Thursday, January 18, 2007

>NOTE: If you'd like to learn the easiest,fastest, lowest-rejection way to meet women,then read this:***SUCCESS STORY***Hey Dave,Great news. I tried C + F with a girl I've knownfor over a year as a friend but would never dream of "approaching"...I asked her advice about fashion and took hershopping with me for clothes. I busted on her the whole time about looking at my ass, etc.

So a fewdays later I get a call. "What do you like to drink? How 'bout I stop by with some beers and hang out?"Between our second and third lovemaking sessions she apologizes for taking up my time, and confesses that she's not really looking for a relationship right now. Hopes I'm not mad. Pure gold, man. This woman is ten years younger and the highest paid stripper at a local bar. I'm broke,short, bald, cocky, and funny. Go figure. Thanks amillion.

Don't print my name, but DO send me youradvanced class ASAP!>>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, bummer... isn't it? While you might not have found the ultimate"wife" material, it doesn't sound to me like youmind the free fashion advice (oh, and free BEER). Interesting Question: Why is it that the highest paid dancer at alocal bar... one who has literally hundreds andhundreds of men around her that would pay her, buyher anything, and worship her like a queen...would rather buy beer and bring it to an older,short, bald, cocky, funny guy and then say "I'msorry if I'm wasting your time... I'm not lookingfor a relationship"? Interesting Answer: Because she doesn't need a clingy, loser,psycho, WUSSY, sketchy jackass who calls her 47times a day to ask her what she's doing and say "Imiss you, when can I see you again". Powerful.***QUESTION FROM A WOMAN***Hi,I would be most grateful for some help/advice ifyou could assist. I am bi sexual fem women,and have recently met a beautiful women, my typevery fem, and I really like this women. She hasbeen hurt by men in the past, and is just goingthrough a phase in her life at the moment whereshe needs to be with women. She has been with 2other women including me before.To cut a long story short, I dont know how tocharm her, make her like me more and become amagnet towards her?. I'm not chasing after herbecause i suspect that most men have done thisbefore, and because I am a women i want to play itcool. She has already indicated that she wantsfun then see what happens, but I understand thatnothing could ever come of it because her familyand friends dont know she is bi, and she comesfrom a relatively posh family.Have you got any suggestions you could give meplease.Thank you for spending time in reading theabove, and I await to hear from you in greatanticipation.S.>>>MY COMMENTS: You know, why is it that when you finally getan email you WISH was longer, it says "To cut along story short"? Whatever. OK, I'm closing my eyes right now... and makingan image in my mind of you and your new-found babein a room together... You're wondering how to make her feel A STRONGATTRACTION to you... but you just can't figure itout... All of a sudden, the door opens up, and I comewalking in to the rescue... I sit down between you and your girlfriend, andI give you that knowing look... You instantly understand that I'm going to helpyou get what you want... and you feel a deep andprofound appreciation for me... ... ... ... You know, this imaginary thing never was verygood for me. Ok, back to reality... Look, you're asking a question just like aWussy guy would ask. You're in a TEXTBOOK situation... And if you don't get control of yourself andyour emotions, you're going to screw this up realgood. Pause. Deep breaths. Sit in the lotus positionor something. Here's the formula for making this girl want tobe with you: Great Experiences + Missing You Got it? When you're with her, make it ENJOYABLE. Don't put any kind of weird emotional pressureon her. Don't ask "Do you think you could be withsomeone like me in a long-term relationship?". Don't cling. Don't call her all the time. When you do spend time with her, make sure youand she are having a GREAT TIME. And then end every interaction with her whileit's on an UP note... and just a little bit toosoon. Like a great movie, end it at a "climax". "Huh... Huh... He thaid "climaxth". Yeah Yeah!" And as you've heard me say before, give her theGIFT of MISSING YOU. You're on the right track by "playing it cool". Now add fun, excitement, and MYSTERY to theequation. Give her experiences she can't forget, and thengive her room to think about you, wonder where youare, and chase you until she's caught.***COMMENT***Just what kind of conversations are you havingwith these lil girls? Don't you find it better tohave someone that can stimulate your mind as wellas your member? I must say that my personalopinion is that you have low self-esteem and baseyour self worth on the trophy you carry by yourside...Grow up ya mental midget.......Sincerely, K.D.C.>>>MY COMMENTS: I've included this to make an example... thisis the type of person to watch out for whileyou're learning how to be successful with womenand dating... they have nothing useful to offer,only negativity. This is someone who doesn't get it, doesn't getANY, and isn't going to help you. This person would be glad to sit all night andtell you why it's a bad idea for you to have fundating all the fun women you're dating becausenone of them are "marriage material". REVELATION: Duh. But while you're FINDING that rare andfantastic woman who can stimulate your mind, body,emotions, and "member", you might as well enjoyyourself... And to answer the question: The kind of conversations I'm having with these"lil girls" is the kind that challenges them,makes them feel ATTRACTION, and makes them realizehow BORING negative people like you are. 'Nuff said.***SUCCESS STORY***David!Where do I even begin to tell you about thechanges that have taken place in my life since Iread your e-book?I used to be the classic wussy. While readingyour book, and reading about the things that yousaid were exactly what NOT to do, it was painfulfor me. But a wake-up call at the same time! Itallowed me to pinpoint what went wrong in everyfailed relationship or unsuccessful interactionwith females I've ever had.I've always been naturally cocky and funny, butI never figured it would be a successful method touse around women as I was too focused on comingacross as, "A nice guy she could take home todad." I used to ALWAYS become a submissive wuss infrilly pink panties everytime I was aroundattractive girls. Maaannn, was I ever wrong, andthank you for showing me the light!

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