Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mind games or how to attract woomen

I'd like to talk a bit about how we programourselves and become programmed when it comes todealing with women... as well as how to overcomethe negative programming that we often don't evenrecognize within ourselves. Let me ask you a few questions. Take a momentto think about the answers... maybe even writethem down.1) When it comes to women, do you have an overall"positive" outlook towards your success? Do youbelieve that there is "abundance" when it comes towomen, and that you can go out at any time and geta date if you want to? Why or why not?2) Do you have any negative beliefs or programmingwhen it comes to the idea of APPROACHING womenyou'd like to meet or asking women out on dates?Do you believe that you're going to be intrudingor annoying a woman if you approach her? Do youbelieve that a woman will most likely accept orreject a date request from you?3) Have you CHOSEN the beliefs and attitudes thatyou have towards women, or have they been "chosenfor you" by others, situations, programming, TV,the media, etc.?4) Would you like to change some of the attitudesand beliefs that you hold in your mind? If so,which ones and what would you like to change themto? If you're like most guys I know who would liketo improve their success with women, then youprobably have one or two "negative programs" inyour subconscious mind (if you're like I used tobe before I learned the things I know now, thenyou might have A LOT of them). I can remember when I used to believe thatwomen would be VERY offended or alarmed if I triedto strike up an unexpected conversation withthem... I can remember feeling that if a woman rejectedme in front of other people that I WOULD DIE ofembarrassment. I can remember thinking, "Why would a womanfind ME attractive?" And believing that thetruly desirable, beautiful women out there justwouldn't find a guy like me interesting orattractive because I wasn't rich, tall, famous,buff, or of royal descent. And as a matter of fact, even though I've spentliterally YEARS reprogramming myself and learningas much as I could about women and attraction, Istill know that somewhere deep in my subconsciousmind this old programming exists. Of course, itdoesn't affect my behavior the way it used to, butmy point is that once you program yourself or openyourself to programming from others and from ourmodern culture, it's sometimes a challenge toovercome that programming and go on to besuccessful. Let me give you a little Tough Love: NO ONE CARES WHETHER OR NOT YOU FIGURE THISSTUFF OUT WITH WOMEN. AND NO ONE CARES WHETHER ORNOT YOU'RE SUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN... OTHER THANYOU. Really. If you learn how to meet and date the kinds ofwomen that you've always wanted, it won't matterto anyone. Your friends won't think you're anycooler (well, maybe a little), your mom won't stopnagging you, your boss won't pay you more money,and you won't lose that extra 10 pounds thatyou've needed to lose for the past 10 years. It just doesn't matter. No one cares. THE ONLY PERSON THAT CARES IS YOU. And the only one that's going to be able to doanything about this programming that we're talkingabout IS YOU. Your buddies aren't going to come over tomorrownight and say, "Hey, you know, I've been thinkingabout it. You really need to do something aboutyour subconscious programming in the area of womenand dating, and I'd like to help you." Your mom isn't going to call you up and say,"You know, dear, I've been thinking about it, andI really put some bad ideas in your mind about howto treat women... I'd like to address those thingsin this call and help you become the mac daddyyou've always wanted to be." Nope. You're not going to get a call from the guysthat run the ads that say, "Show her that you loveher by spending five grand on a pair of diamondearrings" to tell you that the ads really aren'ttrue and that no amount of diamonds will help youmeet women if you're programmed to act like aWUSSY. It just ain't gonna happen that way. If you want to do something about yourprogramming and your success, you're going to haveto DO IT ALL YOURSELF. Here, let me say that again... just in case youdidn't get it... YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL YOURSELF. And what's the best way to do it yourself? This is a fantastic question... There are a lot of ways to get going, but Ihave a few favorites... and since we only have alittle time together in this newsletter, I'll getright to the point...1) Look around and pay careful attention to what'sREALLY going on. Just like a comedian looks at thefine details and tells stories about things thatwe never see... but are right there in front ofus, you need to look closer. Here's a little story. I was in Vegas awhile back for a visit. Ihadn't been to Vegas in about 4 years, soeverything seemed new to me... there were about 5huge new hotels that had just opened, and I spentthe day walking around and just seeing the sights. As I walked around, I looked at the people...and especially at the couples. I'm not sure if itwas because I was looking at all of the new sightsor what, but for some reason I was really noticinga lot of little details... and I was payingspecial attention to the couples that werestrolling around on the strip. It's always amazing to me how attractive womenwill be with guys of all shapes, sizes, andages... When you really look around and pay attentionto what's actually going on, you'll be amazed. And you don't have to be in Vegas to see thisphenomenon yourself. Just go out on a Friday nightand look around. Now, before you say, "Yeah, but if you're richor handsome or tall you'll get more chicks", Iwill acknowledge that these things can providecertain advantages, but they're not NEAR the levelof advantage that WOMEN get from being physicallyattractive... not even close, actually. The more I pay attention, learn and trythings, the more I realize that women respond toPERSONALITY far more than they respond to LOOKS. I've even made it a point to ask guys who aretall, handsome, etc., if they believe that theirsuccess with women comes from those things. Almostuniversally they tell me that their ATTITUDES andSKILLS are far more important than their looks. I've also met a lot of tall, good-looking guysat my seminars who have INCREDIBLE problemsmeeting women. The more experience I have withthis, the more I realize just how little LOOKS hasto do with the equation. You've probably read some of these newsletterswhere good looking guys write in and say, "I'mbuff, good looking, and I have women talking to meall the time, but I can't get any dates... theyonly like me as a friend." So, part of this step is for you to take a dayor so and go out in public... to a place that isPACKED with people, and look around at thecouples. Look with your own two eyes and see allof the attractive women that are with guys who areNOT what you would consider to be "physicallyattractive." You need to see with your own eyes what's goingon in the REAL world. This is a big step in changing some of yourprogramming.2) Watch some guys who are successful with women. One of the best things I've ever done is makefriends with some REALLY SUCCESSFUL guys (I'mtalking about success with women here). As amatter of fact, most of the techniques that I'velearned, developed, and write about originallystarted out as something I got from friends bywatching them interact with women. When you watch guys who know how to make womenfeel that magical emotion called "ATTRACTION",you'll start to see the patterns in theirbehavior, and the patterns in the responses fromwomen. Nothing can replace watching a guy walk up to awoman, start talking to her, and walk away 5minutes later with her number. So make some new friends if you have to. Justdo what it takes to watch some guys interact withwomen. It's a big one. (If you're at a point in your life where you'retoo busy with work, etc. to get out and meet guyswho are successful with women, then do yourself afavor and subscribe to my monthly CD interviewseries... that will help a LOT. It's here: Stop looking for a "magic pill". Realize thatyou're going to have to CONSTANTLY learn andimprove. I know, I know. You'd like to take a pill andhave this whole part of your life handled. You'd like a computer chip implanted in yourbrain that will change you into a chick-magnet. Well, until these things exist, you're going tohave to do it the old fashioned way... you'regoing to have to actually DO SOMETHING. At first, it might seem a little uncomfortable.You might feel weird going out to a bar alone justto look at the people. But don't worry, no one will care (rememberwhat I said earlier... nobody cares whether or notyou're successful, only you do). The more you improve, the more you'll WANT toimprove, and the easier it will become. Read books, try things, experiment. Keep ajournal, write down what works and what doesn't,think about the things you'd like to change andwrite them down. JUST KEEP IMPROVING A LITTLE BIT AT A TIME. If you do these things, you'll begin toREPROGRAM YOURSELF and change your negativeprogramming into POSITIVE programming and success. Of course, the best place to start is with someof the materials that I've put together... It took me years of trial and error to reallyfigure out what works with women. Repeat: It took me YEARS. Years of trial and error. I'm talking about trying out everything you canimagine...and having MOST of it NOT work. Every time I found something that DID work, Itook the idea, refined it, and wrote it down...then worked on it some more. As you already know, I've taken all the stuffI've learned for myself and put it into theprograms that I've created to help YOU learn thisstuff much quicker and easier than I ever did. One of the things I discovered while I waslearning how to attract women, was that most menwalk around with a DEEP INSECURITY inside. It took me a few years to figure out somethingeven MORE important: That insecurity can't be fixed with "pick uplines". And the reality is that it's MORE than just aninsecurity issue... It's actually that most men have never gonethrough the process of BECOMING a man whoNATURALLY attracts women. One of the programs I've created is actuallycalled "On Being A Man Who Naturally AttractsWomen". This program has very few "tricks andtechniques", because once you learn how to getthis powerful INNER stuff handled, success withwomen often just takes care of itself. I honestly believe that this particular programis my most PROFOUND... and possibly my mostORIGINAL program. And I'll tell you this: It has PROFOUND effectson the guys who learn and INTERNALIZE thematerials inside. I would love to rant and rave some more aboutit, but trust me: If you need to get your"masculine development" handled, go read all thedetails and watch the video preview clips foryourself. You can check them out here: Now, if you REALLY want to take your successwith women to the next level FAST, you need toALSO get my CD/DVD Advanced Dating Techniquesprogram. This takes the concepts you're learning aboutin these newsletters of mine, and goes MUCH deeperwith them. I spend several hours teaching thetheories and concepts BEHIND the techniques, soyou can work to change on MANY levels. I'll even teach you some great techniques forthis very IMPORTANT area that we've just discussedin this newsletter: YOUR BELIEFS. All the details, plus video samples, are here: By the way, the best part about these programsand all of my other ones is:- I'll send them to you to try at MY risk. Youdon't have to pay until AFTER you've checked themout and ACTUALLY USED them for a month.- I'll send them to you in a plain package, (soyour mom won't know what's in it).- I'll guarantee that it will help you get moredates starting IMMEDIATELY. And I put my moneywhere my mouth is. Again, the "On Being A Man" program is here: and The Advanced Dating Techniques Program is here: Oh, one more thing... if you haven't downloadeda copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating",then what the hell are you waiting for? You candownload it RIGHT NOW and be reading it within afew minutes. Go download it here: And by the way, make sure and forward thisemail to a friend and encourage them to sign upfor my free newsletter. They'll appreciate it, andI'll appreciate it. I'll talk to you again in a couple of days. Your Friend, David D.P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphsmax.2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask your question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff is great" and "I don't need to tell you howwell your stuff works" comments, but the fact is that I DO need to hear all of the specifics... because this helps other guys to see what's working in different situations.3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story" in the subject line of the email. I read these first.4) At the end of the email, give me your initialsand tell me where you're from.5) Send it to me ...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------Copyright 2005 David DeAngelo Marketing Inc. DavidDeAngelo and Double Your Dating are trademarks. Byreading and accepting this newsletter you agree toall of the following: You understand that this issimply a set of opinions (and not advice). This isto be used for entertainment, and not consideredas "professional advice". You are responsible forany use of the information in this email, and holdDavid DeAngelo Marketing Inc. and all members andaffiliates harmless in any claim or event. If youare below eighteen years old, please click thelink at the end, and remove yourself, or to takeyourself off of our list, you can send mail to"DDMI" 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 5th Floor LasVegas, NV 89109.

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