Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
how to keep her interested in u
.I'm considering investing in your program, but Ihave a question for you before I do. Essentially,I'm no longer looking to hook up with women leftand right. In fact, I think I've met "the one,"but I'm having trouble making her realize this.I've been pursuing her for about five months(during part of which time she was away at school,but we kept in regular contact, at first throughe-mail and, later, over the phone), and I get thesense that she's very guarded about relationships.She's *very* goal oriented (which is one of themany things I love about her, BTW), and thereforevery busy, and - I suspect - she's been burned inthe past, relationship wise. At any rate, on acouple of occasions, it felt to me as if thingswere moving forward, and then she backpedaled;perhaps she "got spooked," and took a big stepback to protect herself. Most recently, we wereout for the first time since she finished school,and - insofar as I was able to determine, I wasgetting the green light all night: at a movie, Islipped my arm around her and she leaned in,resting her head on my shoulder; later, we were ata club for a band, and when we were ready toleave, she reached across the table and held myhand for a while; on the way back to the car, itwas pretty chilly, and when she complained aboutthe chill, I stepped over and hugged her. Sheresponded by stepping into it: she pressed herface hard into my shoulder, and stepped into fullbody to body contact - hip to hip, shoulder toshoulder and everything in between. When we gotback to her place, I moved to kiss her and sheshied away such that it would have been*extremely* awkward for me to actually do so.At any rate, we've gotten together since (in fact,I offered to cook dinner for her, and she somehowmaneuvered it around such that I was *her* guest,and she cooked for me) and we talked a while. As Isaid above, I think she got a little spooked. Shespecifically said that she thought therelationship could've evolved into somethingromantic, but that it hasn't, and she wasn't surewhy. At this moment, she says she doesn't believeit will. We remain *very* close friends, but Istill believe she's the one, and I've told herthat I'm still going to pursue this, and she'skeen on still spending time together (for her, fornow, as close friends).My question is this: do you believe your programcan aid me in turning her around on this? If so,why?Thanks,B. >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, sit down for this. Hold on to something tight because I'm going toyell at you for your own damn good... YOU ARE TOTALLY MISSING WHAT'S GOING ON! THIS WOMAN ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, AND YOU'RESCREWING IT ALL UP BY ACTING LIKE A NEEDY WUSSBAG! If you were closer, I'd slap you myself. DUH! Whew. Let me calm myself. As you know, I don'tusually get so worked up. That makes threeexclamation marks in one email, and I haven't evenstarted lambasting you proper yet. (What islambasting, anyway? And is that how you spell it?It's such a great word. I really should look it upand find out.) OK, I'm calm. NOW, let's have a little talk here... The reason why this kind of situation bothersme is at least twofold:1) Because I've been in it myself about abazillion and a half times, and it sucks to bescrewing something up and not even realize thatyou're doing it.2) I can tell from your email that you actuallylike this girl A LOT, and that she's probably afantastic woman... and I hate to see you workingso hard against yourself... and screwing this upwhen it's right there in front of you for thetaking. Before I tell you all the reasons why you mostDEFINITELY should invest in my Advanced DatingTechniques program, let me give you a few pointersthat might help you STOP screwing this up in themeantime. Or, if the fear of a verbal beating has alreadyconvinced you, then don't even think about it...just go here and get yourself a copy: OK, back to the basics. Let's take this from the top... At the very beginning of your email, you saidsomething that basically telegraphed EXACTLY whatwas going on here... You said, "...I think I've met "the one," butI'm having trouble making her realize this. I'vebeen pursuing her for about five months..." You're having trouble making her REALIZE this? You've been PURSUING her? Do you assume that at some point within theNEXT five months that she's going to wake up oneday and feel a powerful ATTRACTION for you becauseyou like to chase her around and tell her how youfeel about her? Normally I'd make fun of you here, and tell youthat you don't get it... blah blah blah. But for some reason I feel like I just have tolay things out for you directly. Look, man... the reason why she's telling youthat she "doesn't know why it hasn't evolved intosomething romantic" is that she doesn't FEEL IT. She doesn't FEEL IT. Get it? SHE DOESN'T FEEL IT! She doesn't feel ATTRACTION for you. And you can't CONVINCE her to feel it bychasing her around and telling her how you "feel"about her. Attraction, as I always say, ISN'T A CHOICE. You're acting like most guys who think thingslike: "If she only knew how I felt about her,she'd feel the same way" and "If I keep pursuingher, she'll eventually see how much I love her"etc. Well guess what? AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN, HOMEY. Right now you are playing what is referred toas a "losing game". Think of it this way. If you stop on the wayhome from work every day and buy a lottery ticket,you'll win once in awhile. Hell, you might even belucky one day and win big. But your chances SUCK. You're probably going to lose a LOT more thanyou win over time. Like I said, you COULD win big. There is achance. But you probably won't. And I meanprobably with a BIG P. I refer to the way that you're acting as "Beinga Wussy" (that's the technical term... made it upmyself). When you act like a Wussy, you do things like:- Pursue- Cling- Share "feelings"- Act submissive- Seek approval- Pine away This is WUSSY behavior. It's distinctly FEMININE in nature. When guys act like this, they're getting intouch with their inner little girl (and she needsa spanking in the worst way). And are you ready for the WORST, WORST part? When you act like this around a woman (andESPECIALLY a "goal oriented" woman who's probablysmart and powerful) they CANNOT feel the emotionof ATTRACTION towards you. Women aren't attracted to Wussies. This is a UNIVERSAL truth. And, by the way that you describe yourrelationship with this woman, SHE REALLY WANTS TOBE ATTRACTED TO YOU! She's trying, man. And she probably KNOWS that you'd be a greatguy to be in a relationship with... but she justdoesn't FEEL IT... so she holds back. I'm sure sheWISHES that she could be attracted to you. I'llbet you money. Look, you need to STOP acting like a nice,friend guy Wuss IMMEDIATELY if you want this toturn into something. You're probably beyond help with thisparticular woman, but I'm going to give you a fewideas JUST IN CASE...1) Stop calling her all the time (if you do), andstop spending so much time with her.2) Start dating other women IMMEDIATELY, and makesure she knows about it.3) Stop being all lovey with her, and don't tellher how you "feel about her" anymore. Stop it.4) Accept that you will probably be friends withher forever, and start acting that way.5) Don't try to kiss her or be physical with herat ALL anymore until you understand what you'redoing. Remember, what you're doing ISN'T WORKING. If you do these things that I've described, youwill probably have the best chance of turning thisaround. NOW, the next thing you need to do is what youasked me about in your email... GET MY ADVANCEDDATING TECHNIQUES PROGRAM. You need a new perspective on this entiresituation. And you need a new perspective onwomen. You're obviously a smart guy, and once youbegin to understand how ATTRACTION works forwomen, you'll change how you behave COMPLETELY. Total transformation. And the best part is that you won't be changinghow you act and just "faking it". You'll changehow you act because you GET IT. It's really fantastic to HELP a woman feel thatmagical ATTRACTION for you that she REALLY WANTSTO FEEL. And it's also amazing to know exactly how toget physical with a woman without having to dealwith the awkward "shy away from the kiss"situation that you described in your email. I guarantee that when you listen to and/orwatch this program, it will FOREVER CHANGE how youthink about and act around women. Period, end ofstory. Here, let me give you the hard-sell... I had to learn all of this stuff the hard way.I've been right where you are many, many, MANYtimes in my life. It sucks. I know it does. The reason why my program will be good for youis because it was good FOR ME FIRST. I teach whatI do. And because I also believe that you should onlyhave to pay for something that you find value in,I'll send it to you:- At my risk.- In a plain package so your mom doesn't knowwhat's inside.- Free for you to try for a MONTH. I'm betting that once you have it in your hotlittle hands that I couldn't pry it away from youwith a crowbar. I'm serious. OK, enough of me trying to convince you ofsomething you already know. Go watch the newestvideo preview clips and get it here: ...and if you're reading this right now and youhaven't yet downloaded your copy of my onlineeBook "Double Your Dating", I have something totell you... My eBook is the foundation for everything thatI teach in these newsletters, and it's thefoundation for my Advanced Dating TechniquesProgram. Guys are surprised when they listen to theAdvanced Program, because I don't just rehashDouble Your Dating and talk about a few newtricks. The Advanced Series is almost all new stuff. And you need to read Double Your Dating TOO,because it contains a lot of valuable materialthat sets the stage for everything else. It'shere, go download it now: I'll talk to you again soon! Your Friend, David D.P.S. Do NOT forget to go and look at the otherprograms I've created to help you learn how tomeet women. You can see all of them right here: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare under 18 years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------..
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
r u good in bed ?
MOST MEN THAT SUCK IN BED... DON'T EVEN KNOWTHAT THEY SUCK! Yeah, I know that this could be a bad pun...but, unfortunately, it's the reality of this situation. Think about it... if you're with a woman that isn't very good in bed, are you going to TELL HER? I doubt it.
You'll probably do what most WOMEN do when they are with a guy who isn't very good... PRETEND THAT YOU ARE ENJOYING IT... WHILE WISHING YOU WERE WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Has a woman ever done this WITH YOU? Or... a better question... if she was just"pretending"... WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO TELL? Maybe. But, probably not. In fact, many (or even most) women regularly"fake it" with guys... and the guys never know the difference.
Why not? Same reason as before! Because no woman is going to tell you, to your face, that you're lame in bed and that she had to think about another guy just to get off! Ouch. I know. It hurts.
Now, let me ask you another question: Have you ever had a woman you were intimate with, either once or on a regular basis, LOSE INTEREST... and maybe even start seeing SOMEONE ELSE? I'm going to bet you that at least PART of the reason it happened is because you didn't know how to "rock her world". Sure... there may have been some other reasons why she lost interest...
but, here's the thing: When a woman is with a man who REALLY satisfies her sexually, there is almost NOTHING he can do to get rid of her... even if he wants to. In other words, if the sex was good, she wouldn't be going ANYWHERE.
A man who is good in bed is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find... and women know it. So, when they find one of these guys, they are willing to put up with a lot of "mistakes" to keep him around. If you've ever wondered how those "bad boys"seem to be able to get away with ANYTHING and still have a woman come back for more... this is usually the reason why.
The next time a woman is complaining to you about some jerk she is dating say, "But he's great inbed, right?" You'll usually get a knowing smile... So, how do these guys learn this stuff? And, more importantly... how can YOU?
Well, the good news is that it's fairly easy to go from a guy who knows nothing about how to please a woman in the bedroom to a guy who has women calling him up for "booty" because he's so damn good... because unlike some other aspects of dating, this one is all about TECHNIQUE and KNOWHOW. There's not a whole lot of "inner game" or psychological reprogramming required. Simply learn the techniques and strategies...and success will follow. And get this: I just finished up an AMAZING interview with a guy who knows more of these mind-blowing sexual techniques than just about anyone in the WORLD. He's the author of a popular book and video series on the topic... and has taught thousands of men how to give a woman an UNFORGETTABLE experience in the bedroom... with great results.
The unique thing about my friend is that he has come up with many of his techniques ON HIS OWN...or learned them from VERY experienced women. The things you will learn from him are BRAND NEW...stuff you really can't find anywhere else. As expected, we had a very interesting conversation... I found myself taking a lot of notes. The things he shared are going to BLOW YOU AWAY... but more importantly... BLOW AWAY theWOMEN that you are with.
Here's just a small preview of what you'lllearn when you listen to this interview:- The "3 times" rule - A way to get a woman INSANELY turned on before the actual "deed", sowhen it goes down, the feelings are TEN TIMES as intense for her (Just this one tip alone will put you HEAD AND SHOULDERS above anyone else that she's been with)- 3 ways to be UNPREDICTABLE in the bedroom that women LOVE and most men NEVER figure out on theirown ("Bad boys" tend to do these things INSTINCTIVELY... if you've ever wanted to get a woman ADDICTED to being with you, just do this one thing)-
A secret breathing technique that clears your mind and triggers hidden ANIMAL passions in a woman... while allowing YOU to LAST LONGER (Awoman's biggest complaint about a man is often how long he "lasts" - so do this and you won't have to worry about women having this complaint about YOU)- What to do when a woman sounds like she's going to "flake" out on you, that not only keeps your date but, TURNS HER ON at the same time-
How to connect with a woman sexually through herEMOTIONS (Most guys go straight to the physical...use this technique to get a woman to make the first move on YOU)- The secret fantasies and desires women don'teven share with their closest friends! (Knowing these 2 things will instantly separate you from all other men)- The big mistake 99% of guys make that keeps them from EVER getting to the bedroom with a woman (If you or someone you know hasn't had many partners,it's probably because they are making THIS deadly mistake)- A simple shift in attitude that TRIPLES your chances of getting in bed with a woman the first night you meet her- How to get a woman to WORK to have sex with YOU!
Here's why most guys spend their whole lives BEGGING for sex and occaisionally getting "lucky"while a very small number of guys have many partners to choose from- What to do when a woman says she wants something EXCLUSIVE and YOU don't (Here's how to keep things "casual" until YOU want something more serious)- A "magic line" to say to a women in the first 5 minutes of conversation that will make her open to having a "fling" with you AND ok with you being with other women!-
How and why women TEST men - the specific tests women will give you to "test your manhood" and how to pass them (miss just one of these and she will SUBCONCIOUSLY lose interest... even if she was really into you before)- A secret that gets women to have "no strings attached" wild sex with YOU (NEWSFLASH: Women want"no strings attached" sex too, but only with a CERTAIN KIND of man. Here's how to show her YOU are one of those guys)-
A secret that PREVENTS men from ever experiencing a THREESOME... and gives those who know it the power to have threesomes literally AT WILL (I've noticed recently that while most guys have NEVER had a threesome, the guys who have had them, have had A LOT of them. Here's the reason why...)- Why a woman is MORE LIKELY to get together with another woman when YOU are around... and how toget things started, step-by-step. Plus, how toset up a threesome with 2 hot women who DON'T knoweach other, step-by-step (My friend has enoughexperience in this area to make any man jealous...and now, for the first time ever, you'll get tohear the exact technique he uses to make ithappen!)- A little known rapport building technique thatmakes a woman feel attraction for you even ifyou're not "her type" physically Again, I want to mention that this guy is apublished author... he's considered an EXPERT bymany. JUST ONE of the tips he shared could change thelevel of respect and admiration you get from women FOREVER. Of course, I suggest you use ALL OF THEM if youreally want to rock a woman's world. Just be sure you use them with a woman you wantto keep around... because once you do, she won'tbe going ANYWHERE anytime soon. I'm going to release this interview as thismonth's edition of my "Interviews With DatingGurus" series. If you're already subscribed, you'll be gettingit soon... so just sit tight. If you're not? Now is THE TIME. This is one interview you do not want tomiss... and believe me... every woman you areintimate with for the rest of your life will beDAMN GLAD you got your hands on it. This interview is "going to press" this Fridaymorning... so I need to know if you want to learnthese secrets by MIDNIGHT THIS THURSDAY to getyou signed up in time. I recommend you sign up RIGHT NOW while it'sfresh in your mind. Trust me... this is someinformation you want to know NOW not later...unless you're planning a vow of celibacy, thatis... Here's the link to sign up: Oh... and by the way... when you sign up I'malso going to throw in a Starter Kit with 2 DOUBLELENGTH interviews... just to say thanks for givingthe program a fair try. These interviews are yours to keep even if youdecide that the program is not for you. Of course, I wouldn't risk sending them outthere to you if I was at all worried about thathappening. And my guess is that as soon as youlisten to the first 5 minutes of the first CD you're going to be VERY GLAD you made the rightchoice. Here's the link again: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
You'll probably do what most WOMEN do when they are with a guy who isn't very good... PRETEND THAT YOU ARE ENJOYING IT... WHILE WISHING YOU WERE WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Has a woman ever done this WITH YOU? Or... a better question... if she was just"pretending"... WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO TELL? Maybe. But, probably not. In fact, many (or even most) women regularly"fake it" with guys... and the guys never know the difference.
Why not? Same reason as before! Because no woman is going to tell you, to your face, that you're lame in bed and that she had to think about another guy just to get off! Ouch. I know. It hurts.
Now, let me ask you another question: Have you ever had a woman you were intimate with, either once or on a regular basis, LOSE INTEREST... and maybe even start seeing SOMEONE ELSE? I'm going to bet you that at least PART of the reason it happened is because you didn't know how to "rock her world". Sure... there may have been some other reasons why she lost interest...
but, here's the thing: When a woman is with a man who REALLY satisfies her sexually, there is almost NOTHING he can do to get rid of her... even if he wants to. In other words, if the sex was good, she wouldn't be going ANYWHERE.
A man who is good in bed is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find... and women know it. So, when they find one of these guys, they are willing to put up with a lot of "mistakes" to keep him around. If you've ever wondered how those "bad boys"seem to be able to get away with ANYTHING and still have a woman come back for more... this is usually the reason why.
The next time a woman is complaining to you about some jerk she is dating say, "But he's great inbed, right?" You'll usually get a knowing smile... So, how do these guys learn this stuff? And, more importantly... how can YOU?
Well, the good news is that it's fairly easy to go from a guy who knows nothing about how to please a woman in the bedroom to a guy who has women calling him up for "booty" because he's so damn good... because unlike some other aspects of dating, this one is all about TECHNIQUE and KNOWHOW. There's not a whole lot of "inner game" or psychological reprogramming required. Simply learn the techniques and strategies...and success will follow. And get this: I just finished up an AMAZING interview with a guy who knows more of these mind-blowing sexual techniques than just about anyone in the WORLD. He's the author of a popular book and video series on the topic... and has taught thousands of men how to give a woman an UNFORGETTABLE experience in the bedroom... with great results.
The unique thing about my friend is that he has come up with many of his techniques ON HIS OWN...or learned them from VERY experienced women. The things you will learn from him are BRAND NEW...stuff you really can't find anywhere else. As expected, we had a very interesting conversation... I found myself taking a lot of notes. The things he shared are going to BLOW YOU AWAY... but more importantly... BLOW AWAY theWOMEN that you are with.
Here's just a small preview of what you'lllearn when you listen to this interview:- The "3 times" rule - A way to get a woman INSANELY turned on before the actual "deed", sowhen it goes down, the feelings are TEN TIMES as intense for her (Just this one tip alone will put you HEAD AND SHOULDERS above anyone else that she's been with)- 3 ways to be UNPREDICTABLE in the bedroom that women LOVE and most men NEVER figure out on theirown ("Bad boys" tend to do these things INSTINCTIVELY... if you've ever wanted to get a woman ADDICTED to being with you, just do this one thing)-
A secret breathing technique that clears your mind and triggers hidden ANIMAL passions in a woman... while allowing YOU to LAST LONGER (Awoman's biggest complaint about a man is often how long he "lasts" - so do this and you won't have to worry about women having this complaint about YOU)- What to do when a woman sounds like she's going to "flake" out on you, that not only keeps your date but, TURNS HER ON at the same time-
How to connect with a woman sexually through herEMOTIONS (Most guys go straight to the physical...use this technique to get a woman to make the first move on YOU)- The secret fantasies and desires women don'teven share with their closest friends! (Knowing these 2 things will instantly separate you from all other men)- The big mistake 99% of guys make that keeps them from EVER getting to the bedroom with a woman (If you or someone you know hasn't had many partners,it's probably because they are making THIS deadly mistake)- A simple shift in attitude that TRIPLES your chances of getting in bed with a woman the first night you meet her- How to get a woman to WORK to have sex with YOU!
Here's why most guys spend their whole lives BEGGING for sex and occaisionally getting "lucky"while a very small number of guys have many partners to choose from- What to do when a woman says she wants something EXCLUSIVE and YOU don't (Here's how to keep things "casual" until YOU want something more serious)- A "magic line" to say to a women in the first 5 minutes of conversation that will make her open to having a "fling" with you AND ok with you being with other women!-
How and why women TEST men - the specific tests women will give you to "test your manhood" and how to pass them (miss just one of these and she will SUBCONCIOUSLY lose interest... even if she was really into you before)- A secret that gets women to have "no strings attached" wild sex with YOU (NEWSFLASH: Women want"no strings attached" sex too, but only with a CERTAIN KIND of man. Here's how to show her YOU are one of those guys)-
A secret that PREVENTS men from ever experiencing a THREESOME... and gives those who know it the power to have threesomes literally AT WILL (I've noticed recently that while most guys have NEVER had a threesome, the guys who have had them, have had A LOT of them. Here's the reason why...)- Why a woman is MORE LIKELY to get together with another woman when YOU are around... and how toget things started, step-by-step. Plus, how toset up a threesome with 2 hot women who DON'T knoweach other, step-by-step (My friend has enoughexperience in this area to make any man jealous...and now, for the first time ever, you'll get tohear the exact technique he uses to make ithappen!)- A little known rapport building technique thatmakes a woman feel attraction for you even ifyou're not "her type" physically Again, I want to mention that this guy is apublished author... he's considered an EXPERT bymany. JUST ONE of the tips he shared could change thelevel of respect and admiration you get from women FOREVER. Of course, I suggest you use ALL OF THEM if youreally want to rock a woman's world. Just be sure you use them with a woman you wantto keep around... because once you do, she won'tbe going ANYWHERE anytime soon. I'm going to release this interview as thismonth's edition of my "Interviews With DatingGurus" series. If you're already subscribed, you'll be gettingit soon... so just sit tight. If you're not? Now is THE TIME. This is one interview you do not want tomiss... and believe me... every woman you areintimate with for the rest of your life will beDAMN GLAD you got your hands on it. This interview is "going to press" this Fridaymorning... so I need to know if you want to learnthese secrets by MIDNIGHT THIS THURSDAY to getyou signed up in time. I recommend you sign up RIGHT NOW while it'sfresh in your mind. Trust me... this is someinformation you want to know NOW not later...unless you're planning a vow of celibacy, thatis... Here's the link to sign up: Oh... and by the way... when you sign up I'malso going to throw in a Starter Kit with 2 DOUBLELENGTH interviews... just to say thanks for givingthe program a fair try. These interviews are yours to keep even if youdecide that the program is not for you. Of course, I wouldn't risk sending them outthere to you if I was at all worried about thathappening. And my guess is that as soon as youlisten to the first 5 minutes of the first CD you're going to be VERY GLAD you made the rightchoice. Here's the link again: I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
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