Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
I was working and met some female (9.0 on my scale) exactly the type of face i like. She had a hard-to-get personality. I teased her and had some good conversation for a few minutes. She had to go butreturned a while later asking 'what time it was'or some stupid question like that that you can ask anyone and still look casual. (typical of girls ihave busted on to come back and ask some stupidquestion) I continued to bust on her and maintain my uninterested/laid back mood. I told her to write her number down, she did and she told me 'she liked me' or some pick up like that, i said "yeah i like me too" She wanted to do something later, I said 'like what' (just seeing where she was coming from). She smiled and didnt really answer, to which i followed up with "whatever, you couldnt handlethis" I had a friend come by who i work with and she started talking to him 'acting' interested (iassume to see how i would handle it). So ignoredthem and went on with my stuff, instead of cock blocking i bragged a little about him. she said she had to leave and was standing rightin front of me for a couple seconds so i justmoved in for a kiss and she did also (btw that wasafter less than a total of 15 minutes of talking).She left and I went back to my work, but notbefore a little 3-second Conan O'Brien dancebehind my desk. earlier she told me to call herthat night so i called her the next night. That night she wanted to get busy and I wouldkeep backing up when she went in to kiss me anddidnt act too thrilled about the whole occasion.She took her shirt off right after she got in myhouse and i told her to put it back on and thatshe could take it off later. that night she said"Your the only guy who I can't figure out" and"I'm so lucky to be here with you" and even "Howcome you picked me, you deserve so much better"This beautiful, hard-to-get girl's personalitychanged right in front of me. And i used thebeautiful "just say please" line once again.I love you Dave (but not like that you sicko!)-D from CA>>>MY COMMENTS: Great story. You've mentioned a couple of my favorite typesof "comebacks" to things women say. In one situation, she said, "I like you" andyou replied, "I like me too". In another, she mentioned that she wanted to dosomething later with you, and you replied "Likewhat?"... and then said "Whatever, you couldn'thandle this". You TOTALLY get the equation: COCKY + FUNNY In your first comeback, you've taken something"nice" that she was saying about you, and turnedit into a perfect opportunity to dial up thetension in a funny way. "I like you"... "Yeah, I like me too". Classic. In your second comment, you really add one ofthe "magic ingredients" of ATTRACTION called beinga CHALLENGE. Most women have never had a guy say somethinglike, "You couldn't handle this" to them. It's so surprising to a woman when she hearsthis kind of thing... and it's INCREDIBLE whenit's done in a FUNNY way. Unless you understand the dynamics of how womenbecome attracted to men, this stuff doesn't makeany sense at all. Remember when you were a kid and you had thoselittle cars that you could wind up by pulling thembackwards on the floor... then when you let gothey would spin out and fly forward? You could feel the tension building as youpulled the car backwards... winding it up. Andwhen you let go, it would scream out of your hand.I always thought those were pretty cool. Well, there was another great lesson in thosecool little cars: You need to dial up the tensionbefore you can release the energy inside. Your story and comments do a GREAT job of this.***SUCCESS STORY***David, I, like you, am a slow learner withwomen and I own nearly every product that you sell(which i am incredibly grateful for). And proofof my learning about women came just the othernight. I had been achieving mild success withwomen but nothing to sneeze at. Anyhow, I was in a strip club with somefriends (fyi...i HATE strip clubs, seriously) justchatting it with some people i hadn't seen for along time sittin in sniffler's row with my backcocked to the side, halfway ignoring the"dancers". So, I held up $3 for a beer just as thedancer was coming my way and right before she gotin my face i notified the bartender for a BudLight, then turned away. This, obviously, pissedher off. I continued to sit relaxed, justchillin, ya know. Ten minutes later she comes outin somewhat normal attire and sits right next tome and starts in with how I am an a**hole and shehated me. I just smile demurely and say, "Welli'm glad you could determine that in the first 5minutes rather than waste your time" and did NOTlook away until she did. Then, not 5 minutes ofconversation later, she confessed to me that shehated me yet was "so attracted to me" she couldn'texplain it. At this time i am like "wow, thissh** is like magic". Next i am making out with herin front of the ENTIRE bar after she had bought me2 beers and 2 shots. Meanwhile, this tool of aman that had tipped her in excess of $200 thatnight was groping her while we were playingvolley-lime with our tongues. Holy sh** were allthe dudes in the club impressed and needless tosay she left with me to finish the deal. I wentfrom nobody in a club of perverts spending bigmoney to the stud that left with free alcohol andthe hottest stripper there. I always was a believer in you, David, and theother night just reaffirmed my beliefs. Talk toyou again soon...... D the Cunnilingualist SoDak>>>MY COMMENTS: What can I say? I've already thought of a few things...1) Use protection. Lots of it.2) Don't marry her, no matter how good the sexhappens to be.3) Wipe that DAMN Sh**-Eating-Grin off of yourface already. It's bad enough that every guy hatesyou... lol. So, when you're finished playing with fire, doyourself a favor and test out your skills in abookstore, art show, or other place where youmight meet more "quality" women. Oh, and shut up.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, Your material is great! I went to this libraryin town where this very beautiful woman works.There are about 6 women that work there (no men).This woman has had very wealthy men date her andpolicemen and a body builder etc. I'm 49 and baldand don't make a lot of money but she has fallenfor me! Every time I'd go in there I'd get cocky andfunny with all of them and this woman wants todate ME! So we've been dating for a couple weeksnow and she's really falling in love with me. Her birthday was about 5 days after we firstmet and I didn't buy her anything. She obviouslyfinds this very attractive that I feel confidentenough in myself that I would do that. Last night she said she loved me for the firsttime. I held my ground and refused to beintimidated into saying I love her too. She wasflabberghasted when she asked: "Don't you loveme?" I said I need to know her more. This morning she went to town and got me a popand pop corn and wouldn't allow me to pay her backand she brought it to me. I've never been able to do this before. I wasalways the very nice and shy guy.Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T.>>>MY COMMENTS: Well, it's OK to be a nice guy. Just do it in away that doesn't make women use the WORD "nice" todescribe you. The fact is that when you're being Cocky &Funny, you're actually being VERY nice... andwomen know it. They love the fact that you're paying attentionto them in a way that's INTERESTING, entertaining,funny, and unpredictable. Good for you. Sounds like you've met a greatgal.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, I have emailed you before with a success storybut this email is more of a reply to the guy whofelt his age of 37 was an issue with girls intheir 20's. My thought on this is age is only a barrier ifyou choose to make it one. Sure there are girlsout there where they have a problem with an agedifference. To me these girls are looking forsomeone to settle down with, bring to her parentsfor Sunday dinner and have the approval of herfriends and not someone to date for sake ofdating. I met this Latin girl at my gym who on a scaleof 1 - 10 is about a 9. After an aerobic boxingclass we went out for a cup of tea. We talked andI did a little C&F and she said to me before Ileave remind me to give you my phone #. I didn'teven get to ask for it but that's OK. The other day we were at a Wendy's for lunchwhen she told me I was incredible. She went on tosay I don't crowd her I give her, her space.Keeping the C&F going I told her I agree I amincredible. I told her if it wasn't for the fact Ilike girls so much I would give myself a hug andkiss. Well, Dave, we have been dating a few monthsnow and about the age thing she is 27 and I am 56.It was on our second date when she asked how old Iwas and without any hesitation I just said 56.Just being honest and straight with her. Now,granted I do not look nor act my age for shethought I was 36 or so, I am into Hip Hop & Technomusic and started taking Salsa dance lessons,there are a number of Latin clubs here in Miami. So age is only a number to me and a lot of thegirls I have gone out with. When a girl I datetells her girl friend how old I am the girl friendthinks her friend is dating this old man until Imeet her and she doesn't see an age difference anymore.N. Miami Beach>>>MY COMMENTS: Great points. I know many men who date women that are 10 oreven 20 years or more younger. I read an interesting statistic that men whoget divorced wind up marrying women that are anaverage of 10 years younger the second time, andthat one in five men marries a women 20 yearsyounger the second time. Thanks for the email.***COMMENT***Dear Dave, Your stuff is right on target...It took me aweek to buy your ebook which is well worth it!! Idon't even think a genie could have given mebetter luck with women than the things you teachin ~THAT~ book. Anyway onto my SUCCESS STORY... I'm 5'9" weigh 140 pounds normal teenage acneproblems nothing too big. The thing that got medown is I have kind of a big nose which brought myself-esteem sky rocketing downwards and kept itthere for the 18 years I have been alive. Yournewsletters alone gave me the confidence I neededto approach a woman. Well make a long juicy storyshort. HOT woman bumps into me at gym. I ask didyou grab my ass and really crank up the ballbusting and C&f routine ...a week later I [hadsex] for the first time before I even got my firstkiss. LOL. And to all you idiots who ask dumbquestions before you read the'reidiots...Thanks Man!>>>MY COMMENTS: Hey, good job. And I appreciate your plug for my book. I also wish that more guys would invest inthemselves and get my book before askingquestions. The questions would be so much better, and theanswers would as well.***SUCCESS STORY***Dear Dave, So, the reason I haven't written you since mylast message is because I've been too busy havingthe best sex ever. Seriously. I've got your last20 newsletters sitting in my inbox because Ihaven't had time to read them. That's how powerfulyour interview series has been. It is INVALUABLE.Just hearing you talk was a great educationaltool. I mean, the level of confidence that youboth exude about everything, not just dating,makes me feel respect for you even before I'veactually tried what you suggest. Then I tryincorporating your tips and guidance into my ownrelations with women, and WOW what a difference.Listening to Marie's insights (and GOD does shesound sexy!!!) helped me realize that womenactually WANTED me to be the type of person I wasnaturally, but I was afraid to be a MAN. And it'sthe fear that drives them away. What a turnaround. So, back to this incredible sex :D!!. I ran intothis sexy girl I knew 2 years ago when I was incollege. I always had a thing for her, but I wasso shy and awkward, there was no chance it wasgonna go anywhere. But now I've been reading thenewsletters, I read the eBook and pamphlets, andI've listened to the Interview series thus far (3times) and I just GET IT. So I run into her afternot having seen her in 2 years, turn on the charmDD style and her first response is, "God, you seemso...mature." I knew it was on then. Dave, everytime I get a test, I just think "WWDDD: What wouldDave DeAngelo do?" For instance, the other day,after giving her a considerable hard time, shesaid, "You know, being too cocky is just NOT sexy"So I turn to her, flash a confident smile and say,But you don't think I'm too cocky," She startslaughing and throws her arms around my neck andsays, "I hate that you're always right." She saysthings to me I never thought I'd hear a girl say,like "How did you get to be so cute?" and "Why isit you always know exactly the right thing tosay?"And, on top of that, she's always begging mefor sex. BEGGING. And what's more, she's okaythat I'm dating other women, as long as I stillsee her once a week. Do you realize what I'mtelling you? This incredible sexy women, who Icould hardly look in the eyes 2 years ago, isbegging me for sex (and doing crazy things inbed), bragging to her friends about me, andallowing me to do anything I want with anyone Iwant. It's the type of story I wouldn't believeif I weren't living it.Thank you, Dave.And keep those interview CD's coming!!!CK Los Angeles.>>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, it's amazing when you finally start"getting" how it all fits together, and seeingthese types of responses from women. By the way, thanks for the plug for myInterview Series. I'm getting KILLER feedback onit. As a reminder, details are here:***SUCCESS STORY***Hi Dave. Im not gonna say that you're a god or anything,but you are a good guy who seems to know hisstuff. I'd be a 21 year old virgin right now if itwasn't for you. I began reading your emails about9 months ago, while trying to figure out why mylast girl left me before we even got into bedtogether. Your book made the answer painfullyobvious. I was just too nice to her. I dideverything to please her, and in the process endedup tuckin my balls between my thighs. Afterdownloading your book, my success has come aboutgradually. I've just been gradually being moreopen with women, less worried about offendingthem, and saying even rude or controversial thingsto them just for laughs. Like I said it takes timeto get use to doing this, but I really put it touse well with a girl I met this summer, and wow. Iwas amazed at how easy it was to get a reasonablyattractive woman to sleep with you. Well that onedidn't work out, but I don't care cause I've hadmore success with others since. Rock on Dave.B from Michigan>>>MY COMMENTS: This is some good stuff. It's important to test these ideas out untilyou become comfortable with them... and for someguys it's VERY unusual or uncomfortable to say"rude or controversial things just for laughs"when it comes to women they're attracted to. Most guys fear that if they say the wrongthing, a woman won't "like" them. The problem with this kind of reasoning is thatwomen don't like men who PUSSYFOOT around lookingfor approval. So by winning, you lose. And yes, women like sex too. They tend to enjoy it more with men who actlike MEN, and not men who act like WOMEN. Thanks for your email, and Rock On yourself,dude.***SUCCESS STORY***Dave, I have been receiving your emails and boughtyour book, and I think I'm starting to get it. Iam practicing to learn a new skill now, so that Ican remain "in character" as cocky and funny,while I work to assimilate the approach into mypersonality. A recent newsletter helped meovercome my fear of being direct with women. Ialways was afraid to make a move because I figuredthe attractive ones were already married, hookedup, or lesbians. I thought I would be embarrassedand feel stupid if I made a move on someone whoisn't available. You said simply ask "Are yousingle?" I agree that it does say all the rightthings. So last week I tried it, and the woman wasmarried. But I could see she was complimented, andI felt good about the exchange. The next time,a woman said she was dating. Again, it was apositive experience. Then yesterday, a hot woman came into my office,and she seemed to be getting into me. So I askedher if she was single, and she bent over backwardsto assure me that she was. Then I shockedmyself when I took it a step further, blurting out"Well, but are you straight?" This knocked her fora loop -- and as she insisted just how straightshe really is, I noticed an immediate increase inher feminine behaviors. So I busted her again,"Well, I just couldn't be sure." Thanks, Dave. Ido think I'm starting to get it... T.>>>MY COMMENTS: NIYYYYYYYYYCE! Yes, you are demonstrating that you're startingto get it. By the way, once you get a woman onthe defensive (in a fun way, like you did) it'salways fun to keep going... and accuse her of allkinds of crazy things. After she said that she was straight, you couldhave said, "OK, that's good. But can you cook?". Once you're on a roll, stay with it. Thesefirst moments present an amazing opportunity toturn up the heat and really amplify theATTRACTION.***QUESTION***Hi Dave,Love your stuff and these e-mails. Reallyinformative.I've a couple of points about the last set. 1)NLP can work in some cases but usually as a back-up to your stuff. Women love it AT THE RIGHT TIMEbut use it too much and you sound wussy. DON'Tgive up the cocky-funny approach EVER in arelationship. Keep the woman guessing, unsure andbust other women while she's around you. You don'thave to be trying to pick up women while she'sthere, just teasing shop assistants, waitresses,her friends, etc. shows her you're in control andattractive to other women; they won't want rid ofyou then....... ever. They love it and it keepsthem on their toes. It makes you unpredictable,confident, assertive (in a positive way) and notneedy and wussy.2) One 37 year old guy in a previous e-mailsaid he felt he couldn't approach younger women.He didn't want to be thought of as a creepy oldguy. Well, I'm 48, split 3 years ago (I've 3kids!), thought my world had ended and I'd nofuture. I could've retreated to a lonely cocoon-like existence but decided, "What the hell it's myturn now!" This really pissed off my ex-wife whowanted to split! I began to study everything Icould find on women, how they thought (or didn'tthink), what made them tick (or didn't), why - tous guys - they were so irrational, the "let's justbe friends" thing, etc. The only thing I've foundthat REALLY works is your stuff (I've had the bookfor ages). I have had loads of success withyounger women (20s and 30s). My current girl is34, attractive and I feel like a million dollarswhen I walk into a club or bar with my piece ofarm candy (other women never stop looking and youknow they're attracted to a guy who can pullyounger women, they're curious, it's amazing). Shesays this is the best relationship she's ever had.So, my advice to older men is ignore everyone, gohave some fun, approach who the hell you like,just use the cocky and funny routine and you WILLsucceed more than you'll fail. Life's too short soget out there and enjoy. I wouldn't have believedit could be like this.Thanks for everything and helping me get a lifeback.J. Edinburgh, Scotland>>>MY COMMENTS: You've made some great points here... Let me comment on one or two of them. One thing you mentioned is demonstrating howyou can control situations with women... so thatthe woman you're with KNOWS IT. It's always interesting to me how COMPETITIVEwomen are. And there's nothing quite like a woman knowingthat her man can meet other women whenever hewants. In fact, I'll bet that a large percentage ofwomen who stay in bad situations with men are onlythere because they know that their man can go meetother women anytime he wants, and they just can'tdeal with the jealousy that it triggers... so theystay. I know this doesn't make much logical sense,but hey, it's reality. Now, as you know, I really don't like the ideaof "manipulating" women by lying and playing withtheir emotions for your enjoyment. But if you naturally like to have fun withother people, and your girl just happens to bethere when you're joking around with the girlbehind the counter at the coffee shop, then you'llprobably get some big benefits from it. You also mentioned that when you decided tostart learning about how to be more successfulwith women it pissed off your ex. That's pretty typical. I mean, let's face it... just between usguys... you probably allowed yourself to become apretty boring, predictable husband... lol. So nowthat you're getting your game together she'sthinking to herself "That JACKASS! Why didn't heact like this before?! Now other women get toenjoy the part of my man that I always wanted moreof!". A lot of guys write me to ask how they can gettheir ex-girlfriend back. The reality is that thereason she probably left you is because you had NOGAME. You were about as sexually interesting toher as Homer Simpson. If you want to get her back,go learn how to make women feel ATTRACTION, andthen date other women. And if it's possible to fixyour relationship, that combination usually doesthe trick pretty nicely. Finally, I agree with you about approaching thewomen you find attractive. Look, no one is going to live your life foryou. No one is going to go meet attractive women foryou. You need to take control of your own life, andmeet the kinds of women you want to meet. Thanks for the reminder. ...and if you're reading this right now andyou're thinking "Yea, that's what I need... totake control of my life and my success withwomen", then guess what? YOU'RE RIGHT. You do. And if you'd prefer to save yourself a fewYEARS of trial and error (or more), and a lot ofMONEY and TIME, then I suggest you check out myAdvanced Dating Techniques program. It will definitely help you take your successwith women to a whole new level, whether you'rejust starting out or you already have some successwith women. All the details, plus some great audio andvideo samples are here: If you haven't downloaded your copy of myonline eBook "Double Your Dating", then I'd liketo remind you of the offer I mentioned to the guyearlier in this newsletter. Here's how it works: You download it right now and pay nothing. Ifyou like it, keep it and you'll automatically bebilled. If you don't like it, just cancel yourorder, and you won't be charged. What's better than a 100% money-back guarantee? THIS IS. All the details are here: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.P.S. Don't forget to take a minute to look at all of the different programs I've created to helpyou learn how to meet women. You can see the mall right here:
Saturday, December 02, 2006
on dating and fears of rejection
So, let's take a few minutes and talk about theissues and what CAUSES them. Here are some of the "root causes", and how Isee them...1) Having no other options. If you're sitting at the phone with ONE phonenumber in your hand, and you haven't been out on adate in a long time, and you are feelingDESPERATE, you're probably going to get VERYnervous. When you have no other options, the single onein front of you becomes VERY valuable. Translation: You want it TOO badly. This AUTOMATICALLY triggers your emotionalsystem, because at some level you realize that ifyou screw this up, it's all over. And you knowthat it's all going to happen in just a fewSECONDS. The pressure is too much!2) Putting too much importance on a single girl. Now, if you have a girl that you've been datingfor six months, and you've decided that she's onein a million, it makes sense to put a lot ofimportance on your relationship with her. But, if you don't know a girl very well, or youhaven't even dated her at all, then you are onlysetting yourself up for major disappointment byputting too much importance on ANY girl.3) Thinking you need to IMPRESS her. This is a HUGE issue. Most men "subconsciously" behave andcommunicate like they're trying to IMPRESS thewoman of their desires. When you think about this, it only makessense... of course you'd want to impress the womanyou like... so she'll think you're a cool guy andwant to be with you. But have you ever thought for a moment how aninteresting, attractive woman sees it when a guyis TRYING to IMPRESS her? Well, here's the INSTANT and SUBCONSCIOUSresponse that women have:"He's trying too hard. There's something wrong.This guy must have something he's trying tohide... and he must be pretty insecure." In other words, the INSTANT you do something orsay something that is an obvious attempt atimpressing a woman, her radar system screams: "WUSSY!" By the way, this is really a much DEEPER issue.If you need to "evict your inner wussy", thentake a second and read THIS: Having expectations and being attached to them. You might think of this one as a variation of"wanting it too much"... only slightly different. When you start getting your hopes andexpectations up, you begin to get ATTACHED tothem. Then you run the risk of HOLDING ON TOO TIGHTto your little fantasy. Bad idea. Women don't date guys who assume too much, acttoo comfortable, or fall for them too quickly. Remember, beautiful women have guys falling forthem left and right. In fact, they almost EXPECT to go out onone or two dates with a guy and then say, "Youknow, I really like you..." or some other equallypredictable sentiment. Just like being desperate can destroy yourchances with a woman, liking a woman too much, toofast and creating expectations leads to crazy,stupid mistakes as well. Now, think over what I just said... I'm basically saying that if you want to curethe problem of freaking out when you call women toask them out and the problem of screwing it upwhen you have that first conversation and ask themout the first time, then you have to go INSIDEfirst... and do some preventative maintenance onyourself. And the GOOD NEWS is that this stuff is notonly good for you, it also helps you get even MOREdates with interesting women. So, here's what to do about this particularproblem:1) Get more options. If you go out one evening with a couple offriends, and you meet a REALLY hot girl... and youwind up having a fun conversation and getting hernumber, what should you do? RIGHT! Go get at least ONE MORE girl's number.More, if you can. This way, when you're picking up the phone tocall (or sending out emails, or whatever), you'vegot another woman to call right after her... In other words, if it doesn't go well, no bigdeal. No sweat at all. Instead of putting all your "hopes" in this onesituation, go get more options... this willprevent many problems as well as giving you morewomen to date! And think about it... when are you MOST likelyto get a woman's phone number? When are you mostlikely to be in a great mood that actuallyATTRACTS women? Exactly... in the moments after you've alreadygotten another woman's number. So take advantage of this time!2) Dial the phone expecting it to NOT work outwith this girl. I have news for you: Most women have somethingabout their personality, behavior, future plans,etc. that is going to disqualify them from beinggood "potential mates" for you. Now, I'm not saying that "all women are screwedup", etc. What I AM saying is that you need to realizethat the only reason you're freaking out so muchis because your EMOTIONS are running the show. You need to think about how rare it is that youactually meet a girl that is COMPATIBLE withyou... that you'd enjoy spending time with even ifshe wasn't good-looking. If you have this in mind as you're dialing thephone, you won't have that "I'm desperate" vibegoing on. You won't be talking like a guy who has a gunto his head either... which is a good thing...because women get weirded out by this kind ofthing.3) Instead of asking a woman out, tell her whatyou're doing, and then tell her she can come alongif she wants. Why is "asking a woman out" early on a badidea? Because if you don't have a world-classunderstanding of male/female dynamics, you'regoing to come across as a guy who is trying to usefood as date-bait. In other words, if the first thing out of yourmouth is "I'd like to take you out to dinner" it'sgoing to be interpreted as "I don't think you'reprobably going to accept an invitation to spendtime with me unless I throw in somethingextra...". Weak. And that's how SHE sees it. The alternative? Tell her that you're going to be doingsomething and that she should join you. "Hey, I'm going to go down to Starbucks and geta cup of tea. You should join me. I'm way more funthan whatever else you were going to do... andthat's a fact!" Extra bonus points: Hint that she's missing out if she doesn'taccept immediately. If she hems and haws, or hesitates... justinterrupt and say, "Hey, you're the one who'smissing out". I also like "You know, never mind. I guess youdon't like to have fun...". Great stuff! This is solid Cocky & Funny material, and it'sthe right time to use it. You know, I personally used to get VERY freakedout when calling women for the first time on thephone... and "asking them out". Now that I understand this particular "momentin time" better, and now that I understand more ofthe "dynamics" of what's going on, I get MUCHbetter results personally... In fact, I never get "nervous" anymore whencalling women, and I rarely if EVER have a woman"flake out" on me. Now, in this newsletter I've shared a fewpoints to help you get better results in thisparticular area. Use them. They'll definitely helpyou. You should read this newsletter right beforeyou call every one of the next 10 women youmeet... in fact. But as you can probably tell, this is just oneof MANY important facets of success with women. In fact, this is just scratching the surface ofthe skills you'll need if you want to haveCONSISTENT success with the most DESIRABLE women. The reality of this situation is that if youwant to take control of this area of your lifeand not walk helpless with women anymore, you'regoing to need to take more steps to get yourselfeducated on this topic. And what's the best way to do that quickly,easily and without spending years of time andlots of money learning the HARD WAY? My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.This program will take you step-by-step throughall the key theories, concepts, and techniquesyou'll need to start meeting and dating more womenstarting IMMEDIATELY. And here's another interesting benefit thatcomes from going through my Advanced DatingTechniques program... It actually CHANGES HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD. The first time you listen to it or watch it,you'll be hitting your head saying "Ah ha! Ah ha!"the whole time. All of those things that have happened to youwith women will start to make sense. All of the times you screwed up will stopbothering you, because you'll "get" whathappened... and all of the times that thingsworked will also make sense. Of course, you'll also be shaking your head asyou learn some of the most amazing techniques forapproaching women, getting numbers, getting datesand taking things to a more "physical level" thathave ever been created (For example, I share allof my own personal favorite "pick up lines" thatwork better than anything I've ever heard of forapproaching women... and I don't share theseanywhere else except in my intensive liveseminars). But, one of the REAL benefits comes AFTER yougo through it. This is when the real MAGIC startsto happen. When you're out at restaurants watching thecouple at the next table, you'll UNDERSTAND whatis happening. When a woman starts doing something subtle thatyou would have never noticed before, you'll SEEit... and she'll SEE that you see it... and youwill instantly be talking to her on a DIFFERENTLEVEL... all because you know something that mostother guys don't. When you encounter "resistance" or "problems"or "tests" from women, you will no longer need toget nervous or upset, because you'll know what TODO about it... and when you actually DO the rightthing you'll see that problem disappear. The point that I'm trying to make is that thiseducation will not only teach you techniques formeeting women, it will also give you a new POWERthat you never had before. I can honestly say to you that if this programwere available five or so years ago when I startedlearning this stuff, I would have gladly tradedANYTHING I owned for it... or paid any amount ofmoney. But it wasn't, so I had to take YEARS figuringall of this stuff out for myself. This program is priceless, and it's worth atleast ten times what you'll invest for it. As youprobably know, you can order it WITHOUT RISK aswell. Order and try it at no cost to you. In other words, order it now, go through itand test it all out. If you're not happy, justsend it back and say "no thanks". No questions, nohassles. I'm that confident that it will take yoursuccess with women to a whole new level. All the details, plus some great samples arehere:
So, let's take a few minutes and talk about theissues and what CAUSES them. Here are some of the "root causes", and how Isee them...1) Having no other options. If you're sitting at the phone with ONE phonenumber in your hand, and you haven't been out on adate in a long time, and you are feelingDESPERATE, you're probably going to get VERYnervous. When you have no other options, the single onein front of you becomes VERY valuable. Translation: You want it TOO badly. This AUTOMATICALLY triggers your emotionalsystem, because at some level you realize that ifyou screw this up, it's all over. And you knowthat it's all going to happen in just a fewSECONDS. The pressure is too much!2) Putting too much importance on a single girl. Now, if you have a girl that you've been datingfor six months, and you've decided that she's onein a million, it makes sense to put a lot ofimportance on your relationship with her. But, if you don't know a girl very well, or youhaven't even dated her at all, then you are onlysetting yourself up for major disappointment byputting too much importance on ANY girl.3) Thinking you need to IMPRESS her. This is a HUGE issue. Most men "subconsciously" behave andcommunicate like they're trying to IMPRESS thewoman of their desires. When you think about this, it only makessense... of course you'd want to impress the womanyou like... so she'll think you're a cool guy andwant to be with you. But have you ever thought for a moment how aninteresting, attractive woman sees it when a guyis TRYING to IMPRESS her? Well, here's the INSTANT and SUBCONSCIOUSresponse that women have:"He's trying too hard. There's something wrong.This guy must have something he's trying tohide... and he must be pretty insecure." In other words, the INSTANT you do something orsay something that is an obvious attempt atimpressing a woman, her radar system screams: "WUSSY!" By the way, this is really a much DEEPER issue.If you need to "evict your inner wussy", thentake a second and read THIS: Having expectations and being attached to them. You might think of this one as a variation of"wanting it too much"... only slightly different. When you start getting your hopes andexpectations up, you begin to get ATTACHED tothem. Then you run the risk of HOLDING ON TOO TIGHTto your little fantasy. Bad idea. Women don't date guys who assume too much, acttoo comfortable, or fall for them too quickly. Remember, beautiful women have guys falling forthem left and right. In fact, they almost EXPECT to go out onone or two dates with a guy and then say, "Youknow, I really like you..." or some other equallypredictable sentiment. Just like being desperate can destroy yourchances with a woman, liking a woman too much, toofast and creating expectations leads to crazy,stupid mistakes as well. Now, think over what I just said... I'm basically saying that if you want to curethe problem of freaking out when you call women toask them out and the problem of screwing it upwhen you have that first conversation and ask themout the first time, then you have to go INSIDEfirst... and do some preventative maintenance onyourself. And the GOOD NEWS is that this stuff is notonly good for you, it also helps you get even MOREdates with interesting women. So, here's what to do about this particularproblem:1) Get more options. If you go out one evening with a couple offriends, and you meet a REALLY hot girl... and youwind up having a fun conversation and getting hernumber, what should you do? RIGHT! Go get at least ONE MORE girl's number.More, if you can. This way, when you're picking up the phone tocall (or sending out emails, or whatever), you'vegot another woman to call right after her... In other words, if it doesn't go well, no bigdeal. No sweat at all. Instead of putting all your "hopes" in this onesituation, go get more options... this willprevent many problems as well as giving you morewomen to date! And think about it... when are you MOST likelyto get a woman's phone number? When are you mostlikely to be in a great mood that actuallyATTRACTS women? Exactly... in the moments after you've alreadygotten another woman's number. So take advantage of this time!2) Dial the phone expecting it to NOT work outwith this girl. I have news for you: Most women have somethingabout their personality, behavior, future plans,etc. that is going to disqualify them from beinggood "potential mates" for you. Now, I'm not saying that "all women are screwedup", etc. What I AM saying is that you need to realizethat the only reason you're freaking out so muchis because your EMOTIONS are running the show. You need to think about how rare it is that youactually meet a girl that is COMPATIBLE withyou... that you'd enjoy spending time with even ifshe wasn't good-looking. If you have this in mind as you're dialing thephone, you won't have that "I'm desperate" vibegoing on. You won't be talking like a guy who has a gunto his head either... which is a good thing...because women get weirded out by this kind ofthing.3) Instead of asking a woman out, tell her whatyou're doing, and then tell her she can come alongif she wants. Why is "asking a woman out" early on a badidea? Because if you don't have a world-classunderstanding of male/female dynamics, you'regoing to come across as a guy who is trying to usefood as date-bait. In other words, if the first thing out of yourmouth is "I'd like to take you out to dinner" it'sgoing to be interpreted as "I don't think you'reprobably going to accept an invitation to spendtime with me unless I throw in somethingextra...". Weak. And that's how SHE sees it. The alternative? Tell her that you're going to be doingsomething and that she should join you. "Hey, I'm going to go down to Starbucks and geta cup of tea. You should join me. I'm way more funthan whatever else you were going to do... andthat's a fact!" Extra bonus points: Hint that she's missing out if she doesn'taccept immediately. If she hems and haws, or hesitates... justinterrupt and say, "Hey, you're the one who'smissing out". I also like "You know, never mind. I guess youdon't like to have fun...". Great stuff! This is solid Cocky & Funny material, and it'sthe right time to use it. You know, I personally used to get VERY freakedout when calling women for the first time on thephone... and "asking them out". Now that I understand this particular "momentin time" better, and now that I understand more ofthe "dynamics" of what's going on, I get MUCHbetter results personally... In fact, I never get "nervous" anymore whencalling women, and I rarely if EVER have a woman"flake out" on me. Now, in this newsletter I've shared a fewpoints to help you get better results in thisparticular area. Use them. They'll definitely helpyou. You should read this newsletter right beforeyou call every one of the next 10 women youmeet... in fact. But as you can probably tell, this is just oneof MANY important facets of success with women. In fact, this is just scratching the surface ofthe skills you'll need if you want to haveCONSISTENT success with the most DESIRABLE women. The reality of this situation is that if youwant to take control of this area of your lifeand not walk helpless with women anymore, you'regoing to need to take more steps to get yourselfeducated on this topic. And what's the best way to do that quickly,easily and without spending years of time andlots of money learning the HARD WAY? My Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.This program will take you step-by-step throughall the key theories, concepts, and techniquesyou'll need to start meeting and dating more womenstarting IMMEDIATELY. And here's another interesting benefit thatcomes from going through my Advanced DatingTechniques program... It actually CHANGES HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD. The first time you listen to it or watch it,you'll be hitting your head saying "Ah ha! Ah ha!"the whole time. All of those things that have happened to youwith women will start to make sense. All of the times you screwed up will stopbothering you, because you'll "get" whathappened... and all of the times that thingsworked will also make sense. Of course, you'll also be shaking your head asyou learn some of the most amazing techniques forapproaching women, getting numbers, getting datesand taking things to a more "physical level" thathave ever been created (For example, I share allof my own personal favorite "pick up lines" thatwork better than anything I've ever heard of forapproaching women... and I don't share theseanywhere else except in my intensive liveseminars). But, one of the REAL benefits comes AFTER yougo through it. This is when the real MAGIC startsto happen. When you're out at restaurants watching thecouple at the next table, you'll UNDERSTAND whatis happening. When a woman starts doing something subtle thatyou would have never noticed before, you'll SEEit... and she'll SEE that you see it... and youwill instantly be talking to her on a DIFFERENTLEVEL... all because you know something that mostother guys don't. When you encounter "resistance" or "problems"or "tests" from women, you will no longer need toget nervous or upset, because you'll know what TODO about it... and when you actually DO the rightthing you'll see that problem disappear. The point that I'm trying to make is that thiseducation will not only teach you techniques formeeting women, it will also give you a new POWERthat you never had before. I can honestly say to you that if this programwere available five or so years ago when I startedlearning this stuff, I would have gladly tradedANYTHING I owned for it... or paid any amount ofmoney. But it wasn't, so I had to take YEARS figuringall of this stuff out for myself. This program is priceless, and it's worth atleast ten times what you'll invest for it. As youprobably know, you can order it WITHOUT RISK aswell. Order and try it at no cost to you. In other words, order it now, go through itand test it all out. If you're not happy, justsend it back and say "no thanks". No questions, nohassles. I'm that confident that it will take yoursuccess with women to a whole new level. All the details, plus some great samples arehere:
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