Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
1. Irrational, Uncontrollable Fear
Many of the situations that guys screw up with women fit into the category of "caused by fear". Here are some of the types of fear that us guys experience... along with how I think they mess us up with women:
Fear of rejection. Here's the situation: You see a woman you'd like to approach, and you start thinking about talking to her. All of a sudden, you feel your throat get dry and your heart pounding. But it makes no sense. There's no DANGER in the situation... but you're feeling FEAR. As you think about it, you realize that you're afraid of her REJECTING you. And that fear keeps you from starting a conversation.
Fear of embarrassment. As you're thinking of approaching that same woman, you look around at the other people in the situation... and you wonder "What would THEY think if I went over and talked to her... but she REJECTED me..."?
Fear of someone else hurting you. Maybe you keep thinking about talking to her, and you even come up with something clever to say... but the more you think about it, the more you start to wonder "What if she has a boyfriend? What if he's not here yet? What if he walks in and sees me talking to his girlfriend, and gets upset? What if he HURTS me?"
Fear of loss. Here's one for you: Have you ever met a great woman, then found yourself thinking about her all the time, and WONDERING if she might be with another guy? You become afraid of losing something that you don't even HAVE yet. So what did you do? Of course... you called her, emailed her, and tried to "secretly" know what she was doing at all times. And what happened? She got creeped out, and stopped seeing you.
So what do all of these have in common? FEAR, that's what. And guess what? If you address the FEAR directly, you can overcome ALL of these AT THE SAME TIME.
2. Constant Anxiety
Anxiety about not being able to attract a woman. One of the worst anxieties a man can have is this feeling of loneliness combined with a nagging anxiety about not being able to attract a woman. If you've ever been there, then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. It's as if you can't stop thinking about the fact that you DON'T have a woman... and you worry that you may NEVER be able to find one.
Anxiety about whether or not the woman you want is interested in you, or if she's interested in someone else. When you meet a woman you like, your first instinct is to figure out if she's "available". Looking for clues, thinking about it, and trying to figure this out can lead to a mental game that often causes a lot of internal tension and anxiety for us guys.
Anxiety about all the complex events in your life and relationships becoming unmanageable. Nowadays, life is COMPLEX. There are so many "moving parts". If one thing fails, then it could screw up a lot of other things. And the challenges that come from meeting and dating women are often the "straw that broke the camel's back".
Anxiety about something bad happening at any moment. I'm not going to talk a lot about this one, but if you experience it, then you KNOW what I'm talking about. And it's a pain in the ass.
3. Immaturity
You can't "handle" situations that bother you... they get to you too much... and they haunt you. We all have situations that come up in life that "get to us". But if you're like me and many other men, then you know what it's like to feel like things just "get to you" a little TOO much. When you can't handle "normal" situations... then you probably have a problem.
Going into a rage or tizzy when you don't get "your way". As we grow up, we might stop screaming and crying in public when we don't get "our way", but that doesn't mean that the problem has completely gone away. If you've experienced getting upset when you don't get what you want, then this is an area that you need to fix... and soon.
Wanting what you want when you want it, and not accepting reality. As kids, we used to fantasize about having things go exactly the way we wanted them to... and being able to change reality just by THINKING about it. As we grow up, we don't entirely give this up. If you tend to not want to accept the reality around you, then I honestly believe this is limiting you... and you need to do something about it.
And what do these three issues have in common? They're all connected to MATURITY... a process that can be LEARNED (and quickly, if you know how).
4. Unpredictable Emotional Turmoil
Thoughts or events that trigger strong emotions. Emotions are interesting things. It often seems like they just "come out of nowhere". And when the strong emotions come, they can COMPLETELY take over. Have you ever screwed up a situation in your life, work, or relationships because you got too emotional? Even worse, did it happen because you couldn't CONTROL your emotions?
Emotions that distract you from being productive. Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling intense emotions, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to focus on anything else? Strong emotions take over your entire experience, and even take over your THOUGHTS. If you don't know how to control strong, persistent emotions, you often wind up not being able to get ANYTHING done.
Events outside of you triggering emotions. We might call this one "being a small boat in a storm at sea". If events that are OUTSIDE of you often trigger STRONG emotions, then you've probably realized that YOU'RE NOT IN COMPLETE CONTROL of yourself. This can be pretty upsetting all by itself. Well, the good news is that you CAN learn how to control your emotions... and you can learn to "disconnect" your intense emotional responses from things that happen outside of you.
5. Other People Controlling You And Your Life
Others know how to push your buttons, and you don't know how to stop it. Have you ever felt like someone else had a "remote control" for your life and emotions? Somehow, they just know how to "push your buttons", and get whatever they want from you? Get this: It's YOU that's giving them control. And if you're tired of this, then YOU need to learn how to TAKE BACK THE CONTROL of yourself and your life (And I want to teach you exactly how to do this... because taking control of your life will have an INSTANT impact on your success with women).
Feeling low self-esteem combined with resentment because others are "running the show" of your life. If you've experienced this situation where you feel like other people control your life, then you most likely ALSO felt some negative emotions about it. When you're out of control, you KNOW that something is wrong. And it makes you feel bad about yourself. This is a "negative spiral" that just gets worse and worse. The more you let others control you, the worse it gets. It MUST stop.
Allowing someone else to control you because you think it will get you what you want. This is a DEAL KILLER when it comes to success with women. Us guys LOVE to try to please women by letting them control us. The problem, of course, is that when a woman actually GETS control, that's when her ATTRACTION STOPS. If you want to solve this particular problem, then you must literally change the way you THINK... and change your emotional responses.
6. Never Getting An “Instruction Manual” For Your Mind And Emotions
Wanting to understand and learn how your mind and emotions work, but thinking that it might be "dumb". When you first learn about "self-help", a common response is to think that it's kind of stupid or ridiculous. But one of the funny things about being human is that we don't come with "instruction manuals". And worse, we are COMPLEX. I believe that if you want to become EFFECTIVE in life... and if you want to have SUCCESS in life, you MUST learn how your mind and emotions work. You MUST overcome this feeling that it's "dumb" to improve yourself.
Not knowing where to start, and not wanting to get a degree in psychology to learn. I can remember when I first started learning about psychology, behavior, and emotions. Man, did it ever seem COMPLICATED. I actually took some psychology classes when I was younger... just to try to figure out MY OWN screwed-up mind. One of the big challenges when you're working to improve yourself is: "Where do I start?" And the other is "How do I learn all this stuff without spending YEARS in college?" In a minute, I'm going to tell you exactly where to start... and exactly how to solve all of these challenges RAPIDLY... no college degree required.
Not having a place where you can get all the information you need. Finally, if you've been working to improve yourself at all, you've noticed that no one has really put together an entire "system" for learning how to improve yourself in the area of "psychological and emotional health". This was one of my own biggest challenges... there just wasn't a "complete" system for addressing all of my problems. Well, fortunately that is a problem that is in the PAST...
7. Wanting To Get Help, But Not Being Able To ASK For It, And Not Knowing Where To Turn...
Maybe the biggest "Inner Game" challenge of all is realizing that you NEED help... wanting to GET help... but just not being able to ask for it... and not knowing where to turn for it.
Men are proud. We don't want anyone else to know that we're out of control... hurting... or desperate. We don't want to ask for help. We don't even like the THOUGHT of asking for help.
Even more, this stuff that I'm talking about is complex. When you're having an Inner Game problem, the problem itself takes over your awareness... and sometimes makes it seem like the problem won't ever go away...
Well, there's good news here.
The good news is that I've been working on this set of problems MYSELF for a long time... many years, in fact.
And along my path I met an expert in the area of "Inner Game Psychology" that opened up a new world to me. In a minute, I'm going to tell you about him, and how I think his cutting-edge concepts and techniques can help you ELIMINATE your Inner Game challenges...
The REAL REASON Why Some Men Will Always Fail With Women–And What To Do About It...
Remember the movie “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”… that cool old Harrison Ford movie?
Do you remember what Indiana Jones was doing for most of the movie?
He wasn't looking for the ARK ITSELF… no.
He was looking for the thing that had the INSTRUCTIONS that would help him find the Ark …
Remember that funny metal thing with the crystal in the middle that he put on the stick in the “map room”?
Indiana Jones knew that if he could find the thing that told him where the Ark was, the rest would be EASY.
There was another twist in the movie as well.
There was a bad guy in the movie who had burned his hand trying to grab the metal disk with the instructions on it. He had an imprint of the metal disk on his hand from the burn.
In the movie, they used the imprint from his hand to build a replica of the metal disk… hoping it would be “good enough” to help them locate the Ark.
The problem?
They only had ONE SIDE of the disk to work with. They didn't know that there were instructions on the OTHER SIDE.
As a result, they were looking in the wrong place, and not finding the Ark at all.
So why is this important? And why am I going on and on about this movie?
Because this is EXACTLY what most men are going through with women and dating.
They have only part of the information that they need, and they're trying to make it work on that alone.
This is like trying to drive a car without an engine.
No matter how much you shine it… and how many cool parts you stick on there… it's not going anywhere.
No way.
No amount of “hard work” is going to get it running if you don't have the right stuff under the hood.
Since I first wrote “Double Your Dating” a little over 4 years ago, I've seen a lot of guys making this mistake.
It's the very same mistake I made when I was first trying to learn all of this.
I see them trying to solve their problems with techniques… when they have problems that can never be solved with techniques.
From firsthand experience and from teaching others, I've learned that a technique will almost never work for a guy that doesn't have his Inner Game issues handled.
For instance, I'd teach a guy a great “opening line” to start a conversation with any woman anywhere… but he'd come back to me and tell me that he just couldn't do it. I'd say “what do you mean?” and he'd say that for some reason, he didn't even TRY it.
The problem was bigger than having the line.
In fact, having the line only made things WORSE for the guy… because now he had what he THOUGHT he needed… but it STILL didn't work. He only became more frustrated and depressed… and started feel bad about HIMSELF.
Your “Missing Link” ToDating Success…
I'm about to tell you something that you already know…
I think you ALREADY KNOW far more than the average guy about how to be successful with women.
In fact, you probably know more about this than most guys who are “naturally” good with women.
You already know the “tricks”… and what you need to do to be successful. But things just aren't working for you the way you wish they would…
And… I think that you KNOW that the problem isn't that you need more techniques.
You have that part of the “map” down.
I think you realize that the problem is something BIGGER.
Something more intense.
Something more personal… and more difficult to face.
I also think you know that if and when you DO tackle and defeat this problem… and get this “other side” handled once and for all… you WILL achieve the success with women---and in life---that you were born to have.
And I think you realize by now that this isn't going to happen by itself.
The problem isn't going to “solve” itself… the pieces aren't going to just “fall into place”… and you will NOT have the success with women you are looking for unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
The bad news is that this is never easy.
In fact… for most men it is next to impossible … and sadly… most go their entire lives without ever handling their issues and achieving the success they deserve.
I'll say it again:
Fortunately, it DOESN'T have to be this way for YOU.
How To Smash Through The “Internal B.S.” That Is Holding You Back From Success With Women–Fast And Forever...
If you're ready to finally get your Inner Game "handled"… and say “GOODBYE” to the problems and issues that have sabotaged you with women your entire life… I have some fantastic news for you…
Remember the guy I mentioned who is an expert helping men fix their Inner Game issues? Let me tell you about him...
To start with, he's a world- renowned psychiatrist who specializes in helping guys overcome and eliminate the inner issues that are sabotaging their success with women. And he's come up with a "unified theory" of all of the different ideas in the world of Psychology and Behavior.
After many years of reading psychology and “self-help” books, I've always thought that someone needed to create a “best of the best” of what was out there…
But I couldn't find anything that even began to “put it all together”.
One day I was doing a live seminar in Chicago, and a one of the guys at the program walked up to me at a break and started a conversation.
As it turned out, he was an "M.D." who had been creating a “unified theory of psychology” over the past several years.
He had been featured on CNN, in USA Today, and in The Wall Street Journal… just to name a few.
And here's where it got REALLY interesting…
He went on to tell me that he had taken the best of science and condensed it down into simple systems for dealing with Inner Game issues like anxiety, anger, depression, courage, confidence, and self-esteem… and had turned this “master theory” into a simple system any man could use to fix his “inner game issues”… and create the life he wants for himself.
We shook hands, and that was the beginning of my friendship with “Dr. Paul”.
The Start Of Something Big...
Over the next several months, Dr. Paul and I had several interesting conversations.
I was a bit skeptical about what he had told me during our brief meeting. Frankly… it sounded a little too good to be true.
But at the same time, he definitely had my interest… and I had found out more about the system he had created.
Well… during our first real conversation I quickly realized that Dr. Paul wasn't just some guy writing theories on his kitchen table.
Everything he was doing was backed by REAL SCIENCE… it was on the cutting edge of psychology… and it was truly amazing stuff.
I came to find out he had actually PATENTED his system… and had ALREADY used the system to help over 4,000 people in one-on-one clinical situations.
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was. I have been studying psychology for a lot of years… and I had been looking for a system like this for a LONG time…
And something else you should know about Dr. Paul: He's not your average “shrink”.
He's a normal, single guy just like you and me.
He's always out of the town trying out new things… and dates some of the most interesting and attractive women around.
His real-world experience and scientific expertise makes for an unbeatable combination… the guy is an intellectual powerhouse… and whether we were talking about psychology, science, or attracting women… I found myself learning something new every time I talked to him.
We quickly made plans to do an interview for my “Interviews With Dating Gurus” monthly interview series… and I brought him on as a featured guest speaker at my next live program.
The feedback I received from guys on what he had to say was nothing short of phenomenal. Dr. Paul has a unique way of taking complex psychological concepts and turning them into easy-to-understand methods that a 3rd grader could understand and implement… and nearly every one who heard what he had to say was blown away.
I knew at that point that we had to do something BIGGER.
I've always known that a guy's inner game is the single most important factor in his success with women... and also the most difficult to fix.
I had wanted to do a program to help guys get their inner game together for a long time. But even with all of the knowledge I had acquired in 10 years of studying psychology and behavior... I felt that something was missing.
I wanted to find a way for guys to get this handled FAST... and it just didn't exist.
But that all changed when I met Dr. Paul and was introduced to his system. I asked him to do a live program with me to help guys get their DEEP inner issues handled... and he said "yes".
A Life-Changing BreakthroughIn Behavioral Science
We decided to call the program, “Deep Inner Game”.
We spent weeks preparing, and then two solid days presenting step-by-step ways for overcoming limiting beliefs, destructive emotions, and once-uncontrollable fears… and demonstrating exactly how to build a powerful self-image, strong self-esteem… and giving you step-by-step, easy to use tools to fixing your inner issues QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY.
What resulted is a program that is the very first of its kind.
It's designed to completely reprogram every area of a man's mind for MASSIVE success with women... no matter what condition a guy is in... or how deeply he is affected by the problems of his past.
Fortunately, we had the "cameras rolling" during the presentation, and we turned the live presentation into a fantastic combination CD/DVD program that is going to blow your mind... and CHANGE your mind forever.
In this ground-breaking program you'll learn how the use the "operating system of the human mind" to pinpoint the specific problems that are ruining your chances with women... and figure out EXACTLY how to fix them quickly.
You'll learn how to take the bad experiences from your past and spin them into positive points of reference... and you'll use these points to give your the strength to ALWAYS do exactly the right things with women in the future...
What's unique about this program is its use of VISUAL AIDS...
Dr. Paul has created the first entirely visual system of psychology to solve deep problems... and he'll show you how to expel your inner psychological demons, and replace them with a powerful, solid confidence that all women notice and respond to... simply by following his easy-to-read charts and graphs.
Going through this program is like upgrading your brain with the latest in "dating" and "confidence" software. Fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, loneliness, anger, and frustration will quickly become a thing of the past. Every part of your dating life will begin to run more smoothly... you'll feel like you are on "auto-pilot" as you make all of the right moves with a woman every time.
The amazing thing about Dr. Paul's system is that it gives scientifically accurate and measurable results—that you can COUNT on.
If you've tried EVERYTHING and you can't get a grip on what your problem is and how to solve it... this program is especially for YOU.
If you're feeling like you don't have any control over your dating life... or if you're feeling used and manipulated... or powerless, trapped and hopeless... this will show you how to break free from these chains and take control of your life back... and start commanding power and respect from all you come in contact with.
If you've had difficulty with rejection or breaking up with a woman in the past, this program will show you how to patch those holes with confidence and strength... and take your self-esteem to a level you never thought possible.
If you're suffering from depression, or just a little bummed out about how things have been going for you lately... you'll learn how to snap yourself into "success mode" and take on a contagious, optimistic attitude... you'll see each new day as an opportunity to try out your newfound skills and meet more and more attractive women.
Most psycho-analysts take 4 years to perform this kind of work and make these changes in someone's life... but with Dr. Paul's revolutionary methods, you'll learn all of the tools you need to be your own personal success coach in literally hours.
You'll learn how to sync up both sides of your brain to get maximum results quickly... and accelerate your skills in ANY area of your life.
And that's just a very small sample of what this technology will do for you.
Here are a few of the other things you'll learn inside this exciting program:
How to patch up the holes in your self-esteem FOR GOOD and build a rock-solid foundation of confidence that all women “feel” when they're around you
Why human nature can actually PREVENT you from having success with women… and what you absolutely must do to overcome your “bad programming” and start living the life you were born to live
A 2-step exercise to identifying exactly how you are letting women control your actions so you can eliminate their influence and be YOUR OWN person (Which in turn will cause you to attract women like crazy)
Do you ever feel like you are just too “nice” or sensitive, or have a hard time saying “no”? Here's a simple technique you can use when you FEEL this happening to clear your head and make the right choice
A simple change in your attitude that will prevent a woman from ever trying to take control of your life
Do you find that the women you are REALLY interested in seem to LOSE interest in you after a few dates? Here's why… (It's a surprisingly easy fix… once you know the reason)
A brand new scientifically proven way to permanently break free from depression and sadness… no matter how severe… and replace it with feelings of happiness and contentment
How to conquer you emotional energy and give yourself the ability to turn any uncomfortable feeling into positive energy that motivates you to succeed
A detailed, recipe-like way to build self-esteem that works every single time (The secret is in the step-by-step process, which you'll learn in detail)
A simple psychological trick to conquer anger and anxiety and never again be a slave to your emotions
How to become your own life coach and guide yourself to success without needing the help of anyone else
An almost magical way to break your stubborn destructive habits quickly, easily, and permanently… and replace them with constructive habits that FORCE you to become successful
How avoid letting the emotions you feel when you meet a really special woman cause you to make stupid mistakes that scare her away (If you've ever had problems keeping around the “keepers”, it's probably because you didn't do this one simple thing)
How to eliminate all possibility of another person “pulling your strings” and take total control of your emotional and internal states… no matter what the situation
A step-by-step exercise to pin-point your 3 biggest inner issues (including those you are afraid to admit to yourself) and defeat them from the inside out… no matter how long they've been troubling you or how deep they are buried in your mind
A common misunderstanding that traps 99% of all men in a state of low self-esteem forever… that is surprisingly easy to turn around (When you know the secret)
A proven way to “block” a woman from effecting your emotions in a negative way so YOU are always in charge of the way you feel
A step-by-step plan to pull your self out of any depressed state–no matter how severe–that actually works (And gives you PERMANENT results)
How to initiate yourself into manhood and rid yourself of the needy “boy” inside of you that is subconsciously RUINING your game with women
How to quickly get over the pain of a bad breakup and stop letting it affect your current actions with women NOW… even if it's been haunting you for months
How to transform stress, anger and anxiety into SELF-ESTEEM
A relieving way to “forgive yourself” for past mistakes and bad experiences and turn them into learning experiences overnight
The one word clue that instantly tells you that you are thinking a defeating thought (Identifying these times is the key to maintaining high self-esteem)
What to do if you're a guy who takes the pain of rejection to heart (A step-by-step method to create a stone-cold confidence that no woman can phase)
How to eliminate the “up and down” rollercoaster of success and failure that usually comes with learning a new skill and create a path of CONSISTENT results
A simple 5-second thing you can do every single day to “stair-step” your psychological growth and boost your self-esteem and confidence—one notch at a time
How to avoid beating yourself up over things you KNOW you should let slide off your back
A FASCINATING way to increase your natural “intuitive” abilities with women… practically overnight… so you do the things that make her feel MORE attracted to you subconsciously
A detailed guide to the operating system of the human mind (When you know exactly how your mind works you can make it do exactly what you want it to do)
A secret your therapist will never tell you that allows you to fix your inner “issues” the very first time you try… FOR GOOD (If every patient new this they'd be out of business... )
Proven tools to build a charismatic inner presence that women notice
A scientific way to achieve TRUE happiness by aligning the 4 parts of your psychology (This simple exercise makes it a breeze… and you can use it again and again to keep yourself on track)
A psychiatrist's secret way to “read” a woman's personality so fast you'll feel like you cheated! (Now you'll know exactly what type of person she is within 5 minutes of meeting her...)
A scientific method of solving psychological problems using simple charts that works every time for any type of problem… not matter how serious
How to create a special tool for yourself that will recharge you with powerful emotional strength when you are down
A way to analyze and adjust your behavior with a woman on the spot… without slowing yourself down (This guarantees you always do the things that INCREASE her attraction to you)
How to create your own unique identity and personality and attract women to the REAL you
A lesson from a famous performing artist you can use to transform yourself from a “regular” person into a powerful masculine figure that people notice
3 easy-to-acquire personal elements that when put together give you an instant foundation of mature masculine power
The big mistake men make that gives all of their power to a woman (Once you do this you can NEVER get it back)
Exactly how to be “mysterious” the pieces of information you can keep from a woman that will drive her crazy with curiosity and make her PURSUE YOU to find out more
An easy-to-follow psychological “treasure map” you can use to find the richness of life that has been out of your reach for so many years
How to create instant trust with a woman by telling her “no” at the right times
A simple change in thinking that will instantly put you back in control of your life… and… turn your life into an exciting adventure that keeps getting better and better!
A brand new scientific method to eliminate stress… quickly and permanently
The big mistake men make that steers them into things they KNOW are bad for them… again and again
An exercise to determine when you are burning energy and wasting your strength on things you cannot control... so you can instead focus your resources on attracting more women
How to create a unique identity for yourself that women notice (Your uniqueness is one of your biggest assets in attracting women... here's how to use it to your advantage)
The real reason why so many men don't know who they really are (Here's how to break through the B.S. that has been forced upon you and start living your life for YOU)
How to impress a woman with your character by being “picky”
How to make any “technique” you learn a permanent part of you in the shortest amount of time humanely possible
How to turn a bad response from a woman into a GOOD THING (Use this to permanently eliminate rejection from your life)
How to use the “economics of psychology” to get people to do what you want while creating a win-win situation for all parties involved
How to create a powerful “aura of energy” that blocks others from sapping your power… and… attracts those that will charge you up
The secrets of a fulfilling and loving relationship what must happen to keep BOTH OF YOU from screwing it up
How to eliminate the life-sucking trap of co-dependence in a relationship (Most don't realize this is single biggest cause of break-ups)
How to be independent in a relationship in a way that makes a woman more attracted to you instead of scaring her off
How to create and live in YOUR OWN powerful reality (This will make you optimistic and energized no matter how bad the situation is around you)
The BIG DIFFERENCE between nice guys that DO attract women and nice guys that DON'T… and how to use your natural kindness to give you a distinct advantage over the “jerks” and the “bad boys”
Why your brains can actually be your worst enemy when it comes to doing the things that make women want you (Here's how to use your analytical ability to zero in on what makes her tick and please her like no other man can)
A way to avoid “losing your cool” when a woman does something you don't agree with that 99% of men never figure out on there own (The best part is that she will respect you and find you MORE attractive every time it happens)
The mistake “left-brained” men make that leads them to fail with women more often than “right-brained” men (The good news is that this is an easy fix)
How to blend your intellect with your “street smarts” and develop a powerful “sixth sense” for knowing the specific things that will attract a particular woman
A secret of master test-takers that helps you internalize new ideas and techniques twice as fast… so you achieve your goals with women in half the time
A simple way to PERMANENTLY eliminate “dry spells” from your life that most men miss entirely
How to throw away the “lines”, “tricks” and gimmicks that only take you so far with women and develop a powerful INNER FORCE that magnetically attracts women to the REAL YOU
How to identify exactly what you must do to achieve your goals AND what might get in the way so there is no possible way you can fail
A powerful exercise to break free of any “inner demons” that have haunted you since childhood - fast and forever (Unfortunately most people will go their entire lives without REALLY eliminating the things that prevent them from true success)
Why much of your unhappiness is caused by things that really shouldn't affect you… and how to remedy it in mere seconds
A step-by-step plan to mastering anger and calming your nerves quickly and easily in any situation
A mature “comeback” to say to a woman that is rude to you that shoots straight through to her psychological core and makes her instantly regret her bad manners
A way to handle your anger that actually builds character and confidence
An easy 1-step cure for anxiety that works any time you need it
The surefire psychological “recipe” you can use to break any addiction quickly (If you suffer from addiction of ANY FORM you NEED to hear this)
A proven way to overcome approach anxiety and shyness that works BETTER (and is much safer) than any prescription drug
A powerful exercise to completely eliminate your “secret excuse” that is keeping you from becoming the confident person you KNOW you should be
How to use a fake foreign accent to drive a woman crazy
A scientific way to supercharge your Cocky Comedy skills OVERNIGHT
How to size up a woman instantly and tell her EVERYTHING about herself (She'll think you're a psychic genius!)
Fantastic sets of stories and tools you can use to help others solve their own personal issues (Your friends, family, and the women you meet will look up to you when you learn these)
A step-by-step method to eliminate your desire to please others and start living for yourself (and attract more women in the process)
How to reprogram yourself to find and attract exactly the type of woman that is right for you—physically and emotionally
Why most men are forced to “take what they can get” when it comes to women… and how you can defy the odds and attract quality women on a consistent basis
The reason why some men always attract women with emotional problems—and what to do about it...
A step-by-step “in the field” exercise to cure approach anxiety FAST… so you'll never again hesitate when you see a woman you want to meet
A way to overcome your fear of conflict so no one on earth can push you around
What your dreams REALLY mean—how to use your own secret subconscious signals to identify and improve the parts of your life that are most important to your success with women
How to turn yourself into an ATTRACTION MACHINE by imprinting the process of attracting women on your nerves, muscle fibers, brain cells, and every part of your physical and mental being
How to train your brain to reject future problems from creeping in so nothing can ever break your powerful new emotional state
How to get rid of deep internal issues without years of therapy...
How to build your self confidence by SEEKING OUT rejection
A fantastic “direct” approach you can use to easily start up a conversation with a group of beautiful women
A great way to give yourself an instant energy boost any time of day that is far better (and healthier) than caffeine
How to appear confident to women before you actually have your inner game together (This will help you gain experience and dates while you're learning)
REAL Stories From A Guy WhoHas “Been There”...
This program wouldn't be complete without some other unique perspectives... and to put the "icing on the cake"... I invited another friend of mine who has overcome some serious inner game issues of his own to share his secrets...
My friend has "been there"... and he's a tremendous example of what you can accomplish by getting this area of your life handled. He's been able to lose over 125 lbs. in under one year by mastering his emotions and anxiety... and in this riveting presentation he'll show you how you can use the strategies he used to "shed the weight" to overcome any problem YOU might be facing.
Prepare to be shocked and delighted... this man is truly something else, and what you will learn from him will stick with you forever.
Here's just a few of the things he shared:
How to completely shut off the “inner voices” that talk you in failing when approaching a new woman
A way to eliminate the deadly “mind virus” of comparing yourself to others and start living for YOU
A hilarious way to turn things around when a woman comments on another man's looks (You'll be encouraging her to look at other men when you learn this!)
What to do when you even THINK another man might try to steal your woman in a nightclub
A lesson from martial artists that will make you literally immune to rejection, and enable you to get enormous amounts of new knowledge from every failure you make
How to break the ugly curse of “victim mentality” and remove the stress from your life that is preventing you from having success with women
The secrets my friend used to SMASH THROUGH his inner B.S. and lose over 125 lbs... that you can use to conquer any obstacle that is standing between you and the women you want
The real reason why a woman doesn't return your phone calls (It's a simple “fix” when you know the secret)
Do you ever get nervous when it's time to dance with a woman? Here's a great “escape” that works every time… and… keeps YOU looking good in her eyes
How to get over any “big fear” you may have (Such as public speaking, karaoke, or not being able to dance)… even those you never thought you would be able to eliminate
How to reprogram your subconscious so you feel you DESERVE to be with an attractive women (If you don't do this you'll subconsciously give her the upper hand in your relationship)
The FAST WAY to really let go of your past and give yourself a clean slate on life (Real advice from someone who's done it)
As you can see... this program is a powerhouse of priceless knowledge. I can't tell you how excited I am to bring this cutting-edge technology to you.
It is important to note that this program is NOT “therapy”.
It's also NOT one of those “motivational” programs designed to “pump you up”…
While I AM a fan of those types of programs… I've found that most don't produce permanent, lasting change.
Most importantly… no other self-help program on the market addresses the specific “inner game” issues that are keeping you from becoming successful with women.
This program is an actual SCIENTIFIC METHOD for pinpointing and eliminating the things that are holding you back from success… and unleashing the powerful, attractive man that is hidden inside of you.
If you're struggling with some issues that are holding you back from success with women, this program will show you how to completely banish them from your system FOR GOOD… and you will start to see results the same day you go through it.
Every psychological problem has a solution, and you'll be able to solve yours with the tools in this program.
If you're already on the path to success and you just need a little boost… this program will blast you up to a level you may have not even considered was possible… by quickly helping you transform yourself into the type of powerful, confident man that women can't help but notice.
But don't get me wrong… this program is NOT for everybody...
How Can You Know IfThis Program Is For You?
If you have the type of women that are “your type” chasing you around and becoming addicted to you, you might not need it.
If you don't have any anxiety, lack of self-esteem, or fear of women… and you never hit a dry spell, it might not be for you.
If you don't have any problems when you are “in the moment”… and you always do the right thing when it counts (especially with the women you are REALLY interested in), you probably don't need it.
On the other hand, there are certain “chronic” problems men have that don't EVER “just go away”…
Read through the list below… and if you find that you have experienced ANY ONE of these problems, I highly recommend you grab this program now.
However… if while reading through this list you realize that you have experienced more than one of these “chronic diseases” that are almost impossible to shake… you NEED to get this program immediately:
If you've ever been in a situation with a woman and known exactly what to do … but in the moment, your emotions took over and you screwed it up…
If you feel that if you run out of “lines” and “techniques” you'll have no way to attract a woman…
If you thought being with a woman was the answer to your problems, but once you were with one you still had problems.
If you've ever felt that if you found a great woman all of your problems would be solved… but secretly worry that those very same problems are what is preventing you from finding a woman in the first place…
If you have ever learned an awesome “line” or “technique”… but for some reason it didn't work for YOU.
If you want to turn your “hit and miss” success with women into massive, CONSISTENT success.
If you feel like you are “almost there”… but you just can't get it completely together…
If you've learned ideas and known they would work… but you couldn't even TRY OUT what you learned because you were too afraid…
If you've tried Cocky and Funny, and you could FEEL that it worked for a minute… but didn't know where to go from there… and you choked from fear or nervousness.
If you know what to do with a woman… but you always screw it up “in the moment” because of fear, nerves, etc.
If you've ever been able to attract a woman initially with techniques… but she eventually lost interest… and you didn't know what to do to keep her…
If you have ever felt like nothing you did would fix the problems you have… because they're just bigger than anyone would think…
If you've ever felt like you couldn't share what's REALLY going, because you were worried that anyone that you told might laugh at you…
The bottom line is this:
I don't need to tell you whether or not you need the information that is in this program. If you need it, you already know it.
There is a very good chance that this program contains THE KEY you need to have the success with women you want. And I want you to have it...
Why This Program IsVery Different FromEverything Else Out There
Before you decide whether or not this program is for you... I want to tell you why it's DIFFERENT from everything else that's ever been created on this topic.
Reason #1: It's the first time that a program has ever been created SPECIFICALLY to help men improve their Inner Game for DATING success.
Sure, there are a lot of "psychology" books and "self-help" programs. But NONE of them have been designed with the single purpose of helping a man like you to get your Inner Game to the point where you feel strong and confident... and naturally attract women.
Dr. Paul and I have spent many, many years of our lives learning all aspects of psychology and behavior, and we're both very interested in helping other guys become POWERFULLY effective when it comes to meeting and attracting great women.
We have put a massive amount of time and energy into creating a program that will help you deal with your Inner Game issues as quickly and easily as possible... and help you get the RESULTS you're looking for with women and dating.
I personally guarantee that you will not find anything else available that is even CLOSE to this program. In a few minutes I'm going to back up this guarantee and make you an offer you'd be crazy to refuse.
Reason #2: This program was created by two MEN who both SPECIALIZE in helping men overcome Inner Game issues in order to become more successful in their lives... and with dating success.
Most of the people who are teaching "self-help" and psychology to normal people like you and I are "generalists". They tend to teach more "academic" stuff... designed to help a broad range of people.
Dr. Paul and I are MEN. And we both SPECIALIZE in this area. We have each spent YEARS working to learn and then "translate" the best of the best when it comes to Inner Game success... and dating success.
This entire program is designed with one outcome in mind: To help you fix Inner Game issues... in order to dramatically increase your success with women and dating. That's it.
When you go through this program and APPLY the tools we are going to teach you, I can assure you that you're going to have more success dealing with your emotions... and I can assure you that this success is going to lead DIRECTLY to more success with women and dating.
We are two men who have "figured this out for ourselves", and now we're going to teach you step-by-step how to do it for yourself.
Reason #3: This program is a condensed, high-impact, "Best Of The Best" when it comes to improving your Inner Game.
One of my PERSONAL frustrations with "self-help" books and programs is that many of the authors seem to only want to talk about their OWN ideas... and they talk about them in a way that suggests that "everyone else is wrong"... and only they are right.
Dr. Paul and I couldn't disagree more. We believe in our ideas... for sure. But we also believe in the great ideas of those who have come before us... and who have figured out how to solve Inner Game issues before we ever even THOUGHT about this stuff.
Inside this program, we're going to teach you a "synthesis" of many great Inner Game ideas... and Inner Game techniques. We integrate many different "schools of thought" to bring you a CONDENSED set of theories and tools that will help you get results in your situation.
We believe that our mindset of bringing you the "best of the best", along with our own innovations and insights... will get you the fastest, most consistent results in your OWN life.
Again, I'm going to make a big claim... and GUARANTEE that you won't find a more powerful, more condensed, more USEFUL set of Inner Game tools and techniques anywhere...
Reason #4: This is a VISUAL model, which means you'll learn it faster, and use it more.
One of the things that makes psychology HARD to learn is the fact that most teachers teach with WORDS ONLY.
When you watch Dr. Paul teach you his system, you'll INSTANTLY realize that it's easier to learn... and easier to apply... because the entire system is VISUAL.
Every concept and every technique has an easy-to-remember DIAGRAM to go with it.
This one fact makes the information you're going to learn in this program MANY TIMES more valuable than other systems.
If you like to learn by SEEING how things work, then this program is going to be a MIRACLE for you. Make sure you watch the video clips of the program at the end of this letter... and you'll see EXACTLY what I mean.
Reason #5: This program is INTERACTIVE... it teaches you exercises and tools that you will actually use and apply AS YOU WATCH IT.
Most "self-help" books and programs are "passive". The teachers expect you to read or listen... then somehow "automatically learn and apply" what they teach.
In Deep Inner Game, we are going to give you several exercises and tools to use IMMEDIATELY. We are going to "interact" with you and guide you through the different exercises and tools... and teach you how to apply them in REAL-WORLD situations.
By the time you've finished this program and you've finished doing the exercises... you'll feel confident about your ability to handle yourself in "real" situations with women. This is VERY important. We will take you step-by-step through the material... I promise.
Reason #6: This program is focused on helping you solve your Dating Success Issues at the CORE.
If you've read this far, then I assume that you KNOW that more "techniques" will NEVER solve Inner Game issues.
They CAN'T.
Pick up lines and other techniques can be GREAT... but a great pick up line won't cure your fear of approaching women. No way.
The entire reason we created this program in the FIRST place is that Inner Game issues must be addressed at the CORE. The changes must come from INSIDE... not from outside.
As you master the different concepts and tools we're going to teach you in this program, you'll see that your "outside" success with women and dating will improve BY ITSELF.
I can tell you from personal experience... that once you start improving your Inner Game, women will start to respond more positively AUTOMATICALLY.
Reason #7: This material connects PERFECTLY with all of the other Double Your Dating techniques you're learning from me.
If you've read some of the popular "relationship" books that have come out, then you know that many of these authors just don't "get it" when it comes to ATTRACTION... and creating it with women.
I'm not saying that everything you read in relationship books is BAD. Not at all... in fact, many of the "relationship experts" are amazing.
But the sad truth is that many of the famous or highly-educated "experts" are still teaching "old ways" of thinking... and teaching ideas like "give a woman lots of compliments and gifts to let her know you're interested" and "be open with your communication, and share how you feel with her".
The material we're going to teach you in Deep Inner Game is NOT your mom's "how to have a great relationship" book re-hashed.
Dr. Paul and I GET IT. We understand that ATTRACTION doesn't come from being a sweet, submissive, nice, giving, complimentary WUSSY.
And we're not going to teach you anything in this program that doesn't "plug in" to all the other stuff you're learning from me...
In fact, this new material "plugs in" PERFECTLY. Once you get THIS area handled, all of the OTHER stuff you're learning from me will work MUCH better for you.
Reason #8: Everything we're going to teach you is ETHICAL... and it FEELS RIGHT to learn and use.
Dr. Paul and I share a common belief: You don't have to be dishonest or unethical to be successful with women. In fact, we both believe that you will be MORE successful if you really work to make yourself MORE honest and ethical (we actually think this is a "secret" of major success).
In this program, we're going to teach you how to develop your OWN "code of ethics"... and we're going to teach you concepts and tools that FEEL RIGHT to learn and use.
It's not necessary to "trick" women into being with you...
We're going to teach you how to attract women HONESTLY... and in a way that feels great for BOTH of you.
Reason #9: We hit the tough issues "head on"... and address them directly to get RESULTS.
The last thing I want to do is WASTE YOUR TIME.
I've wasted enough of my OWN time trying things that didn't work... and I know how it feels to "spin my wheels" trying to figure out how to solve my Inner Game problems.
I promise that this program isn't "weak". We don't dance around the issues... and give you "hints". We address tough issues like fear, insecurity, and anxiety.
We hit this stuff HEAD ON, and we teach you techniques that get you OUT of those negative states of mind and body... and help you start enjoying a more positive life RIGHT NOW.
If you've heard Dr. Paul and I in our interview... or at one of my live programs... then you know we're serious about this.
One warning: If you're not ready to "deal with" your own internal Inner Game issues DIRECTLY, then you should probably avoid this program. It's "strong medicine", and it's not for the weak-of-heart.
Reason #10: This program teaches how to BOTH have a happy inner emotional life... AND become more successful with women and dating.
Dr. Paul and I believe that if you're living a life that you ENJOY... you'll NATURALLY attract more women.
So we've designed this program to help you become happier and more satisfied with your life FIRST... and attract more women SECOND.
Let's face it: You want to improve your success with women so you can live a life that you ENJOY. Right?
Well then why don't you learn how to do BOTH at the same time?
We're going to teach you exactly that. How to deal with Inner Game challenges so your life becomes more ENJOYABLE... and THEN use that enjoyable life to attract women.
Reason #11: We are going to teach you how to become the kind of man that women REALLY want.
Here's a "reality check" for you: Most single women are VERY frustrated with the men they're meeting.
If you listen to a group of attractive single women talking, the conversation will almost ALWAYS turn to MEN... and specifically, what's WRONG with men.
And if you listen CLOSELY, you'll realize that when women complain about the men they're meeting, they almost ALWAYS complain about who the man IS...
I'm going to tell you something VERY important right now: If you want to ATTRACT and then KEEP a quality woman... then you're going to have to BECOME a "real man". Tricks and techniques might start conversations with women... but they won't keep her around.
The ultimate purpose of this program is to help you TRANSFORM yourself into the kind of REAL MAN that a QUALITY woman would want to be with... and I can tell you, with certainty, that if you go through this entire program, and apply what you learn, IT WILL HAPPEN.
Once you've mastered the materials you're going to learn inside this program, you will understand how to project confidence... self-assuredness... and comfort in your own skin... and THESE are the qualities and traits that get and KEEP a woman's attention.
You'll Also Get Three FREE Live “Interviews With Dating Gurus” Just For Trying This Program ...
As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program. Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit starter kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program. I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles. If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them. This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now. And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy. [Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.] ***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can "opt out" with one click while ordering.... and order just the Deep Inner Game Program alone. It's that easy.
Here’s What You’re Going To Get...
Over fifteen full hours of digitally recorded material on seven DVDs and two CDs
An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aids
A detailed track listing for quick access
A sturdy 3-ring binder to hold all of your DVDs, workbook, and other materials
Additional Bonus... Three Free Interviews With Dating Gurus
These three bonuses, including the two DOUBLE interviews are worth at least $100.00 alone
You'll get all three free, just for trying this program
It took me years of learning, testing, and hard work to REALLY get my Inner Game issues handled. I read every psychology and self-help book on the market, attended DOZENS of seminars, and bought DOZENS of programs.
In all, I probably spent years of my life, and thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of dollars.
To hire Dr. Paul one-on-one, you're looking at $500 an hour… if you can get him (he's booked WAY in advance… for good reason).
I'm very proud of this program… because it's going to allow you to accomplish the things you need to do MUCH FASTER than I was able to… and at a much, much smaller investment.
I want to help you get this part of your life handled, and I don't want ANYTHING to stand in your way… including your financial situation. I've decided to price this program at only 5 easy monthly payments of $49.97 (plus shipping and handling). And both versions come with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…
Don’t Decide Now...Try My Deep Inner Game Program FREE For 30 Days
I know this program is going to change your dating life forever.
I know that it's going to help you transform yourself into the absolute best man you can be. And I'm so convinced of that fact that I'd like to send you a copy of this program to try for FREE. That's right, NO MONEY. Here's what I'm going to do for you: I'm going to send you a copy of my Deep Inner Game program at MY RISK. If you like it, keep it. You'll be billed automatically.
If you don't like it, just send it back within 30 days, and you won't be charged (Don't worry, if the mail takes too long, and I get it back 31 days later and you've been charged, I'll give you a full refund). Can it get any better? Of course it can... I also realize that a serious investment like this might stretch your current budget a little bit. So I'd like to sweeten this deal and truly make it "an offer you'd be crazy to refuse". If you order right now, I'll spread your payments out so they're MONTHLY. You won't make your first payment until 30 days after you order, and you'll be automatically charged in equal monthly installments... it's that easy. I could not POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.
When you click on a button below, you'll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your program (just use a valid credit or debit card for your order). Go through this program from beginning to end. You will see INSTANT RESULTS... and women will notice. Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days at MY RISK. If you decide that it's not for you - for ANY REASON - just send it back and you pay NOTHING. If you'd like to keep it (and I'm betting that you will), you don't have to do anything. You'll be billed automatically in easy monthly payments. I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using my materials to improve their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too. Click on the link below, and place your order now:
Many of the situations that guys screw up with women fit into the category of "caused by fear". Here are some of the types of fear that us guys experience... along with how I think they mess us up with women:
Fear of rejection. Here's the situation: You see a woman you'd like to approach, and you start thinking about talking to her. All of a sudden, you feel your throat get dry and your heart pounding. But it makes no sense. There's no DANGER in the situation... but you're feeling FEAR. As you think about it, you realize that you're afraid of her REJECTING you. And that fear keeps you from starting a conversation.
Fear of embarrassment. As you're thinking of approaching that same woman, you look around at the other people in the situation... and you wonder "What would THEY think if I went over and talked to her... but she REJECTED me..."?
Fear of someone else hurting you. Maybe you keep thinking about talking to her, and you even come up with something clever to say... but the more you think about it, the more you start to wonder "What if she has a boyfriend? What if he's not here yet? What if he walks in and sees me talking to his girlfriend, and gets upset? What if he HURTS me?"
Fear of loss. Here's one for you: Have you ever met a great woman, then found yourself thinking about her all the time, and WONDERING if she might be with another guy? You become afraid of losing something that you don't even HAVE yet. So what did you do? Of course... you called her, emailed her, and tried to "secretly" know what she was doing at all times. And what happened? She got creeped out, and stopped seeing you.
So what do all of these have in common? FEAR, that's what. And guess what? If you address the FEAR directly, you can overcome ALL of these AT THE SAME TIME.
2. Constant Anxiety
Anxiety about not being able to attract a woman. One of the worst anxieties a man can have is this feeling of loneliness combined with a nagging anxiety about not being able to attract a woman. If you've ever been there, then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. It's as if you can't stop thinking about the fact that you DON'T have a woman... and you worry that you may NEVER be able to find one.
Anxiety about whether or not the woman you want is interested in you, or if she's interested in someone else. When you meet a woman you like, your first instinct is to figure out if she's "available". Looking for clues, thinking about it, and trying to figure this out can lead to a mental game that often causes a lot of internal tension and anxiety for us guys.
Anxiety about all the complex events in your life and relationships becoming unmanageable. Nowadays, life is COMPLEX. There are so many "moving parts". If one thing fails, then it could screw up a lot of other things. And the challenges that come from meeting and dating women are often the "straw that broke the camel's back".
Anxiety about something bad happening at any moment. I'm not going to talk a lot about this one, but if you experience it, then you KNOW what I'm talking about. And it's a pain in the ass.
3. Immaturity
You can't "handle" situations that bother you... they get to you too much... and they haunt you. We all have situations that come up in life that "get to us". But if you're like me and many other men, then you know what it's like to feel like things just "get to you" a little TOO much. When you can't handle "normal" situations... then you probably have a problem.
Going into a rage or tizzy when you don't get "your way". As we grow up, we might stop screaming and crying in public when we don't get "our way", but that doesn't mean that the problem has completely gone away. If you've experienced getting upset when you don't get what you want, then this is an area that you need to fix... and soon.
Wanting what you want when you want it, and not accepting reality. As kids, we used to fantasize about having things go exactly the way we wanted them to... and being able to change reality just by THINKING about it. As we grow up, we don't entirely give this up. If you tend to not want to accept the reality around you, then I honestly believe this is limiting you... and you need to do something about it.
And what do these three issues have in common? They're all connected to MATURITY... a process that can be LEARNED (and quickly, if you know how).
4. Unpredictable Emotional Turmoil
Thoughts or events that trigger strong emotions. Emotions are interesting things. It often seems like they just "come out of nowhere". And when the strong emotions come, they can COMPLETELY take over. Have you ever screwed up a situation in your life, work, or relationships because you got too emotional? Even worse, did it happen because you couldn't CONTROL your emotions?
Emotions that distract you from being productive. Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling intense emotions, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to focus on anything else? Strong emotions take over your entire experience, and even take over your THOUGHTS. If you don't know how to control strong, persistent emotions, you often wind up not being able to get ANYTHING done.
Events outside of you triggering emotions. We might call this one "being a small boat in a storm at sea". If events that are OUTSIDE of you often trigger STRONG emotions, then you've probably realized that YOU'RE NOT IN COMPLETE CONTROL of yourself. This can be pretty upsetting all by itself. Well, the good news is that you CAN learn how to control your emotions... and you can learn to "disconnect" your intense emotional responses from things that happen outside of you.
5. Other People Controlling You And Your Life
Others know how to push your buttons, and you don't know how to stop it. Have you ever felt like someone else had a "remote control" for your life and emotions? Somehow, they just know how to "push your buttons", and get whatever they want from you? Get this: It's YOU that's giving them control. And if you're tired of this, then YOU need to learn how to TAKE BACK THE CONTROL of yourself and your life (And I want to teach you exactly how to do this... because taking control of your life will have an INSTANT impact on your success with women).
Feeling low self-esteem combined with resentment because others are "running the show" of your life. If you've experienced this situation where you feel like other people control your life, then you most likely ALSO felt some negative emotions about it. When you're out of control, you KNOW that something is wrong. And it makes you feel bad about yourself. This is a "negative spiral" that just gets worse and worse. The more you let others control you, the worse it gets. It MUST stop.
Allowing someone else to control you because you think it will get you what you want. This is a DEAL KILLER when it comes to success with women. Us guys LOVE to try to please women by letting them control us. The problem, of course, is that when a woman actually GETS control, that's when her ATTRACTION STOPS. If you want to solve this particular problem, then you must literally change the way you THINK... and change your emotional responses.
6. Never Getting An “Instruction Manual” For Your Mind And Emotions
Wanting to understand and learn how your mind and emotions work, but thinking that it might be "dumb". When you first learn about "self-help", a common response is to think that it's kind of stupid or ridiculous. But one of the funny things about being human is that we don't come with "instruction manuals". And worse, we are COMPLEX. I believe that if you want to become EFFECTIVE in life... and if you want to have SUCCESS in life, you MUST learn how your mind and emotions work. You MUST overcome this feeling that it's "dumb" to improve yourself.
Not knowing where to start, and not wanting to get a degree in psychology to learn. I can remember when I first started learning about psychology, behavior, and emotions. Man, did it ever seem COMPLICATED. I actually took some psychology classes when I was younger... just to try to figure out MY OWN screwed-up mind. One of the big challenges when you're working to improve yourself is: "Where do I start?" And the other is "How do I learn all this stuff without spending YEARS in college?" In a minute, I'm going to tell you exactly where to start... and exactly how to solve all of these challenges RAPIDLY... no college degree required.
Not having a place where you can get all the information you need. Finally, if you've been working to improve yourself at all, you've noticed that no one has really put together an entire "system" for learning how to improve yourself in the area of "psychological and emotional health". This was one of my own biggest challenges... there just wasn't a "complete" system for addressing all of my problems. Well, fortunately that is a problem that is in the PAST...
7. Wanting To Get Help, But Not Being Able To ASK For It, And Not Knowing Where To Turn...
Maybe the biggest "Inner Game" challenge of all is realizing that you NEED help... wanting to GET help... but just not being able to ask for it... and not knowing where to turn for it.
Men are proud. We don't want anyone else to know that we're out of control... hurting... or desperate. We don't want to ask for help. We don't even like the THOUGHT of asking for help.
Even more, this stuff that I'm talking about is complex. When you're having an Inner Game problem, the problem itself takes over your awareness... and sometimes makes it seem like the problem won't ever go away...
Well, there's good news here.
The good news is that I've been working on this set of problems MYSELF for a long time... many years, in fact.
And along my path I met an expert in the area of "Inner Game Psychology" that opened up a new world to me. In a minute, I'm going to tell you about him, and how I think his cutting-edge concepts and techniques can help you ELIMINATE your Inner Game challenges...
The REAL REASON Why Some Men Will Always Fail With Women–And What To Do About It...
Remember the movie “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”… that cool old Harrison Ford movie?
Do you remember what Indiana Jones was doing for most of the movie?
He wasn't looking for the ARK ITSELF… no.
He was looking for the thing that had the INSTRUCTIONS that would help him find the Ark …
Remember that funny metal thing with the crystal in the middle that he put on the stick in the “map room”?
Indiana Jones knew that if he could find the thing that told him where the Ark was, the rest would be EASY.
There was another twist in the movie as well.
There was a bad guy in the movie who had burned his hand trying to grab the metal disk with the instructions on it. He had an imprint of the metal disk on his hand from the burn.
In the movie, they used the imprint from his hand to build a replica of the metal disk… hoping it would be “good enough” to help them locate the Ark.
The problem?
They only had ONE SIDE of the disk to work with. They didn't know that there were instructions on the OTHER SIDE.
As a result, they were looking in the wrong place, and not finding the Ark at all.
So why is this important? And why am I going on and on about this movie?
Because this is EXACTLY what most men are going through with women and dating.
They have only part of the information that they need, and they're trying to make it work on that alone.
This is like trying to drive a car without an engine.
No matter how much you shine it… and how many cool parts you stick on there… it's not going anywhere.
No way.
No amount of “hard work” is going to get it running if you don't have the right stuff under the hood.
Since I first wrote “Double Your Dating” a little over 4 years ago, I've seen a lot of guys making this mistake.
It's the very same mistake I made when I was first trying to learn all of this.
I see them trying to solve their problems with techniques… when they have problems that can never be solved with techniques.
From firsthand experience and from teaching others, I've learned that a technique will almost never work for a guy that doesn't have his Inner Game issues handled.
For instance, I'd teach a guy a great “opening line” to start a conversation with any woman anywhere… but he'd come back to me and tell me that he just couldn't do it. I'd say “what do you mean?” and he'd say that for some reason, he didn't even TRY it.
The problem was bigger than having the line.
In fact, having the line only made things WORSE for the guy… because now he had what he THOUGHT he needed… but it STILL didn't work. He only became more frustrated and depressed… and started feel bad about HIMSELF.
Your “Missing Link” ToDating Success…
I'm about to tell you something that you already know…
I think you ALREADY KNOW far more than the average guy about how to be successful with women.
In fact, you probably know more about this than most guys who are “naturally” good with women.
You already know the “tricks”… and what you need to do to be successful. But things just aren't working for you the way you wish they would…
And… I think that you KNOW that the problem isn't that you need more techniques.
You have that part of the “map” down.
I think you realize that the problem is something BIGGER.
Something more intense.
Something more personal… and more difficult to face.
I also think you know that if and when you DO tackle and defeat this problem… and get this “other side” handled once and for all… you WILL achieve the success with women---and in life---that you were born to have.
And I think you realize by now that this isn't going to happen by itself.
The problem isn't going to “solve” itself… the pieces aren't going to just “fall into place”… and you will NOT have the success with women you are looking for unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
The bad news is that this is never easy.
In fact… for most men it is next to impossible … and sadly… most go their entire lives without ever handling their issues and achieving the success they deserve.
I'll say it again:
Fortunately, it DOESN'T have to be this way for YOU.
How To Smash Through The “Internal B.S.” That Is Holding You Back From Success With Women–Fast And Forever...
If you're ready to finally get your Inner Game "handled"… and say “GOODBYE” to the problems and issues that have sabotaged you with women your entire life… I have some fantastic news for you…
Remember the guy I mentioned who is an expert helping men fix their Inner Game issues? Let me tell you about him...
To start with, he's a world- renowned psychiatrist who specializes in helping guys overcome and eliminate the inner issues that are sabotaging their success with women. And he's come up with a "unified theory" of all of the different ideas in the world of Psychology and Behavior.
After many years of reading psychology and “self-help” books, I've always thought that someone needed to create a “best of the best” of what was out there…
But I couldn't find anything that even began to “put it all together”.
One day I was doing a live seminar in Chicago, and a one of the guys at the program walked up to me at a break and started a conversation.
As it turned out, he was an "M.D." who had been creating a “unified theory of psychology” over the past several years.
He had been featured on CNN, in USA Today, and in The Wall Street Journal… just to name a few.
And here's where it got REALLY interesting…
He went on to tell me that he had taken the best of science and condensed it down into simple systems for dealing with Inner Game issues like anxiety, anger, depression, courage, confidence, and self-esteem… and had turned this “master theory” into a simple system any man could use to fix his “inner game issues”… and create the life he wants for himself.
We shook hands, and that was the beginning of my friendship with “Dr. Paul”.
The Start Of Something Big...
Over the next several months, Dr. Paul and I had several interesting conversations.
I was a bit skeptical about what he had told me during our brief meeting. Frankly… it sounded a little too good to be true.
But at the same time, he definitely had my interest… and I had found out more about the system he had created.
Well… during our first real conversation I quickly realized that Dr. Paul wasn't just some guy writing theories on his kitchen table.
Everything he was doing was backed by REAL SCIENCE… it was on the cutting edge of psychology… and it was truly amazing stuff.
I came to find out he had actually PATENTED his system… and had ALREADY used the system to help over 4,000 people in one-on-one clinical situations.
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was. I have been studying psychology for a lot of years… and I had been looking for a system like this for a LONG time…
And something else you should know about Dr. Paul: He's not your average “shrink”.
He's a normal, single guy just like you and me.
He's always out of the town trying out new things… and dates some of the most interesting and attractive women around.
His real-world experience and scientific expertise makes for an unbeatable combination… the guy is an intellectual powerhouse… and whether we were talking about psychology, science, or attracting women… I found myself learning something new every time I talked to him.
We quickly made plans to do an interview for my “Interviews With Dating Gurus” monthly interview series… and I brought him on as a featured guest speaker at my next live program.
The feedback I received from guys on what he had to say was nothing short of phenomenal. Dr. Paul has a unique way of taking complex psychological concepts and turning them into easy-to-understand methods that a 3rd grader could understand and implement… and nearly every one who heard what he had to say was blown away.
I knew at that point that we had to do something BIGGER.
I've always known that a guy's inner game is the single most important factor in his success with women... and also the most difficult to fix.
I had wanted to do a program to help guys get their inner game together for a long time. But even with all of the knowledge I had acquired in 10 years of studying psychology and behavior... I felt that something was missing.
I wanted to find a way for guys to get this handled FAST... and it just didn't exist.
But that all changed when I met Dr. Paul and was introduced to his system. I asked him to do a live program with me to help guys get their DEEP inner issues handled... and he said "yes".
A Life-Changing BreakthroughIn Behavioral Science
We decided to call the program, “Deep Inner Game”.
We spent weeks preparing, and then two solid days presenting step-by-step ways for overcoming limiting beliefs, destructive emotions, and once-uncontrollable fears… and demonstrating exactly how to build a powerful self-image, strong self-esteem… and giving you step-by-step, easy to use tools to fixing your inner issues QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY.
What resulted is a program that is the very first of its kind.
It's designed to completely reprogram every area of a man's mind for MASSIVE success with women... no matter what condition a guy is in... or how deeply he is affected by the problems of his past.
Fortunately, we had the "cameras rolling" during the presentation, and we turned the live presentation into a fantastic combination CD/DVD program that is going to blow your mind... and CHANGE your mind forever.
In this ground-breaking program you'll learn how the use the "operating system of the human mind" to pinpoint the specific problems that are ruining your chances with women... and figure out EXACTLY how to fix them quickly.
You'll learn how to take the bad experiences from your past and spin them into positive points of reference... and you'll use these points to give your the strength to ALWAYS do exactly the right things with women in the future...
What's unique about this program is its use of VISUAL AIDS...
Dr. Paul has created the first entirely visual system of psychology to solve deep problems... and he'll show you how to expel your inner psychological demons, and replace them with a powerful, solid confidence that all women notice and respond to... simply by following his easy-to-read charts and graphs.
Going through this program is like upgrading your brain with the latest in "dating" and "confidence" software. Fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, loneliness, anger, and frustration will quickly become a thing of the past. Every part of your dating life will begin to run more smoothly... you'll feel like you are on "auto-pilot" as you make all of the right moves with a woman every time.
The amazing thing about Dr. Paul's system is that it gives scientifically accurate and measurable results—that you can COUNT on.
If you've tried EVERYTHING and you can't get a grip on what your problem is and how to solve it... this program is especially for YOU.
If you're feeling like you don't have any control over your dating life... or if you're feeling used and manipulated... or powerless, trapped and hopeless... this will show you how to break free from these chains and take control of your life back... and start commanding power and respect from all you come in contact with.
If you've had difficulty with rejection or breaking up with a woman in the past, this program will show you how to patch those holes with confidence and strength... and take your self-esteem to a level you never thought possible.
If you're suffering from depression, or just a little bummed out about how things have been going for you lately... you'll learn how to snap yourself into "success mode" and take on a contagious, optimistic attitude... you'll see each new day as an opportunity to try out your newfound skills and meet more and more attractive women.
Most psycho-analysts take 4 years to perform this kind of work and make these changes in someone's life... but with Dr. Paul's revolutionary methods, you'll learn all of the tools you need to be your own personal success coach in literally hours.
You'll learn how to sync up both sides of your brain to get maximum results quickly... and accelerate your skills in ANY area of your life.
And that's just a very small sample of what this technology will do for you.
Here are a few of the other things you'll learn inside this exciting program:
How to patch up the holes in your self-esteem FOR GOOD and build a rock-solid foundation of confidence that all women “feel” when they're around you
Why human nature can actually PREVENT you from having success with women… and what you absolutely must do to overcome your “bad programming” and start living the life you were born to live
A 2-step exercise to identifying exactly how you are letting women control your actions so you can eliminate their influence and be YOUR OWN person (Which in turn will cause you to attract women like crazy)
Do you ever feel like you are just too “nice” or sensitive, or have a hard time saying “no”? Here's a simple technique you can use when you FEEL this happening to clear your head and make the right choice
A simple change in your attitude that will prevent a woman from ever trying to take control of your life
Do you find that the women you are REALLY interested in seem to LOSE interest in you after a few dates? Here's why… (It's a surprisingly easy fix… once you know the reason)
A brand new scientifically proven way to permanently break free from depression and sadness… no matter how severe… and replace it with feelings of happiness and contentment
How to conquer you emotional energy and give yourself the ability to turn any uncomfortable feeling into positive energy that motivates you to succeed
A detailed, recipe-like way to build self-esteem that works every single time (The secret is in the step-by-step process, which you'll learn in detail)
A simple psychological trick to conquer anger and anxiety and never again be a slave to your emotions
How to become your own life coach and guide yourself to success without needing the help of anyone else
An almost magical way to break your stubborn destructive habits quickly, easily, and permanently… and replace them with constructive habits that FORCE you to become successful
How avoid letting the emotions you feel when you meet a really special woman cause you to make stupid mistakes that scare her away (If you've ever had problems keeping around the “keepers”, it's probably because you didn't do this one simple thing)
How to eliminate all possibility of another person “pulling your strings” and take total control of your emotional and internal states… no matter what the situation
A step-by-step exercise to pin-point your 3 biggest inner issues (including those you are afraid to admit to yourself) and defeat them from the inside out… no matter how long they've been troubling you or how deep they are buried in your mind
A common misunderstanding that traps 99% of all men in a state of low self-esteem forever… that is surprisingly easy to turn around (When you know the secret)
A proven way to “block” a woman from effecting your emotions in a negative way so YOU are always in charge of the way you feel
A step-by-step plan to pull your self out of any depressed state–no matter how severe–that actually works (And gives you PERMANENT results)
How to initiate yourself into manhood and rid yourself of the needy “boy” inside of you that is subconsciously RUINING your game with women
How to quickly get over the pain of a bad breakup and stop letting it affect your current actions with women NOW… even if it's been haunting you for months
How to transform stress, anger and anxiety into SELF-ESTEEM
A relieving way to “forgive yourself” for past mistakes and bad experiences and turn them into learning experiences overnight
The one word clue that instantly tells you that you are thinking a defeating thought (Identifying these times is the key to maintaining high self-esteem)
What to do if you're a guy who takes the pain of rejection to heart (A step-by-step method to create a stone-cold confidence that no woman can phase)
How to eliminate the “up and down” rollercoaster of success and failure that usually comes with learning a new skill and create a path of CONSISTENT results
A simple 5-second thing you can do every single day to “stair-step” your psychological growth and boost your self-esteem and confidence—one notch at a time
How to avoid beating yourself up over things you KNOW you should let slide off your back
A FASCINATING way to increase your natural “intuitive” abilities with women… practically overnight… so you do the things that make her feel MORE attracted to you subconsciously
A detailed guide to the operating system of the human mind (When you know exactly how your mind works you can make it do exactly what you want it to do)
A secret your therapist will never tell you that allows you to fix your inner “issues” the very first time you try… FOR GOOD (If every patient new this they'd be out of business... )
Proven tools to build a charismatic inner presence that women notice
A scientific way to achieve TRUE happiness by aligning the 4 parts of your psychology (This simple exercise makes it a breeze… and you can use it again and again to keep yourself on track)
A psychiatrist's secret way to “read” a woman's personality so fast you'll feel like you cheated! (Now you'll know exactly what type of person she is within 5 minutes of meeting her...)
A scientific method of solving psychological problems using simple charts that works every time for any type of problem… not matter how serious
How to create a special tool for yourself that will recharge you with powerful emotional strength when you are down
A way to analyze and adjust your behavior with a woman on the spot… without slowing yourself down (This guarantees you always do the things that INCREASE her attraction to you)
How to create your own unique identity and personality and attract women to the REAL you
A lesson from a famous performing artist you can use to transform yourself from a “regular” person into a powerful masculine figure that people notice
3 easy-to-acquire personal elements that when put together give you an instant foundation of mature masculine power
The big mistake men make that gives all of their power to a woman (Once you do this you can NEVER get it back)
Exactly how to be “mysterious” the pieces of information you can keep from a woman that will drive her crazy with curiosity and make her PURSUE YOU to find out more
An easy-to-follow psychological “treasure map” you can use to find the richness of life that has been out of your reach for so many years
How to create instant trust with a woman by telling her “no” at the right times
A simple change in thinking that will instantly put you back in control of your life… and… turn your life into an exciting adventure that keeps getting better and better!
A brand new scientific method to eliminate stress… quickly and permanently
The big mistake men make that steers them into things they KNOW are bad for them… again and again
An exercise to determine when you are burning energy and wasting your strength on things you cannot control... so you can instead focus your resources on attracting more women
How to create a unique identity for yourself that women notice (Your uniqueness is one of your biggest assets in attracting women... here's how to use it to your advantage)
The real reason why so many men don't know who they really are (Here's how to break through the B.S. that has been forced upon you and start living your life for YOU)
How to impress a woman with your character by being “picky”
How to make any “technique” you learn a permanent part of you in the shortest amount of time humanely possible
How to turn a bad response from a woman into a GOOD THING (Use this to permanently eliminate rejection from your life)
How to use the “economics of psychology” to get people to do what you want while creating a win-win situation for all parties involved
How to create a powerful “aura of energy” that blocks others from sapping your power… and… attracts those that will charge you up
The secrets of a fulfilling and loving relationship what must happen to keep BOTH OF YOU from screwing it up
How to eliminate the life-sucking trap of co-dependence in a relationship (Most don't realize this is single biggest cause of break-ups)
How to be independent in a relationship in a way that makes a woman more attracted to you instead of scaring her off
How to create and live in YOUR OWN powerful reality (This will make you optimistic and energized no matter how bad the situation is around you)
The BIG DIFFERENCE between nice guys that DO attract women and nice guys that DON'T… and how to use your natural kindness to give you a distinct advantage over the “jerks” and the “bad boys”
Why your brains can actually be your worst enemy when it comes to doing the things that make women want you (Here's how to use your analytical ability to zero in on what makes her tick and please her like no other man can)
A way to avoid “losing your cool” when a woman does something you don't agree with that 99% of men never figure out on there own (The best part is that she will respect you and find you MORE attractive every time it happens)
The mistake “left-brained” men make that leads them to fail with women more often than “right-brained” men (The good news is that this is an easy fix)
How to blend your intellect with your “street smarts” and develop a powerful “sixth sense” for knowing the specific things that will attract a particular woman
A secret of master test-takers that helps you internalize new ideas and techniques twice as fast… so you achieve your goals with women in half the time
A simple way to PERMANENTLY eliminate “dry spells” from your life that most men miss entirely
How to throw away the “lines”, “tricks” and gimmicks that only take you so far with women and develop a powerful INNER FORCE that magnetically attracts women to the REAL YOU
How to identify exactly what you must do to achieve your goals AND what might get in the way so there is no possible way you can fail
A powerful exercise to break free of any “inner demons” that have haunted you since childhood - fast and forever (Unfortunately most people will go their entire lives without REALLY eliminating the things that prevent them from true success)
Why much of your unhappiness is caused by things that really shouldn't affect you… and how to remedy it in mere seconds
A step-by-step plan to mastering anger and calming your nerves quickly and easily in any situation
A mature “comeback” to say to a woman that is rude to you that shoots straight through to her psychological core and makes her instantly regret her bad manners
A way to handle your anger that actually builds character and confidence
An easy 1-step cure for anxiety that works any time you need it
The surefire psychological “recipe” you can use to break any addiction quickly (If you suffer from addiction of ANY FORM you NEED to hear this)
A proven way to overcome approach anxiety and shyness that works BETTER (and is much safer) than any prescription drug
A powerful exercise to completely eliminate your “secret excuse” that is keeping you from becoming the confident person you KNOW you should be
How to use a fake foreign accent to drive a woman crazy
A scientific way to supercharge your Cocky Comedy skills OVERNIGHT
How to size up a woman instantly and tell her EVERYTHING about herself (She'll think you're a psychic genius!)
Fantastic sets of stories and tools you can use to help others solve their own personal issues (Your friends, family, and the women you meet will look up to you when you learn these)
A step-by-step method to eliminate your desire to please others and start living for yourself (and attract more women in the process)
How to reprogram yourself to find and attract exactly the type of woman that is right for you—physically and emotionally
Why most men are forced to “take what they can get” when it comes to women… and how you can defy the odds and attract quality women on a consistent basis
The reason why some men always attract women with emotional problems—and what to do about it...
A step-by-step “in the field” exercise to cure approach anxiety FAST… so you'll never again hesitate when you see a woman you want to meet
A way to overcome your fear of conflict so no one on earth can push you around
What your dreams REALLY mean—how to use your own secret subconscious signals to identify and improve the parts of your life that are most important to your success with women
How to turn yourself into an ATTRACTION MACHINE by imprinting the process of attracting women on your nerves, muscle fibers, brain cells, and every part of your physical and mental being
How to train your brain to reject future problems from creeping in so nothing can ever break your powerful new emotional state
How to get rid of deep internal issues without years of therapy...
How to build your self confidence by SEEKING OUT rejection
A fantastic “direct” approach you can use to easily start up a conversation with a group of beautiful women
A great way to give yourself an instant energy boost any time of day that is far better (and healthier) than caffeine
How to appear confident to women before you actually have your inner game together (This will help you gain experience and dates while you're learning)
REAL Stories From A Guy WhoHas “Been There”...
This program wouldn't be complete without some other unique perspectives... and to put the "icing on the cake"... I invited another friend of mine who has overcome some serious inner game issues of his own to share his secrets...
My friend has "been there"... and he's a tremendous example of what you can accomplish by getting this area of your life handled. He's been able to lose over 125 lbs. in under one year by mastering his emotions and anxiety... and in this riveting presentation he'll show you how you can use the strategies he used to "shed the weight" to overcome any problem YOU might be facing.
Prepare to be shocked and delighted... this man is truly something else, and what you will learn from him will stick with you forever.
Here's just a few of the things he shared:
How to completely shut off the “inner voices” that talk you in failing when approaching a new woman
A way to eliminate the deadly “mind virus” of comparing yourself to others and start living for YOU
A hilarious way to turn things around when a woman comments on another man's looks (You'll be encouraging her to look at other men when you learn this!)
What to do when you even THINK another man might try to steal your woman in a nightclub
A lesson from martial artists that will make you literally immune to rejection, and enable you to get enormous amounts of new knowledge from every failure you make
How to break the ugly curse of “victim mentality” and remove the stress from your life that is preventing you from having success with women
The secrets my friend used to SMASH THROUGH his inner B.S. and lose over 125 lbs... that you can use to conquer any obstacle that is standing between you and the women you want
The real reason why a woman doesn't return your phone calls (It's a simple “fix” when you know the secret)
Do you ever get nervous when it's time to dance with a woman? Here's a great “escape” that works every time… and… keeps YOU looking good in her eyes
How to get over any “big fear” you may have (Such as public speaking, karaoke, or not being able to dance)… even those you never thought you would be able to eliminate
How to reprogram your subconscious so you feel you DESERVE to be with an attractive women (If you don't do this you'll subconsciously give her the upper hand in your relationship)
The FAST WAY to really let go of your past and give yourself a clean slate on life (Real advice from someone who's done it)
As you can see... this program is a powerhouse of priceless knowledge. I can't tell you how excited I am to bring this cutting-edge technology to you.
It is important to note that this program is NOT “therapy”.
It's also NOT one of those “motivational” programs designed to “pump you up”…
While I AM a fan of those types of programs… I've found that most don't produce permanent, lasting change.
Most importantly… no other self-help program on the market addresses the specific “inner game” issues that are keeping you from becoming successful with women.
This program is an actual SCIENTIFIC METHOD for pinpointing and eliminating the things that are holding you back from success… and unleashing the powerful, attractive man that is hidden inside of you.
If you're struggling with some issues that are holding you back from success with women, this program will show you how to completely banish them from your system FOR GOOD… and you will start to see results the same day you go through it.
Every psychological problem has a solution, and you'll be able to solve yours with the tools in this program.
If you're already on the path to success and you just need a little boost… this program will blast you up to a level you may have not even considered was possible… by quickly helping you transform yourself into the type of powerful, confident man that women can't help but notice.
But don't get me wrong… this program is NOT for everybody...
How Can You Know IfThis Program Is For You?
If you have the type of women that are “your type” chasing you around and becoming addicted to you, you might not need it.
If you don't have any anxiety, lack of self-esteem, or fear of women… and you never hit a dry spell, it might not be for you.
If you don't have any problems when you are “in the moment”… and you always do the right thing when it counts (especially with the women you are REALLY interested in), you probably don't need it.
On the other hand, there are certain “chronic” problems men have that don't EVER “just go away”…
Read through the list below… and if you find that you have experienced ANY ONE of these problems, I highly recommend you grab this program now.
However… if while reading through this list you realize that you have experienced more than one of these “chronic diseases” that are almost impossible to shake… you NEED to get this program immediately:
If you've ever been in a situation with a woman and known exactly what to do … but in the moment, your emotions took over and you screwed it up…
If you feel that if you run out of “lines” and “techniques” you'll have no way to attract a woman…
If you thought being with a woman was the answer to your problems, but once you were with one you still had problems.
If you've ever felt that if you found a great woman all of your problems would be solved… but secretly worry that those very same problems are what is preventing you from finding a woman in the first place…
If you have ever learned an awesome “line” or “technique”… but for some reason it didn't work for YOU.
If you want to turn your “hit and miss” success with women into massive, CONSISTENT success.
If you feel like you are “almost there”… but you just can't get it completely together…
If you've learned ideas and known they would work… but you couldn't even TRY OUT what you learned because you were too afraid…
If you've tried Cocky and Funny, and you could FEEL that it worked for a minute… but didn't know where to go from there… and you choked from fear or nervousness.
If you know what to do with a woman… but you always screw it up “in the moment” because of fear, nerves, etc.
If you've ever been able to attract a woman initially with techniques… but she eventually lost interest… and you didn't know what to do to keep her…
If you have ever felt like nothing you did would fix the problems you have… because they're just bigger than anyone would think…
If you've ever felt like you couldn't share what's REALLY going, because you were worried that anyone that you told might laugh at you…
The bottom line is this:
I don't need to tell you whether or not you need the information that is in this program. If you need it, you already know it.
There is a very good chance that this program contains THE KEY you need to have the success with women you want. And I want you to have it...
Why This Program IsVery Different FromEverything Else Out There
Before you decide whether or not this program is for you... I want to tell you why it's DIFFERENT from everything else that's ever been created on this topic.
Reason #1: It's the first time that a program has ever been created SPECIFICALLY to help men improve their Inner Game for DATING success.
Sure, there are a lot of "psychology" books and "self-help" programs. But NONE of them have been designed with the single purpose of helping a man like you to get your Inner Game to the point where you feel strong and confident... and naturally attract women.
Dr. Paul and I have spent many, many years of our lives learning all aspects of psychology and behavior, and we're both very interested in helping other guys become POWERFULLY effective when it comes to meeting and attracting great women.
We have put a massive amount of time and energy into creating a program that will help you deal with your Inner Game issues as quickly and easily as possible... and help you get the RESULTS you're looking for with women and dating.
I personally guarantee that you will not find anything else available that is even CLOSE to this program. In a few minutes I'm going to back up this guarantee and make you an offer you'd be crazy to refuse.
Reason #2: This program was created by two MEN who both SPECIALIZE in helping men overcome Inner Game issues in order to become more successful in their lives... and with dating success.
Most of the people who are teaching "self-help" and psychology to normal people like you and I are "generalists". They tend to teach more "academic" stuff... designed to help a broad range of people.
Dr. Paul and I are MEN. And we both SPECIALIZE in this area. We have each spent YEARS working to learn and then "translate" the best of the best when it comes to Inner Game success... and dating success.
This entire program is designed with one outcome in mind: To help you fix Inner Game issues... in order to dramatically increase your success with women and dating. That's it.
When you go through this program and APPLY the tools we are going to teach you, I can assure you that you're going to have more success dealing with your emotions... and I can assure you that this success is going to lead DIRECTLY to more success with women and dating.
We are two men who have "figured this out for ourselves", and now we're going to teach you step-by-step how to do it for yourself.
Reason #3: This program is a condensed, high-impact, "Best Of The Best" when it comes to improving your Inner Game.
One of my PERSONAL frustrations with "self-help" books and programs is that many of the authors seem to only want to talk about their OWN ideas... and they talk about them in a way that suggests that "everyone else is wrong"... and only they are right.
Dr. Paul and I couldn't disagree more. We believe in our ideas... for sure. But we also believe in the great ideas of those who have come before us... and who have figured out how to solve Inner Game issues before we ever even THOUGHT about this stuff.
Inside this program, we're going to teach you a "synthesis" of many great Inner Game ideas... and Inner Game techniques. We integrate many different "schools of thought" to bring you a CONDENSED set of theories and tools that will help you get results in your situation.
We believe that our mindset of bringing you the "best of the best", along with our own innovations and insights... will get you the fastest, most consistent results in your OWN life.
Again, I'm going to make a big claim... and GUARANTEE that you won't find a more powerful, more condensed, more USEFUL set of Inner Game tools and techniques anywhere...
Reason #4: This is a VISUAL model, which means you'll learn it faster, and use it more.
One of the things that makes psychology HARD to learn is the fact that most teachers teach with WORDS ONLY.
When you watch Dr. Paul teach you his system, you'll INSTANTLY realize that it's easier to learn... and easier to apply... because the entire system is VISUAL.
Every concept and every technique has an easy-to-remember DIAGRAM to go with it.
This one fact makes the information you're going to learn in this program MANY TIMES more valuable than other systems.
If you like to learn by SEEING how things work, then this program is going to be a MIRACLE for you. Make sure you watch the video clips of the program at the end of this letter... and you'll see EXACTLY what I mean.
Reason #5: This program is INTERACTIVE... it teaches you exercises and tools that you will actually use and apply AS YOU WATCH IT.
Most "self-help" books and programs are "passive". The teachers expect you to read or listen... then somehow "automatically learn and apply" what they teach.
In Deep Inner Game, we are going to give you several exercises and tools to use IMMEDIATELY. We are going to "interact" with you and guide you through the different exercises and tools... and teach you how to apply them in REAL-WORLD situations.
By the time you've finished this program and you've finished doing the exercises... you'll feel confident about your ability to handle yourself in "real" situations with women. This is VERY important. We will take you step-by-step through the material... I promise.
Reason #6: This program is focused on helping you solve your Dating Success Issues at the CORE.
If you've read this far, then I assume that you KNOW that more "techniques" will NEVER solve Inner Game issues.
They CAN'T.
Pick up lines and other techniques can be GREAT... but a great pick up line won't cure your fear of approaching women. No way.
The entire reason we created this program in the FIRST place is that Inner Game issues must be addressed at the CORE. The changes must come from INSIDE... not from outside.
As you master the different concepts and tools we're going to teach you in this program, you'll see that your "outside" success with women and dating will improve BY ITSELF.
I can tell you from personal experience... that once you start improving your Inner Game, women will start to respond more positively AUTOMATICALLY.
Reason #7: This material connects PERFECTLY with all of the other Double Your Dating techniques you're learning from me.
If you've read some of the popular "relationship" books that have come out, then you know that many of these authors just don't "get it" when it comes to ATTRACTION... and creating it with women.
I'm not saying that everything you read in relationship books is BAD. Not at all... in fact, many of the "relationship experts" are amazing.
But the sad truth is that many of the famous or highly-educated "experts" are still teaching "old ways" of thinking... and teaching ideas like "give a woman lots of compliments and gifts to let her know you're interested" and "be open with your communication, and share how you feel with her".
The material we're going to teach you in Deep Inner Game is NOT your mom's "how to have a great relationship" book re-hashed.
Dr. Paul and I GET IT. We understand that ATTRACTION doesn't come from being a sweet, submissive, nice, giving, complimentary WUSSY.
And we're not going to teach you anything in this program that doesn't "plug in" to all the other stuff you're learning from me...
In fact, this new material "plugs in" PERFECTLY. Once you get THIS area handled, all of the OTHER stuff you're learning from me will work MUCH better for you.
Reason #8: Everything we're going to teach you is ETHICAL... and it FEELS RIGHT to learn and use.
Dr. Paul and I share a common belief: You don't have to be dishonest or unethical to be successful with women. In fact, we both believe that you will be MORE successful if you really work to make yourself MORE honest and ethical (we actually think this is a "secret" of major success).
In this program, we're going to teach you how to develop your OWN "code of ethics"... and we're going to teach you concepts and tools that FEEL RIGHT to learn and use.
It's not necessary to "trick" women into being with you...
We're going to teach you how to attract women HONESTLY... and in a way that feels great for BOTH of you.
Reason #9: We hit the tough issues "head on"... and address them directly to get RESULTS.
The last thing I want to do is WASTE YOUR TIME.
I've wasted enough of my OWN time trying things that didn't work... and I know how it feels to "spin my wheels" trying to figure out how to solve my Inner Game problems.
I promise that this program isn't "weak". We don't dance around the issues... and give you "hints". We address tough issues like fear, insecurity, and anxiety.
We hit this stuff HEAD ON, and we teach you techniques that get you OUT of those negative states of mind and body... and help you start enjoying a more positive life RIGHT NOW.
If you've heard Dr. Paul and I in our interview... or at one of my live programs... then you know we're serious about this.
One warning: If you're not ready to "deal with" your own internal Inner Game issues DIRECTLY, then you should probably avoid this program. It's "strong medicine", and it's not for the weak-of-heart.
Reason #10: This program teaches how to BOTH have a happy inner emotional life... AND become more successful with women and dating.
Dr. Paul and I believe that if you're living a life that you ENJOY... you'll NATURALLY attract more women.
So we've designed this program to help you become happier and more satisfied with your life FIRST... and attract more women SECOND.
Let's face it: You want to improve your success with women so you can live a life that you ENJOY. Right?
Well then why don't you learn how to do BOTH at the same time?
We're going to teach you exactly that. How to deal with Inner Game challenges so your life becomes more ENJOYABLE... and THEN use that enjoyable life to attract women.
Reason #11: We are going to teach you how to become the kind of man that women REALLY want.
Here's a "reality check" for you: Most single women are VERY frustrated with the men they're meeting.
If you listen to a group of attractive single women talking, the conversation will almost ALWAYS turn to MEN... and specifically, what's WRONG with men.
And if you listen CLOSELY, you'll realize that when women complain about the men they're meeting, they almost ALWAYS complain about who the man IS...
I'm going to tell you something VERY important right now: If you want to ATTRACT and then KEEP a quality woman... then you're going to have to BECOME a "real man". Tricks and techniques might start conversations with women... but they won't keep her around.
The ultimate purpose of this program is to help you TRANSFORM yourself into the kind of REAL MAN that a QUALITY woman would want to be with... and I can tell you, with certainty, that if you go through this entire program, and apply what you learn, IT WILL HAPPEN.
Once you've mastered the materials you're going to learn inside this program, you will understand how to project confidence... self-assuredness... and comfort in your own skin... and THESE are the qualities and traits that get and KEEP a woman's attention.
You'll Also Get Three FREE Live “Interviews With Dating Gurus” Just For Trying This Program ...
As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you THREE FREE interviews from my Interviews With Dating Gurus monthly CD interview program. Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Interview Series - PLUS I'd like to send you my Interview Starter Kit starter kit that contains two DOUBLE interviews as a bonus for just trying this program. I'm so sure you're going to love these interviews that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send them to you. If you love them (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another interview, and you'll automatically be charged only $19.95 (or $22.95 if you're outside of the U.S.). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles. If you get this starter kit and you DON'T love these interviews and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep the starter kit AND the first month's interview FOR FREE just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all three interviews for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get them. This bonus is worth at least $100.00 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program - but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now. And of course, the starter kit and all the future interviews will be sent to you in plain packaging for your privacy. [Read all about my Interview Series by clicking HERE for a pop-up window that will explain the details. The pop up can be closed as soon as you're finished.] ***If you'd prefer NOT to get this free $100 bonus, you can "opt out" with one click while ordering.... and order just the Deep Inner Game Program alone. It's that easy.
Here’s What You’re Going To Get...
Over fifteen full hours of digitally recorded material on seven DVDs and two CDs
An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aids
A detailed track listing for quick access
A sturdy 3-ring binder to hold all of your DVDs, workbook, and other materials
Additional Bonus... Three Free Interviews With Dating Gurus
These three bonuses, including the two DOUBLE interviews are worth at least $100.00 alone
You'll get all three free, just for trying this program
It took me years of learning, testing, and hard work to REALLY get my Inner Game issues handled. I read every psychology and self-help book on the market, attended DOZENS of seminars, and bought DOZENS of programs.
In all, I probably spent years of my life, and thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of dollars.
To hire Dr. Paul one-on-one, you're looking at $500 an hour… if you can get him (he's booked WAY in advance… for good reason).
I'm very proud of this program… because it's going to allow you to accomplish the things you need to do MUCH FASTER than I was able to… and at a much, much smaller investment.
I want to help you get this part of your life handled, and I don't want ANYTHING to stand in your way… including your financial situation. I've decided to price this program at only 5 easy monthly payments of $49.97 (plus shipping and handling). And both versions come with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…
Don’t Decide Now...Try My Deep Inner Game Program FREE For 30 Days
I know this program is going to change your dating life forever.
I know that it's going to help you transform yourself into the absolute best man you can be. And I'm so convinced of that fact that I'd like to send you a copy of this program to try for FREE. That's right, NO MONEY. Here's what I'm going to do for you: I'm going to send you a copy of my Deep Inner Game program at MY RISK. If you like it, keep it. You'll be billed automatically.
If you don't like it, just send it back within 30 days, and you won't be charged (Don't worry, if the mail takes too long, and I get it back 31 days later and you've been charged, I'll give you a full refund). Can it get any better? Of course it can... I also realize that a serious investment like this might stretch your current budget a little bit. So I'd like to sweeten this deal and truly make it "an offer you'd be crazy to refuse". If you order right now, I'll spread your payments out so they're MONTHLY. You won't make your first payment until 30 days after you order, and you'll be automatically charged in equal monthly installments... it's that easy. I could not POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.
When you click on a button below, you'll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your program (just use a valid credit or debit card for your order). Go through this program from beginning to end. You will see INSTANT RESULTS... and women will notice. Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days at MY RISK. If you decide that it's not for you - for ANY REASON - just send it back and you pay NOTHING. If you'd like to keep it (and I'm betting that you will), you don't have to do anything. You'll be billed automatically in easy monthly payments. I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using my materials to improve their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too. Click on the link below, and place your order now:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

• 70% of women polled have NEVER achieved an orgasm during intercourse with ANY partner!• 65% of women admitted to FAKING ORGASMS ON A REGULAR BASIS to please their man!• Only 15% of women have an orgasm more than once per week!• 78% of them said they preferred a cuddle to sex as they were not being sexually satisfied by their partner!• 92% of women admitted to having faked an orgasm at some time in the last 3 years!
Can you believe that?!?
Well believe it or not, it's true... MOST men are absolute failures in bed and often they don't even realize it.
What does this mean to us guys? ... Me and you.
It means, most of us don’t have the slightest clue about how to please our partner sexually EVEN if we THINK we do.
Can you be 100% sure you are living up to her Sexpectations?
82% of men are described as "Below Average in bed" by their female partners
Do you REALLY want your partner to prefer a SEX TOY - A Little Rabbit Shaped Piece of Plastic Made In China - to you?
I'm sorry to say it, but the days of pump, pump and roll... are over.
In our sexually liberated society, if we aren’t pleasing our women – somebody (or something else) will!
As if the statistics above aren’t scary enough,
check out what one of the women we polled said:
Edited only for naughty words :)
“I love my boyfriend dearly, but he really has no idea about sex. He [finishes] way too quickly. He doesn’t know where to touch me and his idea of foreplay is rubbing my [fun spot] for 5 minutes prior to sex. Sex really is a bore with him. I’ve cheated on him a few times while he’s been at work [snip] he’s just no good in bed.”
Another said this:
“My husband and I used to have sex about 2 times per day – it was never great but it was regular. It’s just so unsatisfying nowadays we only do it once per week, if that. They say sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, but you know, without good sex, I find it hard to stay faithful, loyal and even married to him. I find masturbation is my only way of release now.”
And these women weren't the ONLY ones to be sharing stories like this... Some came out with shocking tales too graphic to share on this page.
The results clearly show that MOST women either simply DO NOT have orgasms AT ALL, or a great many women FAKE their orgasms on a regular basis, just to “get it over and done with”.
My intention is NOT to suggest that women are somehow underhanded, devious and trying to trick you. It is in fact the absolute opposite. I want to show you that maybe you need to do something about your sexual skills and improve your sex life – even if you think it’s going great – just to keep her happy and wanting YOU to be the man who satisfies her!
Can you be 100% sure right now that your partners are happy with your sexual performance?
The answer is NO
Chances are, at LEAST at one time or another in your life, your girlfriend or wife has probably FAKED an orgasm. Our statistics prove it.
And, as men, we usually want lots of sex. Sex tends to makes us happy.
The problem is… if we please ourselves but fail to please our partner, sex soon dries up.
The dreaded excuses start to flow
How many times have you heard?
· "I’m too tired"
· "I’ve had a long day"
or the much feared excuse:
· "Not now, I have a headache"…
The simple fact of the matter is - you need to discover the secrets of sex and making her orgasm because the truth is: The more she enjoys sex with you, the more you’ll get it!
It’s as simple as that.
Whether you think you’re great in bed or whether you know you’re not - doesn’t really matter.
I'm here to help you and I have the perfect solution to your sexual despairs...
You Will Get:
You're going to learn TODAY, how to make her explode with satisfaction as you give her exactly what she wants in bed... When you've learned and mastered these simple but not obvious techniques, she will probably start to think of you as some kind of sex God!
What you have done to save my marriage I can never begin to repay you for. All I can say to you is thank you so very much, for helping both my husband see that even a 30 year marriage can be fun and exciting again, if both parties are willing to learn how to please one another in the bedroom.
We’re having sex so much more often now at age 53 and 55 than we ever did in out 30’s or 40’s, it is amazing to me, and with many of the wonder techniques that you taught my husband, he now can maintain a full and active erection without any prescription drugs, and go sometime 3 times in a day, if I can handle it. Wow, what a tiger he has become, I’m truly loving it!
Mary T,
Kansas City, Mo.
Until now, giving a woman an orgasm was like an art form. Some guys master it and are able to satisfy their partner, through practice, trial and error and tips they pick up over time, but more often than not - the man falls way short of expectations in the bedroom…
However experienced he may be.
That's where the power of Orgasmology™ really starts to kick in...
Orgasmology™ has turned the process of pleasing women from an art form into a science (but not a science that is hard to understand like physics and chemistry – Orgasmology™ is a simple, step-by-step and FUN process)
Which would you prefer to master?
The ART of love-making? Whereby just like a painter, you have to mix talent, skills, and ability with a good dose of luck, trial and error and... Fingers crossed after enough practise you MIGHT get there in the end.
The SCIENCE of love-making? Where I tell you. 2+2+2+4 = 10 (and yes, it doesn't get much harder than that - you don't need to be able to do ANY math, I'm just making a point).... and 10 EQUALS the MOST ground shaking, earth moving sex she and you will EVER have...
If you read and follow my simple sex secrets, master them, and then practice them till they are part of your soul - you will NEVER have a woman fake an orgasm with you again!
That's my PERSONAL guarantee to YOU based on my reputation and my HONOR! I back it up with my full - 8 weeks of heart stomping passion - money back guarantee, just in case my word and honor isn't enough ;-)
In fact, you'll have your partner BEGGING you for sex time and time again! Again, I guarantee it.
You becoming better in bed will IGNITE her sexual flames once again, her libido will increase drastically (it's a little known fact that the MORE sex she has - the MORE she'll want it). Obviously for her to want more sex, you'll have to satisfy her - but that won't be a problem at all... Any more... EVER again.
I guess you might be finding it hard to believe that you can become a love machine over night. But you can. Starting today. And I'll tell you why you should trust me in just a few moments...
But first, let me dispell a couple of common myths - possibly myths you believe in...
MYTH 1: You need a big penis to satisfy a woman
FACT: You DO NOT need a large penis to please your woman. In fact, if you knew the Orgasmology™ techniques you'd realize quite the opposite, having a small or average sized penis can actually be an ADVANTAGE!
Being fantastic in bed has NOTHING to do with the size of your penis! Absolutely nothing!
There is a saying that goes something like this,
"It's not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean."
This is very true.
Having good technique, skills and knowledge can make your size seem immaterial even to the most judgmental, size-loving, size-obsessive of women.
Even if you have a VERY small or average penis I can show you how to make love to her so that she'll keep coming back for more AND LOVING IT time and time again.
MYTH 2: You need lots of foreplay or oral sex to make a woman happy in the bedroom
FACT: Yes, foreplay can help make the experience a whole lot nicer for the woman (and for you), but whereby other sources of misinformation on better sex recommend you spend up to 30 minutes+ every time you have sex on intense foreplay, just to satisfy her - is absolutely wrong. I will show you how to eliminate the NEED for foreplay to make her orgasm and/or enjoy sex so you can get down to what YOU enjoy and make sure she's just as happy.
Whatever your concern when it comes to satisfying women, do NOT worry about it any more. I'll show you a way to overcome it. All you need is the right information, shown to you in the right way.
Another worry I hear a lot from men is about Premature ejaculation.
As you know, most women can't have a vaginal orgasm in the time it takes MOST men to finish themselves. But again, if you can only last 1-3 minutes currently... DON'T WORRY.
Premature ejaculation WILL be a thing of the past after discovering the Orgasmology™ sex secrets
I will show you techniques to help you make love for hours at a time maintaining your iron-bar like erection throughout!
One of the biggest reasons women aren't happy with their sex lives is that their partner is unable to have sex for long enough to please her. I will show you methods that have enabled men that usually unload in 3-4 minutes - to have sex for 3 to 4 hours and only when YOU are ready to fire your load - will you give the command!
You REALLY can have THAT much control!
Getting Orgasmology was the smartest thing I’ve done in the last 10 years, thanks a billion!
Richard TSummit, NJ.
What you’ll discover today:
• The 3 most important mind set changes you have to make before becoming an orgasmic sexual genius• The 2 to 1 orgasmic ratio that is so important, it will guarantee you pleasure her more than 95% of other men can • How to make her orgasm every time without fail
• 2 ways to tell if she's having a real orgasm or faking it and she has no control over either • The best sex positions that will make the Kama Sutra seem dull!• The 21 most explosive Orgasmic sex secrets that will take you from “Boring Billy”, to “Wild Willy the Sexual Explorer” and make you a 100% more exciting lover• The one step forward, half step back technique that will create sensational stirrings in her mind that will make her beg you to “DO HER NOOOOW!”• The Orgasmology™ oral sex guide for both men and women to make Oral truly orgasmic• Discover the difference between clitoral, G-Spot, extended and multiple orgasms and learn how to give her each and every one!• How to deal with premature ejaculation and control your ejaculation time so well, you’ll be more accurate than a Swiss watch!• Discover dozens of sex games you can play to keep your sex life at its peak• Get answers to all of your most pressing sexual questions in down to Earth, straight talking ways guaranteed to make you more clued up about everything Orgasmic.• Daily Sex Tips and Advice (New one Each day)• How to make her orgasm … Within 3 minutes every time! • Learn where her erogenous zones are and discover just what you have to do to each one to make her eyes light up with delight!• Foreplay for fighters… Become a foreplay WARRIOR able to take on the most difficult of feminine pleasuring tasks and make it look easy
• And much more!
So who am I and how do I know so many secrets?
I'm Woody O Wilcox and yes, you're right, that's a pen name.
I'm well known in other fields of adult education under another name, for various reasons I have to write under a pen name on this topic but chances are, you've probably come across my main stream books at one time or another (there are also guest writers articles in the members area).
I've come to my vast and exclusive knowledge on the subject probably a similar way to you.
And long story short... I was RUBBISH in bed. I needed to get better. And fast. So I consumed huge amounts of information on the subject, hunted down experts and tried, tried and tried again.
Eventually I got there and I went from Loser in the bedroom to winner. My lovelife exploded and women started to really dig what I could do to them. Then I discovered how to make a woman orgasm - INSTANTLY.
Yep... Instantly.
Sounds crazy huh?
It's true. When I say instantly, I mean within 1 minute of penetration (and most of that minute is spent by her actually "climbing the mountain" and peaking).
All of my secrets are recorded and added to regularly here in Orgasmology's™ private members only site.
Orgasmology™ is a private members only website that is 100% online, discreet and instantly accessible so you can start to discover the secrets of great sex to improve yours and your partners sex lives - today!
Latest Update: 34 New Articles Added Today16 New sex tips JUST ADDED!
You will become the greatest lover she's ever had and your sex life will go through the roof as a result...
So, what’s so special about Orgasmology™?”
What makes it stand out so clearly as the “VERY BEST” in the minds of so many of our SATISFIED CUSTOMERS” and FRIENDS? What does Orgasmology™ have, that the others seem to me missing, making it the “PEOPLE’S CHOICE” for the year 2006?
First of all, it’s a very interesting, entertaining, educational and comfortable read. It isn’t prissy or prude, and it certainly isn’t tight-assed, stuffy or arrogant. It’s a far more “Down to Earth” and personally “COOL” attitude, with an occasional touch of humor or “Life Experience Insight” added in, when it is appropriately called for. Not only is it extremely simple and easy to use, and eventually perfect, but it costs you practically nothing, yet the value of the benefits that this sex guide will bring to your life, and the lives of others that you touch, is totally incalculable! That is the amazing advantage to Orgasmology™!...
YOU WILL BECOME AN OUTSTANDING LOVER after joining Orgasmology™!
I'm here to address and teach it all to you, in the most relaxed and comfortable manner that you have ever learned anything in your life. It’s actually a lot of fun, and the rewards for your study go beyond your wildest dreams when you can confidently do exactly what needs to be done to make sure that both you and your partner are in complete orgasmic bliss.
No subject is too “dirty or decadent” to discuss, if it’s about sex, we’re going to talk and teach about it. Openly, honestly, and objectively, not only from the male point of view, but from the perspective of the women as well, after all, they play a pretty important role in our sex lives, and it is a matter of vast importance to know and understand what it is that they are thinking, saying, wanting and needing!
"Hey There Orgasmology,
You guys are the coolest. I never really have had much luck with sex books and tips off the internet before. They never usually take the time to explain the “WHY” and “HOW,” so much as just dumping the “Where” and “When” on you.
You bring it all together in a complete package that covers all the necessary information, and the psychology behind it all, and it just makes sense, for the first time ever, because what you guys provide, actually WORKS!!!
What more needs to be said. Something available so inexpensively on the internet that even part time staff like me can afford to indulge in the delicacies that the rich dudes are getting on a regular basis. You guys rock, cause you even out the playing field, and even guys like me can compete with the “Richies”because now I know what I’m doing, and the chicks dig that and want more and more of what I have to offer them, and it ain’t bucks, or a nice car, believe me!
I’m in Humping Heaven now, and it’s all thanks to you guys,
You Rock!!!"
Hector VSan Antonio, TX.
She will brag about you to her friends, and they'll all secretly want a piece of your "action"
O.k., so by now, it’s only natural that you're asking yourself, “How much does Orgasmology™ cost, and how soon can I get it, so I can start experiencing all these amazing benefits for my sex life, instead of just sitting around here, reading about everybody else enjoying sexual satisfaction and success?”
Believe it or not, as a SPECIAL “ONE TIME” INTRODUCTORY OFFER, we have decided to let this amazing collection of Sexual Mastery go for an amazingly low price...
That’s right, for less than the price of a single professional massage, you could now own all the Secrets of Sensual Seduction and Outrageous Orgasms for yourself, and have them all accessible to you Right Now, immediately upon your safe and secure online purchase of Ogasmology.
“The All-Natural Penis Enlargement Guide:” a $49.95 value!
“The Premature Ejaculation Avoidance Course:” also valued at $49.95!
So NOW is the time to finally do something for yourself, that will finally place you in that enviable position that you have always dreamed of, being an EDUCATED EROTIC EXPERT that has the opposite sex now begging you for more and more of your valuable time and skills in the “Secret Arts of Sexual Seduction and Sensual Satisfaction!”
Nothing is sent to your home and you will be billed by "clickbank" for your privacy - 100% secure and private
Orgasmology™ is 100% online which means the publishing company and I will never send you anything through the post. The only people who will know you have purchased are you and us, and we will make sure it stays that way! Also, to make sure your purchase is totally private, the charge will show up as "Clickbank" on your bill and NO reference to Orgasmology™ will be made.
One time fee, you are billed only once!
Unlike some of the other guides out there, we will never charge your card or checking account more than once. Our fee is a one-time fee and gives you unlimited access to the members area - for a lifetime with all updates being entirely FREE to you.
Simply Click Here Now To joinOrgasmology™ Today!
• 70% of women polled have NEVER achieved an orgasm during intercourse with ANY partner!• 65% of women admitted to FAKING ORGASMS ON A REGULAR BASIS to please their man!• Only 15% of women have an orgasm more than once per week!• 78% of them said they preferred a cuddle to sex as they were not being sexually satisfied by their partner!• 92% of women admitted to having faked an orgasm at some time in the last 3 years!
Can you believe that?!?
Well believe it or not, it's true... MOST men are absolute failures in bed and often they don't even realize it.
What does this mean to us guys? ... Me and you.
It means, most of us don’t have the slightest clue about how to please our partner sexually EVEN if we THINK we do.
Can you be 100% sure you are living up to her Sexpectations?
82% of men are described as "Below Average in bed" by their female partners
Do you REALLY want your partner to prefer a SEX TOY - A Little Rabbit Shaped Piece of Plastic Made In China - to you?
I'm sorry to say it, but the days of pump, pump and roll... are over.
In our sexually liberated society, if we aren’t pleasing our women – somebody (or something else) will!
As if the statistics above aren’t scary enough,
check out what one of the women we polled said:
Edited only for naughty words :)
“I love my boyfriend dearly, but he really has no idea about sex. He [finishes] way too quickly. He doesn’t know where to touch me and his idea of foreplay is rubbing my [fun spot] for 5 minutes prior to sex. Sex really is a bore with him. I’ve cheated on him a few times while he’s been at work [snip] he’s just no good in bed.”
Another said this:
“My husband and I used to have sex about 2 times per day – it was never great but it was regular. It’s just so unsatisfying nowadays we only do it once per week, if that. They say sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, but you know, without good sex, I find it hard to stay faithful, loyal and even married to him. I find masturbation is my only way of release now.”
And these women weren't the ONLY ones to be sharing stories like this... Some came out with shocking tales too graphic to share on this page.
The results clearly show that MOST women either simply DO NOT have orgasms AT ALL, or a great many women FAKE their orgasms on a regular basis, just to “get it over and done with”.
My intention is NOT to suggest that women are somehow underhanded, devious and trying to trick you. It is in fact the absolute opposite. I want to show you that maybe you need to do something about your sexual skills and improve your sex life – even if you think it’s going great – just to keep her happy and wanting YOU to be the man who satisfies her!
Can you be 100% sure right now that your partners are happy with your sexual performance?
The answer is NO
Chances are, at LEAST at one time or another in your life, your girlfriend or wife has probably FAKED an orgasm. Our statistics prove it.
And, as men, we usually want lots of sex. Sex tends to makes us happy.
The problem is… if we please ourselves but fail to please our partner, sex soon dries up.
The dreaded excuses start to flow
How many times have you heard?
· "I’m too tired"
· "I’ve had a long day"
or the much feared excuse:
· "Not now, I have a headache"…
The simple fact of the matter is - you need to discover the secrets of sex and making her orgasm because the truth is: The more she enjoys sex with you, the more you’ll get it!
It’s as simple as that.
Whether you think you’re great in bed or whether you know you’re not - doesn’t really matter.
I'm here to help you and I have the perfect solution to your sexual despairs...
You Will Get:
You're going to learn TODAY, how to make her explode with satisfaction as you give her exactly what she wants in bed... When you've learned and mastered these simple but not obvious techniques, she will probably start to think of you as some kind of sex God!
What you have done to save my marriage I can never begin to repay you for. All I can say to you is thank you so very much, for helping both my husband see that even a 30 year marriage can be fun and exciting again, if both parties are willing to learn how to please one another in the bedroom.
We’re having sex so much more often now at age 53 and 55 than we ever did in out 30’s or 40’s, it is amazing to me, and with many of the wonder techniques that you taught my husband, he now can maintain a full and active erection without any prescription drugs, and go sometime 3 times in a day, if I can handle it. Wow, what a tiger he has become, I’m truly loving it!
Mary T,
Kansas City, Mo.
Until now, giving a woman an orgasm was like an art form. Some guys master it and are able to satisfy their partner, through practice, trial and error and tips they pick up over time, but more often than not - the man falls way short of expectations in the bedroom…
However experienced he may be.
That's where the power of Orgasmology™ really starts to kick in...
Orgasmology™ has turned the process of pleasing women from an art form into a science (but not a science that is hard to understand like physics and chemistry – Orgasmology™ is a simple, step-by-step and FUN process)
Which would you prefer to master?
The ART of love-making? Whereby just like a painter, you have to mix talent, skills, and ability with a good dose of luck, trial and error and... Fingers crossed after enough practise you MIGHT get there in the end.
The SCIENCE of love-making? Where I tell you. 2+2+2+4 = 10 (and yes, it doesn't get much harder than that - you don't need to be able to do ANY math, I'm just making a point).... and 10 EQUALS the MOST ground shaking, earth moving sex she and you will EVER have...
If you read and follow my simple sex secrets, master them, and then practice them till they are part of your soul - you will NEVER have a woman fake an orgasm with you again!
That's my PERSONAL guarantee to YOU based on my reputation and my HONOR! I back it up with my full - 8 weeks of heart stomping passion - money back guarantee, just in case my word and honor isn't enough ;-)
In fact, you'll have your partner BEGGING you for sex time and time again! Again, I guarantee it.
You becoming better in bed will IGNITE her sexual flames once again, her libido will increase drastically (it's a little known fact that the MORE sex she has - the MORE she'll want it). Obviously for her to want more sex, you'll have to satisfy her - but that won't be a problem at all... Any more... EVER again.
I guess you might be finding it hard to believe that you can become a love machine over night. But you can. Starting today. And I'll tell you why you should trust me in just a few moments...
But first, let me dispell a couple of common myths - possibly myths you believe in...
MYTH 1: You need a big penis to satisfy a woman
FACT: You DO NOT need a large penis to please your woman. In fact, if you knew the Orgasmology™ techniques you'd realize quite the opposite, having a small or average sized penis can actually be an ADVANTAGE!
Being fantastic in bed has NOTHING to do with the size of your penis! Absolutely nothing!
There is a saying that goes something like this,
"It's not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean."
This is very true.
Having good technique, skills and knowledge can make your size seem immaterial even to the most judgmental, size-loving, size-obsessive of women.
Even if you have a VERY small or average penis I can show you how to make love to her so that she'll keep coming back for more AND LOVING IT time and time again.
MYTH 2: You need lots of foreplay or oral sex to make a woman happy in the bedroom
FACT: Yes, foreplay can help make the experience a whole lot nicer for the woman (and for you), but whereby other sources of misinformation on better sex recommend you spend up to 30 minutes+ every time you have sex on intense foreplay, just to satisfy her - is absolutely wrong. I will show you how to eliminate the NEED for foreplay to make her orgasm and/or enjoy sex so you can get down to what YOU enjoy and make sure she's just as happy.
Whatever your concern when it comes to satisfying women, do NOT worry about it any more. I'll show you a way to overcome it. All you need is the right information, shown to you in the right way.
Another worry I hear a lot from men is about Premature ejaculation.
As you know, most women can't have a vaginal orgasm in the time it takes MOST men to finish themselves. But again, if you can only last 1-3 minutes currently... DON'T WORRY.
Premature ejaculation WILL be a thing of the past after discovering the Orgasmology™ sex secrets
I will show you techniques to help you make love for hours at a time maintaining your iron-bar like erection throughout!
One of the biggest reasons women aren't happy with their sex lives is that their partner is unable to have sex for long enough to please her. I will show you methods that have enabled men that usually unload in 3-4 minutes - to have sex for 3 to 4 hours and only when YOU are ready to fire your load - will you give the command!
You REALLY can have THAT much control!
Getting Orgasmology was the smartest thing I’ve done in the last 10 years, thanks a billion!
Richard TSummit, NJ.
What you’ll discover today:
• The 3 most important mind set changes you have to make before becoming an orgasmic sexual genius• The 2 to 1 orgasmic ratio that is so important, it will guarantee you pleasure her more than 95% of other men can • How to make her orgasm every time without fail
• 2 ways to tell if she's having a real orgasm or faking it and she has no control over either • The best sex positions that will make the Kama Sutra seem dull!• The 21 most explosive Orgasmic sex secrets that will take you from “Boring Billy”, to “Wild Willy the Sexual Explorer” and make you a 100% more exciting lover• The one step forward, half step back technique that will create sensational stirrings in her mind that will make her beg you to “DO HER NOOOOW!”• The Orgasmology™ oral sex guide for both men and women to make Oral truly orgasmic• Discover the difference between clitoral, G-Spot, extended and multiple orgasms and learn how to give her each and every one!• How to deal with premature ejaculation and control your ejaculation time so well, you’ll be more accurate than a Swiss watch!• Discover dozens of sex games you can play to keep your sex life at its peak• Get answers to all of your most pressing sexual questions in down to Earth, straight talking ways guaranteed to make you more clued up about everything Orgasmic.• Daily Sex Tips and Advice (New one Each day)• How to make her orgasm … Within 3 minutes every time! • Learn where her erogenous zones are and discover just what you have to do to each one to make her eyes light up with delight!• Foreplay for fighters… Become a foreplay WARRIOR able to take on the most difficult of feminine pleasuring tasks and make it look easy
• And much more!
So who am I and how do I know so many secrets?
I'm Woody O Wilcox and yes, you're right, that's a pen name.
I'm well known in other fields of adult education under another name, for various reasons I have to write under a pen name on this topic but chances are, you've probably come across my main stream books at one time or another (there are also guest writers articles in the members area).
I've come to my vast and exclusive knowledge on the subject probably a similar way to you.
And long story short... I was RUBBISH in bed. I needed to get better. And fast. So I consumed huge amounts of information on the subject, hunted down experts and tried, tried and tried again.
Eventually I got there and I went from Loser in the bedroom to winner. My lovelife exploded and women started to really dig what I could do to them. Then I discovered how to make a woman orgasm - INSTANTLY.
Yep... Instantly.
Sounds crazy huh?
It's true. When I say instantly, I mean within 1 minute of penetration (and most of that minute is spent by her actually "climbing the mountain" and peaking).
All of my secrets are recorded and added to regularly here in Orgasmology's™ private members only site.
Orgasmology™ is a private members only website that is 100% online, discreet and instantly accessible so you can start to discover the secrets of great sex to improve yours and your partners sex lives - today!
Latest Update: 34 New Articles Added Today16 New sex tips JUST ADDED!
You will become the greatest lover she's ever had and your sex life will go through the roof as a result...
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First of all, it’s a very interesting, entertaining, educational and comfortable read. It isn’t prissy or prude, and it certainly isn’t tight-assed, stuffy or arrogant. It’s a far more “Down to Earth” and personally “COOL” attitude, with an occasional touch of humor or “Life Experience Insight” added in, when it is appropriately called for. Not only is it extremely simple and easy to use, and eventually perfect, but it costs you practically nothing, yet the value of the benefits that this sex guide will bring to your life, and the lives of others that you touch, is totally incalculable! That is the amazing advantage to Orgasmology™!...
YOU WILL BECOME AN OUTSTANDING LOVER after joining Orgasmology™!
I'm here to address and teach it all to you, in the most relaxed and comfortable manner that you have ever learned anything in your life. It’s actually a lot of fun, and the rewards for your study go beyond your wildest dreams when you can confidently do exactly what needs to be done to make sure that both you and your partner are in complete orgasmic bliss.
No subject is too “dirty or decadent” to discuss, if it’s about sex, we’re going to talk and teach about it. Openly, honestly, and objectively, not only from the male point of view, but from the perspective of the women as well, after all, they play a pretty important role in our sex lives, and it is a matter of vast importance to know and understand what it is that they are thinking, saying, wanting and needing!
"Hey There Orgasmology,
You guys are the coolest. I never really have had much luck with sex books and tips off the internet before. They never usually take the time to explain the “WHY” and “HOW,” so much as just dumping the “Where” and “When” on you.
You bring it all together in a complete package that covers all the necessary information, and the psychology behind it all, and it just makes sense, for the first time ever, because what you guys provide, actually WORKS!!!
What more needs to be said. Something available so inexpensively on the internet that even part time staff like me can afford to indulge in the delicacies that the rich dudes are getting on a regular basis. You guys rock, cause you even out the playing field, and even guys like me can compete with the “Richies”because now I know what I’m doing, and the chicks dig that and want more and more of what I have to offer them, and it ain’t bucks, or a nice car, believe me!
I’m in Humping Heaven now, and it’s all thanks to you guys,
You Rock!!!"
Hector VSan Antonio, TX.
She will brag about you to her friends, and they'll all secretly want a piece of your "action"
O.k., so by now, it’s only natural that you're asking yourself, “How much does Orgasmology™ cost, and how soon can I get it, so I can start experiencing all these amazing benefits for my sex life, instead of just sitting around here, reading about everybody else enjoying sexual satisfaction and success?”
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That’s right, for less than the price of a single professional massage, you could now own all the Secrets of Sensual Seduction and Outrageous Orgasms for yourself, and have them all accessible to you Right Now, immediately upon your safe and secure online purchase of Ogasmology.
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So NOW is the time to finally do something for yourself, that will finally place you in that enviable position that you have always dreamed of, being an EDUCATED EROTIC EXPERT that has the opposite sex now begging you for more and more of your valuable time and skills in the “Secret Arts of Sexual Seduction and Sensual Satisfaction!”
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I cum too soon

Sexual intercourse averages two minutes..., usually ending as the male partner reaches climax. However, a woman requires eight to twelve minutes of constant stimulation to reach climax.
Premature Ejaculation is the number one cause for shortened sex...
DEFINING PE The American Psychiatric Association defines premature ejaculation as "persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, during, or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it."
The reoccurring question remains. What is considered to be shortly after penetration? Alfred Kinsey state that 75% of men tested ejaculate within two minutes after vaginal entry.
Does this mean that 75% of the men tested are premature ejaculators?
Premature Ejaculation cannot be determined in time frame or by a partners dissatisfaction, considering that 75% of all women are unable to climax during sexual intercourse without direct clitoral stimulation, leaving only 25% capable of climaxing strictly from direct penile penetration.
Premature ejaculation is an act of rapid, involuntary climax. Some cases of premature ejaculation are more severe, bringing the man to orgasm as soon as his penis makes vaginal contact.
In less severe cases the man is able to make vaginal entry and stroke, but unable to maintain control in high levels of arousal. The voluntary ejaculator can sustain sexual intercourse in the "plateau" stage of arousal, maximizing sexual stimulation as the penis is at its most erect state before climax.
1. Sexual Therapy - Usually requires weeks of hourly sessions in attempt to determine causes and establish a keener sense of premonitory sensations. Though costly, treatment is highly successful and requires consistency.
Sexual intercourse averages two minutes..., usually ending as the male partner reaches climax. However, a woman requires eight to twelve minutes of constant stimulation to reach climax.
Premature Ejaculation is the number one cause for shortened sex...
DEFINING PE The American Psychiatric Association defines premature ejaculation as "persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, during, or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it."
The reoccurring question remains. What is considered to be shortly after penetration? Alfred Kinsey state that 75% of men tested ejaculate within two minutes after vaginal entry.
Does this mean that 75% of the men tested are premature ejaculators?
Premature Ejaculation cannot be determined in time frame or by a partners dissatisfaction, considering that 75% of all women are unable to climax during sexual intercourse without direct clitoral stimulation, leaving only 25% capable of climaxing strictly from direct penile penetration.
Premature ejaculation is an act of rapid, involuntary climax. Some cases of premature ejaculation are more severe, bringing the man to orgasm as soon as his penis makes vaginal contact.
In less severe cases the man is able to make vaginal entry and stroke, but unable to maintain control in high levels of arousal. The voluntary ejaculator can sustain sexual intercourse in the "plateau" stage of arousal, maximizing sexual stimulation as the penis is at its most erect state before climax.
1. Sexual Therapy - Usually requires weeks of hourly sessions in attempt to determine causes and establish a keener sense of premonitory sensations. Though costly, treatment is highly successful and requires consistency.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
How to Pick Up a Really Hot Babe

You find yourself at the hotel bar. You're on your third bourbon, the game's on the TV and you're replaying the earlier dinner meeting in your head. You're really just killing two hours before heading up to your room to watch some softcore porn with an airline-sized bottle of complimentary hand lotion as your only companion.
A sound brings you back to the bar and you look to your left...
How to

Men have no problem telling women what they like,
"Oh yeah! That's it! Oops, sorry baby. It's OK, it's protein."
There is no mystery about a penis. It stands out in the open. Proud. Happy to be out in the breeze. No matter how small or unimpressive, every penis acts as if it's a Great Dane, the Washington Monument, or a mighty Sequoia. A penis is so simple in comparison to a vagina that I can explain everything you need to know about performing oral sex on a penis using a standard fire hydrant.
If a woman is still unsure, she can rent an adult video. Any video.
All she has to do is look at a penis the way the "actresses" in porn do, and he'll be happy.
Need more help?
How to Use a Vagina with How to Use a Penis at no extra charge!
Need even more help?
How to eat


How to Eat Pussy
*or Everything You Need to Know About Cunnilingus
But You Were Too Busy Picking the Hairs Out of Your Teeth to Ask
How to Eat Pussy
*or Everything You Need to Know About Cunnilingus
But You Were Too Busy Picking the Hairs Out of Your Teeth to Ask
Friday, June 01, 2007
*I've always been told what a lucky son of a bitch I am, but I don't think so! I've lost at everything that I've ever done. If I buy a car, it's always a lemon. Every girl I've ever looked at has left me for another guy. I just can't catch a break. The only relationship I can hold onto is with a computer.When I was in high school, I was that guy. You know the one that had his underpants run up the flagpole about once a month. Yeah, I'm the one you shoved in his locker and left him there. I know you did it. Every goddamned dirty trick in the book was pulled on me. Hell, they could call that book my biography.College was about the same; a girl approached me one day about helping her with an English paper. As we talked, I felt a shadow fall over me. I thought for a second that the sun had gone down. No such luck because it turned out to be her 300-pound boyfriend. Yeah, he was some big name on the football team. He smiled at me and the lights went out. I woke up about a week later in the hospital.I hurt like hell, but at least I was alive... pretty lucky huh? I thought so to at the time. I got to lie around in bed all day and have pretty nurses fuss all over me. I got these really keen sponge baths, and they even woke me up to take a sleeping pill a couple of times, how considerate of them.One morning while I was still sleeping, two big guys put me on a gurney and rolled me away. I woke up in time to see someone put a mask on my face. The next day I found my left testicle had been removed. 'Oh, just a little mix up,' the hospital said. My dad told me how lucky I was they didn't remove them both. Yeah, real fortunate.Some other guy was getting my sponge bath while I got his surgery.Life always has a way of getting a little payback. Anytime things were going well for me, Karma, or whatever you want to call it, would kick me in the nuts. In my case I guess I should say nut.After college, I had a good streak going for about 3 years. I got a great job in computers and bought a nice house. The money was great, so what's to worry about you say? That's what I thought too.Maybe all that bullshit is behind me and maybe I really am a lucky guy.Lana started work in my department as a secretary. She wasn't particularly special but attractive her own way. After a few months of working together she asked me,"Is there something wrong with me, Jim?"That's me, Jim. I won't tell you my real name. It's been changed for this story to hide my stupidity."I don't understand what you mean, Lana?" I replied."I've worked with you for three months and you hardly talk to me," she continued."I'm sorry Lana, I didn't realize it, and I guess I don't socialize very well," I mumbled."Are you shy?" she inquired."A little, I suppose.""Do I scare you?""Everybody scares me.""What do you mean?""It's a long story.""Do you want to tell me?""Lana, do you always ask so many questions?""No, not always.""I am starting to feel like I'm on the witness stand.""I didn't mean for it to come out that way, I'm sorry.""It's OK, Lana.""Well, do you Jim?""Do I what?""Do you want to talk about it?""Uh, not really.""OK Jim, it's up to you."This kept on for a couple more months. Lana seemed to ask me an awful lot of questions. I almost started to avoid her. From your perspective it might look like Lana is trying to hit on me. Me, I just kept looking over my shoulder. Something bad was going to happen, something real bad. The dark clouds were forming over my head and I knew it.One morning she cornered me in the hallway."Jim, I have been trying to talk to you for months now. I finally see what's happening, and you're just too shy to ask me out.""Lana, that's not it..." She cut me off."If you won't ask me, then I'll just put an end to this silly crap."I thought for a moment, this might be the end to her chasing me."I want you to pick me up at Friday at 7pm and I won't take no for an answer." And she walked away. "Shit," I thought, "what do I do now?"I surely didn't want to hurt her feelings, but what about me? My life is going well at this point, why fuck it up and tempt fate? Man what a lucky guy.Doom! That's the way I felt all week waiting for Friday. Any other man would be jumping for joy, but not me. I just had to suck it up and see what would happen.As I approached her door at 7 o'clock, right on time, I felt a pain moving from my belly to my chest. Fear, that's what it was. I've had this feeling before but not this bad. I rang the bell and knew it was too late to run."Right on time, Jim," she said as she opened the door.Man, what a difference. This couldn't be the same girl. She was a total babe, true playboy material. What a difference a little make up and a sexy dress made. I tried to be cool, what would you do? Probably not what I did next: I clutched my stomach and threw up on her porch step. That was real smooth and sophisticated."Jim, what's wrong? Are you sick?" She pulled me inside."No, I'll be OK."She sat me on the sofa and went to the kitchen. My head was reeling, why did I come here? Oh shit, this feels like the worst day of my life, and I have experienced some bad days. She returned with a wet cloth. Lana straddled my legs facing me, and wiped my face with the cool cloth. It felt so good. I just sat there with my eyes closed relishing the cool feeling of the damp towel. She continued to dab the towel on my face and stroke my neck and face. Goddamn, it was really starting to get hot, I mean really fucking hot. Her other hand began to rub my chest. My pants were starting to get very uncomfortable, and I was getting hard. Lana was grinding on me now and I was sure I would pass out."Oh Jim, I think you're feeling better now. I know I am," she said with a wink."Lana, I'm sorry!" I tried to get up.She was not going to let that happen. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Covering my mouth with hers so hard that I couldn't breathe, the rocking of her hips became faster. Our breathing was fast, and she shoved her tongue down my throat. My hands were on her perfect ass pulling us together faster and faster.Lana was sucking on my neck, painfully so. I've felt a lot of pain in my life but none like this. She bit down hard and began to moan deep in her throat, like a lioness on her prey. She suddenly let go and jumped off me. Not a word was spoken, and I stared at her in awe. Lana tore at my belt, like a child opening presents at Christmas time. My jeans and boxers were at my feet before I could say a word. Truly, nothing had ever happened to me like this. Her dress was over her head in one swift motion. She literally dove for me and had my cock in both her hands kissing the head. Her mouth covered the head as she stroked with her hands. She bent lower and took my ball in her mouth, tilting her head with a confused look in her eyes."I'll explain later," I groaned.My rod seemed to be getting harder at every heartbeat. In one quick move she was on me sliding her panties to the side. Lana rode me hard, pushing in fast and pressing her clit against my shaft on the way out. Over and over she grunted as she fucked me. She was in control, and I could have been dead as long as my cock stayed hard. I was feeling like a human dildo. Her attack on my cock went on and on, as I was still getting harder, I felt like it was going to burst. Finally she moaned."I'm cumming Jim, I'm cumming. Cum with me now, Jimmy. Unh! Unh!"We were covered in sweat. She pounded back and forth and tensed, her eyes were closed, her face contorted in what looked like pain for about two minutes. Her wet pussy was gripping my shaft like a vise. She collapsed on me in a shivering mass. Her breathing was deep and exhausted. She fell asleep on top of me. You're probably thinking man what a lucky S.O.B. As if!Lana woke in an hour or so, still perched upon my throbbing aching dick. We had fucked for over an hour, and my dick had been hard for over two. The pain was almost unbearable. Lana smiled at me and asked."Are you hard again already?""Still!" I said as I passed out in agony.My eyes finally opened Monday around noon. I awoke to unfamiliar surroundings. The bright light made my eyes feel like they were full of sand, and I may have swallowed a few handfuls as well.Trying to get my bearings, a nurse entered the room. Shit, I'm in the hospital again? What the hell had happened, I couldn't remember a thing."Well, you're alive, aren't you?" she said."I suppose so, but why am I here? What happened to me?""Your girlfriend had to call 911. She told the paramedics you had fainted after, um, well... anyway, you've had emergency surgery, and the doctor will tell you more when he comes to see you later.""Girlfriend? Oh my god, Lana. Surgery? Oh fuck, dear god please no." I lifted the sheet carefully and peered beneath it. My crotch was taped and bandaged. I must have flipped out. They had to sedate and restrain me.The Doctor came to see me later that evening to explain what had happened. It seems that during my previous testicular surgery, some blood vessel and nerve damage had occurred. The problem hadn't surfaced earlier, but with the pressure and contractions of Lana's pussy, one of the blood vessels or arteries had acted like a one way valve and let the blood flow in but not out. That's why my dick seemed to get harder every minute. There was too much blood, and that pressure had caused the lack of sensitivity and pain. The Doctor told me the damage wasn't too severe but they had operated on me to correct the damage.The good news was that he felt my sex organs would recover. The bad news was he wasn't sure of the outcome. With my condition that none of the doctors had seen before, they had tried some new techniques and added larger vessels for greater blood flow. He went on to tell me that the healing would take quite a while because of the massive amount of cutting and stitching they had done. Yeah, who's lucky now?The next day, Lana came to see me. She looked like the Lana that I worked with, not the Lana that had tried to fuck me to death. She brought a few magazines and some candy. We talked a while and she kissed and hugged me."Jim, I bet you can't wait to get out of here? I'm going to take you home and care for you until you're on your feet again. I can hardly wait until you heal. I want to feel you inside me again so much," she cooed. "You fucked me like an animal that night. No one has ever made me feel that way.""I didn't fuck you, Lana.""Then what would you call it?""Lana, you fucked me.""No Jim, you fucked me till I nearly passed out. Where did you learn to do that?""I didn't learn that, Lana. I'm a virgin or at least I was last Friday.""You have got to be joking? There's no way!""It's true, I have never been with anyone but you."The Doctor entered the room just then. He asked how I was and told me he wanted to look at my incisions to see how they were healing. Lana asked if it was all right to stay, the doc told her it was up to me. I agreed, so the doctor removed the bandages. I wasn't sure what to expect but it sure wasn't this. My dick looked like a black and blue bratwurst that had been in a fight with a sewing machine. The Doctor said, "hmm," Lana turned away in horror and I passed out. What would you have done? What would you think if you found Frankendick between your legs? Oh my god. I woke a few minutes later to find the doc discussing my condition with Lana, as if I wasn't in the room. They talked about the healing time and the recovery and her pretty hair and where they were going to have dinner. I just didn't care so I went back to sleep.My dad came to see me later that evening. He didn't bring mom so that way, we could talk. I'm sure lucky for that at least, that I didn't have to talk to my mom about my genitals. Dad and I chatted for a while and I explained what little I knew about the surgery."Well son, you're pretty fortunate, you still have your other testicle.""Yeah dad, you're right, I feel real fortunate," I said, with as much sarcasm as possible."You rest up son, I'll come and see you soon and bring your mother next time. You know how much she worries.""Sometimes I think she has every right to worry. Dad, why does this shit always have to happen to me?""I don't know, someday things will change."Well, they didn't change that day. As the nurse with the big boobs was giving me a bath, I felt the first twinge in my mangled prick. Then the pain hit me like a freight train. As I started to swell, I was overcome by pain. I can't describe to you the feeling. It hurt so much all I could do was scream like a frightened little girl. It was decided, I was to be kept in a coma like state for a few weeks to let me heal. The doc felt we shouldn't risk another erection for fear of tearing out any more stitches.I was in a haze most of the time. I would dream sometimes, but the dreams were usually bad. Sometimes I would dream of Lana. I would dream of her kissing my Doctor. Other times he was fucking her in the bed next to me. I even dreamed of their wedding happening in my hospital room.Weeks later, I was brought out of my drug-induced stupor. My first thought was Lana. I really didn't expect to see her and I didn't. She had simply stopped coming by. My recovery was met with few complications, and I was released after a 5-week stay. I didn't try to contact her. She was never really my girlfriend. I just let her go.I was back to work the next week. Boy, had things changed around here. My first task was to go through all of my messages and emails. When I was about half way done, I found a memo to all employees concerning the retirement of my department supervisor. Shit, I had been in the hospital and now missed the chance for promotion. A few memos later, I found out whom I'd be working for. No! Anyone but that bitch, please dear God let this be a typo. Jill fucking Jennings... my luck was holding as always.Go to your encyclopedia and find the letter C on the outside. Open it up to the word 'cunt'. I bet you'll find Jill's picture. She is the nastiest person I have ever met. You know the type, mean and nasty with the personality of a cactus. She has absolutely no clue what we do here. And you guessed it; she's an absolute knockout. Long blonde hair, the face of an angel and a body just built for sex.She also uses every one of those assets to further her career.I now felt like all the other bad times of my life added together didn't equal what it would be like working for Jill. Fuck me. And if all this wasn't bad enough, there she stood in my doorway."James, I want to see you in my office at 12 o'clock. We will go over what is expected of you then."Goddamn her, now I will have to miss lunch. That bitch did this on purpose. I won't go into details because frankly that meeting still pisses me off to think about it. Let's just say she talked and I listened. For three hours I listened. Exactly as I expected, I was to do all the work and she was to get the credit.As I walked out of her office, I briefly considered quitting. I didn't know how I could work for her. In a short moment of clarity it came to me. This bitch was going to pay, and she would pay dearly for screwing with me. I didn't have a plan yet, but it would come to me soon enough.I did just enough to get by at work. I wouldn't bust my ass for her and she knew it, but she needed me. She needed me because without me, the financial models would have to be checked by hand. That would require 5 more people than we had, and take months longer. To go to the boss and tell him this would be suicide. She soon realized I had her ass over a barrel. She didn't dare treat me the way she treated the other geeks in the department.I went to my Doctor for a final check up. He took me off the anti-depressant medication and told me that Frankendick should be functional in a week or so when the meds wore off. He wasn't sure how well my erections would workout for me, but encouraged me to try to have sex or masturbate. This was all new to us so he gave me a sample of Viagra in case I couldn't perform properly and then he asked me to come back in a month.Well, the only woman I'd ever been with was gone, so my options were reduced by half. A week later I rented a few porno videos and went home for a test drive of my new and improved dick. I was apprehensive at first but to my surprise, I had a hard on in no time.I drank a few beers to relax and stroked my self for about 15 minutes. As I became more aroused, my dick seemed to grow. I might have been a little drunk, but my cock seemed a few inches longer. I hadn't felt this good for a long time. As I was soon to discover, the hornier I got the bigger my joint became. I tested it to the limit that night. My new best buddy sure got a workout.Jill was becoming increasingly stressed at work. It was apparent that the pressure to complete projects with little help was wearing her down. The bitch deserved everything she got and more. After one particularly long day, I was leaving the office when I heard her crying at her desk. Just to rub a little salt in her wounds, I went to her office and stood in the doorway. She looked at me with tears running down her cheeks."What do you want?" she spat at me."Not a goddamned thing," I smirked.I turned to leave. After I had taken a couple of steps, she called out to me, "Jim." I stopped but didn't turn to face her. There was a moment of hesitation. "I'm in trouble, I need help."A smile covered my face. This was it, now she had admitted she needed me. I had her by the short hairs and it was time for payback. Slowly I turned to her, and my smile now was more of an evil grin. I waited for her to speak."Please Jim, the board meets next week and they want me to make a presentation on the Benson account." She looked away, avoiding my eyes. "You know I can't do it, don't you?" I didn't speak. This was her problem. I wouldn't make it any easier for her."Jim, the whole department will look bad if I screw this up.""No Jill, you're the boss. You're the one that will look stupid.""Please Jim, could you help me?""After the way you treated us, why would I do that?""We might all lose our jobs if this goes badly.""Oh come on Jill, this department was a team before you took over. The board is testing you not us. You're the one to take the fall if you fuck up, not us. Just grow up and admit it for once."She knew I was right, you could see it in her eyes. But the question was would she admit it? Would she beg me to help her?"Can't we talk about it?""What is there to talk about, Jill? The way I see it, when you get fired, I will get your job. What could you possibly offer me to convince me to bail you out?"Jill could see it clearly now, but how far would she go to save her own ass? We'll see. I half expected her to throw me out of her office."What will it take Jim? I'll do anything. I really need my job.""Anything?" I asked."Anything," was her answer."I'll let you know my answer in the morning." I walked out. I was going to let her stew overnight. Let her be the one that really didn't want to come into work in the morning. I would sleep well that night, not her.I was at my desk the next day when she came to see me. This was going to go my way. I wanted to be in my office, so she wasn't sitting on her throne looking down on me. I asked her to close the door and sit down. I knew she was very anxious, so I let her speak first.
Part: 1 2
Part: 1 2
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