becoz they are
, , heyyy Pearly,
u want the truth?
the explanation?, ,
OK here it comes!
u woomen are to blame
the male is programmed to procreate from age 16
the testicles start producing the juice dat has to be let loose
either by self sex or
the real kind
in the West, girls do not prize their virginity
in fact, it brings ridicule on dem
if they are found to be virgins after age 20
indian society values virginity in woomen
so no sex b4 marriage
so guys are in a fix
i want sex,
i gotta marry u
or go to sex workers
cant do dat either
dis gen is faced wid AIDS scare
in my times
we wud get off our rocks by going to these ladies
and all we neeeded was penniciliin shots as prevention and cure
now, if u deny the satisfaction of this need
it leads to deviant behaviour
dats wat is happening
and u girls and society is to blame
- Hard talk by Saby
answer to Pearly