the psychology and techniques to creating attraction with women, then go download and read my eBook here:
Download it now.
Talk soon,
David D.

P.S. Make sure you take a minute and look at all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to overcome fear, approach women, get numbers, get dates, and take things to a "physical" level smoothly and without rejection.You can see them all, plus watch great video clips of each of them right here:

Saturday, February 02, 2008

how long a guy should wait to call a woman after he's gotten herphone number

If you've seen the classic cult movie"Swingers", then you probably remember the partwhere the guys are discussing how long a guy should wait to call a woman after he's gotten herphone number.

The scene really hits home for a lot of guysbecause it gets down to a real-world situationthat we all confront and ponder.
I get a lot of emails from guys asking me whatto do in this very situation.
The more I've thought about it, the more Irealize that this particular question (and theanswer to it) are part of a bigger, more importantCONCEPT about how to deal with women.
Let me explain.
When a guy asks me "How long should I wait tocall her?" this immediately tells me a few ofthings:
1) The guy doesn't feel like he's in control ofthe situation. If he felt like he was in control,then it he wouldn't ask, because it wouldn'tmatter.
2) The guy doesn't really "get" how male/femaleattraction works. If he did get it, then he'd bethinking in those terms rather than trying tofigure out the exact best amount of time to waitbefore calling.
To put it differently, the "when do I call herback?" problem is part of a bigger concept, andonce you understand that bigger concept better,then you'll have an automatic feel for when tocall a woman back.
Most guys don't "get" one simple point:
If you want a woman to feel ATTRACTION for you,then you must behave differently than if you wanther to feel that "just friends" feeling.
In the world of ATTRACTION, things arecompletely different.
For instance, our moms taught all of us guys to"be nice" to women. This usually includes beingsweet and complimentary when first meeting them,answering all of their questions directly, andgiving them what they want when they want it.
But if you want a woman to feel that INSTANTGUT LEVEL ATTRACTION right from the beginning,then you're going to have to put aside this kindof thinking, and start learning some NEW ideas.
For instance:
1) A challenge is generally attractive to women.
2) Teasing and being evasive is generallyattractive to women.
3) Making fun of a woman's appearance in a flirtyway, as counter-intuitive as it might sound, canlead to ATTRACTION.
- By the way, psychology is one of my VERYfavorite topics, and the psychology of creatingattraction is FASCINATING. If you're as interestedin it as I am, then you should check this out aswell:
I'm trying to communicate the idea that whenyou're dealing with ATTRACTION, you have to putaside old "normal" ways of thinking and behaving.
I would like to mention one more point beforegetting into the specifics here...
These days, people are becoming very sensitiveto having "techniques" used on them.
If a salesman uses a sales technique on us, weimmediately get defensive and resistant.
If a panhandler asks for money in a way thatsmells of "tricks or "techniques" we pass them bywithout pity.
If a business treats us like a "thing" or anumber instead of an individual person, we avoidthem or buy elsewhere.
We humans don't like having manipulationtechniques used on us, and when we detect thatsomeone or something is using one to get thebetter of us, we resist.
So let's get back to the "how long to waitbefore calling her back" issue.
If you think about it, every situation isslightly different. One time you might meet awoman in the morning at coffee, and another timeyou might meet a woman at a club at 1 in themorning.
If you wait too long to call her back, I thinkyou run the risk of seeming like you're just usinga technique on her and you come across as a playerwho's trying to do your thing on her.
When deciding how long to wait before you callor email, I think it's important to ask yourselfthis question:
"What will likely INCREASE THE ATTRACTION inthis situation?"
Here are a couple of ideas I have used withgreat success:
1) Email instead of calling first. I personallyemail the next day. I'll start with a charmingemail to get the conversation started and thentell her that I'm going to call in a day or two.This has the effect of making contact with herrelatively quickly, but still creatinganticipation because you haven't actually talked.
2) Call the next day, and make a joke about thesituation. I might call and say, "Yeah, I waswatching Swingers and they said to wait three daysto call, but I was kind of in more of a one daymood..."
If you didn't get her email address and youMUST use the phone, just do your best to avoidbeing AVERAGE.
I personally believe that our attention spansas humans are getting shorter and shorter. We havemore and more information coming in fromtelevision, newspapers and other sources - andwe're getting cultural A.D.D. I think that if youwait too long, you're risking either being seen asusing a technique, or risking being forgottenaltogether.
But if you make the opposite mistake and calltoo soon (for instance a few hours later), you runthe risk of being seen as a needy Wuss who has nolife.
In past newsletters, I have written about whyit's important to leave immediately after gettinga woman's email and/or number.
How long you should wait to call her back is anatural extension of this.
As a matter of fact, if you get a woman'semail/number and then you keep coming over to talkto her, it can almost be seen as waiting 5 minutesto call her.
There's no anticipation, and it says all thewrong things.
A couple of other quick pointers for whenyou're making that first call:
1) Be busy. If you're going to ask her to join youfor tea or something similar, make sure youmention two times that you're busy for every onetime that you're available.
2) Don't linger on the phone. Make that first callshort and to the point. If you stay on the phonefor more than a few minutes, you're running therisk of getting into a normal "What do you do?","Where do you live?", "Where did you go toschool?" conversation. Avoid this.
To summarize, when in doubt wait a day or so tocontact her again.
But more importantly, think about the situationin terms of anticipation and ATTRACTION, so whenyou do make contact it creates the correctcontext.
And now I have another question...
Do you enjoy learning the PSYCHOLOGY of how tocreate ATTRACTION with women? And do you enjoylearning the psychology of how to create moreinternal confidence... and how to overcome your"Inner Game" psychological issues?
Yeah, me too.
In fact, I think that the PSYCHOLOGY of successwith women and dating is the MOST interestingpart.
One more question...
Would you like to get an IN-DEPTH education inhow to "fix" your Inner Game issues, and becomethe kind of man that women are searching for?
If so, then I highly recommend that you checkout my program "Deep Inner Game". This program isjust PACKED with tools and techniques forovercoming your inner psychological challenges.
Go check out some great video clips of theprogram here:
Of course, if you'd like to get my bestthinking on how to deal with different situationsand make a woman feel that magical emotion calledATTRACTION for you, then you need to read my book"Double Your Dating". It's full of all my bestthinking and ideas about how to attract the kindsof women that you've always wanted. Just go to:
And if you're ready to REALLY take your game tothe next level with women, then you need to stepit up and get yourself a copy of my AdvancedDating Techniques CD/DVD Program.
This program is over twelve full hours ofdigitally recorded and edited audio and video ofme PERSONALLY teaching you HUNDREDS of concepts,ideas, and step-by- step techniques for everysituation with women.
I'll teach you the techniques I use personallyto overcome fear, approach women, get phonenumbers, and get dates... and even how I takethings to a "physical" level with women.
Best part?
I'll send it to you to try at MY RISK... andyou don't even have to give me any money up front.Really.
Test it all out, and if it doesn't work, justsend it back to me and I won't charge you.
Check out some great samples, and get all thedetails here:
And I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you want to see all of the differentprograms I've created to help you learn how toovercome fear, approach women, meet women on theinternet, take things to a physical levelsmoothly, etc., plus watch video clips of all ofmy programs, just go here: