ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE. Attraction is something that happens virtuallyon its own... WITHOUT ANY CONSCIOUS DECISION ATALL. Most people have a hard time accepting the ideathat they're not in control of themselves. I just read in a marketing book today that someexperts estimate that over 95% of ALL decisionsaren't made consciously. In other words, less than 5% of all the"decisions" that people make were ALREADY MADE FORTHEM in their minds, and they're just trying topretend that it was their idea! Well, when it comes to women and ATTRACTION,things are no different. Ask a woman why she's attracted to a certainguy, and she'll answer, "Oh, he's such asweetheart" or "He's really a great guy" orwhatever. I personally believe that if you could get awoman to stop and think about it for a minute, theREAL answer would be something like "I have nofrickin' idea whatsoever. I just feel an emotionthat makes me crave being with him, and then Ijustify it in my mind so I can EXPLAIN it tomyself and everyone else so I don't sound crazy." Whoa. That's heavy. But if you take a look around, it's not NEARLYas heavy as REALITY. Think about all of the womenyou've known who were smart, attractive, andinteresting. Now think about all of those womenwho dated abusive, insensitive losers who didnothing but take from them... and how the womenjust dealt with it and kept dating them. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? Well, the answer is somewhat complex. A combination of evolutionary pressures,cultural and religious programming, and themagical way the mind works creates a very uniqueand interesting puzzle. But let me tell you one thing about thispuzzle. When you're first learning how to be successfulwith women and dating, you must put aside all ofyour past ideas and conditioning for awhile. You have to pretend that you don't knowANYTHING about how women work... and play a littlegame. Instead of doing what you THINK should work,try doing what ACTUALLY works. When you have this mindset, you'll TRYdifferent things, JUST TO SEE WHAT WORKS. Instead of saying, "Oh, that won't work", justtry it. I was out with a good friend of mine one time.We were at the mall walking around, and I wasshowing him how easy it is to meet women. We went into a fancy store, and walked up to agirl who was selling makeup. He started aconversation with her, and I watched. She was laughing, and he was doing fine. But you know that point in a conversation witha woman where you both know that something needsto happen? She needed to get back to work, and he neededto either move on or ask for her information. So I walked over and said "Here, let me seeyour hand" (she had her left hand in her pocket,and we couldn't see if she had a wedding band on). She took her hand out, and I looked at it. Sure enough, she had a ring on her finger. Butit didn't look like a wedding band to me. So I pointed at it and said "So does this ringmean something? Or is it just to ward-off dumbasses?" She started laughing. Here's the good part... I looked at my friend and said OUT LOUD, "See,that's how you find out if she's single. I've gota line for everything..." and I laughed. Then we asked her if she had a card, and madefun of her for not having an email address... ofcourse, my friend walked away with her info. Now, the funny part of this story is that mostguys would CRINGE if they even THOUGHT of sayingsomething like "See, that's how you find out ifshe's single..." etc. right to a woman's face. But she found the humor and arrogance quitefunny and charming. What I'm trying to say is that you need to putaside your ideas about what women respond to whenit comes to ATTRACTION... and start doing whatWORKS, instead of what you THINK SHOULD WORK. Remember, WOMEN DON'T MAKE SENSE. If you keep trying to think about it and getthem to make sense in your mind, you're going tokeep going in circles and chasing your tail. Success with women really comes down tolearning a new way to think about women, thencombining it with the actual techniques that causewomen to feel that magical emotion calledATTRACTION. Once you start using the techniques in the realworld, in real situations, you start to get a FEELfor how this whole thing works. And once you startto see how successful you can be, it encouragesyou to start doing more "illogical" things. You've heard me mention my Advanced CD/DVDSeries many times in these newsletters. One of the things I'd like to mention here isthat I take several HOURS to explain how and whythese SUBCONSCIOUS things are taking place, andhow to not only overcome your own personal fearsand limitations, but how to understand what'sgoing on inside of a woman... and those thingsthat cause a woman to feel an UNCONTROLLABLEATTRACTION. Most of the material I teach in this series isadvanced. It's not just a replay or expanded version ofmy eBook. In fact, I assume that you've already read mybook if you're listening to it (and if youhaven't, then I recommend that you read my eBookfirst). After listening to this series, I ABSOLUTELYguarantee that you will look at the world andwomen VERY differently. And I guarantee that you will feel more powerand control, and experience more success withwomen as a result. This material isn't taught anywhere else, andit's the culmination of several years work... Go here for some great free samples: And, of course, if you haven't read my ebookyet, then make sure you go and download itIMMEDIATELY. You can download it here, and bereading it within a few minutes from right now: Enjoy, and I'll talk to you again in a fewdays! Your Friend, David D.P.S. Make sure and remember to go look through myonline catalog of programs... where you can watchvideo clips of all of them. Just go here now: If you'd like to send me a Success Story,Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you askyour question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuffis great" and "I don't need to tell you how wellyour stuff works" comments, but the fact is that IDO need to hear all of the specifics... becausethis helps other guys to see what's working indifferent situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "SuccessStory" in the subject line of the email. I readthese first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me at: ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2006 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare below eighteen years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.-------------------------------------------------